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Opposition to Mandatory ID cards

Zinfandel | 29.04.2004 08:30 | Indymedia | Repression | Technology | London

David Blunket proposes that by 2012 everybody in the UK should be forced to carry an ID card which carries biomentric data about the owner.

Failure to register for this compulsory scheme (which is expected to cost every individual £35) will constitute a civil offence carrying a fine of £2,500. Blunket said that he will make it a civil offence rather than a criminal offence to stop 'clever people from becoming martyrs'.

There may be other websites devoted to opposing this scheme, if there are please post them. This is the only one I have found so far:

- Homepage:


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another site

29.04.2004 11:19


Lost cause

29.04.2004 11:20

This is a battle we will not win. Rightly or wrongly ( I think wrongly ) 85% of the British people think ID cards are a good thing. Of course their views have been manipulated we can all see that, but the fact remains they have no objection to carrying them and compulsary carrying will be introduced with the next aftermath to a terrorist attack.

Let's choose another battle to fight - we've lost this one. I know there will be some who will go for the dramatic, burning cards in Whitehall etc but when that means they can't get NHS treatment, access to Benefits, entry to a sporting event etc they will change their mind.


Not Lost

29.04.2004 11:42

"85% of the British people think ID cards are a good thing"

I consider myself a democrat - but this statistic is irrelevant. Why? Not just since it's based on fraudulent promises of a crime/scary immigrant/terrorism-free utopia. Democratic majorities simply have no right to infringe the liberty of others except to protect themselves. Clearly ID cards are the 'self-protection' version of collective punishment, a cluster bomb of pre-emptive policing. 'The terrorists want to take our freedom, so lets dismantle it before they do!' - seems to be the plan.

If we allow the government to manufacture consent for such a totalitarian scheme then we surrender any remaining notions of democratic control over the political process. We must resist and refuse. Refuse to pay civil fines. Show the government in its true light - criminalising dissent while claiming inadequate resources to fight terrorism.

If we don't stop it, we're fucked frankly.


lost cause

29.04.2004 12:23

so that's 15% against that sounds like a good starting point.if a small amount of people say no quickly others think well hang about why am i into this and before you no it the poll tax is abolished and thatchers out, well you get the idea...


Lost Cause? Let this go and what will follow?

29.04.2004 12:28

This may feel like a lost cause but to me and many others this cause is povotal to the whole future of human rights and dignity. Its significance should not be underestimated. The polls that you quote from have been engineered to suit the governments agenda. It is now well known that the government secretly permitted migration from eastern Europe, particularly Romania, whilst publicly claiming to be clamping down on 'illegal immigrants'. Ergo, the general public percieve there to be an immigrant problem (they do read The Sun and The Daily Mail after all) and deduce that the government aren't doing enough, almost demanding that they are rounded up and tagged like cattle. Or more appropriately, sheep!

As a cause, this has all the potential to be the 'Poll Tax' for which ever branch of fascism holds the reigns of power when they try to introduce it. There will be no dramatic burning of cards in Whitehall because once you have your ID card it will be too late. They will already have all your information, including bio-metric data.

The future may result in mandatory RFID implants. This thread descended into the usual senseless heated exchange but is worthy of consideration:

'You will lose your liberties' - John Ashcroft


lost cause?

29.04.2004 15:06

I strongly suspect opposition to the ID cards will dramatically rise when more people actually start to realise the data they will be containing (and are capable of containing). At the moment it's clear many people are under the illusion that they're just like any other form of ID, rather than biometric.


how do you know?

29.04.2004 16:23

"80%" of people support ID cards?

we do not have an effective way of polling anymore
because politicians & media spin have ruined any
true way of knowing any 'public opinion'

i would go so far to say
that the phrase
'public opinion'
is an oxymoron!!!
as our opinions are only counted when
they fit the media political bias
everything is a result of 'steering commitees'
oh so hard and diligant work!!!!

refuse & resist...

Captain Wardrobe


29.04.2004 21:05

"Realist" - that is defeatism not realism.

Remember that without a card you will not be able to access any public services or even get a job.
Want a dental check-up? - sorry, no "ID".
Want to go to the library? - sorry, no "ID".
Want a job? - sorry, no "ID".
Want a home? - sorry, no "ID".
Want to go somewhere without carrying a card? - sorry, no "ID".
Want medical attention - sorry, no "ID".

Eventually it will be...
Want to buy something - food, clothes, anything... - sorry, no "ID".
Think the government doesn't know where you are 24 hrs a day? Wrong, every time you go into a shop to pay for something, use a cash machine, use a public service, go to work they will know you're location because the 'ID card' (or surveillance card) will have to be checked against a central database.

...Authenticating access to Slowtown Libary 10:45...fingerprint matches...Matt 'the Sheep' Realist...national insurance number...address...Last known locations...Woolworths 10:30...Cash machine, Consumption Street 10:20...Bus station 10:15...

The same is happening with 'congestion charging' which to me is an excuse to check up on where car drivers are. I'm not in favour of polluting the air but car drivers should realise what this is about.

Brian B

Marx revisited.

29.04.2004 21:05

To paraphrase the young Marx, these cards "should be resisted everywhere and in every way."

OK, he was talking about taxes, but I think the line fits


fear controlled behaviorism

29.04.2004 22:19

I agree with Brian B

i think we also have to concern ourselves with the effects
of constant fear-mongering to justify having such a authoritarian use for technology...
also 20 years down the line what will be the psychological effects?

what will be considered 'normality'?
or more pertinantly,
what will be sold to us as normality culture?

I am not against technology, but it does seem a tad odd
that at the turn of the industrial revolution we were
promised a brave new world of flying jet cars and
the 'no hard work just lesuiretime'- 'let the robots do everything '
kind of utopia...for years we have been mind controlled via everthing from
sci fi such as star trek to 'tommorrows world' to 'the jetsons'
to believe that the future is better brighter less diseased place...
we have also the distopian views like 1984, brave new world,
why does it all seem to incresing look to be going this way?


i have done some pages on the scary shitworld TM

the new slavery


the watson co-incidence

the belief engine

god and everything

let me know what you think...

love cw

Captain Wardrobe

injected ID- just to show this isn't all sci fi paranioa...

29.04.2004 23:41


Barcelona, the 12th of March 2004 :

Baja Beach Club will celebrate its 7th Anniversary in Barcelona

the 18 th of March 2004. Baja Beach presents a spectacular skyshow, the Grand Opening of the new Champagne bar and the introduction of new technologie “The VIP Verichip”(implanted underskin).

(Famous people will have an implantation in Baja Beach club)

Baja beach Club will be the first and only club of the world that will introduce the new technologie of a chip implant under the skin of a human beïng.

Aida, Silvia Fominaya, Jorge Berrocal and Nacho are the first famous VIP people who will do the implantation of the chip live on this Mega Anniversary Party.

VeriChip is a miniaturized, implantable radio frequency identification (RFID) device. About the size of a grain of rice, each VeriChip contains a unique verification number, which can be used to access a subscriber-supplied database providing personal related information. VeriChip is there when you need it.

VeriChip can’t be lost, stolen, misplaced or counterfeited.

Once implanted just under the skin, via a quick, simple and painless outpatient procedure (much like getting a shot), the VeriChip can be scanned when necessary with a proprietary VeriChip scanner. We can use it as a VIP badge, let people put money on the chip via scan or let them open the door automatically, not to mention all the other things can be done with it…

Grand opening of new Champange Bar.

50 various types of Champagne and Cava. The bar and the surrounding area have been completely renovated to portray a much more luxurious appearance.

Please confirm the number of persons that will come by phone, fax or e-mail. We will make personal ID Cards for the press. You will also have the possibility to have a dinner in Baja Beach club.

Conrad Chase from Miami Florida has been involved with the design and construction of over 10 nightclubs all over the globe.

These clubs have been the premier entertainment concepts in their respective marketplaces for many years.

The History of Baja Beach Club

In 1997 Baja Beach Club opened his doors in Barcelona. The name “Baja Beach” comes from a Mexican peninsula just over the Southern California border. The atmosphere and décor are inspired by the Californian beaches. It´s unique for it´s original nature. The Baja Beach Club has a huge dance floor (2300m2-up to 3000 people) and the most beautiful crew of Barcelona.

Captain Wardrobe

if you carry "blunkets id miracle card", they own you.

30.04.2004 00:22

id cards have to include the majority of the population or they just can't work. lots of people don't want them now and lots of other people won't want them when they've had a think. hopefully we can give people other info against id, that counteracts the government propaganda/fear machine.
i think also the technology isn't as foolproof as they want us to believe it is and i'm certain the administration systems aren't (run by capita etc... hmm, great track record there - think about their involvement in the dss/child support agency etc for example). but i don't think we should be complacent about this at all.
refuse an id card. even if it means giving up part of whatever you think your freedom is in the short-term(for example, freedom to travel or drive cars, because they are sneaking this in by the back door). don't let your kids carry a connextions card (this is softening people up for id). in europe, id cards are more basic with, in some countries, an element of choice in what goes on them. but the one they think we can be forced to accept will be so much worse.
like i said, if enough of us refuse, it is unworkable. we should work together on this if we can.
think polltax

mail e-mail:
- Homepage:


30.04.2004 08:55

I agree Heather...

i forgot to post his comment with the baja beach club piece above

but i think it's also worth remembering how such things are made to
appear fashionable...

i believe that the implants will be made out to be 'cool'
like tatooing or peircing...

in fact thier has been work done on an invisible tattoo system see:'5,878,155'.WKU.&OS=PN/5,878,155&RS=PN/5,878,155

imagine the marylyn manson fans who'll think it's 'cool' to receive
'the mark of the beast' just to piss off thier parents...
personally i don't beleive the religous hysteria but it could be used as a
political tool just like peadophile scaremongering - to acheive global

also there is a recent piece on MRI scanning to read poilitical thought
the ramifications of this are HUGE

imagine vast advertising screens along high streets and shopping malls
that are reading the thoughts of the herd
anyone with with a hint of militancy will be watched tracked and weeded out.

how MRI works

using MRI's to see politics of the brain

forced neuroleptics

Captain Wardrobe

neuroleptic link above gone ,

30.04.2004 09:16

sorry US indymedia is rubbish now!
they seem to have censored the archive or something

Neuroleptics are the psychiatric drugs most frequently given *forcibly* or coercively. Psychiatry has succeeded in convincing many people that the answer to severe emotional problems is primarily biochemical.
There is an enormous push to increase the use of forced neuroleptics, even using court orders of people living at home, backed up by at-home drug deliveries. In fact, the drug industry has funded a campaign to make this the national model in the next few years.
One of the arguments to justify more forced neuroleptics is that "when people quit their meds, they become aggressive." But even monkey studies show two months of aggression upon quitting neuroleptics!
Psychiatry is currently promoting an experimental model of giving neuroleptics to teens BEFORE they have been diagnosed "schizophrenic," in order to supposedly "prevent schizophrenia." Time magazine/Pacific did an article on this. And we thought Joe Camel was bad?
Mainstream medical studies now know that the effect of the neuroleptics is so great that long term use can result in brain changes visible via MRI and CT scans.
Remember the tobacco industry -- Some day -- I hope soon -- the public and decision-makers will want to know, "why wasn't anyone told, when did we know about this?"

I did a page concerning avian flu a while back and discovered a company called genomed
who had patented cures for sars, avian flu etc
they called it 'disease mangement'

"GenoMed has discovered and applied for patent protection on a treatment that
could have wide-ranging use for over 150 common diseases that currently carry
a dismal prognosis. These include diabetes and its complications
(which affects 20 million in the United States alone),
high blood pressure and its complications (which affects 60 million in the U.S.);
emphysema and other smoking-related diseases; and many other serious diseases,
including infection with HIV and progression to AIDS, common solid cancers
such as lung, colon, pancreas, liver, and kidney; cancers of the blood-stream such
as chronic leukemias, multiple myeloma, and lymphomas; and immune-mediated
diseases such as multiple sclerosis, degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis)
and rheumatoid arthritis."

anyway i was digging around and discovered that a company called

Advanced Optics Electronics, Inc:

GenoMed Inc. announced today that the Company has secured an additional $900,000 in equity financing from Advanced Optics Electronics, Inc.. "
Biospace news

"Advanced Optics primary initial product that will be marketed to users of the outdoor advertising industry is the flat-panel display, which will provide an image measuring approximately three meters by eight meters, similar in size to existing printed billboards. Its flat-panel displays are expected to be inexpensive to produce relative to alternative electronic billboard systems."
Yahoo business report

Established in 1996, Advanced Optics Electronics, Inc – "ADOT" is a developer of patented electronic display technology. This advanced technology has product application in "television quality" billboards, medical testing equipment, military displays, computer monitors and high definition video transmission.

Advanced Optics seems to be doing a lot of work with Biomoda [Albuquerque, New Mexico ]:

"Biomoda, Inc. is a developmental stage company engaged in the business
of developing biopharmaceutical technology to diagnose and treat human diseases...

the Company licensed a patent for the detection of cancers of the lung.
A second patent, dealing with treatment of cancers of the lung..."

it's just a theory but could these companies be preparing something like a billboard disease ID scanner?
what else could it be used for?

Captain Wardrobe


30.04.2004 09:23


will disease be used as the punishment
[see pavlovs dog, watson & skinner]
for subversive/militant thought?

will the herd evolve via this behaviorism into
not wanting to rebel because it makes them feel ill?

love cw

Captain Wardrobe

u know what would be amusing....

30.04.2004 18:56

they are doing a tral run with the the cards at the moment. it would be amusing if some one made lots of counterfit cards to mess up the experiment. not that any one would i know i won't.


Back door trojan horse

02.05.2004 02:46

The way I see it these ID cards will not be completely successful. Aside from people refusing and protesting, they will be lost, stolen and counterfeited. Due to this they will need to find a solution, i.e. chip implants. It will be easier to persuade people to receive the mark of the beast(chip implants) if they've already had a card and associated database and especially in a climate of fear that might follow the nuclear war, 'natural' disasters and terrorist attacks they have planned.

I believe there will be a suprising amount of people refusing these ID cards as it is. If the public can be made aware of all the details that will be held on us and how the state has abused anti terrorism powers already (DSEI protests) I have confidence that they will fail in the current political climate.

Although refusing these ID cards would work, they are also planning on introducing biometric information into passports from next summer. I recommend that you renew your passports before then if you want to give yourself 10 years of (relative) freedom.

George Orwell

You will want this to be part of your life

02.05.2004 19:55

yeah, i was thinking about doing that..
when you know your passport is going biometric, get a new one fast.. also there have to be other ways of effectively resisting this.

Also, this is from Qinetiq
one of the companies developing biometric technology which the UK government intend to use

30 April 04

"Today's move by MI5 to launch its website, which provides information on the threat posed by international terrorism, is welcomed by QinetiQ. Importantly, it not only broadens public understanding, but also offers practical guidelines on protection particularly for Britain's business community.

"QinetiQ has undertaken its own research and found that while three-quarters of senior company directors feel corporate security to be of primary concern, less than half of UK companies are engaged in or are planning any activity designed to improve their security. More worryingly, only a fifth of directors actually know where to turn for sound advice on implementing security solutions.

"This is the hurdle that British businesses and government must still overcome. Our belief is that the application of technology lies at the heart of security solutions. While businesses will welcome MI5's guidelines, they may well be reluctant to implement security solutions if they cannot see the clear benefit to the bottom line. The application of technology rather than of more people resources will deliver more efficient business processes, ensure compliance with corporate governance and even deliver more profit."

Also from Qinetiq

"You will want this to be part of your life.

"You will want, in what's fast becoming a digital society, to be able to authenticate your identity almost for any transaction that you do, be it going to the bank, going to the shops, going to the airport."

You will want.


ID Card?

17.05.2005 14:17

ID Card?

Surveillance card more likely!!

Ray Aldridge