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Public 'happy to carry ID cards'

98.5% statistics are rubbish | 22.04.2004 10:01

MORI Polls again. No borders, No states, Fuck David Blubkit

The BBC reports..
"A new survey suggests people in the UK overwhelmingly support identification cards anwould be happy to carry one.

A draft bill paving the way for a national ID card scheme is expected to be published next week.

However, a majority of the 1,000 people questioned in a MORI telephone poll expressed doubts the cards could be introduced without problems.

Almost half those surveyed said they would not want to pay anything for the cards. A £35 fee has been proposed. ( Remember the Aussies managed to BURN all theirs in protest )

Home Secretary David Blunkett said he was pleased with the outcome of the poll and promised the government would be bringing in outside expertise to make sure the system "isn't a cock up". ( just like the Schools, the NHS, the environment etc. eh David. Fujitsu or Javis perhaps?) .

The principal reason people gave for backing the adoption of ID cards was to prevent illegal immigration.

I jhave just conducted my own survey and have determined that neither I or anybody I have just spoken to in the last hour thinks it is a good thing. Come to that, 1200% of my friends think that MORI is not to be trusted. Oh and they think Blunkett should be locked up or at leats served with an ASBO.

The rant:-Now we look at the racist mainstream media such as The Telegraph, Express etc. and wankers like Blunkett. This country (and London in particular) is poulated with people whose ancestors from somewhere else ( who the fuck do these people think they are to determine who lives where - they support the arms trade, sweatshops, the IMF,WTO, and World Bank, the oil indusry etc.. all resulting in the crisis of today. It seems that London only wants RICH wankers that fuck around the poor of their own countries and want to do the same all around the planet with their transnational business comrades in the US/UK

98.5% statistics are rubbish


Display the following 19 comments

  1. Im confused — Tig
  2. what's worng? WHAT'S RIGHT? — Tom
  3. What Tig misses........ — Paul
  4. the future is a managed democracy — Captain Wardrobe
  5. i don't want one — tekno anarchist
  6. Solidarity against ID cards — Tom
  7. Chipper — dh
  8. Tracers — dh
  9. Just say no. — Zaskar
  10. Destroy ID cards... — ID Card Destroyer
  11. I see . . .. — Togi
  12. You tell 'em Togi! — Togi's Handler
  13. ID cards — Andrew
  14. Lets make an anti ID card campaign like anti poll tax campaign!! — Wouldn't pay didn't pay
  15. Misconception — Andrew
  16. If your face doesn’t fit… — Spook
  17. Paranoid, moi? — Spook
  18. A mass boycott . . . and/or — Tom
  19. Is this not all too cynical? — Marie