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Bush in France 5 June

spanner | 08.05.2004 11:15 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | World

The world's sorriest war criminal is coming to France shortly. Stopping off in the UK?

International terrorist George W. Bush will be visiting France on 5 June. First stop will be Paris, where he'll be meeting Chirac.

On the following day he'll be driven over to Normandy, for the real purpose of his visit: to look pensive and reverent for the cameras, and try to position himself as some sort of reluctant warrior.

Further details to follow.



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Nothing to worry about, as usual!!!!

10.05.2004 08:38

As usual, we have nothing (or everything, as you want!) to worry about. Not a single demo is planed by French organisations!!! ATTAC is voiceless!!! 2 years ago, W.B already came to Normandy, and we had to bring José Bové and Leila Chahid in order to convice 1,200 people of being in the streets in Caen. The day before, The Busher was in Paris and only 5,000 people were in the streets.
The day before Bush came into France, he was in Berlin: thanks to their long time known activsm, 80,000 people were caliming that POTUS (President Of The United States) was not welcomed.

Shame on us, litlle frog eaters!!!


Demos in France against Bush, at last...

04.06.2004 06:35

for latest news about the demos in france against the coming of pdt Bush : (in french)

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