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N0response to demo call-why bother again?

GL | 17.04.2004 15:15 | Social Struggles | London

Cant be arsed to attend ???

Despite previously advertising in the last couple of weeks that the south east regional
neo-Labour was/is holding its annual conference in Tory leader M.Howard's constituency
of Folkestone in Kent this weekend no groups(political,NGO,T,Union) have been bothered
to turn up to demo/protest outside.
Only a couple of locals bothered, one highlighting the seal cull issue,the other raising
CND and other anti war/anti capitalist issues.

Was it really too much to ask for others to attend to raise their issues at such an
Why is it that I can travel to London etc to join demos for CND,Stop the War or whatever
but no-one can be bothered to come down this way to support local protests?
I couldn't provide a local contact point due to circumstances but doews that really
matter?- what ever happened to spontaneous direct action ?
The conference (at the Leas Cliff Hall ) continues tomorrow but the weather MAY be wet

However, after this experience I am now seriously reconsidering whether I can be
bothered anymore to attend events in London etc- after all why should I continue to
attend those when no-one can be bothered to lend a hand locally ??



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mad 'ed

17.04.2004 15:49

protest comes from the heart, not from the direction of people like you. stop being so accusatory and do something worthwhile with your hot-headedness.


Oh dear...

17.04.2004 15:56

Are you new to these events? you sound it.

I would suggest the onus is on you to build these local events and to stop taking things personally. Local events rarely attrack many people unless one is the SWP and one busses people in from all over the country to make the event look good.
