Bad Subjects | 15.04.2004 19:35
Bad Subjects #67: Family (does not equal) Nation is now online:
Family (does not equal) Nation was edited by Cynthia Hoffman, Elisabeth
Hurst, and Mike Mosher. This issue has sixteen essays that examine a range
of topics, including post-9/11 US as seen from eastern Europe, the 1993
siege of Waco, two writers' relationships to Israeli citizenship, the Iowa
Democratic caucus, married names, progressive fatherhood, San Francisco gay
marriages by a writer who took the vows and another who said no thanks,
nationalistic artworks in Canada, MTV's Osbourne family, and a continued
dialogue on Black Panther artist Emory Douglas. This issue also has two
galleries of paintings and woodcuts on themes of family and nation by
respected artists from the US and from Australia.
Bad Subjects: Political Education in Everyday Life -- -- has been publishing since 1992, and has been
online since 1994. Its second book Collective Action: a Bad Subjects
Anthology will be published in the UK by Pluto Press -- -- in May 2004.

Family (does not equal) Nation was edited by Cynthia Hoffman, Elisabeth
Hurst, and Mike Mosher. This issue has sixteen essays that examine a range
of topics, including post-9/11 US as seen from eastern Europe, the 1993
siege of Waco, two writers' relationships to Israeli citizenship, the Iowa
Democratic caucus, married names, progressive fatherhood, San Francisco gay
marriages by a writer who took the vows and another who said no thanks,
nationalistic artworks in Canada, MTV's Osbourne family, and a continued
dialogue on Black Panther artist Emory Douglas. This issue also has two
galleries of paintings and woodcuts on themes of family and nation by
respected artists from the US and from Australia.
Bad Subjects: Political Education in Everyday Life --

online since 1994. Its second book Collective Action: a Bad Subjects
Anthology will be published in the UK by Pluto Press --

Bad Subjects