Abu Graib Macht Frei???
Pensive | 10.05.2004 13:47 | Anti-militarism | London | World
Tried to MSN ya and started writing poetry:
we be goin to abu graib
to win the war that rummy gave.
of thousands of innocents who lie in their graves
uncle sammy thinks only of sunny days.
that dream is a nightmare for those whose homes we invade
so that we can choose several octane grades.
long live petroleum, the opiate of the masses..
on whose energy we waste and create greenhouse gases
the oil we love so much, we are truly addicted
that junkies we have become, sadistic and wicked
All I can see is a sign made of wrought iron, branded into the sky, "Abu Graib Macht Frei..."
Hide the following 9 comments
10.05.2004 18:45
The milk of human compassion...
10.05.2004 20:11
Discuss or rant according to taste.
Skyver Bill
The micro-Auschwitzes
10.05.2004 20:46
Where the comparison lies is in the same demonization of the "other" race; the reduction of the "other" to animals; the joy that the torturers and killers, male and female, took in their work; the clear lack of concern that their crimes were being photographed.
"What could be wrong with torturing and killing vermin? They're not innocent, they're not human beings accused of a crime. They're terrorists. They're responsible for 9/11. They're vermin. Rats. They'll destroy us. Wipe them out. Take pictures to show how well we did it."
Yes, today's camp guards were caught this time. The evidence can't be denied this time, without the deniers looking ridiculous. The US is in a different military position in this war to 1940s Germany, and communications technology has leaped forward.
But while the scale is different for this single prison, the crime is exactly the same.
None of the western leaders responsible for the tens of millions of innocents dead in Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Biafra, Dresden, Hiroshima, Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, and so on, will ever be court-martialled. Kissinger will never go to his Spandau prison. He's still in great demand on the lecture circuit. John Negroponte's brilliant career abroad goes on. They make charming documentaries here in Britain about Alan Clarke, and build statues of "Bomber" Harris. And the architects of the latest micro-Auschwitzes- Rumsfeld, Bremer, Wolfowitz, Myers - will never face trial. They'll retire on full pensions with full honours, get rich in defense directorships, and continue to be honoured and feted by the blinkered pigs who elected them.
The similarity is there, as plain as day, if you choose not to ignore it.
"Skyver Bill"
10.05.2004 21:43
In what way is this post or the comments following it connected to Zionism, except in your twisted, hateful mind?
> Or perhaps Israel considers Iraq to be another land without people ripe for the taking
In what way is this post or the comments following it connected to Israel, except in your twisted, hateful mind?
> so the trolls are starting on the dehumanisation of another section of the arab world
Following your ridiculous comments that are motivated by nothing more than old-fashioned hatred, it would be more accurate to say "So the trolls are starting on the dehumanisation of Jews, denying their inalienable right to live in peace in a state of their own."
> Discuss or rant according to taste.
As you wish, hatemonger.
10.05.2004 22:52
Skyver Bill: How, by what possible convoluted twists of logic, do you deduce that I am a zionist troll (wrong) without human compassion for the sufferings of others (wrong) especially for those unconnected with the "little bit of local difficulty" with which "I am so pathologically obsessed" (Israel? wrong), and that I'm starting on the dehumanisation of another section of the arab world (wrong)? I really would love to know how you worked that out.
Spanner: "Nobody is suggesting that dozens of dead and tortured at Abu Ghraib is comparable in scale to the enormous numbers of dead and tortured at Auschwitz." In which case the author of the original post made an exceptionally bad choice of words. Out of all the things in the world he/she could have used, they chose Auschwitz.
11.05.2004 09:56
Apologies & clarifications
11.05.2004 20:07
Tazaar, I don't hate Jews - I didn't even mention them in my post: I spoke of zionists, the largest group of whom are made up of American right wing "Christians", and Israelis, 20% of whom are Arab Muslims and Christians. As to anybody's inalienable right to live in peace, this does come with some quite onerous responsibilities. For example, I live in a diverse, multicultural area of my home city out of choice because I value the varitey that the coming together of people from different cultures has to offer. That does not mean that if I woke up one morning to find that members of any or all of these groups had broken into my home, in force, and were trying to force me and my family out that I would just sit back and applaud. I would fight, using any method and means available to me to get them out - not because I hated them, but beacause I would be defending MY inalienable right to live in peace.
Israel needs to learn that if it wishes to claim the rights everyone else expects to enjoy it must be prepared to be judged by the same standards as well. Until it does this it will continue to receive much justified criticism in these pages and in many others around the world.
Skyver Bill
Please, get some pacts before posting such ill-informed oppinion.
15.05.2004 23:15
Disagree all you want. Time will prove Bush right (and Righteous).
Stacey J, Wheeler
e-mail: stacey@scotlandmail.com
Stunning ignorance from the USA
16.05.2004 01:41
Self-righteous yank idiots lecturing us for not appreciating US efforts to "make the world a better place" make me want to spew into the nearest bucket.
Take a minute to crack open a history book.
Learn about the US' "great and (I dare say) impressive history" of ignoring British and French pleas for help until two years into the war, after the Battle of Britain was won in 1941.
Learn about how US corporations like General Electric, General Motors, Ford and IBM traded actively and profitably with the Nazis, and played an essential role in building up the Nazis' technology and efficiency in the death camps.
Learn about how the Bush family fortune was built on trading with the Nazis.
Learn about how Prescott Bush and his collaborators played a central role in financing and arming Adolf Hitler for his takeover of Germany, and how US banks financed the buildup of Nazi war industries for the conquest of Europe.
Learn how they helped in the development of Nazi genocide theories and racial propaganda, with the slave labor and extermination camps as the result.
The fact that whining US hypocrites have been foaming at the mouth about the Nick Berg photos but are virtually silent about their barbaric and brutal murder of 10,000 Iraqi civilians with "freedom-loving" cluster bombs and "peace loving" Depleted Uranium shells, tells us in Europe more than we needed to know about our so-called "friends" in the USA.