How the US lost the war in Iraq and other articles
Frontlines Newspaper | 10.05.2004 16:57 | London
The Newspaper of the Left
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How the US Lost the War in Iraq and Why Republicans and Democrats Refuse to Accept Defeat
By Carlos Petroni
Monday, May 10, 2004
"The United States is not what is wrong with the world" -- Donald Rumsfeld
"Perish the Universe, provided I have my revenge" -- Cyrano de Bergerac
Let’s face it, George W. Bush and the US have already lost the war and occupation of Iraq. The only thing remaining is to find out how many more people, both Iraqis and US soldiers, will need to die before the US Armed Forces are chased out of Iraq for good and the Bush administration – along with their Democratic and Republican supporters in Congress – admit their failure.
500 Delegates, 35 Political Parties, form Moderate Anti-occupation Coalition Emerges in Baghdad, Rejects Collaborators
Al-Dhari has rejected the IGC (Iraqi Governing Council) calling it a US-imposed group
A pan-Iraqi group has been formed to oppose the occupation of Iraq and has immediately called for a meeting with UN envoy al-Akhdar al-Ibrahimi in a direct challenge to the country's US-appointed leadership.
About 500 Iraqis met in Baghdad on Saturday to set up a national political force free of US influence to push for a handover of sovereignty under the auspices of the United Nations.
Washington Post: U.S. May Be Winning Battles in Iraq, Losing the War, Some Officers Say
"Private Contractor" Torin Nelson, professional interrogator, speaks about his job in Abu Ghraib
by Julian Borger in Washington
Ralph Nader's Presidential bid: The Power of a Peace Candidate
By Jackson Diehl
Why should voters choose Nader? Because Kerry, Nader told the reporters, "is stuck in the Iraq quagmire the same way Bush is." That leaves the independent as the sole choice for "the peace movement in this country."
A Washington Post/ABC News poll showed him at 3 percent in early March, about equal to the 2.8 percent he polled in 2000. Five weeks later he was at 6 percent in the same poll and 5 percent in the New York Times and CNN polls. According to those polls, almost all his support has been drawn from Kerry.
46% of Americans now think the US should leave Iraq immediately and the number is going nowhere but up.
NED: Exporting Bi-Partisan Imperialized "Democracy"
What is the NED -- National Endowment for Democracy -- up to?
By Benjamin Duncan in Washington, DC
Haiti anti-Aristide groups, Venezuelan opposition and Middle East collaborators among those to receive NED money
Recent media reports triggered accusations that NED may have indirectly contributed to political unrest in Venezuela by providing grants to organizations that oppose the Chavez government.
British Petroleum withdraws from Iraq, cites security and political troubles
Chief oil industry executive cites security and political fears
US soldiers opposed to the war in Iraq, fled to Canada, ask for political asylum
'Soldiers of Conscience' Take Sixties Route to Canada
by Marcus Warren
Two American soldiers opposed to the war in Iraq have abandoned their units and fled to Canada in a desertion evoking the exodus of young men north of the border during the Vietnam era.
The two soldiers are seeking asylum as refugees, arguing that they face persecution for their beliefs - and in theory the death penalty - if they return.
San Francisco Metroscope
Deceivingly Local News
· Counterpunch: Ron Jacobs blasts SF Bay Guardian pro-war position of voting Kerry
· San Francisco cops attempt coup d'etat against civilian, elected officials
· Carole Migden, other Democrats and the Bay Guardian dump $$$ to influence the Green Party primaries
· Matt Gonzalez quits re-election bid. Is it all over for Greens and progressive leftists?
Read them at:
US News & Reports:
· Washington Post: U.S. May Be Winning Battles in Iraq, Losing the War, Some Officers Say
· Rumsfeld Under Fire, Testify amidst Protests by Code Pink and others
· Iraq: Cracks in the Empire's façade pre-announces its fall
· Should the Green Party mollify the Democrats?
Read them at:
International Newswire:
· An Illegal and Immoral War: Betrayed by Images of Our Own Racism
· How to Get Out of Iraq
· Jailed Iraqis Hidden from Red Cross, Says US Army . At least 25 prisoners were murdered while in US custody
· "What's the Difference Between Them & Saddam?" Iraqis: Disgusted, But Not Surprised at Torture
· Mercenaries Implicated in Iraqi Prison Abuse Remain on the Job
· Iraqi Editor, journalists from US-funded Al-Sabah newspaper quit, join opposition to the occupation
· The U.S. Has Lost the Battle of the Photographs
· US Defeat in Fallujah
· Why Antarctica will soon be the only place to live - literally
· New Yorker: Torture at Abu Ghraib
Read them at:
The Newspaper of the Left

Come visit us often as we publish daily
Latest Articles:
How the US Lost the War in Iraq and Why Republicans and Democrats Refuse to Accept Defeat
By Carlos Petroni
Monday, May 10, 2004
"The United States is not what is wrong with the world" -- Donald Rumsfeld
"Perish the Universe, provided I have my revenge" -- Cyrano de Bergerac
Let’s face it, George W. Bush and the US have already lost the war and occupation of Iraq. The only thing remaining is to find out how many more people, both Iraqis and US soldiers, will need to die before the US Armed Forces are chased out of Iraq for good and the Bush administration – along with their Democratic and Republican supporters in Congress – admit their failure.

500 Delegates, 35 Political Parties, form Moderate Anti-occupation Coalition Emerges in Baghdad, Rejects Collaborators
Al-Dhari has rejected the IGC (Iraqi Governing Council) calling it a US-imposed group
A pan-Iraqi group has been formed to oppose the occupation of Iraq and has immediately called for a meeting with UN envoy al-Akhdar al-Ibrahimi in a direct challenge to the country's US-appointed leadership.
About 500 Iraqis met in Baghdad on Saturday to set up a national political force free of US influence to push for a handover of sovereignty under the auspices of the United Nations.

Washington Post: U.S. May Be Winning Battles in Iraq, Losing the War, Some Officers Say

"Private Contractor" Torin Nelson, professional interrogator, speaks about his job in Abu Ghraib
by Julian Borger in Washington

Ralph Nader's Presidential bid: The Power of a Peace Candidate
By Jackson Diehl
Why should voters choose Nader? Because Kerry, Nader told the reporters, "is stuck in the Iraq quagmire the same way Bush is." That leaves the independent as the sole choice for "the peace movement in this country."
A Washington Post/ABC News poll showed him at 3 percent in early March, about equal to the 2.8 percent he polled in 2000. Five weeks later he was at 6 percent in the same poll and 5 percent in the New York Times and CNN polls. According to those polls, almost all his support has been drawn from Kerry.
46% of Americans now think the US should leave Iraq immediately and the number is going nowhere but up.

NED: Exporting Bi-Partisan Imperialized "Democracy"
What is the NED -- National Endowment for Democracy -- up to?
By Benjamin Duncan in Washington, DC
Haiti anti-Aristide groups, Venezuelan opposition and Middle East collaborators among those to receive NED money
Recent media reports triggered accusations that NED may have indirectly contributed to political unrest in Venezuela by providing grants to organizations that oppose the Chavez government.

British Petroleum withdraws from Iraq, cites security and political troubles
Chief oil industry executive cites security and political fears

US soldiers opposed to the war in Iraq, fled to Canada, ask for political asylum
'Soldiers of Conscience' Take Sixties Route to Canada
by Marcus Warren
Two American soldiers opposed to the war in Iraq have abandoned their units and fled to Canada in a desertion evoking the exodus of young men north of the border during the Vietnam era.
The two soldiers are seeking asylum as refugees, arguing that they face persecution for their beliefs - and in theory the death penalty - if they return.

San Francisco Metroscope
Deceivingly Local News
· Counterpunch: Ron Jacobs blasts SF Bay Guardian pro-war position of voting Kerry
· San Francisco cops attempt coup d'etat against civilian, elected officials
· Carole Migden, other Democrats and the Bay Guardian dump $$$ to influence the Green Party primaries
· Matt Gonzalez quits re-election bid. Is it all over for Greens and progressive leftists?
Read them at:

US News & Reports:
· Washington Post: U.S. May Be Winning Battles in Iraq, Losing the War, Some Officers Say
· Rumsfeld Under Fire, Testify amidst Protests by Code Pink and others
· Iraq: Cracks in the Empire's façade pre-announces its fall
· Should the Green Party mollify the Democrats?
Read them at:

International Newswire:
· An Illegal and Immoral War: Betrayed by Images of Our Own Racism
· How to Get Out of Iraq
· Jailed Iraqis Hidden from Red Cross, Says US Army . At least 25 prisoners were murdered while in US custody
· "What's the Difference Between Them & Saddam?" Iraqis: Disgusted, But Not Surprised at Torture
· Mercenaries Implicated in Iraqi Prison Abuse Remain on the Job
· Iraqi Editor, journalists from US-funded Al-Sabah newspaper quit, join opposition to the occupation
· The U.S. Has Lost the Battle of the Photographs
· US Defeat in Fallujah
· Why Antarctica will soon be the only place to live - literally
· New Yorker: Torture at Abu Ghraib
Read them at:

Frontlines Newspaper