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BNP's new 'family friendly' image is exposed! Robertson is 'Stormfront' fanatic!

The May Queen | 07.05.2004 11:38 | Anti-racism

Who’s the family man in the BNP’s new family friendly image? Andy Robertson, AKA ‘JohnJoyTree’, The obsessive controller of the worlds most notorious openly neo-nazi bulletin board, that’s all! Read his sad and lurid tale here!

In the run up to the Euro-elections, the BNP has had a makeover. They are now desperately trying to ditch the skinhead thug image they had used to recruit hardcore neo-nazis in the 1980’s. They now want to project a fluffy family friendly image to woo the voters.

Part of this image change involves putting a new masthead on the front page of its website. Off comes the party’s previous online logo, a photo of Nick Griffin, the ubiquitously pictured wannabe Furhur, (an image which still leers unattractively from the top of virtually every other page on the site). Instead, up go some family snapshots, which flank the new slogan “striving for a better Britain for people just like you”.

To represent the “people just like you” is a middle aged man in an orange shirt with his arm around his young daughter, posed in front of the rolling green English countryside of Sussex. So who is this new icon chosen to represent us ordinary folk? A bit of digging, and we find a somewhat more sad and sinister reality lies beneath the image the BNP are trying to project.

The man with his daughters in the picture is Andy Robertson, a single father from Lewes in Sussex. Andy could once be seen as a nice guy, even bit of an old hippy, with a love for the Sussex landscape, trees, the works of JRR Tolkein and science fiction.

However, his friends have noticed a change in Andy since the tragic early death of his wife a few years ago. In his lonely shock and depression, Andy took to the internet to find solace. His interest in romance, fantasy fiction and folklore intensified into obsession. He particularly became increasingly drawn into old Norse mythology, and its wonderful story of the tree of life, Yggdrasil.

However, in his despair he became beguiled by the writings of an American neo-nazi, who had twisted the myth of Yggdrasil into doctrines of white power and neo-fascism. While in ancient Norse belief, Yggdrasil, the tree of life connected the nine regions of the cosmos, the American Nazis had perverted it to the nutcase claim that:

“In the context of White Nationalism, one can assume that Yggdrasil binds together different classes of Europeans and reminds them of their ancient (and modern!) tribal obligations.”(!)

This is a good illustration of how alienated North American white folks often romanticise their European past in order to try to escape their suburban and mundane emptiness as modern consumers. However, for the American neo-nazi scene, these myths have become twisted into tools for race hate and fascism. Here, all the beliefs and myths that motivated Hitler still abound, from the belief in a worldwide Jewish conspiracy, to holocaust denial and white Aryan supremacism. It was in these murkey depths that Andrew W. Robertson’s mind was to become entangled.

Robertson is now known as ‘JohnJoyTree’ on the North American based websites he frequents. Indeed under this pseudonym he has become the senior moderator on the notorious openly Nazi ‘stormfront’ bulletin boards! As ‘senior moderator’ of the website he allows posts which fantasise about killing all Jews, the violent repression of black and Asian people, and the elimination of gay people and the disabled. In other words, the usual diet of Nazi propaganda which the BNP claims to have left behind! Since joining ‘stormfront’ in November 2001 Robertson himself has written a staggering 20,649 posts on this website alone.! His obsessive rantings include speculations on magic, the plots of sword and sorcery fantasy fiction, paranoia about Jews and singles ads for Aryan-only dating! His list of links to recommended websites included at the bottom of all his postings includes the BNP and the hate site called ‘Jew Watch’. Accompanying all these postings are diatribes praising the deeds of Adolf Hitler!

As if to exemplify where Robertsons confused and dangerous ideas can lead, he himself is attacked by other Nazis on the internet as not white enough! This is because he himself is descended from Puerto Ricans. Others accuse him of not being sexist and right wing enough, deriding him a feminist and a Jew! Such is the shady and terrifying world of the fascist far right he has become embroiled in.

So this is the new ‘Mr Family man’ pinup the BNP has chosen to represent ‘people just like you’ on their website! A sad and twisted fanatic, who has adopted hardcore Nazi beliefs so extreme that even the old Tyndallite BNP would blush. And a single father prepared to exploit his two young daughters, Alice and Claire, by putting them on the front page of the BNP’s website! Would any normal, sane parent use and expose their young children in this way, as icons for a far right political party? Would their Mother have allowed this?

The BNP are obviously totally out of touch with the ordinary people of this land if they think this creep in any way represents ‘people just like us’!

The May Queen


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Some illustrations

07.05.2004 11:50

The new BNP website front page masthead
The new BNP website front page masthead

the original photo
the original photo

Andy Robertson, Lurid and tragic character
Andy Robertson, Lurid and tragic character

Here are some illustrations to go with the story!

The May Queen!

Well done

07.05.2004 13:55

Great research, well done.


Shocking but unfortunately true!

07.05.2004 15:28

It is so sick that Andy has become this Nazi monster! People in Brighton's Science Fiction community will be shocked to hear this. Andy Robertson is the assistant editor of David Pringle's Brighton based 'Interzone' science fiction magazine. This has had arts council grants, deals with major publishers, and a multi-racial following! But his vile neo-nazi rantings on Stormfront revolt us. We now want nothing more to do with this man!

And how do poor Alice and Claire feel about being turned into a corporate logo for Britains most hated political party? They are still children! Why exploit their innocence? Why get them involved in this ghastly political battle? Andy uses happy family photo's from summertime picnics in the lovely south Downs countryside around Stane Street and Petworth, and uses them on the nazi BNP website!!! These poor girls! First they loose their Mother, and then their father uses them as neo-nazi race hate propganda for the BNP website!

Crazy! Nuts!

I have a horrible feeling that something deeply traumatic and twisted is happening here. We must help them!


Ursula Anarchos

Neo nazi link to Dublin Mayday event

07.05.2004 16:13

Many of those present on the anti-European Union demonstration in Dublin were fascists who want to preserve Britains national status and so strongly oppose the European Union. Fascists were also the strongest opponants of the Common Market in the 1970s and were active in the recent Referendom Party's campaign for a referendom to be held on closer European unity. Furthermore fascists have been known to be active on many anti-capitalist and Mayday events. In Mayday 2000 several people spotted fascists taking part in the days actions.


Er . . .

07.05.2004 17:33

"Many of those present on the anti-European Union demonstration in Dublin were fascists"

I can only assume you mean the militarised 'only following orders' police, who were actually a lot less fascist than they often are at such events e.g. Miami anti-FTAA.


Keep focused on the story!

07.05.2004 18:17

Hey, poster called "investigator"...why don't you do some investigating and then write a story with evidence and stuff, and then post it on indymedia as a new story? This would be better than comming out with some old half baked rumours about fascist infiltration of the anti-capitalist movement!
And why post your trolling rumour here, below my story, a post which only distracts attention from the exposure of a leading fascist, and leads to a flame war? My story about JohnJoyTree being Andy Robertson, who is also the supposedly 'family friendly' icon on the BNP's front page is based on a lot of solid research, backed up by the evidence.
i.e. put some work in before you incontinently post here!

The May Queen

This article is about 50% accurate.

08.05.2004 16:31

While some of this article rings true, much of it consists of bald-faced lies about Andy.

Anyone who has read SF more than five minutes can see that JohnJoyTree (Andy Robertson) is Stormfront's single most outspoked critic of those who fantasize about killing Jews, those who worship Hitler, and those who profess hate for other races.

As a matter of fact, Andy's understanding that the desire to preserve native races in their native lands (in this case, the European people in Europe) does not, by any means, necessesitate hatred of other races or the worship of Nazis has made Andy the object of great criticism among those who cling to the old "White Supremacist" stereoptypes that plague our independence movement.

On SF, VNN, and other WN boards, Andy is repeatedly attacked for not allowing posts fantasizing about killing people of other races or for criticising posts from those who worship Hitler. It has made him the object of intense hate among Neo-Nazis (who are very different in many ways from White Nationalists. As a matter of fact, Neo-Nazis refer to JohnJoyTree as "JohnJewTree," among other less polite names.

It's sad that Andy is now being attacked from both sides. He's a genuinely good-hearted person who cares about the Britain that his daughters and people her age will inherit. He's most definitely not a Neo-Nazi, he's most definitely not a White supremacist, and he's most definitely not a race hater.

I'd suggest you get your facts straight before you begin slander campaigns against good people.

A Stormfronter
- Homepage:

100 % accurate!

08.05.2004 18:48

Aha, this is all so funny.
Today, (sat 8th) a post appeared on sturmfront saying Robertson was not JJT, and that Indymedia should be sued. Then, suddenly, that post was removed by the 'moderator'! Funny, or what?
Coz The May Queen writes the truth! Thats why!!!

Now they are claiming that Robertson is only a 'moderate Nazi'. He doesn't go around publicly advocating violence, oh no! He is a sensitive, eccentric, romantic, tree loving Nazi. Ahhh!

But he still believes in all the Nazi ideology...that a Jewish conspiracy is responsible for ll societies ills, etc., and all the other deeply racist fantasies about people with different colour skins. etc etc. He supports the website called 'Jew Watch' for f*cks sake! Hitler's Nazis didn't start by advocating the extermination of the Jews, 'only' their removal to the East. But genocide is where the racial nationalisms of imperialist states leads to. Robertsons ideas will only lead people in the same tragic direction. White nationalism = Nazi. The word Nazi is an abbreviation of 'Nazionalist', after all!

The point is that the BNP are trying to hide their Nazi beliefs to con people out of their votes. To them, any public association with websites like stormfront are verboten (proscibed). But their cover is blown, time and time again. Coz the truth is, the leopard can't change its spots, only have a cosmetic whitewash for a bief while.

And the truth is, contrary to the slogan the ' Nazi Family Robertson' is photo used to illustrate, Robertson is not one of the 'people just like you' !!! Not many ordinary people follow the cult of Asatru!* Indeed, the BNP is currently trying to claim it is 'Christian' at the moment, to get the anti-muslim vote!!!
Nazis have a hard time speaking up for 'normal' people. This is becaise they arn't! They are always so paranoid that they will be exposed as weirdo's, perverts, occultists and extremists!

Stormfront contains openly Nazi postings. It uses Nazi symbols! Of course, there are even more extreme websites that attack both stormfront and the BNP, in a kind of no-hoper rightwing sectarian way!!! But these are marginal lunatics. The far right is full of squabbles, just like the far left. But they still line up behind the BNP as the best hope for a fascist breakthrough. Ever heard the expression 'thin end of the wedge'?

I just bet my mate a tenner that the BNP will remove their 'Nazi family Robertson' logo before too long!

So long, Nazi loosers!!!

*Asatru is a 'heathen', or 'pagan' cult, invented by nineteenth century victorian romantics, imagining they were reviving the old Norse beliefs, about Odin, Yggdrasil, etc. Not all of them are racists or Nazis. I have good friends into all this. They hate Nazis. But some Nazis like Asatru as well, and try to hijack it because Christianity is 'too Jewish' for them, as it comes from the Middle East! Surprising they don't try and find a Nordic version of St George to try to hijack, as George came from the Middle East too!!!
Nazi's/Nationalists will perish!!! You can read it in the runes, sucker!


Educate yourselves

08.05.2004 19:15

Maybe you dumbasses should try to educate yourselves before tossing accusations around. JohnJoyTree is known as being the most jew loving WN in existence. Posting his pics and claiming he is a Nazi is really laughable, I don't even like the guy but you really have no idea about him. It's not your place to post pics and real names. Posting pics of children is WRONG no matter what. How would you feel if harm came to one of his children because you published their picture?

VNN Member

Naming JJT on SF

08.05.2004 19:37

The thread was removed because we don't allow the public naming of posters. Happy?

Cteshwayo D'Soucequimn

grow up nazis

08.05.2004 20:41

Look you Nazi idiots there is no such thing as 'race', in the biological sense of the term. Modern biologists have all concluded that there is simply no such thing, no set block of 'whites' and 'blacks' and so on. Everybody has genetic differences and so on but there is no 'white race' or 'black race' or 'asian race'. Take the Chienese and Asians and so on. Modern racists admit that Asians are cleverer than 'whites' and 'blacks' in order to give their views credence, and in order to argue then that 'whites' are cleverer than 'blacks' and various indigenous groups. In fact indigenous groups, such as the aborigines in Australia, are genetically practically identical to the Asians who are supposedly genetically a more intelligent 'race'! Likewise, claims that 'blacks', as a 'race', are genetically better at sports have been shown to be completely untrue.

For a very informative article on race and the re-emergence of fascist racism with a respectable covering see this link:

someone with some brains


08.05.2004 20:47

Nice to have that sorted out.

Cteshwayo etc

Andy AKA JohnJoyTree a Nazi? YES!

09.05.2004 13:33

This article is about 50% accurate.
08.05.2004 17:31

While some of this article rings true, much of it consists of bald-faced lies about Andy.

{Like what? I have been following JohnJoyTree's postings since he joined Stormfront, and as far as what he has written there, the article is 100% accurate.}

Anyone who has read SF more than five minutes can see that JohnJoyTree (Andy Robertson) is Stormfront's single most outspoked critic of those who fantasize about killing Jews, those who worship Hitler, and those who profess hate for other races.

{Wrong. He is the single most outspoken critic of those who PUBLICALLY do these things. He counsels his newly purchased flock to present what he considers a wholesome image because he knows that KKK robes and Nazi paraphernalia are big turnoffs to people. Here is a quote from the Stormfront poster "Colonel Klink" followed by JohnJoyTrees response:
CK: "I agree, the usefullness of non-whites is at an end. Their time has passed."
JJT: "Hush, hush!!!
It might be true, but we are supposed to be NICE REASONABLE white nationalists who don't want to exterminate anyone!!!
Honest!! Really!!!"
So yes, Andy does scold some of the most immature and openly violent of his counterparts, asking for people to remove animated swastika GIFs and such, he seems to desire a movement that he can bring home to mother.}

As a matter of fact, Andy's understanding that the desire to preserve native races in their native lands (in this case, the European people in Europe) does not, by any means, necessesitate hatred of other races or the worship of Nazis has made Andy the object of great criticism among those who cling to the old "White Supremacist" stereoptypes that plague our independence movement.

{The fact that the guy is critical of some the most clownish and juvenile racists that he associates with doesn't mean that he is a neo-Nazi. The fact that he ascribes to the "Aryan racial principles". More JJT quotes from Stormfront:

"Scipio, I don't advocate the "integration of whites and judaism". I advocate the total destruction of jewish influence, and the removal of jews (to Israel)."

"I take the NSDAP position on "mischlings". If you don't think that is hard enough, fine. We disagree, no question. If you think that puts me "outside" the borders of White Nationalism you are talking out of your ass."

"On the point of jewish assimilation, I simply take the same approximate position as the NSDAP, and for much the same reasons that they did. I have already explained this."

"I am saying nothing about the NA policy on race. I don't know what it is. I am not an NA member, though I admire the organisation and (even more) the people within it. However, like I said, I think the NSDAP - a vital, practical and realistic organisation - had a sensible policy in this respect."

"On assimilated part-jews I really don't care, so long as they are 0% jewish culturally. Specifically I'd follow the NSDAP policies on mischlings."

So, Andy is not a Nazi because he refuses to endorse racial policies more extreme than Hiter? Sorry, I don't buy it.}

On SF, VNN, and other WN boards, Andy is repeatedly attacked for not allowing posts fantasizing about killing people of other races or for criticising posts from those who worship Hitler. It has made him the object of intense hate among Neo-Nazis (who are very different in many ways from White Nationalists. As a matter of fact, Neo-Nazis refer to JohnJoyTree as "JohnJewTree," among other less polite names.

{Yes, it is funny watching him try to get the Nazis to behave. But he has no qualms about people who write and fantasize about exterminating Jewish people, I have just recently seen him recommend two articles by Alex Linder, who openly advocates the extermination of all Jewish people. I guess they are planning to work out the "details", whether to kill or exterminate all Jews, after they have seized power. Sound familiar?}

It's sad that Andy is now being attacked from both sides. He's a genuinely good-hearted person who cares about the Britain that his daughters and people her age will inherit. He's most definitely not a Neo-Nazi, he's most definitely not a White supremacist, and he's most definitely not a race hater.
{He is most definately all of these things. But I do agree that this is a very sad situation.}

I'd suggest you get your facts straight before you begin slander campaigns against good people.
{The May Queen's article was accurate, and, to anyone familiar with the American white supremacist scene, obviously well resarched.

If anyone has any doubts about the above quotes being real, you should be able to find them on Stormfront by searching on spippets of sentances. You can contact me if you cannot find them, or for any other reason, at:

mail e-mail: HansScholl1943@yahoo,com

Cat Amongst Pidgeons!

09.05.2004 23:40

Cat Amongst Pidegeons

So, our funny little stormfront fanatics are outraged, and are coming out of the woodwork to play!!!

The post above uses the code number 88! And what does 88 stand for? HH, in neo-nazi code; H being the 8th letter of the alphabet. Therefore 88 means Hail Hitler, and 18 (as in Combat 18) = AH, for Adolph Hitler! Subtle huh? But oh no, stormfront and BNP members are not Nazis, oh, no way, not really!! Duh!

Another post here is by 'Cteshwayo D'Soucequimn' to defend stormfront. This character also calls himself 'Godwinson' in his role as stormfront website 'moderator'.

He also goes under the slightly less incredible name of Charles Schmidt where he wastes his pointless life in his dingy flat in the Tyneside town of Jarrow. Let’s see, he'd have just turned 24 at the end of March, and probably still be unemployed after leaving Cambridge. Hi Charlie!

Charlie finds capitalism shit, but irrationally blames black and Jewish people for this. He is a big fan of Terry Blackham’s violent band of neo-Nazi thugs that call themselves today’s National Front! He also takes solace in a love for the history and landscape of Tyneside, which along with his computer is his only relief from a depressing lack of jobs and a girlfriend. All things Anglo-Saxon arouse our sad kid Charlie, and he dreams he is one of the last Anglo-Saxon royal rulers of this land. (Either Harold Godwinson, defeated by the Norman occupiers in 1066, or Tostig Godwinson, Earl of Northumbria, who also died in 1066, after he joined forces with King Harald Hardrada of Norway to invade England just before t' Normans. Which one is it, Charlie?).

Oh, and our friend Andy Robertson / John Joy Tree has actually stopped posting on Stormfront after his real life exposure! This is after 20,721 posts in two and a half years! That works out at over 20 posts per day to just one website! Welcome back to the real world, Andy! How is the daylight?!!

However, he has just changed his little motto below his little tree logo. This now is an apparently mad sounding sentence about the scattering of trails of rubies in times of famine to the cities of men, which can lead one into peril. He is not really mad though! Oh no! Anyone who has immersed themselves in the genre of fantasy writing would remember this is from Dunsany’s little tale, ‘The Hoard of the Gibbelins’. However, it is not clear whether Roberton now imagines he is a cunning little Gibbelin, or the hapless hero, Sir Alderic the Knight! If our half mad BNP website icon is feeling a bit like the brave, greedy and foolish Alderic, this could suggest how Andy now imagines his fate, for as is known, in Dunsany’s words:

‘And without saying a word, or even smiling,
They neatly hanged him on the outer wall
…and the tale is one of those
that have not a happy ending’.

(The Hoard of the Gibbelins. Lord Dunsany).

The All Seeing Eye of Odin!

nazionalist hypocrites expose themselves

10.05.2004 03:52

So one white nazi-ionalist says it is wrong to post the photo's and name, huh?


1)Robertson himself has put his own family photo on the front page of the BNP website! The BNP website is not controlled by anti-fascists!

He has chosen to expose himself and his daughters either to potential danger or at least ridicule. Lets us all hope nothing worse than ridicule occurs.

The fascist scene is a terrifying place. White Nazi-ionalists are notorious for violence against each other. Charlie Sargent of C18 murdered fellow Nazi Chris Castle. No Nazis in Britain have ever been murdered by the left.

Robertson, as JohnJoyTree has had violent threats from other fascists who regard him as a traitor and 'a Jew'. This shows the violent and paranoid dynamics at the heart of neo-nazi politics. Threats and mutual hatred and suspicion between these extremists is common. They are a threat to all of society, including each other. Many ex nazi-ionalists talk of their relief at escaping from this scene, and returning to normal life.

2)Stormfront members regularly put up the names, addresses and photographs of their left wing opponents on their website. Two recent examples are:

A socialist alliance member in Wiltshire has his home address posted online recently, to target and intimidate him. A nazi called 'white terror' then discusses whether he is Jewish.

Photographs of anti-fascist protesters at the recent Le Pen visit were put on stormfront, with members discussing their names, and linking them to the notorious site, 'redwatch', which Robertsons BNP pretends to have proscribed to its membership.

So called stormfront 'moderators' like Andy Robertson and Charles Schmidt have not seen fit to remove these.

3)Stormfront is covered in Swastika graphics, praises of Adolph Hitler, jokes about gas chambers, etc. It is openly Nazi.

Robertson may not have posted all these, but he tolerates them, only occaisionaly arguing for people to tone it down. He has not removed them, they are still there. He himself promotes the same message, only usually in more subtle and educated language.

If you do not want to be associated with such a website, then it is best not to be its senior controller, and best not to post 20,721 messages on it.

getting a good view from my seat... which is Hlidskjalf, my ravens see you

Poor ol nazis!

10.05.2004 15:01

Andy Joy Tree Robertson has started posting on sturmfunk again! Obviously the real world is too manic for him, and his computer world is his only solace! However, he has just removed the link to 'jew watch' from below his 'avatar' (which appears with every posting).

So obviously, this is an admission that he HAS been promoting race hate and anti-jewish conspirarcy theory with every previous post. We have the screen shots captured, and 20, 000 + posts to remind us!

The truth is, any continued association with stormfront is evidence enough, in the eyes of any normal person.

These crackpot nazi cranks think just because they squabble amongst themselves, and scapegoat each other as being 'jewish agents', the rest of the population will want to make a distinction between 'moderate' nazi extremists, and extreme nazi extremists!

Andy is now comming under pressure from his rivals within the movement. Anti-fascists are worried about the threats on other nazi websites to JJT. Perhaps the left should patrol the eastern edge of Lewes to defend this man, and show that our side wishes him no harm?


Move over, Donal Macintyre

10.05.2004 17:05

Real brown-trouser stuff there, brother. Not one thing, mind you, that's not available for the whole wide world to see on SF or my LJ - which, I admit, may need to go soon. With the gift to hack scorching exposes out of posts to SF I see a glorious career before you in local journalism.

The post above uses the code number 88! And what does 88 stand for? HH, in neo-nazi code; H being the 8th letter of the alphabet. Therefore 88 means Hail Hitler, and 18 (as in Combat 18) = AH, for Adolph Hitler! Subtle huh? But oh no, stormfront and BNP members are not Nazis, oh, no way, not really!! Duh!

Can anyone now alive not know this?

He also goes under the slightly less incredible name of Charles Schmidt where he wastes his pointless life in his dingy flat in the Tyneside town of Jarrow. Let’s see, he'd have just turned 24 at the end of March, and probably still be unemployed after leaving Cambridge. Hi Charlie!

God you're good. 2004 minus 1980 is 24. Well done. If it helps, I got a new shower curtain and £35 in book tokens.

Leaving aside how little of this is in fact true - and I freely admit I'm up shit creek in various ways, though I do now have a job - I've never felt the inclination to waste precious hours of mortality picking through web logs and message boards adding to some wanky little dossier of personal titbits for later use against my ideological foes - that would be the act of a monumentally sad bastard, nicht wahr?

Charlie finds capitalism shit...

Competition is good. All I dislike is speculation and the service economy.

... but irrationally blames black and Jewish people for this.

Link please, can't recall ever coming out with anything so ridiculous.

He is a big fan of Terry Blackham’s violent band of neo-Nazi thugs that call themselves today’s National Front!

Yes, it'll have been the words NATIONAL FRONT below every fucking post in inch-high letters that gave me away here...

All things Anglo-Saxon arouse our sad kid Charlie, and he dreams he is one of the last Anglo-Saxon royal rulers of this land. (Either Harold Godwinson, defeated by the Norman occupiers in 1066, or Tostig Godwinson, Earl of Northumbria, who also died in 1066, after he joined forces with King Harald Hardrada of Norway to invade England just before t' Normans. Which one is it, Charlie?).

Harold, silly. My choice of 'godwinson' was out of regard for the great man, not because I fancy myself as some some sort of arse-kicker.

Charles Schmidt


10.05.2004 17:09

This is what Andrew W Robertson alias JJT wrote on that horrific nazi website as recently as 1st may 2004

"it is important to understand the pivotal role of the jewish cultural override in our present problem. I take it you have read Kevin Macdonald and Yggdrasil on this? If not, go and read them now. In my view, we should redefine ourselves publicly as a peaceful "white preservationist" movement. Anything that implies we are "haters", that we are "against" another demographic, will repel whites and will make us insanely vunerable to the attacks of our enemies.

However, how we define ourselves publicly and our real motives are two different things!!!! We must disguise our real motives in a thick shell of fuzzy feelgood Universalism while working steadily to increase our numbers and power".

..... and....

"Don't rule out such attacks. My own view is that we should "try all possibilities". I am a supporter of 'natonalvanguard' for example, which includes such attacks among its articles. On a final point, I agree anything like Hitler-nazi fetishism is assclown nonsense, but National Socialism is a serious political philosophy and should be respected".

Andrew W 'JohnJoyTree' Robertson, 1/5/2004

Evidence enough?


How "Shocking"

10.05.2004 21:02

"Exposed"--how melodramatic! What a wild idea that people would have opinions different than your own. What is this, the Lady's Temperance Union circa 1890? Especially as "radicals" who are supposedly "alternative" and against the system it's funny to see you condemn a person whose opinions are so out of the mainstream.

D. Milkin

More secret identities blown

10.05.2004 21:12

Here are the real identities of some more Stormfront Britain regulars:

"Brit Conger" is David Shapcott of Burnley, Lancashire

"Vidar" is Lee John Barnes of Birmingham

"Antius" is Anthony James Holroyd of Plymouth

Does anybody know any more?


"Godwinson" -- a dysfunctional upper middle-class waster

11.05.2004 00:57

Charles Bernhardt SCHMIDT

Born: 21 March 1980 in Manchester

Father: Michael Norton SCHMIDT (born in Mexico, 2 March 1947; studied at Harvard and Oxford), Flat 23, Regency House, 36-38 Whitworth Street, Manchester M1 3NR -- publisher; Company Secretary of Carcanet Press Ltd., 12-16 Fourth Floor, Conavon Court, Salford M3 5BQ (tel.: 0161 834 8730), which publishes poetry and literary criticism (founded in 1969 by Schmidt; employs 10 people; turnover of £391,597 in 2001-2, when it made a loss of £23,087; subsidiary of Folio Holdings Ltd) -- Founder of "PN Review" (poetry journal) in 1972. An extensively published poet and novelist; often in the broadsheets and on Radio 4. His archives are deposited at John Rylands Library, University of Manchester.

Mother: Claire P SCHMIDT (nee HARMAN), now uses her maiden name -- 118 Hurst Street, Oxford OX4 1HG (appears to divide her time between Oxford and New York). Published author -- biographer of Fanny Burney; writing a book about Robert Louis Stevenson; contributor to the London Review of Books; edited collected poems of Sylvia Townsend Warner.

Parents married in Manchester in 1979. These very respectable, liberal literary types must be so ashamed that their spoilt brat of a son has turned out to be a Nazi.

Sister: Isabel Claire SCHMIDT, born in High Peak, Derbyshire in 1982

Brother: Benedict William SCHMIDT, born in Stockport, Cheshire in 1985

Education: Greenbank (Heathbank Road, Cheadle Hume), 1986-91; Manchester Grammar School, 1991-3; Abingdon School, Berkshire 1993-8 (A levels in History, English and Politics -- failed Divinity AS Level); Cambridge University, 1998-2001 (BA in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic at Peterhouse College)

Former address: 19 Fitzwilliam Street, Cambridge CB2 1QH

Current address: 10 Breamish Street, Jarrow, South Tyneside, County Durham NE32 5SH

Read his fascinating online journal here:

His Friends Reunited entry also offers a revealing self-portrait:

"What is Charles doing now?Some of you mancunians I never saw after we went our ways; most of the rest I lost contact with when we moved to Oxford. As you may remember, I started at MGS but was cruelly snatched away after just two years and studied at Abingdon School in Berkshire between 1993 and 1998. Having taken A-levels in History, English and Politics (and a D in AS Divinity which I don't mention any more) I moved on to Cambridge University where I did the fascinating but supremely useless Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic at Peterhouse, a truly nasty college and an all-round miserable experience in spite of the God-Men I studied with. Armed with a 2.2 and a persistent sense of bitterness I waddled out of Senate House into a cold, unsympathetic world with no skills whatsoever.

Upon leaving I moved back in with my mum and started a succession of low-ego jobs culminating in a position behind the Classics desk at Blackwell's. My mother had given me until September to find somewhere to live before she kicked me out on the street. I wanted to buy, but to live in Oxford requires a massive mortgage and even with my dad's support I couldn't get one over 50k. Since I never really liked Oxford and had the luxury of no meaningful commitments in the south of England I decided to take a leap in the dark and move wherever it was cheap. I thought the moment had come when I was offered a transfer to Newcastle, living in B&Bs - at huge cost - while I found somewhere to live. Unfortunately a deadly cocktail of slapstick incompetence on my part and a complaint from one complete but well-placed ***** led me to 'resign' in early November. I then made the mistake of telling the lenders, who - two weeks before I was supposed to move in - told me it was all off. I thought I was buggered but by swallowing my last bit of dignity I used the awesome power of nepotism to get a job with my dad, thereby saving the day. So it is that I find myself in the bottom half of a 38k Tyne flat in the buzzin' heart of Geordie land. The working class roots you never knew I had... you can imagine how my accent goes down :-) but from where I stand it seems the rest of you are all southern ****s these days, even the norners. I eat peasepudding, shamble around in a vest and drink rancid, brown tea. And to think Pettitt thought I was 'poverty stricken scum' just for living in Cowley. WHO'S LAUGHING NOW? Buwahahahaaaa.

So there you are. I may have pissed on the ol' chips but I am a salt of the earth mortgage payer, something I could never have foreseen six months ago, even if the money is effectively my dad's. And what a few years it's been. I experienced all the thrills and spills of pubescence and judging from the outward signs still am. Certainly in my case it was more spills than thrills but at least my hygeine's improved. Despite a short-lived and squalid but hugely enjoyable affair with a 38 year old divorcee some time ago I remain single, unemployable and generally tragic."


Two Letters from Michael Norton Schmidt to his Son Charles AKA Godwinson

11.05.2004 02:12

Edited and posted by Charles on Stormfront (Looking for help answering the questions in these letters Charles? The fact is, the sum total of all the so-called White Nationalists intellectual thought the world over isn't even worth a dog turd in your own father's yard, and you know it.)

[...] darling

Naturally I have been reflecting on what I learned by chance about your
activities over the last (three?) years. [...]

We spent a long time together going to [...] and back, and then to
Newcastle, and I had hoped to find out in person, from your lips, what was
amiss, or what the situation was with you. You actually lied to me. I have
always trusted and believed in you, even at times when you were experiencing
difficulties at home and at university. Well, you have proven me a mug and
my liberal and tolerant love of you over the last couple of years, when I
have supported you unconditionally and defended you against all comers, a
serious error of judgement on my part.

I am not interested in arguing about your analysis of tribal movements, some
of which is correct, or weighing up the validity of your apocalyptic
projections, none of which can be proved. The fact that you were terrified
of being 'found out' speaks volumes. I look for the origins of your racism
in your upbringing, in the culture that surrounded you, and I am baffled.
You now have the racist catechism by heart, the statistics (some of them
false, all of them disputable), the numinous definitions, the atavism etc.
Like an Adventist you are persuaded and, not only that, you are now, as you
told me, setting out to make converts among people whose lives are so
intellectually deprived and culturally poor (in your sense and my sense)
that they don't know better. Your considerable writing skills, your sense of
history, your education, are being put at the service of people, and a
cause, which is without expressive or analytical skills, without a sense of
history and without education. You may have reached your current position by
your own free will (I rather doubt it, you have followed some psychological
thread eagerly into it, as a convert to scientology or a Jonestown victim
would have done). You are willing to admire and submit to the two 'leaders'
you described, and to go along with these people even when you find 'some of
what they say' repugnant. Those you set out to 'convert', whoever they are,
will be prey to your persuasions as they would be to the religion or drug
pusher. What you seek to represent and promote has nothing, literally, to do
with English culture. It is unredeemed, it denies freedom (you can't choose
not to be black or brown or a Jew or gypsy). Even here, in your exclusions,
you manage to be selective (Japanese and Chinese ok, Negroes not ok, Asian
sub-continet people especially despicable). A hierarchy of hatred, only you
do not like the word 'hatred' because some of your close friends have
actually been from these races, and this you find difficult to square with
your current rhetoric. You square it by saying that those you knew were

You believe that the Orientals whom you admire somehow share values with
your party. I am sure some atavistic Japanese at their most extreme did (and
perhaps do). Japanese culture as such is as riddled with cruelties and evil
histories as the British. But Shintoism like Anglicanism tempered and
redeemed an awful lot, despite its frail metaphysics. You have lost even the
openness of a residual Christian faith and its inclusivenesses.

I feel not disappointed but betrayed. Should your National Front ever
achieve a manifest presence in British politics, I and my kind [...]
arty, intellectual, English by election, would have no place
here. Either I would be exterminated with the blacks, browns, Jews and
others, or I would flee to [...] where I no longer belong, and I would look
back and think how my dear son had given his life to destroying everything I
have given my life to trying to build. You will have the happy conscience of
the victor, reflecting on the dreadful sacrifices you have had to make,
including members of your family, to achieve your end. But unfortunately
you, too, will be a victim because these thugs you admire and tell me you
are tea-boy to will use you about as long as the Bolsheviks and later the
Nazis used their intellectuals and tolerated their poets. Use them, and
break them.

It is not possible for me not to love you, or to be urgently, profoundly
concerned about what is going on in your head and what you are up to. The
fact that you have become dishonest with me is eloquent. You are making it
impossible for me to be close to you in mind and spirit, which I had felt I
was and would be ever since you were tiny; you are making it impossible to
talk to you, to be with you. Your hatred of everything I love and believe
implies a hatred of me, and of your mother's values, and of all that went
into your formation as a human being.

It is incumbent upon you to speak to, or write to, your mother about this.
She kept your counsel when you had your crisis in [...] and left you to
tell me about it all three years later. I will keep your counsel now, but
not for three years. Not for three months. She and I share in responsibility
for you and for these decisions you are taking which are, I expect she will
agree, utterly harmful to you, and to your family. She has had her very
strong suspicions I know; I always resisted them and argued against them.
But, as I know now, I was a mug in that and other respects.

Where we go from here is up to you.

Love to you as always



I have thought of very little else since I discovered what was going on in your life, what has been going on for the last three years, but especially since July. I am not, frankly, willing, as one of your parents, to replicate your mother's decision to keep your counsel when you were in such a bad way in [...] in your teens, and leave it for you to tell her 'in your own time', so that no discussion, or action, was possible until the affair was troubled history.

I would like you to answer some questions about your racism and bigotry, questions of a very particular nature.

1. What constitutes the White Race which you build your racial vision around? Here are some instances I would like you to address, one by one. They are particulars. All your large general categories consist of specific particulars, the way the Nazis' general categories consisted of specific particulars, whether the category was Jew, gypsy, homosexual, mental case or deformed individual. Is a Jew white? Are all Jews white, or only those who are coloured white? If there is a white Jew and a dark Jew in the same family, is one white and the other black? Is it only skin deep, as it were? Are your first cousins [...] and [...] , half-Jewish, white? Is their mother [...], wholly Jewish, white? Was Pushkin white? Is [...] white (he is half-Spanish)? Was Jesus Christ white? What about the Aryan Indians, one of whom I believe you knew at Cambridge. What about the Lebanese Christians? What about the (very white, blonde) Muslims of what was Yugoslavia? What precisely constitutes 'white', and if there is a taint of any other racial type involved in an individual, what happens to that individuals within your ideology, when the Time for Purification begins? Is he/she sterilised? Killed? Put in a cage? A camp?
Explain to me why you suggest a different approach, from your White perspectives, to Chinese and Japanese (and Koreans? Mongolians? the Ainu?) and Black people, and people of the Indian sub-continent, and their descendants. Are the Acceptable Orientals white?
And among the white peoples you privilege, I wonder about the conflicts that arise between them? You were reminding me how the African and Caribbean Blacks are hostile to one another. True. The Hutus and Tutsis stayed at home and they are hostile to one another. But then the Catholics and the Protestants haven't been chummy in Ireland or elsewhere, historically; the French and Germans, the English and everyone else, have not been historically amicable. This is not only the difference between national and religious cultures, is it? Race doesn't override anything, when millions are killed, either in extermination camps, in battles, in sieges, in civilian bombings. Statistically, historically, the white races are not notably 'together'. Is there something White which transcends divisions of tribe, nation, language, creed that you feel an allegiance to? What is it? Be as specific as you can.

2. You have abandoned your Christianity, and yet you adhere to this ideology with the furtive rigour of a believer. So: what are its metaphysics, where is its commanding transcendence? What or who leads it? What is it you are believing in, because it commands your belief in the way that the church did, only more so because you have actually decided to throw yourself behind, or under, it. The image of you as tea-boy (your image) to thugs who would happily [...] and impale [...] on a stake fills me with disbelief. Why were you so guilty about declaring your triumphalist allegiance to me, to your mother? Reluctant to bear witness to it? It was clearly, in your own mind, something hatched and developed deliberately against us and what we are and value. You know that, hence the agonised embarrassment of being found out.

3. Your sense of white culture seems to exclude historical English culture. When I suggest that the people you follow are profoundly ignorant of their own culture (i.e., they lack anything I would recognise as a culture), you scorn (on their behalf or on your own?) English literature, English music, English architecture, English theology, English politics, the traditions that have informed our language and institutions, and the language and institutions themselves: they are not relevant to your appraisal of the 'culture' of your co-religionists. If this is the case, what is the culture that they share, and that you share with them? You spoke eloquently when we went to [...] funeral about your impatience with museum culture and with preservation for its own sake, of buildings, neighbourhoods, landscapes, traditions. So: if it is not England, which you used to seem to value, an historical continuum, a tissue of precedents, a world of particulars, then what is it?

4. What about the English language? A famous (black, yes, and Caribbean) writer, Derek Walcott, writes somewhere about the British withdrawal from its colonial obligations in the Caribbean, 'They have taken everything except the language, which is everything.' The vigour of that language, which is constitutive of this country and its Geist, and of Jamaica's, and Canada's, and (as a unifying language) India's, etc, is currently, in literature, song, public speaking etc, intensely vigorous in the new Commonwealth, or among people from the new Commonwealth; in the United States, too. it is non-white writers that often make the difference, that are keeping the language alive, that are laundering it of clichés of feeling, ideology etc. The kinds of cliché that afflict your triumphalist neo-Nazi racial rhetoric, the rhetoric that leaps out of the home page of your favourite web site like a hideous anachronism. The living English language survives in the evangelical congregations, in the poetries, fictions, inventive dialects and rhetorics etc of Irish, Pakistani, Canadian, New Zealand, Zimbabwean and other individuals who are using and extending it as a medium. As a medium it has implicit in it the whole of 'our' culture, and like the Anglican communion of yore it is inclusive, welcoming, curious, needing to broaden its understanding, not otherwise. What about the English language?

5. You speak of Decadence, irreversible Decadence. In the first place, history is generally irreversible, I think you'll find, and attempts to reverse it end up in the most awful carnage, i.e., the deaths of people, individual people, like your mother, your sister, your brother, people you have loved etc. So it isn't necessarily good. The world consists of particulars, not general categories. What I want you to explain to me is what period you use as the point of departure, to measure current decadence against? Periods in which by brute force the white races colonised and enslaved other people? Some period when Britain nobly withstood onslaughts from other white races, assisted in its resistance (in both World Wars) by people from brown and black countries? Or do you measure it from a time when, responding to the suffering of the unemployed, English politicians brought the welfare state into being? Or when the law began to move out, reluctantly, of individual sexual relations between people? Is the decadence economic or spiritual or moral? Was a period that tolerated slavery and the suppression of women less decadent than a period which tries to put in the foreground historical English rights and toleration? Burke, you'll remember, disliked the French revolution because it talked of 'human rights', an abstraction in whose name it gouged the eyes and heart out of itself; Burke supported the American revolution because it advocated for the English colonists the rights of Englishmen, enshrined in common law. We are back to particulars.

I'd like you to address these questions as a matter of urgency. I'd like you to address them from the inside, not approaching with your ideological sledgehammer and your ready Jehovah's Witness answers. These are real questions. Your decisions are not not irreversible; it cuts me to the quick to see where you have got to in your secret journey, without discussion with me, your mother or anyone else who might have tempered your enthusiasm by touching it with a little specific memory; and I am keen that if you proceed you should do so in full consciousness of what you are doing to yourself and to others.

One final point I mentioned en passant on the phone the other evening. Your decision as [...] to pursue this course, if you pursue it into the public arena, will do real damage to you: it will be an ineradicable fact of your CV, it will close every door to serious employment not because their is a prejudice against your bigotry but because your bigotry makes you unemployable in almost every area where British people are involved. Your decision will also has a profound practical effect (quite apart from what it has done intellectually and emotionally to me and will do to them when they learn of it) on your brother, your sister and me, and on your mother [...]. I have long been regarded by many as right wing. When my eldest son comes out as an NF spokesman, my career will be pretty much over [...]. Another little sacrifice, you may say, worth making, for the sake of your sense of history and for the sake of your long-term ability to say to yourself that you did 'the right thing', followed your 'conscience' when the Thames is in fact red with blood. Your brother and sister ([...] not being a hugely common name in this country) will be affected by the same opprobrium that will attach to me. Your service of an abstract and evil cause has specific, but no less evil, consequences for those who are closest to you.

I would have thought that any mature, realistic politics grows out of particulars. The first particular experience you have is of your family. Not a perfect structure, I grant you, split in two and so on, but if you **** in and on your imperfect nest, and on all that this nest contains, including the unconditional love it has to retain for you, even if you do not reciprocate it, you will have practised the foulest of, yes, decadent acts. It's an old anthropological truth that the son has to kill the father (we are talking symbolically, at this stage in any case); he doesn't have to kill the mother (on the contrary) or his siblings, in the act.

I am afraid you owe me and yourself and your mother explanations big time, [...]. I want you to pay up with a cogent reply to the questions raised here, and I want you to give me a date in October by which you will have told your mother of your current situation. I need a reply to this pretty quickly, like by tomorrow.



White Eagle

Mad, Sad ol' world....

11.05.2004 05:10

I am a Warrior Woman, daughter of Boadicea, Queen of the Iceni and I will speak. My skin is as white as snow, my politics as red as blood, my comrades are worldwide and all the colours of humanity.

This is all so sad and mad....I wouldn't put the sad Nazis's addresses online, and I see that previous posters have refrained from this, restricting themselves merely to names and photo's of the fascists.

However, stormfront has no such scruples itself, and allows the addresses of left wing activists to be published. Also, I know what the NF stand for, writing as someone whose brother was hospitalised by National Front members for being a gay rights activist.

Racists/fascists just don't get it. While they worry about skin colour, I have been fighting in the fields of England for three years, ripping up GM crops. Thats what I mean by 'defenfing my country!' my land, defending my planet! And the enemy? corporations making mutant pollutant plants! And not a single NF or BNP Nazi joined us in the fields at night, in this vital fight, (...and if they had, we would have cut their throats, and left them to soak the fallen GM crop with their blood! Two birds with one stone)!

I have also had a look through 'stormfront', and find it sad and mad. It's a few sad and lonely people who can find their only sense of 'community' online. In their isolation all they have in common is their skin colour and their internet connection. Nothing else, no love, trust, honour. The racist language is disgusting. I had a look at some posts by Godwinson (Schmidt)...he recites a poem, with this refrain:

"Exit the nigger,
cut the Gordian knot and turn 'em loose;
exit the nigger,
tell me what the **** we'd ever lose;
exit the nigger..."

And now we find this is from someone who has had the most privilige and 'education', a graduate of Peterhouse, Cambridge! And stwormfronters derides its opponents as being "all studenty middle class tossers" NF types come accross as if they represent the hardworking self-employed plumbers and builders of the land. But we find they live in houses bought for them by their wealthy parents, after they leave Oxbridge with mediocre degrees!

However, the most damming indictment of the NF/BNP's ethno-nationalism comes from 'Godwinson's' own father, who seems a compassionate man. Charles Schmidt/Godwinson has very helpfully posted this on a website, from his father. Its deeply sad and moving. I'm going to have it framed and put on my wall above my desk. Nice one.

This is actually cut and paste from Godwinson/schmidt on stormfront...they bear all her, in this virtual substitute for real community and friendship...even personal letters from their parents...

Two Letters From Charlie Schmidts Father to his monsterous fuck up of a child, (after he accidently found out about his sons NF/Stormfront membership).

"[...] darling

Naturally I have been reflecting on what I learned by chance about your
activities over the last (three?) years. [...]

You actually lied to me. I have
always trusted and believed in you, even at times when you were experiencing
difficulties at home and at university. Well, you have proven me a mug and
my liberal and tolerant love of you over the last couple of years, when I
have supported you unconditionally and defended you against all comers, a
serious error of judgement on my part.

I am not interested in arguing about your analysis of tribal movements, some
of which is correct, or weighing up the validity of your apocalyptic
projections, none of which can be proved. The fact that you were terrified
of being 'found out' speaks volumes. I look for the origins of your racism
in your upbringing, in the culture that surrounded you, and I am baffled.
You now have the racist catechism by heart, the statistics (some of them
false, all of them disputable), the numinous definitions, the atavism etc.
Like an Adventist you are persuaded and, not only that, you are now, as you
told me, setting out to make converts among people whose lives are so
intellectually deprived and culturally poor (in your sense and my sense)
that they don't know better. Your considerable writing skills, your sense of
history, your education, are being put at the service of people, and a
cause, which is without expressive or analytical skills, without a sense of
history and without education. You may have reached your current position by
your own free will (I rather doubt it, you have followed some psychological
thread eagerly into it, as a convert to scientology or a Jonestown victim
would have done). You are willing to admire and submit to the two 'leaders'
you described, and to go along with these people even when you find 'some of
what they say' repugnant. Those you set out to 'convert', whoever they are,
will be prey to your persuasions as they would be to the religion or drug
pusher. What you seek to represent and promote has nothing, literally, to do
with English culture. It is unredeemed, it denies freedom (you can't choose
not to be black or brown or a Jew or gypsy). Even here, in your exclusions,
you manage to be selective (Japanese and Chinese ok, Negroes not ok, Asian
sub-continet people especially despicable). A hierarchy of hatred, only you
do not like the word 'hatred' because some of your close friends have
actually been from these races, and this you find difficult to square with
your current rhetoric. You square it by saying that those you knew were

You believe that the Orientals whom you admire somehow share values with
your party. I am sure some atavistic Japanese at their most extreme did (and
perhaps do). Japanese culture as such is as riddled with cruelties and evil
histories as the British. But Shintoism like Anglicanism tempered and
redeemed an awful lot, despite its frail metaphysics. You have lost even the
openness of a residual Christian faith and its inclusivenesses.

I feel not disappointed but betrayed. Should your National Front ever
achieve a manifest presence in British politics, I and my kind [...]
arty, intellectual, English by election, would have no place
here. Either I would be exterminated with the blacks, browns, Jews and
others, or I would flee to [...] where I no longer belong, and I would look
back and think how my dear son had given his life to destroying everything I
have given my life to trying to build. You will have the happy conscience of
the victor, reflecting on the dreadful sacrifices you have had to make,
including members of your family, to achieve your end. But unfortunately
you, too, will be a victim because these thugs you admire and tell me you
are tea-boy to will use you about as long as the Bolsheviks and later the
Nazis used their intellectuals and tolerated their poets. Use them, and
break them.

It is not possible for me not to love you, or to be urgently, profoundly
concerned about what is going on in your head and what you are up to. The
fact that you have become dishonest with me is eloquent. You are making it
impossible for me to be close to you in mind and spirit, which I had felt I
was and would be ever since you were tiny; you are making it impossible to
talk to you, to be with you. Your hatred of everything I love and believe
implies a hatred of me, and of your mother's values, and of all that went
into your formation as a human being.

It is incumbent upon you to speak to, or write to, your mother about this.
She kept your counsel when you had your crisis in [...] and left you to
tell me about it all three years later. I will keep your counsel now, but
not for three years. Not for three months. She and I share in responsibility
for you and for these decisions you are taking which are, I expect she will
agree, utterly harmful to you, and to your family. She has had her very
strong suspicions I know; I always resisted them and argued against them.
But, as I know now, I was a mug in that and other respects.

Where we go from here is up to you.
Love to you as always

[...] dear


I have thought of very little else since I discovered what was going on in your life, what has been going on for the last three years, but especially since July. I am not, frankly, willing, as one of your parents, to replicate your mother's decision to keep your counsel when you were in such a bad way in [...] in your teens, and leave it for you to tell her 'in your own time', so that no discussion, or action, was possible until the affair was troubled history.

I would like you to answer some questions about your racism and bigotry, questions of a very particular nature.

1. What constitutes the White Race which you build your racial vision around? Here are some instances I would like you to address, one by one. They are particulars. All your large general categories consist of specific particulars, the way the Nazis' general categories consisted of specific particulars, whether the category was Jew, gypsy, homosexual, mental case or deformed individual. Is a Jew white? Are all Jews white, or only those who are coloured white? If there is a white Jew and a dark Jew in the same family, is one white and the other black? Is it only skin deep, as it were? Are your first cousins [...] and [...] , half-Jewish, white? Is their mother [...], wholly Jewish, white? Was Pushkin white? Is [...] white (he is half-Spanish)? Was Jesus Christ white? What about the Aryan Indians, one of whom I believe you knew at Cambridge. What about the Lebanese Christians? What about the (very white, blonde) Muslims of what was Yugoslavia? What precisely constitutes 'white', and if there is a taint of any other racial type involved in an individual, what happens to that individuals within your ideology, when the Time for Purification begins? Is he/she sterilised? Killed? Put in a cage? A camp?
Explain to me why you suggest a different approach, from your White perspectives, to Chinese and Japanese (and Koreans? Mongolians? the Ainu?) and Black people, and people of the Indian sub-continent, and their descendants. Are the Acceptable Orientals white?
And among the white peoples you privilege, I wonder about the conflicts that arise between them? You were reminding me how the African and Caribbean Blacks are hostile to one another. True. The Hutus and Tutsis stayed at home and they are hostile to one another. But then the Catholics and the Protestants haven't been chummy in Ireland or elsewhere, historically; the French and Germans, the English and everyone else, have not been historically amicable. This is not only the difference between national and religious cultures, is it? Race doesn't override anything, when millions are killed, either in extermination camps, in battles, in sieges, in civilian bombings. Statistically, historically, the white races are not notably 'together'. Is there something White which transcends divisions of tribe, nation, language, creed that you feel an allegiance to? What is it? Be as specific as you can.

2. You have abandoned your Christianity, and yet you adhere to this ideology with the furtive rigour of a believer. So: what are its metaphysics, where is its commanding transcendence? What or who leads it? What is it you are believing in, because it commands your belief in the way that the church did, only more so because you have actually decided to throw yourself behind, or under, it. The image of you as tea-boy (your image) to thugs who would happily [...] and impale [...] on a stake fills me with disbelief. Why were you so guilty about declaring your triumphalist allegiance to me, to your mother? Reluctant to bear witness to it? It was clearly, in your own mind, something hatched and developed deliberately against us and what we are and value. You know that, hence the agonised embarrassment of being found out.

3. Your sense of white culture seems to exclude historical English culture. When I suggest that the people you follow are profoundly ignorant of their own culture (i.e., they lack anything I would recognise as a culture), you scorn (on their behalf or on your own?) English literature, English music, English architecture, English theology, English politics, the traditions that have informed our language and institutions, and the language and institutions themselves: they are not relevant to your appraisal of the 'culture' of your co-religionists. If this is the case, what is the culture that they share, and that you share with them? You spoke eloquently when we went to [...] funeral about your impatience with museum culture and with preservation for its own sake, of buildings, neighbourhoods, landscapes, traditions. So: if it is not England, which you used to seem to value, an historical continuum, a tissue of precedents, a world of particulars, then what is it?

4. What about the English language? A famous (black, yes, and Caribbean) writer, Derek Walcott, writes somewhere about the British withdrawal from its colonial obligations in the Caribbean, 'They have taken everything except the language, which is everything.' The vigour of that language, which is constitutive of this country and its Geist, and of Jamaica's, and Canada's, and (as a unifying language) India's, etc, is currently, in literature, song, public speaking etc, intensely vigorous in the new Commonwealth, or among people from the new Commonwealth; in the United States, too. it is non-white writers that often make the difference, that are keeping the language alive, that are laundering it of clichés of feeling, ideology etc. The kinds of cliché that afflict your triumphalist neo-Nazi racial rhetoric, the rhetoric that leaps out of the home page of your favourite web site like a hideous anachronism. The living English language survives in the evangelical congregations, in the poetries, fictions, inventive dialects and rhetorics etc of Irish, Pakistani, Canadian, New Zealand, Zimbabwean and other individuals who are using and extending it as a medium. As a medium it has implicit in it the whole of 'our' culture, and like the Anglican communion of yore it is inclusive, welcoming, curious, needing to broaden its understanding, not otherwise. What about the English language?

5. You speak of Decadence, irreversible Decadence. In the first place, history is generally irreversible, I think you'll find, and attempts to reverse it end up in the most awful carnage, i.e., the deaths of people, individual people, like your mother, your sister, your brother, people you have loved etc. So it isn't necessarily good. The world consists of particulars, not general categories. What I want you to explain to me is what period you use as the point of departure, to measure current decadence against? Periods in which by brute force the white races colonised and enslaved other people? Some period when Britain nobly withstood onslaughts from other white races, assisted in its resistance (in both World Wars) by people from brown and black countries? Or do you measure it from a time when, responding to the suffering of the unemployed, English politicians brought the welfare state into being? Or when the law began to move out, reluctantly, of individual sexual relations between people? Is the decadence economic or spiritual or moral? Was a period that tolerated slavery and the suppression of women less decadent than a period which tries to put in the foreground historical English rights and toleration? Burke, you'll remember, disliked the French revolution because it talked of 'human rights', an abstraction in whose name it gouged the eyes and heart out of itself; Burke supported the American revolution because it advocated for the English colonists the rights of Englishmen, enshrined in common law. We are back to particulars.

I'd like you to address these questions as a matter of urgency. I'd like you to address them from the inside, not approaching with your ideological sledgehammer and your ready Jehovah's Witness answers. These are real questions. Your decisions are not not irreversible; it cuts me to the quick to see where you have got to in your secret journey, without discussion with me, your mother or anyone else who might have tempered your enthusiasm by touching it with a little specific memory; and I am keen that if you proceed you should do so in full consciousness of what you are doing to yourself and to others.

One final point I mentioned en passant on the phone the other evening. Your decision as [...] to pursue this course, if you pursue it into the public arena, will do real damage to you: it will be an ineradicable fact of your CV, it will close every door to serious employment not because their is a prejudice against your bigotry but because your bigotry makes you unemployable in almost every area where British people are involved. Your decision will also has a profound practical effect (quite apart from what it has done intellectually and emotionally to me and will do to them when they learn of it) on your brother, your sister and me, and on your mother [...]. I have long been regarded by many as right wing. When my eldest son comes out as an NF spokesman, my career will be pretty much over [...]. Another little sacrifice, you may say, worth making, for the sake of your sense of history and for the sake of your long-term ability to say to yourself that you did 'the right thing', followed your 'conscience' when the Thames is in fact red with blood. Your brother and sister ([...] not being a hugely common name in this country) will be affected by the same opprobrium that will attach to me. Your service of an abstract and evil cause has specific, but no less evil, consequences for those who are closest to you.

I would have thought that any mature, realistic politics grows out of particulars. The first particular experience you have is of your family. Not a perfect structure, I grant you, split in two and so on, but if you **** in and on your imperfect nest, and on all that this nest contains, including the unconditional love it has to retain for you, even if you do not reciprocate it, you will have practised the foulest of, yes, decadent acts. It's an old anthropological truth that the son has to kill the father (we are talking symbolically, at this stage in any case); he doesn't have to kill the mother (on the contrary) or his siblings, in the act.

I am afraid you owe me and yourself and your mother explanations big time, [...]. I want you to pay up with a cogent reply to the questions raised here, and I want you to give me a date in October by which you will have told your mother of your current situation. I need a reply to this pretty quickly, like by tomorrow.


Sad eh?

Warrior Woman of the Earth

Sad indeed

11.05.2004 20:14

Michael N Schmidt
Michael N Schmidt

That correspondence from Michael Schmidt certainly does make for very sad reading. Charles Schmidt's father and mother (born in 1957 in Surrey, by the way) are clearly intelligent, tolerant, decent people who have tried their best to bring their son up to be the same. What a shame that he has chosen to repay them by becoming such a nasty embittered misfit. Let's hope that he soon grows out of this juvenile phase and turns into the son his parents deserve.


Schmidt admits he's in the shit!

11.05.2004 20:43

What a shame -- Charles Schmidt's online journal was such an interesting read!

Tuesday, May 11th, 2004
4:53 pm Ave atque vale
This is it, folks. Now the papers are in [presumably he means nomination papers for the elections on 10 June -- R], the light this shines on what passes for my private life becomes a liability. What's more, I'd assumed this was read regularly by Einz, Darla and Jon only - but it seems this had a far wider audience than I'd ever imagined, and I've got in shit for revealing things I should not have - for that I apologise. All entries are now friends-only and there will be no further public updates. This sort of kills the point of updating at all, and thus the end of this atrocity right here - for a few months at least.

Thanking all who came here in good faith... fuck the rest.


Refuting some of the lies and misinformation

12.05.2004 23:21

Since this thread actually features comments by Boadicaea
Queen of the Britons of Old, I have decided to style myself
Achilles of Thessaly (Would you happen to have read the
Iliad, or it is too fascist of a book to read?)

The above slanderous articles and defaming comments by the
socially disfunctional, who style themselves Leftist Activists,
defenders of mankind, et cetera, et cetera, are a typical example
of exactly how far the establishment and its obedient servants and
minions, would go in slandering and defaming those who love their
European cultural and tribal heritage these days.

For make no mistake; these are not genuine Leftist activists,
but merely, servants of the establishment.

While the same people who run this website, would go into great
lengths in protecting the tribal and cultural heritage of the
African Tutsi for instance, they display zero tolerance for
Europeans that seek to protect their tribal and cultural heritage
from the British and USA Goverments' New World Order maw.

This is typical British Imperialist behaviour; the same people
who were the opressors of mankind for centuries, were also
the opressors of their own people, and now, they seek to
eradicate the native culture of their own people and replace
it with imported USA Gangsta-type sub-culture, because in short
terms, they have found that the above course of action is good
for business in the long run.

The Euro Leftists think they have a copyright in resistance against
the USA-British NWO establishment, but this in actuality is quite
far from the truth.

Resistance nowadays comes from all flanks of the Euro political
spectrum, and that includes the right-wing as well.

People do NOT be deceived! These who seek to convince you that
they have discovered the nest of the vipers, and are actually
killing all the baby serpents there, are in actuality the very
minions of that very political system that you so much despise!
They are sold-out servants of that same system that murders you
slowly, day-by-day, and kills the human spirit!

Their pathetic petty "Nazi" expose, and ridiculous witch-hunting
is a frantic attempt to demonise a website that could awake you
from your slumber, and could make you see a part of the truth!

Why do you think that they bash Stormfront with such delight?
Do you really believe that the people who post there are "Nazis"?
Nazism is dead, and it has been dead for sixty years now.

Why such veiled rage, why such hatred, why such animosity? Do you
not see that they merely seek to cause harm to a website that is
harmful for the establishment?

Achilles of Thessaly

More idle chit chat...

13.05.2004 04:48

Hi ‘Achilles’! Don’t be so silly! Boadicea couldn’t really post here! She was slain in battle against the Empire a long time since! As I said before, I’m only one of her DAUGHTERS! OK? Glad we got that established! Hey dude, cool name. Achilles…is that to indicate the obvious weak spot in your world view?

Yes, I am indeed a grassroots anti-capitalist rebel. No, I’m not in the pay of any section of ‘the establishment’. If, for one moment you can escape from the mindset of paranoid conspiracy theory, then you will have to believe that a person can, of her own free will and conscience, oppose what she regards as a dangerous fascist menace.

I am fighting for the future of my children, and I am therefore fighting for the future of our planet and its peoples. The planet they will inherit now faces the huge global problems of war, environmental destruction, and the robbery and dispossession of billions of the world’s people by a handful of capitalist corporations and their supporters.

The only force that can resist this global capitalism is the growing global network of the exploited, the world’s popular classes, the workers and peasants, the urban and rural masses. Our movement must unite these peoples together, and against their own corrupt rulers.

I believe therefore that racist movements can only be the servant of imperialist rivalry and war. Likewise, ethno-nationalism, rather than being an obstacle, is always the hand-maiden that accompanies capitalist globalisation. The more capitalism globalises relationships, the more it simultaneously seeks to reinforce borders, the brands of national identities, and inequality. Global capital can more easily exploit a divided and unequal world, of worker set against worker.

Ethno-Nationalisms are therefore the lubricant of today’s increased global market competition. Parties like the BNP, the NF and the WNP can only make these problems worse. They are in no way part of the solution, but merely represent a dramatic intensification of the problem.

The stormfront website under discussion in this newswire column undoubtedly stands in the tradition of Hitler’s National Socialists. There is no possibility of denying this. In a series of articles it makes it clear that its central explanation of modern history and society is of a ‘Jewish conspiracy’. It defends the ideas of National Socialism, and as an extra, offers its readers a collection of Swastika and other original and neo Nazi graphics.

Why deny this? In denying this, the websites supporters show either a pathetic inability to comprehend their own manifesto’s, or a cowardly refusal to come out into the open. The website also promotes holocaust denial literature, to soften people up for the next calamity. I think it is clear that if its supporters ideas were to gain any power, they would do so as part of the destruction of the earth and its peoples in an orgy of xenophobic violence, fascism and genocidal world war.

Now, about ‘Achilles’ worry about defending our ‘European cultural and tribal heritage’. This was, in the main, obliterated when the peasantry were separated from their land and driven into the cities. This process happened in such tragic circumstances on these Islands about two hundred years ago. Since the early nineteenth century, we have first been the ‘industrial proletariat’ and now ‘western consumers’. Furthermore, the rise of science and industry has lead to what Weber called the ‘disenchantment’ of the universe, and the modern ‘rationalist’ mindset.

People have often romanticised the past as a form of protest against the injustices of the present. But any attempt to reverse the process of modernity and disenchantment and enter some stage of ‘re-enchantment’ is merely to expose oneself as a fantasist, wilfully distorting their vision of the real social forces at work within contemporary society.

Romanticism, as a cultural movement, originated in reaction against the industrial revolution at the start of the 19th Century. The same Victorian industrialists who were destroying the landscape, cultural heritage and local craftsmanship of the English people were also the most avid consumers of the romantic dream. William Morris, the 19th Century socialist and artist, sought to recreate medieval craftsmanship and Arthurian legend. But he found that the main customers for his famous handcrafted tapestries were the rich factory owners, who had themselves reduced the craftsman to alienated industrial labourer. In the twentieth century Tolkein skilfully and enchantingly rewove these myths, this time suited to the tastes of the alienated mass consumer of mid twentieth century society.

The reason why Tolkein felt he had to write a whole new mythology for the English speaking peoples was because, being the first to industrialise, we had long ago lost our own authentic one. And that’s why his wonderful contrivance is such a global commercial success today. Now, however many times I read and love Beowulf, Egil’s Saga or the Mabinogion, I can’t, with any authenticity, pretend it be my real culture now, any more than the Bhagava Gita, or the dreamtime can be.

Any bits of our pre-industrial folk heritage have been re-invented by middle class romantic dreamers, in fantasy novels, cult rituals and mass manufactured dungeons and dragon games. Alternatively, other such dreamers appropriate the more recently obliterated pre-industrial folk cultures of Africa, Asia or Australasia to ameliorate for this sense of loss and emptiness. So here we all go, prancing around, pretending to be Icelandic Shamen or Navajo Shamans, or Sanyasins, or Asatru Odinists, Yogic flyers, or bolshevicks, oracles of the peyote mushroom, Conan the barbarian, or a million and one other make-believe post-modern consumer identities, in globalisms whirlwind market.

Our culture on these Islands has long been curry and chips. Unless of course, you mean the heroic culture of resistance that emerged from all this, from the Diggers and Levellers, to the Chartists, the Suffragettes and the Jarrow crusades. Now that’s a culture to be proud of – the birth of working class solidarity. And this you can now witness today, in all its richness anywhere from Soweto to Sao–Paulo.

Reading stormfreak, I can’t help but notice a whimsical, self indulgent, middle class romantic streak. On one level it makes a touching and refreshing contrast to the ignorance, racism and general narrow minded bigotry also exhibited there. Touching until one remembers the romantic ‘blood and soil’ pre-industrial utopia that propagandists of the old National Socialist German Workers Party dreamed of.

Hitler’s NSDAP portrayed themselves as anti-capitalist rebels. Yet once in government, they became the willing tools and playthings of the giant German industrial corporations. And far from creating a rural ‘back to nature’ utopia for the German Volk, they were used to crush the freedom of the working class, and regiment them under the iron heel for the German war machine.

So it comes as no surprise that today’s European racial nationalists also pose as anti-capitalist rebels. But the more they grow, the more they can be used by big business to someday crush the genuine rebels. For that is what they will do. Nationalism in an imperialist state can only lead to the enslavement of that nations people, and lead them into war and genocide.

For that reason, I will fight with all my will. For the Earth! You shall not pass, fascist!

Daugher of Boudiga! Goddess of Victory! War Against Empire!

In response to dudette, Daughter of Boadicaea

13.05.2004 12:10

My apologies dudette Daughter of Boadicaea, that I failed to to mention you under your proper name.

You mention that Boadicaea could not have posted here, because she died long ago, but how her daughter can? This is all, plainly silly. I did not post here to engange into petty games of Logic and Irrationality with your good self.

To get to the point, who told you that:

a. I am a "supporter of Stormfront"?
b. I am fascist?

First of all, do you not see that my IP address is Greek? Have you seen many Greeks posting at Stormfront? Why do you refuse to face reality, and indulge into paranoid conspiracy theories? Whereabouts does it say that, everybody who's posting here, must be a Supporter of Stormfront?

Secondly, how dare you, how dare you indeed, to call me a Fascist when your Government is covered with the blood of innocent Iraquis from head to toe?

These are not human? Where is your liberalism and your democratic virtues Engel?

You have forgotten your history. You, the greatest butchers of mankind, that systematically genocided amongst others, the native Australians, the Native South Africans, the Natives of India, and every other native people wherever you founded colonies dare to call me a Fascist? The blood of Irishmen and Scots is still wet on your hands! Do you have no shame? Hitler was a Kindergarten cop before you and the deeds of your people!

Do you not know, that Fascism is an English invention, founded as it were, by Edward Longshanks? It is unfortunate that the beautiful Latin language was used to lend its meaning to Fascism! It ought to have been called UNIONISM (fm. Latin Fascio, Union), for it is in the name of the British Union that you shamelessly butchered the Scots and Irish, and countless millions of other people around the globe!

Therefore, keep such names for yourself and your people, newly-born liberal and defender of mankind, former Butcher's Daughter!

I care not about your Sociological analyses of Romanticism and Neo-Romanticism. I have heard enough of these at my University. Please, restrict yourself to speaking about August Le Compte and Karl Marx to your fellows.

The fact is, that you haven't addressed not ONE of my points:

a. I said that you enjoy bashing Stormfront, because simply, you are a part of that very same establishment that you proclaim to wage war against. There is no such thing as "a British leftist". You all serve Queen and Country, so stop hiding your head in the sand like an ostrich.

b. I said that Stormfront is not a Nazi website, because there is no such thing as Nazism. Nazism has been dead for sixty years. It follows, that your delirium about discovering the "nest of the Nazi Vipers" are simply that: Pathetic cries, because you simply NEED Nazis to exist, so that you may exist to oppose them.

To paraphrase a well-known European Thinker, if "Nazism did not exist, you would have invented it".

c. I said that resistance to the British-American NWO comes from all flanks of the European political spectrum nowadays, but of course, not from the Islands. How could somebody oppose one's own self? You ARE the SCOURGE of mankind, you and your American cousins.

Stop acting the Liberal Leftist fighting for the Earth and for Mankind, and all this nonsense. Nobody believes you, can't you see? What is more, you really look hilarious in doing that.

It is as if you are telling us, that you are guerillas in the Nazi regime of the 1940's in Germany. As there was no opposition to the regime in that time, there is no opposition today against the British-American NWO regime in the UK, for the Regime itself is so abyssmaly Fascist, that it simply does not allow Dissident voices.

You are little different from all the great dictatorships of history: Nazi Germany, Soviet Union.

You shriek in horror if the hair on the head of a Jew is touched, yet you kill and torture Arabs in their thousands. So spare us your typical British hypocricy; we are not buying any of it any more.

I repeat: You are minions of the British-USA Establishment, and you are merely acting under orders from your superiors, in bashing Stormfront.

The day will come, that Europe will banish you both, USA & UK and assorted colonies, to the closet of history. Therein you shall reside, in your rightful place, alongside Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Adolf Hitler, and all the other butchers of Mankind.

Then Humanity will be free by its tormentors, the British and American Imperialists, in accordance with the dream of Kropotkin, Bakunin, Voltaire and countless others, to pursue hapiness and peace for the sake of hapiness and peace, and thus, Mankind shall create as many paradises on this earth as there are human souls.

And there shall be no sorrow and no tears any longer, for these would be things of the Old World, which would have passed away.

I hereby challenge you, if you are what you say you are, not to delete the above.

Achilles of Thessaly


13.05.2004 14:48

... leave my family out of this - as you've seen they strongly disapprove, they have multiple commitments in real jobs and I wouldn't want to think they were being laid vulnerable to whatever lunatics might come across this.

If I didn't care what they thought I wouldn't have posted that at all, would I? Looks like I'm paying the price for my total lack of camouflage.

We were never rich, largely because my father devoted a huge chunk of his income to our education - for which I'm eternally grateful. I see you've not posted my reply to his accusation - chiefly that I was 'betraying my education' just by drawing my own conclusions and becoming embittered - or 'radically disaffected' as you reds get to call it - with the academic rat-race. Nor how cut up I was, you make it sound in fact like I don't give a fuck, which couldn't be further from the truth.

For what it's worth, it's all here...

Despite occasional lapses of judgment and despite every provocation I do make the effort to be positive in life as here - I do all this out of an abiding love for Europe the like of which you could never grasp.

And 'waster'? I can't conceive of having the free time you wankers must enjoy to trawl the internet to this depth. I didn't know half this information even existed.

Now if it was just me I wouldn't give a shit - it's bad timing on all your parts because as a candidate in this year's elections my name will be all over the place as soon as tomorrow. So I've got far more pressing concerns than this at the moment - or would, if my family had not become involved.

Charles Schmidt

Achilles, Achilles...........

13.05.2004 16:34

--------To get to the point, who told you that:

a. I am a "supporter of Stormfront"? --------

You did, by coming here and supporting it.

--------b. I am fascist?--------

See question A above, you are at least a supporter.

--------First of all, do you not see that my IP address is Greek? Have you seen many Greeks posting at Stormfront?--------

A few. Which one are you?

--------Why do you refuse to face reality, and indulge into paranoid conspiracy theories? Whereabouts does it say that, everybody who's posting here, must be a Supporter of Stormfront?--------

You kind of gave it away with your comments and the desparate pleas that we visit the site in order to be "awakened".

--------Secondly, how dare you, how dare you indeed, to call me a Fascist when your Government is covered with the blood of innocent Iraquis from head to toe?

These are not human? Where is your liberalism and your democratic virtues Engel?

You have forgotten your history. You, the greatest butchers of mankind, that systematically genocided amongst others, the native Australians, the Native South Africans, the Natives of India, and every other native people wherever you founded colonies dare to call me a Fascist? The blood of Irishmen and Scots is still wet on your hands! Do you have no shame? Hitler was a Kindergarten cop before you and the deeds of your people!--------

But you see, anti-racist people do not believe in collective racial/ethnic/familial guilt, so you fall flat there. And all of these situations are the very reason for the formation of white supremacist ideology and aparthied social orders that the website and people in question are working in vain to reestablish.

--------The fact is, that you haven't addressed not ONE of my points:
a. I said that you enjoy bashing Stormfront, because simply, you are a part of that very same establishment that you proclaim to wage war against. There is no such thing as "a British leftist". You all serve Queen and Country, so stop hiding your head in the sand like an ostrich.--------

Stormfront is mental regression to the morally retarted past of America, and for some mad reason some Europeans, even a few Greeks, fall right in line behind Bubba the Klan Klavern Klalif from Mississippi (or is it Don from Texas?). Very few British people would consider themselves to be "just like" the man on the front of the BNP website. They are lying, and this article has exposed that lie, that is the point, what is yours?

--------b. I said that Stormfront is not a Nazi website, because there is no such thing as Nazism. Nazism has been dead for sixty years.--------

Technically you are correct. The correct name for the contemporary followers of the absurd racial doctrines of the NSDAP would be "neo-Nazi". But since this is a media page in 2004 and not 1938 nor a journal of WWII historians, the "neo" syllable is understood and often dropped. Like Michael Schmidt wrote in his letter, the English language is an ever morphing beast, and "Nazi", used in reference to a current situation, means neo-Nazis, and for an example of that you can have a look at Stormfront.

--------It follows, that your delirium about discovering the "nest of the Nazi Vipers" are simply that: Pathetic cries, because you simply NEED Nazis to exist, so that you may exist to oppose them.--------

The BNP is misrepresenting itself to voters, and they are being exposed for it.

--------c. I said that resistance to the British-American NWO comes from all flanks of the European political spectrum nowadays, but of course, not from the Islands. How could somebody oppose one's own self? You ARE the SCOURGE of mankind, you and your American cousins.--------

Well kindly leave us be whilst we sort out our War Mongers and THEIR cousins, the White Supremacists.

--------Stop acting the Liberal Leftist fighting for the Earth and for Mankind, and all this nonsense. Nobody believes you, can't you see? What is more, you really look hilarious in doing that.

It is as if you are telling us, that you are guerillas in the Nazi regime of the 1940's in Germany. As there was no opposition to the regime in that time, there is no opposition today against the British-American NWO regime in the UK, for the Regime itself is so abyssmaly Fascist, that it simply does not allow Dissident voices.

You are little different from all the great dictatorships of history: Nazi Germany, Soviet Union.

You shriek in horror if the hair on the head of a Jew is touched, yet you kill and torture Arabs in their thousands. So spare us your typical British hypocricy; we are not buying any of it any more.--------

What crap. First of all there was resistance to the Nazis, look up the White Rose or a complete list of the assasination attempts on Hitler. And secondly, you say that their is no resistance to the NWO. You must have somehow missed the largest demonstrations in history.

--------I repeat: You are minions of the British-USA Establishment, and you are merely acting under orders from your superiors, in bashing Stormfront.--------

So then the BNP must be a part of this Establishment, don't they disallow their members from publically associating with it? That is quite a cheap trick, trying to cast your racial bigotry as a noble anti-establishment endeavor. You, Andy, Charles, and the rest of the Nazis are working for a reimplementation of the white supremacist establishment that the real anti-establishmentent heros of the past worked and bled to destroy, at least in part. To anyone that is even a bit progressive, you are a vehicle with only one gear, reverse.

--------The day will come, that Europe will banish you both, USA & UK and assorted colonies, to the closet of history. Therein you shall reside, in your rightful place, alongside Attila the Hun, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Adolf Hitler, and all the other butchers of Mankind.

Then Humanity will be free by its tormentors, the British and American Imperialists, in accordance with the dream of Kropotkin, Bakunin, Voltaire and countless others, to pursue hapiness and peace for the sake of hapiness and peace, and thus, Mankind shall create as many paradises on this earth as there are human souls.--------

None of your ranting explains why you exempt from your wrath the small section of America and the UK represented by the BNP and Stormfront.

--------I hereby challenge you, if you are what you say you are, not to delete the above.--------

It looks like you got your wish. Now if you would like to try something similar over at Stormfront, I have some white crime statitics and historical evidence of the holocaust that I keep trying to post there in reply to their racist disinformation campaign. Never seems to make it onto the board for some reason.

Edward Doty

Charles Schmidt...

13.05.2004 17:11

--------... leave my family out of this - as you've seen they strongly disapprove, they have multiple commitments in real jobs and I wouldn't want to think they were being laid vulnerable to whatever lunatics might come across this.--------

It is obvious to anyone who reads this that your family are repulsed by the New You. They will experience nothing from this other than the embarassment, shame, and disappointment that you have made inevitable by your actions.

--------If I didn't care what they thought I wouldn't have posted that at all, would I? Looks like I'm paying the price for my total lack of camouflage.--------

Your father makes sense. Your new Nazi pals don't. You are the one who published the letters on the internet, presumably in the hope of recruiting help in answering the unanswerable questions your father posed to you.

--------We were never rich, largely because my father devoted a huge chunk of his income to our education - for which I'm eternally grateful. I see you've not posted my reply to his accusation - chiefly that I was 'betraying my education' just by drawing my own conclusions and becoming embittered - or 'radically disaffected' as you reds get to call it - with the academic rat-race. Nor how cut up I was, you make it sound in fact like I don't give a fuck, which couldn't be further from the truth.--------

It is a long trek from being jaded by acadamia to your current situation. I don't know how you got where you are, but you have joined forces with those who are seeking the death or deportation of people not of the right skin tone or religion, real people, families, apparently even some of your own family.

--------For what it's worth, it's all here...

What precisely is it about "whiteness" that for you transcends tribalism, language, geography, and even family? Be specific.

-------Despite occasional lapses of judgment and despite every provocation I do make the effort to be positive in life as here - I do all this out of an abiding love for Europe the like of which you could never grasp.--------

I believe you, but it is a misguided and deeply embittered love. And premised on racialist myths that do not correspond to scientific fact.

--------And 'waster'? I can't conceive of having the free time you wankers must enjoy to trawl the internet to this depth. I didn't know half this information even existed.--------

It takes us about 1% of the time to copy a page or a link than it does for you to write a post. I know both your written policies and your unwritten nudge-and-a-wink ones. There is no need to play games here. You are working to have implemented policies that would see people dead if they slept with a person not of the approved color or religion. Do you really think that people are going to just wait idly while you try to make "progress" towards these sick goals?

--------Now if it was just me I wouldn't give a shit - it's bad timing on all your parts because as a candidate in this year's elections my name will be all over the place as soon as tomorrow. So I've got far more pressing concerns than this at the moment - or would, if my family had not become involved.--------

So why does this page matter then, if your name is going to be everywhere? The blame for any embarrassment, disgust, ect. that they experience falls squarly on your shoulders.

Edward Doty

In response to Mr. Doty

13.05.2004 18:21

First of all, thank you for your hospitality. It is appreciated.

Secondly, I have to note that once again, you have failed to respond point-by-point to what I have written, and merely resorted to ad hominems. When one sees a post full of ad hominems, it is easy for one to realise that somebody pressed the panic button.

Once again:

a. I am not posting at Stormfront.

b. There are no Greek posters on Stormfront. *yawn*

c. Instead of busying yourselves with the war-crimes of your Government and the U.S. Government in Iraq, you like to indulge yourselves in witch-hunting, in order to distract the British public from the war-crimes perpetrated there.

d. In contrast with what you state, Anti-racists, especially British and American, do believe in collective racial/ethnic/familial guilt. Do you or do you not, casually refer to Germans as pigs, blaming the whole German people for the mad policies of the Nazis? Is it not why Schmidt was chosen, because he is of German Ancestry? Do not try to lie to me, Engel. I know you for what you are.

e. Stormfront is excepted from my criticism, because they genuinely disagree with the policies of their respective Governments in many critical issues, a fact that you in spite of your purported liberalism, intelligently yet firmly, avoid to do.

Why do you not openly condemn your Government's war crimes in various Arab countries, and most importantly in Iraq?

How many thousands have to die, before you see past your bigotry? But I forgot, the lap dog never bites the master, or does it? And how can the servant strike one's Master?

Once again: Yours is a deliberate attempt to avert the public's attention from the crimes perpetrated by your troops and U.S. troops in Iraq, and in order to achieve that, you bash a poor British of German ancestry, just because he is of German ancestry, accusing him of being a Nazi: What a novelty!

f. With regard to what you would like to postat SF, please ask Mr. Schmidt. As I have already repeatedly stated, I have nothing to do with SF...

Honestly Mr. Doty, I do not think that we will ever manage to communicate because, instead of engaging into an honest discussion, you are merely trolling sir.

However, I do think that the public have formed their opinion of you and your staff sir.

Fare thee well and thank you.

Achilles of Thessaly

Far out...

13.05.2004 18:37

Been reading all this long and bizarre thread with interest. Fascinating!
As to its latest twist...the adoption of a persona 'achilles', this realy points to the contradictions within the rag bag of notions that make up Euro-nazionalism.

Sounds like a achilles should support the far-left in Britain, not the far-right! Re:

"You have forgotten your history. You, the greatest butchers of mankind, that systematically genocided amongst others, the native Australians, the Native South Africans, the Natives of India, and every other native people wherever you founded colonies dare to call me a Fascist? The blood of Irishmen and Scots is still wet on your hands! Do you have no shame? Hitler was a Kindergarten cop before you and the deeds of your people!"

So, a good reason for us to oppose British Nazionalism then?!

And indeed, it was always the left who supported Irish independence, and the British right who always fought to suppress it. Perhaps only internationalsm, workers unity and socialism provide the real answers?

The British ruling class have committed many crimes. While we are discussing Greece, it is worth mentioning when the British Tory Churchill also suppressed the leftist anti-fascist partizans of Greece after the war, along with the popular Hellenic Communist working class movement. Instead he imposed the quasi-fascist dictatorship of the colonels, a regime intertwined with the dynasty of Philip and Elizabeth II, the last rotting remnants of Europes stinking monarchies.

Another crime is the bombing of Yugoslavia by Blair. The internationalist and socialist left in the UK opposed this, as it opposes the UK/US imperialist domination of Iraq.

This illustrates how the Euro racist Nazionalist movement is riven with ideological contradictions. Another example is a recent discussion on on this stoolfink 'white natzionalist' site about violent attacks by British racists on some darker hued people from the southern mediterrian edge of Europe, on the streets of a British coastal town.

The stormfronter-nazionalists were split on this. Some called for a pan-European nationalism, some for Euro-American white unity. But others went on about 'Nordic unity' and supported these attacks and the general racial supremacist war against Southern Europeans! These were able to draw on Italian Northern Leagues demonisation of Southern Italians as too close to North Africans, geographically and 'racially'! Others said they were all Europeans and that we should unite against other 'races'.

This just shows how the concept of 'race' is so arbritrary. The ancient civilizations of the area were 'meditterian'..Souhern Europe/North Africa/Middle East/ West Asia. there were continuities and flows between Egyptian, Hellenic, Messopotamian, Roman, Islamic etc. The renaissance could happen in 15th Century Italy because of its proximity to the medieval Islamic inheritors and developers of Hellenic Science, which itself had been the pupil of Egypt.

The evidence shows that the Romans had 'black' emperors. While they operated a hierarchically based system of slavery, this was based on the dualised distinction of 'civilised' and 'barbarian'. You could be therefore be a 'civilised' North African, or a 'barbarian' from the more 'backward'and 'primitive' British Isles. Or vice-Versa. But the hierarchy had nothing to do with skin colour.

Skin colour hierarchy is a far more recent invention. This realy only arose in a systematic way with the Atlantic Slave Trade, which laid the foundations for the rise of the rule of capital and the industrial revolution. This coincided with the 18th Century European 'Enlightenment', which along with the rule of reason and science proclaimed the equality of all people.

Beacuse this 'equality of all people' was simultaneously based on Afro-Atlantic slavery, the 'scientific' enlightenment had to deny the full humanity of these pople. Skin colour hierarchy emerged to legitimise the denial of 'liberty, equality and fraternity' to the new slave/commodities of this first wave market driven globalisation. This 'new world order'of 'modernity' therefore fabricated a new binarism 'black' and 'white', into which the historically multi-hued human species had then to be arbitrarily devided.

So there you go.

A. J. Larkin

Achilles your arguments are anemic

13.05.2004 19:51

--------Secondly, I have to note that once again, you have failed to respond point-by-point to what I have written, and merely resorted to ad hominems. When one sees a post full of ad hominems, it is easy for one to realise that somebody pressed the panic button.--------

As if you are responding point by point. In your latest point you have reorted to out and out making up attributes of anti-racists, talk about desperate.

--------a. I am not posting at Stormfront.--------

Since when?

-------b. There are no Greek posters on Stormfront. *yawn*--------

I've seen a few.

--------c. Instead of busying yourselves with the war-crimes of your Government and the U.S. Government in Iraq, you like to indulge yourselves in witch-hunting, in order to distract the British public from the war-crimes perpetrated there.--------

I guess you have no arguments other than this misdirection. It's not suprising really. How else could one go about trying to convince others that people who long for Hitler's racial policies and moderate websites covered in swaztikas are not Nazi's. It's a tough row pal!

--------d. In contrast with what you state, Anti-racists, especially British and American, do believe in collective racial/ethnic/familial guilt. Do you or do you not, casually refer to Germans as pigs, blaming the whole German people for the mad policies of the Nazis?--------

No I do not, nor have I ever met anyone who does.

--------Is it not why Schmidt was chosen, because he is of German Ancestry? Do not try to lie to me, Engel. I know you for what you are.--------

Oh man this is good! Um, no he was "chosen" because he is a moderator of a Nazi website, and apparently a candidate for a Nazi political party. These groups seek to deny others their rights based on arbitrary "racial" categories, and, suprise suprise, some people are resisting this.

--------e. Stormfront is excepted from my criticism, because they genuinely disagree with the policies of their respective Governments in many critical issues, a fact that you in spite of your purported liberalism, intelligently yet firmly, avoid to do.--------

I do? We do? Since when? What in the hell are you talking about?

--------Why do you not openly condemn your Government's war crimes in various Arab countries, and most importantly in Iraq?--------

I do. It doesn't mean that Nazis who come along trying to latch on to an enviromental or anti-war movement get a pass. They may get a chuckle but that is it.

--------How many thousands have to die, before you see past your bigotry? But I forgot, the lap dog never bites the master, or does it? And how can the servant strike one's Master?--------

You come here defending stormfront then you have the nerve to speak about BIGOTRY? May our Good Lord help you out of the fog sir.

--------Once again: Yours is a deliberate attempt to avert the public's attention from the crimes perpetrated by your troops and U.S. troops in Iraq, and in order to achieve that, you bash a poor British of German ancestry, just because he is of German ancestry, accusing him of being a Nazi: What a novelty!--------

Oh god this is just getting ridiculous. He is being accused of being a Nazi because he is standing for a Nazi political party and running a Nazi website. Personally, I had not even considered the ethnicity of his name. Not of much importance to an anti-racist, unless we are talking geneology, which we are not.

--------f. With regard to what you would like to postat SF, please ask Mr. Schmidt. As I have already repeatedly stated, I have nothing to do with SF...--------

It's no use, he has been turned into a facist, and will by reflex dis-allow that which would dissolve the mythology he believes in, for he believes that "there is no intelligent opposition to white nationalism", therefore anything which seems to disprove the tenents of his cult is seen as "trolling" or "Jewspeak". And if he doesn't take these actions himself he will sit idly by while others do.

--------Honestly Mr. Doty, I do not think that we will ever manage to communicate because, instead of engaging into an honest discussion, you are merely trolling sir.--------

LOL sir. I don't really see what point you are trying to make. You remind me of a drunken panhandler, aggressive and needy at the same time.

--------However, I do think that the public have formed their opinion of you and your staff sir.--------

Me and my staff? You must be imagining me sitting at a desk in some sort of Zog war room deep in a vault in Oceana. The truth is a bit more mundane than that I am afraid. I'm just a chap who loves freedom and wants it preserved for those who have it and granted for those who don't, and the former of these makes it very important to oppose neo-Nazis.

Edward Doty

It's not coming.

13.05.2004 23:29

Yes, we know, you Nazis have your internal squabbles, and that some of you are more mentally able to hide your sickness than others, but it doesn't make much difference to us. There were real Nazis that did not like Hitler, he even killed some of them, so the argument that Andy is not a perfect goose stepper does not hold water. Apparently he was a bit of an old hippy, so perhaps he has a bit of vestigual humanity "holding him back".

Edward Doty

As expected, but new twist...

14.05.2004 04:13

As expected, the NF are standing only one candidate in South Tyneside, the ' upper middle class misfit Charles B. Schmidt, who will stand for the Biddick and All Saints Ward. This is not far from the flat bought for him by his daddy after he left Cambridge. Given what local police sources are now unofficially revealing about this man, there is growing concern from neighbours for their pre-teen daughters. The BNP, who are standing 3 candidates in the area have already distanced themsleves from Mr Schmidt, as the shocking revelations spread. The National Front national office has refused to comment on the allegations.


Kindly ... crawl off and die, Nazi!

15.05.2004 10:33

Michael N Schmidt: a better father than "Godwinson" deserves
Michael N Schmidt: a better father than "Godwinson" deserves

The voters of Biddick and All Saints ward are going to be fascinated when the information in this thread is made public in Jarrow!

If anyone would like to send Charles Bernhardt Schmidt some fan mail, here's his e-mail address:

Charles, I shouldn't worry about bringing your family into this. They emerge from this business very well. The letters from your father (which you chose to publish for the delectation of your Nazi pals) show him to be a humane and decent person. He is a far better father than you deserve.

Niemand Weiss


15.05.2004 14:09

Schmidt might deny he's a waster, but look how he describes himself:

User Name: godwinson
Real Name: Charles Schmidt
Location: Jarrow Haliwerfolc Bernicia
Age: 23
Marital Status: single
Sex: Male
Occupation: Leech


Bio: ... Four-eyed, stunted, extreme right drunk and waster but a Saxonmaniac, thus a fine man ...

Hobbies: Reading, drinking, listening to unpopular music, writing, gaming, travel, sleeping.

Niemand Weiss

Operation Foot Bullet

15.05.2004 15:58

I daresay that 'kindly crawl off and die' et cetera. hardly paints you in a better light than the attributes you, well, attribute to Charles. So much for being the sensible and rational part of the equation.

Also, haven't you heard of irony? Self-depreciating humour? Or do you take yourself too seriously to understand such things?

If I lived in Britain I sure as hell wouldn't vote for the NF, my regard for Charles himself nonewithstanding; but this kind of thing hardly motivates people to vote for whatever party or parties you support (the SA, with it's oh-so-ironic acronym, I presume), wouldn't you say?

Don't you think this sort of stupidity merely drives people in greater numbers to vote for Labour or the Tories (or otherwise alienates them from yourself), or hadn't you thought that far ahead?

David di Benedetto
mail e-mail:

A few comments before lights-out...

15.05.2004 16:46

I'd sworn not to post here again, but some of this cries out for it...

These very respectable, liberal literary types must be so ashamed that their spoilt brat of a son has turned out to be a Nazi...

This needs dealing with. Sheltered (till recently) yes, spoilt never. I know exactly how lucky I've been - in most important ways, at least - I notice you don't mention my volunteer work... but then again that doesn't go on my CV.

But we find they live in houses bought for them by their wealthy parents, after they leave Oxbridge with mediocre degrees!...

My father is not conspicuously wealthy. He very kindly chipped in when I had to put a deposit down for this oh-so-opulent lower flat in England's eighth poorest town.

Nearly all the local NF ARE salt-of-the-earth plumbers, builders, ex-squaddies etc. I'm clearly very unusual - and not universally popular, it must be said. There! What is it about candour that gets on you wankers' tits? And as incongruous as I am in the NF are working-class folk in the leaderships of most Red outfits.

This is actually cut and paste from Godwinson/schmidt on stormfront...they bear all her, in this virtual substitute for real community and friendship...even personal letters from their parents...

That's exactly BECAUSE it was the most wracking thing I'd gone through with him up to that point, including his divorce and certain other revelations. I don't make sport out of my father's suffering, I just wanted to share what I was going through in some way. SF is about the only place to do it.

You are the one who published the letters on the internet, presumably in the hope of recruiting help in answering the unanswerable questions your father posed to you.

If you read the freaking REPLY you'll find I do deal - tersely maybe - with most of those questions, most of which were simple, maybe wilful misperceptions. I didn't seek (nor did I get) 'help' at any point; I don't need it.

Charles Schmidt's father and mother (born in 1957 in Surrey, by the way)...

A bit overzealous here, arsehole above beat you to it.

What a shame that he has chosen to repay them by becoming such a nasty embittered misfit. Let's hope that he soon grows out of this juvenile phase and turns into the son his parents deserve.

Don't tell me what my own parents deserve, you cunt. At least not in the same breath you put out sensitive personal information about them.

It is obvious to anyone who reads this that your family are repulsed by the New You. They will experience nothing from this other than the embarassment, shame, and disappointment that you have made inevitable by your actions... The blame for any embarrassment, disgust, ect. that they experience falls squarly on your shoulders.

It must be the 'fascist' in me, but I don't honestly see how negative responsibility for anything I'm likely to do rests on any other individual - particularly when I was brought up as well as I was. In particular individuals who although I am close to on most levels are vehemently opposed to the course I've taken, as you say. It's only 'inevitable' because you're inciting it right here. You may not 'mean it' to cause harm but I don't trust all that come across this to make the distinction.

Regardless, it goes without saying any harm or loss of earnings to come to my nearest as a result of this will bring legal action on this site.

It is a long trek from being jaded by acadamia to your current situation.

Quite so. There's more to it than that of course but Cambridge robbed me of all remaining confidence in the elite.

What precisely is it about "whiteness" that for you transcends tribalism, language, geography, and even family? Be specific.

It doesn't. I'm not *primarily* a racialist. Everything you list there is critically important also.

I have also had a look through 'stormfront', and find it sad and mad.

You must have had a dam good look... that's months old, and THAT's sad.

Of course, all that sustains the effect of racist chants / songs / jokes, most of which are frankly quite dismal, is the rise they get out of left-liberal wet blankets.

I believe you, but it is a misguided and deeply embittered love. And premised on racialist myths that do not correspond to scientific fact.

Why must everything I do as a nationalist be the result of a personality defect? Don't you believe I can look out over Tynemouth, visit the Cathedral Treasury or walk across some hillside in the Cheviots without bitterness in my heart?

All my beliefs are founded on a particular view of human nature and society, not on race.

It takes us about 1% of the time to copy a page or a link than it does for you to write a post.

It takes you quite a while longer to find one prominently off-colour post in the 5,500+ I've made to SF over the course of the last few years.

You are working to have implemented policies that would see people dead if they slept with a person not of the approved color or religion.

There may be no need for 'games', but I can say in all honesty that's nothing I've ever said, heard or seen from anyone in the NF. If it has been said, it certainly doesn't reflect policy. As far as I'm concerned I'm working for the goals of the NF manifesto (as massively imperfect as that is) and nothing more.

Do you really think that people are going to just wait idly while you try to make "progress" towards these sick goals?

See above. And while the ostensible goals of the Left might lead the more naive to look on them as somehow more 'benevolent', they are condemned to hang forever out of reach, which is in the end just as bad - and why every hard-left regime in history has ended totalitarian.

Nationalism in an imperialist state can only lead to the enslavement of that nations people, and lead them into war and genocide.

I don't seek an 'imperialist state'. (But then again nor did Lenin.) Quite the contrary.

It's no use, he has been turned into a facist...

It's FASCIST. What is the problem people have with this?

... and will by reflex dis-allow that which would dissolve the mythology he believes in...

No Red does this of course...

... for he believes that "there is no intelligent opposition to white nationalism"...

I don't. Some of it posts in OV. But you're not it.

... therefore anything which seems to disprove the tenents of his cult is seen as "trolling" or "Jewspeak". And if he doesn't take these actions himself he will sit idly by while others do...

I've only been a mod for a few weeks, I don't moderate the whole site, and I go with a light hand. Don't take the existence of objectionable posts on SF to mean I agree with everything.

Schmidt admits he's in the shit!

Don't flatter yourself. (The 'information I should not have revealed' was nothing to do with this.) You pathological pricks may have done me a favour here - you've pointed up information that needed removing from public view before the local hacks / reds got a chance to see it.

He is a far better father than you deserve.

Again... it may be true but I don't need to hear it from you.

Schmidt might deny he's a waster, but look how he describes himself:

Yes. This is what we call Selbstvernichtung, twat.

As expected, the NF are standing only one candidate in South Tyneside, the ' upper middle class misfit Charles B. Schmidt, who will stand for the Biddick and All Saints Ward. This is not far from the flat bought for him by his daddy after he left Cambridge. Given what local police sources are now unofficially revealing about this man, there is growing concern from neighbours for their pre-teen daughters. The BNP, who are standing 3 candidates in the area have already distanced themsleves from Mr Schmidt, as the shocking revelations spread. The National Front national office has refused to comment on the allegations.

While I'm on, it's worth confirming this is of course pure shit, the fact of my candidacy aside... I have no criminal record.

And that's all from me, folks.

Charles Schmidt

Chas and Dave

15.05.2004 19:37

David di Benedetto / "Einzelwesen"
David di Benedetto / "Einzelwesen"

David di Benedetto is one of Charles Schmidt’s online circle-jerk buddies over at

This one’s an Aussie (from Perth, Western Australia), a 26-year-old ex-punk whose parents were born in northern Italy. He’s a smug pseudo-academic smart-arse (actually, he’s not nearly as clever, or as literate, as he likes to think) who seems to spend most of his time hanging out online with neo-Nazis and being very matey with them while, oh-so gently and politely, indicating that some of their views make him a touch queasy. He uses the Nazis’ own preferred euphemistic self-description of “White Nationalists” and he thinks “WN’s [i.e. Nazis] tend to come out pretty well” in terms of “how well and fluently they express” their views. He’s too much of an “individual”, you see, to go in for anything as crass and vulgar as anti-fascism. Dear me no - he’d much rather spend many hours becoming pals with the “WNs”, flattering them and defending them against those beastly anti-fascists, while equating the latter with Hitler’s Sturm Abteilung.

To date he’s made 2,161 postings on Stormfront:

He also pops up on an even nastier fascist discussion board, Vanguard News Network:

And he’s posted on Perth Indymedia with a cryptic (and useless) contribution to a debate about anti-fascist tactics (airing his obsession with that psychobabbling nutter Wilhelm Reich):

His tedious and self-important Livejournal diary is here:

The associated “user information” is here:
“I'm a 26 year old layabout from Perth, albeit an over qualified one. I like history, literature, music, sword fighting and fencing, and cultivating lung disease through not bothering to dust off my library.”

Jacob Grimm


15.05.2004 20:33

Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde

Noël Coward
Noël Coward

Well at least it makes a change from Judenvernichtung!

Yes, Chas (and Dave), we are all very familiar with the wry, whimsical, self-deprecating (not “self-depreciating”, Dave – you ignoramus!) and ironic mode of expression that is such a well-known hallmark of the British neo-Nazi scene. (Anyone who has ever encountered Chas’s Führer, the convicted gun-runner Terry Blackham, will have been instantly struck by the resemblance to Oscar Wilde and Noël Coward.)

However, we also know that “there’s many a true word spoken in jest”, and we recognize in the various online self-portraits offered by Chas an all-too-honest depiction of a failed, lonely and embittered individual with nothing to live for but a poisonous political ideology.

Rest assured, Chas, that “the local hacks / reds” have already got all the information on you that they need, and will be making full use of it before the election on 10 June. The best of luck to you!.

“Heissest du Kunz?” “Nein.” “Heissest du Heinz?” “Nein.” “Heisst du etwa Charles Bernhardt Schmidt?”

“Das hat dir der Teufel gesagt, das hat dir der Teufel gesagt”, schrie das Männlein und stiess mit dem rechten Fuss vor Zorn so tief in die Erde, dass es bis an den Leib hineinfuhr, dann packte es in seiner Wut den linken Fuss mit beiden Händen und riss sich selbst mitten entzwei.

Wilhelm Grimm


16.05.2004 04:35

Where to begin...

First of all, I think attempting to inject some modicum of rationality and sense into WN etc. discussion is more productive, in the long run, than scraping the web for irrelevant nonsense. If you tell a person that they're stupid morons, they simply won't listen to you, no matter the medium.

Secondly, I spent over 10 years being very much involved in anti-right-wing campaigns over here as an ISO member/regional organiser, and I was even unlucky enough to pick up scars doing so. I still do so, albeit not as a part of an organisation. You have no idea of my participation in anti-fascist activities, so don't guess. I simply happen to believe that discussion is more effective than mud-slinging.

Thirdly, I don't think I'm clever, or literate. Over-educated, perhaps, but I had nothing better to do with my early 20's, after all.

Fourthly, I was referring to Stormfront specifically, where what I said about the fluency of WN's et cetera versus that of the 'antis' (and I'm unequivocally one of those) holds true; most of the antis who post there are idiots.

I'll come back to this later.

David et cetera
mail e-mail:

Do what you like, Dave

16.05.2004 15:26

... but I'm sure I speak for most people here when I say that we have not the slightest interest in helping you whack off online. Save your smug little conceits for those delightfully witty and articulate "WN" chums of yours over on Stormfront, VNN, Livejournal and wherever else you choose to while away your life. We have other things to get on with, such as stopping the Nazis making an electoral breakthrough in the UK on 10 June.



17.05.2004 02:24

Well, the whole point in my adding my 2c to this discussion was to point out that telling one's political and ideological opponents to 'kindly go somewhere and die' is hardly an endearing act in itself... but whatever, I'm sure the infallible hand of Marx will guide you to victory in the upcoming elections.

David et cetera

Well oh well

18.10.2005 22:57

I see this article is obviously about JohnJoyTree of Stormfront, amongst other websites no doubt.

I happen to be a member of Stormfront myself, though I am not a WN.
There I am referred to as an "anti". Meaning a non-WN (anti-racist etc).

I must say that as I gather from the vast experience there, the one single WN-person of Stormfront with much hospitality, reason and intelligence is definently JohnJoyTree.

So it is very natural and factually correct for me to oppose some of the comments in this article made regarding Andy Robertson.
I remember writing one post on how much I loved the Norse Mythology and nordic spirit but how equally strong I detested any involvement with such romanzing aligned with Hitlerian doctrine.

Basically I said that anyone one ascribing to the deeds and doctrine of Hitlers does so ascribing to the detriment of the nordic spirit.
... the only one backing me up on that one as I can recall was JohnJoyTree. Saying that he agreed with me and for the same reasons.

I've also witnessed him arguing against the idealistic jew-haters to grab a sense of their wits and reason instead of using and diving into such idiotic slanderous mind conduct.
JohnJoyTree is perhaps the least "WN" there is on Stormfront, in the conventional interpretation that is, he's reasonable and quite open-minded as so.

Furtheremore, I saw someone in the backwater commenting that mentioned "Asatru".
First, it's spelled "Asatro" and it's a swedish word for belief of labeling the scandinavian mythology, another more adept label for following the "Asatro" is to be an "Odinist".
Or what have you...

Peace and God's speed,

- Hans

Leo Albus
mail e-mail:

Welcome criticism!

15.11.2005 16:03

I am a Stormfronter and actually I do not mind this article at all. We should welcome criticism.

JohnJoyTree is a thoughtful poster on Stormfront.

Every shade of political movement has its extremists, and JohnJoyTree is not one of them.

As for the Zionist conspiracy, you would have to be blind, or wilful not to see it. We have a massive problem in the UK, America being the true 'axis of evil'.

Question :- Ever wondered why the so-called 'Freedom for Palestine' movement does not campaign for the removal of Zionists from Western governments?

Answer :- Because they are fake!

I am sure that many people here on Indymedia already know this, but why doesn't the extra-parliamentary left DO SOMETHING about this? You are so weak!

I believe that race does exist. If race does not exist, then what about the new drug which has been discovered for heart disease which works specifically on black people?

Of course there are racial differences, and we should form social policies accordingly and with respect for these differences.

Social Anthropology is just another Marxist pseudo-science, and soon enough the world is going to realise that Zionists, who are actively pursuing eugenics, are leaving the rest of the world behind in their ethno-specific medical research and pursuing of a racial preservationist agenda.

It seems to have been overlooked that the native people of Europe are an indigenous people with a very long history. The left claims to care about indigenous peoples, whereas in fact, they are just another tool for the globalists and if unchecked will turn this world into an Orwellian nightmare.

So, have fun race-mixing yourselves into a sub-race of slaves whilst the Zionists build up their genetic stock and power-base!

Evil fascist neo-nazi etc.