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Two Israelis Arrested After High-Speed Chase in Tennessee

j | 12.05.2004 04:51

Once the men were apprehended, officers also found a "Learn to Fly" brochure in the truck, leading Harris and others
to express concern about security at the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Erwin.

"I got a sick feeling when I saw it," Harris said.

Two Men Arrested After High-Speed Chase in Tennessee

Monday, May 10, 2004

Two Israeli men who led the Unicoi County (Tennessee) sheriff on a high-speed chase in a rented moving truck were
placed under arrest and are being investigated by the FBI, local officials said.

Shmuel Dahan and Almaliach Naor, both from Israel, were being held without bond Sunday afternoon at the Unicoi
County Jail. The truck, rented from a Ryder office in Mars Hills, N.C., was being held in the county garage pending an
FBI investigation, officials said.

Dahan is charged with reckless driving, littering, false identification and evading arrest, while Naor faces charges of
false identification and evading arrest, an officer with the Unicoi County Sheriff's Department who would not give his
name said Sunday.

An investigation by the FBI is ongoing and more charges are possible, he said. A woman who answered the phone at
the FBI's Knoxville office said there was no one available to answer questions about the arrest.

The incident began late Saturday afternoon when Sheriff Kent Harris noticed a rental truck traveling at a high speed
along former U.S. Highway 23, a lightly-traveled highway near the North Carolina state line.

"I was really concerned because the driver would not stop after I flashed my headlights for nearly three miles," Harris
said. "He was weaving back and forth and I was wondering what a large (rental truck) was doing on the two-lane
highway late Saturday afternoon instead of the faster I-26 Interstate."

Harris said he saw the men throw something from the truck while they were being pursued. Officers scouring the area
later found a vial containing an unknown substance along the roadway, he said.

Once the men were apprehended, officers also found a "Learn to Fly" brochure in the truck, leading Harris and others
to express concern about security at the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Erwin.

"I got a sick feeling when I saw it," Harris said.

Dahan also gave authorities a fake Florida driver's license issues in Plantation, Fla., he said, while Naor produced a
fake identification card.

Harris subsequently contacted the FBI, the federal Bureau of Tobacco and Firearms and other local authorities to look
into the situation.

"We're not overreacting," Harris said. "We have a responsibility to protect the citizens of Unicoi County and that's what
I'm going to do at any cost. I'd rather overreact, if that's what you call it, than be sorry later."
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Hide the following 15 comments

It was the Jooooos...

12.05.2004 12:03

What were the Joooos up to, I wonder... 9/11 was their doing, there were no Israeli cabinet members in the twin towers... Ariel Sharon claimed to be miles away at the time, but Jeff Rense says he thinks he saw him in McDonalds near the WTC around September-ish... that proves it, it was the Joooos.

And Jooos cause chemtrails, solar flares, crop circles and itchy knees.

If I am making for myself a hat from the tin foil, I will have protection from the Jew mind beam that they are doing control with!

Nursey is coming for you now, with some happy juice to make the bad thoughts about the nasty Joooos go away.

Alternate Reality Millinery Supplies

More prejudice from the privileged lifestylists...

12.05.2004 12:21

About Mad Pride
MAD PRIDE is committed to ending discrimination against psychiatric patients, promoting survivor equality and celebrating Mad culture. WHAT IS MAD PRIDE? Mad Pride is an idea which came out of the 1997 Gay Pride Festival in London. A few survivors of the mental health system said "we could do with a festival like this". And so a motley collection of individuals got together and slowly started organising themselves so as to put on events. These Mad Pridesters did some research on the Name and Aims of the thing. Then they set about forming a non-profit-distributing company to develop MAD PRIDE. In 1999, they organised a series of gigs and concerts.

Mad Pride now sees itself as part of the newest (but probably not the last) Civil Rights movement.

Come to gigs. Organise your own festival, concert or event. (Just let us know you are doing this). Perform at MAD PRIDE's gigs and concerts. Let MAD PRIDE use your venue. Or just send a message of support to this webpage. Get involved in some way. Contact us now or read on.

MAD PRIDE is a not-for-profit organisation. The objects for which MAD PRIDE was established are:-

• To promote positive images of mental health
• To counteract discrimination and prejudice towards people who have experienced mental distress.
• To educate the public in mental health issues
• To campaign for better mental health provision
• To campaign for less oppressive and more enabling legislation and practice guidelines.
• To promote economic, social, environmental and cultural integration of user/survivors into mainstream society and our active participation and integration into community life.

Mad Ted
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It wasn't prejudice...

12.05.2004 12:42

I was *celebrating* the 'mad culture' of the posting...

Alternate Reality Millinery Supplies

Blame it on the Jews? Yes. Some Jews.

13.05.2004 01:20

Stop hiding behind being Jewish, as if that means you don't have to answer to the same laws as everyone else. Everytime Israel is blamed, you respond, "yes, blame it on the Jews." As if Jews were not to ever be blamed for anything, because they are Jews. Right now the Jewish right wing is scarey, and is for war, and has already (perhaps) started a world war. Blame it on the Jews? Yes. Some Jews.


they are israelis

13.05.2004 06:50

stop trying tot make every criticism of crimes by israelis out to be anti-semitism. Its wearing very thin, and will only provoke anti-semitism. But then maybe thats what you want.


text book cases

13.05.2004 10:17

the last two comments are text book examples of anti-semitism. how can a tiny country like israel really be responsible for starting a third world war. it doesn't even have any oil like kuwait.
how can you think that jews want to provoke antisemitism? no one ever wonders if arabs want to provoke anti-arab prejudice in the western media

the voice of common sense


13.05.2004 16:05

"Tiny" country.

Maybe geographically. But so is Britain. And that owned and controlled nearly a quarter of the world just 100 years ago.

Israel has nuclear capability, has a rock solid alliance with the world's most powerful country, and has ignored more UN Resolutions than ANY other country.



13.05.2004 17:38

Yet again, attempts to put words that were not said into mouths that were not open.

Nobody used the words 'the jews' here until you did (of course its easy to see the

confusion, since isreal is hell bent on destroying any non jewish remnants of the territory

of Palestine).

So tell me, just exactly what class, kind and weight of evidence do we need before

conjectoring that these - and numerous other - isrealis were up to no good?

Israelis arrested cheering 911, found with identical equipment SAID to be used on the

planes, with a bag full full of false passports (recent events in NZ indicate that they are

in need of more!); moving companies that disappear in a day, the employees returning

unhindered to israel; messages sent to the israeli firms in the WTC BEFORE the planes were

hijacked; florida flying schools associated with the SAID perpetrators owned and staffed by

ex(?) israeli military intelligence; israeli politicians appearing - as if by magic - on

national TV (USA, UK & israel) within minutes of the attacks, all with EXACTLY the same

message ... etc etc (runs to many pages)

I ask again, what does an israeli have to do to be repremanded by those in support of its

extreme ideals and actions?

It seems that cold blooded murder of women, children, elected officials, journalists, UN

representatives, politicians of any and all countries does not seem to bring out any

condemnation from zionists anywhere - so it's no suprise that the fact that a couple of

ex(?) intelligence officers carrying maps of nuclear power plants, false passports, flying

school info and (possible) rocket fuel accelerant (initial anaysis suggests that this is

what was in the hastily abandoned flask - a material that when combined with the proper

explosives would be enough to cause significant damage to even the renforced structure of a

nuclear reactor) ...

... but hell, why dwell on the facts - call me an anti semite, divert the argument to

personalities and not facts, do anything you have to stop people from realising and reacting

to the horrendous racist thuggery of poor little israel (the victim in perpetuity) ...

.. blow some more old men up in their wheelchairs, stomp over every convention from the

geneva to the helsinki, ignore the nuclear non proliferation treaty, attack your neighbors,

shoot in exccess of 300 children dead in two years with SINGLE bullet wounds to the head or

the heart ..

your get away with it - just remember to mention that those conveying the facts are

anti-semites (unless they are jewish and then they become self haters).


And not working even half as well as before!

mail e-mail:


13.05.2004 20:39

this kind of rubbish posted last shows why jews everywhere are worried about anti-semitism better then three milion things I can say. otherwise rational people believing all this rubbish spread on the internet about israelis being warned in advance about the attack on the twin tower. one thing remains to be expalined: how israel managed to find a few dozen arabs ready to highjack two planes on their behalf. but don't worry, I bet our friend here has a good explanation. and I bet he'll say that I'm tryng to "prevent people from criticizing israel by calling them anti-semitic". really really scary. after all, wasn't the holocaust the result of an ever increasing barrage of propaganda and lies aimed against the jews (oh, sorry, it's not the jews, just the "zionist", in otherwords israelis and any jew in the world who doesn't agree with these lies).
the fact is that antisemitism has never disappeared from the european mind (i said european not arab) and in a time of crisis like now it reappears

the voice of common sense


13.05.2004 21:30

I am in complete disagreement with the ironically titled 'Voice of Common Sense'. But to say Jews etc knew about twin towers is bullshit.

I am not anti-semitic, despite what right-wing/Israelis whatever think, but YES, I am opposed to Zionism, and Zionism is what built Israel. It's the ideology that continues to repress Palestinians, Arabs etc. THAT is what we should be arguing about, not Jews. But the idea of Zionism.

Is being anti-Zionist anti-semitic? I don't think so. Because if it is, then we are being silenced on and issue of 'master race' nationalism, which is the sole destroyer of Palestinian lives.


You present opinion as fact ...

14.05.2004 07:46

Claims that israelis [some] were warned about 911 are apparently rubbish and BS - because 2 posters say so!

Nevermind that all the facts listed pertaining to israelis and 911 are a matter of public record, that police reports exist and that testimony has already been entered on the issues.

Nevermind the facts, the israelis have to be innocent because we are told that it was fantical muslims.

Just can't help yourselves with the 'anti-semitic' escape plan can you - as soon as someone mentions the wrongdoings of israelis (and its origins in both offical circles and the racist xenophobic outlook of supremacist zionist thinking) break glass.

Classic reaction.

What it tells people who are either familiar with the long list of evidence against and featuring israeli involvment in 'terrorist' activity and planning, or who are able to make their own minds up when presented with such evidence - is that: whatever the analysis, criticism or evidence presented against zionists/israelis, it will always be met with the 'shoot the messenger' type outbursts attempting to charge that it is somehow about anti-semitism.

Not only is this extremly outdated and a hackneyed excuse for psuado-hysteria - but is becoming increasing counter-productive. Also it is very alarming for those jewish people around the world who don't appreciate being lumped in with the actions of rabid zionists and mossad type paramilitary death squads.

A large percentage of jewish people around the world actually don't like the actions of the present israeli junta, nor do they sympathise with the drift of israeli society or the racist apartheid policies practised in their name.

Perhaps the discussion should turn around to those israelis caught running drugs via diplomatic baggage, or those israelis caught running child ponography rings, or those israelis involved in illegally obtaining nuclear technology, or those israelis caught attempting to plant bombs in the mexican parilment or LA airport or even the offices of leading jewish moderates (all a matter of public record, all featuring israelis that either had direct connection with military intelligence or possessing diplomatic clearance).

When you have organisations that take not only their orders, but their philosophical underpinnings from an openly racist supremacist notion - that god made them better than anyone else - expect trouble.

The fact that so many - without the real commitment to the religious origins of these notions, nor the political understanding of their function - rush to support any and all israelis becasue of some percieved blood loyalty , is sickening.

The fact that so many deeply involved seem to have permant immunity or even an outward differnt nationality, is deeply worrying.

These fears can not be forced under the carpet - at least not without strengthing the ignorant hand[fist] of rightwing nutters the world over, whether they be islamic hardliners or english fat headed hooligans.

Those that continue to use the 'anti-semitic' get out clause at every turn are actually doing jewish people and the possibilty of the survival of israel a great disservice.

mail e-mail:


14.05.2004 11:03

on your previous post you said something about israeli cheering after the twion tower attacks. could you show any evidence? the truth is that the people who run the world are attempting to use anti-semitism to deflect attention from the real issues. they may well be the people who really spread these lies about israel knocking down the twin towers (it may also just be idiots). in any case they certainly aren't displeased about them.
and to answer the previous post, the idea that israelis are driven by a "master race ideology" is silly. it is a unconscious way of sayng that the jews are just as bad as the people who tried to exterminate them, and it makes use of old stereotypes about jews feeling superior to everyone else. (not that jews are a race anyway). what if I said it was simply to do with colonialism. what if I said that jews feel superior to arabs, but not to non-jewish frenchmen (i don't believe any of these two things by the way)
it's interesting that countries involved in vary real wars of extermination do not get described in such contemptuos terms

the voice of common sense

The cheering israelis ..

14.05.2004 12:08

You have your work cut out for you, if you are attempting to drag this one under the carpet!

Should get you going.

Them for more punishment:

I could go on - but why should I?

You all have search engines, time, patience & the ability to cross-index infomation and observe patterns in the data - right?

mail e-mail:


14.05.2004 15:17

You make the point that Jews aren't a race. That is exactly right. The person who believed they were a race, and legally made them so was Hitler.

So why does Zionism believe that all Jews should have a homeland? Surely that is a 'race' issue. Not wanting Arabs etc living in a country, and for Jews to purely have their 'own' country?

And correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the idea that Jews are god's chosen people true? If it is true, then isn't this a 'master-race'?


the chosen people

14.05.2004 19:47

there not a race, but they are basically an ethnic group, who have made up languages in the past (ladino, yiddish etc...) so they are not just a religious group (allthough you can convert to judaism if you wish).
the religious jews (not the secular ones, who make up a good portion of israel population) do indeed think that they're the chosen people, but if you look carefully at the jewish religion there is nothing racist in this. they simply believe that they hold the real message of god. that is exactly what muslims and practically every religious group on the planet thinks about themselves. the jews just used this expression "the chosen people", and this by the way is not the reason why some jews wanted to creat israel. I hate to use the A-S word again, but one of the oldest prejudices about jews is that they feel superior to everyone else, and this is basically not the case with them any more then with other ethnic groups. the left wing should not fall into the trap of sayng that some religions are worse then others. they're all a load of rubbish for what i'm concerned

the voice of common sense