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Northampton University solidarity with Palestine

Matt | 07.05.2004 17:11

This is a motion being put to our Student Union AGM next week...

Motion from Socialist Workers’ Student Society – Matthew Kidd

Thousands of Birzeit University students and their families have been seriously affected by the measures of the Israeli authorities. Israeli military checkpoints, roadblocks, closures and curfews prevent students and teachers from getting to school or University.

Israel's policy of internal sieges, closures and curfews make basic access to the classroom a daily struggle for students and teachers and have severely disrupted the educational process.
During the 2001-2002 school year alone, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Education:
• 216 students were killed
• 2514 students were injured
• 164 students were arrested
• 17 teachers were killed
• 71 teachers were arrested

Friends of Birzeit University is a registered charity who continues to campaign for academic freedom and against human rights violations of Birzeit University students and staff. Their main focus is on the Gaza Student Campaign, which highlights the problems students from Gaza face in attempting to study at West Bank universities.


1. To support and campaign for the right to education for all Palestinian students.

2. To send a letter of support to the Birzeit University Student Council.

3. To support the Right to Education Campaign.

4. To affiliate to Friends of Birzeit University in the UK (

The main benefits are in terms of showing solidarity with our fellow students at Birzeit and building relationships with Palestinian students. How far the relationship could develop - perhaps to exchanges - depends on the commitment and funds available.



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Stop the War ...

08.05.2004 21:19

The UCN Stop the War group is also proposing a motion in support of ending the war and spending the money on higher education (where it is needed!). The exact motions were written by James Hadfield...

However, our Uni has a quite un-democratic history, as they dis-affiliated with the NUS and that is one of the topics of the AGM. But they are not advertising the meeting, and if 100 people don't turn up, it doesn't happen!
