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L'Oeuf c'est plus fort que Le Pen (the Egg is mightier than Le Pen)

imc mcr | 28.04.2004 15:32 | Anti-racism

"The blacked out limo was delayed from leaving the car-park for ages, forced to go at a snails pace by hastily erected barricades, and sit down protests in front of the car. Every time the police threw the first line aside, more just joined the back of the crowd." A.

"We were stopped at a traffic light in the mini bus we'd used. Who should pull up next to us by pure coincidence? A car covered in rubbish and eggs with the scumbags inside! Griffin had his window down and when he saw us the look on his face will never leave me..." L

The angry shouts of the groups outside the Cresta Court Hotel in Altrincham could be heard as Mr Le Pen and BNP leader Nick Griffin held a news conference inside. When Mr Le Pen attempted to leave the hotel, his car was surrounded by angry protestors and pelted with eggs. Police formed a barricade around the vehicle until it was able to drive away.

Two men who appeared to be BNP supporters were taken away by police outside the hotel before Le Pen and associates left the building. Witnesses saw a large machete-type weapon in the boot of their car that was also taken by police.

Reports, pictures and comment [ 1 | 2 | 3 ] | Battle To Stop British Fascists Hots Up


imc mcr