STOP THE WALL: Palestinians Uniting in Fight Against the Apartheid Wall!
Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign | 04.05.2004 16:36 | Anti-militarism | World
The Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign
May 02, 2004
Palestinians Uniting in Fight Against the Apartheid Wall!
May 02, 2004
Palestinians Uniting in Fight Against the Apartheid Wall!
Latest News
Jenin and Qalqilya Farmers Express Their Solidarity With Biddu Village
Above: People from Jenin, Qalqilya & Biddu march together through the streets of Biddu village.
On April 30th, a popular meeting took place in Biddu, when members of popular committees against the Wall in Jenin and Qalqilya challenged the closures and separation of the West Bank imposed by the Occupation and managed to reach Biddu in North West Jerusalem. The participants from Jenin and Qalqilya came to express their solidarity with the people in Biddu, where the Wall is currently being built, and where five martyrs have been killed by the Occupation while resisting the Wall's construction. [

Terror and Destruction: The Next Steps Towards Expulsion
On April 28th, Occupation forces recently delivered 14 demolition final warnings to owners of agricultural sheds in the village of Jayyus. The buildings threatened with demolition are located on both sides of the Wall. On April 25th Occupation forces accompanied by an official from the High Planning Council of the Occupation authority warned the owners of the sheds, to demolish them within a week or the Occupation forces would carry out the demoltions, and force the owners to pay for the demolition expenses. [

And the Walls Came Tumbling Down
Among the ruins of his two buildings, Sheikh Salah Abu Taha, 53, sits surveying the damage. The two buildings contained 30 apartments, and both were dynamited to the ground during an Israeli army invasion in the Yubna area of Rafah last December. Thirty families, including the Tahas, were left homeless. [

Solidarity from the North in Biddu Village
On April 30th, farmers from Jenin and Qalqilya travelled through closures and Occupation enforced separation to Biddu village to visibly express their solidarity with the farmers of North West Jerusalem. The day included prayers and speeches in Biddu's lands destroyed for the Apartheid Wall, as well as a popular meeting where the first steps towards organizing a popular conference that is to include all popular committees against the Wall, to unify all efforts against the Apartheid Wall.

Palestinian Nakba Day
May 15th will mark 56 years since the Nakba of 1948 - over half a century of dispossession and expulsion of the Palestinian people by Zionist forces. In 1967, as part of the Zionist slogan and practice of "a land without people, for a people without land", Israel militarily occupied what little Palestinian land remained after 1948. The Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza is systematically strangling the life out of Palestinian communities - ensuring their demise on every level, through sustained military closures, brutal humiliation, forced starvation, and mass unemployment. The Apartheid Wall is yet another brutal tool in continuing the Zionist plans of forced expulsion of individuals and communities. Throughout demonstrations against the Wall, communities have raised banners reading, "We will not relive the 1948 Nakba! We will not relive our dispossession at the hands of Israel!"
The Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign calls for global solidarity in supporting the continued resistance to the Occupation of Palestine. Watch the Campaign's Worldwide Activism section for events in Palestine and abroad to mark this important date for Palestinian people everywhere.
Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign