BRISTOL STW Regional News : 11th May 2004
Bristol-Stop-The-War | 11.05.2004 01:18 | Social Struggles
Get The MEGA BUS to London for as little as £2.50 Return
(weekdays). See Sections 2 & 4 For Key London Protests.
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(weekdays). See Sections 2 & 4 For Key London Protests.
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DOWNLOAD : A free magazine-style version of the newsletter is available.
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Please Send Us Details Of Your Regional Events
(Including South West, Wales & West Midlands)
South West News :
* New Section... ^ Updated Section...
~ Bristol / Regional Events... + National / International Events...
01) ^~+ Reports: The 'Fairford Five' Hearings
02) ^ + RALLY: 'The Wall Must Fall': 15th May
03) *~ Films: Bristol I.S.M Film Night: 17th May
04) ^ + PROTEST: Bush Senior In London!: 18th May
05) *~ Open Talk: 'The World Water Crisis': 20th May
06) *~ Films: Bristol Indymedia Film Night: 24th May
07) *~+ Ploughshares Camp & DEMO: 27 May-1 June
08) *~ Open Talk: 'The Unheard Colombia': 10th June
09) *~+ DAY OF ACTION: 'Handover Iraq': 30th June
10) *~ MORE Regional Events During May & June
11) ^ News: 'Torture: As American As Apple Pie'
12) Local Peace Vigils & Planning Meetings
13) Bristol & Regional MESSAGE BOARDS
Main Link:
"The people of Bristol hadn't expected such a large diverse vibrant colourful & supportive turnout to escort the Fairford 5 Defendants to the court. At around 8:30am
on Monday 26th April around 100 people turned up to show solidarity & friendship in a
dignified procession to court..."
Related News:
PRESS RELEASE EXTRACT: "A 5 day hearing in the case of activists charged with conspiracy & damage to military equipment at Fairford Air Base, before the war on Iraq, ended today (30.04.04) at Bristol Crown Court. The main question before the hearing was whether the matter of the legality of the war could be examined by the UK courts, as part of the defence in a criminal trial. 3 groups of defendants - Paul Milling & Margaret Jones, Philip Pritchard & Toby Olditch, & Josh Richards, all say they have 'lawful excuse' for their actions, because the war on Iraq was itself a crime. For the defence, Vaughan Lowe, Tony Jennings QC, Hugo Charlton & James Lewis QC have argued that their clients believed they were acting to prevent destruction & death in an illegal war.
Mr. Justice Grigson stated yesterday, 'The hearing must proceed on the basis I will
rule that the legality of the war is simply not justiciable in these courts.' In this
provisional ruling, the judge accepted the prosecution's case that British government
foreign & military policy cannot be examined as part of a defence in English courts.
Speaking on behalf of Jones, Milling & Richards, Mr. James Lewis QC argued that the judge's ruling makes it impossible for his clients to have fair trials. Lawyers for Pritchard & Olditch are also expected to appeal. The judge's full written opinion is likely to be given within the next three weeks, with a 'fast-track' appeal by the defence following immediately."
Full Report:
FROM MARGARET JONES: "Every day the public gallery was packed, as all of us struggled to grasp a series of arcane legal arguments that could give joy only to the mind of a lawyer. Everyone understood by the end, though, that the question of the war's legality *is* going to be ruled 'non-justiciable' - that is, a question which is outside the jurisdiction of a UK court. (No surprises here then.)
All 5 of us are determined to appeal this ruling to a higher court - thus joining the already existing queue of people whose often very practical measures of resistance to the war have met with a similar judicial refusal. To get the judges written ruling, and have the appeal heard, is going to take a couple more months. So, till then, we can go back to our knitting, or whatever it is that keeps us more or less sane.
It was really inspiring to have the sense of people's support all around us. So to everyone - thank you, thank you, THANK you. We all know you're doing it, not just for
us, but because of your feelings about the horror of what's going on in Iraq, & our
shared determination that our government shouldn't be allowed to get awaym scot free. It's the sense of being part of this larger movement, that gives me the will to keep on keeping on. Solidarity for ever! Love & peace."
Organisers Link:
DATE: Sat 15th May. TIME: 1:30pm Onwards. PLACE: Trafalgar Square, Central London. Called by the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign. MAP BELOW:
SPEAKERS: 1:30-3:30pm: Jamal Jumaa - Director Stop the Wall Campaign ~ Afif Safieh ~ Jeremy Corbyn MP ~ Richard Burden MP ~ Jenny Tonge MP ~ Caroline Lucas MEP ~ Jocelyn Hurndall ~ Keith Sonnet, UNISON ~ Jeremy Hardy & others. DEMO & HUMAN WALL @3.30pm : Demonstration to Downing Street. A symbolic human wall will be formed & demolished - but we need your help to do this!
BRISTOL TRANSPORT: Get The *MEGA BUS To London For £12.50 Return (Saturday). 7:30am Departure. 7:30pm Return. This is only available online, & you need to reserve your seat in advance. (These are the only times which fit the rally).
Or Try NATIONAL EXPRESS: £16.00 return (Journey times are more flexible).
Booking Line on 08705 808080. Visit:
Or The BRISTOL CAR POOL: If you've got car spaces, or you want try for a lift, please
pass by the site of the Bristol 'Car Pool' @9:00-9:30am. You need to be prepared to
take the gamble, & please bring your share of petrol money (about £5).
CAR POOL (*& MEGA BUS) MEETS: The Taxi Rank, outside the Hippodrome,
St. Augustines Parade, Bristol City Centre. MAP BELOW:
Or For Info On Coaches In Your Area Phone The PSC : 020 7700 6192
BACKGROUND: "Israel is constructing a massive apartheid wall to try to further
isolate the Palestinians. The people who are building this obstacle want it to stand for
eternity. Among Israeli Leftist there are also some who believe that the wall has
created an 'irreversible' situation. Not me. Because I remember other 'irreversible'
situations. And other 'eternities', too. Our Wall is frequently being compared to the
Berlin Wall. Also because he 'Berlin Wall' was not only an urban monstrosity, it was
part of the German section of the Iron Curtain, cutting all of Germany into two &
extending from the Baltic Sea in the north to the border of Czechoslovakia in the south
- almost a thousand km, approximately the same as the planned length of Sharons monster."
Full Story:
Palestinian films & discussion from the ISM (International Solidarity Movement).
Organisers Link: &
DATE: Mon 17th May. TIME: 7:30-10:30pm. (Bar Open till 11:00pm).
TAX: £3 / £2* (*though no one turned away through lack of funds).
VENUE: Cube Cinema. Dove Street South. Kings Square (Off Jamaica St.)
MAP: Tel: 0117 9074190
Showing First: "A JOB TO WIN (Video 48 2003). This eye-opening film tells the story
of Arab construction workers in Israel who lost their jobs in the nineties. It records the struggle they are waging to gain them back, with the help of the Nazereth based
Workers Advice Center (WAC). The film will be introduced by the Bristol Against
Casualisation Campaign as part of the Temporary Workers Week."
Main Feature: "The KILLING ZONE (Jordan/Vasquez 2003) reveals the shocking level
of daily violence & murderous hate in the Gaza Strip. It deals with the deaths of
Rachel Corrie, a peace activist crushed to death by an IDF bulldozer whilst trying to
prevent a Palestinian home from being demolished; Tom Hurndall who was shot in the
head whilst escorting children to school; & James Millar a cameraman who worked for Channel 4, killed as he filmed Israeli troops bulldozing Palestinian homes. It reveals what life is like in what has become a full blown war zone."
WHAT IS THE ISM? "The International Solidarity Movement is a Palestinian-led
movement of Palestinian & International activists working to raise awareness of the
struggle for Palestinian freedom & an end to Israeli occupation. We utilize non-violent,
direct-action methods of resistance to confront & challenge illegal Israeli
occupation forces & policies. As enshrined in international law & UN resolutions, we
recognize the Palestinian right to resist Israeli violence & occupation via legitimate
armed struggle. However, we believe non-violence is a powerful weapon in fighting
oppression & we are committed to principles of non-violent resistance."
For More Bristol ISM Info, Tel: 07813 702554 Email:
George Bush Senior, architect of the 1st Gulf war, is coming to London to raise money for his sons re-election campaign. He will be the main guest at a dinner party hosted by Republicans Abroad. Tickets are $1000 each! Let's give George Bush Senior the reception he deserves!
DATE: Tue 18th May. TIME: 4:30-6:30pm. PLACE: Landmark Hotel, 222 Marylebone Rd, London NW1. (Nearest tube Baker St.) MAP BELOW:
BRISTOL TRANSPORT: Get The *MEGA BUS To London For Only £2.50 Return!
(Weekday). 12:00noon Departure. 7:30pm Return. This is only available online, & you
need to reserve your seat in advance. (Other departure times are available).
PLEASE NOTE: If you're not able to book online, Bristol STW can do it for you,
Please Get In Touch. Tel: 0117 3730099 or Email:
Or Try NATIONAL EXPRESS (If the MEGA BUS is full): £16.00 return.
Booking Line on 08705 808080. Visit:
Or The BRISTOL CAR POOL: If you've got car spaces, or you want try for a lift, please
pass by the site of the Bristol 'Car Pool' first @12-12:30pm. You need to be prepared
to take the gamble, & please bring your share of petrol money (about £5).
CAR POOL (*& MEGA BUS) MEETS: The Taxi Rank, outside the Hippodrome,
St. Augustines Parade, Bristol City Centre. MAP BELOW:
George Bush Senior is a War Criminal According to his former Attorney General,
Ramsey Clarke. "During the bombing campaign of Jan 17 - Feb 28, 1991 U.S aircraft
flew 110,000 aerial sorties against Iraq, averaging one every 30 seconds, dropping
88,500 tons of explosives, the equivalent of 7 l/2 Hiroshima bombs.
This was by far the most intensive bombardment in history. It killed tens of thousands
of people, injuring many more. Medicines & medical supplies were exhausted. It devastated water systems from reservoir, pumping station, pipeline, filtration plant to kitchen faucet as well as urban sewage & sanitation systems nationwide. Food production, processing, storage, distribution, & marketing facilities were widely destroyed. Poultry was nearly wiped out by loss of electricity & lack of grain. Animal herds were decimated. Fertilizer & insecticide plants & storage structures were destroyed. Communications systems, telephone, radio, TV, were shattered. Transportation was badly battered. Vital industries were attacked everywhere. Electric power was knocked out across the nation in the first 24 hours of the assault. Petroleum production, refining, storage & distribution from well to service station were attacked across the nation.
The combined effect of this vast destruction of essential goods, services & industries
with the most comprehensive economic sanctions of modern times, first imposed on
Hiroshima Day, Aug 6 1990, has caused more than a million & a half deaths."
Ramsey Clarke: Report to UN Security Council, 26th January 2000.
Read The Full Report:
Full Title : 'The World Water Crisis... & Other Resource Wars'
DATE: Thu 20th May. 7:00-8:30pm. FREE ENTRY. PLACE: St. Mary on the
Quay Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave. (Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:
INTRODUCTION: As part of ongoing change within Bristol STW we are now holding a
discussion or talk, once a month, in place of our usual weekly planning meeting. Our
hope is that this will help us to overcome any impression of insularity within Bristol
STW that people may have, while also opening up the discussion to everyone else.
Our next discussion, on May 20th, will look at how fierce competition for scarce
resources, such as freshwater & oil, underpin conflict, not just in the Middle-East, but the world over. James Venables, of Bristol STW, will be giving a short presentation to get the discussion started, which will then be opened up to everyone else. Please do come along.
Visit Us:
THE 1st WATER WAR: "The brief war of 1967 changed the landscape of the Middle
East & laid the groundwork for today's bitter confrontation between Palestinians &
Israelis. The Arab plan to divert the headwaters of the Jordan caused open warfare
between Israel & Syria, & in turn led in a straight line to Israel's devastating pre-
emptive strikes against Syria & Egypt. The decision of King Hussein to join in the battle gave Israel the opportunity to break through into East Jerusalem & then roll over the West Bank down to the river itself. Now the continued occupation of the land captured motivates young Palestinians to throw stones which have become the symbols as well as the weapons of the intifada."
FUTURE WATER WARS: "The Tigris & Euphrates rivers, which flow southward from
the wild hills of Central Turkey, once watered the lush region known as the Fertile
Crescent, a bitter quarrel over ownership of their water, fuelled by steadily escalating
demands upon them, threatens 2 of 3 powerful nations through which they run - & poses a grave danger to the peace of the Middle East. The Southeast Anatolia Project - an immense engineering scheme that will place 22 large dams & reservoirs on the Tigris & Euphrates rivers at their source in Turkey - will catch the rivers in a vicelike grip & threaten the survival of Turkey's downstream neighbours. The Euphrates is Syria's fundamental water source. Iraq, through which both rivers run, must make do with what Turkey & Syria have not siphoned off."
Related Link:
Organisers: &
DATE: Mon 24th May. TIME: 7:30-10:00pm. (Bar Open till 11:00pm).
TAX: £3 / £2* (*though no one turned away through lack of funds).
VENUE: Cube Cinema. Dove Street South. Kings Square (Off Jamaica St.)
MAP: INFO: Tel: 0117 9074190
An ongoing showcase of contemporary filmmakers who are finding new forms of
cinema to show resistance to globalisation throughout the world.
MAIN FEATURE: "'SEEING is BELIEVING: Handicams, Human Rights & The News.'
Peter Wintonick. The 1st Bristol Screening of this powerful award winning film
explores the political & social consequences of handicams & new communications
technologies being used by human rights activists, war crimes investigators, rightwing
hate groups & ordinary citizens. Along the way, several key questions are raised,
including: Does the presence of a video camera help save lives or rather increase the
danger to those being threatened? What will be the impact of this proliferation of personal video cameras? How will it affect privacy? This film raises many questions; it may be for us to answer them."
More Info:
Also Screening Will Be A Selection Of Inspiring INDYMEDIA shorts.
INCLUDES: A presentation from the Bristol based Basque Support Network. They'll be
showing some short films, discussing recent crackdowns on the Basque Separatist
Movement & the fallout from the recent Madrid bombings. "Euskalinfo aims to provide
a platform for Basques who want to inform others in English, & aims to be an
alternative to corporate information, & is fully committed to expose abuse of power & corruption. We are motivated by a love & inspiration for people who work for a better world despite corporate media's distortions & unwillingness to cover efforts to develop an egalitarian & sustainable society."
Post: Euskalinfo, Box 19, 82 Colston St, Bristol BS1 5BB
Visit: htttp://
a) The Camp & Contacts: 27 May - 1 June
b) Trident Ploughshares Benefit: 28th May
c) CND National Demonstration: 29th May
d) Multi Faith Service @Docks: 30th May
e) River Demo On The Taymar: 31st May
f) Mass Blockade Of The Docks: 1st June
a) THE CAMP & CONTACTS: The 3rd to be held in Plymouth - The camp is for Non-violent Direct Actions - with a demonstration, vigils, practical workshops, & much more. All participants are asked to do 2 hours non-violence training. Bring a tent. Please - no drugs or alcohol.
MORE INFO: Post To: Trident Ploughshares, 42-46
Bethel St, Norwich NR2 1NR. Tel: 0845 458 8366 & 0845 458 8364
NewsLine: 0845 458 8365. Email: Sandra on
BACKGROUND: "The Camp has a scenic view of the Devonport dockyard, where up
to 10 nuclear subs are berthed, & the 4 Trident nuclear subs take it in turns to
undergo the MoD's illegal Trident Nuclear Submarine Refit. Plymouth is becoming the
most nuclear ridden city in the world, as all of this highly dangerous work is being
carried out in the heart of the city. The company running the dockyard is a
subsidiary of the giant Halliburton corporation - profits for the shareholders, but not
much for Plymouth. At any time, there can be 12 nuclear reactors aboard subs, in the
heart of this city of 270,000 people, placing their lives at risk as well as affecting
nearby smaller towns. Come to Plymouth in May 2004 to help shape history by
getting rid of nuclear weapons of mass-destruction everywhere, forever."
After setting up camp on the Thursday, & touring the base, there will be a Trident
Ploughshares Benefit with 'Seize The Day' + DJ Crusty & Mike - Old Style Roots
Reggae + other support. "Bold, Beautiful, Frontline Folk"... The Guardian on 'Seize
The Day'. You don't need to be part of the main camp, so please do come along.
TIME: 9pm to 2am. TAX: £4.00. VENUE: The Cooperage, Vauxhall St, The Barbican, Plymouth. (Off the A374 & along the B3240). MAP BELOW:
Download The Leaflet:
Decommission Trident! March Through Central Plymouth To The Dockyards.
For More Info Contact: CND on 020 7700 2393 or Email:
ASSEMBLE: 12:00noon outside the 'Plymouth Hoe', along the Grand Parade.
Leave at 1pm & march to the 'Albert Gate' of the dockyards. MAP BELOW:
RALLY: 2:30pm onwards with speakers & live bands. Details to be announced.
Related Link:
@ 'Drake Gate' of the Dockyards at 2:30pm onwards. (including atheistic views). As
with all days, there will also be workshops through the day, including non-violent
direct-action training, which all participants are asked to do 2 hours of.
Join the Flotilla River Demo on Monday 31st May. For More Details Contact Admiral of
the Flotilla, Peter Bouquet (Often Greenpeace Skipper)
Tel: 01822 832549 or Email:
Boat Actions @High Tide (4:00pm onwards).
There will be a Mass Blockade of the Dockyard Gates at dawn, from 6:30am. The
exact details will only be available to those who are part of the main camp, & who
have undergone at least 2 hours non-violent direct-action training.
EVENING: Tatting down & clearing up the camp.
Full Title: "The Unheard Colombia: Voices From The Social Movements"
Organised by Colombia Solidarity Campaign & Bristol Stop the War Coalition
DATE: Thu 10th June. TIME: 7:30-9:00pm. FREE ENTRY. PLACE: St. Mary
on the Quay Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave. (Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:
INTRODUCTION: As part of ongoing change within Bristol STW we are now holding a
discussion or talk, once a month, in place of our usual weekly planning meeting. For
June we will be holding a talk with speakers from prominent Colombian Social
Movements. This talk will probably be necessarily question & answer based, but
please do come along to what will also hopefully be a lively discussion.
SPEAKERS: Mario Angulo: Process of Black Communities ~ Miriam Ruiz:
Christian Base Communities ~ Diego Escobar: Judicial Public Servants Union
BACKGROUND: "Over 7000 political assassinations are carried out in Colombia every
year as activists resist the privatisation of all aspects of life. In recent years many UK activists have become aware of the struggles of Colombian trade unionists, but less is
known of the struggles of black, indigenous, Christian, students & community organisations that resist world bank, IMF, & Colombian government economic reforms
that serve to open up the country to multinational corporations, increase poverty, fuel the armed conflict & drive millions off their lands. Come & hear first hand accounts from Colombian activists & help make the invisible struggles visible."
Organisers Link: Tel: 07743 743041
UK Address: Colombia Solidarity Campaign, PO Box 8446, London N17 6NZ
Bristol Tour Contacts: &
ABOUT THE CSC: "The Colombia Solidarity Campaign is an anti-imperialist
organisation, campaigning for a socially just & sustainable peace in Colombia based
on respect for the human rights & diversity of the Colombian people. Our specific
objectives are; To oppose any US, UK or foreign military intervention, believing this will escalate the problems in Colombia; To oppose the policy of fumigation, & work for a solution to the coca problem based on the real needs of the people; To draw attention to the role played by Multinational Corporations in violating workers rights & exploiting the people & environment of Colombia; To draw attention to the horrific human rights situation in Colombia, & that the overwhelming majority of atrocities can be attributed to the army, police, Colombian state organisations & paramilitaries, which together constitute a policy of Colombian state terror; To oppose the criminalisation of social protest. The Campaign recognises the collusion between the Colombian government, the armed forces & paramilitary death squads, & calls for an end to the impunity that this creates."
Please also plan autonomous actions for this day. It's important to understand that
30th June will not represent the hand-over of Sovereignty to Iraq. The article below
exposes how utterly compromised & meaningless this date has become.
PROVISIONAL BRISTOL PLAN: Meet at the Bristol Peace Vigil @5:30-
6:30pm, or on College Green from 6:30pm onwards. PLEASE MAKE BANNERS.
The plan is for a procession from the Bristol Peace Vigil to the Council House, on
College Green, for a Public Rally with speakers (To Be Confirmed). MAP BELOW:
Apapted From An Article By Naomi Klein. Guardian, 3rd April 2004)
Original Story:,2763,1184993,00.html
HOW THE U.S WILL RETAIN POWER IN IRAQ: "After the attack on the al-Sadr newspaper, a spokesperson for Paul Bremer (US Occupation Chief) defended the decision on grounds that the paper 'was making people think we were out to get them'. A growing number of Iraqis are certainly under that impression, but it has less to do with an inflammatory newspaper than with the inflammatory actions of the US occupation authority. As the June 30 'handover' approaches, Bremer has unveiled a slew of tricks to hold on to power after 'sovereignty' has been declared."
OPENING UP IRAQ'S ECONOMY TO FOREIGN OWNERSHIP: "In March, Bremer passed another law opening up Iraq's economy to foreign ownership - that Iraq's government is prohibited from changing under the terms of the interim constitution. Bremer also announced the establishment of independent regulators, which will drastically reduce the power of the Iraqi government. For instance, Haider al-Abadi (communications minister), a thorn in the side of the coalition, will be prevented from carrying out his threat to cancel licences the coalition awarded to foreign-managed consortia to operate 3 mobile networks & the national broadcaster."
US REDESIGN OF IRAQ'S BASIC INFRASTRUCTURE: "The Coalition Provisional Authority has also confirmed that after June 30, the $18.4bn the US government is spending on reconstruction will be administered by its embassy in Iraq. The money will be spent over 5 years & will redesign Iraq's most basic infrastructure, including its electricity, water, oil & communications sectors, as well as its courts & police. David Nash, who heads the Project Management Office, describes the $18.4bn as 'a gift from the American people to the people of Iraq'. He appears to have forgotten the part about gifts being something you actually give up."
ONGOING US OCCUPATION: "In the same eventful week, US engineers began construction on 14 'enduring bases' in Iraq, to house the 110,000 soldiers who will be posted for at least 2 more years. Even though the bases are being built with no mandate from an Iraqi government, Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, deputy chief of operations, called them 'a blueprint for how we could operate in the Middle East."
US CONTROL OF IRAQ¹S SECURITY FORCES : "The US has also found a sneaky way to maintain control over Iraq's armed forces. Bremer has issued an executive order stating that even after the interim Iraqi government has been established, the Iraqi army will answer to US commander Lt General Ricardo Sanchez. In order to pull this off, Washington is relying on a legalistic reading of a clause in UN security council resolution 1511, which puts US forces in charge of Iraq's security until 'the completion of the political process' in Iraq. Since the 'political process' in Iraq is never-ending, so it seems is US military control."
US APPOINTED NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER : "In the same flurry of activity, the
CPA announced it would further constrain the Iraqi military by appointing a national
security adviser for Iraq. This US appointee, with powers equivalent to those held by
Condoleeza Rice, will stay in office for a 5 year term, long after Iraq is scheduled to
have made the transition to a democratically elected government.
IRAQ CAN RUN THE HOSPITALS: "There is one piece of this country that the US government is happy to cede to the people of Iraq: the hospitals. So, the U.S will hold on to authority over Iraq's armed forces, its security & economic policy & the design of its core infrastructure - but the Iraqis can deal with their decrepit hospitals all by themselves, complete with their chronic drug shortages & lack of the most basic sanitation capacity. The US health secretary, Tommy Thompson, revealed just how low a priority this was when he commented that Iraq's hospitals would be fixed if the Iraqis 'just washed their hands & cleaned the crap off the walls'."
a) 15th May: Bristol: 'Respect' Street Theatre
b) 25th May: Somerset Peace Group: Public Meeting
c) 26th May: Bristol: 'Stop Esso' Demonstration
d) 29th May: Carmathen (Wales): Talk By Tom Nagy
e) 12th June: Bristol: 'Making The Media' 2004
Related Link:
More Info: Tel. 0779 092 9708 Email:
"The ever popular 'Put Blair On Trial' street theatre returns to Bristol. 2:00pm
Broadmead, Bristol (Outside BHS/Dixons). MAP BELOW:
"Come & join in, help leaflet for 'Respect', or just watch. 'Respect' is a coalition of
those disillusioned with the 3 main political parties. Pensioners, students, trade
unionists, Muslims & other faith groups, socialists, minorities & others have been
deeply disappointed by the authoritarian policies & profit-centred economic strategy of
the government."
The South Somerset Peace Group invites you to a public meeting with a talk by David
Grace of the Federal Union: 'What's Europe Got To Do With Peace?'
Related Link:
TIME: 7:30-9:15. TAX: £2 entry (includes drinks). PLACE: Minster Rooms, Court
Barton, Ilminster, South Somerset, TA19 0DU. MAP BELOW:
"Europe is often seen as the source of annoying commercial regulations, but its roots
& its aims lie in the desire to establish lasting peace after World War 2. As Britain
prepares for European elections, David will review the ideals & history of the 'F' word in Europe - federalism - & ask if it offers a way to a peaceful world."
Info: Tel. 01460 53165 or Visit:
Related Links: &
TIME: 5:30-8:30pm. PLACE: Outside Esso, Park Row, Bristol. MAP BELOW:
"Join the protest in outrage @Esso's Global Warmin rampage + BUSH control. Can
provide masks for the camera shy. We are trying for regular demos but we want more
colourful fluffy protestors to join in." BACKGROUND: "Esso gave $1.376 million to the
Republicans in the 2000 election cycle - more than any other oil company. 91% of its
political donations went to Republicans. As soon as Bush became president, he
pulled the US out of the Kyoto Protocol exactly the policy Esso was promoting. As
the US is responsible for 25% of pollution causing global warming, this has a massive
effect on the protocol."
'Bro Emylyn For Peace & Justice' invite you to a talk by Professor Thomas Nagy
(From George Washington University - Washington DC) Plus - Adam Price MP.
TIME: 7:30-9:15pm. Free Entry. PLACE: Newcastle Emlyn Secondary
School. Carmarthenshire SA38 9LN. (Off the A475). MAP BELOW:
"Prof. Nagy discovered some shocking facts concerning US military actions, & the
intent of US sanctions against Iraq, & published his findings as 'The Secret Behind the
Sanctions: How the US intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply'. There were
serious & deadly US violations of international law & human rights in planning
for the 1991 war against Iraq, & in the implementation of sanctions against Iraq."
Read More:
More Info:
TIME: 11:00am Till Late In The Evening. ENTRY: By Donation.
VENUE: Cube Cinema. Dove Street South. Kings Square (Off Jamaica St.)
MAP: INFO: Tel: 0117 9074190
"MAKING THE MEDIA is a full day of activity & workshops around the theme of Alternative Media, in a collaboration between Bristol Indymedia & the Cube Cinema. Last years event was a huge success, with lively debate, parallel workshops, wireless & open source technology, music, dancing, food & more, with new ideas, links, skills & alliances formed. 'Where Do We Go From Here?' will be one of the themes for the opening discussion - looking at alternative media, & how it can be used as a tool for political & social change. Get in touch to get involved."
Edited From A Story By Alexander Cockburn & Jeffrey St. Clair.
Counterpuch, 8/9 May 2004.
"Torture's back in the news, courtesy of those lurid pictures of exultant Americans
laughing as they torture their Iraqi captives in Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad. But
torture's nothing new. One of the darkest threads in postwar US imperial history has
been the CIA's involvement with torture, as instructor, practitioner or contractor. Since
its inception the CIA has taken a keen interest in torture, avidly studying Nazi
techniques & protecting their exponents such as Klaus Barbie. The CIA's official line
is that torture is wrong & is ineffective. It is indeed wrong. On countless occasions it
has been appallingly effective.
Remember Dan Mitrione. In the late 1960s Mitrione worked for the US Office of Public
Safety, part of the Agency for International Development. In Brazil, Mitrione was
among the US advisers teaching Brazilian police how much electric shock to apply to
prisoners without killing them. In Uruguay, Mitrione helped 'professionalize'
torture as a routine measure & advised on psychological techniques such as playing
tapes of women children screaming that the prisoner's family was being tortured.
After 9/11/01 'truth drugs' were hailed by some for use in the war against Al Qaeda.
This was an enthusiasm shared by the US Navy after the war against Hitler, when its
intelligence officers got on the trail of Dr. Kurt Plotner's research into 'truth serums' at Dachau. Plotner gave Jewish & Russian prisoners high doses of mescaline & then
observed their behaviour. As part of its larger MK-ULTRA project the CIA gave money to Dr. Ewen Cameron. Cameron was a pioneer in the sensory- deprivation techniques. Cameron once locked up a woman in a small white box for 35 days, deprived of light, smell & sound. The CIA doctors were amazed at this dose, knowing their own experiments with a sensory-deprivation tank in 1955 had induced severe psychological reactions in less than 40 hours. Start torturing, & it's easy to get carried away.
Torture destroys the tortured & corrupts the society that sanctions it. Just like the FBI
after 9/11/01 the CIA in 1968 got frustrated by its inability to break suspected leaders
of Vietnam's National Liberation Front by its usual methods of interrogation & torture.
So the agency began more advanced experiments, in one of which it anesthetized 3 prisoners, opened their skulls & planted electrodes in their brains. They were revived, put in a room & given knives. The CIA psychologists then activated the electrodes, hoping the prisoners would attack one another. They didn't. The electrodes were removed, the prisoners shot & their bodies burned.
In recent years the US has been charged by the UN, & by human rights organizations,
with tolerating torture in US prisons, by methods ranging from solitary 23 hour-a-day
confinement in concrete boxes for years on end, to activating 50,000-volt shocks
through a mandatory belt worn by prisoners. Many of the Military Police guards now
under investigation for abuse of Iraqis earned their stripes working as guards in federal
& state prisons, where official abuse is a daily occurence. Indeed, Charles Granier, one of the abusers at Abu, worked as a guard at Pennsylvania's notorious Greene Correctional Unit, & has since gone back to work there."
a) THE DAILY BRISTOL PEACE VIGIL: The Independent Bristol Peace Vigil is an open space for discussion, as well a crucial focus to Bristol's campaigns. We've kept vigil every night (except Sundays) since a few days after 11th Sept 2001, & we'll keep Vigil onwards into the future, but we do need your support to keep our flame alive. If you can only make it for 15 minutes, or a couple of times a month, please still come. Everyone's welcome at the Bristol Peace Vigil.
TIMES: MON-FRI 5:30-6:30pm & SAT 3:00-4:00pm. PLACE: City Centre.
(Opposite The Hippodrome. St. Augustines Parade). MAP BELOW:
b) BATH PEACE VIGIL: Every Saturday 11.30am-12.30pm. Bath Abbey. (Off
York Street. From the Station walk up Manvers St) MAP BELOW:
c) THE BRISTOL-STOP-THE-WAR PLANNING GROUP: Everyone's welcome. We hold a Bristol-Stop-The-War meeting every week, as a forum for local groups to inform each other of their intentions, of finding people to work together on projects, & as a venue where large scale Bristol Demos are agreed & planned. We don't vote at these meetings, as we're not here to force adherence to a consensus view. We do instead discuss issues until we reach broad consensus.
DATE: Every Thursday. TIME: 7:00-8:30pm. PLACE: St. Mary on the Quay
Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave. (Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:
d) BATH-STOP-THE-WAR: Meet every other Wed. NEXT: Wed 12th May.
TIME: 8:00-9:30pm @Friends Meeting House. York St. MAP BELOW:
Tel : 01225 315480 Email:
Bath Website:
Bristol now has 3 message boards for anti-war & activist mail, plus a Bristol IMC
newswire. Please make use of them, as not all Bristol anti-war news makes it onto
Bristol-Stop-The-War News.
Please also visit the Bristol-Stop-The-War LINKS PAGES:
a) BRISTOL-STOP-THE-WAR FORUM: Bristol-Stop-The-War now accepts general
post from national & regional groups on all issues to do with the 'War On Terror'.
TO JOIN: email:
Visit The Forum:
Submit Your Own Articles. Also UK Indymedia:
c) BRISTOL ACTIVISTS FORUM: Bristol Activists is independent of the anti-war movement, & accepts posts on a wide range of political issues, including the war.
TO JOIN: send a blank email to:
Visit The Forum:
NOTE i) The Bristol-Stop-The-War forum is set-up in a 'Webpage & Newsletter' format.
This means the only mail you receive direct to your inbox is a regular newsletter, with
all other mail viewed on the webpage.
NOTE ii) The Bristol Activists Forum is set up in an 'Individual Email & Daily Digest'
format. This means all emails sent to the group emails are received in your inbox.
NOTE iii) If you have a Yahoo email you can post *from* the webpage on these
forums, but you otherwise need to post *to* the webpage from your normal email.
"The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling - their
ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of nevitability.
Remember this - we be many and they be few. They need us more than we need them. Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." Arundhati Roy.
Please Send Us Details Of Your Regional Events
(Including South West, Wales & West Midlands)

South West News :

* New Section... ^ Updated Section...
~ Bristol / Regional Events... + National / International Events...
01) ^~+ Reports: The 'Fairford Five' Hearings
02) ^ + RALLY: 'The Wall Must Fall': 15th May
03) *~ Films: Bristol I.S.M Film Night: 17th May
04) ^ + PROTEST: Bush Senior In London!: 18th May
05) *~ Open Talk: 'The World Water Crisis': 20th May
06) *~ Films: Bristol Indymedia Film Night: 24th May
07) *~+ Ploughshares Camp & DEMO: 27 May-1 June
08) *~ Open Talk: 'The Unheard Colombia': 10th June
09) *~+ DAY OF ACTION: 'Handover Iraq': 30th June
10) *~ MORE Regional Events During May & June
11) ^ News: 'Torture: As American As Apple Pie'
12) Local Peace Vigils & Planning Meetings
13) Bristol & Regional MESSAGE BOARDS
Main Link:

"The people of Bristol hadn't expected such a large diverse vibrant colourful & supportive turnout to escort the Fairford 5 Defendants to the court. At around 8:30am
on Monday 26th April around 100 people turned up to show solidarity & friendship in a
dignified procession to court..."
Related News:

PRESS RELEASE EXTRACT: "A 5 day hearing in the case of activists charged with conspiracy & damage to military equipment at Fairford Air Base, before the war on Iraq, ended today (30.04.04) at Bristol Crown Court. The main question before the hearing was whether the matter of the legality of the war could be examined by the UK courts, as part of the defence in a criminal trial. 3 groups of defendants - Paul Milling & Margaret Jones, Philip Pritchard & Toby Olditch, & Josh Richards, all say they have 'lawful excuse' for their actions, because the war on Iraq was itself a crime. For the defence, Vaughan Lowe, Tony Jennings QC, Hugo Charlton & James Lewis QC have argued that their clients believed they were acting to prevent destruction & death in an illegal war.
Mr. Justice Grigson stated yesterday, 'The hearing must proceed on the basis I will
rule that the legality of the war is simply not justiciable in these courts.' In this
provisional ruling, the judge accepted the prosecution's case that British government
foreign & military policy cannot be examined as part of a defence in English courts.
Speaking on behalf of Jones, Milling & Richards, Mr. James Lewis QC argued that the judge's ruling makes it impossible for his clients to have fair trials. Lawyers for Pritchard & Olditch are also expected to appeal. The judge's full written opinion is likely to be given within the next three weeks, with a 'fast-track' appeal by the defence following immediately."
Full Report:

FROM MARGARET JONES: "Every day the public gallery was packed, as all of us struggled to grasp a series of arcane legal arguments that could give joy only to the mind of a lawyer. Everyone understood by the end, though, that the question of the war's legality *is* going to be ruled 'non-justiciable' - that is, a question which is outside the jurisdiction of a UK court. (No surprises here then.)
All 5 of us are determined to appeal this ruling to a higher court - thus joining the already existing queue of people whose often very practical measures of resistance to the war have met with a similar judicial refusal. To get the judges written ruling, and have the appeal heard, is going to take a couple more months. So, till then, we can go back to our knitting, or whatever it is that keeps us more or less sane.
It was really inspiring to have the sense of people's support all around us. So to everyone - thank you, thank you, THANK you. We all know you're doing it, not just for
us, but because of your feelings about the horror of what's going on in Iraq, & our
shared determination that our government shouldn't be allowed to get awaym scot free. It's the sense of being part of this larger movement, that gives me the will to keep on keeping on. Solidarity for ever! Love & peace."

Organisers Link:

DATE: Sat 15th May. TIME: 1:30pm Onwards. PLACE: Trafalgar Square, Central London. Called by the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign. MAP BELOW:

SPEAKERS: 1:30-3:30pm: Jamal Jumaa - Director Stop the Wall Campaign ~ Afif Safieh ~ Jeremy Corbyn MP ~ Richard Burden MP ~ Jenny Tonge MP ~ Caroline Lucas MEP ~ Jocelyn Hurndall ~ Keith Sonnet, UNISON ~ Jeremy Hardy & others. DEMO & HUMAN WALL @3.30pm : Demonstration to Downing Street. A symbolic human wall will be formed & demolished - but we need your help to do this!
BRISTOL TRANSPORT: Get The *MEGA BUS To London For £12.50 Return (Saturday). 7:30am Departure. 7:30pm Return. This is only available online, & you need to reserve your seat in advance. (These are the only times which fit the rally).

Or Try NATIONAL EXPRESS: £16.00 return (Journey times are more flexible).
Booking Line on 08705 808080. Visit:

Or The BRISTOL CAR POOL: If you've got car spaces, or you want try for a lift, please
pass by the site of the Bristol 'Car Pool' @9:00-9:30am. You need to be prepared to
take the gamble, & please bring your share of petrol money (about £5).
CAR POOL (*& MEGA BUS) MEETS: The Taxi Rank, outside the Hippodrome,
St. Augustines Parade, Bristol City Centre. MAP BELOW:

Or For Info On Coaches In Your Area Phone The PSC : 020 7700 6192
BACKGROUND: "Israel is constructing a massive apartheid wall to try to further
isolate the Palestinians. The people who are building this obstacle want it to stand for
eternity. Among Israeli Leftist there are also some who believe that the wall has
created an 'irreversible' situation. Not me. Because I remember other 'irreversible'
situations. And other 'eternities', too. Our Wall is frequently being compared to the
Berlin Wall. Also because he 'Berlin Wall' was not only an urban monstrosity, it was
part of the German section of the Iron Curtain, cutting all of Germany into two &
extending from the Baltic Sea in the north to the border of Czechoslovakia in the south
- almost a thousand km, approximately the same as the planned length of Sharons monster."
Full Story:

Palestinian films & discussion from the ISM (International Solidarity Movement).
Organisers Link:

DATE: Mon 17th May. TIME: 7:30-10:30pm. (Bar Open till 11:00pm).
TAX: £3 / £2* (*though no one turned away through lack of funds).
VENUE: Cube Cinema. Dove Street South. Kings Square (Off Jamaica St.)

Showing First: "A JOB TO WIN (Video 48 2003). This eye-opening film tells the story
of Arab construction workers in Israel who lost their jobs in the nineties. It records the struggle they are waging to gain them back, with the help of the Nazereth based
Workers Advice Center (WAC). The film will be introduced by the Bristol Against
Casualisation Campaign as part of the Temporary Workers Week."
Main Feature: "The KILLING ZONE (Jordan/Vasquez 2003) reveals the shocking level
of daily violence & murderous hate in the Gaza Strip. It deals with the deaths of
Rachel Corrie, a peace activist crushed to death by an IDF bulldozer whilst trying to
prevent a Palestinian home from being demolished; Tom Hurndall who was shot in the
head whilst escorting children to school; & James Millar a cameraman who worked for Channel 4, killed as he filmed Israeli troops bulldozing Palestinian homes. It reveals what life is like in what has become a full blown war zone."

WHAT IS THE ISM? "The International Solidarity Movement is a Palestinian-led
movement of Palestinian & International activists working to raise awareness of the
struggle for Palestinian freedom & an end to Israeli occupation. We utilize non-violent,
direct-action methods of resistance to confront & challenge illegal Israeli
occupation forces & policies. As enshrined in international law & UN resolutions, we
recognize the Palestinian right to resist Israeli violence & occupation via legitimate
armed struggle. However, we believe non-violence is a powerful weapon in fighting
oppression & we are committed to principles of non-violent resistance."
For More Bristol ISM Info, Tel: 07813 702554 Email:

George Bush Senior, architect of the 1st Gulf war, is coming to London to raise money for his sons re-election campaign. He will be the main guest at a dinner party hosted by Republicans Abroad. Tickets are $1000 each! Let's give George Bush Senior the reception he deserves!
DATE: Tue 18th May. TIME: 4:30-6:30pm. PLACE: Landmark Hotel, 222 Marylebone Rd, London NW1. (Nearest tube Baker St.) MAP BELOW:

BRISTOL TRANSPORT: Get The *MEGA BUS To London For Only £2.50 Return!
(Weekday). 12:00noon Departure. 7:30pm Return. This is only available online, & you
need to reserve your seat in advance. (Other departure times are available).
PLEASE NOTE: If you're not able to book online, Bristol STW can do it for you,
Please Get In Touch. Tel: 0117 3730099 or Email:


Or Try NATIONAL EXPRESS (If the MEGA BUS is full): £16.00 return.
Booking Line on 08705 808080. Visit:

Or The BRISTOL CAR POOL: If you've got car spaces, or you want try for a lift, please
pass by the site of the Bristol 'Car Pool' first @12-12:30pm. You need to be prepared
to take the gamble, & please bring your share of petrol money (about £5).
CAR POOL (*& MEGA BUS) MEETS: The Taxi Rank, outside the Hippodrome,
St. Augustines Parade, Bristol City Centre. MAP BELOW:

George Bush Senior is a War Criminal According to his former Attorney General,
Ramsey Clarke. "During the bombing campaign of Jan 17 - Feb 28, 1991 U.S aircraft
flew 110,000 aerial sorties against Iraq, averaging one every 30 seconds, dropping
88,500 tons of explosives, the equivalent of 7 l/2 Hiroshima bombs.
This was by far the most intensive bombardment in history. It killed tens of thousands
of people, injuring many more. Medicines & medical supplies were exhausted. It devastated water systems from reservoir, pumping station, pipeline, filtration plant to kitchen faucet as well as urban sewage & sanitation systems nationwide. Food production, processing, storage, distribution, & marketing facilities were widely destroyed. Poultry was nearly wiped out by loss of electricity & lack of grain. Animal herds were decimated. Fertilizer & insecticide plants & storage structures were destroyed. Communications systems, telephone, radio, TV, were shattered. Transportation was badly battered. Vital industries were attacked everywhere. Electric power was knocked out across the nation in the first 24 hours of the assault. Petroleum production, refining, storage & distribution from well to service station were attacked across the nation.
The combined effect of this vast destruction of essential goods, services & industries
with the most comprehensive economic sanctions of modern times, first imposed on
Hiroshima Day, Aug 6 1990, has caused more than a million & a half deaths."
Ramsey Clarke: Report to UN Security Council, 26th January 2000.
Read The Full Report:

Full Title : 'The World Water Crisis... & Other Resource Wars'
DATE: Thu 20th May. 7:00-8:30pm. FREE ENTRY. PLACE: St. Mary on the
Quay Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave. (Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:

INTRODUCTION: As part of ongoing change within Bristol STW we are now holding a
discussion or talk, once a month, in place of our usual weekly planning meeting. Our
hope is that this will help us to overcome any impression of insularity within Bristol
STW that people may have, while also opening up the discussion to everyone else.
Our next discussion, on May 20th, will look at how fierce competition for scarce
resources, such as freshwater & oil, underpin conflict, not just in the Middle-East, but the world over. James Venables, of Bristol STW, will be giving a short presentation to get the discussion started, which will then be opened up to everyone else. Please do come along.
Visit Us:

THE 1st WATER WAR: "The brief war of 1967 changed the landscape of the Middle
East & laid the groundwork for today's bitter confrontation between Palestinians &
Israelis. The Arab plan to divert the headwaters of the Jordan caused open warfare
between Israel & Syria, & in turn led in a straight line to Israel's devastating pre-
emptive strikes against Syria & Egypt. The decision of King Hussein to join in the battle gave Israel the opportunity to break through into East Jerusalem & then roll over the West Bank down to the river itself. Now the continued occupation of the land captured motivates young Palestinians to throw stones which have become the symbols as well as the weapons of the intifada."
FUTURE WATER WARS: "The Tigris & Euphrates rivers, which flow southward from
the wild hills of Central Turkey, once watered the lush region known as the Fertile
Crescent, a bitter quarrel over ownership of their water, fuelled by steadily escalating
demands upon them, threatens 2 of 3 powerful nations through which they run - & poses a grave danger to the peace of the Middle East. The Southeast Anatolia Project - an immense engineering scheme that will place 22 large dams & reservoirs on the Tigris & Euphrates rivers at their source in Turkey - will catch the rivers in a vicelike grip & threaten the survival of Turkey's downstream neighbours. The Euphrates is Syria's fundamental water source. Iraq, through which both rivers run, must make do with what Turkey & Syria have not siphoned off."
Related Link:


DATE: Mon 24th May. TIME: 7:30-10:00pm. (Bar Open till 11:00pm).
TAX: £3 / £2* (*though no one turned away through lack of funds).
VENUE: Cube Cinema. Dove Street South. Kings Square (Off Jamaica St.)

An ongoing showcase of contemporary filmmakers who are finding new forms of
cinema to show resistance to globalisation throughout the world.
MAIN FEATURE: "'SEEING is BELIEVING: Handicams, Human Rights & The News.'
Peter Wintonick. The 1st Bristol Screening of this powerful award winning film
explores the political & social consequences of handicams & new communications
technologies being used by human rights activists, war crimes investigators, rightwing
hate groups & ordinary citizens. Along the way, several key questions are raised,
including: Does the presence of a video camera help save lives or rather increase the
danger to those being threatened? What will be the impact of this proliferation of personal video cameras? How will it affect privacy? This film raises many questions; it may be for us to answer them."
More Info:

Also Screening Will Be A Selection Of Inspiring INDYMEDIA shorts.
INCLUDES: A presentation from the Bristol based Basque Support Network. They'll be
showing some short films, discussing recent crackdowns on the Basque Separatist
Movement & the fallout from the recent Madrid bombings. "Euskalinfo aims to provide
a platform for Basques who want to inform others in English, & aims to be an
alternative to corporate information, & is fully committed to expose abuse of power & corruption. We are motivated by a love & inspiration for people who work for a better world despite corporate media's distortions & unwillingness to cover efforts to develop an egalitarian & sustainable society."
Post: Euskalinfo, Box 19, 82 Colston St, Bristol BS1 5BB
Visit: htttp://
a) The Camp & Contacts: 27 May - 1 June
b) Trident Ploughshares Benefit: 28th May
c) CND National Demonstration: 29th May
d) Multi Faith Service @Docks: 30th May
e) River Demo On The Taymar: 31st May
f) Mass Blockade Of The Docks: 1st June
a) THE CAMP & CONTACTS: The 3rd to be held in Plymouth - The camp is for Non-violent Direct Actions - with a demonstration, vigils, practical workshops, & much more. All participants are asked to do 2 hours non-violence training. Bring a tent. Please - no drugs or alcohol.
MORE INFO: Post To: Trident Ploughshares, 42-46
Bethel St, Norwich NR2 1NR. Tel: 0845 458 8366 & 0845 458 8364
NewsLine: 0845 458 8365. Email: Sandra on


BACKGROUND: "The Camp has a scenic view of the Devonport dockyard, where up
to 10 nuclear subs are berthed, & the 4 Trident nuclear subs take it in turns to
undergo the MoD's illegal Trident Nuclear Submarine Refit. Plymouth is becoming the
most nuclear ridden city in the world, as all of this highly dangerous work is being
carried out in the heart of the city. The company running the dockyard is a
subsidiary of the giant Halliburton corporation - profits for the shareholders, but not
much for Plymouth. At any time, there can be 12 nuclear reactors aboard subs, in the
heart of this city of 270,000 people, placing their lives at risk as well as affecting
nearby smaller towns. Come to Plymouth in May 2004 to help shape history by
getting rid of nuclear weapons of mass-destruction everywhere, forever."
After setting up camp on the Thursday, & touring the base, there will be a Trident
Ploughshares Benefit with 'Seize The Day' + DJ Crusty & Mike - Old Style Roots
Reggae + other support. "Bold, Beautiful, Frontline Folk"... The Guardian on 'Seize
The Day'. You don't need to be part of the main camp, so please do come along.
TIME: 9pm to 2am. TAX: £4.00. VENUE: The Cooperage, Vauxhall St, The Barbican, Plymouth. (Off the A374 & along the B3240). MAP BELOW:

Download The Leaflet:

Decommission Trident! March Through Central Plymouth To The Dockyards.
For More Info Contact: CND on 020 7700 2393 or Email:

ASSEMBLE: 12:00noon outside the 'Plymouth Hoe', along the Grand Parade.
Leave at 1pm & march to the 'Albert Gate' of the dockyards. MAP BELOW:

RALLY: 2:30pm onwards with speakers & live bands. Details to be announced.
Related Link:

@ 'Drake Gate' of the Dockyards at 2:30pm onwards. (including atheistic views). As
with all days, there will also be workshops through the day, including non-violent
direct-action training, which all participants are asked to do 2 hours of.
Join the Flotilla River Demo on Monday 31st May. For More Details Contact Admiral of
the Flotilla, Peter Bouquet (Often Greenpeace Skipper)
Tel: 01822 832549 or Email:

Boat Actions @High Tide (4:00pm onwards).
There will be a Mass Blockade of the Dockyard Gates at dawn, from 6:30am. The
exact details will only be available to those who are part of the main camp, & who
have undergone at least 2 hours non-violent direct-action training.
EVENING: Tatting down & clearing up the camp.
Full Title: "The Unheard Colombia: Voices From The Social Movements"
Organised by Colombia Solidarity Campaign & Bristol Stop the War Coalition
DATE: Thu 10th June. TIME: 7:30-9:00pm. FREE ENTRY. PLACE: St. Mary
on the Quay Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave. (Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:

INTRODUCTION: As part of ongoing change within Bristol STW we are now holding a
discussion or talk, once a month, in place of our usual weekly planning meeting. For
June we will be holding a talk with speakers from prominent Colombian Social
Movements. This talk will probably be necessarily question & answer based, but
please do come along to what will also hopefully be a lively discussion.
SPEAKERS: Mario Angulo: Process of Black Communities ~ Miriam Ruiz:
Christian Base Communities ~ Diego Escobar: Judicial Public Servants Union
BACKGROUND: "Over 7000 political assassinations are carried out in Colombia every
year as activists resist the privatisation of all aspects of life. In recent years many UK activists have become aware of the struggles of Colombian trade unionists, but less is
known of the struggles of black, indigenous, Christian, students & community organisations that resist world bank, IMF, & Colombian government economic reforms
that serve to open up the country to multinational corporations, increase poverty, fuel the armed conflict & drive millions off their lands. Come & hear first hand accounts from Colombian activists & help make the invisible struggles visible."
Organisers Link:

UK Address: Colombia Solidarity Campaign, PO Box 8446, London N17 6NZ
Bristol Tour Contacts:

ABOUT THE CSC: "The Colombia Solidarity Campaign is an anti-imperialist
organisation, campaigning for a socially just & sustainable peace in Colombia based
on respect for the human rights & diversity of the Colombian people. Our specific
objectives are; To oppose any US, UK or foreign military intervention, believing this will escalate the problems in Colombia; To oppose the policy of fumigation, & work for a solution to the coca problem based on the real needs of the people; To draw attention to the role played by Multinational Corporations in violating workers rights & exploiting the people & environment of Colombia; To draw attention to the horrific human rights situation in Colombia, & that the overwhelming majority of atrocities can be attributed to the army, police, Colombian state organisations & paramilitaries, which together constitute a policy of Colombian state terror; To oppose the criminalisation of social protest. The Campaign recognises the collusion between the Colombian government, the armed forces & paramilitary death squads, & calls for an end to the impunity that this creates."
Please also plan autonomous actions for this day. It's important to understand that
30th June will not represent the hand-over of Sovereignty to Iraq. The article below
exposes how utterly compromised & meaningless this date has become.
PROVISIONAL BRISTOL PLAN: Meet at the Bristol Peace Vigil @5:30-
6:30pm, or on College Green from 6:30pm onwards. PLEASE MAKE BANNERS.
The plan is for a procession from the Bristol Peace Vigil to the Council House, on
College Green, for a Public Rally with speakers (To Be Confirmed). MAP BELOW:

Apapted From An Article By Naomi Klein. Guardian, 3rd April 2004)
Original Story:

HOW THE U.S WILL RETAIN POWER IN IRAQ: "After the attack on the al-Sadr newspaper, a spokesperson for Paul Bremer (US Occupation Chief) defended the decision on grounds that the paper 'was making people think we were out to get them'. A growing number of Iraqis are certainly under that impression, but it has less to do with an inflammatory newspaper than with the inflammatory actions of the US occupation authority. As the June 30 'handover' approaches, Bremer has unveiled a slew of tricks to hold on to power after 'sovereignty' has been declared."
OPENING UP IRAQ'S ECONOMY TO FOREIGN OWNERSHIP: "In March, Bremer passed another law opening up Iraq's economy to foreign ownership - that Iraq's government is prohibited from changing under the terms of the interim constitution. Bremer also announced the establishment of independent regulators, which will drastically reduce the power of the Iraqi government. For instance, Haider al-Abadi (communications minister), a thorn in the side of the coalition, will be prevented from carrying out his threat to cancel licences the coalition awarded to foreign-managed consortia to operate 3 mobile networks & the national broadcaster."
US REDESIGN OF IRAQ'S BASIC INFRASTRUCTURE: "The Coalition Provisional Authority has also confirmed that after June 30, the $18.4bn the US government is spending on reconstruction will be administered by its embassy in Iraq. The money will be spent over 5 years & will redesign Iraq's most basic infrastructure, including its electricity, water, oil & communications sectors, as well as its courts & police. David Nash, who heads the Project Management Office, describes the $18.4bn as 'a gift from the American people to the people of Iraq'. He appears to have forgotten the part about gifts being something you actually give up."
ONGOING US OCCUPATION: "In the same eventful week, US engineers began construction on 14 'enduring bases' in Iraq, to house the 110,000 soldiers who will be posted for at least 2 more years. Even though the bases are being built with no mandate from an Iraqi government, Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, deputy chief of operations, called them 'a blueprint for how we could operate in the Middle East."
US CONTROL OF IRAQ¹S SECURITY FORCES : "The US has also found a sneaky way to maintain control over Iraq's armed forces. Bremer has issued an executive order stating that even after the interim Iraqi government has been established, the Iraqi army will answer to US commander Lt General Ricardo Sanchez. In order to pull this off, Washington is relying on a legalistic reading of a clause in UN security council resolution 1511, which puts US forces in charge of Iraq's security until 'the completion of the political process' in Iraq. Since the 'political process' in Iraq is never-ending, so it seems is US military control."
US APPOINTED NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER : "In the same flurry of activity, the
CPA announced it would further constrain the Iraqi military by appointing a national
security adviser for Iraq. This US appointee, with powers equivalent to those held by
Condoleeza Rice, will stay in office for a 5 year term, long after Iraq is scheduled to
have made the transition to a democratically elected government.
IRAQ CAN RUN THE HOSPITALS: "There is one piece of this country that the US government is happy to cede to the people of Iraq: the hospitals. So, the U.S will hold on to authority over Iraq's armed forces, its security & economic policy & the design of its core infrastructure - but the Iraqis can deal with their decrepit hospitals all by themselves, complete with their chronic drug shortages & lack of the most basic sanitation capacity. The US health secretary, Tommy Thompson, revealed just how low a priority this was when he commented that Iraq's hospitals would be fixed if the Iraqis 'just washed their hands & cleaned the crap off the walls'."
a) 15th May: Bristol: 'Respect' Street Theatre
b) 25th May: Somerset Peace Group: Public Meeting
c) 26th May: Bristol: 'Stop Esso' Demonstration
d) 29th May: Carmathen (Wales): Talk By Tom Nagy
e) 12th June: Bristol: 'Making The Media' 2004
Related Link:

More Info: Tel. 0779 092 9708 Email:

"The ever popular 'Put Blair On Trial' street theatre returns to Bristol. 2:00pm
Broadmead, Bristol (Outside BHS/Dixons). MAP BELOW:

"Come & join in, help leaflet for 'Respect', or just watch. 'Respect' is a coalition of
those disillusioned with the 3 main political parties. Pensioners, students, trade
unionists, Muslims & other faith groups, socialists, minorities & others have been
deeply disappointed by the authoritarian policies & profit-centred economic strategy of
the government."
The South Somerset Peace Group invites you to a public meeting with a talk by David
Grace of the Federal Union: 'What's Europe Got To Do With Peace?'
Related Link:

TIME: 7:30-9:15. TAX: £2 entry (includes drinks). PLACE: Minster Rooms, Court
Barton, Ilminster, South Somerset, TA19 0DU. MAP BELOW:

"Europe is often seen as the source of annoying commercial regulations, but its roots
& its aims lie in the desire to establish lasting peace after World War 2. As Britain
prepares for European elections, David will review the ideals & history of the 'F' word in Europe - federalism - & ask if it offers a way to a peaceful world."
Info: Tel. 01460 53165 or Visit:
Related Links:

TIME: 5:30-8:30pm. PLACE: Outside Esso, Park Row, Bristol. MAP BELOW:

"Join the protest in outrage @Esso's Global Warmin rampage + BUSH control. Can
provide masks for the camera shy. We are trying for regular demos but we want more
colourful fluffy protestors to join in." BACKGROUND: "Esso gave $1.376 million to the
Republicans in the 2000 election cycle - more than any other oil company. 91% of its
political donations went to Republicans. As soon as Bush became president, he
pulled the US out of the Kyoto Protocol exactly the policy Esso was promoting. As
the US is responsible for 25% of pollution causing global warming, this has a massive
effect on the protocol."
'Bro Emylyn For Peace & Justice' invite you to a talk by Professor Thomas Nagy
(From George Washington University - Washington DC) Plus - Adam Price MP.
TIME: 7:30-9:15pm. Free Entry. PLACE: Newcastle Emlyn Secondary
School. Carmarthenshire SA38 9LN. (Off the A475). MAP BELOW:

"Prof. Nagy discovered some shocking facts concerning US military actions, & the
intent of US sanctions against Iraq, & published his findings as 'The Secret Behind the
Sanctions: How the US intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply'. There were
serious & deadly US violations of international law & human rights in planning
for the 1991 war against Iraq, & in the implementation of sanctions against Iraq."
Read More:

More Info:

TIME: 11:00am Till Late In The Evening. ENTRY: By Donation.
VENUE: Cube Cinema. Dove Street South. Kings Square (Off Jamaica St.)

"MAKING THE MEDIA is a full day of activity & workshops around the theme of Alternative Media, in a collaboration between Bristol Indymedia & the Cube Cinema. Last years event was a huge success, with lively debate, parallel workshops, wireless & open source technology, music, dancing, food & more, with new ideas, links, skills & alliances formed. 'Where Do We Go From Here?' will be one of the themes for the opening discussion - looking at alternative media, & how it can be used as a tool for political & social change. Get in touch to get involved."
Edited From A Story By Alexander Cockburn & Jeffrey St. Clair.
Counterpuch, 8/9 May 2004.

"Torture's back in the news, courtesy of those lurid pictures of exultant Americans
laughing as they torture their Iraqi captives in Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad. But
torture's nothing new. One of the darkest threads in postwar US imperial history has
been the CIA's involvement with torture, as instructor, practitioner or contractor. Since
its inception the CIA has taken a keen interest in torture, avidly studying Nazi
techniques & protecting their exponents such as Klaus Barbie. The CIA's official line
is that torture is wrong & is ineffective. It is indeed wrong. On countless occasions it
has been appallingly effective.
Remember Dan Mitrione. In the late 1960s Mitrione worked for the US Office of Public
Safety, part of the Agency for International Development. In Brazil, Mitrione was
among the US advisers teaching Brazilian police how much electric shock to apply to
prisoners without killing them. In Uruguay, Mitrione helped 'professionalize'
torture as a routine measure & advised on psychological techniques such as playing
tapes of women children screaming that the prisoner's family was being tortured.
After 9/11/01 'truth drugs' were hailed by some for use in the war against Al Qaeda.
This was an enthusiasm shared by the US Navy after the war against Hitler, when its
intelligence officers got on the trail of Dr. Kurt Plotner's research into 'truth serums' at Dachau. Plotner gave Jewish & Russian prisoners high doses of mescaline & then
observed their behaviour. As part of its larger MK-ULTRA project the CIA gave money to Dr. Ewen Cameron. Cameron was a pioneer in the sensory- deprivation techniques. Cameron once locked up a woman in a small white box for 35 days, deprived of light, smell & sound. The CIA doctors were amazed at this dose, knowing their own experiments with a sensory-deprivation tank in 1955 had induced severe psychological reactions in less than 40 hours. Start torturing, & it's easy to get carried away.
Torture destroys the tortured & corrupts the society that sanctions it. Just like the FBI
after 9/11/01 the CIA in 1968 got frustrated by its inability to break suspected leaders
of Vietnam's National Liberation Front by its usual methods of interrogation & torture.
So the agency began more advanced experiments, in one of which it anesthetized 3 prisoners, opened their skulls & planted electrodes in their brains. They were revived, put in a room & given knives. The CIA psychologists then activated the electrodes, hoping the prisoners would attack one another. They didn't. The electrodes were removed, the prisoners shot & their bodies burned.
In recent years the US has been charged by the UN, & by human rights organizations,
with tolerating torture in US prisons, by methods ranging from solitary 23 hour-a-day
confinement in concrete boxes for years on end, to activating 50,000-volt shocks
through a mandatory belt worn by prisoners. Many of the Military Police guards now
under investigation for abuse of Iraqis earned their stripes working as guards in federal
& state prisons, where official abuse is a daily occurence. Indeed, Charles Granier, one of the abusers at Abu, worked as a guard at Pennsylvania's notorious Greene Correctional Unit, & has since gone back to work there."
a) THE DAILY BRISTOL PEACE VIGIL: The Independent Bristol Peace Vigil is an open space for discussion, as well a crucial focus to Bristol's campaigns. We've kept vigil every night (except Sundays) since a few days after 11th Sept 2001, & we'll keep Vigil onwards into the future, but we do need your support to keep our flame alive. If you can only make it for 15 minutes, or a couple of times a month, please still come. Everyone's welcome at the Bristol Peace Vigil.
TIMES: MON-FRI 5:30-6:30pm & SAT 3:00-4:00pm. PLACE: City Centre.
(Opposite The Hippodrome. St. Augustines Parade). MAP BELOW:

b) BATH PEACE VIGIL: Every Saturday 11.30am-12.30pm. Bath Abbey. (Off
York Street. From the Station walk up Manvers St) MAP BELOW:

c) THE BRISTOL-STOP-THE-WAR PLANNING GROUP: Everyone's welcome. We hold a Bristol-Stop-The-War meeting every week, as a forum for local groups to inform each other of their intentions, of finding people to work together on projects, & as a venue where large scale Bristol Demos are agreed & planned. We don't vote at these meetings, as we're not here to force adherence to a consensus view. We do instead discuss issues until we reach broad consensus.
DATE: Every Thursday. TIME: 7:00-8:30pm. PLACE: St. Mary on the Quay
Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave. (Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:

d) BATH-STOP-THE-WAR: Meet every other Wed. NEXT: Wed 12th May.
TIME: 8:00-9:30pm @Friends Meeting House. York St. MAP BELOW:

Tel : 01225 315480 Email:

Bath Website:

Bristol now has 3 message boards for anti-war & activist mail, plus a Bristol IMC
newswire. Please make use of them, as not all Bristol anti-war news makes it onto
Bristol-Stop-The-War News.
Please also visit the Bristol-Stop-The-War LINKS PAGES:

a) BRISTOL-STOP-THE-WAR FORUM: Bristol-Stop-The-War now accepts general
post from national & regional groups on all issues to do with the 'War On Terror'.
TO JOIN: email:

Visit The Forum:


Submit Your Own Articles. Also UK Indymedia:

c) BRISTOL ACTIVISTS FORUM: Bristol Activists is independent of the anti-war movement, & accepts posts on a wide range of political issues, including the war.
TO JOIN: send a blank email to:

Visit The Forum:

NOTE i) The Bristol-Stop-The-War forum is set-up in a 'Webpage & Newsletter' format.
This means the only mail you receive direct to your inbox is a regular newsletter, with
all other mail viewed on the webpage.
NOTE ii) The Bristol Activists Forum is set up in an 'Individual Email & Daily Digest'
format. This means all emails sent to the group emails are received in your inbox.
NOTE iii) If you have a Yahoo email you can post *from* the webpage on these
forums, but you otherwise need to post *to* the webpage from your normal email.
"The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling - their
ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of nevitability.
Remember this - we be many and they be few. They need us more than we need them. Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." Arundhati Roy.