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Channel 4 Documentary on Daedalus Action Group racist scum

ClassProud | 06.05.2004 21:00 | Anti-racism | Indymedia | World

Racist little-englander twats!

Just watched the painfully horrible documentary on the crap bullshit views of lowlife racist little Englanders.

Why not tell them your views via email



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isn't it weird ????

07.05.2004 11:47

Hey, the strange thing about this website is that the guy who has registered it has what looks to be an Eastern European last name (probably Polish):

Domain ID:D94573369-LROR
Created On:17-Feb-2003 02:12:33 UTC
Last Updated On:19-Feb-2004 16:16:10 UTC
Expiration Date:17-Feb-2005 02:12:33 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:R11-LROR
Registrant ID:tuNGKxlfABxTZj9N
Registrant Name:Steve Brzozowski
Registrant Organization:Steve Brzozowski
Registrant Street1:72 Riders Lane
Registrant Street2:Havant
Registrant City:Portsmouth
Registrant State/Province:Havant
Registrant Postal Code:PO94QP
Registrant Country:GB
Registrant Phone:+44.23499994
Registrant FAX:+44.23450045
Registrant Email:
Admin ID:tuNGKxlfABxTZj9N
Admin Name:Steve Brzozowski
Admin Organization:Steve Brzozowski
Admin Street1:72 Riders Lane
Admin Street2:Havant
Admin City:Portsmouth
Admin State/Province:Havant
Admin Postal Code:PO94QP
Admin Country:GB
Admin Phone:+44.23499994
Admin Email:
Tech ID:tuNGKxlfABxTZj9N
Tech Name:Steve Brzozowski
Tech Organization:Steve Brzozowski
Tech Street1:72 Riders Lane
Tech Street2:Havant
Tech City:Portsmouth
Tech State/Province:Havant
Tech Postal Code:PO94QP
Tech Country:GB
Tech Phone:+44.23499994
Tech Email:

So you'd think he'd have some sympathy for asylum seekers...

Life can indeed be strange at times.


if you wanna look at fascist sites

07.05.2004 19:44

if you wanna look at fascist sites undetected go thru this site
when u visit a site it keeps a record of where your coming from so if you got broadband you can be connected with your real address just like the above info
if you use the-cloak you dont show up on their records
cool huh
but you can only look at 2 or 3 sites a day



07.05.2004 22:50

I use Privoxy ( to run a local proxy server which fetches the pages I'm browsing.

You can then set-up Privoxy to disguise the IP address you are coming from - so with my set-up it looks as if Google has indexed the site.

This works in Windows or Linux.


Stormfront Nazis linked to Daedalus Action Group

08.05.2004 13:56

I thought I was dreaming for a minute there...

Yesterday, I had googled for "action4lee" to find some more information on these fascist nutters and found that the self-styled 'white nationalist community' website, Stormfront, had linked to an image on the DAG website.

I made a mental note to myself to post about this later...

Later, when I googled for the link again it had gone - it had disappeared from Google. Obviously the owner of the website, a man of Polish extraction by the name of Steve Brzozowski, had requested that Google de-index the link - undoubtedly because they find embarrassing the fact that the "Daedalus Action Group" share the same politics as a bunch of white supremacists.

Anyway, luckily the website URL was cached in the browser of another machine I had been using, so now you can see for yourselves the link between the far right politics of hate and the the Daily Mail/Daily Express-reading, McDonalds-munching little Englanders of Lee-on-the-Solent:

By the way, I have copied the page so that now there is a permanent record of this link.



08.05.2004 14:08

Just in case the link is deleted or something, here's the original page converted to a PDF.


"Racist little-englander twats"

06.01.2005 16:39

I was searching google to see whether there were any recent updates about the daedalus action group. I came across this site that...'is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues'. Interesting as my next essay due in is on DIY culture and whether it is culture-resistant or culture-avoidant. Perhaps this site may help

I start reading the thread entitled: "Channel 4 Documentary on Daedalus Action Group racist scum". So its a channel 4 documentary. Right, firstly i look back at the indymedia mission...'non-commercial coverage' being one of the promises of the site. Clearly CLASSPROUD seems to think that commercial coverage is a good way of addressing social and political issues. This makes a complete mockery of what this site stands for. I mean channel 4 would never edit any of their documentaries and they'd certainly leave all the confrontational 'juicy bits' out!?! In the case of this documentary, the views of a few complete morons. Secondly, CLASSPROUD refers to Daedalus Action Group (DAG) as 'racist scum'. So that must also include the other 7000+ lee-on-solent residents who marched in opposition to the proposed asylum centre. All racist scum, everyone of them. Ok well that includes me as well then, lest not forget that i am also a 'low life racist' and have 'crap bullshit views'. 'Low life'. I'd like to know what you mean? My education taught me rationality and objectivity. So i can see that the residents of lee-on-solent are united on their feelings on the subject. Now 7000 people, from experience of living there, is a huge majority of the town. In excess of 80% i'd guess. So thats a vast majority of people marching in protest who are all low life racists. So what if it was 80% of the country?? Would they all be low lifes? Even the ethnic minorities, disabled and elderly (other 'groups' that are regularly targets of racism) were in oppositon. I think you really missed the residents of lee-on-solents point. A visit to lee would clearly awaken you to the fact that there is simply not enough space to home 600 extra people every 12 weeks. Almost 3000 year. That is the main problem CLASSPROUD. It is not a matter of who, it is a matter of where.

A few other things

> A member of the BNP approached a member of the DAG with an offer to help their 'cause'. He was told in no uncertain terms that he's not welcome.
> Perhaps the link was abolished because DAG didn't want to be connected at all to any facist groups such as 'stormfront' because their views are absolutely different. Perhaps stormfront have absolutely no idea what the DAG is about. You idiot, seriously, because some fool from Stormfront puts a link to DAG it must mean that they 'share the same politics as a bunch of white supremacists'. It makes me sick how smallminded you obviously are.
> DAG have made regular contributions to charity and still do.
> Why does ANTI RACIST need to print full details of the who the website is registered to. Do you want people to send hate mail?
> Why should Steve Brzozowski have sympathy for asylum seekers? Is he one then? Are DAG trying to mimic the Nazi's? How completely sad and pathetic.
> What would some of you lot say if they wanted to destroy 500 trees and build an asylum centre? HYPOCRITES!!!

From what i've read on this thread...Fuck Stormfront, but Fuck DIY Culture and the aforementioned people as well!

And i'm a negro really can be strange.


Alleged lack of space

23.01.2005 18:07

Re the comment by STUDENT about there not being enough space. This is simply untrue; a look at a current map - see - shows the site in question, a disused military airfield occupying almost as much space as the town itself. See:〈=&db=freegaz


Student is talking rubbish

01.02.2005 21:07

"In the case of this documentary, the views of a few complete morons."

These morons are mostly Daedalus Action Group members.

"Secondly, CLASSPROUD refers to Daedalus Action Group (DAG) as 'racist scum'. So that must also include the other 7000+ lee-on-solent residents who marched in opposition to the proposed asylum centre. All racist scum, everyone of them. Ok well that includes me as well then, lest not forget that i am also a 'low life racist' and have 'crap bullshit views'. 'Low life'. I'd like to know what you mean? My education taught me rationality and objectivity. So i can see that the residents of lee-on-solent are united on their feelings on the subject. Now 7000 people, from experience of living there, is a huge majority of the town. In excess of 80% i'd guess. So thats a vast majority of people marching in protest who are all low life racists. So what if it was 80% of the country?? Would they all be low lifes? "

The people on the march came from the surrounding areas and were not all Lee residents. Unfortuately you and the other morons on the march were duped by the DAG and the media. Anyway it was people from DAG who appeared on the Documentary and there was no doubt that were racist / bigots. You can edit a programme anyway you want but the people said what they did and of that there is no doubt. Its a pity your so called education does not extend to compassion. That was something that was totally missing from the DAG campaign.

"I think you really missed the residents of lee-on-solents point. A visit to lee would clearly awaken you to the fact that there is simply not enough space to home 600 extra people every 12 weeks. Almost 3000 year. That is the main problem CLASSPROUD. It is not a matter of who, it is a matter of where."

Total rubbish. At this present time 1050 house are being built in Lee. That is possibly 2000 adults and 500 children with maybe 1500 cars. There was no march or pedition against them. They will use Doctors, Hospitals and Schools. Also 300 houses are to be bulit in Daedalus to house service personnel. No compaint about that either.
By the way the centre would hold 400 maximum, your rediculous 3000 comes from your fear that when granted refugee status they would all stay.


Steve Brzozowski

28.07.2005 10:07

Hey guys, I happen to know Steve Brzozowski and can verify that he is a professional web-designer who earns a living creating web-sites for various businesses and individuals. He would have been paid to create the site and you should bear in mind that sometimes we web-designers have to create websites that don't necessarily reflect our personal views.



22.08.2005 14:46

I was born in england and calling people rascist little Englander twats is inciting racial hatred; which is a criminal offence and I believe that this site allows people to do so, I also believe is legally none-obliging.


There is nothing wrong in having different races, religons, creeds, and colour of skins and different racial concerns and views about each other, but the person responsible for there comment on this site, has some deep rooted concerns that they should by all means express, but LEGALLY.

Culture however needs to be worked on in the UK people that deliberatley incote racial hated against the host population are ignorant in the sense that this country is the most liberal, democratic country in the world that has helped people in other countries that are starving and have nowhere to go. So remeber that us so called LITTLE ENGLANDER TWATS aren't so bad as what you think.

Even though that I have some racial concerns about people's views amoung ethnic Minorites I can understand some of what they say. I am proud of being a multi-racial society, but just believe that people should think before they speak.

Please be conciderate when using this site, it is a tool for keeping democracy in the UK.

To people of any kind of race, religon, cree, colour ethnic origon ect using this site in future. don't reframe from expressin your views but don't directly insult people with swearing.

To all peoples using your site as a means to express

Best regards, and happy expressing!

Not told