Papuan Prisoner Support Week
mama | 10.05.2004 17:32
Its a special Papua prisoner support week this week with many people now held for political "crimes" such as flag raising and defending trees from illegal logging.I hope you will join me in writing and telephoning as much as possible throughout the week. We know these tactics to work and your efforts will improve conditions for the prisoners and in some cases may even facilitate release.
From: Koteka Prisoner Support

West Papuan Prisoner Support Week 10th 14th May 2004
Please take some time over this week to send cards or letters to some of the many West Papuans imprisoned for struggling for their freedom against Indonesia and the multi-national corporations invading their forests. Also you can phone the prisons directly and tell the guards not to mistreat the prisoners.
Details of prisoners to write to are at the end of the email.
We apologise for not sending out any updates for some time. We have now just completed updating the prisoner lists at
We are pleased to announce that Lanek Kenelak and Lion Murib have both been released and we have received letters from both of them thanking people for the support they received while in prison. They were both really happily surprised to get support from the outside and both said that the letters and news of phone calls made them feel strong! So please keep supporting Papuan prisoners!
Unfortunately a number of events have caused quite a lot of the people to be sentenced over the last six months. Firstly, seven people have been accused of involvement in the arms raid on the Wamena armoury in April 2003. Two have received life sentences and the other five are serving twenty years each! They are all being held in Wamena prison. On 5th October 2003 the Indonesian army attacked some OPM members in Yalengga village shooting nine dead, five others from this village have now ended up in Wamena prison. Also in October, 16 members of the Presidium Council were arrested accused of inciting violence in the "bloody Wamena" incident in 2000. They had all previously been arrested on this charge, served part of a sentence and had been released but the new administration have rounded them up again stating they have to complete their sentences. All 16 have now been moved to Abepura prison. Around the 1st Dec 2003 yet more people were arrested in connection with flag raising ceremonies. And finally in the run up to the 5th April elections which saw a wide spread boycott across Papua a few people were shot and others beaten being accused of campaigning for the boycott. Three of the attacked are being held under conditions of arrest in the Wamena hospital.
Lists of prisoners to write to are here but we recommend you view them at where there is also information to help you write to prisoners or phone the prisons:
Abepura Prison
Prison: Lembaga Abepura
Phone: +62 967 581705
Address: Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Abepura, Jl. Kesehataan, Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia
Head of Prison: Bapak Sudarsono KLAPAS
Head Guard: Salim Maretma
Kornelius Tier - arrested 6 December 2002 - age 20
Yulius Pisya arrested 6 December 2002 age 22
Herman Wainggai - arrested 14 December 2002 for flag raising at university
Edison Waromi - arrested 14 December 2002 for flag raising at university
Jordan Iek
Allius Tabuni - arrested 19th December 2002 age 36
Yance Hembring - OPM caught in Demta area west of Jayapura early 2004
Salmon Dakka - OPM caught in Demta area west of Jayapura early 2004
Agus Waipon - OPM caught in Demta area west of Jayapura early 2004
Maurid Wouw - OPM caught in Demta area west of Jayapura early 2004
Yosep Wouw - OPM caught in Demta area west of Jayapura early 2004
Yehuda Wandi - OPM caught in Demta area west of Jayapura early 2004
The following are all members of the PDP (Presidium Council) who were all arrested for a second time in December 2003 accused of involvement in "Bloody Wamena" in 2000 see here for more info.
Murjono Murib
Pdt Obet Komba
Agus Serabut
Edi Mariam
Herry Kosay
Frans Hubi
Isak Wenda
Amelia Jigibalom
Yudas Meage
Timanus Kogoya
Sudirman Kogoya
Yohakim Hubi
Joel Wenda
Elius Wenda
Yules Wenda
Pilius Wenda
Manokwari Prison
Prison: Lembaga Manokwari
Address: Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Manokwari, Jl. Sabang No.4, Manokwari, Papua, Indonesia
Phone: +62 986 211387 or 211365
Bosa Rawo employee at University Papreta Manokwari.
Keliopas Penetruam Kepala Desa Pabo (Pabo Village Head).
Frengki Rawo.
Karel Kosona, works for Kelapa Sawit (Coconut Oil Plantation).
Dominggus Anto.
Bernadus Ajomy.
Rudy Beney.
Manof Balumy works for Kelapa Sawit
Zet Dimara ex policeman, arrested for flag raising in Manokwari
Ronal Ramandey - Wasior Case
Martikus Densue - Wasior Case
Amelia Konik - Wasior Case
Yohakim Menci (40) - arrested 27 Novemebr 2003 for flag raising
Carlos Yumame (45) - arrested 27 Novemebr 2003 for flag raising
Isak Towansiba (20) - arrested 27 Novemebr 2003 for flag raising
Luter Towansiba (21) - arrested 27 Novemebr 2003 for flag raising
Hans Mandacan ( 35) - arrested 27 Novemebr 2003 for flag raising
Terry Korayem ( 32) - arrested 27 Novemebr 2003 for flag raising
Yulianus Indem (28) - arrested 27 Novemebr 2003 for flag raising
Matius Nasira - arrested 20 April 2004 for road blockade stopping ilegal logging
Manase Furima - arrested 20 April 2004 for road blockade stopping ilegal logging
Wamena Prison
Address: Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Wamena, Jl. Hom-hom, Wamena, Papua, Indonesia
Telephone: +62969 32586
Chief of Police in Wamena: +62969 31072
Police Office in Wamena: +62969 31110
Kanius Murib 48 - sentenced for life (Wamena incident 04 April 2003)
Numbungga Telengen - sentenced for life (Wamena incident 04 April 2003)
Jefray Murib - sentenced for life (Wamena incident 04 April 2003)
Mikael Heselo (32) from Kurima village - sentenced 20 years (Wamena incident 04 April 2003)
Kimanus Wenda - sentenced 20 years (Wamena incident 04 April 2003)
Marthen Wenda - sentenced 20 years (Wamena incident 04 April 2003)
Didimus Meage - sentenced 20 years (Wamena incident 04 April 2003)
Andi Asso 23 (incident 07 July 2003)
Welmus Musa Asso 30 (incident 07 July 2003)
Ghen Jhon Hilapok 30 (incident 07 July 2003)
Gustav Ayomi 31 (incident 07 July 2003)
Majus Togodly (incident 07 July 2003)
Luk Tabuni - arrested 5 October when Indonesia killed nine OPM in Yalennga village
Ebener Murib - arrested 5 October when Indonesia killed nine OPM in Yalennga village
Yunus Telenggen - arrested 5 October when Indonesia killed nine OPM in Yalennga village
Lepinus Murib - arrested 5 October when Indonesia killed nine OPM in Yalennga village
Tonius Jigi Murib - arrested 5 October when Indonesia killed nine OPM in Yalennga village
The following three prisoners were beaten and arrested 29 March 2004 being held in hospital accused of campaigning for election boycott companion Marius Kogoya was shot dead.
Steve Wenda (30)
Wetinus Wenda (32)
Dipenus Wenda (32).
Contact details for all prisons in West Papua
1. Abepura
Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Abepura, Jl. Kesehataan, Apepura, Papua, Indonesia
Telephone: +62967 581705
2. Manokwari
Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Manokwari, Jl. Sabang No.4, Manokwari, Papua, Indonesia
Telephone: +62986 211387 or +62962 211387
3. Merauke
Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Merauke, Jl. Ermasu No 18, Merauke, Papua, Indonesia
Telephone: +62971 321178
4. Sorong
Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Sorong, Jl. Noho Doom, Sorong, Papua, Indonesia
Telephone: +62951 321330
5. Biak
Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Biak, Jl. Condronegro I, Biak, Papua, Indonesia
Telephone: +62961 21227
6. Serui
Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Serui, Jl Serui, Serui, Papua, Indonesia
Telephone: +62961 31303
7. Nabire
Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Nabire, Jl. Padat Karya, Nabire, Papua, Indonesia
Telephone: 21870
8. Fakfak
Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Fakfak, Jl. Letjen S.Parman, Fakfak, Papua, Indonesia
Telephone: 22527
9. Wamena
Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Wamena, Jl. Hom-hom, Wamena, Papua, Indonesia
Telephone: +62969 32586
Chief of police in Wamena: +62969 31072
Police Office in Wamena: +62969 31110
Bupati (Regent) of Wamena: +62969 31005
10. Vanimo, PNG
The Commander., Vanimo Corrective Institute, P.O .Box 124, Vanimo, Sandaun Province, Papau New Guinea.
