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The Devil and Donald Rumsfeld

Cheryl Seal | 14.05.2004 02:58 | Analysis | London | World

A "song" in the tradition of House Carpenter and
other ancient ballads of betrayal and nonredemption

Demon Rummy ..
Demon Rummy ..

Demon Rummy 2
Demon Rummy 2


(in the tradition of House Carpenter and
other ballads of betrayal and nonredemption)

Donald Rumsfeld was sitting in his office
Planning out his next big lie
When up through the floor comes the devil himself
In a silken suit and tie

He asked, "How do you like your office my friend?
Tell me, how do you like gold?
How do you like your soldiers,
Some not even 20 years old?"

"Quite well do I like my title fine,
And soldiers by the score,
But it's best that I like my pretty yellow gold
And I wish I had some more."

"And what would you give for gold my friend?"
said the Devil with his horns laid bare,
"Would you give me your soul and America's too,
And a thousand soldiers fair?"

Donald Rumsfeld gave his answer
In a whispered voice so low,
Then the Devil disappeared with a wink and grin\
Into the fires below.


Now one thousand good brave soldiers
Are lying in cold hard graves
The Devil is dancing in the White House
With a Cabinet full of slaves

Is Donald Rumsfeld in his high hall
at the the desk he likes so well?
No... Rummy's counting out a mountain of gold,
Sitting at the gates of hell.

Cheryl Seal


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14.05.2004 16:27

Keep it up - I like that one a lot.