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War Against War: Sweet Dreams

Clinton Fein / | 01.05.2004 06:24 | Anti-militarism | World

For thousands of Iraqis, liberation has been laser guided destruction and horror. Clinton Fein’s 'Sweet Dreams', 'Uncomfortably Numb' and 'One Summer' provide three brutally realistic audio-visual commentaries.

War Against War: Sweet Dreams
For thousands of Iraqis, liberation has been nothing short of laser guided destruction and horror. The recent furor that arose following the release of images of dead servicemembers returning to Dover Air Base in flag-draped coffins, did more than hit home the cost of American lives. It demonstrated that, for all its many flaws, the U.S. military at least treats its dead with dignity and respect. For one thing, they count them. America’s policy of not counting the dead is not likely to win any points in the battle for hearts and minds. Nor is the treatment of those injured, let alone those killed. Clinton Fein’s Sweet Dreams is simply a compilation of photographs from all over the globe that doesn’t answer any questions, but suggests that the American Dream, for those in Iraq, is not so sweet. [Watch the slide show]

War Against War: Uncomfortably Numb
A slide video presentation made possible by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by First Amendment advocate, Russ Kick, and made available on his web site A Pentagon ban, supported by the Bush Administration forbids the taking of pictures of dead soldiers -- the practice of which many believe changed America's course in Vietnam. To date, over 700 Americans have been killed in Iraq since George W. Bush declared war, but the practice of only counting Americans is perhaps the most troubling of all.

War Against War: One SummerClinton Fein's audio-visual slide show, One Summer, captures a moment in time in San Francisco when the city said no to war. The apathy that followed the anti-war movement's inability to stop the war was preceeded by the passion evident of those appearing in this production.

Clinton Fein /