Bush vows to kill everyone in Iraq...
Prajña | 14.04.2004 02:17
"President" George Bush vowed tonight that americans would "stay in Iraq until the job is finished". He said that to lose in Iraq would be "unthinkable". He means to say that if his imperial war in Iraq fails then he will be unable to conquer other countries and he is determined to conquer the entire world and bring "Freedom". He said that he is determined to "change the world"; that it is his destiny to do so.
"President" George Bush vowed tonight that americans would "stay in Iraq until the job is finished". He said that to lose in Iraq would be "unthinkable". He means to say that if his imperial war in Iraq fails then he will be unable to conquer other countries and he is determined to conquer the entire world and bring "Freedom". He said that he is determined to "change the world"; that it is his destiny to do so. I believe that these words may be the last he makes as "president" unless americans are entirely brain-dead and the remainder of the world welcomes fascism.
As an officer in the British army I have heard these belligerent words before and they came from the other side of the Iron Curtain. Tonight you heard an extremist; by anybodies definition, a fundamentalist; by character, a naughty schoolboy lying - with as much bluster as he can manage - a story that he realises he has no chance of carrying off; a delusional paranoiac pleading with the other patients for them to see his hallucinations.
Goodbye George Dubya Bush or goodbye freedom.
As an officer in the British army I have heard these belligerent words before and they came from the other side of the Iron Curtain. Tonight you heard an extremist; by anybodies definition, a fundamentalist; by character, a naughty schoolboy lying - with as much bluster as he can manage - a story that he realises he has no chance of carrying off; a delusional paranoiac pleading with the other patients for them to see his hallucinations.
Goodbye George Dubya Bush or goodbye freedom.
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Bushisms in the press conference
14.04.2004 03:39
I collect Freudian slips by politicians. Bush comes up with them all the time along with general gobbledegook as is well known. Here are just a few from today's press conference:
Firstly, he admitted that Iraq was under occupation: 'the Iraqis don't like being occupied. I wouldn't like being occupied'. Subconciously, Bush supports the resistance.
'A free Iraq is a blow *for* terrorism' [my emphasis]. As an aside, the BBC commentator after the conference quoted this as 'is a blow to terrorism' - a clear example of the subconcious (?) airbrushing of history/censorship in the news media. Complain to the BBC about the factual error.
'We're a hard country to defend'
'No one likes seeing dead people on their settee or their televison screens' (I don't know where that one came from)
'Withdrawing from the battlefield of Iraq [long pause] would be JUST THAT'
On the forthcoming 'election':
'I don't plan on losing my job'
'That's democracy BUT I DON'T THINK SO' (a subconcious reference to the fact that it will be rigged electronically and that he doesn't think the USA is a democracy, or that he simply doesn't think in democratic terms?)
When asked what his biggest mistake was, Bush immediately complained, semi-jokingly, of not having been briefed on that question, ummed and ahd, long periods of embarrasing silences, before saying it's not that he thinks he makes no mistakes but that the 'pressure' of being 'under the spotlight' meant that he simply couldn't answer, perhaps for fear of answering truthfully. He couldn't answer because his heart was telling him the answer was 'pretty much everything buddy'. Finally he said 'Im sure if I had more time I could come up with one' (an answer or a mistake?)
Throughout the event C. Rice was watching him like a hawk, perhaps taking mind-control duties for the event. She looked really pissed off.
But the most revealing fluff was this classic: the 'obligations' of his office, the 'proper use of american power' included:
'leading the fight on aids...on Africa'.
He's cracking up, finally. Perhaps he will do take the only realistic option left: resign, give up all wealth and power and go and clean the streets.
Homepage: http://www.thbns.net/keele/war.html
14.04.2004 09:08
I watched it...
14.04.2004 09:49
Well get out then!
"The defeat of violence and terror in Iraq is vital to the defeat of violence and terror elsewhere, and vital, therefore, to the safety of the American people"
It will escalate the violence, not defeat it
"None of these acts is the work of a religion. All are the work of a fanatical political ideology.
The servants of this ideology seek tyranny in the Middle East and beyond."
A Arab anti-American could use this quote against the Americans!
"America's armed forces are performing brilliantly with all the skill and honour we expect of them."
A report has said that 'The US military has charged eight US marine reservists with brutal treatment of Iraqi prisoners of war that may have resulted in the death of one detainee.'
No hay problema aqui...
14.04.2004 13:09
President Bush a course...
Doctor Carter
e-mail: chunkypenguin@tiscali.co.uk