pictures from Saturday, Dublin, Mayday, anarchist block
ab | 06.05.2004 12:10 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | London | World
A weekend of protest took place in Dublin around Mayday, co-inciding with the official ceremony to celebrate the expansion of the European Union and to "welcome" the new European Union memberstates, most of them from Eastern Europe.
On Saturday evening a demonstration marched into the direction of the "red zone" to express dissent with the expansion of "fortress europe" and with globalisation of trade, but with non-regards towards the people.
On Saturday evening a demonstration marched into the direction of the "red zone" to express dissent with the expansion of "fortress europe" and with globalisation of trade, but with non-regards towards the people.
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06.05.2004 17:24
i mean - its good, and i like the idea-but black is just a bit lame - why not dress brightly and shit, i rekon that would be much nicer....hohum
06.05.2004 21:43
Maybe we could have two blocks one black and one Fluffy :) each to their own and all that.
Bristol Radical Cheerleader
I think I have seen you people before!
07.05.2004 16:31
The people in the black block look more like fascists to me. Your movement seems to have been heavily infiltrated by fascists, but then both are anti-capitalists.
Troll Investigator
07.05.2004 20:14
And Fascism is not anti-capitalist - economically it is based on a large private sector partially supported by state military funding. Mussolini even said 'fascism should really be called Corporatism, for it is the merger of state and corporate power'. If you're going to troll mindless slurs, at least get your basics right.
Good pics ;-)
Troll Investigator
"Anarchist Block"
08.05.2004 15:31
one of the anarchist blocs
11.05.2004 16:21