Cambridge Social Forum (type thing)???
Poon | 14.04.2004 17:48 | Social Struggles | Cambridge
It's been suggested that we might like to get the ball rolling to form some kind of group in cambridge to do political stuff in a non-partypolitical, non-hierarchical way. Some have talked of a Cambridge Social Forum, others of being a part of the Dissent! Network which is coming together to oganise against the G8 meeting in the UK in summer 2005...many options are open. The important thing being, getting some political stuff happening outside the normal party focused or single issue pressure group styles.
So, there will be an initial meeting to share ideas with like minded folk this Saturday at the Argyle Street Housing Co-op (see link below for a map of how to get there) at 3pm.
Please pass on this info to anyone who you think might be interested. This is a totally embryonic idea at this stage and whatever emerges will depend on the ideas and enthusiasm of whoever gets involved.
You're looking for the building that is known as the 'Hut' which is on the right at the bottom of Fletchers Terrace (1st right off Argyle Street).
Please pass on this info to anyone who you think might be interested. This is a totally embryonic idea at this stage and whatever emerges will depend on the ideas and enthusiasm of whoever gets involved.

You're looking for the building that is known as the 'Hut' which is on the right at the bottom of Fletchers Terrace (1st right off Argyle Street).