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US connection points to CIA/P2OG possibly behind Madrid bombings

George Dubois | 08.05.2004 07:09 | Anti-militarism | Repression

In an attempt to sway the Spanish election, expecting a US type reaction to carry on bombing anything that moves within 2000 miles of where Bin Laden might be ....but of course, the Spanish were 90% opposed to the illegal USUK attack and the illegal WMD of cluster bombs and DU, and more informed about international law and the Geneva Convention etc.
The P2OG op. did not work. Poodler no. 2 Aznar had to go.

The fingerprints of the American lawyer arrested in Oregon in the Madrid terror bombing probe were found on a bag containing detonators like those used in the March 11 attack, the Spanish government said Friday.

The fingerprints of the American lawyer arrested in Oregon in the Madrid terror bombing probe were found on a bag containing detonators like those used in the March 11 attack, the Spanish government said Friday.
The plastic shopping bag was found inside a stolen van left near the train station from which three of the four bombed trains departed, an Interior Ministry official said on condition of anonymity.
Brandon Mayfield, a 37-year-old lawyer and former U.S. Army officer who converted to Islam, was taken into custody Thursday by FBI agents, who also searched his home in the Portland suburb of Aloha.
It was the first known arrest of a U.S. citizen in connection with the March 11 attack in Madrid that killed 191 people and injured 2,000 others.
The detonators in the bag were of the same kind used in the attacks, the government has said previously.
The van was found in Alcala de Henares, about 20 miles northeast of Madrid. Inside, police also found an Arabic-language cassette tape with verses from the Quran, investigators have said.
The government's announcement of the van's discovery, after insisting that Basque separatists were the prime suspects, was its first public admission of a possible Islamic link in Spain's worst terrorist attack.
The bombings have been blamed on an alleged Moroccan-based Islamic extremist cell with possible links to al-Qaida.

Mayfield, was arrested Thursday on a material witness warrant and has not been charged with any crime, according to a senior law enforcement official in Washington, D.C., speaking on condition of anonymity. A material witness warrant allows the government to hold people suspected of having direct knowledge about a crime or to allow time for further investigation into the witness.

As a former Army officer, Mayfield's fingerprints would be on file with the government. A law enforcement official said Mayfield's fingerprints were not on file because of any crime or as part of the government's terrorism databases.
Beth Anne Steele, a spokeswoman for the FBI in Portland, said two search warrants had been served Thursday in Washington County, which includes Aloha. She would not release further details.

Mayfield passed the Oregon bar in 2000 and largely kept a low profile in the Portland legal community until 2002, when he volunteered to represent Muslim terrorism suspect Jeffrey Battle in a child custody case.
Battle was among six Portland area residents who were sentenced last year on charges of conspiring to wage war against the United States by helping al-Qaida and the former Taliban rulers of Afghanistan.
Mayfield was not involved with Battle's defense in that case. Law enforcement officials in Washington did not know of any contacts between Mayfield and the other Portland terrorism defendants.

Mayfield converted to Islam in the late 1980s and regularly attended Friday prayers at a Beaverton mosque, said mosque administrator Shahriar Ahmed.
Friends and family said they were shocked by the arrest.
Outside their home near Portland late Thursday, Mona Mayfield described her husband as "a good man, a good father, a good husband." The couple have two sons, ages 10 and 15, and a 12-year-old daughter.

Portland attorney Tom Nelson, who described himself as a mentor, said he received a call Thursday afternoon from Mayfield asking for help.
"His wife was in tears because of the way the search was conducted. The FBI apparently hurt things in the house, left things in disarray," Nelson told reporters outside Mayfield's home. "He is a regular, run-of-the-mill guy."
Nelson also said Mayfield had never traveled to Spain.
"Obviously, the government holds all the cards in these kinds of situations," Nelson told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Friday. "It can release any kind of information it thinks it wants to release and the other side is prohibited to speaking on the merits so I can't speak to the merits."
"He's in no position, to, say, do forensic tests of his own" on the alleged fingerprints, Nelson added. He said he was speaking as a friend and was not acting as Mayfield's legal counsel.

Mayfield's father, Bill Mayfield, of Halstead, Kan., said his son spent most of his youth in Kansas and attended Washburn University in Topeka, Kan. Bill Mayfield said he was not able to talk to his son after the arrest.
"It's ludicrous. There's no way he did this," Bill Mayfield said.

Spanish authorities blame the attack on Islamic extremists, possibly linked to al-Qaida. Eighteen people have been charged, six with mass murder and the others with collaboration or with belonging to a terrorist organization.

George Dubois
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strategy of tension? more like Murder incorporated

08.05.2004 11:05

links to P2?

he smells of CIA , but I need to know how P2 are involved...its a pretty good bet
they are...Berlosconi [former media operations head man for P2] was so ingratiating
at the Madrid funerals, it was sickening.

last week 'the independent' did a report on the new red brigades
still blaming the old red brigade on the death of Aldo Moro in 1978 and 2
train bombings in the 80's...

the report failed to remember the trial which found major government ties to
fascist groups such as P2 had infiltrated the red brigades...and were running it as a
terror / tension apparatus...

Berlusconi was head of Group 17- P2's media section tasked with influencing public opinion and with P-2's help moved into the television business , his companies now dominate the Italian media and have been instrumental in his election success in a coalition with the 'National Alliance' a split from the old Fascist part . The Media in Italy continues to link the modern radical left with the 'days of lead', with i.e. the terrorism of the 70ies.

Licio Gelli and Propaganda Due

"The doors of all bank vaults open to the right." The words were spoken by Licio Gelli, the Venerable Master of Propaganda Due (P2), an Italian Masonic lodge with extreme right wing affiliations. P2 was a "covered" lodge, a term that denoted it was secret and operated outside of normal Masonic control. Numbered amongst its 1000 plus members were senior individuals from Italy's ruling elite. These included members of the armed services, the security and intelligence services, parliamentarians, civil servants, members of the judiciary and prominent figures from finance, industry, publishing and other sectors.

Born in Tuscany in 1919, Gelli was a fascist who saw service in a Black Shirts Battalion in the Spanish civil war. During WW11 he became a liaison officer in the SS Hermann Goering Division. This background leapfrogged him to the attention of the Italian Secret Service and later to the British and Soviet secret services. Thereafter he was to assume a shadowy and powerful role as a broker of influence in the CIA and NATO sponsored "Operation Gladio" - a covert operation that created turmoil throughout Italy during the 1960s and 1970s. Gelli's power arose from the most sensitive files gathered by the Italian secret service that were handed to him in 1967. Armed with this inside information he was able to blackmail and coerce his way across the spectrum of Italy's ruling elite, for which he was dubbed "The Puppet Master."

He alleged that in Italy British intelligence had assisted in the formation of (secret military units and had provided training in both Britain and Sardinia to which hundreds of men had been flown in blacked-out planes. The strength of the Italian Stay Behind group was put at about 12,000 men.

So far the existence of the plan has officially admitted in Holland Luxembourg, France, Switzerland Greece, Germany, Turkey and Italy where the story first hit the headlines and caused a massive political scandal as part of the investigation into the terrorist murder of Aldo Moro.

According to our source, Moro was sacrificed because he defied a US veto on appointing communists to his government The murder was carried out by the Red Brigade, which had been heavily penetrated by agents of the Italian security services.

"There were other activities as well and there were Stay Behind people implicated in the fascist bomb attack on Bolobna railway station in 1980". In that attack, 85 people were killed and hundreds injured.

Last summer one of the men jailed for his part in the Bologna mass murder - Licio Gelli, the grandmaster of the P2 masonic lodge - was released after a sucessful appeal against his conviction.

In the interview the ex-NATO operative said that Ted Shackley, the CIA's deputy station chief in Rome, "fixed a meeting between Alexander Haig and Gelli at the US embassy in Rome in the early 1970s, when Haig was President Nixon's chief of staff".

"Money", he said, "was then filtered to Stay Behind or Gladio as it was called in Italy with the blessing and knowledge of both Haig and the then head of the US National Security Council, Henry Kissinger. Their aim was to prevent a communist takeover at all costs.

"This did not come cheap. To my knowledge, the CIA alone spent over $100 million on Stay Behind in Europe and this was quite separate from other funds coming out of Washington.

"There were, and still are arms dumps all over Europe", he said, "and as many as 900 of these remain intact". It was confirmed in Rome on 20 November that explosives from one such secret arsenal at Aurisina in Italy went missing in late 1971 just before a fascist car-bomb attack killed three policemen at Peteano.

Turning to Germany, the ex-intelligence man had further dramatic revelations. He avowed that the US Office of Policy Co-ordination, which fronted for the CIA, had "incorporated lock, stock and barrel the espionage outfit run by Hitler's spy chief Reinhard Gehlen

"This is well known", he commented, "because Gehlen was the spiritual father of Stay Behind in Germany and his role was known to the West German leader, Konrad

Adenauer, from the outset. Adenauer signed a secret protocol with the US on West Germany's entry into NATO in May 1955 in which it was agreed that the West German authorities would refrain from active legal pursuit of known right-wing extremists.

"What is not so well-known", he went on, "is that other top German politicians were privy to the existence of secret resistance plans. One of these was the then German State Secretary and former high-ranking nazi, Hans Globke".

Elaborating on this, our source said that the operation drew its main personnel from former SS and Waffen SS men during the early post-war years and that these were trained by officers of the British SIS. Later the operation was taken over by a secret wing of the Federal German Intelligence Service, the BND.

It must be remembered that these events took place against a backdrop of unprecedented American intervention in Italy's political life, including $100 million in covert funding of political parties and a fine example of gunboat democracy during the first post-Mussolini election when the U.S. Mediterranean Fleet was poised off the coast near Rome ready to send in the Marines should the electorate make the wrong decision. Although the 'venerable master' Gelli was a regular visitor to the U.S. Embassy and has had rumours of C.I.A. links surface around him it is not clear, what, if any role was played by the C.I.A. in these events, in the least benevolent neutrality was more than likely their attitude. Whatever the case may be, the ghosts of the Greek military coup of 1967 hang over the murky shadows where Italy's secret state and fascist underground meet. This coup and subsequent military regime enjoyed full U.S. backing and was headed by one Colonel Papadopoulos a C.I.A. agent. Shortly before this during a dispute with the Greek Ambassador over American proposals to partition Cyprus, U.S. President Lyndon Johnson delivered the following tirade:

"Fuck your parliament and your constitution. America is an elephant, Cyprus is a flea, Greece is a flea. If these two fellows continue itching the elephant, they may just get whacked by the elephants trunk, whacked good . . . . If your Prime Minister gives me more talk about democracy, parliament and constitution, he, his, parliament and his constitution may not last very long"
[from same source as Berlosconis group 17 peice]

question? so what are ETA, nowadays?

Al queda are a CIA gladio style infiltrated group...
the madrasses were funded by the CIA through the Pakistani ISI [secret service]
similarly to the school of the Americas...of which there are a few dotted
through Kyrgistan, Tajikistan etc...
the UN has helped to actually supply guerrilla literature
and training etc to these schools

According to Abou El Fadl, “during the Afghan war against the Soviets, madrassas emerged in Pakistan that were concerned less with scholarship than with war on infidels.” Those were not madrassas. They were semi-military training camps, run by Pakistan army and ISI, and the literature provided by the US. It is wrong to equate those with the traditional madrassas.

According to Joe Stephens and David B. Ottaway (“The ABC's of Jihad in Afghanistan”, The Washington Post, March 23, 2002), International patrons supplied arms and religious literature that flooded Pakistani madrassas. Special textbooks were published in Dari and Pashtu, designed by the Centre for Afghanistan Studies at the University of Nebraska-Omaha under a USAID grant in the early 1980s. Written by American Afghanistan experts and anti-Soviet Afghan educators, they aimed at promoting values of Mujahideen and military training among Afghans.

The same lessons are equally applicable to the all the invaders and occupiers. USAID paid the University of Nebraska U.S. $51 million from 1984 to 1994 to develop and design these textbooks, which were mostly printed in Pakistan. Over 13 million were distributed at Afghan refugee camps and Pakistani madrassas “where students learnt basic math by counting dead Russians and Kalashnikov rifles”.[1] What else can the US expect from the kith and kin of the people they trained and “indoctrinated.” Why blame madrassas? Whatever was true yesterday is true today as well. There can be no double standards of application for truth and justice.

Michael Moores new film,
Bin laden/CIA/ SAUDI connection...join the dots
911 was an op
link to saudi links to 911 below

At the heart of America's struggle against Communism was the CIA plan to destabilise the Soviet Union through the spread of Islamic fanaticism across Muslim Central Asian Soviet republics. Between 1980 and 1989, CIA poured in some $6 billion (other estimates go as high as $20 billion) in arms, ammunition, recruiting, establishing an extensive madrassa network, training, feeding and arming of recruits. Saudi Arabia matched the US dollar-for-dollar. Wealthy Arabs poured in additional millions. Egypt and China also helped out.

In 1980, Prince Turki al-Faisal, the then head of Istakhbarat, Saudi Arabia's secret service, handpicked Osama bin Laden to provide engineering and organisational help to the fighting Mujahideen in Afghanistan. Osama was provided hundreds of millions with which he bought heavy construction equipment from Saudi Arabia destined for Afghanistan's guerrilla camps.

USA strategy of tension at home [KKK and anti war infiltration]
COINTELPRO: The Untold American Story

Captain Wardrobe

Red Brigades 'leader' on trial for murder

08.05.2004 11:08

re-writing history????

Red Brigades 'leader' on trial for murder
By Peter Popham in Rome
04 May 2004

The alleged leader of an ultra-left wing offshoot of the Red Brigades, captured last year after a gunfight on a train, went on trial in Florence yesterday charged with murder and attempted murder.

Nadia Desdemona Lioce, who describes herself as a political prisoner and a militant, was penned in a cage in a high-security courtroom, apparently at her own request. Francesco Fleury, for the prosecution, said: "It's the first trial of the new Red Brigades and so undoubtedly today is a very significant day ... The central core of the Red Brigades structure has been captured."

Ms Lioce and her companion, Mario Galesi, were travelling on a train from Rome to Florence in March last year when police came through the carriage, checking identity papers.

Ms Lioce and Galesi were said to have produced guns and, in the exchange of fire, Galesi and a policeman were fatally wounded. Ms Lioce was arrested unharmed. She is on trial for the shootings on the train.

The original Red Brigades was an ultra-left revolutionary group responsible for a string of bombings, kidnappings and murders in Italy during the 1970s and 1980s.

Their most notorious deed was the capture of the former prime minister Aldo Moro in 1978. After holding him for 55 days they killed him and left his body in the boot of a car in central Rome.

Unlike Germany's Baader-Meinhof Gang, the Red Brigades never formally dissolved, but most of its leaders were either in jail, in exile or reformed.

The organisation had been dormant for more than a decade, but were then linked to the murders of two academics, Massimo D'Antona in 1999 and Marco Biagi in 2002. The men were experts in labour law and had been used by successive Italian governments to help draw up new laws to curtail the rights of Italy's workers.

The five-pointed star, a symbol of the Red Brigades, was sprayed on a wall near the body of one of the men, and a group styling itself the Red Brigades-Combatant Communist Party claimed responsibility for both killings.

The arrest of Ms Lioce was a breakthrough for police investigating the murders. She and Galesi were carrying mobile phones, electronic organisers, maps and documents which helped police to make a further sixarrests last October.

Several of those detained declared themselves to be political prisoners. Ms Lioce herself, in one of the numerous letters she has written to judges in different Italian cities, has allegedly claimed responsibility for the two murders.

Ms Lioce made no statement yesterday. But her lawyer said that she intends to deliver a "spontaneous declaration", which is the right of those on trial in Italian courts.

Captain Wardrobe

Proactive Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG)

08.05.2004 23:49

I think this is the the P2OG referred to

`P2OG' allows Pentagon to fight dirty, by David Isenberg, 11/5/02

" ... The following is mirrored from its source at: `P2OG' allows Pentagon to fight dirty. by David Isenberg. ... "

Ansta Relii
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09.05.2004 09:49

NSA implemented Gladio 1947 after being signed into being by president Truman

NSA commands secret wars...against communists using nazi intell

NSA run eschelon system

NSA covert operations such as stimulating response...

exatly the same as the 'strategy of tension'

Abu Ghraib is a psy-op

Real torture used to bait and stimulate more terror...?
justify yet more self made attacks

= more money invested into private defense firms/
sigint/eschelon/biometrics/security state

it's a force multiplier

my page on abuse

911 links to Abu Ghriab- Ewing 2001

Captain Wardrobe