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mistreating Iraqi prisoners

CBS, BBC, SKY | 29.04.2004 15:48 | Analysis | World

Prisoners with wires attached to their genitals.

"mistreating Iraqi prisoners" so politely used by sky news.

CBS says the pictures it obtained show a wide range of abuses, including:

- Prisoners with wires attached to their genitals

- A dog attacking a prisoner

- Prisoners being forced to simulate having sex with each other

- A detainee with an abusive word written on his body.
CBS TV says it has "dozens" of pictures showing a wide range of maltreatment.

Taken by US troops, many of the pictures show American troops watching in apparent approval.,,30200-1133151,00.html

This came out with stories from Iraqis many months ago and then there were no films or photos of it JUST THE WORDS OF ORDINARY IRAQIS and it was brushed of as ANTI US PROPAGANDA and LIES.




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29.04.2004 16:39

- Photographs included one showing a prisoner standing on a box with a hood over his head and wires coming from his hands. The network said he was told he would be electrocuted if he fell off.

- Other pictures showed nude prisoners lying on each other and simulating oral sex as US troops pointed and laughed.


For a democratic and united Iraq free from foreign influence.

End the occupation

Elections to form representative Iraqi government in a united Iraq

No forced contracts, no privatisation, no bases without vote or referendum

Compensation for the large destruction of people’s lives, property and cultural heritage caused by US and British forces

Iraq’s debts written off not differed or rescheduled. Aid to help with reconstruction

Iraqis be allowed to determine their own economic future

Reconstruction process directed by the Iraqi people for the Iraqi people

Iraqi resources for the Iraqi people

No excuses to delay hand over. For Iraq to be truly independent the clock is ticking and time is passing. Action as above will give Iraqis confidence and empower them to deal with any other issues.

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Photos show jail abuse by US troops

29.04.2004 18:01

United States soldiers at a prison outside Baghdad have been accused of forcing Iraqi prisoners into acts of sexual humiliation and other abuses.

The charges, first announced by the military in March, were documented by photographs taken by guards in the prison.

Some of the photographs, and descriptions of others, were broadcast in the US on Wednesday by a CBS television news program and were verified by military officials.

Of the six people reported in March to be facing preliminary charges, three have been recommended for courts martial.

The program reported that poorly trained US reservists were forcing Iraqis to conduct simulated sexual acts in order to break down their will before they were turned over to others for interrogation.

In one photograph naked Iraq prisoners stand in a human pyramid, one with a slur written on his skin in English.

In another, a prisoner stands on a box, his head covered, wires attached to his body. The news show said that, according to the army, he had been told that if he fell off the box he would be electrocuted. Other photographs show male prisoners positioned to simulate sex with each other.


"The pictures show Americans, men and women, in military uniforms, posing with naked Iraqi prisoners," a transcript said.

"And in most of the pictures, the Americans are laughing, posing, pointing or giving the camera a thumbs-up."

The program's producers said the army also had photographs showing a detainee with wires attached to his genitals and another that showed a dog attacking a prisoner.

The photographs were taken inside Abu Ghraib prison, near Baghdad, where US forces have been holding hundreds of Iraqis.

Gary Myers, the lawyer for one of the enlisted men who has been charged, said the military had treated the six enlisted soldiers as scapegoats and had failed to deal adequately with the responsibilities of senior commanders and intelligence personnel involved in the interrogations.

Officers at the prison, including a brigadier-general, faced administrative review, officials said.

Mr Myers said that the accused men, all from a reserve military police unit, were told to soften up the prisoners by more senior interrogators, some of whom they believe were intelligence officials and outside contractors.

"This case involves a monumental failure of leadership, where lower level enlisted people are being scapegoated," Mr Myers said. "The real story is not in these six young enlisted people. The real story is the manner in which the intelligence community forced them into this position."

A photo from TV shows naked prisoners positioned in a human pyramid. Photo: Sky News

Eight US soldiers died and four were wounded when a car bomb exploded in Mahmudia, a southern suburb of Baghdad, yesterday. The latest fatalities brought the number of US soldiers killed in action since the invasion of Iraq to 533.

President George Bush said in Washington that US commanders would take "whatever actions necessary to secure Falluja", a city marines have besieged for three weeks. Most of the city was returning to normal, Mr Bush added. But the city appeared anything but normal on Wednesday as US warplanes dropped laser-guided bombs and fired airborne howitzers.

The New York Times, The Washington Post, Reuters [via Zinfandel]
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Please take action

30.04.2004 00:33
All members in Iraqi governing concil. Remind them of the human rights paragraphs in the constitution.

Even your local politician where you live now might be something.



01.05.2004 12:08

americans had september 11 and instead of taking the wisdom that we have to much blood of people in our hands, u went in 2 more wars, and now u r in the name od peace raping men for god sake.

if u get another september 11 and hopefully u do ,,dont be surprised