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Help Stop ex General Wiranto becoming Inonesia's president.

Anti TNI | 21.04.2004 09:03

Wiranto, an ex General who headed Indonesia's military during the destruction of East Timor must be stopped from becoming president.

Ex General Wiranto has been nominated by Golkar, Suharto's old party to contest the July 5 Presidential election. Golkar won the largest percentage of votes in the April 5 election and has a real chance of gaining the presidency. There is a real possibility that a Suharto era military figure may once again control Indonesia. Wiranto was the armed forces commander in 1999 when East Timor was destroyed by Indonesian forces and their funded militias. Wiranto has denied responsibility for the terror unleashed on East Timor but a Dili court issued an indictment on February 24 2003. He has also been placed on a US visa watch list.
The issue of TNI attrocities and the involvement of military figures is largely under reported in Indonesia, despite a freer press. This has resulted in a distorted view of history and lack of awareness about TNI's role in East Timor.
People who are concerned about the prospect of Wiranto gaining the presidency are strongly urged to contact some of the Indonesian media listed below and demand full and detailed coverage of TNI's role in East Timor under Wiranto.
Please contact by email:
Jawa Pos (paper):
Kompas (paper):
Republika (paper):
Gatra (magazine):
TV7 (television):
This is urgent.
Please help stop Wiranto.

Anti TNI