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Dead fake "Jews" will litter the streets of Occupied Palestine

Angry Manc | 18.04.2004 13:10

Free PALESTINE - there is no such thing as a "Jewish" state - just a 50 year old occupation ...

The fake "Jews" (ie. zionists - Judaism and zionism are incompatible - see ) who are occupying Palestine will either get the fuck out of it (ALL of it - there is no such thing as "israel") or they will die on defending stolen land. This 50 year old fake "state" should be removed NOW - all the fake "Jew" (zionist) occupiers sent back to their countries (Sharon the war criminal will go back Russia from where he came to occupy Palestine) and then the real Jews and muslims can live in peace in unoccupied Palestine.

Death to the ILLEGAL SETTLER SCUM - pissing on the Torah with their fake idol - ZIONISM ....

Angry Manc
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er . . .

18.04.2004 14:04

I'm a big supporter of the palestinians, but creating another few million refugees doesn't solve anything. Since states don't seem to be disbanding just yet, the best hope for peace is a single, secular state for all. The end of zionism and a chance for hamas et al to become boring politicians who don't kill people a la Martin McGuinness, Gerry Adams etc. This should of course include the right of return and shitloads of compensation from the backers of Israel's aggression


Free at last.

18.04.2004 14:12

A chickun bar.
A chickun bar.

They're all fake Jews, the Romans wiped lut the real Jews... these pretenders are really ethnic Turks. There are no streets in occupied Palestine, it's all mud. Socialism in 3 countries!

Inspector Columbus.
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18.04.2004 16:09

how disgusting why don't we kick a few milion white people out of new zealand and australia while we're at it. i'm sure the aborigines will be happy. that would be more legitimate, since the white men didn't go to australia to escape from persecution, while the jews went to palestine for that precise reason

the voice of common sense

from australia

18.04.2004 17:02

Yes mr 'common sense' that would make me very happy indeed.
So whats the hold up?
