Another Home Office Cover Up
Mark Man | 15.04.2004 22:37
April 13th 2004
The Home Office is deliberately failing to collect crime figures at odds with New Labour’s Politically Correct fantasy view of Britain being a multi-racial paradise except for the problems caused by wicked white racists.
The latest Home Office spin was revealed on BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme on Monday 12th April. During an item about recruitment campaigns in secondary schools by members of the Young BNP, reference was made to a YBNP leaflet which points out that – contrary to the impression given by media reports of the subject - the majority of the victims of racist attacks in England & Wales are white. The Home Office was quoted as saying that such figures are not kept, with the implication that the BNP is lying.
Home Office manipulation
The truth, however, is that it is the Home Office that is lying – or at least manipulating and concealing the statistics so as to cover up what is really going on. The figures quoted in the YBNP leaflet are official Home Office statistics for 1999, and reveal that, out of 155,000 reported racist attacks, 111,000 involved white victims and non-white perpetrators.
The Home Office is technically correct in saying that figures for the racial origins of racist attackers are not kept, because the practice of collecting them was abandoned in 2000, as a direct result of the figures producing Politically Incorrect results.
Nor can the Home Office or Home Secretary pretend that the 1999 figures were an aberration. According to the Home Office’s own booklet, ‘Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System 1999’, the British Crime Survey estimated that, in 1995, 380,000 offences were considered by the victim to be racially motivated. Of these, 143,000 were committed against ethnic minorities and 238,000 against white people.
0.27% whites v 7.3% non-whites
Taking 1995 population estimates
( and assuming one attacker per incident, this means that just 0.27 per cent of whites committed a racist crime in 1995, while the figure for non-white racists was a staggering 7.3 per cent. Such shocking indications of minority racism should be the subject of urgent and in depth investigations, rather than being shoved down the memory hole in David Blunkett’s office.
This is not the first time that the Home Office has fooled journalists with deliberate lies in order to ‘refute’ BNP exposes of failings in New Labour’s multi-cultural dream. Last year Carlton TV’s Central News programme reported our revelations that asylum seekers get brand new colour TVs and kitchen appliances, and their telephone bills, TV licences and even window cleaning paid. The claim was then ‘rubbished’ by reference to a “Home Office spokesperson” issuing an outright denial. This is not, however, a claim which the Home Office has repeated since we published its own Joint Tenancy Agreement on our website, because all these things are indeed confirmed in the Home Office-produced document.
Warning to journalists
In view of the Home Office’s appalling record of lies and deceit on every question relating to immigration and race relations, we can only warn journalists to check and double check any claim made by the Government before repeating it. David Blunkett and his department lie. Perhaps they can’t help themselves, but those – including John Humphries and the researchers on the Today programme - who continue to be taken in by their lies have only themselves to blame.
The Home Office is deliberately failing to collect crime figures at odds with New Labour’s Politically Correct fantasy view of Britain being a multi-racial paradise except for the problems caused by wicked white racists.
The latest Home Office spin was revealed on BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme on Monday 12th April. During an item about recruitment campaigns in secondary schools by members of the Young BNP, reference was made to a YBNP leaflet which points out that – contrary to the impression given by media reports of the subject - the majority of the victims of racist attacks in England & Wales are white. The Home Office was quoted as saying that such figures are not kept, with the implication that the BNP is lying.
Home Office manipulation
The truth, however, is that it is the Home Office that is lying – or at least manipulating and concealing the statistics so as to cover up what is really going on. The figures quoted in the YBNP leaflet are official Home Office statistics for 1999, and reveal that, out of 155,000 reported racist attacks, 111,000 involved white victims and non-white perpetrators.
The Home Office is technically correct in saying that figures for the racial origins of racist attackers are not kept, because the practice of collecting them was abandoned in 2000, as a direct result of the figures producing Politically Incorrect results.
Nor can the Home Office or Home Secretary pretend that the 1999 figures were an aberration. According to the Home Office’s own booklet, ‘Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System 1999’, the British Crime Survey estimated that, in 1995, 380,000 offences were considered by the victim to be racially motivated. Of these, 143,000 were committed against ethnic minorities and 238,000 against white people.
0.27% whites v 7.3% non-whites
Taking 1995 population estimates

This is not the first time that the Home Office has fooled journalists with deliberate lies in order to ‘refute’ BNP exposes of failings in New Labour’s multi-cultural dream. Last year Carlton TV’s Central News programme reported our revelations that asylum seekers get brand new colour TVs and kitchen appliances, and their telephone bills, TV licences and even window cleaning paid. The claim was then ‘rubbished’ by reference to a “Home Office spokesperson” issuing an outright denial. This is not, however, a claim which the Home Office has repeated since we published its own Joint Tenancy Agreement on our website, because all these things are indeed confirmed in the Home Office-produced document.
Warning to journalists
In view of the Home Office’s appalling record of lies and deceit on every question relating to immigration and race relations, we can only warn journalists to check and double check any claim made by the Government before repeating it. David Blunkett and his department lie. Perhaps they can’t help themselves, but those – including John Humphries and the researchers on the Today programme - who continue to be taken in by their lies have only themselves to blame.
Mark Man