Womens Right to Choose Picket of George Galloway
sally | 18.04.2004 20:14 | Gender
Monday 26th of April, Leeds University. Pro-life MP George Galloway is speaking on the Respect platform. We are organising a picket of the meeting demanding clarification from Respect candidates on how they would use their votes if elected.
George Galloway has consisted opposed Women's right to choose on abortion. The pro-life 'Right to Life' website desribes him thus:
"Elected to Parliament in 1987 since when he has consistently opposed abortion on demand and late abortions. He has also shown himself to be a courageous fighter against the use of the human embryo for experiments and against euthanasia.
In 1990 he voted opposed clauses aimed at legalising abortion on demand with one doctor needed only to certify that the pregnancy has not exceeded 12 weeks. He also voted against abortion up to birth on various grounds including handicap."
We are organising a picket of his meeting, and ask women to attend with suitable banners and be prepared to ask meaningful questions of the candidates at the appropriate time.
I also understand that Anas Altikriti -the main Respect candidate for Yorkshire- has previously stated that he is against abortion and would seek to make it illegal in most cases.
Please attend and show your lack of support for Respect if they are not prepared to take a 'courageous' stand in favour of our rights to control our own bodies.
"Elected to Parliament in 1987 since when he has consistently opposed abortion on demand and late abortions. He has also shown himself to be a courageous fighter against the use of the human embryo for experiments and against euthanasia.
In 1990 he voted opposed clauses aimed at legalising abortion on demand with one doctor needed only to certify that the pregnancy has not exceeded 12 weeks. He also voted against abortion up to birth on various grounds including handicap."
We are organising a picket of his meeting, and ask women to attend with suitable banners and be prepared to ask meaningful questions of the candidates at the appropriate time.
I also understand that Anas Altikriti -the main Respect candidate for Yorkshire- has previously stated that he is against abortion and would seek to make it illegal in most cases.
Please attend and show your lack of support for Respect if they are not prepared to take a 'courageous' stand in favour of our rights to control our own bodies.
Hide the following 21 comments
what time?? directions etc?
18.04.2004 20:27
And brilliant for you lot for doing this.
Heres to Manc and Liverpool
e-mail: simple_things@riseup.net
um... leeds
18.04.2004 21:39
more details
19.04.2004 09:21
I suggest we meet outside at 7-15pm, hand out leaflets and do a bit of shouting.
from manchester take the M62 then follow M621 towards City Centre, take a left turn at the elland road roundabout and follow the signs for the city centre. University is signposted as you approach the centre. Conference auditorium is adjacent to the main entrance to university.
Via public transport leave the station by foot and follow the signs to university (approx 15 mins walk) otherwise take a taxi from front of station.
I'll post up a map later if I get chance.
What a good idea!
19.04.2004 12:57
Bravo, and BTW if New Labour is not giving you a little bit of money I would give them a call!
Yes drop everything for George!
19.04.2004 14:20
So this is the road the SWP and their friends are increasingly ging down in this populist lashup with Galloway and co. Sickening!
And if you oppose them , then you must be in the pay of New Labour. Makes me want to weep- or laugh!
19.04.2004 14:47
After all we wouldnt want silly issues like the war in Iraq or fighting against racism getting in the way of bashing the swuppies would we?
As I said, the fact that this is happening just before an election, one in which Blair may well be hammered, is rather conveinent for New Labour. I suggested they approach them for cash, after all they are doing their work for them.
women only?
19.04.2004 15:08
Support abortion rights
19.04.2004 15:24
RESPECT are setting themselves up as a new party and asking us to vote for them, quite right that we peole demand their views on any subject they see fit. If respect are stalling on this subject then why shouldn't pickets be organised. All respect have to do is announce that they support abortion rights for women.
If respect claims to be for equality, then abortion on demand should be one of it's platform policies.
I won't be voting for any candidate who is pro-life. I can't make the Leeds meeting but I wish the organisers of this picket every sucess.
e-mail: ohr@thereason.net
Respect Founding Declaration
19.04.2004 16:03
The greatest mass movement of our age has brought us together.
We have marched in unprecedented numbers against war, against racism, and in defence of democracy and civil liberties. Our views are shared by millions, often a majority of the people in this country. Yet no establishment politician, and very few elected representatives of any kind, will lend their voice to this movement.
The two most important statistics in contemporary politics highlight the growing chasm between ordinary working people and the political establishment—on the one hand we have participated in the greatest political demonstrations in modern history, and on the other hand the last general election saw the lowest turnout since universal suffrage was introduced.
This chasm is at its widest on the question of war and peace. Tony Blair’s New Labour has taken us to war five times in the last six years, each time with calamitous consequences. The bloodshed, the waste of precious economic resources, the lying and hypocrisy that have accompanied the attack on Iraq have
brought many to the conclusion that they must rethink their traditional political allegiance.
But the yearning for a political alternative is even wider than the anti-war movement. Pensioners, students, trade unionists, Muslims and other faith groups, socialists, ethnic minorities and many others have been deeply disappointed by the authoritarian social policies and profit-centred, neo-liberal economic strategy of the government.
There is a crisis of representation, a democratic deficit, at the heart of politics in Britain. We aim to offer a solution to this crisis.
We stand for:
An end to the war and occupation in Iraq. We will not join any further imperialist wars.
An end to all privatisation and the bringing back into democratic public ownership of the railways and other public services.
An education system that is not dependent on the ability to pay, that is comprehensive and gives an equal chance in life to every child no matter how wealthy or poor their parents, from nursery to university.
A publicly owned and funded, democratically controlled NHS, free to all users.
Pensions that are linked to average earnings.
Raising the minimum wage to the European Union Decency threshold of £7.40 an hour.
Tax the rich to fund welfare and to close the growing gap between the poor and the wealthy few.
The repeal of the Tory anti-union laws.
Opposition to all forms of discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs (or lack of them), sexual orientation, disabilities, national origin or citizenship.
The right to self-determination of every individual in relation to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs, as well as sexual choices.
The defence of the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. Opposition to the European Union’s ‘Fortress Europe’ policies.
We will strongly oppose the anti-European xenophobic right wing in any Euro referendum. But we oppose the ‘stability pact’ that the European Union seeks to impose on all those who join the euro. This pact would outlaw government deficit spending and reinforce the drive to privatise and deregulate the economy
and we will therefore vote ‘No’ in any referendum on this issue.
Support for the people of Palestine and opposition to the apartheid system that oppresses them.
An end to the destruction of the environment by states and corporations for whom profit is more important than sustaining the natural world on which all life depends.
We want a world in which the democratic demands of the people are carried out; a world based on need not profit; a world where solidarity rather than self-interest is the spirit of the age.
Let this be the rebirth of hope for those who have become disillusioned.
Join us!
"...women's control over their own bodies..."
19.04.2004 16:53
Abstaing from sexual intercorse is taking controll over your own bodies. Going on the pill, useing condoms, anti-spermicides, and other forms of contreception is taking controll over your own body.
Not getting pregnant in the first place is taking controll of your bodies.
Abliterating a feotus and hovering it all up as if it never happened can never be defined as women's control over their own bodies (well not unless they carry out the procedure themselves), it is putting the responsibillity onto others to take controll of their bodies for them.
Respect for life
Well said
19.04.2004 17:18
Former Child
19.04.2004 18:29
And Sonics comments begger belief. They echo Lyndsey Germains comments at MArxism last year that gay rights should not be a shibboleth to working with other sections of the community. Well I think that having a principled position on abortion rights should not be a shibboleth preeventing us from working with Sonic, who clearly has no politics beyond what they read on the front cover of socialist worker each week.
As for the pro life comments, I hope you will all be voting respect in the summer, maybe it will split the pro-life alliance vote. Be thankful for small mercies, eh?
Homepage: http://www.workerspower.com
19.04.2004 19:57
Respect women's right to abortion
22.04.2004 21:18
Heather Rutledge
Heather Rutledge
No "Respect" for a woman's right to choose?
23.04.2004 13:56
Palestine, but I was shocked when I read his views on abortion.
Readers of Indymedia may be interested to know that not every
member of the Socialist Alliance is happy about the way it is
being railroaded into the Respect Coalition. A sizeable minority
of us have formed the Democracy Platform because of a number of
concerns, including some about Galloway's lack of accountability
to his supporters and potential voters. Another principle which
the Respect Coalition are prepared to trash is the idea that
anyone elected should only accept a worker's wage. Galloway has
refused to accept this, so apparently it's expendable, just like
the principle of a woman's right to choose. No way could I vote
for an anti-abortion candidate let alone go out and canvass for
To visit the Democracy Platform website go to:
Sue Blackwell
e-mail: s.a.blackwell@bham.ac.uk
Homepage: http://web.bham.ac.uk/sue_blackwell/politics
24.04.2004 00:41
Respect has no policy on such matters.
I am an independent democratic socialist woman who has had an abortion only a couple of months ago. I value my right to choose. BUT, there is no way that I will make this a reason to undermine the creation of a left-wing alternative to Labour.
Within Respect, people should be able to have varying religious views and personal views on a number of things. Just as well as the right to be an atheist as I am.
Comrades, let us not get caught up with what may amount to trivia. There is a greater task ahead: an alternative to New Labour. Respect is a start down that road. Who knows what will come next, or where we will be in the end.
Yours Respectfully,
Jocelyn Darcy
Jocelyn Darcy
What's the point of Respect?
26.04.2004 21:11
1. George Galloway
2. The Swup
3. A couple of other groups
4. Naff all else
The AWL and the CPB have refused to join. George Monbiot and Peter Tatchell have both announced that they're supporting the Greens instead.
This "coalition" is trying to be all things to all men, and winding up being nothing to anybody. No campaigning on women's rights or gay rights in case it offends the Muslim Association of Britain. Giving a platform to every yahoo with a lunatic fringe attitude - if it's not George Galloway opposing abortion and praising Hamas, it's Yvonne Ridley telling everyone about those charming and wonderful people, the Taliban. Just who the hell is all this supposed to appeal to?
An alternative to New Labour? The Respect coalition haven't even managed to be an alternative to the Greens, for God's sake!
Homepage: http://www.stopthecoalition.com
neither please
27.04.2004 01:06
And gay marriage, abortion rights and many other sexuality and womens oppression issues are being increasingly challenged at the European level and in European countries. Its not like these questions won't come up.
George Galloway spoke tonite at the RESPECT meeting and while slating a woman who raised the issue (she also said he supported the death penalty which he says he doesnt) he ducked the question of how he would vote, simly saying it was his personal choice and that after the elections RESPECT would have a conference and there might be a policy.
Why should we elect people like that to power? Who have no accountabliity to the movement? That sort of organisation isn't an extension of the antiwar movement.
I agree with Simon who wrote before we need a new workers party that is clear on such issues as sexual liberation and womens oppression, doesn't sweep them under the carpet or say they are secondary. It needs to be based on the lessons of previous attempts at left electoral initiatives, from the Socialist Labour Party to the Socialist Alliance - ie it needs to be democratic, and build up towards founding something new by working together - not simply 6 bigwigs of the movement meeting at George Galloways house back in November 2003 and writing the programme for the new party and appointing themselves its leadership. How completely against the spirit of the antiwar movement.
That said i thought a picket is a bit over the top, i wouldn't have joined - at this point Galloway is hardly women's rights public enemy number 1 - why have these people decided to make a protest now, with RESPECT when there are so many other politicians who are worse? its just an AWL manouvre isn't it? Why not just go in and make the criticism (though there is a problem in that there is always an SWP chair and the left is deliberately carved out of these meetings, i put up my hand as did someone else from Workers Power and they took basically everyone except us - but a woman did get in who made those criticisms about abortion rights, just nobody could come back on it).
aw go on
Homepage: http://www.fifthinternational.org
get back to the point!
27.04.2004 22:04
Respect for Direct Democracy
07.06.2004 16:15
So on women's issues, let the majority of women in the region where I live decide how they choose to live and the political framework/direction which supports them. Let them select and elect the candidate for our constituency along with other collectives. A representative that will act as their servant to uphold their collective interests, harmonising it with the other collectives of society. I am supporting Respect because I refuse to merely place a tick against the lesser evil, of which I have had no input, but now can dictate along with the rest of my constituency the direction our Respect candidate should take. Where for once we dictate the political direction, not some party executive. Democracy from below, not dictated from above. Respect is empowering change, and I am going to have my direct say as to what that change should be!
Homepage: http://www.respectcoalition.org
Gay Rights in a Radicalised Bethnal Green & Bow
19.04.2005 07:23
I have seen George Galloway's voting record and he did not turn up to take part in ANY gay right vote. There was one vote on un-married couples adopting children in which he did attend but this was not a specific gay-rights motion.
Enough said. I am sticking with the Lib Dems.
Jamie F
e-mail: hornyjamie25@hotmail.com