Trades Unions to be barred from Indymedia?
Ana Key | 22.04.2004 05:44
Indymedia guidelines say that it will not be a notice board for "hierarchically structured organizations".
What does this mean?
What does this mean?
While I appreciate the work of Indymedia Volunteers, I would also like to question some recent trends.
If you look at the editorial guidelines, Indymedia says it is not a noticeboard for "hierarchically structured organizations".
But is this now becomming a recipe for only reporting the actions of "pure" anarchistic, decentralised, non-hierachical horizontalist groups? (or those that claim to exhibit such admirable but difficult to realise features)?
What about Trades Unions? or Greenpeace? These have centralised hierarchies (in their different ways) . They also have grassroots activists. And they use a combination of both to resist the effects of capitalism.
Whilst I myself prefer to work in grassroots, non-(or less)-hierachical, local activist coalitions, I also recognise the work done by the other types of activist organisations.
However, these are becoming less likely to see the light of day on this website.
Take a look at the discussions by the IMC volunteers on
Here, people tie themselves in nots as they argue for the removal of all posts reporting actions by groups like the Anti-Nazi League, Globalise Resistance, Respect because their are SWP/hierachically lead organisations.
However, while I often get pissed off with these organisations (to say the least!), I think this censorship makes indymedia worse.
At least these are reports of some sort of (flawed)anti-capitalist action. I would still like to read about them! They are better than 80% of the crazed, random rantings and nonsense (like this) that usually fill the newswire!
However, dear Indymedia, you are still highly valued by myself and my friends. keep it up...and before you snapp back "were all volunteers, its hard work, don't dare criticise", A)Lots of us do other valuable shit like organise local protests and actions, 2) I'm getting involved to help Indymedia.
Rant over.
If you look at the editorial guidelines, Indymedia says it is not a noticeboard for "hierarchically structured organizations".
But is this now becomming a recipe for only reporting the actions of "pure" anarchistic, decentralised, non-hierachical horizontalist groups? (or those that claim to exhibit such admirable but difficult to realise features)?
What about Trades Unions? or Greenpeace? These have centralised hierarchies (in their different ways) . They also have grassroots activists. And they use a combination of both to resist the effects of capitalism.
Whilst I myself prefer to work in grassroots, non-(or less)-hierachical, local activist coalitions, I also recognise the work done by the other types of activist organisations.
However, these are becoming less likely to see the light of day on this website.
Take a look at the discussions by the IMC volunteers on
Here, people tie themselves in nots as they argue for the removal of all posts reporting actions by groups like the Anti-Nazi League, Globalise Resistance, Respect because their are SWP/hierachically lead organisations.
However, while I often get pissed off with these organisations (to say the least!), I think this censorship makes indymedia worse.
At least these are reports of some sort of (flawed)anti-capitalist action. I would still like to read about them! They are better than 80% of the crazed, random rantings and nonsense (like this) that usually fill the newswire!
However, dear Indymedia, you are still highly valued by myself and my friends. keep it up...and before you snapp back "were all volunteers, its hard work, don't dare criticise", A)Lots of us do other valuable shit like organise local protests and actions, 2) I'm getting involved to help Indymedia.
Rant over.
Ana Key
Hide the following 19 comments
total misinformation policy
22.04.2004 08:08
Who the poster is does not matter. It matters what the content is. And as the "socialist parties" and lots of their "members" seem to be unable to write realistic reports wich have at least a vague resemblance and not just propaghanda about past events, they have to be expected to be hidden, especially if the news content is zero.
This applies to all other professional groups, too, no matter if its greenpeace or trade unions or any other lobying group. News reporting is welcome, for propaghanda and public relations, please contact the mainstream media, as the resources here are limited and indymedia has not the purpose to be a public relations outlet for lobbying groups.
Discussion of Newswire
22.04.2004 08:58
As I assume people are coming to these discussions a new. The place to talk about it isn't the newswire but imc-uk-features e-mail list.
Don't be so defensive and please look at the reality
22.04.2004 08:59
Look below this post. At the moment there is an article directly pasted from the BNP website, plus TWO articles together promoting the IWCA's mayoral election bid, and the money they have raised. = BNP = IWCA mayoral promotion = IWCA "" ""
These have been up since wednesday afternoon. (its now 10am on Thurs morning). Since these posts have appeared, a duplicate post of 'rising tide' has been hidden, so someone has been moderating. But no attention paid to these three well out of order posts. (The BNP are out of order by anyones standards, the IWCA by Indy's standards).
Yet postings about (the admittidly not brilliant) Respect coalition are removed straight away! This seems a bit over zealous, considering the crap that does not get hidden. (I get pissed off with the SWP, but its wrong to get so obsessed that you loose perspective!)
One example of the problem was the removal of the news from RMT trades union branches that they are turning to the galloway/swp 'respect' coalition. The fact that organised labour is detaching itself from bondage to the labour party in favour of something they think is more left wing (however flawed)is significant news to many of us! I won't join or support respect, but I think this is news that you wont get in the corporate media, and should not be supressed by radicals!
OK, just my opinion, but I think it reflects a significant proportion of the movement, who are neither anarchists nor part of a trotsyist party machine. Why not keep Indymedia broad!
trolls and whingers
22.04.2004 09:41
Trade unions would be a lot better if they were not hierarchical ( leads them in to the danger of being stuck up the bosses behinds e.g T & G, Bill Morris ( Sorry Sir fucking William ), etc ). Look at the NGOs. On the whole, great for greenwash, great for picking up FAT PAYCHEQUES, great for jobs for middle England.
No genuine social change without getting rid of hierarchies.
This is not about reform.
The Nazi posters do get removed so dion't come out with that bollocks.
yes, this is a rant, but the issues remain the same, and quite frankll;y I am sick of the middle class reformist idiots that are more interested in getting a nice little career /earner (hippies take note as well ) than any GENUINE social change.
I love Indymedia ( despite the profileration of trolls just recently )
Sick of arseholes that like to give orders and never get their hands dirty
Please ignore this sensationalism
22.04.2004 10:07
Get on with reporting what is happening rather than raising side issues all the time.
praise be to moo moo
22.04.2004 10:40
If you want to volunteer for a hierarchical organization, if you wish to cow down (mooo!) to authority, go volunteer with the TA or BBC.
If you would rather judge people not on there individuality but on what there boss tells them to think and say, if you would rather not have open fair debate (which is what happens on the indymedia lists, praise be to zappa), go volunteer with the TA or BBC.
If you would rather be in a herd of cows (mooo!), being guided from one crisis to another, never being given the opportunity to form opinions of your own, or to speak freely, then go volunteer with the TA or BBC.
or just continue as you are.
(praise be to brother hicks)
stop the censorship
22.04.2004 11:38
i reckon alot people would have been interested to hear such speakers especially given that the meetings were to discuss the issues of the day e.g french ban againstthe hijab, mI6 , imperialism, ESF ect
i know indymedia does not like GR, but unfortunately they are the only group to facilitate such good speakers. where else would people go.
what gives the people in indymedia the right to deny such information to people.
for fuck sake stop this blantant censorship. let the people decide.
ps i notice that IWCA is still up. i dont mind, but 1 rule for 1 then 1 rule for everybody, start practicing what u preach.
red letter
Why be ABUSIVE to my question?
22.04.2004 12:05
Please calm down.
Why did you throw so much angry abuse at me? I was only asking a reasonable question. Why are some IMC volunteers so rude, abusive and defensive when questioned about IMC policy?
Yes, we all put lots of time and energy into resisting the capitalist system. We do this for no money, or individual gain.
Do you know or care whom you are abusing? Do you realise we might have lots in common?
Who am I that dare ask questions? I'm not some MP or TU boss! This week I am mainly organising a protest against fascism and getting together a local social forum. Before this I was taking part in direct action against GM crops and a local military base.
I like indymedia, and value it for these reasons.
Me and my friends want to organise an activist news website for our region. We want to work without hierarchy. Some people from indymedia are comming to our next meeting to discuss a new IMC here. But we have questions about existing IMC policy and format.
Questions, thats all.
Some of us are unhappy about the guideline against reports of activism by groups which contain a hierarchy. We understand why people would want it. But we are worried that such a rule or guideline can only be applied inconsistently, and that it might limit the sort of networking and alliances we want to build amongst different sorts of activists in our area.
Hey thanks angry and self rightous IMC volunteer. You may have clarified a few things.
Now i'm off outta here into the sunshine to flypost.
Ana Key.
Is this really so bad...?
22.04.2004 12:29
It does contain kind of pro-Trot sentiments, but I'm sure people are quite capable of reading through that (just as others would if I'd reported the same event with an anti-Trot spin - I mean when you ). After all, when Bush calls someone an 'enemy of freedom', 'evil-doer', etc., we don't automatically accept those characterisations (presumably).
Anyway, here's the article so judge for yourself whether readers of Manchester Indymedia should have been stopped from seeing it:
An alliance of anti-capitalists has captured four of the eight full-time positions on the Executive of the University of Manchester Union. Activists from Workers Power, SWP, SLP and the SP, as well as independent anti-capitalists, pooled their funds and their labour. We worked on each others campaign materials, and provided morale-boosting hot food and refreshments for the candidates campaigning from dawn till dusk on the three long days of polling. The ‘Socialist Kitchen’ set up outside the Union became quite an attraction!
Elected by a clear majority were: Kate Byron (independent anti-capitalist), Robin Burrett (SWP), and Carlos Orjuela (SLP). Rob Owen (SWP) came second to Benson Osawe for Academic Affairs Officer; however Osawe is expected to go to NUS as a national officer, vacating the post for Owen. Our biggest disappointment was the defeat of ISM veteran Chris West. Chris’s experience, patience and good humour played no small part in the success of the team as a whole; sadly he himself was defeated, although by a mere 35 votes (from a turnout of some three thousand). Also elected were Mamoon Yusaf and Tamanna Rahman, both of the Islamic Society, and Amelia Lee (a member of the Co-operative Party) to posts which we did not contest.
‘March separately, strike together’: working together on the elections proved to be a fine opportunity to deepening our understanding of each other, both politically and personally. Even better, the united left put the Labour and Tory students to rout. Not one of their candidates was elected, despite their having formed an unholy alliance, with a coordinated campaign against our ‘lunatic fringe’. Unfortunately for them, students preferred our strongly anti-fees, anti-war, anti-racist platform, and the tactics with which we proposed to implement it. Look forward to seeing a bolder Manchester Union when the new Executive take office in June.
Ana Key, what do you think? Reply to squatticus @
What a charade a course...
22.04.2004 13:11
Respectfully yourn, Red Ted.
Red Ted
You evidently value Indy... so join in...
22.04.2004 14:27
Take part in shaping consensus on the newswire. Add positive input into features.
So far this post and discussion has been left on the wire - despite being contrary to guidelines (which pretty much shows how they work). However, if it just degenerates into the usual set of six million trolling comments I for one will support it going.
Join in!
OK so...
22.04.2004 16:37
those who hold the future etc., Red Ted.
Red Ted
the rule is simple
22.04.2004 16:50
If not (IWCA, Worker Communist Party of Iraq, BNP etc) then it's free speech and okay.
re: anna keys & squaticus
22.04.2004 16:52
It really is up to each indymedia centre to decide how strictly they want to apply this whole 'hierarchy' thing.
At we aren't so strict on this as IMC-UK...This was discussed at our last open meeting and the consensus seemed to be that it was acceptable to have news from hierarichal parties/organisations so long as it wasn't BLATANT party propaganda or that they tried to monopolise the newswire.
indymedia is an imporatnt resource for all shades of the left, and alot of these announcemnts from some of these old left groups wouldn't see the light of day otherwise.
Personally I think that people can make their own minds up about whats useful to them. IMHO the less hands off imc moderators can be the better.
oh dear
22.04.2004 20:21
Thanks for the interesting debate
22.04.2004 21:24
Surely what is most important is that we can all tap into this brilliant resource and read about what everyone else is doing, network, swap ideas etc. We may not agree with everything that is said, but at least we are communicating - not isolated and alienated which is how our rulers would like to keep us.
The excellent article above (the one that wasn't allowed to be posted to ?Manchester Indymedia) shows that if we work together despite our differences then we can begin to make concrete gains. It would be brilliant if Indymedia facilitated this process.
No one wants to see Indymedia flooded with adverts for the political parties that have access to the mainstream media. But censoring news from organisations you don't like (eg Respect) smacks of an authoritarian approach, not a non-hierarchical one.
PS - I didn't know about the discussion list about how Indymedia is run. Thanks for telling me about it, I'm off there now.
No to censorship
23.04.2004 08:15
a grassroots political initiative perfectly. Respect do not. Neither, in fact, do the
Greens (and I'm a Green Party member). The IWCA having a space on the newswire is
perfectly rational; they are not the same kind of 'political party' as other groups.
Matt S
It's a guideline that needs to be balanced and not a rule
23.04.2004 10:17
It was meant to protect against political parties and similar effectively spamming indymedia with their press releases, campaign messages, appeals for supports in elections etc etc etc
BUT the spirit of it was NOT to prevent any and every post about political parties and similar.
I would think it's ok to have posts about the Respect Coalition, even if it comes from the Respect Coalition... But not too many of them... ie not abusing the open publishing model by turning the indymedia site into a notice board.
There's also a difference between reporting an event or a campaign and quite a lot of political party propaganda which is designed to make people join the party etc etc
Another example, information about tomorrows Globalise Resistance conference was posted and some wondered if it should be hidden, but people argued no - this is a significant event and is not abusing the indymedia newswire by treating it as a noticeboard.
So there needs to be a balance.
But of course with balances there are always swings one way and another.
I'd say currently Indymedia has swung a little too far one way, and needs to correct itself.
There have been some good comments here and some good debate on the email lists, so I hope that a process of self-correction is underway, and that the balance will swing back a little in the opposite direction.
The important point is that there are mechanisms for this to occur, and people have been engaging in the debate :-)
appreciation of this thread
25.04.2004 18:15
Yes, guidelines are not "rules", can't be because imc is so dynamic, with new people bringing in their ideas all the time.
Agree with ab that it's the contents that count, but then imc is run by a range of people with very diverse backgrounds, so the consensus about quality is as dynamic as the guidelines themselves.
In the past, people have joined the features list simply by pointing out urls that should be hidden in their oppinion - and after some time of constructive collaboration, became moderators themselves.
Somebody said in this thread: "this is what i want to read on indy", this sounds like a good yardstick for hiding. I certainly don't want to read the press releases of SWP or Globalise Resistance on the newswire, I can read their outlets if i'm interested. But if someone reports about interesting debates, without being streamlined by the policies of these groups, allowing for contradictions, i don't see why it should be hidden.
There is a consensus in imc uk to hide BNP posts whenever they come up on the newswire, and I am sure that imc-uk-features would appreciate to be pointed to them if one slips through.