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Mad Picnic for a Mad World Photos

heather | 01.05.2004 19:53

Here are some pictures from Mayday Manchester

Manchester belongs to us
Manchester belongs to us

Small boy, Big Hat
Small boy, Big Hat

Making leaflet cones for free popcorn
Making leaflet cones for free popcorn

Samba band
Samba band

No football, no other games
No football, no other games

It was a lovely day. Manchester Samba Band played for us. We gave away free popcorn (wrapped in leaflets letting people know about the selloff of Piccadilly gardens) and lots and lots of cake. People drew pictures, wrote poems and lazed around in the sun.
We are going to have another Mad Picnic for a Mad World in Piccadilly soon, and we are want to have more on other bits of ripped off land as the summer goes on.

But thats not the way its got to be
People before property
We want a meeting place
And not a traffic jam
Let Mayday speak for all of us
Manchester belongs to us
No to their profits
And their Piccadilly plans

Stop ripping off Public Spaces



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01.05.2004 20:36

Playing without permission is against the bylaws
Playing without permission is against the bylaws

knackered but its been a good day
knackered but its been a good day

People on the grass
People on the grass

People passing by
People passing by

writing poems, drawing pictures
writing poems, drawing pictures

more people
more people

and more people
and more people

and thats enough
and thats enough

"there’s definitely some feeling of loss somewhere in me, the lack of free, uncommercial space that people can use to congregate socially, creatively and politically in this city is absolutely deadening. Every corner is an imposing tower of glass, some kind of monument to obscene excess, leering over the passers by; people are dwarfed by the things they build, scurrying past, scurrying on..."

(thanks kickstart for the quote - where does it come from?)



02.05.2004 10:58

That quote is from dave, im sure he wont mind me saying its from him, hes famous!
