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Daddy Bush in london to raise money for son

red letter | 12.05.2004 19:34

Stop George Bush senior

George Bush Senior is due to visit London and be the guest speaker at a money raising function to raise funds for his son's re-election campaign.

The event is being organised by Republicans Aboard, you may wish to attend, tickets only cost $1000.00 each.

otherwise if you may wish to join the demostration organised by stop the war coalition

18th May
Lanmark Hotel
222 Marylebone Rd NW1

red letter
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Take action against the Landmark Hotel

12.05.2004 20:31

Week of Action against Landmark Hotel

Contact the Hotel on the following details and politely ask them to kick Bush and his fellow Warmongers out on the 18th.

222 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 6JQ
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7631 8000
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7631 8080
Web contact form:
Jatuporn Sihanatkathakul: President & Managing Director

Brian Hladnik: Deputy Managing Director

Francis Green: General Manager

Douglas Glen: Hotel Manager

Sally Beck: Director of Sales and Marketing

Joanna Barnett: Director of Conference and Banqueting

Mark Kirby: Front Office Manager

Gary Klaner: Executive Chef

Please pass this message on to all your anti-war friends/colleagues and lets keep the pressure.


lets pull together

14.05.2004 10:07

Brian Haw is in court on 18th at Bow Street Magistrates at 10am

why not get down and support Brian and get warmed up for the Bush Senior welcoming committee in the afternoon?

anna key

Call them, it only takes a minute

14.05.2004 15:45

Give the hotel a call, and ask for details about the Republicans Abroad conference, and then ask them if they would host a speech by any other mass murderers. It really rattles them!
The woman I spoke to almost ended up in tears!

They will say that they cannot give you any details, but we don't want any details, we just want to know how they feel about havign a mass-murderer in their hotel.

Furat Al-Samaraie