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Dutroux scandal : The proof that the police protects the elite

Tom | 14.05.2004 22:50

Grotesque and revolting. The proof that the lawsuit Dutroux is only a media farce.

A Belgian, avid to test the functioning of democracy in Belgium in the context of the Dutroux affair, had agreed upon a meeting with journalists on Thursday , May 13, 2004 in front of the law court to deliver them "compromising photos".

The result ?

The police was waiting for them at the meeting point. The man was arrested, photographed and fingerprinted. The documents were seized.

No doubt those pretending Dutroux was only a link in a broader network providing the Belgian elite with "fresh meat" will not be surprised.

To know more about it (in French) :



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can anyone translate? i'm thick...

15.05.2004 07:59


Captain Wardrobe

Babel Fish returns usual strangled Franglais

16.05.2004 22:59

J'ai recently sent to the press a letter saying that j'étais in possession compromising photographs relative to l'affaire Dutroux. I wanted to see what it was going to occur, a small test for our democracy final_tintin.__copy.jpg, image/jpeg, 425x258 J'ai recently sent to the press a letter saying that j'étais in possession compromising photographs relative to l'affaire Dutroux. I wanted to see what it was going to occur, a small test for our democracy I had given return opposite the law courts this Thursday 13 to 16h in order to go back these photographs to the journalists. The results of my test are very interesting. Firstly there is no freedom of expression since I was very quickly stopped by the police force without I being able to show these photographs. I had right to the catches d'empreintes, photographs of prisoners, as if I were a criminal (as for the business of Prince Roland where I were put at the dungeon during 2 days) Secondly, I noticed that the police force had given orders, apparently very strict with the press not to take, nor to look at my photographs. I want to conclude from it that the judicial bodies decide what the press can say and make, and which it thus does not have the whole freedom of its mouvements.(Ne does not say one that a democracy starts with a total freedom of the press). And finally, as that is done it which the police force was with the current of my arrival whereas I had sent letters only to the media. One could put the question to know if there is a bond between the police force and the press? Finally, if these photographs were really compromising, again they could have disappeared without nobody knowing what it became. I thus wished also to denounce this joke, this bad film series B with large budget, and which one adopts of foutre of our mouth. Yours sincerely Vincent Peal


if this helps

16.05.2004 23:11

'foutre of our mouth' refers to cocksucking, I believe


thanks Dh

17.05.2004 09:57

Captain Wardrobe

Don't be fooled into thinking it's just a belgium problem

17.05.2004 16:49

It's rife all over europe and probably the rest of the world .
I heard an interview with an italian cop on the world service the other day whilst driving through germany .
Yeah he reckons that the trade in women and children is now a big business in Italy.
he was asked which ethnic groups were responsible and the reply was that in first place it was israelis then russians then turks. Some deliberarely get the women pregnant using good looking studs and then sell the babies to rich types for anything up to 50.000 euro .
The streets of europe are teaming with ex eastern bloc women who are often forced into prostitution many of them are very beautifull. with this sort of market available for both women and children europes elite perverts have no problem in obtaining fresh meat... not to mention snuff video makers also russian / israeli specialities.
I believe the gang that were caught recently in rome were russian /jews ..


Captain Wardrobe

17.05.2004 22:27

I've had your website bookmarked for quite a while, and do visit from time to time, cos it's a good'un
Appreciate ya
