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Animal Rights Protesters clash with police

AllOutAttack | 11.05.2004 21:33 | Animal Liberation

Protesters clash with police
11 May 2004

Scuffles have broken out between police and animal rights protesters in London's Trafalgar Square.

Officers arrived after eight demonstrators began waving placards containing images that compared conditions for animals in "factory farms" with Nazi death camps.

The protest was organised by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) which said it had gone despite a refusal by the City of Westminster and the Greater London Authority to grant a permit for the demonstration.

Nicked From:

PETA's Holocaust on Your Plate Website:



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The dogs bollocks!

13.05.2004 01:12

Geed ta see ur comrades battling we' the state!

Gee tha Bastards hell!

Red Ted