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Who is Responsible for Nick Berg’s Death?

John. | 15.05.2004 01:38 | Analysis | World

"My son died for the sins of George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld. This administration did this," -- the father of Nick Berg said.

The father of Nick Berg, the American beheaded in Iraq, directly blamed President Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for his son's death. He also described the Patriot Act as a "coup d'etat," and added: "It's not the same America I grew up in."
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15.05.2004 07:54

but there are some theories
that haven't been postulated

such as:

seen 'wag the dog'?

is the video beheading CGI?

Was Mike Berg [Nicks father]
a complicit 'liberal' Mossad cover agent?

working for Kerry in the election run up?

[Kerry just announce support for Isreal]

Is there a secret US coup in Iraq in the US military
utilizing psyops to shaft Bush and the neocons...

The army times has run a piece heavily critisizing Rumsfeld and the high-ups...
calling them 'hated and despised'...

FBI - for Kerry [red group]
CIA - For Bush [blue group]

both are two sides of the Skull & Bones!!!

I wouldn't put it past this American anti-democratic 'political' system to use
Iraq as a poilitical battleground...

remember iran contra

Reagan-Bush/CIA told Iran to keep hostages in order to
get Carter into deep doo doo!

remember about 6 months ago when Wolfovitz was attacked by
a missile?

well, some are saying that it was rogue US troops
who are really pissed at the Bush Junta...

yours in solidarity

captain wardrobe

Captain Wardrobe

The Unanswered Questions of Nick Berg's Murder

15.05.2004 12:00

"The most recent, and possibly most bizarre, development in this mystery is the enigmatic pre-9/ll connection between Berg and al Qaeda. News has just broken that the FBI had investigated Berg in 2002, because his e-mail password had been found in the possession of Zacarias Moussaoui, who had been arrested shortly before September 11. The FBI determined back then that Berg had simply been careless, and had allowed Moussaoui to use his computer after they met on a bus."

- Homepage:

More speculation about this...

15.05.2004 20:55

It's the same chair !!!! OMFG !!

Here's where you really need the tin foil hat. Look at this pic that was released today of the latest prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib prison. Notice the white chair in the lower left corner. Now - look at the chair Nicholas Berg is sitting in!! It's the same fucking chair!!


tim foylhap

Every newspaper/TV editor on this planet should be sacked

15.05.2004 21:48

For promoting obviously faked visual information


Important Link!

16.05.2004 09:07

Check this link for further informations on "Video oddities"...

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