The Insane god Myth: The greatest plague to have ever infected humanity
The Seer of Forbidden Truth | 13.04.2004 17:44
A Forbidden Truth dissection of the perverse and pathetic addiction of
the human species to the diseased and insane myth that a god creature
the human species to the diseased and insane myth that a god creature
Copyright © 2004-2054 The Seer of Forbidden Truth. This essay is the
Intellectual Property of The Seer of Forbidden Truth. All Rights are
Reserved. No portion of this essay may be reprinted or reproduced in
any form or venue without the expressed and written consent of The Seer
of Forbidden Truth.
The Insane God Myth:
I think the best way to start this essay is by revealing the primary
Forbidden Truth, and then work backwards from there. So here it is: There
is no such entity as god, belief in the existence of god is the manifestation
of a toxic, mental disease, a plague if you will, that societies overtly
and deliberately infect all of their citizen-slaves with, most especially
and outrageously targeting all children for this malevolent infection.
The notion that an entity such as god might exist and be worthy of acknowledgment,
much less be worthy of "worship", is ludicrous. There has never been,
throughout the history of the world, the tiniest shred of evidence to
support the bizarre theory that a god creature might exist. No sane,
rational human being has any legitimate reason to believe in the existence
of god, and any human being who goes further, who actually "worships"
this non-existent entity or believes that he has any obligation to follow/obey
the imaginary decrees of this non-existent entity, is demonstrating that
he suffers from a severe, destructive, pathological mental disorder.
Outline, Origin and Genesis of the Insane God Myth:
What is the Insane God Myth? It is a highly toxic, societally ritualized
belief/addiction system, that is designed to control the behaviors of,
and dictate the life path of, human beings. Who is the designer, promoter,
and inventor of the Insane God Myth? Human beings. More specifically,
empowered leaders and agents who represent human societies. This insane
myth has many different versions, such as christianity, catholicism,
protestantism, judaism, islam, etc..., and these differing versions are
put forth and imposed upon you, the Unwashed Masses, by your societies,
specifically tailored to meet the agenda of generational derangement
that has been and continues to be employed, in passing this insane myth
down upon each new generation of helpless, vulnerable, open-minded children.
Even though these various "religions" each have a slightly different
design and structure, the similarities that exist between all of them,
between every single "mainstream", society advocated religion on planet
earth, are remarkably identical in nature. This is because all mainstream
religions have been based and built by societies upon the exact same
fascist, brutally oppressive template and structure, and to serve the
exact same malevolent purposes.
Before I move on to discussing these utterly evil purposes, I want to
begin to debunk the Insane God Myth from a Truth-based perspective. Throughout
this web site, you will find that I go to great effort and time to not
only reveal obvious Truth, such as the fact that no god creature exists,
but also to completely dissect all of society's myths and lies, using
brilliant logic and undeniably accurate revelations of concrete reality
in such a way that only a mentally deranged human being could fail to
recognize and agree that my insights of Forbidden Truth are not theories,
opinions, assumptions, or suppositions, but in fact constitute factually
undeniable certainty. The Insane God Myth is centered upon the following
notion: An invisible, omnipotent, immortal, sentient entity with unlimited
powers decided to create other forms of life on planet earth, chooses
to and has the ability to monitor and judge whether the chosen behaviors
of every created creature are morally appropriate, seeks to impose specific
behavioral rules and standards upon every human being throughout the
entire course of his lifetime. chooses to and has the ability to either
reward or punish every creature after the creature dies, and the invisible,
omnipotent entity wants to be obeyed and worshipped by it's human creations.
This notion, both in singular fashion and taken as a whole as outlined
above, is profoundly insane. No other term fits, to believe or think
that this theory could possibly represent factual truth, is demonstrative
of profound insanity. There is not a shred of evidence to indicate that
any living entity can be invisible, immortal, or omnipotent, much less
all to possess all three of these abilities. There has never been, in
the history of human existence, a single shred of valid evidence or data
to support the validity of even one of these "powers", invisibility,
omnipotence, or immortality, even having been possessed by any living
or sentient entity. Based upon this single Truth, we already establish
that to believe in god demonstrates profound insanity, and to actually
"obey" the so-called "rules" that this obviously non-existent entity
is said, via second-hand claim by other human beings, to impose upon
human beings, while also worshipping/praying to the non-existent entity,
represents a mental breakdown that is tragic and perverse beyond all
measure. This mental breakdown, horrifically suffered by billions of
human beings, is not organic in nature, it is 100% preventable. It is
inflicted upon each individual victim, by the genocidally pervasive societal
and cultural structure of Insane God Myth imposition and brainwashing.
Lets look at the myth further: Why would an omnipotent entity choose
to spend time monitoring the life choices of the trillions of creatures
it is responsible for creating? Why would the omnipotent entity choose
to remain invisible? Why would the omnipotent entity want to be worshipped
and prayed to? If the omnipotent entity did desire to be worshipped,
why would it not prove it's existence by making itself visible? Why would
the entity bother to sit in "judgment" of every single one of it's human
creations, surely it can find something more interesting to do? The reality
is, there is no possible sane or valid answer to any of the above questions,
not only because god does not exist, but because if such an omnipotent
creature did exist, there is no chance in hell, (pardon the pun), that
the creature would adopt any of the behavioral policies, attitudes, and
methods of dealing with/interacting with it's creations, that every mainstream
religion proclaims to be the case. So, beyond even the undeniable Truth
that no creature such as god could possibly exist, the societal design
and structure concerning the details of what god wants from humanity
and how god interacts with humanity, is so ridiculous that all current
"religious" teaching/doctrine would be invalid and false even if an omnipotent
creature did create human and other species of life. This constitutes
a two-tiered philosophical Truth, in that even if some of you cowardly
creatures are so terrified of the reality of death and so terribly addicted
to the Insane God Myth that you cannot accept the Truths I am revealing
on this page, you still have absolutely no reason or business "praying"
to god, worshipping god, or following the so-called "rules of behavior"
that other humans have brainwashed you into thinking god wants you to
Even if you cannot break free of the insane notion that an omnipotent
entity exists, you still have absolutely no reason to worship, pray to,
or obey any of god's rules, because there is not a shred of sane evidence
to support the idea that this omnipotent entity wants to be prayed to,
wants to be worshipped, or wants you to engage in any of the behaviors
that your human societal/cultural leaders tell you that god wants you
to engage in. To assume that this omnipotent creature wants your worship,
wants you to refrain from killing other human beings, wants you to engage
in specific behaviors and will reward you for doing so, without ever
having seen and heard the actual omnipotent entity directly make these
requests/demands of you, is insane, and also an insult to your imaginary
"god". How dare you assume that the entity wants you to treat him in
specific ways, and to adopt specific behaviors and attitudes towards
life in general, based not upon what the entity has directly told you,
but rather what fellow humans claim, in second-hand fashion, that the
entity told/tells them, or told their ancestors? If anything, viewed
from a sane perspective, the odds are extremely high that if an omnipotent
entity did exist and cared about you creatures, the entity would be upset
and enraged at you for daring to blindly assume that you know what he
wants and expects of you. So, to conclude the above insight of Forbidden
Truth, there is no possibility of any kind that any god creature exists.
Believing in the existence of god is demonstrative of utter insanity,
but to go further than that, to actually pray to, worship, or follow
a lifestyle path that you believe god wants you to follow, is significantly
more deranged, because even if a god creature were to exist, none of
you have any legitimate basis upon which to conclude that the god creature
wants to be worshipped, wants to be prayed to, or has a desire for you
to follow any specific behavioral codes of conduct of any kind.
I now want to move on to discussing the origin of the insane god myth.
As I will outline at an essay towards the end of this web site, it is
my firm conclusion and realization of Truth that the human race is genetically
diseased and malformed. The human mind, constantly touted by humanity
as being a glorious, wondrous model of species superiority, is in fact
terribly, tragically flawed, deformed and diseased in terms of the horrific
consequences that it's so-called "superior" intellect/thinking abilities
wreak upon both individual human beings and upon the collective structures/ideologies
of human society as a whole. The origin and basis of the insane god myth
serves to prove this to be the case. As a result of a flaw in the evolutionary
process, the human species developed both an ability and an intrinsic
need to analyze and understand the true nature of what it means to be
alive, as well as the results/consequences of losing one's life. This
first step within the evolutionary process was fine, it was not in itself
demonstrative of genetic/evolutionary mind disease and deformity, until
the second part of the equation came into play. It is in the second part,
which is the intellectual and philosophical inability of humanity to
accept the horrific Truths that their rational, Truth-based minds arrive
at, that the genetic perversity is displayed and revealed. The sane human
mind arrives at the Truth concerning the issue of death, the fact that
death can and does equal only one thing: The experience of nothingness
for all of eternity. This is a healthy, proper, sane realization, if
it can be accepted and embraced. But no, due to your genetic brain malformations,
you creatures could not and cannot accept/embrace this Truth. You feel
a desperate, overwhelming need to deny and reject this sane, healthy,
valuable Truth. Mental terror, cowardice, and genetic malformation of
the mind form the basis for this desperate, overwhelming need. This need
overwhelms all else, as the horrific reality of what death entails implants
itself upon your genetically diseased minds. and this is the origin/genesis
of the Insane God Myth.
You creatures had to find a way to reconcile the unavoidable fact that
you are going to die, with the reality of what death entails, along with
your desperate need to maintain the illusion that your lives have ongoing,
valuable purpose and meaning, which requires that death not constitute
the experience of nothingness for all of eternity. These three philosophies
cannot be reconciled. The only way that a diseased mind can find to reconcile
this issue, is to reject one of the two Forbidden Truths, and since the
reality of people constantly dying serves as proof that all human beings
are mortal, it is the second Forbidden Truth that you creatures naturally
chose to reject, namely, the reality of what death entails. Once you
rejected this Truth, the door was left wide open for all sorts of insane,
perverse, invalid life philosophies and belief systems to take hold.
The insane god myth originated right there, an absolutely perfect way
to not only maintain the perverse illusion that your death is not the
end of everything for all of eternity, but also to make yourselves feel
superior to other humans and animal species, to enable you to adopt the
insane attitude that your god will reward you for adopting certain specific
behaviors and life path philosophies, etc... It all stemmed from one,
specific, genetic mental deformity of humanity: The ability to intellectually
realize exactly what death entails, coupled with a complete inability
to emotionally/psychologically/philosophically accept the factual realization
of what death entails.
Let us now move on to discussing the core parameters and purposes of
the insane god myth. Every myth has a specific purpose, it is created,
validated by societal leaders and by the popular culture, and declared
valid, because it serves to meet specific needs, cravings, terrors, obsessions
of individuals, as well as, very importantly, an agenda, usually highly
malevolent in nature, that societal leaders themselves are seeking to
promote and maintain. The insane god myth is among the top three most
cherished and valued myths in existence, by societies, because it serves
so many purposes and is so useful, in so many different ways, to societal
leaders as they seek to maintain control, domination, oppression, productivity,
and appeasement of their masses of citizen-slaves. Let us examine just
a few of the ways that the insane god myth is so useful and valuable
to your evil societies: Death. Sane human beings do not wish to die,
and are fearful of the consequences that death brings with it. The actual
embrace of the fact that the individual will experience nothingness for
all of eternity upon death, is horrifically unbearable to the vast majority
of human beings, given their genetic brain/mental malformations. If left
to their own devices, some humans will develop comforting, false rationalizations
and illusions of what death entails, in order to avoid and move past
the horrific, unbearable Truth. But many other individuals will not be
able to develop such rationalizations. They would sink into depression,
refuse to waste their irreplaceable, finite lives engaging in slave
labor on behalf of society, etc... This is where societal leaders recognized
and continue to recognize what a great opportunity they have to step
in and culturally promote/legitimize "organized" religion. In establishing
a very specific image of what god is, what god wants, and how god will
reward those who obey "him", societal leaders create the absolutely perfect
climate for brutal oppression, enslavement, and fascism. As I will discuss
later in this essay, nothing else, not imprisonment, not legal murder,
comes close to the god myth in working as well for society, in imposing
genocidal legal and cultural policies upon the citizen-slaves, and getting
the slaves to meekly accept, even enthusiastically embrace, the genocide
being practiced upon them.
The insane god myth serves as the perfect cover, for society to impose
it's hypocritical, malevolent codes of conduct upon the citizens, while
hiding behind the lie that the citizens are not really being oppressed
and victimized by any human being, much less by the societal leadership,
but are merely "obeying god", doing what god wants them to do, in exchange
for the "gift" of a heavenly afterlife. You creatures agree to submit
to a lifetime of victimization, oppression, brainwashing, to deny yourselves
your True natures, to waste your lives clinging to a toxic myth that
your evil society has fed you, all because the ridiculous, invalid lure
of an "eternal afterlife in heaven" is held out to you, dangled in front
of your noses and genetically malformed minds, by your evil societies.
And you submit to this atrocity despite the fact that not a single shred
of evidence exists to support the notion that any god creature exists,
much less the even more bizarre notion that such a creature might have
the ability or desire to provide any "afterlife" of any kind, to any
human. This is a marvelous demonstration of the depth of human genetic
and mental disease & deformity. Any sane thinker has to shake their head
in amazement: Trillions of human beings, throughout many thousands of
years, have voluntarily chosen to sacrifice and throw away their real
lives, to be victimized and oppressed throughout their entire real lives
by choice,, using the rationale that they will be rewarded for sacrificing
their real lives after they die, even though there has never been and
will never be a single shred of legitimate reason or evidence to support
the notion that any existence of any kind is possible, once a living
creature dies. This has to be a genetic mental/brain function deformity,
folks! There is no other logical explanation, for trillions of human
beings to sacrifice their real lives, for the illusion of a non-existent
Another way that humans demonstrate genetic mental deformity is in their
eagerness to be led, to be told, even ordered, what to do, what to think,
what to believe, and how to live their lives, by others. Very few humans
have the ability, much less the desire, to think for themselves, to live
a lifestyle that is independent and free of societal illusion, coercion,
doctrine, and brainwashing. A more appropriate designation for humanity
than "people", would be "sheeple", because this is what humans are: sheep.
Mindlessly following each other, heads and faces lowered to the ground,
eating up whatever piece of grass is in front of them, just as you humans
mindlessly mimic each other, refuse to look up and think independently,
refuse to embrace even the most obvious and blatant Truths. The insane
god myth fits in wonderfully with regard to this sheeple mindset. Humans
want to be led, told what to do, and they also refuse to take responsibility
for any of the profound Truths of life. To be led by other humans, societal
leaders who are malevolent and constantly promoting hypocrisy, lies,
and myths as Truth, is a glorious thing for these diseased creatures,
no need to think for themselves, or face up to Truth. But it's not quite
perfect, many humans want more. Specifically, they cannot face up to
the reality that there is no other entity in existence on the planet
that is as intellectually advanced and able to control their lives, as
they are. This is primarily because most humans have no genuine control
over any of the important aspects of life. This is where the insane god
myth conveniently pops in yet again. Society encourages the humans to
"give their life over to god", to submit to the superior power/omnipotence
that this non-existent creature is said to possess. Broken, self-hating
humans love to do this, they love to embrace the notion that an omnipotent,
benevolent god creature will allow them to live and take care of them
for all of eternity. It is the ultimate version of thumb-sucking, taken
to it's zenith. Babies and young children feel helpless, confused, scared,
and find comfort in sucking on a pacifier or their thumb. Adults feel
and in fact are just as helpless, confused, scared, at their core reality,
and just as desperate to find a source of comfort. But they can never
admit to their terrors, they can never face up to them, and due to their
intellectualized, "mature" minds, sucking a pacifier or thumb just won't
provide the same degree of comfort as it did when the individual was
a baby/child. There is too much Truth out there, too many unbearable
facts of life that cannot be accepted or embraced, the diseased mind
cannot escape from these Truths merely by sucking a pacifier. But hey,
no problem, society happily provides the insane god myth for you citizen-
slaves to suckle on. All you gotta do is "believe" in insane notions
like an afterlife, and poof, in your diseased, truth-hating mind, the
belief becomes a reality. "No need for any doubt, after all, look how
many billions of people believe in god, look how my societal and cultural
leaders believe in god, they can't possibly all be wrong. My life has
value, because it is eternal. So what if I'm suffering now?? I have all
of eternity left, might as well accept this brief period, only 60-80
short years, of suffering. The reward I get in the end will make it all
worthwhile." This is the perverse mindset of you humans, which serves
to make the insane god myth so preciously useful as a tool of genocidal
Different societies have varying methods and degrees of promoting the
insane god myth, and in some cases, such as the communist Soviet Union
of the past, it appears that societal leaders were not encouraging this
myth at all, and may even have been discouraging it. However, if you
examine the internal cultural structure of these "pseudo-atheist" societies,
you will find that while the degree of overt public promotion of the
god myth is indeed lower than is the case with other societies, there
was still no genuine policy of discouragement regarding belief in god,
and there were/are 1 or 2 primary, mainstream religions that all the
citizen-slaves who insist upon believing in & worshipping god, are directed
by these societies to embrace. Every society recognizes that it cannot
prevent some of it's citizen-slaves from embracing the god myth, and
therefore every society also realizes that it needs to very specifically
direct, encourage and channel it's citizen-slaves towards embracing mainstream
religions that march in lockstep with the malevolent ideological agenda
of the societal leadership. Most societies have in fact overtly promoted
and literally terrorized their citizen-slaves into embracing the god
myth, and continue to do so today. The more diseased, evil, and perverse
a society is, the more likely it is to ceaselessly impose this toxic
myth upon it's citizen-slaves. In addition, societies which claim to
be "democratic and free" are far more likely to employ terroristic, fascist
methods of getting their citizen-slaves to believe in god. This is primarily
because "free & democratic" societies naturally rely more on lies, myths,
brainwashing, and coercion, as well as the illusion of benevolence,
to control and oppress their citizen-slaves, than societies which more
honestly structure themselves along communist, socialist, or dictatorial
As you might imagine, the united states of america is indeed once again
at the very top of the planet-wide list of nations, in terms of utterly
perverse imposition of the insane god myth upon all citizen-slaves. Take
a look at every piece of american currency, it says: "in god we trust"
on every single penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar bill, 5 dollar bill,
10 dollar bill, 20 dollar bill, 50 dollar bill, 100 dollar bill. Every
single darn piece of money every created by american society has this
perverse message imprinted upon it. Every single human being in america
is compelled to use currency, to take currency from others, and to give
currency to others. Every single day, the person has to touch, exchange,
handle objects that have written on them, "in god we trust". Is there
any provision made for atheists, currency minted without this perverse
message?? No, of course not. The atheist is expected to use this same
currency, compelled by society to "indicate" that they "trust in god",
by constantly using currency that has this message imprinted upon it.
What about children? Every child looks at money, examines it, reads exactly
what is imprinted on it. Every child is thus subjected to this malevolent
societal message. Lets examine the phrase, it says: "in god we trust".
It doesn't say "worship god", but in many ways the use of the word trust
within the phrase is even more fascist than "worship god" would be. Trust
is a sacred thing. If we trust someone or something, we are relying upon
it, we are placing our safety, welfare, our very lives, in the hands
of the entity that we agree to "trust". Trusting in god implies not only
a belief in the existence of god, but a declaration of loyalty, allegiance,
devotion to god. And take note of the word "we". It is a plural term,
thus it clearly implies that every human being who ever uses any type
of american currency has an obligation to "trust in god", and since you
can only trust something that exists, the only rational interpretation
of the use of this phrase on american currency, is the fact that american
society is attempting to terroristically coerce each and every citizen-
slave to both trust in, and believe in, the existence of god.
Look at the american pledge of allegiance, which I will be discussing
in much greater depth at a separate essay. The pledge reads: I pledge
Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic
for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty
and Justice for all. I will be dissecting each and every word and term
of this pledge within the future essay, but right now lets just focus
on "one nation under god". This pledge is a toxic instrument of mental/intellectual
brutalization, specifically targeted at children. All children are taught
the pledge of allegiance, told that it represents important, valuable,
Truth, and ordered to publicly proclaim this pledge, usually on a daily
basis, within the school system. The phrase "one nation under god" not
only is designed to infect children with the toxic notion that god exists,
but even more perversely, to convince the child that he must be subservient
to the god creature. The pledge says that the entire nation, thus all
citizens, are under god, this means beneath god, less important than
god is, obligated to obey and follow the will and decree of god, etc...
What an outrageous perversion this is, that children, trying to hold
on to the precious self-esteem and sense of narcissistic personal value
that they were born with, are confronted with the toxic message that
an invisible, non-existent entity is in fact their "boss", more important
than they are, and must be blindly and insanely believed in, worshipped,
and obeyed. Interestingly, the original pledge of allegiance had no
direct mention of god in it. Only several centuries later, in 1954, did
the genocidally evil supreme leader of america, then president Dwight
D. Eisenhower, sign into law a constitutional amendment that very specifically
added just two words, "under god", to the pledge. As he signed this new
law, in explaining why the two words were being added, your evil supreme
leader declared: "In this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of
religious faith in America's heritage and future; in this way we shall
constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our
country's most powerful resource in peace and war." Don't you just love
how brilliant your evil leaders are, in delivering toxic decree under
a flowery verbal guise of benevolent-sounding eloquence? If he were being
honest and truthful, Dwight would have said: "I feel that terroristically
forcing all american children to pledge that they believe in god will
result in future generations of citizen-slaves being more heavily addicted
to this insane myth, thus making it easier for future american leaders
to get all citizen-slaves to blindly support their evil policies as well
as to get more young people to willingly sacrifice their lives upon command
of societal leaders."
What else? Well, how about the public speeches of all top elected societal
leaders and candidates. Throughout the entire history of america, every
single president has publicly and repeatedly professed a fervent belief
in and devotion to god. In fact, I don't think you will find a single
regularly scheduled presidential speech during the past 50-100 yrs, in
which the president failed to mention god at least once. Most common
is the sign-off at the end of the speech, of "god bless america", or
"god bless you all". Your supreme leader, who actually exists, is pretending
that god exists, that america and thus all of it's citizen-slaves, need
to be supported and blessed by an even greater supreme leader, and of
course the only way to gain god's blessing is to believe in him, pray
to him, and obey him. Not only does the president gleefully seize upon
every opportunity to promote the insane god myth, but being the supreme
"human" leader, by aligning himself with god in every public speech,
everything that the president says is put forth as if channeled directly
from god, this is the obvious ploy that is used here. By concluding his
speech with "god bless america", the president is saying: "I am one of
your two supreme leaders, and everything I have said in this speech has
the blessing and support of your other supreme leader, the god who you
worship and who you must remain faithful to in order to gain an eternity
of heavenly bliss when you die. In blindly supporting me, my policies,
and america, you gain the blessing of god." He doesn't need to say this
out loud, the message is clear and undeniable, and embraced by a great
many hopelessly brainwashed and societally/religiously addicted citizen-
slaves. Within toxic and diseased societies, no aspiring societal leader
who refuses to fervently proclaim a strong belief in god has any chance
of ever attaining the presidency or any other national-level position
of power, because of the fact that the vast majority of all citizens
within the society are hopelessly addicted to the insane god myth and
will only allow someone who validates the delusion that they have built
their lives around, to become their empowered leader. Remember, citizen-
slaves will always insist upon their leaders at least pretending to reflect
and mirror the delusions, perversions, and insanity that they themselves
are addicted to.
And now we finally come to what is by far the most pervasive form of
pro-god terrorism within america, viciously imposed upon literally every
single child in the nation, the "house of worship" and "religious, private
school" structures. What are houses of worship? They are buildings that
have been built and designed for the specific purpose of allowing societally
empowered people, who claim to be fervent believers in the god myth,
to promote the insane god myth to total strangers, earning money for
themselves via this relatively easy but brutally destructive "job". All
adult believers in the god myth are victims of societal brainwashing
and toxic lies. They have already been addicted to the insane myth. You
can argue that being adults, they have some "free will", some ability
to reject the god myth and stop going to houses of worship where their
delusions are declared valid and overtly encouraged. Personally, it is
clear to me that this is not true. The god addict has less of an ability
to break free from his toxic addiction, than any alcoholic, cocaine user,
or any other type of addict. But, putting that aside for the moment,
let us look at children. Children have developing, immature, vulnerable
minds, along with a natural instinct for and interest in uncovering the
Truths of life. Society has a sacred obligation to protect children from
all types of toxic, harmful influences. Poisoning a child's mind with
toxic lies and myths is an act of brutal torture, nothing less than that.
For it to be a crime to feed arsenic or cyanide to a child, poisoning
the child's body, but not a crime to brutally impose the toxic god myth
upon a child's mind, which constitutes poisoning of the child's mind,
is absolutely outrageous. Children deserve to be protected in every
possible way, from the insane god myth. Just because the biological creators
of a child are likely to already be infected with this toxic myth, is
no reason to legitimize, much less encourage, the parents to impose and
inflict this infection upon their child. And yet this is exactly what
your evil societies do. With utter malice aforethought, your societies
deliberately seek to infect all children with the god myth, to addict
them to this myth, the younger the better, empowering not only the child's
parents, but complete strangers as well, to go to whatever lengths are
necessary to coerce, bribe, terrorize, every child into embracing the
notion that a god creature both exists, and deserves to be worshipped.
Parents and other legal slaveowners of children are encouraged by society
to not only transfer their own personal god myth beliefs to their child,
on a one-on-one level, but also to take their children to houses of
worship, known as churches, mosques, temples, etc..., where professionally
trained con-artists are employed for the specific purpose of expertly
addicting all visitors to the insane god myth, and reinforcing their
addiction if they already have it. The one-on-one parental transfers
of the god myth to children are completely outrageous and should be illegal.
But the additional methods of relentless addiction, such as allowing
adults to bring children to churches and other house of worship as well
as allowing adults to enroll their children in schools where belief in
god is taught as a primary educational subject, are far more outrageous.
There is absolutely no sane reason for why any child should be allowed
to enter a house of worship, or enrolled in a school that is set up to
impose a toxic myth upon him, masqueraded as truth. Within any sane societal
structure, belief in and worship of god would be strongly discouraged,
rather than encouraged. Whether or not most children who are not viciously
exposed to the toxic god myth can overcome the genetic mental deformity
of their species to the degree that they will resist all god myth temptations
as adults, for their entire lives, is unclear. I'm sure that some will,
while others won't. But every child deserves, at the very least, to
be given a fighting chance to defeat this toxic infection, and the only
way to give each child this opportunity is for society to place every
child's sacred right to not have his developing and vulnerable mind poisoned,
above the selfish, disease-based wishes/cravings/need of parents and
other adults to validate their own insane god belief, by infecting children
with the same toxic myth that they were infected with when they were
children, and are now addicted to.
All houses of worship should have a minimum entry age of at least 28,
which is when the average person begins to reach some level of genuine
mental maturity. No child or youth should be permitted, under federal
law, to enter a house of worship. No parent should be allowed to bring
their child inside a house of worship. No school should be allowed to
have a religious or religion-based curriculum of any kind. And no parent
should be allowed to personally impose, in a deceitful, lie-based manner,
the insane god myth upon the mind, consciousness, and developing sense
of reality, of their child. There is absolutely nothing "fascist", unfree
or governmentally/societally intrusive in these proposals. They represent
the bare minimum obligation that all societies should accept/embrace,
as part of the process of attempting to try and allow every helpless
child to grow up and mentally/emotionally mature within a safe, nurturing,
truth-based environment. How many of you would argue that the ritualistic
feeding of a deadly poison such as cyanide to a child, must be decreed
legal because the government/society has no right to try to save the
life of any child, in any manner?? Very few of you would adopt this insane
position, even though you do genocidally legitimize the mass physical
torture/murder of children within your society. Well, religion and god
worship is a deadly poison, upon every single child that it is cruelly
imposed upon. It is a plague which destroys the child's ability to think
rationally and to recognize/embrace Truth, not only for a specifically
limited period of time, but in fact for the entire lifetime of the child.
The mind of a child is the most vulnerable, more so than the mind of
any adult, because it is still developing, still maturing, still trying
to reconcile it's natural, instinctual interest in Truth, with the comforting
and yet toxic myths that are floating around in the diseased popular
culture. It is impossible to create a protective bubble around any child
that would serve to insulate the child from the influence of all toxic
myths. And yet of course every society has an obligation to go to all
reasonable lengths to protect children from the deliberate, direct, and
brutally coercive imposition of highly toxic and mentally destructive,
in reality poisonous, myths. Belief in the existence of, and worship
of a god creature absolutely fits into this category, and therefore the
legal proposals for protecting children that I have outlined at the top
of this paragraph simply constitute basic common-sense and demonstrate
a borderline degree of respect for the welfare, health, and protection
of the single most valuable asset that any human being can possess, a
healthy, sane, rational mind, which can distinguish truth from falsehood.
The vast majority of all adults are indeed hopelessly addicted to the
insane god myth. A major component of the perverse structure of the insane
god myth involves the deliberate "recruitment", via mental victimization
and terroristic coercion, of additional humans into embracing the same
insane myth. Addicts are terrorized into agreeing to not only believe
in and worship god themselves, but in addition, to overtly go out and
try to addict other human beings, to the exact same specific version
of the insane god myth that they are themselves addicted to. This terrorization
includes promises of gaining the favor of god, and ensuring oneself a
favorable spot in a blissful afterlife, as well as the more overt threat
that if a person that the god addict cares about, likes, or loves fails
to embrace the god myth, that individual will be "punished" by god, not
get to enjoy a proper afterlife, not be together with the delusional
god addict in "heaven". This insane notion creates tremendous pressure
upon the god addict to spread around the mental plague that afflicts
him, to coworkers, neighbors, friends, relatives, anyone that the addict
personally knows and claims to care about, with children, especially
biological creations and legally owned child-slaves, naturally being
the easiest and foremost targets. Within a sane societal structure, all
adults who believe in the existence of god would not automatically be
decreed unfit to serve as Primary Caretakers to any child. The Mandatory
Parental Competency Test system would recognize that it is possible for
an adult to both be infected with the insane god myth, and at the same
time to possess enough moral respect for children and their personal
autonomy as well as right to be protected from malicious indoctrination,
to refrain from terroristically imposing their god myth addiction upon
the child. But, due to the factors I have outlined above, and the perverse
overall structure of the god myth, it is clear to me that very few genuine
god addicts would be able or willing to refrain from infecting their
children. My estimate would be that no more than 1 aspiring parent out
of 5000, at most, who is a god addict, would be Superior enough in character
to be able to avoid infecting their child. Therefore, the design of the
Mandatory Parental Competency Tests would have to be extremely strict,
in terms of requiring that all applicants demonstrate and prove, beyond
a reasonable doubt, that they will not deliberately and falsely impose
the god myth upon any child that they are given custodial access to.
At this point I want to talk a little bit about the issue of relative
toxicity, as well as the difference between teaching/providing factual
information, versus malevolent, unacceptable brainwashing. These insights
I am providing below are equally valid with regard to both adults and
children, with the only major difference being that the negative consequences
of imposing toxic mythology upon a child are far greater than the negative
consequences of imposing much mythology upon a mature adult, because
the child's mind is more open, more vulnerable, less able to analytically
process and weigh information that is provided to the him, and to determine
how much weight/credence to give to the information, and if addicted
to a toxic myth during childhood, the victim will find it much harder
to break free of the myth, than is the case if addiction occurs during
What are myths? Myths are invalid, untrue, societally ritualized fables
that have, for the most part, a philosophically complex structure which
serves to make them more harmful, to more individuals, than mere "lies"
are. Myths are granted legitimacy and usually overtly promoted by societies
and their empowered leaders/agents, as part of an overall process that
is designed to allow/cause all citizen-slaves to live out their lives
on an artificial, fiction-based template. Every single day, the vast
majority of people make their most basic and profound life decisions
based not upon factually accurate information/beliefs, but rather based
upon mythological notions, ideas, and beliefs, that they have been addicted
and terrorized into embracing, ever since they were tiny babies.
Relative Toxicity of myths: We have already established that all myths
are toxic, unhealthy, and in fact harmful to all individuals, based upon
the fact that Truth is the most valuable, useful, and precious mental
resource that every child is born with, and that every individual has
the sacred right to at least be able to try to nurture Truth within himself,
mature and go through life free of having toxic myths terroristically
and coercively imposed upon him. Every myth is toxic not only in and
of itself, but also because it helps to create an overall legitimization
of falsehood and artificiality within the conscious minds of the individuals
that it is imposed upon. What I'm basically saying here is that the more
myths a person is malevolently subjected to and coerced into embracing,
the less likely it is that the individual will be able or willing to
distinguish any truth from any falsehood, and the more likely it is that
the individual will eagerly and mindlessly embrace all myths and falsehoods
that their malevolent society feeds them, as being true, throughout their
entire lives. So, even though the directly negative impact of a specific
myth might be relatively minor, far less toxic than the god myth is,
that other myth still has a tremendously harmful overall impact upon
the individual, because it serves to further blur and obliterate the
line between genuine, empowered Truth, and artificial, invalid, enslaving
Let me give you a brief example of how the Relative Toxicity scale works,
with regard to societally promoted myths. Belief in god is a toxic myth,
and belief in the tooth fairy is also a toxic myth. Both of these myths
are overtly promoted and legitimized by the diseased american societal
leadership and structure. But the god myth is far more toxic, on an overall
level. Why? Because it exerts a far greater, lifelong impact, in far
more ways, than the tooth fairly myth does. The tooth fairy myth is targeted
at children, not at adults. It is one of those toxic myths that humans
are perversely instructed to infect their children with, and yet those
same targeted child victims are also expected to "outgrow" this particular
myth once they reach adulthood. However, the tooth fairy myth very specifically
fosters insane god myth ideology within children by virtue of it's design
structure: An invisible creature known as the tooth fairy is said to
come inside the homes of children, remove teeth that the child has lost,
and leave either money or a gift in place of the tooth that is taken
away. In reality of course, it is the parents who sneak in and take away
the tooth, and leave whatever "gift" they wish behind. They lie to the
child not only with regard to the existence of a "tooth fairy", but on
an even more directly personal way, they lie to the child concerning
the factual nature of what they themselves are doing to the child, in
taking away the tooth. They deliberately seek and attempt to coerce the
child's tender, vulnerable, developing mind, to accept a complete falsehood,
a toxic myth that promotes and validates irrational thought, as being
true. From any commonsense perspective, this should be illegal, and considered
an act of child abuse.
Does the tooth fairy myth encourage children to think irrationally, to
form false and invalid beliefs, and to more easily accept different types
of "mythological creature" myths, such as the god myth, as constituting
Truth? Of course it does. But there are significant differences. First,
as stated above, most adults do not believe that a "real" tooth fairy
exists. This myth is expected to be uncovered as a myth by it's child-
victims, at some point during their adolescence or early adulthood. This
fact serves to make the tooth fairy myth less toxic than the god myth.
But far more importantly than the duration of time that the toxic infection
lasts, is the scope and degree of behavioral and ideological impact that
the myth has upon the victim. The tooth fairy myth is absolutely abusive
and harmful to every child that it is imposed upon. It portrays falsehood
as constituting Truth, it promotes and encourages magical, irrational
thinking patterns, specifically involving non-existent creatures, thus
setting the stage for insane god myth indoctrination. it instructs children
that to be lied to, to embrace lies, and to disseminate lies as truth
is absolutely the right and proper thing to do, thus dooming the next
generation of children to be subjected to the same ritualistically abusive
lie pattern. But the tooth fairy myth itself only comes with a few, limited
"rules" that are imposed upon the children that are subjected to it.
These rules are not extremely toxic, they do not last throughout the
child's lifetime, and they do not serve to influence/affect very many
of the child's behaviors or lifestyle choices, over the course of the
child's life. This is in stark contrast to the insane god myth, which
is specifically designed to not only last for the entire lifetime of
each victim, but to actually become stronger, more intense and toxic
as the individual reaches adolescence, adulthood, middle age, and becomes
elderly. The rules of the insane god myth are extremely toxic, and specifically
designed to exert a tremendous amount of influence over just about every
major lifestyle/behavioral choice that the person has available, throughout
the course of his entire life. For a god addict, this insane myth has
a pervasive, immense influence upon each and every day of the addict's
life. Each day, dozens of times, the thinking patterns, lifestyle choices,
and entire mindset of the addict is controlled, dictated by, and ruled
by, their god myth addiction, an addiction which is toxic, invalid, and
untrue. The individual is compelled to live out his life clinging to
an insane myth of falsehood, and the hundreds if not thousands of perverse
rules and decrees that every mainstream, false and invalid god myth carries
with it. Not even the judicial laws of a society have as much of an impact
upon robbing individuals of their personal freedom, autonomy, rational
thinking ability, and behavioral options, as does the insane god myth.
So, I hope I have shown in my above Forbidden Truth insights why all
societally promoted myths are toxic and perverse, and also why the insane
god myth must be considered the single most malevolently toxic of them
all. Within any sane society, the eradication of the insane god myth
would be a top, national and public health priority. To free as many
citizens as possible from the toxic grip of this insane myth would be
considered the nation's #1 public health goal, even more important than
finding a cure for cancer, AIDS, or heart disease, because the plague
of god addiction afflicts far more people than all of the three physical
diseases above combined, and absolutely has a far greater negative impact,
upon far more individuals, than any physical illness possibly could.
I want to backtrack just a bit at this point, and refocus on the origins
as well as the root structural design of the insane god myth, because
there are extremely interesting/important details here that cast light
upon the overall perversion and malevolence of human society and of the
human race. As of the early 21st century, one of the most popular versions
of the insane god myth revolves around an individual known as Jesus Christ.
According to mythology, this person lived about 2000 years ago, and had
some sort of a personally interactive relationship with the god creature,
that has been woven into the fabric of mainstream societal religions
such as christianity and catholicism over the course of the past 2000
years. It is unclear to any sane thinker whether or not the individual
who is now known as Jesus Christ ever existed. There was no news media
or reliable, verifiable form of journalism 2000 years ago, and therefore
all of the historical data which suggests that an individual known as
Jesus Christ did exist and was in fact murdered some 2000 years ago,
is nothing more than rank speculation and theory. But, let us assume
for the sake of argument that yes, there was an individual named Jesus
Christ who lived 2000+ years ago, and he was in fact murdered by other
human beings. Once we make this assumption, lets examine what Truths
we can extract from the life of this man. First and foremost, assuming
that the details of his life activities have been accurately documented,
we know that he was extremely mentally ill. He suffered from organic
mental illness, he was delusional, self-hating, and unable to cope with
the horrific realities of life, to a far greater degree than the average
human being who lived 2000 years ago. At the same time, like many mentally
ill people, he was extremely sensitive, thoughtful, and desperate to
find false comfort that would allow him to mentally escape from the horrific
realities of life. His organic mental illness, today known as "schizophrenia"
as well as other doctoral definitions, caused him to hear non-existent
voices in his head. He chose to interpret these voices as coming from
an omnipotent life form who wanted to be worshipped by humans, and would
grant him an eternity of life if he both agreed to worship the omnipotent
life form and to try to recruit/convince other human beings to worship
the omnipotent life form. This was a pure delusion, that dovetailed perfectly
with his unbearable terror of the Forbidden Truth that he would experience
nothingness for all of eternity upon his death. This same unbearable
terror, almost never spoken, was shared by billions of humans across
the world, due to the organic mental/brain function deformity of the
human race.
Because Jesus, like most humans, was self-hating, his delusion had to
involve hardship, suffering, as well as personal disempowerment. The
delusional, omnipotent life form that he conjured up in his mind could
not simply grant him an eternity of life after death with no conditions
attached, only a saner, self-loving individual could arrive at this realization,
that they deserve eternal life without question, compromise, or obligation.
Jesus was totally insane and extremely self-hating, and therefore he
set out on a suicidal course of attempting to impose his delusion upon
as many other humans as he possibly could. Not surprisingly, most humans
that he viciously imposed his delusions upon were quite happy to listen
to him, and eager to embrace his organic mental illness, even though
most of them did not suffer from genuinely organic mental illness themselves,
of the type that results in the perceived hearing of imaginary voices
or the viewing of invisible entities, but merely genetic human brain
deformity/malformation. Why were they happy and eager to embrace Jesus's
delusions? Because this particular delusion provided an absolutely ideal
way for them to falsely and invalidly cope with the horrific reality
of what their deaths would result in. Jesus Christ's delusions provided
"salvation" to other people, because they helped/caused other people
to embrace the ultimate security blanket, allowed other people to deny
and reject the single most pervasively horrific and unbearable Forbidden
Truth within all of human consciousness, which is the reality that every
individual, immediately upon dying, experiences nothingness for all of
the rest of eternity.
So, our mentally deranged, organically mentally ill, suicidal, truth-
hating Jesus Christ got to travel around a bit, and infect a fair number
of fellow humans with his toxic myth. His infected victims certainly
did not feel victimized, they were mostly very glad and happy to embrace
the extremely comforting myth, and I'm sure Jesus was quite passionate
and persuasive in his sales pitch, as most severely mentally ill individuals
who have an agenda to promote, are. Eventually, being suicidally self-
hating and subconsciously eager to "test out" his delusion, to make sure
that he was "right", Jesus ended up among a group of humans who, for
whatever reason, refused to accept his viciously intrusive attempts to
impose his delusions upon them. The more they resisted, the more determined
and insistent our hapless Inferior was, as he subconsciously played out
his suicidal ideology. Eventually, due to his own perverse nature, he
angered them so greatly that they murdered him, perhaps inflicting some
torture upon him beforehand, using him as a cathartic Poison Container
to unleash their suppressed rage, hate, and life frustrations upon. As
you would expect, Jesus clung fiercely and stridently to his comforting
delusion until the very end, since he genuinely believed that his entire
future fate, after death, rested upon how the omnipotent life form that
his mentally ill mind had conjured up, chose to treat him. Since he hated
himself and felt worthless, his delusion naturally perceived the omnipotent
life form as being worthy of his extreme devotion, with the "reward"
being an eternity of "afterlife." And so this tragic individual happily
died at a young age, having caused his own death via self-hatred, confident
that he would experience a much better, immortal, eternal existence in
"heaven", or whatever name his mind may have given to the "afterlife
place." End of story. I repeat, end of story. The story should end right
here, and this tragic individual should be completely unknown today,
just as anonymous as any mentally ill person who lived 2000+ years ago
and accomplished absolutely nothing of note in his lifetime. Jesus was
literally a carbon copy of the mentally ill homeless people that you
often see in year 2001 cities, pushing shopping carts around as they
wander aimlessly for their entire lives, mumbling or sometimes yelling
aloud the details of the mental delusions that plague them. You diseased
creatures totally ignore these victims, would never even ask them their
name, much less befriend them, you express contempt for them and even
try to lock them up in cages. And yet with Jesus Christ, a carbon copy
2000+ year old version of these homeless, mentally ill drifters of today,
you insanely worship him, idolize him, and joyfully embrace the details
of his ridiculous delusion. Why? Because just like the humans who lived
2000 years ago, you creatures today suffer from genetic mental deformity.
The Truths of life are your mortal enemy, you are at war with your minds,
all of life is a constant battle for the vast majority of you humans,
a battle centered upon finding ways to deny horrific Truths, and to
embrace toxic, but comforting lies and myths.
The next issue we must discuss is this: Exactly how did Jesus Christ,
assuming he did exist and that there is some factual accuracy to the
reports of his life activities and death, become the worldwide celebrity
icon that he is today?? There was no TV, radio, satellites, internet,
fax machines, or other toxic technological instruments of mass brainwashing/indoctrination
available to Jesus, or to anyone else, 2000+ years ago. Jesus was certainly
not famous during his lifetime, and in fact he was only able to personally
infect a relatively small number of people with his insane delusion.
Although it is true that this small number of people went out and infected
as many other people as they possibly could, since Jesus's delusion was
rooted in plague structure, meaning that Jesus himself felt compelled
to try to infect as many other humans as possible with his toxic myth,
and part of the infection process involved convincing his infected disciples
to emulate him, and do the exact same thing he was doing, to go out among
the humans and convince as many of them as possible to believe in and
worship "god". Still, this in no way explains how a mentally ill man
who lived 2000+ years ago is today, in the year 2001, known by name by
99.9999% of all human beings who live upon the face of planet earth.
The explanation is quite simple, but deeply rooted within societal malevolence,
and I am happy to provide the necessary enlightenment.
Jesus had already infected some humans with his toxic delusion, by the
time he died. Therefore, his death did not bring an end to either his
delusion, or the ongoing dissemination of his delusion, because of the
plague structure that was rooted within the delusion. The plague continued
to spread, eventually gaining the notice of national/clan/societal leaders
and aspiring leaders. This is the critical point, the period of time
when actual leaders and aspiring leaders of societies and nations/clans
became aware of and began to study the structure of Jesus Christ's delusional
doctrine. These malevolent, enraged, power-crazed, and yet also astutely
intelligent individuals came to realize, to their amazement, that the
insane god myth which characterized Jesus's delusion could fit in perfectly
with their fascist, malevolent desires and plans to oppress, control,
dominate, and dictate the entire lives of the people living within their
nation, tribe, clan, or group. One such malevolent leader hired a highly
intelligent, creative writer, ordering the writer to construct a book
which would be entertaining to readers, but the main purpose of which
would be to instruct all citizen-slaves that they must act and behave
in very specific ways, in order to meet with the approval of god and
to gain an eternity of blissful afterlife in "heaven". This book was
named the "bible". This very same malevolent leader, or perhaps the leader
of some other society, decided that many humans wouldn't have the ability
or attention span needed to read a very long book, and so "the ten commandments"
were written down, a greatly simplified version of the "bible", in which
societal leaders attempt to terroristically convince all citizen-slaves
to obey these "top 10" rules of conduct, which are in fact nothing more
than the 10 most fascist, oppressive behavioral demands that the cleverly
evil societal leader felt would most fully give him complete control
and domination over his citizen-slaves. Leader after leader, all across
planet earth, began to realize what an incredible opportunity they had,
to employ "god" as a fascist, brutally oppressive dictator, to employ
god as their ultimate police force, to use god to impose their agenda
upon the citizen-slaves. All they had to do was convince the citizen-
slaves that god exists, and, far more importantly, that this "god" expects
and demands that they adopt certain specific behavioral and lifestyle
choices, with an extremely enticing reward, namely an "afterlife", as
the irresistible bait.
Guess what? It worked! The lure could not be resisted by 99.9999999%
of all human beings. The reality of death was simply too unbearable,
the lure of the insane notion of an afterlife was too enticing, absolutely
irresistible to almost all human beings. All rationality, all commonsense,
all interest in Truth was gleefully cast aside, as the stampede began,
all the humans joyfully rushed forward, grabbing ahold of this insane
myth, vowing to cling to it for their entire lives, and to infect their
children, every generation to come, as the perversely dysfunctional cycle
of insane god myth addiction took root. This is the True genesis of the
god myth. Some societal leaders were not satisfied with the bible, but
they also realized that the insane god myth was too good to pass up as
a tool of enslavement and fascism, so they decided that the specific
details of exactly how the worship was structured and what "rules" were
most important to them, as fascist leaders, needed to be modified. And
they simply created other versions of the insane god myth, writing different
versions of the bible, such as the "koran", that were based upon the
same general myth structure of an omnipotent creature who has demands,
offers irresistible rewards to those humans who meet it's demands, etc...
I want to make it clear at this point that it's quite possible that some
of the minor details that I have provided above, concerning Jesus Christ,
may well be inaccurate. It's quite possible that Jesus Chris never existed
at all, and that this entire version of the insane god myth was simply
dreamed up by a cleverly malevolent societal leader, or a writer hired
by the societal leader, who simply patterned the Jesus myth upon other,
earlier god myths. It is absolutely impossible to know or provide positively
accurate information concerning any situation or event that occurred
2000+ years ago, since there is no valid or verifiable documentation
of any kind. What I have done in my dissection of the Jesus Christ/god
myth, is to reveal the genesis and foundational origins of not just the
christianity myth, but of all mainstream, societally sponsored religions
that currently exist on planet earth, and I am 100% certain that this
general foundational origin is completely accurate. No sane thinker,
who looks at this issue from a courageous, Truth-seeking position, can
fail to recognize the Truths that I revealed above.
A minor but interesting comment worth making here, that will set up our
next Forbidden Truth, is how the perverse capitalization of the letter
G in god, serves to emphasize/prove the societal legitimization/promotion
of the insane god myth. Dictionaries and definitions are constantly being
used by societies to malevolently manipulate and mislead the masses of
citizen-slaves, I will be discussing this at great length in a separate
essay, but right now lets just focus on this one capitalization situation.
Why would a so-called secular society, like america, decree that the
letter g in the word god must be capitalized, even when the word occurs
in the middle of a sentence? It is an absolutely illegitimate grammatical
error. God is not a proper name, it is a description of an mythical entity,
that in fact does not exist. If the grammatical laws are to dictate
that god should be spelled with a capital G in all situations, than the
exact same law should apply for words like Ghost, Goblin, and Tooth Fairy.
The answer to my above question is that america is not a secular society,
and that at every level, societies like america not only legitimize
the insane god myth, not only promote the insane god myth, but in fact
terroristically impose the insane god myth, using every available method,
upon every single child and adult who is born into or living within
the society. This includes relatively minor methods such as using invalid
capitalization to grant an air of "mystical legitimacy and superiority"
to a non-existent entity, as well as extremely malevolent methods such
as making sure that no child growing up within the society is ever protected
or insulated from overt exposure and promotion of the toxic god myth.
Some societies, like america, have the audacity to claim that they operate
under a cultural system that provides for a "separation between church
and state." This has to rank as one of the most outrageously ludicrous
claims that american society makes, and that is saying a heck of a lot,
since the lie-based structure of american society guarantees that many
thousands of different false and invalid claims are constantly being
made by this society. The notion that any sort of separation between
the religious and governmental institutions of a society like america
exists, is beyond all consideration to any sane thinker. The reality
of course, is that church and state are super-glued to each other, attached
together like siamese twins, so viciously intertwined that it is impossible
to separate them for even a single moment, on even a single issue. Religion
is a construct of the government, of the state. The State, namely empowered
leaders of society, created religion, promotes religion, coerces religion
upon all citizen-slaves, terroristically imposes religion upon all citizen-
slaves, literally from the day of their birth, in america and to a slightly
lesser degree in other diseased societies that are similar to america.
Your malevolent societal leaders invoke god verbally, invoke god in writing,
invoke god on currency, brainwash and force children and adults to invoke
god, believe in god, worship god, under absolutely terroristic threat.
And in the same breath, they tell you how lucky you are that your benevolent
society offers you a "separation between church and state". This is a
beautiful illustration of how utterly unable you humans are to recognize
even the most glaring, blatant, and obvious lies that your society feeds
you. The very entity that is responsible for terroristically imposing
the insane god myth upon you, tells you that it operates via a "separation"
and detachment from the god myth, and amazingly, you creatures simply
accept this ridiculous, blatantly invalid claim at face value, even celebrating
the "freedom" that this claim is said to provide you.
Freedom of religion has to be one of the most perversely misnamed phrases
in existence. Your societies tell you how lucky you are that you are
free to worship god, and to choose which god you want to worship, as
well as how strongly you believe in/worship your god, and yet at the
same time there is absolutely no freedom from religion offered. This
insane, untrue, toxic myth is terroristically imposed upon each individual
by the society and by the government, then this same society tells it's
terror victims how lucky they are to be able to choose from among various
religions, exactly which religion to toxically embrace. But these victims
are unable to be free from religion, they are unable to reject the toxic
god myth, because it has been viciously imposed upon them, without their
consent, on a daily basis, from the very day of their birth onward throughout
their entire childhood and for every day of their existence. Therefore,
"freedom of religion" is in reality nothing less than complete and utter
enslavement, it constitutes a total lack of freedom, it is a manifestation
of the exact definitional opposite of freedom, namely captivity, mental
captivity. The helpless mind of the individual is held captive by the
terroristic imposition of the insane god myth upon him, and it is society
itself which chooses to and is responsible for promoting, imposing, and
addicting most individuals to this toxic and destructive myth. For a
society which commits this atrocity, to come forward and proudly proclaim
to it's torture victims that they must be happy and grateful that they
enjoy the advantage of "freedom of religion", and for virtually every
human to accept this bizarre and nonsensical societal claim as being
valid, demonstrates the literally limitless depth of human derangement
that has always existed within this perverse species, and continues to
reach ever greater levels of intellectual madness.
Let me say a few words here about the notion that the insane god myth
is "needed" by humans, that it allows humans to cope with life, who otherwise
would collapse into despair and be unable to function "normally". This
notion, held by some intellectual scholars and philosophers who may well
not believe in the god myth themselves, claims that believing in god
enhances the "quality of life" of the individual. That the belief in
god allows the individual to be happier, more content, less "depressed",
better able to enjoy and cope with life. First of all, it is absolutely
true that in an ultra-diseased society like america, a large number of
adults would suffer complete mental collapses that would cause a highly
negative effect upon their day to day lives, if they were suddenly confronted
with proof that god does not exist, or if their societal leaders suddenly
began telling them that god does not exist. This is the result of a lifetime
of relentlessly toxic insane god myth indoctrination, imposed upon the
individual for each and every day of their lives, beginning on the very
day of their birth. The god myth is an addiction. The ultimate addiction,
in fact. It is the strongest addiction that exists, because it deals
with the single most profound and terrifying philosophical issue of Truth
that confronts the human mind, the reality of what occurs when we, as
individuals, die. Any person addicted to cigarettes, alcohol, cocaine,
will of course experience personally negative feelings, of stress, anxiety,
physical and mental suffering, if they attempt to break free of their
addiction. Since the god myth is the strongest type of addiction, these
negative feelings would be fairly strong, for quite a few adult god addicts.
So yes, the perceived "quality of life" for hard-core adult god addicts,
on a current, short-term level, would indeed be negatively impacted
if they were to try to break free of their addiction, with the encouragement/aid
of society. In some cases, the negative effects would be long-term. In
some cases the individual would not be able to break free. In a few cases
the individual would in fact commit suicide or suffer a permanent mental
breakdown from which they would never recover, if confronted with proof
that god does not exist, of the type that I am outlining on this web
page. This is absolutely true. And yet the benefits that would come with
society abandoning the insane god myth, would still far outweigh these
negative consequences.
A person addicted to nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, suffers personally negative
consequences for awhile, as they attempt to break free of their addiction.
However, the reward and benefits that comes from breaking free of their
addiction is very high, and many of these addicts are glad afterwards,
to have been freed of their toxic addictions. But some individuals fail
to break free of their addiction, and for them the effort involved in
trying to break free did not justify the end result, since they "suffered
for nothing", in failing. This exact same cost-to-benefit ratio applies
to the god myth addiction. Perhaps more adult individuals will be unable
to and will fail to break free from this addiction than from other addictions.
But for those that do break free, the reward will be glorious, a whole
new universe of Truth will be opened, literally thousands of different
types of behavioral "rules" and lifestyle paths, that the addicted individual
felt terroristically compelled to follow, will cease to carry any weight.
This is true freedom, genuine freedom, of the type that only a revelation
and an embrace of Truth can provide. It is what society owes to every
single one of it's torture victims.
At the same time however, as you read this essay, you will note that
I am stopping short of calling for the criminalization of god worship
by adults, or the destruction of all houses of worship. This is because
I recognize that all god addicts are victims of both malevolent societal
brainwashing and of their own genetic mental inferiority/deformity. Society
has absolutely no right to inflict further, unnecessary punishment/victimization
upon these god addicts, but at the same time, society does have an absolute
obligation to try to help as many of these victims as it possibly can
to break free of the god myth, and, even more importantly, society has
a sacred obligation to immediately bring an end to the ongoing, generational
cycle of brutal god myth imposition that is has chosen to perpetuate
from each generation of humans to the next, for many thousands of years.
Striking a "perfect" balance between these societal obligations is impossible,
but the scale has to be tilted in the direction of protecting all future
generations from insane god myth addiction, as well as helping current
god addicts to break free of the addiction. Therefore, hard-core, mentally
mature, adult god addicts who absolutely refuse to budge from or are
mentally unable to break free of the god myth, deserve to be accommodated,
to a degree. They should be legally allowed to pray to god. They should
even be allowed to gather together in special buildings, houses of worship,
for the purpose of perversely reaffirming their insane delusion to each
other, and to have a "leader", priest, minister, etc..., pretend to tell
them what the nonexistent god creature wants them to do. But that is
it. The law must dictate that no child or young adult who has not reached
mental maturity, can enter any house of worship, and no god addict can
ever attempt to impose the god myth upon the consciousness of a human
being who has not reached mental maturity, of the type that rarely occurs
prior to age 28. No god addict who creates a child or who otherwise might
have regular contact with a child, should be allowed to have any legal
access to or contact with the child, unless they demonstrate/prove, via
mandatory parental competency testing, that they have the ability, desire,
and intention to refrain from imposing their god myth addiction upon
the child. Just as importantly, the cultural policy/ritual structure
itself, within all god-myth promoting societies, must do a complete reversal.
All promotion/legitimization of the insane god myth must cease. Societal
leaders must stop spouting derangements such as "god bless america",
or "god bless you all". in their speeches. All references to heaven and
an afterlife by societal leaders must cease. All mention of god on currency
must be removed. All popular pledges/songs that come with direct societal
legitimization, such as the pledge of allegiance, must have all references
to god removed from them. Societal and cultural leaders must overtly
challenge and dismiss the notion that god exists, especially in response
to attempts by god addicts and their leaders to promote the god myth
via the mass media and other outreach efforts. And even though adults
would be allowed to gather together and promote this myth to each other,
all usage of the mass media for the purpose of promoting or legitimizing
the god myth, would be prohibited by law. Promoters of this myth would
not be allowed to use TV, radio, general circulation newspapers, or other
mass media resources, for the purpose of promoting or encouraging complete
strangers as well as children, who use these media resources, to either
believe in the existence of, or worship, god. This would not be fascism
or an undue restriction upon a free press, it would simply be a reasonable
attempt by a sane society to properly protect as many people as possible,
of all ages, from being exposed to the con-artist style manipulation
and coercion of insane god myth promoter/addicts. Adult individuals who
are determined to addict themselves to the god myth will still be able
to access plenty of resources to help them attain their tragic goal,
as well as to obtain personal validation of their toxic myth from other
god freaks, due to the fact that houses of worship would remain open
to mature adults, and no mature adult would face any threat of criminal
sanction simply for believing in or worshipping god
This is the minimum effort required, on the part of a sane society, to
act in a moral, honest, and Truth-affirming manner, in attempting to
break the perverse cycle of intergenerational toxic god myth victimization
that is and has been brutally imposed upon citizens for hundreds, usually
thousands of consecutive years, by malevolent and diseased societies
such as america. Even with these policy reforms, many god addicts will
be unwilling and unable to break free of their addiction, and even some
children raised up in future generations, within an essentially "god-
free" culture, will still absolutely become god addicts themselves. This
is due to genetic brain/mental malformation of the human mind and cognitive
thinking abilities, and there is no way to prevent this. The logical
solution, as I have outlined above, is for societal policy and law to
be designed to tolerate hard-core god addicts, to allow them to pray
to god, to even allow them to gather together to validate their delusion,
but at the same time, to completely prohibit them from imposing their
addiction upon any child, and to overtly challenge and debunk all god
mythology as a matter of daily, routine societal and cultural policy.
Currently, the god myth is embraced and validated as a matter of daily,
routine, societal and cultural policy. Therefore, a 100%, complete reversal
of this outrageously malevolent and destructive policy, must occur.
The Ten Commandments:
Okay, what I want to do now is list the ten commandments, which the pathetic
god addicts believe come from god, and discuss/dissect each commandment,
proving beyond all doubt that this particular piece of "holy" text,
just like the contents of all bibles and of all holy books, were in fact
written by human beings, clever, cunning, malevolent leaders of societies,
or professional writers hired by malevolent leaders and specifically
told to pen a fanciful text for the direct purpose of oppressing, controlling,
and dictating the behavioral and lifestyle choices of as many citizen-
slaves as possible, using the terroristic threat of an omnipotent creature
watching them, judging them, having the power to either gain or withhold
eternal life, and having the power to place the citizen-slave in either
a blissful afterlife of heaven, or a horrific afterlife of hell, based
upon the behaviors and lifestyle choices of the individual. I will prove
by the very nature of my dissection of the text of the ten commandments,
that even if you somehow still cannot break free of the insane god myth,
the notion that an omnipotent creature would ever write such a text,
is ludicrous. There are several different versions of the ten commandments,
and I am choosing to use one of the longer, more original, biblical
versions here, since god addicts would be expected to perceive the older,
more originally biblical version, as more likely representing the direct
words/message of god. Please note that I will be listing each commandment
in black text, followed by my dissection of Truth, which will be in red
The Ten Commandments: And God spake all these words, saying, I [am] the
LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of
the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Okay, directly above we have the very first commandment, lets analyze
it, lets dissect it, and tear out the Truth behind it. The god creature
opens by saying, "i am the lord, thy god". Here he establishes a preliminary
basis for why the specific people reading this commandment are obligated
to obey/worship him. He doesn't say, "I am the lord, a god", because
the author of this text realized that this was not coercive enough to
win over the actual worship of as many citizen-slaves as possible. He
uses the word "thy", saying not "I am a god", but rather, "I am your
god. He is imposing himself upon the citizen-slaves, exactly how a president,
prime minister, dictator, and other societal leader does, via his public
statements: "I am your ruler, your boss, you live under me, and you will
obey me as I am your superior". The god creature then says: "I have brought
thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage." Hmmmm, very
interesting. Here he builds upon his initial statement, which set the
stage for why he must be worshipped/obeyed. He is saying, "Hey you, you
owe me, I rescued you, I saved you from something bad, you owe me bigtime,
baby, and I aim to collect." This is exactly what every societal leader
throughout human history has said to his people, to try and retain their
support. George W. Bush says: "You creatures are so lucky to live in
america, to enjoy the freedoms that you do. You better support me, I
lock up your criminals, I protect you from terrorist attacks, I provide
you with electricity, garbage pickup, the ability to move throughout
this large country, I keep all foreign powers from putting you into bondage,
etc..." So, this decree by "god" is literally nothing more than a political
campaign slogan. God is saying "I am your leader, I've done something
good for you, and now you owe me." This is the exact same claim that
every human societal leader has made to his citizens, throughout human
And finally our first commandment concludes with: "Thou shalt have no
other gods before me." Ha! It's all so ludicrous folks, so ridiculously
obvious, as to provoke hysterical laughter. Here we have "god" saying:
"vote for me", or if the society is fascist, "don't overthrow me". He
is saying, in this first commandment: "I am your leader, I've done something
good for you, you now owe me big, and you must support me." This is what
every political leader says to his citizens. The political leader says:
"Keep me in power for as long as I live", in a dictatorship, or "Keep
me in power for the maximum length of time that the law allows, and then
vote into power someone else that I like who shares the same ideologies
that I do." It's the same thing, either way. The only difference here,
and it is a minor one, is that the god creature claims to be immortal,
and thus he is saying that the human must not only worship this god
for his entire life, but he must addict his children, his grandchildren,
every future generation for all of eternity, into believing in and worshipping
this god. Even though societal leaders are not immortal, they absolutely
expect to rule forever, by handing down power to descendants or by maintaining
a "party system" under which all future leaders must share the same general
ideologies as the current leader does. This is just as true in societies
that claim to be democracies. America is in reality a 350 year old dictatorship.
So, in conclusion, looking at this first commandment from "god", we see
an exact duplication of how societal leaders attain power, maintain power,
and convince their citizen-slaves to allow them to retain power. It
is clear, to any sane thinker, that a clever leader of a society, or
perhaps an aspiring societal leader, penned these words, recognizing
that if his citizen-slaves feared and obeyed him, a mere mortal, which
they did, they would of course fear and obey an omnipotent, immortal
creature who came along and demanded their devotion, a thousand times
more strongly. This leader recognized that he could simply use god as
his mouthpiece, his puppet. The societal leader would be the puppet-master,
whatever agenda he wished to impose upon his citizen-slaves, he would
write out as a "holy text", and it would be at least 1000 times more
likely that his agenda would be obeyed and followed by his citizen-slaves.
Because they would naturally fear, be in awe of, and be far more desperate
to please and satisfy an immortal, omnipotent, invisible creature who
was always watching each of them and offered to grant them eternal life
and bliss in heaven while at the same time threatening to withhold this
bliss unless the citizen-slaves obeyed his decrees, than to fear, be
in awe of, or desperate to please the mortal, human being who has achieved
the leadership position.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any
thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath,
or that [is] in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself
to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting
the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth
[generation] of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of
them that love me, and keep my commandments. Thou shalt not take the
name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless
that taketh his name in vain.
Here you go folks, commandment #2 is listed above, and this is a good
one, really makes me chuckle, because it displays the pathological insecurity
and obsession with power/control, that characterizes all societal leaders,
human leaders of course. Leaders of societies are generally extremely
enraged, severely victimized individuals who are obsessed with claiming
personal vengeance as well as sadistically imposing their will upon their
subjects, in exactly the same manner as a schoolyard bully. At their
core, they feel extremely vulnerable and insecure, but of course they
would never admit this to anyone and most have little if any conscious
awareness of their core emotional state. In the above commandment, the
human author attempts to build up his internal self-esteem by demanding
that all humans worship him, and him alone. Ironically, he subconsciously
fears the reality of his own upcoming death, and that in time, someone
else will come along and replace him as the object of citizen devotion/worship.
It is the reality of his own emotional insecurity which prompts him to
throw the mini temper tantrum that has been labeled as commandment #2.
He is demanding the worship and respect of his citizens, specifically
because he feels insecure and afraid that he will eventually be overthrown
and lose his leadership position within the society.
Take careful note of the following passage that our human writer graces
us with: "for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity
of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation]
of them that hate me." Well, first of all, jealousy is a human emotion.
The notion that an omnipotent, immortal creature would become jealous
just because a few of his creations stopped worshipping him, is ludicrous.
Jeez, our author is literally begging human beings to worship him. He
is terroristically threatening them, while at the same time begging them,
employing every possible maneuver he can think of, to get the humans
to worship him. Why would he do this? Why would an immortal, omnipotent
creature care a single iota whether or not he is worshipped by humans,
much less go to this great effort, literally humiliating himself by
admitting to being jealous, which is a completely and totally human character
flaw?? It's obvious: The author is an insecure, power-crazed human societal
leader, who is trying to appeal to as many citizens as he possibly can,
to get them to worship "god", since he himself is acting as god, he
is portraying god and using the god myth, as a leverage tool to maintain
and increase his power, control, and dominance over his citizen-slaves.
But the next portion is even more delightful to me, it reads: "[am] a
jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto
the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me; And shewing mercy
unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments." So, any
sane thinker realizes from the above statement by "god", that god came
from a dysfunctional family. Yes indeed, he has some major issues with
his father. He was abused and victimized by his father, and feels rage/hate
towards his father. He clearly expresses this in his above comment. Our
author, a human being, is filled with rage, familial-based rage. He takes
this opportunity, in writing this commandment, to express just a bit
of the rage he feels towards his father, completely letting slip the
illusion of omnipotence, immortality, and lack of humanity that he is
supposed to be trying to portray. Quite funny! But no worries, you diseased
creatures were and continue to be so desperately eager to embrace this
comforting myth that you sweep aside and ignore even the most glaringly
obvious proof that all of god's alleged writings and deeds are nothing
more than the fanciful, flowery writings of human beings who lived a
long time ago, and possessed a bit of imaginative literary talent to
go along with their immense character flaws.
Our tragic victim of long-ago child abuse at the hands of his father
continues with: "And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me,
and keep my commandments." Here he is literally begging people to love
him, as is often the case with brutalized victims of child abuse who
have very low core self-esteem, while feeling emotionally compelled to
maintain a stiff, rigidly stoic demeanor, as just every single male human
who lived 2000+ years ago felt terroristically compelled to maintain.
Note that he himself, as an individual, could never and would never ask
his citizen-slaves to "love" him, that would be perceived as a sign of
weakness, by him and by his society. To obey him, yes, to worship him,
yes, but not to love him. In creating an exotic, unique fictional character,
god, this human author felt secure enough to have "god" ask/beg for
love, confident that neither society at-large nor his own conscious mind
would ever have to face up to the fact that it is he, the anonymous,
individual human author, who is in fact begging to be loved.
And he concludes with: "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy
God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his
name in vain." Here we have a more straightforward attempt to get back
with the "script", the author is trying to convince the citizen-slaves
that they are being watched, judged, and that if they dare to defy or
disagree with the decrees of "god", or fail to accept the legitimacy
of god's existence, even though he is of course nothing more than the
fictional mouthpiece of a malevolent, human societal leader, they will
face harmful, vengeful consequences at the hands of an enraged god. This
is a ludicrous notion in and of itself. Why would an omnipotent, immortal
creature bother to listen to or track the daily activities of millions
of human beings, day after day, year after year, century after century,
for the purpose of "catching them being bad", even if he could do so?
It is literally impossible to imagine a more boring, pointless, ridiculous
activity for an omnipotent creature to decide to engage in.
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour,
and do all thy work: But the seventh day [is] the sabbath of the LORD
thy God: [in it] thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy
daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy
stranger that [is] within thy gates: For [in] six days the LORD made
heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the
seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed
Here is commandment #3, yet another decree from "god" that is so blatantly
transparent in terms of it's obvious human origin, as to be laughable.
Picture it: The leader of a society is gathered with his top advisors,
2000+ years ago. He is brutally oppressing his citizen-slaves, forcing
them to work day and night with no end in sight, they are dying at the
age of 30-40, they are crippled by the age of 30, they are running away
from the city or country to go live in hiding in the forest or desert,
just to escape the unrelenting slave labor that is being sadistically
imposed upon them. Our malevolent but clever societal leader begins to
realize that he is not obtaining maximum productivity from his citizen-
slaves, in compelling them to work their fingers to the bone for seven
consecutive days each week, week after week, month after month. They
are wearing out too soon, dying too early, and becoming angry enough
to possibly pose a threat to destabilize/overthrow the entire social
structure. He realizes that he can enact a pretense of benevolent reform
that will not only result in greater productivity from his torture victims,
but will also serve to convince his torture victims that they have "won"
some sort of a marvelous benefit that will serve to make them much more
loyal and devoted to their evil society than ever before. What would
the benevolent reform be? Well, how about make the citizen-slaves work
even harder than ever before for six consecutive days, but then give
them a whole day off to recuperate from the agony of the previous six
days of work. Yes! Eureka! This was the perfect solution, our malevolent
societal leader realized. The citizen-slaves would be more productive
during the six days of labor, thanks to the single day of weekly rest.
Their bodies would break down more slowly, allowing the societal leader
to gain an extra 10, 15, maybe even 20 years of labor from each slave,
which far surpasses the number of days, 52 per year, that the slave
would have off from work. The slaves would be far less likely to run
away or to rebel, since they would be perversely falling over themselves
in gratitude, celebrating their good fortune as their evil society tells
them: "Your great-grandfather, your grandfather, your father, all had
to work 7 days every week on behalf of our glorious society, but you,
you are so lucky, you are the chosen ones, celebrate the glory of gaining
an entire day, each and every week, of restfulness and relaxation. For
a whole day, you will be able to do whatever you desire, no other society
in the history of humanity has ever been so kind and generous to it's
people." Of course this is a crock of horse manure, but the evil societal
leader knew that the hopelessly brainwashed and broken citizen-slaves
would buy into it, hook, line, and sinker, and as we all know, he was
absolutely right. This is the genesis of our third commandment.
Our human author declares: "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day
[is] the sabbath of the LORD thy God: [in it] thou shalt not do any work,
thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant,
nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that [is] within thy gates:." Why would
an omnipotent god creature specifically order the humans to "labour for
six days, and do all thy work"?? Why would such a creature care or be
interested in the length of time that humans work, or to get every human
to do "all" his work?? It stretches the bounds of credulity to imagine
a god creature assuming such an interest in the activities of humans.
On the other hand, humans, leaders of societies, had and continue to
have today, a tremendous interest in and obsession with getting their
citizen-slaves to work ceaselessly for as long as they possibly can,
to obtain maximum economic productivity from every citizen-slave, using
whatever means necessary and with utter disregard/contempt for the best
interests and welfare of all individuals. So, the insane god myth was
enlisted by a societal leader to provide this utterly perfect method
of maintaining, and even enhancing the productivity of every slave, while
at the same time convincing each slave that he has somehow won a great
victory for which he should be eternally grateful, in being allowed to
take one day off from work, after toiling as a slave for 6 consecutive
Note that this commandment specifically instructs the citizen-slaves
to keep this weekly day off from work "holy". There is a very specific
reason for why our malevolent human leader chose to make this seventh
day, the day of rest, the "holy" day, instead of any of the other six
days. He recognized that there was a danger in giving his citizen-slaves
an entire day off from work, to do as they pleased. He feared that they
might use this free time to reflect upon their lives, to develop philosophical
insights of Truth into the nature of their lives, the parameters of their
existence and the limitations that society was imposing upon their day
to day lives. He feared they would realize that they deserved to be able
to rest and do as they pleased not for 1 day out of 7, but for 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, even all seven days. He also feared that the free day of relaxation
would give rise to uncontrolled parties, vandalism and societally destructive
behavior. This is why he specifically chose to decree this day as "holy",
and to instruct the citizen-slaves, via terroristic coercion, that they
had an obligation to spend this day praying to and worshipping god, doing
exactly what "god" wants them to do. Since the societal leader is portraying
god, he gets to decree exactly what he wants the citizen-slaves to do,
once again using the myth of god as his mouthpiece.
The commandment concludes with: "For [in] six days the LORD made heaven
and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the seventh
day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." Here
we have a reinforcement of the human societal leader's message that this
"day of rest" must be considered "holy", and that all citizen-slaves
were obligated to choose to engage only in specific activities which
"god" approves of and sanctions, on this particular day, and the actual
approval/sanctioning of these activities would of course be decided by
the societal leader and his top advisors/operatives, all of whom are
ordinary human beings. Also, we see an attempt to reinforce the notion
of the god creature being omnipotent, the notion that god created all
that exists in the world, and even invisible, non-existent elements such
as "heaven". The more omnipotent the god creature is portrayed to be,
the more terrified of and beholden to this creature the citizen-slaves
would be. Since the god creature is simply an artificial, nonexistent
projection that the human societal leader is cloaking himself beneath
and portraying, the citizens would in reality be feeling great terror
of and reverence towards the human societal leader, which is exactly
what every societal leader craves most of all and diligently works towards
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the
land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
Here is our next "otherworldly" commandment from the god creature. But
look, there are no mystical or otherworldly aspects to it, it is simply
a straightforward declaration and demand of human, Sacred Family Unit
mythology. The god creature is presumably not human, does not have a
father or a mother, so why would he be interested in trying to terroristically
compel human beings to treat their parents well, with honor and respect?
The reality is this: People create children because they desire to own
and oppress a human slave, as a way to cathartically cope with the horrific,
unbearable realities of their own traumatic, pointless, lives. They
victimize their children, as they themselves have been victimized. They
recognize that in the blink of an eye they can become crippled, helpless,
penniless, and at the mercy of society, and even if they avoid all of
the thousands of daily dangers and threats that stalk every human, they
still face a virtual certainty of declining physical health and increasing
neediness/feebleness, simply as a result of the aging process. They create
children not only to maliciously use them as Poison Containers, but also
to obtain a lifelong slave, an individual who, even in adulthood, will
feel obligated to care for and meet all of the desires/needs of the parent,
even if they in reality feel profound rage towards the parent and were
brutally abused/victimized by the parent.
Societal leaders recognize this obsession that their adult citizen-slaves
have, with creating and oppressing children, and they choose to sanctify
and cater to this obsession, since it is always the adults who pose a
potential threat to the stability, order, and structure of society, while
children, due to their immaturity, youth, and lack of any access to even
the tiniest fragments of freedom and autonomy, do not and cannot pose
any direct threat to the social structure. In fact, societal leaders
themselves usually are addicted to sacred family unit mythology themselves,
and seek to malevolently, selfishly use their own children in the exact
same general ways as other parents do. So, we have the god creature declaring:
"Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the
land which the LORD thy God giveth thee." This terroristic message, which
of course comes from a human societal leader, is intended for all human
beings who have living parents, of all ages. It is not specifically targeted
at children in any sort of an exclusive manner. It is targeted at the
5 year old child, the 15 year old child, and the 50 year old child as
well. The 50 year old is told that he has just as great an obligation
to obey and cater to his elderly parents, as the 5 year old has to cater
to his parents. The vast majority of parents, and adults in general,
on a subconscious level, fear their own children, as well as children
in general. This is because many of them are aware, on a subconscious
level, that they are allowing, causing, and responsible for the mass
victimization of all children living within the society. The perverse
"social contract" that society makes with it's adult citizens, is that
in exchange for agreeing to serve as slaves to society, and to forgive
society for the torment that was and usually continues to be inflicted
upon them, they are rewarded with the cultural and legal empowerment
to own, dominate, oppress, and brutalize slaves of their own, namely,
their biological creations or other legally owned children. This malevolent
contract requires that even as the children are being brutally victimized,
they must be emotionally terrorized into embracing the bizarre notion
that they owe a lifetime of loyalty and allegiance to the very two people
who are inflicting the greatest degree of brutality upon them, namely
their parents.
The only thing that keeps many adults from literally going crazy and
suffering a mental breakdown, is the belief that they will always have
a human or humans as slaves, that they will always be able to oppress
and bully and impose their will, no matter how malevolent or ridiculous
it may be, upon their offspring and legally owned children, at age 1,
5, 10, 20, and 50+. This commandment, "Honour thy father and thy mother:
that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth
thee", is an attempt by the societal leader who authored this text, to
both convince all adults that their society will ensure that their child/offspring
slave ownership rights are sanctified, and to try to terrorize all children,
of all ages, including adults, into accepting the perverse social covenant
that they must honor, obey, and prostrate themselves to their parents,
for as long as the parent is alive, even when the parent has inflicted
more suffering and trauma upon the child than any other living thing
on planet earth. Recognizing that any sane, rational victim of childhood
trauma may well consider rebelling against his brutalizers, the societal
leader is using the insane god myth to impose a terroristical threat,
which is that if you refuse to honor and obey your parental torturers
for as long as you live, god will punish you, god will shorten your lifespan,
god will murder you, that is the message behind the phrase "that thy
days may be long upon the land", which is part of this commandment. It
concludes with yet another attempt by "god" to establish the notion that
every citizen-slave must feel obligated to him. He is saying, "I gave
you land and life, therefore you are my slave, you are beholden to me."
This is exactly what every societal leader says to his citizen-slaves,
not verbally of course, but via governmental policy and cultural doctrine.
Nationalistic allegiance is established by societal leaders, under the
"gifts" that society pretends to give to the individual, the right to
live within the land, to not be physically harmed or killed in a premature
fashion. Societal leaders say: "Do as we order, and we will let you live
upon the land located within our national borders." This fascist and
totally human message is incorporated within this commandment.
Thou shalt not kill.
Our next commandment is very short, only has four words. I wonder whether
the cleverly perverse human who penned these commandments recognized
that because his society, because every human society, is constantly
killing other living things, human and other species, in a genocidal
fashion, the best course of action might be to keep this commandment
as brief as possible, so that it could be interpreted in every possible
way imaginable, thus all danger of the citizen-slaves actually deciding
to honor and respect the right of others to not be killed, would be removed.
Societal leaders have a vested interest in increasing their population
of citizens, in protecting empowered societal leaders and their agents,
and in convincing their citizen-slaves that their lives are not under
immediate peril, while at the same time committing genocidal, ongoing,
mass atrocities upon their very own citizens, as well as upon citizens
of other nations and upon other species of life. In reality, the entire
social structure of humanity revolves around killing. Killing is celebrated,
encouraged, rewarded. This created a need for societal leaders to develop
intellectually deranged verbal distinctions between the various types
of killing, so that some types could be perversely condemned, even as
other types are decreed perfectly legal and celebrated. So we have terms
like abortion, war, hunting, fishing, the death penalty, murder, etc...,
which should, in a sane society, all bear the exact same label, of "killing".
But having absolutely no interest in or appreciation for either Truth
or sanity, you humans blindly accept whatever definitional interpretations
your malevolent leaders feed you.
This commandment is currently interpreted by the totally malevolent leaders
of 21st century american society, as meaning that american citizens can
kill children trapped in their wombs, can kill total strangers living
in foreign nations solely upon command, can kill other species, morally
superior species of life, can instruct their societal leaders to kill
"criminal" humans on their behalf, etc..., and none of these forms of
killing violate this commandment. And you deranged, homicidally enraged
citizen-slaves eagerly and gratefully accept this absurd interpretation,
even while you continue to cling to the notion that one particular form
of killing, the one labeled "murder", is still totally unacceptable and
that god will "punish" people who commit that particular form of killing.
How utterly perverse! Simply by living as a member of 21st century american
society, you creatures are responsible for causing the genocidal deaths
of millions of living things, for killing them. And yet you have the
audacity to cling to your ten commandments myth, and to embrace the notion
that your imaginary god will punish someone who commits 1, 2, 3, or even
50 "illegal" killings upon fellow humans, when you yourselves often commit
thousands of "legal" killings, and even if you do not personally commit
such killings, you live as a proud, loyal member of a society that has
killed countless millions of living things, on your behalf and with your
Personally, I think the author of these commandments felt such contempt
towards morally superior species of life, so-called animals, that he
couldn't even envision the word "kill" being applied to them, just as
today, perversely, you never hear the term "murder" applied to hunting,
fishing, and other forms of completely unprovoked killing of animals.
No society can afford to allow it's citizen-slaves to kill other human
beings within the society, in an uncontrolled, unchecked manner. Sooner
or later, such a society would collapse and be overthrown. The homicidal
True Realities of the citizen-slaves must be manipulated and guided in
specific directions, with the killing of certain species, classes, and
groups of living creatures being legalized, legitimized, and encouraged,
while the killing of a few, "elite" groups/classes of human beings,
is declared illegal and those who perpetrate such acts of cathartic vengeance
are demonized. The insane god myth serves as an extension of this judicial
and cultural hypocrisy. The "power" of the god myth is brought into play
by societal leaders, in demonizing those who commit illegal murder, as
well as trying to terrorize those victims of society who may be contemplating
the commission of illegal murder, with the threat that not only will
their society attempt to inflict brutal punishment upon them, but an
even greater punishment will be meted out by the omnipotent god creature.
On a side note, life on planet earth involves constant, natural/instinctual
killing among many species, who most often target other species, but
sometimes target members of their own species. Billions of living creatures
would themselves die, if they could not kill other living creatures.
Therefore, the notion that an omnipotent god creature would create billions
of living things who must kill in order to survive, and then issue a
decree, specifically for humans, that "Thou shalt not kill", is ludicrous.
In addition, the god creature himself is "killing" trillions of living
things every single year, simply by having given them a finite, limited
lifespan, when presumably, being omnipotent, he had the ability to create
life forms whose bodies would not wear out, resulting in death.
What we see here, as in all of these commandments, is a human societal
leader, fearing overthrow and revolution from his tortured citizenry,
creating a toxic myth, using the myth of the existence of an omnipotent,
domineering god creature, to try to terrorize, satiate, and control
his citizen-slaves, to the degree that they obey his human demands. In
essence, he is employing the myth of god as the ultimate police officer,
instructing the citizen-slaves that it doesn't matter whether his guards,
his police force, his judicial system, can capture and punish them for
committing "bad" killings, because they will suffer terribly at the hands
of god, regardless. He is using a malevolent lie to inflict perversely
hypocritical, fascist behavioral restrictions upon his citizen-slaves.
The greatest tragedy of all, is the fact that the genetic brain/mental
deformation of human beings has allowed this malevolent lie to flourish
all across the world for thousands of years, and is just as strong today
as ever before.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
This has to be one of the funniest of all the commandments. What is adultery?
Well, first of all it is a completely artificial term, that has no legitimate
basis in rationality or truth. It is defined as "the act of a married
person voluntarily having sexual intercourse with someone who is not
their spouse". I will be dissecting the entire toxic ritual of marriage
in a separate essay elsewhere at this site, so let me just say here,
very briefly, that "marriage" is a totally invalid, irrational, unnatural,
artificial construct of society, that is designed by society and it's
leaders to enslave individuals to each other, thus increasing and enhancing
the willingness, ease and depth to which the individual is enslaved to
society. Within any sane culture, there could never be an act known as
"adultery", because there would never be such a thing as marriage, and
the act which is defined as adultery cannot possibly be committed by
any individual unless he has already been subjected to the toxic and
invalid ritual of marriage. Societal leaders had to figure out how to
maintain fascist control over the natural sexual instincts of their citizen-
slaves, while not making it appear as though they were being brutally
and unnaturally enslaved. The ritual of marriage is completely unnatural
and has absolutely no valid basis in human nature. As a result, some
humans, those who retained a bit of rational thinking ability, resisted
it. At the same time, societal leaders recognized what a vital and useful
tool of mass enslavement as well as unnatural appeasement, this toxic
ritual offered. So, guess what happened?? Yes indeed, our malevolent
societal leaders decided to enlist their greatest weapon, their most
lethal bully, god, as a promoter of the marriage ritual. If they could
convince the citizen-slaves that this omnipotent creature who has the
power to grant them eternal life/bliss wanted them to engage in the toxic
ritual of marriage, then the problem is solved. No way can the idiotic
humans resist an appeal from their mythical god. And it worked to perfection.
Note that the commandment doesn't say "you must get married", perhaps
the malevolent human author recognized that not every citizen-slave was
capable to snaring a spouse. But the exact same result is achieved via
"Thou shalt not commit adultery." You cannot commit adultery unless you
are married. Therefore, this commandment indicates that god supports
marriage, wants people to get married, and if they do get married, he
imposes his fascist will/doctrine upon them, ordering them to remain
enslaved to each other, and to have sexual intercourse with only each
other. In reality of course, since god does not exist, the fascist will/doctrine
that is being imposed comes directly from human leaders of society.
Why would an omnipotent god creature be interested in controlling the
sexual activities of his human creations? What possible difference could
it make to this omnipotent creature whether humans have sex with 1 other
person, 2 other people, or 1000 other people? If anything, such an omnipotent
creature would want his creations to test the limits of sexual pleasure,
to challenge themselves, to at least try to show him that they are creative
and innovative. But this doesn't make much sense either, and the only
logical conclusion to draw is that there is no way such an omnipotent
creature could or would care to any significant degree, what types of
sexual customs his creations chose to engage in. It is human beings,
societal leaders, fascist, oppressive human leaders of society, who developed
the toxic ritual of marriage, figured out how it could be used to oppress,
dominate, and inflict torment upon the vast majority of citizen-slaves,
and decided to do everything within their power to terrorize and coerce
citizen-slaves into agreeing to participate in this unnatural, brutally
harmful ritual, to get married, and then to remain enslaved to and enmeshed
with, their marriage partner. These same societal leaders made the decision
to specifically use the insane god myth to promote marriage, to impose
marriage, and to coerce their citizen-slaves into getting married. How
can any of you possibly feel even the slightest bit free, when one of
the most basic, instinctual freedoms, enjoyed by all members of the animal
kingdom who have not been physically mutilated by the human race, the
freedom to engage in whatever type of sexually pleasurable/satisfying
activities that their minds/instincts can conjure up and their bodies
can commit, with any other living thing that they desire, has been taken
away from you?? Your society has robbed you of all sexual freedom, in
a literal sense. The most amazingly fascist restrictions have been imposed
upon you. If you agree to get married, you are terroristically enslaved
to a single fellow human being for the rest of both of your lifetimes,
and even more amazingly, you are punished by your society, legally and
in other ways, if you dare to try to escape from this toxic, perverse
web of enslavement. I don't want to delve too deeply into the marriage
topic right now, but my point should be crystal clear: The notion that
an omnipotent, non-human god creature would issue a demand to all humans
that they refrain from committing acts of "adultery", is so absurd as
to be hysterically funny. There is absolutely no reason for why an omnipotent
god creature would want his creations to deny and reject the natural,
instinctual behaviors that he created within them, and that all other
species of life happily engage in. On the other hand, human beings, leaders
of societies, would, did, and do have a very powerful, obvious, and undeniable
motivation to rob their citizen-slaves of as much freedom as possible,
to trap them within narrow, perverse behavioral patterns from which
they feel unable to escape from, while maintaining the false illusion
of freedom, using insane, hypocritical and nonsensical laws, rules, and
"morality" decrees. The more insane, nonsensical, and hypocritical the
societal decrees are, the more likely it is that the insane god myth
will be necessary in order to "sell" the insane doctrine to the citizen-
slaves, and that is why marriage is specifically promoted within the
ten commandments and other religious texts.
Thou shalt not steal.
Okay, we are up to commandment #7, yet another short one. Why would an
omnipotent god creature concern himself with whether human beings took
things from other human beings? Most species of life are constantly "stealing"
things from each other, food, shelter, sexual partners, etc... Animals
take what they need, when they need it, to survive, to make themselves
feel better, to make themselves stronger, healthier, They love and value
themselves. They look out for themselves. They are instinctually aware
of the fact that their lives are precious and irreplaceable. Unlike humans
of course, who hate themselves, victimize and sabotage themselves, who
cling to insane beliefs and rationalizations, as a result of genetic
brain/mental deformity. Animals have no concept of "property ownership",
because they are not genetically deformed within their minds, as the
human race is. The human race has developed upon a structured caste system
that is based upon possession of artifacts, most of which have no genuine,
intrinsic value. Every tier of victimized humans within this caste system
manages to rationalize feeling good about itself, by comparing itself
to lower-tiered victims who are supposedly even worse off. And no matter
how poor, wretched, and horrifically deprived you might be when compared
to the upper classes of humans, society always, perversely, holds out
the lure of an eternal afterlife in paradise after you die, as long as
you don't "rock the boat", as long as you quietly accept your lifetime
of torture, as "god" supposedly wants you to do.
If human beings were allowed to "steal" from each other, to take what
they needed from each other, in a properly narcissistic, self-valuing
and loving way, to try to maximize their own ability to enjoy life and
not be handicapped and discriminated against by societal factors and
doctrine outside of their control, this unjust, caste-based system of
false rationalization, would collapse. Even more importantly, especially
in capitalistic societies, the invalid incentives that society puts forth
to get citizen-slaves to agree to waste their lives working at jobs,
would be recognized as invalid by some, insightful individuals. The current
perverse societal doctrine holds that citizens don't "deserve" economic
equality or even economic survival, unless they agree to work as slaves,
as societal leaders dictate. The possibility of this doctrine being
recognized as being perverse, is utterly terrifying to all societal leaders.
You must work as a slave on behalf of your society, you must not take
what you need in order to try to achieve equality and to demonstrate
self-love, as is instinctually natural and done by all sane, mentally
healthy creatures in the animal kingdom. This is the perverse decree
of your human leaders, and the basis of judicial laws that label "stealing"
as a crime, cultural doctrine which morally demonizes theft by humans
committed upon other humans, and the "holy" decree from god himself,
that humans must not steal. Once again, similar to marriage, we have
a specific behavioral agenda that society is extremely eager to coerce
it's human citizen-slaves into embracing, that is completely unnatural
and defies the normal instincts of all creatures. So once again, the
insane god myth is employed. What better way to impose an insane code
of unnatural behavior upon humans, than to use an insane myth that the
humans are desperately eager to believe in and embrace?? Within a sane
society, equality among all individuals would be a sacred goal, to be
worked for. But because societal leaders are evil and diseased, and humanity
in general, is genetically diseased and insane, equality is decreed to
be the enemy. Instead, humans are pitted against one another, taught
from birth that life must be hard, a struggle, a war, and that the goal
in life is to attain material goods and wealth, and then they are instructed
by society to celebrate their superior status within the caste system,
as a way to justify the pointless, wasted time that they have spent
in accumulating their wealth. The only way for society to maintain this
structure, is to demonize what animals do naturally, take what they need
and want from each other, by attaching the demonizing label of "stealing"
to the act, specifically when committed by one human upon the "owned"
property of another human, and using the judicial system, invalid moral
coercion, and the terroristic demand/threat of the omnipotent god creature,
to condemn and discourage this natural activity.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Another funny commandment right here, folks. All of human culture has
been built upon falsehood, at every level and at every stage. The god
myth is false. And yet it is used, in this particular case, to try and
get citizen-slaves, within a very narrow set of parameters, to refrain
from telling lies. It's important to note how very narrow these parameters
are. Basically they apply only to situations that have been labeled by
society as being "crimes", where societal leaders are attempting to find
out who committed the crimes. That is the entire basis of this commandment,
societal leaders recognize that if nobody cooperated with it's law enforcement
and judicial systems, if everybody always lied to the police, falsely
accusing everyone else of committing crimes, it would be just about impossible
for the human societal leaders to maintain order and control, and the
society would collapse into anarchy. So this commandment is used to try
to bring to bear the mythical terror of our omnipotent, always vengeful
god creature, for the specific purpose of discouraging citizen-slaves
from lying to the police, from trying to frame each other, and from placing
their own self-interests ahead of all else, as any sane creature, human
or otherwise, should do.
This commandment does not say "Always tell the truth", because the malevolent
societal leader who penned these commandments could never bring himself
to offer up such a dangerous instruction. All societal leaders know that
lies form the very foundation upon which their nations were founded and
govern all aspects of day to day life. In some societies this lie-based
structure goes to a much deeper, more pervasive and core level than within
other societies, but it is a foundation within all societies. If the
lies were to suddenly be recognized and accepted as lies, the entire
society would collapse just like a house of cards facing a hurricane.
And so societal leaders are always very careful in expressing doctrine
as relates to honesty and truthfulness. The illusion that the society
is based upon honesty and truth must be maintained, but at the same time
all possibility of any significant number of citizen-slaves being able
to recognize and embrace actual Truth concerning most issues, must be
eliminated. This is a fine line, and it leads to expressions of narrow,
blatantly manipulative and hypocritical decrees such as this commandment.
Think about it folks, if the god creature ordered: "Thou shalt not kill",
and he ordered "Thou shalt not steal", wouldn't this commandment simply
say: "Thou shalt not lie"?? Of course it would, that is what logic dictates.
But no, instead this commandment says: "Thou shalt not bear false witness
against thy neighbour." Why would the god creature make this commandment
so narrow in scope, while making the kill and steal commandments so wide
in scope? The Truth is, the human author of these commandments knew that
his society was founded, based, and sustained upon lies. He did not feel
comfortable in allowing his fictional god creature to instruct the citizen-
slaves not to lie, because he knew that human beings lie to each other
all of the time, constantly, every day, in every aspect of their lives.
And not only to each other, but to themselves as well. He feared that
a commandment from god ordering the humans not to lie, could, eventually,
lead to a genuine respect for, appreciation for, and interest in actual
Truth, developing among the citizen-slaves. He knew that if this should
occur, the entire society would be in grave danger of collapse and governmental
overthrow, and as a result, he carefully tailored this particular commandment
in such a way that it would be interpreted not broadly, but narrowly,
so that the fundamental foundation and structure of institutionalized
lying between societal leaders and citizens, between people dealing with
each other, and among people dealing with themselves, trying to rationalize
their own lives to themselves, would be maintained, not threatened or
compromised in any way, and the only specific form of lying that is addressed
in this commandment concerns citizens being told that they must not lie
to police, to governmental officials, and to empowered agents of the
societal leadership. The notion that an omnipotent god creature would
specifically instruct his human creations to only focus on not telling
lies within this narrow set of parameters, while making no overall, generalized
demand that humans always be truthful and another when dealing with each
other and with themselves, is absurd.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house.
Here we have yet another attempt by our malevolent societal leader/author,
to use the god creature as a tool of oppression, to make human beings
accept the injustices and unfairness of their lives, via irrational,
terroristic coercion. Human beings have an instinctual sense of appreciation
for equality and fairness, an innate recognition, on a subconscious level,
that there is very rarely if ever any valid reason for why any other
human being should have a significantly easier and better quality of
life than they enjoy. But there is a problem: Your societal leaders have
chosen to structure their cultures and economic systems in such a way
that humans are constantly being pitted against one another in a pointless,
frenzied, lifelong battle/race, to try and attain more material wealth
and a higher position on the perverse caste system ladder that the societal
leadership has established. Certainly the degree of societally mandated
inequality and injustice is greatest in the most diseased and most stridently
capitalistic societies, with america being right at the very top of the
worldwide list, but even in communist countries, a milder but still brutally
unjust version of this caste system of ritualized inequality is employed
by societal leaders, to unnaturally motivate their citizen-slaves to
work extremely hard, for no legitimately valid reason. Because this form
of genocidal oppression is fundamentally unnatural, it triggers an instinctual
sense of outrage within many human beings, at the iniquitous injustice
that is being perpetrated upon them. This commandment is designed by
the malevolent human author to terroristically coerce citizen-slaves
into denying the natural, instinctual Truth of their oppression, via
the perverse message that the omnipotent god creature overtly supports
inequality among human beings. The author recognized that as a direct
result of the chosen economic structure of his society, some people would
be poor, while others would be rich. The poor would feel a natural, instinctual
sense of outrage over the fact that other members of their species were
experiencing, at least at superficial glance, a less stressful, less
traumatic and abusive day to day life, as a result of the random economic
superiority they enjoy, and the ability to avoid some of life's more
horrific sufferings that a caste system societal structure provides.
The reality of course, is that wealthy humans are often victimized to
just as brutal a degree as poor humans are, by their society. But they
are less able to perceive their victimization, and have less incentive
to rebel, since their financial status provides them with an easy way
to rationalize the fact that they have often been coerced into wasting
their precious, unique, irreplaceable life in a pointless, meaningless
pursuit of material goods and caste system elevation.
It is not the wealthy victims that your societal leaders were and are
in fear of. It is the poor victims. For them, societal leaders realized
they had to devise as many invalid, fascist forms of coercion/appeasement
as they possibly could, in order to get them to accept their brutal oppression.
One method is of course the judicial system. Society threatens to inflict
brutal punishment upon any individual who tries to attain the wealth
or material goods enjoyed by others, in a way that does not conform to
the lifelong toil of slave labor that all citizens who desire to achieve
wealth are expected to undertake. The perverse Sacred Family Unit form
of child ownership is a primary form of appeasement, citizens are taught
that in exchange for agreeing to work as societal slaves, they will be
allowed to own slaves of their own, by having sex, creating children,
or establishing intimate relationships with people who already own children.
No matter how poor and oppressed you are, your evil society promises
you that as long as you do not rebel, you can be a genuine slaveowner.
You can own, oppress, and victimize children, just as your yourselves
have been and continue to be societal slaves, oppressed and victimized
by your societies, in cathartic reflection of your own torment, transferring
the torment upon your children. But even with all of these enticements/threats,
there is still the problem of instinctual Truth. Humans are born loving
themselves, instinctually aware that they deserve to be treated well.
And so the toxic god myth is brought in. The commandment says: "Thou
shalt not covet thy neighbour's house." The omnipotent god creature is
brought in, to tell you diseased creatures that he wants you to suffer
injustice, he wants you to accept the injustices that your human leaders
choose to impose upon you, and most importantly, he will reward you for
meekly accepting a lifetime of injustice, by granting you an eternity
of blissful equality, up in heaven. Perversely, it works. This most obvious
and blatant lie is embraced by you creatures, and I guess that shouldn't
surprise me, since once an individual becomes addicted to the god myth
on any level, all hope of rational thinking ability and deductive reasoning
skill, is lost. You creatures accept the certainty of a lifetime of oppression,
in exchange for the bizarre notion that a "second lifetime", this one
eternal, exists after you die, even though there is no shred of evidence
to support this notion, and the notion is in itself utterly insane.
Why would an omnipotent god creature reward humans for agreeing to suffer
injustice? What possible motivation could god have for rewarding such
a perverse, unnatural lifestyle choice?? None! On the other hand, your
human societal leaders have a tremendous, vested interest in getting
you citizen-slaves to meekly accept the victimization and oppression
that they have always and continue today, to impose upon you. The insane
god myth was recognized by your malevolent human leaders, and by the
author of the ten commandments, as an absolutely perfect vehicle to use
for the purpose of rationalizing a lifetime of injustice. What could
be more perfect, more irresistible, to a brainwashed god freak, than
the offer of an eternity of blissful existence, in exchange for a mere
lifetime of meek acceptance of injustice? I can just envision the author
of these commandments gleefully rubbing his hands together in delight,
upon realizing how useful the god myth would be, in getting citizen-
slaves to accept even the most brutal, relentless forms of oppression:
"All I have to do is hold out the treasure, the treasure of an eternal,
blissful afterlife, and combine it with whatever bait I or my leaders
wish. If we want the slaves to not steal, all we have to do is inform
them that their precious, omnipotent god creature hates thieves. If we
want the slaves to get married, all we have to do is tell them that god
approves of marriage. If we want the slaves to meekly endure a lifetime
of unjust, prejudicial deprivation, all we have to do is tell them that
the more you suffer in your "first" life, the happier god will be and
the better he will treat you in your eternal "second" life." I am torn
between feeling repugnance at the intellectual inferiority of you god
addicts, in allowing your societal leaders to inflict these mental derangements
upon you, and feeling repugnance towards your societal leaders, most
of whom are far more evil than you creatures, but also many of them are
at least sane enough to not be addicted to the god myth themselves. Well,
I guess the whole lot of you, leaders and addicts, deserve my repugnance,
and I always give you creatures what you deserve, nothing more and nothing
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his
maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that [is] thy neighbour's.
Here it is, the tenth and final commandment. Note how very similar it
is to the ninth commandment. In reality, it is simply an extension of
the ninth commandment, given two separate numbers only because the author
recognized that the primary goal and purpose, for societal leaders, of
the entire god myth, was summed up right here. Thou shalt not kill is
a relatively unimportant commandment. This is the important one, because
it governs the entire, systemic and ritualized doctrine of mass acceptance
of injustice, that all societies are built and sustained upon. The use
of the words "ox" and "ass" within this commandment are quite comical,
but in reality, if the commandment were to be written today, these two
words would simply be replaced with "Rolls Royce" and "mansion", to deliver
the exact same perverse message. The message is: "Accept whatever injustice,
whatever suffering and distress your society chooses to inflict upon
you, throughout your life, because I, your god, want you to suffer and
will reward you for not rebelling, for accepting your suffering meekly,
with a glorious, eternal, afterlife." But why would an omnipotent god
creature reward his creations for agreeing to suffer? Why would he judge
them more positively for meekly suffering, than for resisting their suffering
and the injustice they were being subjected to? It is a ludicrous notion.
As always, the only entity that would gain anything of value in having
this commandment embraced, would be the human leaders of societies.
The commandment reads: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor
his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any
thing that [is] thy neighbour's." The intended meaning here is: "It doesn't
matter if other humans have better sex, are more handsome/pretty, are
richer, work less, own more and better things, or are in any way better
off than you are. You are obligated to meekly accept whatever suffering,
oppression, injustice you are subjected to in your lifetime, because
god wants you to suffer and will reward you for agreeing to suffer, and
enduring injustice, In fact, you might even be better off in the end
by suffering a great deal, because this guarantees you a good spot in
the eternal, blissful, heavenly afterlife. Can you imagine a more perfect
form of oppression, than the doctrine of this commandment?? I certainly
can't. It is just perfect! The ultimate societal bribe, offered by your
malevolent, human societal leaders: Agree to suffer meekly for your entire
lifetime, when you think about it only a few short years after all, and
then you get to enjoy an eternity of heavenly bliss. What a deal, can't
pass it up! Only one problem: god does not exist and there is no afterlife.
But wait, that's not really a problem. It doesn't make any difference
whether god exists. What matters is, are you creatures inferior enough,
and are your societal leaders malevolent enough, to convince you that
god does exist?? The answer, tragically, has been Yes, for thousands
of years already and today, in the year 2001, as well. This tenth commandment,
in combination with the ninth, is really all ten commandments rolled
into one, it's the jackpot for your evil society, because if you embrace
this tenth commandment, you are forever lost. You place yourself at the
mercy of your evil society, in accepting this commandment, and your evil
society knows it. It can impose virtually limitless injustice upon you,
for your entire lifetime, and you are obliged to meekly accept it all,
because "god", in reality a malevolent human writer, is holding out
the irresistible prize of eternal life in heaven, with the perfect spot
reserved for those who have suffered the most. So the more you suffer
in your "first", rather meaningless life, the better off you will be
in your "second", eternal, and naturally much more important, life. Your
evil society is literally getting you to crave suffering, to embrace
injustice and unfairness, to seek out your own victimization. There is
only a single problem, but it is a huge one: There is no god and there
is no "second life! You are sacrificing and throwing away your one and
only life, due to a mental derangement, a plague, an infection, that
your malevolent society has addicted you to.
And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise
of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw [it],
they removed, and stood afar off. And they said unto Moses, Speak thou
with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die.
And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you,
and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not. And the
people stood afar off, and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where
God [was]. And the LORD said unto Moses, Thus thou shalt say unto the
children of Israel, Ye have seen that I have talked with you from heaven.
Ye shall not make with me gods of silver, neither shall ye make unto
you gods of gold. An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shalt
sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace offerings, thy sheep,
and thine oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto
thee, and I will bless thee. And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone,
thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool
upon it, thou hast polluted it. Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto
mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon.
Here we have the concluding commentary on the ten commandments, and I
will not bother to dissect any of it in detail. It's simply an attempt
by the malevolent human author to create a visual picture in the minds
of all potential god addicts, so that they can visualize the god creature.
Visualization stimulates the sense of actuality, of reality, as well
as the degree of fear. Every human is told to identify with the "Moses"
human, to feel the same fear of god that Moses felt, and to emulate Moses
in agreeing to obey all of the demands that the god creature has made.
Moses is portrayed as the ideal broken slave, and put forth by the author
as the human representative of god. The text is designed to instruct
the citizen-slaves thusly: "Look at Moses, he is a broken slave. He believes
in and obeys god. That's why god likes him. You must be broken slaves
too, believe in and obey god. Then god will like you, and he will give
you a reward, eternity in heaven when you die." Every demand that god
makes is designed to either 1: Increase the mystical power he enjoys.
2: To instill terror within all believers. 3: To disempower the free
will and rational thinking ability of individuals. 4: To compel individuals
to act in ways that societal leaders desire. Sometimes all four of these
goals are wrapped up in a demand, other times not, but always at least
one goal is specifically designated within every command. The fourth
goal is by far the most important, and is the primary motivation behind
most of the demands. This is because god does not exist, and the entire
insane god myth is a construct of human societal leaders. They created
it, they disseminated it, they have infected you with it, and they use
it to serve their malevolent purposes.
This concludes the Forbidden Truth dissection of the ten commandments.
I am positive that I have proven to a 100% certainty that every single
commandment was written by a human being, that there was absolutely no
god creature involved, and that each one of the ten commandments was
specifically designed by human beings, by leaders of society, aspiring
leaders of society, or writers working on behalf of such leaders, to
serve the overtly malevolent, misleading, fascist, enslaving, brainwashing,
coercive, behavioral and lifestyle control goals of human societal leaders.
There are still a tremendous number of insane god myth issues that need
to be addressed, so lets plunge ahead. I've already mentioned, in brief,
the fact that some brainwashed torture victims who have been addicted
to the god myth would indeed suffer seriously traumatic emotional/psychological
consequences, if they were "forced" to abandon their god myth addiction.
There are also arguments made by some sociologists and cultural philosophers/historians,
that the god myth is a necessary, beneficial myth, and does more good,
for more people, than harm. Both of these issues deserve some additional
Forbidden Truth commentary. The structure of all addictions is such that
"forcing" anyone to abandon and break free of any type of an addiction,
is not only very difficult, but sometimes impossible to do, unless the
individual truly desires to break free of their addiction. For example,
if you take a cocaine addict and lock him inside of a cage and guard
him around the clock, he will not be able to obtain any cocaine, he will
suffer through a traumatic withdrawal, and could also suffer severely
traumatic emotional/psychological consequences. On the other hand, if
you simply tell a cocaine addict over and over that the drug is terribly
harmful and that he is an inferior human for using the drug, he is perfectly
able to continue clinging to his addiction and using cocaine. The only
way to force someone to abandon an addiction that he already has, is
via the use of physical restraint/imprisonment of some type. Beyond this
clearly intrusive physical restraint, the only way that the cocaine addict
can break free of his addiction, is if he genuinely wants to break free
of his addiction. This exact same rule applies to all addictions, including
the insane god myth addiction. Why is this an important detail? Because
it invalidates the argument that society has no right to "force" people
to abandon their god myth addiction. First of all, people have become
addicted to god as a direct result of societal promotion of the god myth,
in conjunction with their own genetic brain/mental deformity/inferiority.
This places a moral and philosophical obligation upon society to try
to help as many of it's victims as possible, break free from the toxic
myth. But even more fundamentally, no reasonable efforts undertaken by
society to try and free god addicts of their addiction, can be labeled
as involving malicious force. This is because the god addict is perfectly
free and able to resist and reject the efforts of society to convince
him to abandon the god myth, just like the cocaine addict is free to
do. If the god worshipper is a mature adult, is truly addicted to this
myth, and has absolutely no desire to break free of his addiction, then
all reasonable societal efforts that might be undertaken to cause him
to break free of his addiction, will fail. I do not support locking the
god addicted individual in a cage, threatening to hurt or kill him if
he continues to believe in or worship god, or any other type of punitive
punishment process. I do support intensive efforts of a non-punitive
nature, using verbal, literary, media, intellectual, and common-sense
arguments of Truth, to try and help all god addicts break free of their
addiction. It is easy to "prove" that god does not exist, I have already
done so in the first portion of this essay, and will do so to a far greater
degree before this essay is over. However, "proof of truth" is completely
meaningless to an addict.
Unless the addict wants to get rid of his toxic myth, all non-punitive
efforts by society to get him to abandon his toxic myth will fail. This
means that society cannot in actuality force anyone, against their will,
to abandon their god myth addiction, and so all seriously traumatic
emotional/psychological consequences that might be endured by god addicts,
would only occur because the god addict, on some level, has chosen,
of his own free will, to try and break free of his addiction. This strengthens
and solidifies the fact that of course society has an absolute obligation
to not only protect all children from becoming infected with the god
myth, but has an equally undeniable obligation to do everything in it's
power to help those individuals who have already become infected with
the god myth, to break free of their addiction. The only addicts who
face any significant possibility of enduring serious psychological trauma,
are those who make the courageous decision, of their own free will,
to try and break free of their addiction. Those addicts who choose not
to try, will simply ignore and reject all of society's efforts, and so
only a tiny percentage of them will suffer any significant psychological
distress due to the efforts by their society to help all god addicts,
as best it can and to the degree that each addict will allow himself
to be helped.
Then we have the claim made by some scholarly folks, that the god myth
is a necessary, beneficial myth, and does more good, for more people,
than it does harm. First of all, it is impossible for an outsider to
know or judge, on a psychological level, in a legitimate, Truth-based
manner, what is "good" or "bad" for any particular group of creatures,
human or otherwise. Only the individual members of the group, each one
of them on an individual basis, have the ability to analyze the impact
of any specific psychological belief, upon themselves. And even this
self-analysis ability is of course extremely flawed and prejudicial,
since almost no humans are in touch with their core realities on an honest
level. One thing we can agree upon is that the god myth is beneficial
to society. Societal leaders derive many benefits and advantages from
having their citizen-slaves become addicted to the god myth. But using
an analytical Truth viewpoint, this fact only serves to make it far less
likely that the god myth is beneficial, good, or necessary for individual
humans, since society itself is malevolent and has a specific intent
and goal of genocidal oppression and victimization of it's individual
citizens. The god myth is a lie. It represents falsehood, invalidity.
It's purposeful design is to structure a life path for humans. Since
the belief is itself a lie, the life path that it structures and lays
out must be and is a lie-based path, a path of falsehood, invalidity,
and artificiality. This is the life path that controls and guides the
individual in determining how to live his life, which choices to make,
which options to embrace, and which options to reject. Logic dictates
that it cannot be a good or beneficial thing, for individuals, to make
their most profound life decisions based upon a lie that represents falsehood,
artificiality, and invalidity. You cannot arrive at Truth, by embracing,
much less obsessively following, any lie. And Truth is the very core,
the very foundation, of all worthwhile, Superior individual lives. You
cannot rationally argue that an individual who is living his life based
upon a lie, making all of his most important life decisions based upon
myths and brainwashings that he is addicted to, that he has been addicted
to by malevolent humans who have imposed the god myth upon him, is deriving
genuine benefits or good from the god myth. He might be deriving comfort
from his toxic myth, his society might be benefiting from his blind,
lie-based devotion to the malevolent mythology that it has imposed upon
him and addicted him to. But this does not mean that he himself, as an
individual who has one, precious, irreplaceable life to live, is benefiting.
At the same time, I must come back to the fact that the human race is
clearly genetically diseased and deformed. The human mind, at least the
minds of the vast majority of humans, is unable to cope with the horrific
Truths of life. A major part of the reason for this is malevolent societal
brainwashing, but I am also convinced that part of it is due to genetic
malformation, disease. It is almost impossible to treat, much less cure,
genetic mental disease. And so I must sadly come to the conclusion that
some human beings, due to genetic mental malformation, do "need" the
insane god myth in order to best cope with life. Their mental inferiority
renders them unable to accept or cope with the horrific Truth of what
death in general, and their own impending death in particular, entails.
So, what they really need is not a god myth in particular, but an afterlife
myth. The current god myth simply provides the afterlife myth that they
need. This is an important point, because it shows that what is actually
needed by these tragically diseased humans is a very specific, narrowly
defined myth. There is no need for the massively complex and fascist
structure of all current, mainstream god myths, which are malevolently
used by human societal leaders to dictate and control just about all
behavioral and lifestyle choices of all believers in the god myth. The
only belief that these genetically inferior humans need, to make their
lives more bearable, is the belief that there is an afterlife. There
is no reason for the lengthy, complex, malevolent, societal "rules of
conduct and behavior" that have been woven into the insane god myth,
to be there. These rules are fascist and oppressive, they serve the malevolent
agenda of societal leaders, not the needs of the genetically inferior
citizens. Therefore, within a sane, benevolent society, all current mainstream
god myth belief systems would be eliminated, and in recognition of the
fact that some human beings, due to genetic inferiority, simply cannot
cope with the horrific reality/Truth of death, a very simple myth that
specifically offers up the specter of an afterlife, with absolutely no
behavioral rules or conditions or doctrine attached, would be offered
to these individuals, as adults. A good example would be the current
reincarnation myth. While I am certainly not familiar with the details
of this myth, from what I have heard it is fairly simple and direct,
lacking the mountain of fascist behavioral/lifestyle mandates that characterize
all mainstream, societally promoted religions. This makes the reincarnation
myth far less toxic and oppressive. Yes, it is a lie, yes, it is tragic
that any human would be unable or unwilling to face up to the simple,
albeit horrific Truths of life. But if a person believes in reincarnation,
yet does not feel in any way obligated to "worship" anyone, to follow
any rules of behavior or lifestyle as put forth by a nonexistent creature
who is in fact a mouthpiece for a malevolent society, then the reincarnation
addict is clearly better off, clearly better able to pursue a life path
based upon personal Truth, than any mainstream god myth addict is.
So, does this mean that society has some type of a right, or perhaps
even an obligation, to promote and publicly legitimize some type of an
"afterlife" belief system, even as it strongly discourages and condemns
the god myth?? No, of course not! The foremost obligation that society
has, is to defend Truth, to try to instill Truth within the minds of
as many human beings as it possibly can, while protecting all citizens,
most especially children but all adults as well, from becoming infected
by and addicted to, toxic, invalid, untrue myths and beliefs. Lets draw
an analogy to the disease of diabetes. Diabetes is an illness. Some people
afflicted with diabetes need to take insulin in order to remain healthy.
Society has an obligation to provide insulin to people afflicted with
diabetes who need insulin in order to remain healthy. But at the same
time, society also has an absolute obligation to not encourage any citizen
who is not afflicted with diabetes to use insulin, to not give insulin
to all human beings, and to not tell all citizens that insulin is good,
necessary, or desirable for them to use. Insulin is a treatment for
a specific disease. Only people who are afflicted with the disease and
have had a medical expert decide that insulin is good and beneficial
for them, should be allowed to access and take insulin. All other human
beings need to be protected from this drug, since it is toxic and likely
to do harm if it is given to people who do not overtly need it.
An exact parallel exists between this insulin analysis of Truth, and
the afterlife myth. Yes, there may be some human beings who, despite
being protected from the god/afterlife myth as children, will be unable
to mentally cope with the horrific reality of death, upon reaching mature
adulthood. Some of these people are sufferers of genetic brain dysfunction.
Some of these people might derive significant psychological benefits,
in embracing a simple, fascist-free, behaviorally unintrusive afterlife
myth. Only a Superior, Truth-based mental health expert could make this
determination, on an individual, case by case basis. If in fact such
a determination is made, I certainly see nothing wrong with the individual
receiving mental health treatment that is designed to improve their day
to day quality of life, that involves the mental health professional
suggesting to the mature, adult patient that there might be an "afterlife",
and allowing the patient to consider embracing this possibility, if
he so wishes.
But does this mean that children would be taught that there might be
an afterlife? Would societal leaders be allowed to go on TV and talk
about heaven or an afterlife? Would the culture promote and legitimize
the notion of an afterlife to the general public?? Of course not! It
is a toxic myth, just like insulin is a toxic drug. Just because a few
individuals might derive some benefit from embracing the toxic myth,
is no reason to impose the toxic myth upon all citizens. The vast majority
of citizens, all children and the vast majority of adults, need and deserve
to be protected from the toxic myth, even if it is selectively distributed,
as an option worth considering, to a few, carefully selected and psychologically
screened individuals who seem unable to cope with the realities of life.
Society has an obligation to assume that all children, if protected from
exposure to these toxic myths, stand a very good chance of finding the
courage that is required, in adulthood, to continue to embrace the Truths
of life. This is because every child, despite any genetic brain dysfunction
that they may be born with, is also born with an instinctual appreciation
for and interest in, Truth. As the child grows, these two opposing camps
battle it out within the child's mind. Society has an obligation to help
the instinctual Truth side, to help the child embrace Truth. But perversely,
every current society on planet earth in the year 2001 does the exact
opposite, overtly, systematically, on a daily basis, promoting and imposing
toxic mythology upon the child, sabotaging all efforts that the child
is making to try and discover and embrace the Truths of life. Every generation
of children therefore grow up to be adults who are addicted to toxic,
insane mythology, and the adults then become determined to addict each
new generation of children to the exact same insane mythology, as a way
to reinforce and legitimize to themselves, their own toxic myth addictions.
So this massive, utterly diseased, never-ending cycle of genocidal brainwashing
and toxic addiction continues, on and on and on, century after century,
for thousands of years already, with absolutely no end in sight. How
utterly pathetic!
A Personal Note:
From time to time within these texts, I will be gracing you creatures
with a few personal experiences, that I myself, your remarkable Seer
of Forbidden Truth, have undergone. I hope you realize how lucky you
are that I am choosing to share with you even these few details from
my own life, which is exhaustively outlined in a 5000 page handwritten
autobiography that I have no intention of publishing online, or in any
other form. Believe it or not, I was once a child myself. A tortured
child, tortured by your society and it's limitlessly malevolent, genocidal
policies and doctrines. And yet like most children, I tried as hard as
I could, for as long as I could, to find and embrace the Truths of life.
Both of my slaveowners were brutally abusive towards me, torturing me
on a daily basis in numerous ways. But neither was an "extreme" devotee
of the insane god myth. Still, simply in being alive and conscious, I
was exposed to this toxic myth on a constant basis, even though I, like
all children, deserved to be protected from the god myth. It was at the
age of 6 that I began to seriously and philosophically contemplate what
death was, and it's consequences. Children are all philosophical thinkers,
at the youngest of ages, but tragically your evil societies condemn
and squash all philosophical queries made by children, by delivering
toxic lies in response. Perhaps I was lucky in this regard, in that neither
of my slaveowners ever bothered to engage me in conversation of any duration
or significance, beyond shouted threats and orders. So I was left alone,
to develop my philosophical thoughts and questions on my own, as well
as arrive at answers. I realized at age six, using my rational mind,
that death was a horrific thing, that the act of dying resulted in the
experience of absolute nothingness for all of the rest of eternity. I
thought about what it would be like to not exist, to feel nothing, experience
nothing, see nothing, hear nothing, feel nothing, think nothing, for
I thought about what life meant, what it's value was, what purpose each
day of existence provided, given that it would end in nothingness for
all of eternity. I considered the god myth, the afterlife myth, even
though thankfully I did not know a great deal about these myths at that
point, due to a lack of deliberate god myth brainwashing/imposition.
I thought about how much I was suffering each day, being tortured by
my parents, and yet when I compared it to the horrific reality of death,
I rejoiced in being alive. Night after night, at age 6 and going into
age 7, I lay in bed, eyes open, contemplating the horrific reality of
death, trying to come to grips with the fact that I would die, and then
experience nothingness for all the rest of eternity. I knew that I could
die, at any moment. I knew that if I fell asleep, I might die while asleep,
and then experience nothingness for all of eternity. I knew this was
the most horrific fate in all the universe of existence, to cease to
exist. The insane god myth was there, drenched in toxicity, beckoning
to me, offering me it's false comfort. But I resisted. Perhaps my daily
real-life torture, as inflicted by my slaveowners, allowed me to instinctually
recognize danger, a trap, a dead end. I recognized the god myth as being
a trap, a dead end. My instinctual appreciation for Truth beat strongly
in my young mind. The terror could not be overcome, but it had to be
truthfully dealt with. I would not embrace the false comfort of the insane
god myth. I instinctually knew, as do most 6 year old children who have
not had this toxic myth viciously implanted within their core consciousness,
that the god story made no sense, it was illogical, hypocritical. It
came with the taint, the diseased odor, of adult humanity. I had no idea
what the word "hypocritical" meant of course, at this age, but I had
a pure instinct, a childhood instinct for Truth, that caused the god
story to raise every possible alarm bell within my consciousness. I gave
the god story every possible intellectual consideration, to the best
of my 6-7 year old abilities, but always held the myth at arm's length,
realizing that it was dangerous, an infection, something that could
hurt me, something that was trying to compromise my ability to recognize
and accept Truth.
Night after night, for months, I lay in bed, eyes open, scared to close
them, afraid of going to sleep, terrified of dying, as I struggled to
find a way to cope with the horrific Truth concerning my own life and
death, that I had discovered. It was very hard, it took a long time,
just as I seemed to be able to accept it, it wiggled away from me: "You
will die, you will cease to exist for all of eternity. No sights, no
sounds, no feelings, no experiences, no future, no hope, no tomorrow,
nothing for eternity." It was too much to bear, so unfair, so horrific,
this Truth. But I refused to abandon it. I recognized the value of Truth,
instinctually and intellectually. Slowly, as the months passed by, a
sense of resignation came into my consciousness, a realization that this
horrific fate could not be overcome, not even by me, even though I recognized
myself as being most important life form in the history of the world,
to me. It took me perhaps a whole year, but by age 7 1/2 or so I had
accepted this Truth, this most horrific of all Truths, and then I began
to recognize and appreciate my superiority over all humans, over all
of human society, adults, leaders, etc... They were addicted to an insane
myth, they lacked the courage and the intelligence that I possessed,
i fully recognized this Truth by age 8.
Yes, I "suffered" a lot during that year, but I would much rather suffer
for one year and emerge triumphant, bathed in the glorious glow of Truth,
than to suffer for my entire lifetime, being addicted to and controlled
by a malevolent, invalid myth that was dictating all of my life choices
as well as providing false, invalid, and therefore useless in the end,
comfort. I knew that every life choice I made in the future would be
based upon Truth. I knew that even as I continued to be tortured every
single day as a child, I would be free as an adult. Mentally free to
embrace Truth, which is the only type of freedom that is truly real.
I knew that my only master was death. What a horrific master death is,
but nowhere near as horrific a master as "god" is. I saw that I had
these two choices, accept death as my master, or accept god as my master.
God would enslave me for my entire life, offer me false comfort, addict
me to lies, and impose his will upon me every day of my life. Death would
enslave me for all of eternity beginning at the moment of my death, force
me to accept horrific Truth, allow me to live my life embracing Truth,
and impose nothing more than the limitations of my own mental landscape
borders upon me, for as long as I lived. And in the end, even if I chose
god, I would still be enslaved for all of eternity beginning at the moment
of my death, in exactly the same, nothingness for all of eternity, fashion.
I recognized that it is far more horrific to be enslaved for your lifetime,
your real lifetime, than it is to be enslaved for all of eternity immediately
upon your death, because you cease to exist when you die, therefore nothing
that is done to you after you die can harm you. Two absolutely horrific
choices, folks. But I am so proud of myself, that I made the more rational,
more Superior choice, the better choice. My courage was remarkable.
Even if I had never done anything else for all the rest of my life, the
amount and degree of courage I displayed during that one year time period
surpasses the courage displayed by 99.999999999 of all of you humans,
throughout your entire lives. So lets have a nice round of applause
for your Seer of Forbidden Truth. (Cue clapping of hands). Thank you,
thank you very much. I deserve an eternity of applause, but tragically
it will be of no value to me, even if I receive it, once I die. The fact
that I recognize this Truth, should earn me another round of applause.
:-) Okay, enough self-praise, let me just conclude by saying how much
easier my year-long struggle would have been if there was no insane god
myth floating among the popular culture, being maliciously imposed upon
my tender, developing mind. Imagine how much harder, quite likely impossible,
it would have been if my slaveowners had been hard core god freaks,
dragging me to houses of worship, ordering me to worship god, trying
to "comfort" me by telling me all about "heaven", as a majority of slaveowners
do. Countless millions of children each and every year, try to resist
the insane god myth, but find it impossible, their tender, vulnerable
minds are overwhelmed by a tidal wave of malicious brainwashing, inflicted
by their parents, scary strangers known as "priests" & "ministers" at
the houses of worship that they are dragged to, and by the society as
a whole, that they are born into and enslaved by. It is nothing less
than genocide, emotional and intellectual genocide, that is being committed
by your societies upon your helpless, vulnerable children. And you, individual
adults living as members of society, are directly responsible for causing
this genocide.
Religion is a plague upon humanity. It does not enlighten, but rather
it pulls a veil of darkness over the eyes and mind of every human who
allows himself to become addicted to this plague. It does not provide
real comfort, it provides false comfort, invalid comfort. It does not
allow people to live their lives bathed in the light of Truth, it compels
people to live their lives trapped in a web of deceit. It distorts and
deranges the human mind, by the very nature of it's perverse hypocrisy.
No claim that "some religious people do a lot of good in the world" holds
any legitimate weight, because first of all, the definition of what constitutes
"good" is a subjective one, and far more importantly, the history of
humanity, when studied from any rational, sane perspective, proves that
belief in the insane god myth has caused at least 95% of all of the killings
of human beings by other human beings, over the past 3000-10,000 years,
to occur. How dare you creatures have the audacity to condemn and demonize
a serial or mass murderer such as Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer or Charles
Whitman, for killing perhaps 16-50 human beings, when you yourselves
honor and pay homage to the myth of "god", a belief system that is directly
responsible for hundreds of millions of killings throughout the world
in recent centuries, and even this year, of 2001, there is no doubt that
at least ten million people, probably a lot more, will be directly killed
by other humans, with the killers not only having a god myth addiction,
but being primarily motivated to carry out their act of murder, by their
insane god myth addiction.
Even when a god addict attempts to honor some of the benevolent mandates
of mainstream religion, tragedy almost always results. This is because
a basic but profound rule applies: Garbage in, garbage out. The insane
god myth as promoted within mainstream religion, is garbage. It has an
overtly malevolent purpose and structure, as devised by malevolent human
societal leaders and imposed upon you creatures, the Unwashed Masses.
If you take garbage and throw it into a garbage can, it cannot miraculously
transform itself into jewels. It's garbage, and it always will be garbage.
So it is that while many people who become addicted to the god myth are
trying very hard to be "good and moral", as they define these terms,
it is not possible for them to achieve this goal. Why not? Because the
god myth itself is neither good nor moral. God addicts are trying to
extract goodness and morality, out of a bad, immoral, perverse, toxic
myth. It can't work, it doesn't work, and it will never work. It's like
drilling a hole in an onion, and trying to suck out orange juice from
the interior of the onion. It simply cannot work! God himself, as portrayed
in mainstream god mythology, is evil beyond all measure. He is sadistic,
manipulative, selfish, deceptive, unforgiving, dictatorial, racist,
misogynistic, homicidal. He personifies, in mythical form, the absolute
worst character traits of humanity, having been created and designed
by extremely evil human beings. He is a reflection of the utter inferiority
and perversity of the power-crazed, revenge-obsessed, fascist societal
leaders who either directly wrote themselves, or hired writers to pen
their thoughts, within all of the "bibles", "commandments", and other
holy texts of all mainstream religions. Therefore, whenever any god addict
pledges his loyalty to god, promises to obey and follow all of the rules
of the "bible", the commandments, etc..., no matter how "noble" and benevolent
his perceived reasons/motivations for choosing to make this pledge might
be, he is in reality vowing to be a sadistic, manipulative, malevolent,
dictatorial, racist, homicidal person. Because this is the true character
of the mythical "god" creature that he has been brainwashed and coerced
by society into idolizing, worshipping, and emulating.
Look at the issue of abortion. Abortion is murder, of course. It is one
of the most obvious and blatant forms of murder. Many mainstream religions,
as currently interpreted by you citizen-slaves, imply that god is opposed
to abortion. Thus, many religious people claim to be very stridently
opposed to abortion. And yet most of these same people are in favor of
many other brutally vicious and homicidal actions, such as ritualistic
parental child torture, and legal murder by the State, and even celebrate
committing such actions and having such actions committed on their behalfs.
This is because the god creature himself, in all mainstream religious
myths, is homicidal. He is pathologically enraged and obsessed with claiming
personal vengeance, while at the same time maintaining a false pretense
of benevolence, in exactly the same fashion as most tortured victim-creations
of society have been throughout history and continue to be today. And
so perversely hypocritical and contradictory "rules" are created within
all religious texts. "An eye for an eye" is designed to allow for the
sadistic malice of individuals to be unleashed, under the manipulative
order of societal leaders, while at the same time an anti-abortion position
allows these individuals to maintain the incredibly hypocritical posture
of being "good and decent people who care about all life". The few incidents
in which abortion doctors/murderers have been killed themselves, illustrates
this dichotomy beautifully. Lets look at John Salvi. This helpless young
man was viciously addicted to the insane god myth as a child. He wanted
to do good, not "evil", as he defined these terms in his own mind. The
particular version of the god myth that he embraced taught him that abortion
was very wrong and a terribly unjust attack upon a helpless child. His
own instinctual sense of truthfulness and rationality also led him to
this same conclusion, that abortion is a form of murder, and certainly,
from any sane perspective, it is one of the most vicious forms of murder.
But his society was practicing this form of murder, decreeing it perfectly
legal and helping women to commit this form of murder. John's insane
god myth taught him that abortion was bad, but not that murder/killing
is bad. All mainstream god myths are pro-killing and pro-murder. Therefore,
in the name of god, justice, fairness, and vengeance, John decided to
murder people who worked at abortion clinics, because those people helped
women to have abortions, to murder the children trapped within their
wombs. John's interpretation of the insane god myth was absolutely on
target, there was nothing flawed in his interpretation, the interpretation
that caused him to carry out a shooting rampage at two Massachusetts
abortion clinics a few years ago. He saw no intellectual or philosophical
contradiction in carrying out murder in order to try and prevent murder,
because the malevolent and perverse bible, god character, and religion
that he was addicted to, is in fact pro-murder, even as it claims to
be anti-murder. John knew that his religion gave him the right to kill,
because it absolutely did give him this right, and in fact even encourages
murder in certain circumstances, as do all mainstream, societally promoted/legitimized
religions. The god myth is morally and intellectually deranged. This
means that all individuals who embrace the god myth to any significant
degree, must and do become morally and intellectually deranged as well.
As I have already said and proven, religion is a toxic plague. It infects
the minds of it's victims, and the end result of each infection is a
negative one, not a positive one, even if there is no overtly extreme
behavior, such as I have illustrated in the John Salvi example above,
that the individual directly commits as a result of his god myth infection.
Nothing that is genuinely just, fair, true or real, can come from a toxic,
false, overtly malevolent and infectious myth.
All mainstream, societally promoted insane god myths overtly encourage
murder. They encourage their devotees to kill other humans who believe
in a different version of the god myth. They encourage devotees to kill
other humans who refuse to believe in the god myth. They encourage devotees
to kill tortured victim-creations of society who are decreed to be in
"violation" of the fascist and perverse "laws of god". Societal leaders
have used the insane god myth as a primary motivational source in convincing
their citizen-slaves to let them launch and then to support the most
evil, genocidal, and deadly, unprovoked wars, throughout the history
of the modern era. Individual murderers motivated directly by the insane
god myth, are demonized and condemned by you perverse hypocrites, even
as you cling to and support the exact same god myth which gave the murderer
the moral permission and encouragement that he needed, to carry out his
True Reality rampage of cathartic vengeance. One of the most repugnant
aspects of the homicidal ideology of the god myth, is the manner in which
fascist doctrine concerning marriage, sex, and Sacred Family Unit mythology,
is used to demonize the sexual saints known as "prostitutes", and to
overtly encourage their murder, as every mainstream religious text does.
Among serial killers, their number one class of targeted victims, by
far, is the prostitute. This is not because prostitutes are the "easiest"
prey, the easiest to kill. It is because all mainstream religions, as
well as all societal leaders and empowered agents who overtly legitimize
the insane god myth, specifically promote and encourage all enraged victims
of their society, if they feel they must kill humans, to specifically
go after the demonized prostitute class, as their targets. The god myth
is evil, perverse, hypocritical, and pro-murder, in every sense and definition
of these terms.
I want to make a few brief comments here on the issue of evolution, as
it obviously ties in with the insane god myth. One of the most popular
methods that mainstream religions use to addict you creatures to the
insane god myth, is to use the argument that something had to have "created"
humanity and created life, and that this entity would have to be "supernatural"
and incredibly powerful, in order to have created humans and other species
of life. This is the theory of "creationism", and when looked at from
any sane perspective, it is absolutely ludicrous. There are countless
thousands of different things which are naturally created, created within
nature by mixing or combining certain environmental elements, substances,
etc... Ice, lightning, water, rain, fog, heat, wind, sound, are all
environmental creations/occurrences, and so is life, human, animal, plant,
bacteria, etc... The notion that life had to be "unnaturally" created,
by some omnipotent life form, defies all logic and all rational thinking/deductive
reasoning. Only the genetically diseased minds of human beings, too cowardly
and terrified to accept and face up to the horrific Truths of their own
lives, would not only come up with a creationism theory, but then try
to jam this ridiculous theory down the throats of all other humans, via
the various toxic god myths. The theory which challenges creationism
is known as evolution. Evolution makes perfect sense and is clearly the
valid explanation for how life was created and has developed into numerous,
differing species, not only from a scientific perspective, but from
any sane, common-sense, intellectually analytical perspective. Science
has proven that living things evolve over time, sometimes very slowly,
sometimes very quickly. Sometimes in a very "radical" and obvious way,
other times in a very subtle, barely noticeable way. Animals adopt to
the environment where they feel compelled to live, by evolving and changing
their appearance. Bears who live at the north pole are often white, they
are known as polar bears. They have evolved into having a white appearance
because this allows them to blend in with the white snow and more easily
capture their prey without being spotted too early. Domestic cats who
live outdoors in a cold climate develop thicker coats than cats who live
in tropical climates, as well as cats who live indoors in the exact same
cold climate. This is evolution. Perhaps most amazingly, we have the
caterpillar. This insect crawls around very slowly on many legs during
it's youth, but then, incredibly, it goes to sleep for a long time only
to wake up looking completely different than before it went to sleep,
different in every possible way, including having wings and the amazing
ability to fly through the air! This is radical evolution. Mind-boggling
evolution. Most importantly, it is evolution. Period.
So, any sane thinker has to acknowledge that not only is evolution "real",
but living things are constantly evolving, in all sorts of ways, sometimes
very slowly, other times very quickly. Sometimes in subtle ways that
are barely noticeable, other times in such a radical way that it is almost
impossible to believe that the butterfly was in fact once, just a few
months earlier, a caterpillar. Evolution is a building block of life,
a natural building block, that has absolutely no supernatural or mystical
aspects to it. Human beings are evolved creatures, most likely mutations
judging by their genetic brain deformity and lack of sane thinking ability,
but nevertheless, even as mutations, they are evolutionary mutations.
Most likely humans are a genetic mutation of the ape. If you study apes,
especially chimpanzees, you will find they possess some of the same
personality and character flaws of humanity, only in much milder and
rarer form. Most mutations of an existing species do not survive. They
die out within the first or second generation. Tragically, the human
mutation, which truly did not deserve to survive for even a single generation,
did manage to unnaturally grab a foothold upon this planet, and due
to it's genetic mental deformity, it has proceeded to wreak havoc throughout
the planet, terrorizing, destroying, and having an extremely negative
impact upon just about every single other species of life. I will be
discussing this at great length in a future essay at this site, but right
now I just want to make this one specific point, that every shred of
logical evidence and rational thinking ability, has to lead any sane
person to conclude that all species of life are constantly evolving,
that the origin of all life, including human life, is rooted within natural
evolution, and that human beings are evolved creatures, having evolved
from other natural species of life. The evolution of human beings from
apes is in no way difficult to envision, much less "so radical as to
be impossible," as the god freaks and the promoters of the insane god
myth would have you believe. The undeniable reality of a caterpillar
evolving into a butterfly in just a few months time, is literally a million
times more "radical" than the reality of human beings having evolved
from apes. And for that matter, the evolution of an egg into a hatched
chicken, the evolution of a female human being's fertilized egg into
a human being, are both a million times more radical as well. Evolution
is the logical, scientifically valid and accurate explanation of how
and why human beings came to infest planet earth. Evolution is Truth.
Creationism is simply one of the many thousands of toxic, irrational,
ridiculous lies/brainwashings within which the festering plague of the
insane god myth, resides.
Moving on, lets briefly focus upon the issue of proof, as regards the
insane god myth. If you read the texts of all mainstream god myths, you
will see that they are specifically formulated in such a way as to reject
all requirements of proof, that god exists. Very simply, the authors
of all insane god myths knew that it would be impossible to prove that
their myth is in fact accurate or truthful. Therefore, in outlining the
parameters of what would be required of god myth addicts, they carefully
inserted a requirement that the god addicts believe in god using a "faith
and trust" approach, that mandates absolutely no scientifically or intellectually
valid analysis of whether god exists, can occur. Any person who questions
or challenges the validity of the existence of god, is already in violation
of insane god myth doctrine, and therefore all "good and loyal" god myth
addicts are instructed to shun and condemn the insubordinate human who
dares to try to question the legitimacy of the god myth, and in conjunction
with this perverse condemnation, to automatically ridicule and reject
whatever findings of Truth the Superior challenger uncovers and attempts
to express. Here alone, with these facts, we have a belief system based
upon guaranteed, ritualized rejection of Truth. The entire goal of the
god myth is to cause human beings to reject truth, because if human beings
embraced Truth, they would reject the god myth, since it represents falsehood,
rather than Truth.
If you ask 1000 different god addicts to prove that god exists, you will
get 1000 slightly different replies, but not a single one of the replies
will contain a single shred of legitimate, valid, proof. Every reply
will contain irrational, hypocritical, and untrue statements, demonstrative
of insane thinking patterns, the type of insane thinking patterns which
caused the god myth addiction to occur in the first place. Proof is not
a subjective entity, it is a concrete entity. Proof is also an affirmative
requirement, rather than a backhanded negation. What do I mean by backhanded
negation? Very simply, many god addicts, after attempting to provide
"proof" that god exists and having all their pathetic attempts rejected,
will resort to demanding: "Well, why don't you prove that god that does
not exist!" This is an attempt at backhanded negation, an attempt by
someone who is unable to prove their case/claim, to claim victory by
trying to compel someone else to prove something else. Backhanded negation
is intellectually perverse and completely invalid. Anyone who claims
to believe in god, or seeks to impose the god myth upon anyone else,
has an affirmative obligation to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, their
claim that god exists. Proving a negative is essentially impossible,
in all situations, and therefore any attempt by a god believer to legitimize
the notion that god exists, by challenging a non-believer to "prove that
god does not exist", is proving, by his very challenge, that god in fact
does not exist, since he is refusing to and unable to meet the affirmative
proof obligation that he bears. It is an established Truth, to any sane
thinker, that god does not exist. This is not a "belief", this is a concrete
Truth. There is absolutely no sane reason to think that a god creature
could, much less does, exist. There has never been a single shred of
legitimate evidence to even indicate, much less prove, that god exists.
These facts alone, by themselves, prove that god does not exist, and
place an affirmative burden upon anyone who wishes to claim that god
does exist, to overturn the proof which has already been established
that god does not exist, by proving that god does exist. This is because
a human proclaiming that god does exist, is making an affirmative claim
that flies in the face of all sane, rational, logical thought and evidence.
Affirmative claims require affirmative proof. More simply: If someone
wishes to challenge the concrete fact that god does not exist, they must
provide concrete proof that god does exist. And the fact is: Throughout
the history of the human race, despite the fact that trillions of humans
have had the opportunity, not one single human has ever provided a single
iota of legitimate, concrete evidence/proof that any omnipotent creature
fitting the description/profile of "god", could exist, much less does
exist. The facts that I have outlined above and throughout this essay
prove that god does not exist, to any sane thinker.
I want to say a few words here about religions that are not mainstream
and not overtly supported by society. In order to create a false distinction
between these "rogue" religions and the religions that society overtly
promotes, societal leaders attach negative labels to these marginalized
religions, with the most common demonizing label being cult. The reality
is that all religions are cults, and all of the negative attributes that
society attaches to "cults" exist within the core structure of, and are
practiced with even greater malice by, the most popular and common mainstream
religions, and have a far more negative impact upon far more people,
than do the much smaller, marginalized "cult" religions. Does this mean
that cults are "better" than mainstream, organized religions? In the
vast majority of cases, the answer is absolutely No. Most cults have
a design structure that is extremely toxic, enslaving, and lie-based,
as do all mainstream religions. But each cult only has a negative impact
upon a relatively small number of people, when compared to the millions/billions
of humans that every mainstream religion brutally oppresses. Also, 100%
of all mainstream, societally promoted religions are overtly toxic and
malevolent. "Only" 99+% of all marginalized cults are overtly toxic and
malevolent. These facts certainly do not make marginalized religions
good, or any better than mainstream religions, but for what it's worth
they do harm far fewer human beings on a numerical scale, and there is
a tiny possibility that an individual addicting himself to a cult will
be lucky or intelligent/self-loving enough to addict himself to the .05%
or fewer cults that are not severely malevolent/toxic in their design
and doctrine. A .05% chance is extremely slim of course, but with mainstream,
societally promoted religions there is a zero percent chance, since
every single mainstream religion throughout the world is severely toxic
and malevolent.
Most cult leaders are either extremely malevolent con-artists, victims
of childhood torture who have become obsessed with dominating and controlling
the lives of others as a coping mechanism, or completely deranged/mentally
ill. But these same character traits apply to all religious leaders,
equally. The only differences are that "mainstream" religious leaders
have influence over many more people, and they have the overt support
of societal leaders, being controlled by and having the parameters of
their doctrine dictated by, the so-called "secular" leaders of their
society. All cults in which the leader refuses to accept the dictatorial
control of secular societal leaders, are demonized. It makes little difference
whether the cult is "revolutionary" in it's doctrine, although naturally
those cults which overtly proclaim themselves to be opposed to mainstream
societal ideologies are demonized the most viciously. Secular societal
leaders, being malevolent practitioners and proponents of insane god
myth brainwashing, are keenly aware of how powerful, useful, and dangerous
the god myth is. They are enslaving billions of people to their, carefully
chosen version of the god myth. They realize that if a charismatic and
cunningly determined person actively attempts to recruit humans to embrace
his version of the god myth, the person will certainly achieve success,
drawing god freaks away from mainstream religion, and more importantly,
causing these god freaks to break loose from the specific cultural agenda
that the mainstream religion has been employed to promote and impose
upon the citizen-slaves. This is of course very worrisome and downright
terrifying to societal leaders, and they therefore are on a constant
crusade to demonize all "cults", to try and use whatever means possible
to break up and destroy cults and cult leaders, while at the very time
seeking to enslave these cult members as well as all citizen-slaves as
a whole, to mainstream religions and religious beliefs, which are in
reality absolutely the same in terms of having at least as malevolent
and destructive an impact upon their devotees, as cults do, and very
often a significantly greater negative impact.
All sorts of false and invalid excuses are used by secular societal leaders
to condemn, spy upon, infiltrate, shut down, and destroy marginalized
religious cults, and the more a society claims to offer "religious freedom",
the more viciously fascist it is in absolutely destroying any cult that
dares to challenge or seems to pose a threat to, mainstream societal
ideology. As is so often the case, perverse claims of "needing to protect
children" are the single most common excuse used to carry out this fascist
repression. Societal leaders use their mouthpieces, law enforcement and
the mainstream media, to accuse cult leaders and cult members of abusing
children, endangering children, harming children, and this sets the stage
for law enforcement to barge in, arrest cult leaders and members, and
essentially break up the cult. As would be expected, a few cult leaders
are so enraged, mentally deranged, or obsessed with maintaining control
and dominance, that they instruct their devotees that god wants them
to either die outright, or fight to the death, on his behalf. This leads
to the inevitable high profile massacres such as occurred with cult leaders
Jim Jones and David Koresh. The perverse irony of course, is that all
religions, and all societies, are genocidally malevolent towards children,
as an integral, core public policy. I'm quite sure that Jim Jones was
quite abusive to children, and so was David Koresh. If not personally,
than almost certainly in the core policies of their cult doctrines.
But does this mean that society has any moral, ethical, or philosophical
right to use the notion of needing to "rescue children" as a pretense
for committing fascist assaults upon cult leaders and members, when the
fact is that society itself commits atrocities upon children on a far
more widespread scale, that are far more harmful to children, than any
cult could ever dream of committing?? Of course not! Christianity, catholicism,
and all mainstream religions specifically and overtly promote and encourage
the vicious brutalization of all children born to all followers of the
religion. Physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual torture of
children are primary building blocks of mainstream religions, just as
these child tortures are a core foundation of regular, secular societal
policy. Cults and cult leaders are targeted by society not because there
is any legitimate interest in protecting or saving children from abuse,
but because societal leaders are terrified that a "rogue" religion that
is not under the fascist control of secular societal leaders, led by
a rogue religious leader who refuses to bow to the fascist and malevolent
agenda of secular societal leaders, could take root, gain popularity,
attract devotees, and thus pose a threat to the stability and structure
of the existing societal structure.
Okay, our next topic will require a fairly lengthy discussion, because
there are some very interesting aspects to it, and it is Satan and Satanism.
Lets begin by explaining what satan and satanism are. The malevolent
human authors of religious texts decided that they needed to create a
"villainn" character, within their insane god mythologies. They needed
a villain who was more powerful than humans, but slightly less powerful
than the god creature, for two very specific reasons. The first reason
was that the "superhuman" villain creature could be used to inflict a
great deal of terror upon the god devotees, and drive them into the "arms"
of god, compel them to embrace the pretense that they can have "safety
and comfort" from all of life's terrors, including the terror that "satan"
represents, by becoming loyal, docile, brainwashed god worshippers/devotees.
The second reason for why the satan villainn was needed, has to do with
the fact that the "biblical" texts, and god himself, are inflicting absolutely
brutal injustice, harm, suffering, and deprivation upon their devotees.
And yet at the same time, the illusion and false pretense that god is
"loving and merciful" is put forth within these malevolent texts, and
the pretense of this insane notion being accurate must be preserved.
This is where the satan character comes in so handy. All biblical doctrine
which seems to be most brutally oppressive, can be blamed on satan, thus
allowing the god creature to maintain/retain the illusion of benevolence,
and thus keep the devotion of his brainwashed devotees. Satan is used
as a terroristic reminder to the god freaks: "Maybe you feel a little
bit oppressed right now, in obeying god, but he will reward you so wonderfully
for all of eternity later on. If you abandon the god myth that we have
addicted you to, our evil and essentially omnipotent satan creature will
grab you, and inflict so much torment upon you, for all of eternity,
that you will forever regret your decision to abandon our glorious god
and the behavioral/cultural agenda that he is demanding of you." So,
satan is used as a bargaining chip, a leverage tool. Your malevolent
societal leaders understand and recognize that the best way to get you
to accept brutal, fascist repression from god, which is of course in
reality brutal, fascist repression from the human societal leadership,
is to convince you that an even greater threat, an entity who is able
and eager to inflict far more horrific torments upon you, is lurking
in the shadows, and the only way to protect yourself from this "ultimate"
evil and terror, is to embrace an evil and a terror that is portrayed
as being a benevolent benefactor, in the god creature.
Every mainstream religion has a slightly different design structure to
the satan myth, and the satan creature goes by different names in some
religions, being called the "devil", etc... But this creature serves
the exact same malevolent purpose in every religion, having been set
up as a "foil" for the god creature, in a battle between "good and evil".
Therefore, within this essay, when I refer to "satan", I am in reality
referring to the devil, or whatever other name the particular religion
that you might be familiar with/addicted to, has chosen to bestow upon
this "superhuman god foil" character. The vast majority of human beings,
even as they commit horrific atrocities, seek to philosophically identify
with "goodness", most especially if they are promised unique, otherwise
unattainable rewards for doing so, such as eternal, blissful life in
heaven. Religion, being an artificial construct of societal leaders,
puts forth "god" as the representative of the agenda that the human societal
leaders are seeking to viciously impose upon their citizen-slaves. God,
representing goodness, serves as the mouthpiece of the societal leadership.
Because most people seek to identify with goodness, and are in desperate
terror of the horrific Truths of life that god offers false comfort from,
your human leaders know that the vast majority of you will be enticed
and drawn into embracing the god myth, thus embracing the agenda that
your societal leaders choose to set out for you, using god as their mouthpiece.
But this agenda is completely unnatural, irrational, harmful, and enslaving.
It goes against the most instinctually basic, inborn, human interests,
instincts and needs. If there was only a god creature, who claimed to
be benevolent and loving, imposing this agenda upon the masses of god
addicts, a few addicts would become confused, upset, and ultimately reject
the god myth, not being able to reconcile the instinctual suffering that
they were enduring, with the image of a beatific and loving god that
is projected within god mythology. But if a foil for god is incorporated
within the myth, a superhuman, supremely malevolent adversary that god
needed to do "battle" with, and the battle was portrayed as the beatific
god creature fighting on behalf of his human devotees, then whatever
perceptions of unjust suffering the god addict may realize, will fade
away into nothingness, as the god addict is convinced that his beloved
god creature loves him so much that he is willing to do battle with satan
in order to save him from the most horrific fate imaginable, an eternity
in "hell", as opposed to an eternity in "heaven". It is all so blatantly
transparent as to inspire hysterical laughter within any sane thinker.
Your leaders want to terrorize you into embracing god, and so they create
another invisible, supernatural creature who threatens you with the most
horrific fate imaginable, for the purpose of terrorizing you into accepting,
embracing, and most importantly obeying, the god creature, who is the
malevolent mouthpiece of your ultra evil human societal leaders, both
past and present.
Does satan exist? No, of course not! The notion of satan existing as
an entity is just as ludicrous as the notion of god existing. The myth
of satan is incorporated within the insane god myth, and thus it needs
no debunking, as I have already torn asunder and dissected the god myth
within this essay. But now we come to an profound realization of Forbidden
Truth that I find extremely valuable and interesting: Even though the
god myth is completely toxic, perverse, and genocidally harmful to human
beings, the satan myth is not toxic, it is not perverse, nor is it genocidally
harmful. The toxic god myth itself does promote and in effect "create"
the satan myth, meaning that mainstream religions seek to addict you
to the notion that satan, as well as god, both exist. And I am not saying
that the satan myth is a good or legitimate myth to believe in. But what
I am saying is that the satan myth is not overtly harmful in and of itself,
it can be benevolently useful to some god addicts trying to break free
of their addiction, and it can even serve as an antidote to the insane
god myth. I will now explain exactly why and how this is so. The god
creature, although portrayed within the bible and other holy books as
a "saintly" figure, is in reality nothing more than an accurate reflection
of the true character of the human creators of the god myth. These human
beings were evil, malevolent, power-crazed, deranged, manipulative, irrational,
selfish, self-hating. At the same time of course, we must recognize
that as individuals, they were tortured victim-creations of their societies
and do not deserve to be condemned or judged negatively in any manner.
The character of god, as written in biblical texts, reflects this immense
inferiority, which means that any individual who chooses to become a
devotee of god, to embrace the real message of god and to emulate god
in their own life activities, is overtly choosing and attempting to become
malevolent, deranged, selfish, self-hating. Of course the individual
has no conscious awareness of this fact, having already lost all ability
to recognize, much less embrace rational Truth, the moment he chose to
become a god addict and became addicted to this toxic myth.
The "satan" character was written and portrayed by these malevolent victims
of society, as being the ultimate in evil, but in reality, upon any type
of rational, analytical study of biblical texts, it is clear that from
a Truth-based perspective, satan is actually a sane, self-loving, non-
manipulative, basically rational creature. You see, the writers of the
insane god myth texts had to get you Unwashed Masses of citizen-slaves
to embrace your own oppression, to embrace genocidal evil and deranged
hypocrisy. The way they achieved this goal was simply by reversing factual
truth, turning truth upside-down. The so-called saintly creature is in
fact the utterly malevolent one, but simply by creating another fictional
creature and stridently labeling him as the "demon", you pathetic sheeple
happily and blindly ignore and reject the obvious malevolence and brutal
malice of the god creature, and invalidly transfer all of his true character
traits onto the satan creature, as instructed to within the god myth
texts. This allows you to remain loyal and devoted to your beloved god,
and beholden to him, compelled to embrace all of his malevolent doctrine,
which are of course in reality the malevolent demands of your brutal,
human societal leaders. The authors of the insane god myth texts tried
very hard to make the satan character seem terrifying and abhorrent,
so that none of their citizen-slaves would embrace and worship this character,
because he represented the exact opposite of what they were attempting
to terroristically impose upon their citizen-slaves. Satan represented
and continues to represent self-love, tolerance, pleasure, freedom, embrace
of natural instinct. God represents self-hatred, intolerance, repression/rejection
of pleasure and natural instinct, and slavery. The entire goal of societal
leaders in imposing the insane god myth upon you creatures, was and continues
to be the ultimate in malevolence: To get you creatures to willingly
loathe yourselves, throw away your lives, irrationally hate/kill other
human beings upon command, reject pleasure and natural instinct, accept
fascist enslavement. So, the god creature is beatified, while the satan
creature is demonized, and even more importantly, all of the perverse
and malevolent character traits and behavioral edicts that god himself
possesses and imposes upon you, are falsely and invalidly attributed
to the satan creature and the "horrific" ideology that the satan creature
is declared to represent. Nothing could be further from the Truth, as
the satan creature in actual fact, represents positive character traits
and behaviors, such as self-love, freedom, natural instinct, pleasure,
happiness, and an overall embrace of sane, rational thinking and life
choice options. These positive character traits/behaviors are highly
beneficial to individuals, but terrifying and rightly perceived as being
highly dangerous, by and to your fascist, malevolent societal leaders.
The coercively brainwashing manner in which biblical texts were written
and imposed upon you creatures made it very difficult, virtually impossible,
for any human being of ordinary intelligence to recognize that it was
the satan character who represented all of the positive, empowering aspects
of life, while the god character represented all of the negative, brutalizing
aspects of life. Every single day, the exact opposite, false message
was and is viciously imposed upon your minds, beginning when you are
tiny, helpless children, your minds completely vulnerable and at the
mercy of others. And yet despite all this, a few, Superior humans have
always gravitated towards embracing the satan myth, rather than the god
myth. This is because human beings, at least those who have not yet been
totally broken by their evil, lie-based societies, have an instinctual
interest in and craving for, Truth. Even though satan does not exist,
he represents Instinctual Truth, most especially in comparison to god,
whose entire agenda, acting as a mouthpiece for human societal leaders
of course, can be accurately summed up as constituting withholding, rejection,
and condemnation of Instinctual Truth. Thankfully, a few of these Superior,
highly insightful embracers of satan have tried to help more people
embrace the positive message of satanism, by writing "holy" texts of
their own, and proclaiming them to represent the "true" message of satan.
The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey is most likely the best known
of these texts. Even though satanic texts often call for the worship
of satan, and some authors of these texts are no doubt malevolent, power-
crazed individuals who may well be addicted to the satan myth themselves,
there are huge, fundamental differences between these proudly satanic
texts, and mainstream, sacred god myth texts that societal leaders have
written and imposed upon their citizen-slaves. First of all, the satanic
texts deliver a positive doctrine that is personally empowering/freeing,
rather than brutally enslaving. Secondly, these satanic texts were created
to serve in a responsive role. They represent a response to the insane
god myth which has already been and continues to be viciously imposed
by society upon all citizen-slaves. The satanic texts would not exist
were it not for the previous creation and genocidal imposition of toxic
god mythology by human societal leaders. They represent an attempt to
counteract the poisonous plague of mainstream, god worship/addiction.
Thirdly, belief in/worship of satan serves a positive purpose in terms
of helping people who have become addicted to the toxic god myth, to
break free of that addiction. Yes, the satan myth can be highly addictive
in and of itself, but generally it is only embraced by individuals who
have already become addicted to the god myth, or who would have become
addicted to the god myth, had they not realized that the satan myth was
far more benevolent, represented Instinctual Truth, and would have a
far less negative impact upon their overall lives, than the fascist and
enslaving god myth would have had.
Therefore, it is very accurate to describe satanism, belief in satan,
and satanic worship, as being a genuine antidote to the insane god myth.
The god myth is a plague, a societally sponsored plague. The satan myth
provides an opportunity for Superior, individual victims of this plague,
to try to free themselves and cure themselves, of this toxic plague
that has been malevolently imposed upon them by society. It is far better
to be infected with a relatively benign and empowering myth, such as
satanic worship, than it is to be infected with an extremely toxic, brutally
fascist and enslaving myth, such as that of mainstream, societally promoted
god worship. Just as importantly, escaping from a highly toxic myth that
has been viciously imposed upon you from literally the day of your birth,
is extremely difficult for all individuals, and impossible for many
individuals. The myth of satan provides a useful and convenient "bridge",
to help god addicts cross over from their toxic god addiction, to an
embrace of genuine Truth, which would be that neither god nor satan exist,
or are worthy of being worshipped/believed in, as entities. Do all worshippers
of satan make this enormously courageous, superior leap, escaping from
the satan myth after they have escaped from the god myth? Of course not!
Every human is unique. Some will end up going back to the god myth later
in life, others will remain addicted to the satan myth for the rest of
their lives. But a decent percentage will indeed, after worshipping/believing
in satan for a few months to a few years, break free of this addiction
as well, and come to the recognition that they are their own gods, that
no entity or doctrine deserves their worship or devotion, that they are
the only creature who deserves their own worship and devotion. Were it
not for the empowering nature of the satan myth, as courageously expressed
within texts such as The Satanic Bible, it is clear to me that a great
many god addicts would never break free of their god addiction, much
less break free of all "supernatural", omnipotent creature myths. This
alone proves that the satan myth is essentially a benevolent antidote
to the god myth, valuable and empowering, and we owe a great debt to
people like Anton Szandor LaVey, now tragically deceased, for not only
finding the courage to reject the god myth himself, but for then having
made the morally benevolent choice to try to help other people, other
victims of society, to break free of their toxic god addiction, by creating
a "holy text" of his own, an empowering antidote to the brutal god myth,
via The Satanic Bible.
Curing a disease often involves numerous steps, you can't just give an
injection and bam, the person is cured. Consider cancer, sometimes the
cancerous tumor has to be cut out of the body, then a series of chemotherapy/radiation
treatments are given. It is a multi-step process. The god myth is a disease
of the mind, that has ferocious, tenacious strength. It's victims have
had this disease imposed upon them for literally every day of their lives.
Breaking free of this disease, defeating it, is an enormous challenge
for all god addicts. It is usually a very slow process, a multi-step
process, and it is clear to me that the satan myth, especially as written
in genuinely satanic tests rather than within mainstream god myth bibles,
provides a wonderful opportunity for god addicts to at least take the
first step, in breaking free of their toxic god addiction. You will note
that satanism is most commonly embraced among teenagers and younger adults.
These youthful torture victims of society, their minds not yet fully
mature, are desperately trying to overcome the entire childhood of brutal
god myth brainwashing/imposition that they have been subjected to. Many
of them feel within their core realities, their ability to recognize
Truth slipping away. For every single day of their lives, the toxic god
myth has been viciously imposed upon them, in terroristic fashion. It
is easy for me, as an outside observer who has already emerged triumphant
from this insane myth, to say that they "should" simply reject all god/afterlife
mythology and embrace absolute Truth concerning this issue. But the reality
is that breaking free of any toxic addiction is extremely difficult,
and usually requires small, multiple steps, which take place over a significant
period of time. Embracing satanic philosophy, belief, and even "worship",
is an extremely positive first step, for god addicts to take. Most fully
mature adults are so hopelessly addicted to the insane god myth that
they have no chance of breaking free. Children and teenagers however,
in many cases, are still engaged in a desperate intellectual and emotional
battle, trying to recognize, find, and embrace Truth, trying to avoid
suffering the death of intellectual sanity and the loss of all ability
to recognize and embrace Truth, that the vast majority of mature adults
have already suffered. This is why the satanic myth finds it's greatest
audience within the teenage and young adult community. This population
has been subjected to insane god myth terrorization for their entire
lives, and is desperately, on an instinctual level, trying to find whatever
ways it can, to rightly reject and free themselves from the horrific,
malevolent, lie-based prison of god addiction.
There is a huge difference however, between embracing satanic philosophy
as expressed within mainstream, pro-god, societally sponsored religions,
as opposed to embracing satanic philosophy as expressed within independent
"holy texts", such as The Satanic Bible, that have been written in direct
response to insane god mythology, for the purpose of revealing the true,
malevolent nature of god, something that no mainstream, societally promoted
religion would ever do, for obvious reasons as I have already outlined
above. Embrace of satan is always less overtly harmful to the individual
than embrace of god is. But only by going far beyond the demonizing,
invalid, perversely hypocritical portrayal of satan that occurs within
mainstream religious texts, can the true "message" of satanic empowerment
be properly recognized, appreciated, and used by the individual. Just
as a baby is weaned off it's bottle, slowly and steadily, via the substitution
of other types of nourishment, the satanic myth can be and is sometimes
used by victims of brutal societal god myth terrorization/brainwashing,
to break free of this most toxic of addictions. Ideally, the individual
will eventually break free of the satan myth as well, and recognize that
satan does not exist, is not an entity, but rather a useful tool of personal
empowerment. But even if an individual is to remain enslaved for life
to the religion of satanism, to "worshipping" satan, it is clear to any
sane thinker that the lifelong ramifications and consequences of addiction
to satanism will be far less harmful to the individual, than a lifelong
addiction to mainstream god worship would be. This is because all of
mainstream religion is based upon brutal oppression, enslavement, and
denial of Truth/natural instinct, while satanism is based upon empowerment
of the individual, embrace of natural instinct/Truth, and individualistic
self-love/self-value. Interestingly, the more superior pioneers of satanic
philosophy, such as Anton Szandor LaVey, have been rather open, to a
degree, in admitting that they do not perceive satan as being an actual
physical entity. This is something you will never find in any mainstream,
societally promoted religion, since the perverse specter of an omnipotent,
judgmental, vengeful god creature watching every step that every human
takes, desperately and viciously imposing his will upon every individual,
is a hallmark, cornerstone foundation of all fascist god mythology.
Within any sane society, Anton Szandor LaVey would be recognized and
honored not merely as being a brilliant and courageous philosopher, but
even more importantly, for being one of the greatest, perhaps the very
greatest, humanitarians of the 20th century. This man, subjected to insane
and toxic god myth terrorization as a child and young adult, not only
broke free of his addiction, but then, as an adult, decided that he had
a moral obligation to try to help other people break free of the insane
god myth, embraced this obligation wholeheartedly, and devoted the rest
of his life towards this noble purpose, by founding the Church of Satan,
writing The Satanic Bible, continuously writing other texts which exposed
the god myth for what it is, and publicly, stridently, challenging and
rebuking the insane god myth on a constant basis, at great peril to his
own life. Anton's noble work has literally been directly responsible
for helping countless millions of people break free from the insane god
myth, over the past 35+ years, and despite the fact that he is tragically
no longer alive, his writings, statements, and philosophies continue
to circulate, continuing to help millions of people to recognize the
toxic, perverse nature of the god myth. It is outrageous beyond all measure
that Anton, and other courageous Seers of Truth, have been, continue
to be, and always will be demonized by you diseased creatures and your
genocidally evil societies. I can think of no other 20th century human
being who has had a more positive, noble impact, upon more individual
humans, than Anton Szandor LaVey. The inventor of the polio vaccine,
other scientists who have come with cures for serious illnesses, they
may well have greatly assisted a few million people themselves, but they
were not directly challenging a core, fundamental societal doctrine,
at great peril to their very lives, as Anton chose to courageously and
nobly do. Anton recognized the god myth as being a toxic plague, and
chose to try to directly help cure people of this toxic plague, genuinely
succeeding in playing a primary role in freeing and curing countless
millions of plague victims. This is a remarkable achievement, and I am
proud to publicly recognize and acknowledge Anton as being without any
doubt, on a worldwide basis, one of the very most heroic, courageous,
noble, and if I may borrow a word hijacked by you god freaks, saintly,
human beings to have lived upon this planet during the 20th century
and the entire modern era.
I am now going to provide a few quotes from The Satanic Bible that I
consider to be extremely insightful as well as accurate, and which serve
to prove that my above comments on the god myth in general, as well as
satanism in particular, are right on the money. I realize that this essay
is already quite lengthy, but given the fact that I have provided the
ten commandments quotes above, and these passages from The Satanic Bible
are so much more valuable and insightful, not to mention the outrageous
fact that so few of you creatures have been exposed to the Superior nature
of genuine satanism, I feel almost obligated to provide at least a few
of these empowering quotes, as a way to honor Truth, to honor Anton and
his legacy, and to demonstrate, beyond all doubt, why the god myth is
toxic, while the satan myth, especially as interpreted by Superior individuals
in direct response to the god myth, is not overtly toxic, but rather
a myth that can be both extremely empowering and useful to anyone trying
to escape from the clutches of toxic god myth addiction. I would naturally
encourage all readers to buy a copy of The Satanic Bible, even if they
are not god addicts, because it provides a fascinating and true revelation
of the structure and toxicity of the mainstream, societally promoted
god myth. I will be keeping my comments brief, in the interest of preserving
space and because these quotes, together with my above commentary, basically
speak for themselves. All of the below quotes are direct writings of
Anton Szandor LaVey, and were published by him in his book, "The Satanic
Bible", All Copyrights remain in effect and are held by Anton Szandor
LaVey and his heirs/estate. I will be putting Anton's quotes in black
print, followed by my brief comments in red print:
Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence! Satan represents
vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams! Satan represents undefiled
wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit! Satan represents all of
the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional
Here we see a very clear demonstration of the superiority of satanism,
and how it represents positive, non-toxic ideology, in direct contrast
to the insane god myth. Satanism empowers the individual, god worship
enslaves the individual. Self-love and the embrace of each individual's
sacred right to achieve personal pleasure and satisfaction in real life,
in the only life that any of us will ever have for all of eternity,
is a Superior foundational core of satanism, while of course this sane,
rational doctrine is condemned and demonized within toxic god mythology.
Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often
worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine
spiritual and intellectual development", has become the most vicious
animal of all!
I really like this quote a lot, it shows the morally courageous stance
of the satan myth. The satan myth does not pander to it's devotees. It
does not try to falsely comfort them by telling them that they are better
than other animals, unlike the insane god myth.
I request reason for your golden rule and ask the why and wherefore of
your ten commandments. Before none of your printed idols do I bend in
acquiescence, and he who saith "thou shalt" to me is my mortal foe! I
dip my forefinger in the watery blood of your impotent mad redeemer,
and write over his thorn-torn brow: The TRUE prince of evil - the king
of slaves! No hoary falsehood shall be a truth to me; no stifling dogma
shall encramp my pen! I break away from all conventions that do not lead
to my earthly success and happiness.
Here, at least via my interpretation, is a stirringly inspirational appeal
to god addicts by Anton, trying to make them see what fools they are
to blindly worship and "obey" the fascist, unnatural, self-sabotaging,
toxic decrees of the god creature.
I question all things. As I stand before the festering and varnished
facades of your haughtiest moral dogmas, I write thereon in letters of
blazing scorn: Lo and behold; all this is fraud! Gather around me, Oh!
ye death-defiant, and the earth itself shall be thine, to have and to
hold! Too long the dead hand has been permitted to sterilize living thought!
Too long right and wrong, good and evil have been inverted by false prophets!
No creed must be accepted upon authority of a "divine" nature. Religions
must be put to the question. No moral dogma must be taken for granted
- no standard of measurement deified. There is nothing inherently sacred
about moral codes. Like the wooden idols of long ago, they are the work
of human hands, and what man has made, man can destroy! He that is slow
to believe anything and everything is of great understanding, for belief
in one false principle is the beginning of all unwisdom. Whenever, therefore,
a lie has built unto itself a throne, let it be assailed without pity
and without regret, for under the domination of an inconvenient falsehood,
no one can prosper. Let established sophisms be dethroned, rooted out,
burnt and destroyed, for they are a standing menace to all true nobility
of thought and action! Whatever alleged "truth" is proven by results
to be but an empty fiction, let it be unceremoniously flung into the
outer darkness, among the dead gods, dead empires, dead philosophies,
and other useless lumber and wreckage! The most dangerous of all enthroned
lies is the holy, the sanctified, the privileged lie - the lie everyone
believes to be a model truth. It is the fruitful mother of all other
popular errors and delusions. It is a hydra-headed tree of unreason with
a thousand roots. It is a social cancer! The lie that is known to be
a lie is half eradicated, but the lie that even intelligent persons accept
as fact - the lie that has been inculcated in a little child at its mother's
knee - is more dangerous to contend against than a creeping pestilence!
Popular lies have ever been the most potent enemies of personal liberty.
There is only one way to deal with them: Cut them out, to the very core,
just as cancers. Exterminate them root and branch. Annihilate them,
or they will us!
This is an even more passionately stirring appeal to truth. Anton defies
all religion convention by calling upon his readers to seek out Truth,
because every mainstream, societally promoted religion is not only lie-
based, but overtly and terroristically demands that it's disciples do
not even attempt to use rational, sane thinking to arrive at Truth. Truth
is the mortal enemy of all mainstream religion, but satanism, being an
empowering antidote to the toxic god myth, genuinely promotes and encourages
the embrace of Truth, in life. You can argue that "believing in the existence
of satan" is in itself an appeal to falsehood rather than Truth. But
if you read The Satanic Bible in it's entirety, you realize that Anton
is in fact not promoting the notion that Satan exists, as a physical,
sentient living creature, unlike all mainstream god myths which go to
great pains to do the opposite, to portray god as absolutely being a
physical, sentient, living entity.
Life is the great indulgence - death, the great abstinence. Therefore,
make the most of life - HERE AND NOW! There is no heaven of glory bright,
and no hell where sinners roast. Here and now is our day of torment!
Here and now is our day of joy! Here and now is our opportunity! Choose
ye this day, this hour, for no redeemer liveth! Say unto thine own heart,
"I am mine own redeemer." Stop the way of them that would persecute
you. Let those who devise thine undoing be hurled back to confusion and
infamy. Let them be as chaff before the cyclone and after they have fallen
rejoice in thine own salvation. Then all thy bones shall say pridefully,
"Who is like unto me? Have I not been too strong for mine adversaries?
Have I not delivered MYSELF by mine own brain and body?"
What a true poet Anton is, a poet and a philosopher, brilliant in both
disciplines, as he attempts to help god addicts find a way to break free
of their brutal torment. Note how Anton says: "There is no heaven of
glory bright, and no hell where sinners roast." Can you imagine any mainstream
religion not promoting the notion of heaven? No! Because heaven is used
as a terroristic bribe by all mainstream religions. It would have been
so easy for Anton to declare hell to be a real place within his Satanic
Bible, but to portray it as a paradisical haven of pleasure. If Anton
had been power-crazed, or overtly malevolent, that is exactly what he
would have done. But no, Anton respected Truth, he chose to try to appeal
to the instinctual interest in Truth of his readers, and defying all
religious convention and doctrine, courageously told them, directly within
his Satanic Bible, that there was no hell for them to "aspire and strive"
for, while of course every mainstream religion demands a lifetime of
aspiring and striving on the part of it's torture victims to "prove"
themselves worthy of going to heaven.
Blessed are the death-defiant, for their days shall be long in the land
- Cursed are the gazers toward a richer life beyond the grave, for they
shall perish amidst plenty! Blessed are the destroyers of false hope,
for they are the true Messiahs - Cursed are the god-adorers, for they
shall be shorn sheep! Blessed are the valiant, for they shall obtain
great treasure - Cursed are the believers in good and evil, for they
are frightened by shadows! Blessed are those that believe in what is
best for them, for never shall their minds be terrorized - Cursed are
the "lambs of God", for they shall be bled whiter than snow! Blessed
is the man who has a sprinkling of enemies, for they shall make him a
hero - Cursed is he who doeth good unto others who sneer upon him in
return, for he shall be despised! Blessed are the mighty-minded, for
they shall ride the whirlwinds - Cursed are they who teach lies for truth
and truth for lies, for they are an abomination! Thrice cursed are the
weak whose insecurity makes them vile, for they shall serve and suffer!
The angel of self-deceit is camped in the souls of the "righteous" -
The eternal flame of power through joy dwelleth within the flesh of the
Any thoughtful, analytical reader of The Satanic Bible quickly realizes
that Anton is in fact not promoting satanism as a "religion" at all.
What he is doing is promoting Truth, trying to help people to break free
of their religious addiction, specifically to mainstream god worship
religions. The entire structure of this "bible", the satanic bible, is
in fact a passionate appeal to all human beings to embrace Truth and
to reject lies. To love and value themselves, Truth, rationality, life.
In my opinion, Anton felt that you humans, most especially those of you
already addicted to the insane god myth, were too genetically inferior
as creatures, to be able to embrace purely secular, intellect-based Truth.
Tragically, I agree with him, he was right about that, as he was right
about so many other things. He decided that in order for his brilliant
Truth revelations to have any chance of being embraced by god addicts,
he had to disseminate them within a structural framework that mirrored,
to a degree, the insane god myth structure. He tried very hard to disseminate
pure Truth, even going so far as to reveal that hell does not exist and
satan is not a omnipotent, immortal, physical creature, directly within
his "bible", but at the same time he also created "ceremonial" rituals,
such as elaborate, prayer-like "appeals" to satan, recognizing that
this would help severely addicted god addicts to make the leap from their
supremely toxic addiction, to the benign, empowering, non-toxic embrace
of satanic philosophy, which is in reality an embrace of self-love, Instinctual
Truth, rational thought, and freedom. What a remarkable person Anton
was, and how incredibly tragic it is that you pathetic creatures know
a ton more about Madonna, Princess Diana, Bill Clinton, and all of the
other societal whores and celebrity agents that has been used to promote
and legitimize the structure of your society, than you do about this
most brilliant and courageous of philosophers.
You would think that The Satanic Bible, not only after it's publication
in the late 1960's but all throughout the past 3+ decades, would be constantly
condemned and talked about by mainstream societal leaders. After all,
it represents the most stridently rude and unrepentant challenge to
mainstream god worship, imaginable. And yet the opposite is true, there
was absolutely no major outcry by mainstream religious leaders upon publication
of this book, certainly no obsessive focus by such leaders upon the book,
and within a year or two of publication, all mention of The Satanic
Bible by all mainstream religious leaders had basically ceased. Why??
Because The Satanic Bible was, absolutely, the single most terrifying
book that any mainstream religious or societal leader had ever read!
They recognized that this book was like a nuclear bomb, capable of destroying
2000+ years of carefully cultivated insane god myth brutalization and
oppression of all citizen-slaves. Every mention of the book by name,
every mention of Anton by name, carried with it the terrifying danger
that god addicts could, somehow, find the insight, determination, and
courage required to break free of their god addiction, and to spread
this terrifying "religion", satanism, to more god addicts, freeing them,
empowering them, melting and destroying the toxic grip that the mainstream
god myth had upon them. Religious and societal leaders got together and
overtly decided that the best course of action in dealing with this terrifying
threat, was to cease all public mention of the book, and of Anton Szandor
LaVey. Continue to demonize satan & satanism of course, but only within
the existing, insane, framework of the "god is good, satan is evil, both
are living entities battling for the hearts and minds of human beings"
structure of the mainstream god myth, while never mentioning either Anton
or his book, thus defusing the Truths he so brilliantly expressed in
The Satanic Bible and in his other writings, simply by preventing the
vast majority of "regular" god-addicted citizen-slaves, who would never
think of going out and buying a book titled "The Satanic Bible", from
being exposed to the Truths. Tragically, but not surprisingly, this malevolent
plan worked perfectly for your evil societies, and only a tiny handful
of people, those who overtly and courageously decided to try to seek
out Truth, were ever exposed to even 2% of the actual content of The
Satanic Bible. Even so, it surprises me that Anton was not assassinated,
since your societies have an absolutely proven track record of murdering
just about all brilliant Seers of Truth who dare to try to publicly expose
core, culturally foundational lies/myths and tear them down, while replacing
them with Forbidden Truth. Very likely it was decided by societal leaders
that killing Anton carried with it the same risk that the murder of the
mentally ill Jesus Christ human carried, namely the possibility that
Anton would have been labeled as a "martyr" and his followers, as well
as all strident advocates of satanism, might have been able to attract
far more publicity, new supporters, and a huge increase in satanic devotees,
if in fact Anton had been murdered by your society. Sometimes society
decides that it's best to completely destroy a Seer of Truth, other times
it decides that demonizing/ridiculing the Seer is the best way to go,
other times it decides that shunning the individual and pretending that
both he and his message of Truth do not exist, is the best option. This
third option works surprisingly well, due to the fact that there is in
reality absolutely no freedom of the press and absolutely no method by
which a societally shunned individual can reach out to the mainstream
masses, and this is perhaps even more true in societies which claim to
be "free, open, and democratic", like america. Not even the recent popularization
of the internet, has changed this brutally fascist fact.
The Roman god, Lucifer, was the bearer of light, the spirit of the air,
the personification of enlightenment. In Christian mythology he became
synonymous with evil, which was only to have been expected from a religion
whose very existence is perpetuated by clouded definitions and bogus
values! It is time to set the record straight. False moralisms and occult
inaccuracies must be corrected. Entertaining as they might be, most stories
and plays about Devil worship must be recognized as the obsolete absurdities
they are. It has been said "the truth will make men free". The truth
alone has never set anyone free. It is only DOUBT which will bring mental
emancipation. Without the wonderful element of doubt, the doorway through
which truth passes would be tightly shut, impervious to the most strenuous
poundings of a thousand Lucifers. How understandable that Holy Scripture
should refer to the Infernal monarch as the "father of lies" - a magnificent
example of character inversion. If one is to believe this theological
accusation that the Devil represents falsehood, then it surely must be
AND WHO WROTE ALL OF THE HOLY BIBLES! When one doubt is followed by another,
the bubble, grown large from long accumulated fallacies, threatens to
burst. For those who already doubt supposed truths, this book is revelation.
Then Lucifer will have risen. Now is the time for doubt! The bubble of
falsehood is bursting and its sound is the roar of the world!
Here is an even clearer passage in which Anton tries to explain that
he is using satan for the very specific purpose of delivering and expressing
Truth to try and help enlighten addicts who are addicted to a brutally
toxic god myth. This is in fact exactly what Anton does, in The Satanic
Bible. This bible is the most dangerous book written in the 2oth century,
because it does precisely what Anton claims, it exposes beyond all rational
doubt, the utterly lie-based, perverse, invalid agenda and structure
of mainstream god mythology.
Anyone who thinks of Satan as evil should consider all the men, women,
children, and animals who have died because it was "God's will". Certainly
a person grieving the untimely loss of a loved one whould much rather
have their loved one with them than in God's hands! Instead, they are
unctuously consoled by their clergyman who says, "It was God's will,
my dear"; or "He is in God's hands now, my son." Such phrases have been
a convenient way for religionists to condone or excuse the mercilessness
of God. But if God is in complete control and as benign as he is supposed
to be, why does He allow these things to happen? Too long have religionists
been falling back on their bibles and rulebooks to prove or disprove,
justify, condemn, or interpret. The Satanist realizes that man, and
the action and reaction of the universe, is responsible for everything,
and doesn't mislead himself into thinking that someone cares. No longer
will we sit back and accept "fate" without doing anything about it, just
because it says so in Chapter such and such, Psalm so and so - and that's
that! The Satanist knows that praying does absolutely no good - in fact,
it actually lessens the chance of success, for the devoutly religious
too often sit back complacently and pray for a situation which, if they
were to do something about it on their own, could be accomplished much
The Satanic Bible is filled with absolutely brilliant, Truth-exposing
passages like the one above. The god creature is exposed for what he
is, an evil sadist. And because god does not exist, it is the creators
and proponents of mainstream god mythology, who are in fact exposed as
being evil sadists who deserve to be shunned, condemned, and rejected,
together with their toxic myth. "Why do you torment us, why do you murder
us, and in the same breath demand our worship?? You do not deserve our
acknowledgment even, much less our respect or worship! I am my own god,
and I am the best god in the world, because I love myself and the Truth."
This is the gloriously empowering, courageously honest doctrine of satanism.
ALL religions of a spiritual nature are inventions of man. He has created
an entire system of gods with nothing more than his carnal brain. Just
because he has an ego, and cannot accept it, he has to externalize it
into some great spiritual device which he calls "God". God can do all
the things man is forbidden to do - such as kill people, perform miracles
to gratify his will, control without any apparent responsibility, etc.
If man needs such a god and recognizes that god, then he is worshipping
an entity that a human being invented. Therefore, HE IS WORSHIPPING BY
PROXY THE MAN THAT INVENTED GOD. Is it not more sensible to worship a
god that he, himself, has created, in accordance with his own emotional
needs - one that best represents the very carnal and physical being that
has the idea-power to invent a god in the first place?
More extremely insightful Truth here. Can't you see the Truth, folks??
Can't you appreciate how and why, if you cannot reject all religion and
religious texts, it is this bible, The Satanic Bible, that you need to
embrace?? This bible is non-toxic, this bible reveals Truth, this bible
allows you to crawl out from under the fascist boot of systematic oppression,
brutalization, and malevolent lies that your evil society has imposed
upon you, via mainstream religion. This bible frees you from enslavement.
This bible gives you back the most precious and sacred freedoms imaginable,
the freedom to love yourself, to embrace the pleasures of life, to embrace
reality and Truth, to worship the only living thing on planet earth who
deserves your worship: Yourself! It is utterly mind-boggling to me, that
any creature could or would make the perverse choice to embrace the mainstream
god myth, over the satan myth as portrayed by Anton Szandor Lavey in
his Satanic Bible book. The only possible explanations that exist for
this perverse choice being made, are genetic mental deformity of humans,
and/or profound cowardice, terror, and self-hatred within the core character
of humans, both genetic and societally brainwashed/imposed.
Even though times have changed, and always will, man remains basically
the same. For two thousand years man has done penance for something he
never should have had to feel guilty about in the first place. We are
tired of denying ourselves the pleasures of life which we deserve. Today,
as always, man needs to enjoy himself here and now, instead of waiting
for his rewards in heaven. So, why not have a religion based on indulgence?
Certainly, it is consistent with the nature of the beast. We are no longer
supplicating weaklings trembling before an unmerciful "God" who cares
not whether we live or die. We are self-respecting, prideful people -
we are Satanists!
Yet another beautiful written passage designed to try and help societally
broken and brutalized victims of perverse god addiction, to find a way
to rise up and throw off the cloak of self-hatred that every mainstream
religion deliberately, malevolently and in a suffocating manner, terroristically
imposes and attaches to us. In a sane, benevolent society, every resource
would be devoted to trying to help people break free of mainstream, god-
based religion, and not become infected with this toxic plague. And yes,
The Satanic Bible would be directly used by societal leaders and their
empowered agents, to help free existing addicts, to allow them to make
the leap from an extraordinarily toxic and harmful religion, to an essentially
benign, harmless, and to a degree beneficial religion, whose message
is sane, rational, truth-affirming, and in no way overtly abusive in
nature, this Superior religion is Satanism, in particular, satanism as
portrayed and interpreted by Anton Szandor LaVey.
The devils of past religions have always, at least in part, had animal
characteristics, evidence of man's constant need to deny that he too
is an animal, for to do so would serve a mighty blow to his impoverished
ego. Pious prophets have taught man to fear Satan. But what of terms
like "God fearing"? If God is so merciful, why do people have to fear
him? Are we to believe there is nowhere we can turn to escape fear? If
you have to fear God, why not be "Satan fearing" and at least have the
fun that being God fearing denies you? Without such a wholesale fear
religionists would have had nothing with which to wield power over their
More brilliant revelations of Truth here. As you will find me detailing
throughout these texts, a primary Forbidden Truth is the fact that other
animal species are morally superior to the animal species known as "human
beings", and the perverse inability of human beings to face up to this
Truth is at the root of a great deal of the most malevolent types of
behaviors that humans engage in. Anton's second insight above is even
more valuable and profound, cutting to the very core of the god myth
belief/worship perversion: "If God is so merciful, why do people have
to fear him?" Such a simple sentence, and yet the meaning and Truth behind
it is so very profound. The god creature claims to be benevolent, he
is portrayed by his human endorsers and promoters as being the very embodiment
of supreme benevolence, and yet at the same time, god addicts spent their
entire lives in mortal fear of this creature, desperately trying to please
and satisfy the creature by imposing brutally harmful, punitive, and
unnatural rules upon themselves, as god tells and orders them to do.
Right within the ten commandments themselves, the god creature admits
to being selfish and in a completely undeniable manner, makes terroristic
threats against every human being. God is the very embodiment, personification,
and reflection of human malevolence. The mythical satan creature is
portrayed by god, therefore by the utterly malevolent human societal
leaders who created and who promote all mainstream god myths, as being
the embodiment of malevolence, in order to cover up the fact, the True
fact, that it is god who is the embodiment of limitless, genocidal evil
and malice, in reflection of the genocidal malice of his human creators,
leaders, and promoters. Anton Szandor LaVey, in an absolutely brilliant,
creative and passionate manner, tried to simply reveal this Truth, to
bring to light the fact that god himself is the embodiment of evil, and
he is making satan his scapegoat.
If you embrace god, he will viciously torment you for your entire lifetime,
and give you absolutely no reward upon your death. If you embrace satan,
he will not torment you during your lifetime, he will empower and free
you. You will still end up with absolutely no reward upon your death,
a fact that Anton, despite all his Superior revelations of Truth, still
refused to clearly express within The Satanic Bible, believing that humans
could not cope with the certainty of such a horrific Truth, but the "reward"
that you gain from choosing satan over god, is the fact that you will
avoid suffering vicious torment during your entire lifetime. This is
a huge reward, and upon death, the exact same horrific fate, nothingness
for all of eternity, will befall you no matter if you worship god, satan,
a jar of cat food, or an old shoe. The passion and genuine altruism
of Anton Szandor LaVey comes shining through in his writings. I'm sure
he had his own personal obsessions with things like power, control, dominance
over other humans, etc... And yet he went to great pains to develop a
satanic "religion" that was almost completely benign, benevolent, altruistic,
individually empowering, based upon Truth and Natural Instinct, and
carefully formulated in such a way as to specifically help god addicts
to realize the immense evil of their "idol", to realize the immense folly
of worshipping and dedicating their lives to a creature who is dedicated
to tormenting and victimizing them for their entire lives, and to make
it as easy as possible for them to break away from this utterly toxic
addiction, by providing a "new" religion, satanism, that retained some
of the ceremonial trappings of mainstream religion, but absolutely none
of the overt malevolence and toxicity of the societally promoted/legitimized
mainstream god myth. It's also worth noting that even though "worship
of satan" has been around as an idea, and practiced by some individuals,
since shortly after the god myth began to be terroristically imposed
upon the Unwashed Masses of citizen-slaves, The Satanic Bible was only
written and published in the 1960's, late 1960's to be specific. Even
though some very valuable satanic texts have been written over the centuries,
I consider The Satanic Bible to be a watershed text, which truly expressed
the altruistic vision and the benevolent empowerment of satanism in a
way that was never expressed previously, in a set of collected writings.
So what we have is essentially a brand new religious doctrine, less than
40 years old, an absolutely glorious doctrine that could so easily be
used to save literally billions of human beings from toxic god myth addiction,
if societal leaders began to overtly promote and encourage belief in/worship
of satan, rather than god. I realize that this is an utter pipe dream,
of course. But the reality of how your societies could and can save
billions of people from a lifetime of brutal oppression and torment,
yet malevolently choose not to do so, is no fantasy or pipe dream, it
is a brutal, accurate reality. I bring you back to the fact that today
and everyday, in many thousands of different churches, temples, and other
houses of worship across the world, satan and the devil are overtly mentioned
and talked about, condemned and demonized, by religious leaders to their
brainwashed flocks of sheeple. But the actual document which represents
the Truth of satan and of satanism, The Satanic Bible, is never mentioned,
never quoted, never displayed. This is because The Satanic Bible represents
Truth, and Truth is the supreme, mortal enemy of all mainstream, societally
promoted religions. There is no other entity that strikes greater fear
into the hearts of all mainstream god myth promoters, especially of christianity/catholicism-
based religion, than The Satanic Bible does, because it offers a devastatingly
courageous and accurate rebuke to the lie-based god myth, dissecting
it, revealing all of it's perversions, and offering a sane, benevolent,
freeing alternative to all humans. Stark terror is the reason why The
Satanic Bible is never mentioned by any mainstream religion promoters,
even though "satan" is constantly mentioned.
There are dozens of additional courageous and brilliantly insightful
Satanic Bible quotes that I could continue to list and discuss here,
but I have decided that I have already completely proven, beyond all
doubt, the points that I was interested in making about satan, satanism,
and satanic embrace/ideology. So I will simply recommend to all readers
that they obtain their own copy of The Satanic Bible, either by purchasing
the book, borrowing it from a library, or even accessing the full text
online. It is readily available via all three methods, and for anyone
looking to learn more about Anton Szandor LaVey, a courageous, pioneering,
truth-based philosopher who is certainly worthy of our attention, respect,
and tribute, the web site to go to is: The Church Of Satan. The only
caveat regarding satanism that I feel it is important to close with,
is that if a society was truly secular, free of all perverse god myth
terrorization and brainwashing, and protected it's children from all
god mythology, then the imposition of the satan myth upon either children
or adults within the society would indeed constitute abuse, victimization,
and malevolent brainwashing. However, as of the year 2001, there is
no society of humans on planet earth, not even those societies which
have ceased all blatant, governmental-level god myth promotion, that
even comes close to meeting this requirement, of genuine secularism.
Therefore, embrace and acceptance of satanic ideology is absolutely a
legitimate, useful, and positive antidote within all societies, for individuals
who have tragically become addicted to the malevolent and perverse god
myth, and the brutally harmful/destructive ideologies that all mainstream
god myths represent, promote, and terroristically impose upon people
of all ages, throughout their entire lifetimes, from tiny children, to
adults in their prime years, to the elderly.
Lets move on, as there are still a few important angles to this issue
that must be covered. A realization which strikes me as being quite profound,
is the fact that "praying", all forms of prayer to god, is in reality
begging. Nothing more and nothing less. The praying individual is begging
god to help him, because he is unable and/or unwilling to accept or face
up to the horrific realities of what his life currently constitutes of,
will consist of in the future, and the reality/consequences of the ultimate
fate which will befall him, namely death. Begging is a perfectly legitimate
activity to engage in, under some circumstances. But what makes this
particular form of begging so perversely ludicrous is the fact that the
entity whose favor and mercy is so desperately being sought, does not
exist. And there is no sane reason to even consider the possibility that
such an entity could exist. When I think about a person praying to god,
the first and most stridently obvious image that comes into my mind,
and that should come into the mind of any sane thinker, is: Derangement.
A person praying to god is mentally deranged, in the truest sense of
this term. They are mentally ill. Their mental illness is not organic
in nature, but rather environmental in nature. They have had a plague
of mental derangement which has swept through their society for thousands
of years, infect them. They are absolute victims of society, who deserve
pity, contempt, but not outright condemnation. The condemnation should
be reserved for the society itself, it's leaders and agents, who continue
to sponsor and legitimize and spread this mental plague to each and every
emerging generation. And yet even the societal leaders and agents are
themselves, for the most part, victims of this plague, genuinely addicted
to the insane god myth themselves, and it is a core precept of this plague
that once infected, the victim has an obligation to go out and deliberately
infect other people, as many as he can. This is a fundamental rule of
all mainstream insane god myth doctrines. And so even the societal leaders
and empowered agents must be recognized as likely being absolute victims
themselves, although we must also recognize that some societal and religious
leaders are insightful enough to know that god does not exist, and yet
continue to terroristically impose this toxic myth upon helpless children,
as well as adults of all ages, for purely malevolent reasons which reflect
their True Reality of personal victimization but do not in fact involve
any direct god myth addiction on a personal level. The bottom line is,
if you feel the need to beg for help, at least try to establish, using
sane, rational analysis, that the entity you wish to beseech for help
does, at the very least, exist. Otherwise you are certainly wasting your
time, and your behavioral choice cannot be perceived as anything other
than ludicrous.
The very next essay that I write, on this page, will be on the issue
of Death. I have already made quite a few comments on death in this essay
as well, and yet this point must be driven home right here and now: The
single greatest reason for why the toxic god myth has proven so successful,
has been so easily imposed upon you creatures, and so eagerly embraced
by you creatures, is the fact that you will die, you know that you are
going to die, and on a subconscious level, you also know the Truth of
what your death will consist of, the consequences that you, in personally
dying, will face and endure. You are unable, completely unable, to accept
this horrific, subconsciously realized Truth. You will desperately grasp
at whatever straw you are offered, that will allow you to consciously
reject this horrific Truth, just as a person unable to swim who is hurled
out of a crashing airliner into the ocean will desperately grasp at anything
that he feels will keep him afloat. You do not care how ludicrous, toxic,
insane, harmful, malevolent, the societal offering is, because you have
already decided, subconsciously or consciously, that absolutely nothing
can ever be worse than the plain and simple, horrific Truth of what your
death will entail, and the consequences of your death to you.
Other species are not aware, either consciously or subconsciously, on
an intellectualized level, of the horrific reality of what death entails.
Humans like to pretend that their awareness demonstrates that they possess
a "superior intellect" in comparison to other species. But the reality
is that nature/evolution never intended any creature to be able to intellectually
grasp, either subconsciously or consciously, the true, complete consequences
of their own deaths, and also never intended any such species, should
it come to develop this intellectual ability, to continue to survive
as a species. The human species is a genetic mutation. The "gift" of
superior intellect which humans superficially pretend to treasure, is
in reality a profound genetic flaw/malformation, that should have resulted
in the extinction of the human race a long time ago. Ironically, it is
this very genetic malformation, of genetically malformed intellect, which
has allowed the human race to survive to this point in time, albeit in
a horrifically perverse manner and with genocidally negative consequences
for all other species of life on planet earth. All this will be discussed
at great length within other essays at this site, but for now I wish
to conclude by simply revealing the Truth that if human beings were immortal,
if this one "fact of life" became a reality, and they did not have the
horrific, unbearable realization of death and it's eternal consequences
to intellectually as well as emotionally contend with, societies would
have a far more difficult time in addicting their citizen-slaves to the
insane god myth, and far more citizen-slaves would reject the god myth.
The god myth is centered upon this single issue, of human mortality and
the genetic inability of human beings to accept the horrific reality
of what their deaths entail. Every societally promoted god creature is
immortal, because the authors of all mainstream religious texts recognized
that human beings craved immortality more than anything else, more than
any object, any benefit, or any pleasure in existence. An immortal creature
would automatically attract the worship and obedience of you creatures,
because it would possess this single most coveted and precious attribute,
an attribute that each of you humans desperately seek with every fiber
of your being, albeit usually not on an intellectually conscious level.
Add the tantalizing notion of the immortal creature offering to provide
you with "immortality by proxy" via an "eternity in "heaven", and you
have the ingredients to a recipe that is so delicious, so enticing, as
to be irresistible to 99.999999% of all humans who are exposed to it,
with the blatantly obvious invalidity, falseness, insanity, and toxicity
of the recipe easily and gleefully swept aside and ignored/rejected.
We now move on to atheism and agnosticism. These are two labels that
god-addicted societies have chosen to attach to mentally Superior individuals
who have chosen to either reject or question sacred god mythology. From
the perspective of Truth-embrace, neither one of these labels should
exist. God addicts should be the ones to whom labels are attached, not
individuals who are free of god myth addiction, in the same manner than
drug addicts are labeled as "addicts", "junkies", etc... In a sane society,
instead of using labels like atheist and agnostic to describe individuals
who are free of a dependency upon the god myth, labels such as "god addict"
and "religion junkie" would be used, to label all individuals who are
enslaved to the god myth. This would demonstrate a healthy, pro-truth
structure to the society, even if it had many god addicts within it.
But of course your societies are diseased and lie-based to their very
cores, desperately eager to promote, legitimize, and impose god addiction
upon all citizen-slaves, and so as usual, we have an upside-down structure
in which the inferior, malevolent path is promoted, and perverse, invalid
labels are attached to the few Superior humans who have managed to escape
the toxic clutches of god addiction.
It's very interesting to look at these two labels, and examine why society
chose to create two different words, atheist and agnostic, to describe
individuals who are refusing to addict themselves to the god myth. Under
dictionary definitions, atheist is used to describe an individual who
overtly expresses the fact that he believes that no god creature exists.
Agnostic is used to describe an individual who "believes that nothing
can be known about the existence of god or of anything except material
things." In other words, the agnostic is still "straddling the fence",
refusing to or unable to face up to the fact that god does not exist,
while at the same time also refusing to affirmatively declare that he
believes in the existence of god. In reality, refusing to face up to
and accept a blatantly obvious Truth, constitutes an embrace by default
of the ridiculous lie/myth, most especially when the lie/myth involves
affirming the existence or possible validity of a notion that has absolutely
no evidence to support it. Let me try to illustrate this point: If someone
asks you whether it's possible for a human being to run 1000 miles in
2 minutes time, and you say No, then you are expressing factual Truth.
If you say Yes, then you are expressing a falsehood. If you say that
you don't know whether a person can run 1000 miles in 2 minutes time,
or that "nothing can be known" regarding the issue of whether or not
a person can run 1000 miles in 2 minutes time, what are you expressing??
You are in reality expressing a falsehood. Because plenty can be known
regarding this issue. Any sane, rational thinker knows that there is
a mountain of incredibly convincing evidence which proves, beyond a reasonable
doubt, that no human can run 1000 miles in 2 minutes. Therefore, if you
refuse to declare that it is not possible for an individual to run such
a long distance in such a short time, you are in reality rejecting the
Truth. You are embracing the ridiculous notion that it might be possible
to accomplish this feat, even though there is not a shred of rational,
sane possibility to support the notion. This example I have given is
directly parallel to the god myth. There is a mountain of incredibly
convincing evidence which proves, beyond all reasonable doubt, that no
god creature exists. Therefore, the "agnostic", who is perhaps not an
overt worshipper of god, but yet still refuses to affirmatively declare
that he does not believe in the existence of god and/or that he recognizes
that god clearly does not exist, is rejecting the truth that god does
not exist, and by default, embracing the false notion that god "might"
So, the vast majority of all agnostics are indeed addicted to the insane
god myth, even if they refuse to publicly/openly express a belief in/worship
of god. But under perversely invalid societal definition, an agnostic
is someone who has not embraced the god myth. Why is this an important
detail? Because it illustrates the utterly devious manner and structure
of your malevolent, lie-based societies. Agnosticism is certainly not
encouraged by societal leaders. These leaders want to addict you so firmly
to the god myth that you feel not only proud to publicly declare yourself
a god worshipper, but also feel an obligation to go out and overtly try
to addict other human beings to this toxic myth. But at the same time,
your leaders know that any type of god addiction, even if it is not
publicly or even consciously admitted to by the individual, does serve
the malevolent, enslaving goals of the society. The most important thing
is to get you addicted, whether or not you publicly or consciously admit
to being addicted, is a secondary issue. Agnosticism allows an individual
to convince himself that he is not a believer in god, that he is not
addicted to the god myth, even though the reality is that in not rejecting
outright the notion of god existing, in not recognizing that the notion
that god might exist is an utterly deranged, irrational notion that has
no reason to be kept under consideration, the agnostic is in fact demonstrating
that he is addicted to the insane god myth. Society achieves it's malevolent
goal, it allows the individual to delude himself into thinking he is
free of the god myth addiction, because most agnostics consider themselves
"free-thinkers" who have rejected religious dogma/doctrine. And yet because
the individual is unable to embrace the concrete fact that god absolutely,
positively does not exist, and continues to straddle the fence on this
issue, he remains addicted to the god myth, and by proxy, to most if
not all of the fascist, enslaving behavioral demands that the god creature,
being used by human societal leaders as their terrorization tool, makes
of him. The language dictators of american society have created and use
the term "agnostic", to allow people to convince/delude themselves into
feeling that they are free of god myth addiction, when the reality is
that they are not free of this toxic addiction.
The term "atheist" is defined by your dictionaries as "A person who does
not believe in the existence of a god or gods." Here we have a more definitive
mindset being expressed, the atheist is said to clearly "not believe
in the existence" of god. Using and accepting this literal definition,
atheists have indeed broken free of god myth addiction. But once again,
I have several brilliant points that must be made in order to dig out
the actual root of the Truth. To begin, it is atheists and atheism that
your evil and diseased societies demonize. Not agnostics and agnosticism.
This is because agnostics, while not embracing the insane god myth to
the fanatical degree that society wishes them to, are still addicted
to this toxic myth. The fact that they are usually not consciously aware
of the reality of their god addiction, only serves to make their fate
all the more tragic. Society overtly and strongly encourages and promotes
agnosticism, over atheism. Agnosticism provides nothing more than the
illusion of having broken free from the insane god myth. Only atheism,
a genuine and legitimate embrace of atheism, constitutes an actual rejection
of god belief/worship.
Even more importantly, we must realize that just because an individual
claims to be an atheist, and says that he does not believe in or worship
god, does not necessarily mean that he is free of god addiction. This
addiction is extremely potent and subversive, it digs itself right into
the very core brain stem of it's victims. The behavioral and lifestyle
choices that individuals who claim to be atheists make, are often greatly
influenced by, and sometimes still completely controlled by, their god
myth addiction, the same addiction that they claim and usually sincerely
believe, that they are free from. All addictions are powerful, difficult
to break, but none more so than the god myth addiction. Why? Because
the god addict has more at stake, more to "lose", than any other addict,
in terms of the perceived consequences that come with abandoning his
addiction. The gambling addict perceives the loss of a chance to get
excited, have fun, and perhaps get some money easily. The drug addict
perceives the loss of a brief period of time during which is perception
of reality is artificially enhanced. But the god addict perceives the
loss of potential immortality, the loss of a blissful eternity in heaven,
when he considers abandoning the god myth. This is why the god addiction
is the hardest of all to break, the perceived negative consequences of
completely abandoning this toxic myth, are extremely high. Don't get
me wrong here, there certainly are a few, courageous and truth-embracing
people, who do genuinely and wholeheartedly abandon the god myth, proudly
earning the label of atheist and never wavering in their refusal to backtrack.
But for every one atheist who can honestly make this claim, there are
at least 20, likely many more, who claim to be atheists and yet at their
core, during crucial moments in their lives, they revert back to embracing
and clinging to the insane god myth. You might say, "Look, this person
claimed to be an atheist at age 25, lived for 30 years with no outward
sign of any god myth addiction, then his beloved wife found out she had
cancer, or he found out that he is terminally ill, and he cried out,
'Oh god, please help me!' Isn't his reaction just a one-time, desperate
cry for help, that does not negate the reality of his lifetime of atheism
embrace?" The answer to this question is obviously unique to each specific
situation and individual. But tragically, if you truly delve into the
life of such a person, who claims to be a long-time atheist, you will
often find that he never actually abandoned and rejected the insane god
myth on both an intellectual and an emotional level. He always clung
to the fringe of this toxic addiction, holding out "hope" in his mind
that god does exist, that there is an "afterlife", and more importantly,
despite claiming to be an atheist, he subconsciously allowed the tiny
part of his mind that continued clinging to the god myth, to influence/control/dictate
the life choices that he has made throughout his lifetime. This is how
powerful the god myth is, how insidious, in it's toxicity. Like cyanide
granules, just a tiny bit of god addiction can have an intellectually
fatal influence upon a person's entire life. The True atheist accepts
and embraces the horrific reality of what death entails, with no reservations
or rationalizations, which is something that not even a Truth-based satanist,
who has embraced the doctrine of The Satanic Bible, is able to do.
It's also worth noting here that atheism cannot be a "default lifestyle
choice", it has to be an affirmatively embraced option. God belief and
worship is the default lifestyle choice that is terroristically imposed
upon every child and adult by the society and culture into which the
child is born and/or raised, and this is true even for societies which
claim to be secular and to not promote any religious belief. The myth
of god is so universally pervasive, so enticing and alluring, and so
compatible with the genetic malformation of the human mind, that it is
by default, imposed upon all human beings. The vast majority become addicted
to this toxic myth, most often during their childhoods. A few manage
to avoid becoming addicted, but even so, belief in god is still the "default
lifestyle choice" that is imposed upon them by the sum total of their
societal/cultural/emotional life experiences. They must make an affirmative,
independent decision/choice to reject the god myth, in order to become
atheists and to free themselves from this toxic myth. Even a child born
to two hard-core atheists, and raised up in an environment that is designed
to protect him from exposure to the god myth, will still be confronted
with and strongly enticed, in fact outright seduced, by this myth, at
some point in time. The same tantalizing lures, including an eternity
of heavenly bliss, will be dangled in front of his nose by society, and
if he follows the "default lifestyle choice", he will end up becoming
a god addict. He will have to defy the addiction, reject the societal
lure, and affirmatively embrace the more "difficult", less enticing,
but ultimately more rewarding option of atheistic Truth.
A few things need to be said here regarding the promoters of mainstream
god mythology. I am speaking of people like the pope, cardinals, priests,
ministers, basically all "religious leaders", people who choose to overtly
impose the god myth upon others, at houses of worship and through "preaching".
These people are all committing acts of terrorism. They are terrorizing
human beings, addicting them to an insane and toxic myth. They are committing
these acts of terrorism with the full support, sanction, and authorization
of the very top leaders of their societies. The president/king/prime
minister himself, is responsible for authorizing the toxic infliction
of mainstream sacred god myth brainwashing, upon his citizen-slaves,
and the "religious leaders" who actually undertake this task are de facto
employees of the State itself. The god myth is both malevolent and insane.
This being the case, all religious leaders who promote and terroristically
impose the god myth upon other human beings, are either personally insane,
or overtly malevolent, or both. This does not mean that they are necessarily
aware, on a conscious level, of their insanity or malice, since many
mentally ill people have no conscious clue of their true mental state,
and the entire societal structure is both overtly malevolent and deranged,
while retaining a pretense of benevolence and sanity. The fact remains,
that there is absolutely no way that any sane, benevolent person would
preach/impose the god myth upon other people. A myth that is malevolent
and insane will only attract leaders/promoters who are themselves victims
of malevolence and insanity, consciously or subconsciously eager to victimize
others as they themselves have been victimized. Criminals, con-artists,
child-haters, habitual liars, the mentally deranged, the power crazed,
victims obsessed with claiming vengeance, victims obsessed with terrorizing
other human beings, these are the only types of people who become mainstream
religious leaders.
A profession that is based upon malice and involves the dissemination
of toxic, deranged notions, can only attract individuals whose true character
fits into these categories. It is absolutely true that not all religious
leaders are overtly malevolent. Some have a "sincere" desire to try to
help other people, to improve the lives of other people. And yet every
single one of these non-malevolent religious leaders is absolutely mentally
deranged, and all activities they undertake on behalf of their religion,
as religious leaders, are fatally tainted by virtue of the mental derangement
that they bring to the table and harmfully impose upon other people,
via their "preaching". The consequences of their actions are horrifically
malevolent, even if they themselves, as individuals, sincerely have no
desire or intent to harm anyone, as they spread and impose this toxic
plague upon the minds of young and old, via their leadership position
within the genocidal religious system of their society. The vast majority
of religious leaders are overtly malevolent and recognize, on either
a conscious or subconscious level, that they are running a con game upon
the humans that they seek to infect with the god myth. This is true even
if they themselves, even as they run their con game, do believe in the
existence of god on either a conscious or subconscious level. "Religious
leader" is a job title. People who become religious leaders recognize
that they have a job and a boss. The boss dictates the rules of their
job. The bosses are the secular leaders of the society. The religious
leader understands that his primary job is to addict a specific class/race/group
of people to the god myth, to keep them addicted, and to addict the offspring
of this specific group, while at the same time imposing a behavioral
standard upon this group which mirrors the cultural standards of behavior
and philosophy towards life that the secular societal leadership, their
bosses, have chosen to decree as valid and appropriate. The religious
leader often tells his congregation that he is taking "orders from god",
or "following god's will" in his sermons and preachings. This is quite
hilarious, because it is true that many religious leaders, many employees
in general for that matter, do consider their boss to be a "god-like"
figure, possessing the power to strip them of their livelihood, title,
and salary. All mainstream religious leaders are absolutely "taking
orders" from someone they fear and are desperate to please. But it's
not god, it's the malevolent, perverse, human secular/political leaders
of the society which employs them to spread the god plague among you
There are certain specific groups of inferior humans who are naturally
drawn to this malevolent profession. First and foremost, tortured children
who were sexually abused, come to recognize, during adolescence and early
adulthood, that becoming a religious leader would provide them with literally
the ideal environment in which to gain easy, private, regular access
to hundreds if not thousands of children, and to be able to sexually
victimize them for an indefinite period of time, while minimizing all
danger of being exposed and subjected to any punishment. "Religious leader"
is a societally empowering title. Citizen-slaves are taught to not only
respect, not merely obey, but to fear religious leaders. They are told
to literally hand over their children to religious leaders for "important
religious lessons and teachings", and of course they are instructed to
inform their children that they must obey, agree with, and do whatever
the religious leader asks of them, or tells them to do. It is clear,
to any sane thinker, that except for parents raping/sexually abusing
their children, which is the fate that befell me, the single easiest
and safest path for someone who wishes to serially abuse/torture children
in a sexual manner, is to become a religious leader. Societal leaders
are completely aware of the fact that they have created a perfect environment
for their empowered employees to genocidally abuse children, and they
are equally aware of the fact that a significant percentage of the people
that they hire to be religious leaders are choosing to enter this profession
for the primary reason of gaining access to children for malevolent purposes,
while minimizing the risk of being exposed and subjected to punitive
punishment. Recognizing all this, your societal leaders make the conscious
choice to deliberately and in genocidal fashion, sacrifice the safety
and integrity of millions of children, to literally thousands of different
religious leaders who are in fact serial child sex abusers who are simply
using this job as a "cover", to gain access to children, and to get away
with their acts of serial child sex abuse.
Pathological liars are attracted to this profession as well, since it
allows them, in fact it compels them, to literally spend their lives
constantly and continuously lying to other human beings, as part of the
insane god myth indoctrination process. What greater joy could there
be, for a pathological liar, than to get paid and praised for doing nothing
more than fervently telling lies to other human beings, day after day,
and convincing them that the lies are in fact truths? Individuals who
have been horrifically terrorized emotionally as children, very often
by the god myth, constitute another group of victims drawn to the religious
leader profession. They are literally practicing psychotherapy upon themselves,
although not on a consciously realized level, as they stand up there
at the pulpit and yell at their congregation that unless they "repent
and do the right thing, you will face an eternity of damnation in hell!"
They are terrorizing their congregation, in psychological reflection
of the True Reality of the emotional terrorization that they themselves,
as individuals, were subjected to during their childhoods. Some religious
leaders are simply lazy, and recognize that this profession provides
one of the easiest ways for them to make a good living, especially if
they lack a good education. No educational standards exist for becoming
a religious leader, after all, the person is doing nothing more than
molding the helpless minds and life destinies of thousands, if not millions
of people! No big deal at all, no need for the molder to have any sort
of an education. I am of course being facetious here, but the point has
to be made that I am not criticizing, much less condemning, any religious
leader, or any individual human being, in this essay, nor will I do so
in any of the Texts at this site. We must recognize that all religious
leaders, just like all serial killers, child abusers, etc..., as individuals,
are created victims of society. They are torture victims, and a core
precept of Forbidden Truth philosophy is that no individual victim of
society ever deserves to be condemned or punitively punished. At the
same time, we certainly can and should point out. discuss, and dissect
the inferior, destructive choices, harmful to either themselves or to
others, that many torture victims of society make. But never from the
perspective of imposing a personally negative judgment upon the individual.
Only society, which bears responsibility for victimizing all individuals,
deserves our personally judged condemnation and contempt.
The perversion as regards religious leaders within a society does not
lie in the fact that religious leaders exist, or that religious leaders
seek to impose their toxic illness upon other people. The perversion
lies in the fact that your societies choose to empower, aid, abet, support,
religious leaders, literally recruiting an army of many thousands of
these deranged and/or malevolent victims that it is responsible for having
created, for the specific purpose of overtly attempting to infect every
single human being living within the society, child and adult, with this
toxic plague of god addiction. This is genocide, intellectual and emotional
genocide, nothing more and nothing less. Your societies are actively
practicing and committing genocide upon you, and upon your children,
as you stand by and literally embrace and applaud your own genocide,
due to the fact that you are broken creatures who lack the ability/courage
required to even recognize, much less accept and embrace, the horrific
Truths of life. This is the perversion, and it is society which bears
complete responsibility for choosing to malevolently and genocidally
impose the insane god myth upon all citizens. If society benevolently
attempted to withhold the insane god myth from all citizens, to protect
them from this toxic plague, would god addiction be eradicated?? No,
of course not! It would still be extremely common and infect a great
many people. But at least society would be making a benevolent effort,
at least citizens would have an opportunity to try to resist this toxic
plague, to not have it terroristically shoved down their throats each
and every day of their lives beginning on the very day of their birth.
This is the obligation, the moral and ethical obligation, that every
society bears, and yet every society refuses to accept, due to it's utterly
malevolent, insane structural design.
As always, the primary focus must be on children. Most addicts are already
hopelessly addicted to the insane god myth. But children have the intellectual
capacity and courage to still possess the ability to perhaps defy the
genetic inferiority of their species and reject the god myth, if they
were given the opportunity to develop their minds and mature, without
the daily, toxic, terroristic imposition of the insane god myth upon
their minds. Your societies bear 100% responsibility and guilt for this
malevolent imposition. It is repugnant beyond all measure that parents
are not merely allowed, but stridently instructed by their societies,
to impose the insane god myth upon their children. It is even more perverse
that parents are instructed to use the army of deranged and malevolent
"religious leaders" that society has assembled, to achieve this evil
goal, of destroying children's ability to recognize and embrace Truth.
Children are taken into "houses of worship" for the purpose of having
intellectual genocide committed upon them. It is equally perverse that
secular societal leaders mention god in their public speeches/announcements,
and allow religious leaders, their employees/agents, to have access
to the mass medias of radio, television, and other venues that reach
millions of people, including hundreds of thousands of children. This
toxic plague is deliberately spread by the leaders of your societies.
It is terroristically imposed upon every single child and adult, even
though your societal leaders have a sacred obligation to do the exact
opposite, to protect all citizens from this toxin, to prevent and minimize
the spreading of this plague, to the best of it's ability, most especially
with regard to children. Your societies are evil, your leaders know how
effective and useful the insane god myth is, in achieving the dual purpose
of brutally oppressing you, controlling every aspect of your lives, while
also providing you with false comfort. And so each generation of children,
for thousands of years, literally every single child born into/raised
up within the society, has been doused on a daily basis with this genocidally
toxic myth, resulting in trillions of human beings living out their entire
lives, their every behavioral and lifestyle choice dictated and controlled
by an insane myth, that was deliberately designed and structured by human
societal leaders for the purpose of cloaking fascist oppression under
the guise of "god's will". The omnipotent god creature is used to terroristically
compel citizen-slaves, under threat of damnation for all of eternity,
into agreeing to adopt and embrace behavioral and lifestyle standards
that are unnatural, perverse, lie-based, and serve only the malicious
purposes of societal leaders. And this worldwide, ongoing outrage is
today, in the year 2001, just as universally popular and pervasive as
it was 1000 years ago. How incredibly tragic, and what a beautiful illustration
this is of the genetic inferiority of the human race.
The insane god myth is terroristically imposed upon all citizen-slaves,
rich and poor alike. Race, gender, age, are all deemed irrelevant, in
the face of the universal obsession that societies have with addicting
all citizens to the fascist doctrine of the god myth. Rich people must
be kept "humble", they must be brainwashed into accepting the notion
that no matter how rich or powerful they become, they are still under
the terroristic control of the omnipotent god creature. Poor and middle-
class people must be kept appeased, they must meekly accept their economic
injustice, and this is why the god myth goes to great pains to try and
terroritically convince poor people that they must not "covet" the possessions
or wealth of others, they must not try to take things away from the wealthy,
"thou shalt not steal". They are literally told that god loves them
more than he loves rich people, and that certainly there will be no economic
injustice or divide up in that nice heaven place. Your leaders purposefully
structure their societies so that there will be many more poor people
than rich people, and recognize that it is the poor citizen-slaves who
are more likely to realize the fact of their brutal oppression, and more
likely to rise up in anger in response to their realization. Therefore
it is more important to societal leaders to addict poor people to the
god myth, and if you drive through any slum, ghetto, or dirt-poor rural
area, you will find many churches always located on main streets near
the center of the poverty zone. Societal efforts to terrorize citizen-
slaves into embracing the god myth are always most fervent and frenzied
in ghetto areas, because it is understood that if any widespread, internally
generated national unrest or governmental overthrow is to occur, it must
and would blossom among the most oppressed, most victimized segment of
the population. Every person who becomes addicted to the god myth, loses
and forfeits their opportunity to seek either vengeance or "justice"
throughout their entire real life, as a condition of embracing the god
myth. That is the deviously clever structure of ritualistic suffering
that has been built into all mainstream god myths by their creators,
malevolent, human societal leaders. So all that any society has to do,
to guarantee that no individual will righteously rise up even under
the most brutal of societal oppression, is to addict the individual to
the god myth. To simply agree to suffer for your entire real lives, and
look forward to an eternity of nonexistent equality, happiness, and bliss,
in a nonexistent heaven. Suffer, suffer, suffer, that is the entire
mandate of your lives. If your presidents, kings, and prime ministers
were honest, they would tell you: "I want to make you suffer. I am determined
to make you suffer for your entire lives. You will suffer on my behalf,
upon my command." But no, they are not honest. They cannot be honest,
because they are mere mortals. If they were honest, you citizen-slaves
might get mad, riot, overthrow them from power. So they have invented
the god creature to impose this exact same horrific fate upon you. God
says, by his words and decrees in his bibles: "I want to make you suffer.
I am determined to make you suffer for your entire lives. You will suffer
on my behalf, upon my command." He is the mouthpiece of your societal
leaders, nothing more and nothing less. You might not take this horrible
oppression from your human leader, he is a mere mortal, what can he offer
you to entice you to accept this malevolent, lifelong fate?? But you
will and do accept the same oppression from the god creature, because
he is not mortal, he offers you the irresistible lure of an eternity
of bliss in heaven. It doesn't matter that god does not exist, heaven
does not exist, and that belief in god or heaven is utterly insane. You
creatures are genetically diseased, and viciously brainwashed on top
of your genetic malformation. Truth is meaningless to you creatures,
it cannot even be recognized, so how can the profound messages that it
offers, ever be recognized, much less embraced??
I want to wrap up this essay with perhaps the most crystal-clear and
glaringly obvious example of your collective derangement on this issue
of god worship, that I can come up with. If you creatures still cannot
recognize, understand, grasp, and accept the factual reality of the Truths
concerning the insane god myth, after you finish reading the next few
paragraphs, then there is no hope for you, none at all, and you should
consider leaving this website. There is little point in you continuing
to read these Texts, if you are unable, after all of my incredible revelations
of Truth within this essay, to grasp or accept the fact that your worship
of and belief in god, is a form of mental derangement. Not long ago,
19 men in americ, hijacked four commercial airplanes on the same day,
and deliberately attempted to crash the airplanes into buildings, knowing
with 100% certainty that they themselves would die as a result of the
crashes. The specific issues of terrorism, suicide, political ideology,
and war, will all be dissected at other essays, not right here. The
only issue that we need to focus on here, is the fact that all of these
nineteen men believed in god, worshipped god, were specifically addicted
to the mainstream, societally promoted religion of Islam, and used their
god addiction to summon forth the personal courage required to carry
out their self-murdering actions of True Reality vengeance They did not
fear death, for one very specific reason: They believed that god exists,
that god provides an "afterlife", a new, eternal, pleasant existence
that begins upon death. It is likely that each of the nineteen men either
physically yelled out, or internally yelled out, "Allah Akbar!", in the
moments before they deliberately crashed the airplanes that they had
hijacked. Allah Akbar means "god is great!" Their belief in god gave
them the courage, the inspiration, and the initiative to choose to undertake
the actions that they did.
The specific reasons that they chose to carry out these acts of personal
sacrifice, involved True Reality rage and hate born out of personal suffering
and injustice, as well as political/ideological brainwashing. But the
core, fundamental basis for providing the emotional platform from which
they were able to justify to themselves, the voluntary sacrifice of their
own lives, was a belief in the existence of god, naturally coupled with
the core derangements that accompany the insane god myth, such as the
notion that there is an "afterlife". Belief in god is what caused these
19 men to undertake the specific actions that they did! Yes, their root
motivations were based upon personal vengeance and political ideology,
and yes, some of them would likely have tried to kill other people even
if they did not believe in the god/afterlife myth. But, it is almost
certain that there is no way that all nineteen men could have been brought
together for this mission, with all of them agreeing to undertake actions
that were 100% certain to result in their deaths, unless they sincerely
believed that god exists, and that upon their deaths, they themselves
would continue to exist, in an "afterlife" environment. So, this means
that belief in god directly caused these 19 men to murder themselves,
and to murder 6000+ other human beings. Belief in god was not the only
cause, it was not even the primary cause, but it was a direct cause,
which means that if these nineteen men were not addicted to the insane
god myth, there is almost no chance that this specific series of actions,
the deliberate self-sacrifice that all nineteen men chose to undertake,
would have occurred. Mind you, some of these nineteen men would likely
have tried to kill other people, a few may even have undertaken actions
that were "suicidal" in nature. But there is simply no way that nineteen
different people, totally free of all toxic god myth addiction, could
have been brought together and made to agree to specifically undertake
these actions, as a group, unless there was a mutual, insane belief in
the god myth, shared by the group members.
Nothing that I have revealed above, concerning this "terrorist" action,
is astonishing. The astonishing part is what I am saying here: In the
wake of this action, you pathetic creatures were instructed by your society
to "turn to god" for comfort, in your time of grief, terror, confusion,
and you eagerly embrace this insane instruction that your societal leaders
give you! You choose to embrace the exact same toxic myth, to "comfort"
yourselves, that these nineteen men chose to embrace for the purpose
of sacrificing their lives and murdering 6000 people! It's the exact
same insane myth! Ha! The irony is nothing short of hilarious! The fact
that 6500 people are dead as a direct result of the insane god myth addiction,
only causes you creatures to cling even more ferociously to your insane
god myth addiction. Your religious leaders proudly go on TV and proclaim
their fervent devotion to god, causing you creatures to break out in
grateful applause and cheers, causing you creatures to clutch this insane
myth even more tightly to your deranged bosoms, as you completely ignore
and reject the fact, the undeniable Truth, that belief in the insane
god myth is a direct cause of the 6500 people having been killed! If
the 19 hijackers had not been addicted to the insane god myth, the 6500
people would not have been killed. Because the 19 hijackers were addicted
to the insane god myth, the 6500 people were killed. And yet you cowards,
you pathetic creatures, cannot find it within yourselves to even face
up to and admit to the factual reality of, this Truth. Nope, your terror
of death is simply too overwhelming. Gotta keep clinging to the insane
god myth, it is your life preserver, as you float upon the ocean of lies
that engulfs each and every day of your lives. The complete lack of sane
thinking ability on the part of you creatures, is nothing short of astounding!
You believe that the 6000 people killed will enjoy an "afterlife", which
is the exact same insane belief that allowed these nineteen men to find
the emotional courage to make the decision to sacrifice and terminate
their own lives! In the wake of this incident, you insanely sing a song
titled "God Bless America", and allow your societal leaders to pepper
their public speeches with the phrase "god bless america", and you yourselves
proudly use the phrase "god bless america" in talking to others about
your personal feelings and hopes, even though the incidents that you
claim to be so horrified and upset over, would never have occurred were
it not for the fact that the nineteen men shared the exact same insane
addiction to the god myth, that you yourselves are afflicted with! This
is the astonishing part, folks. You share the exact same insane delusion
that caused these 19 men to kill themselves and to kill 6000 other people,
and yet you have not even an iota of rational insight, no sane ability
to recognize or accept this profoundly important Truth, much less to
process the Truth within your own conscious perceptions of reality, in
such a way as to allow you to see and understand that simply by believing
in god, invoking a "blessing" from god, believing that you and other
people will enjoy an "afterlife" after they die, what you are doing is
celebrating, promoting, gleefully wallowing in the exact same insane
ideology that directly caused the events that you consciously claim to
be so "terrible", to occur! It is mind-boggling, the stupidity of you
creatures, the hypocrisy, the complete inability to even recognize the
most obvious, the most clear links of Truth that are thrust in front
of your eyes and minds. Your evil society instructs you to draw comfort
from the exact same insane myth that is responsible for causing the events
that have led you to feel traumatized and in need of comfort. And you
do it! Blindly, gladly, insanely! It doesn't make any sense, it's like
watching a person drink poison, seeing the person grab their throat,
go into convulsions, and die, then being told to drink that same substance,
from the very same cup in fact, and happily grabbing the cup and doing
just that.
Okay, I am now finished with this essay, having revealed all of the most
important Truths on the insane god myth. I have proven, beyond all doubt,
that not only does god not exist, but that any human being who believes
in the existence of god is afflicted with a horrific, toxic, malevolent,
societally inflicted mental illness/derangement. I know that some of
you creatures who have just finished reading this essay are indeed god
addicts. To you I can only say that you have my sympathy, and it is recognized
that you are a torture victim of your society. Whether or not you have
the genetic normalcy that is required to break free of your toxic addiction,
I do not know and cannot even venture a guess. I suppose you could try
to break free of your addiction, if you want to give it a shot. But you
have no moral obligation to do so, having already been malevolently infected.
If this toxic myth comforts you, so be it. But it is toxic, and to allow
an insane myth to structure and dictate the life choices that you will
make, during the only existence that you have ever had and will ever
have, for all of eternity, is simply tragic.
To access thousands of other Forbidden Truths on every imaginable aspect of human existence, visit The Manifesto of Forbidden Truth web site, located at:
Copyright © 2004-2054 The Seer of Forbidden Truth. This essay is the
Intellectual Property of The Seer of Forbidden Truth. All Rights are
Reserved. No portion of this essay may be reprinted or reproduced in
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of Forbidden Truth.
Intellectual Property of The Seer of Forbidden Truth. All Rights are
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any form or venue without the expressed and written consent of The Seer
of Forbidden Truth.
The Insane God Myth:
I think the best way to start this essay is by revealing the primary
Forbidden Truth, and then work backwards from there. So here it is: There
is no such entity as god, belief in the existence of god is the manifestation
of a toxic, mental disease, a plague if you will, that societies overtly
and deliberately infect all of their citizen-slaves with, most especially
and outrageously targeting all children for this malevolent infection.
The notion that an entity such as god might exist and be worthy of acknowledgment,
much less be worthy of "worship", is ludicrous. There has never been,
throughout the history of the world, the tiniest shred of evidence to
support the bizarre theory that a god creature might exist. No sane,
rational human being has any legitimate reason to believe in the existence
of god, and any human being who goes further, who actually "worships"
this non-existent entity or believes that he has any obligation to follow/obey
the imaginary decrees of this non-existent entity, is demonstrating that
he suffers from a severe, destructive, pathological mental disorder.
Outline, Origin and Genesis of the Insane God Myth:
What is the Insane God Myth? It is a highly toxic, societally ritualized
belief/addiction system, that is designed to control the behaviors of,
and dictate the life path of, human beings. Who is the designer, promoter,
and inventor of the Insane God Myth? Human beings. More specifically,
empowered leaders and agents who represent human societies. This insane
myth has many different versions, such as christianity, catholicism,
protestantism, judaism, islam, etc..., and these differing versions are
put forth and imposed upon you, the Unwashed Masses, by your societies,
specifically tailored to meet the agenda of generational derangement
that has been and continues to be employed, in passing this insane myth
down upon each new generation of helpless, vulnerable, open-minded children.
Even though these various "religions" each have a slightly different
design and structure, the similarities that exist between all of them,
between every single "mainstream", society advocated religion on planet
earth, are remarkably identical in nature. This is because all mainstream
religions have been based and built by societies upon the exact same
fascist, brutally oppressive template and structure, and to serve the
exact same malevolent purposes.
Before I move on to discussing these utterly evil purposes, I want to
begin to debunk the Insane God Myth from a Truth-based perspective. Throughout
this web site, you will find that I go to great effort and time to not
only reveal obvious Truth, such as the fact that no god creature exists,
but also to completely dissect all of society's myths and lies, using
brilliant logic and undeniably accurate revelations of concrete reality
in such a way that only a mentally deranged human being could fail to
recognize and agree that my insights of Forbidden Truth are not theories,
opinions, assumptions, or suppositions, but in fact constitute factually
undeniable certainty. The Insane God Myth is centered upon the following
notion: An invisible, omnipotent, immortal, sentient entity with unlimited
powers decided to create other forms of life on planet earth, chooses
to and has the ability to monitor and judge whether the chosen behaviors
of every created creature are morally appropriate, seeks to impose specific
behavioral rules and standards upon every human being throughout the
entire course of his lifetime. chooses to and has the ability to either
reward or punish every creature after the creature dies, and the invisible,
omnipotent entity wants to be obeyed and worshipped by it's human creations.
This notion, both in singular fashion and taken as a whole as outlined
above, is profoundly insane. No other term fits, to believe or think
that this theory could possibly represent factual truth, is demonstrative
of profound insanity. There is not a shred of evidence to indicate that
any living entity can be invisible, immortal, or omnipotent, much less
all to possess all three of these abilities. There has never been, in
the history of human existence, a single shred of valid evidence or data
to support the validity of even one of these "powers", invisibility,
omnipotence, or immortality, even having been possessed by any living
or sentient entity. Based upon this single Truth, we already establish
that to believe in god demonstrates profound insanity, and to actually
"obey" the so-called "rules" that this obviously non-existent entity
is said, via second-hand claim by other human beings, to impose upon
human beings, while also worshipping/praying to the non-existent entity,
represents a mental breakdown that is tragic and perverse beyond all
measure. This mental breakdown, horrifically suffered by billions of
human beings, is not organic in nature, it is 100% preventable. It is
inflicted upon each individual victim, by the genocidally pervasive societal
and cultural structure of Insane God Myth imposition and brainwashing.
Lets look at the myth further: Why would an omnipotent entity choose
to spend time monitoring the life choices of the trillions of creatures
it is responsible for creating? Why would the omnipotent entity choose
to remain invisible? Why would the omnipotent entity want to be worshipped
and prayed to? If the omnipotent entity did desire to be worshipped,
why would it not prove it's existence by making itself visible? Why would
the entity bother to sit in "judgment" of every single one of it's human
creations, surely it can find something more interesting to do? The reality
is, there is no possible sane or valid answer to any of the above questions,
not only because god does not exist, but because if such an omnipotent
creature did exist, there is no chance in hell, (pardon the pun), that
the creature would adopt any of the behavioral policies, attitudes, and
methods of dealing with/interacting with it's creations, that every mainstream
religion proclaims to be the case. So, beyond even the undeniable Truth
that no creature such as god could possibly exist, the societal design
and structure concerning the details of what god wants from humanity
and how god interacts with humanity, is so ridiculous that all current
"religious" teaching/doctrine would be invalid and false even if an omnipotent
creature did create human and other species of life. This constitutes
a two-tiered philosophical Truth, in that even if some of you cowardly
creatures are so terrified of the reality of death and so terribly addicted
to the Insane God Myth that you cannot accept the Truths I am revealing
on this page, you still have absolutely no reason or business "praying"
to god, worshipping god, or following the so-called "rules of behavior"
that other humans have brainwashed you into thinking god wants you to
Even if you cannot break free of the insane notion that an omnipotent
entity exists, you still have absolutely no reason to worship, pray to,
or obey any of god's rules, because there is not a shred of sane evidence
to support the idea that this omnipotent entity wants to be prayed to,
wants to be worshipped, or wants you to engage in any of the behaviors
that your human societal/cultural leaders tell you that god wants you
to engage in. To assume that this omnipotent creature wants your worship,
wants you to refrain from killing other human beings, wants you to engage
in specific behaviors and will reward you for doing so, without ever
having seen and heard the actual omnipotent entity directly make these
requests/demands of you, is insane, and also an insult to your imaginary
"god". How dare you assume that the entity wants you to treat him in
specific ways, and to adopt specific behaviors and attitudes towards
life in general, based not upon what the entity has directly told you,
but rather what fellow humans claim, in second-hand fashion, that the
entity told/tells them, or told their ancestors? If anything, viewed
from a sane perspective, the odds are extremely high that if an omnipotent
entity did exist and cared about you creatures, the entity would be upset
and enraged at you for daring to blindly assume that you know what he
wants and expects of you. So, to conclude the above insight of Forbidden
Truth, there is no possibility of any kind that any god creature exists.
Believing in the existence of god is demonstrative of utter insanity,
but to go further than that, to actually pray to, worship, or follow
a lifestyle path that you believe god wants you to follow, is significantly
more deranged, because even if a god creature were to exist, none of
you have any legitimate basis upon which to conclude that the god creature
wants to be worshipped, wants to be prayed to, or has a desire for you
to follow any specific behavioral codes of conduct of any kind.
I now want to move on to discussing the origin of the insane god myth.
As I will outline at an essay towards the end of this web site, it is
my firm conclusion and realization of Truth that the human race is genetically
diseased and malformed. The human mind, constantly touted by humanity
as being a glorious, wondrous model of species superiority, is in fact
terribly, tragically flawed, deformed and diseased in terms of the horrific
consequences that it's so-called "superior" intellect/thinking abilities
wreak upon both individual human beings and upon the collective structures/ideologies
of human society as a whole. The origin and basis of the insane god myth
serves to prove this to be the case. As a result of a flaw in the evolutionary
process, the human species developed both an ability and an intrinsic
need to analyze and understand the true nature of what it means to be
alive, as well as the results/consequences of losing one's life. This
first step within the evolutionary process was fine, it was not in itself
demonstrative of genetic/evolutionary mind disease and deformity, until
the second part of the equation came into play. It is in the second part,
which is the intellectual and philosophical inability of humanity to
accept the horrific Truths that their rational, Truth-based minds arrive
at, that the genetic perversity is displayed and revealed. The sane human
mind arrives at the Truth concerning the issue of death, the fact that
death can and does equal only one thing: The experience of nothingness
for all of eternity. This is a healthy, proper, sane realization, if
it can be accepted and embraced. But no, due to your genetic brain malformations,
you creatures could not and cannot accept/embrace this Truth. You feel
a desperate, overwhelming need to deny and reject this sane, healthy,
valuable Truth. Mental terror, cowardice, and genetic malformation of
the mind form the basis for this desperate, overwhelming need. This need
overwhelms all else, as the horrific reality of what death entails implants
itself upon your genetically diseased minds. and this is the origin/genesis
of the Insane God Myth.
You creatures had to find a way to reconcile the unavoidable fact that
you are going to die, with the reality of what death entails, along with
your desperate need to maintain the illusion that your lives have ongoing,
valuable purpose and meaning, which requires that death not constitute
the experience of nothingness for all of eternity. These three philosophies
cannot be reconciled. The only way that a diseased mind can find to reconcile
this issue, is to reject one of the two Forbidden Truths, and since the
reality of people constantly dying serves as proof that all human beings
are mortal, it is the second Forbidden Truth that you creatures naturally
chose to reject, namely, the reality of what death entails. Once you
rejected this Truth, the door was left wide open for all sorts of insane,
perverse, invalid life philosophies and belief systems to take hold.
The insane god myth originated right there, an absolutely perfect way
to not only maintain the perverse illusion that your death is not the
end of everything for all of eternity, but also to make yourselves feel
superior to other humans and animal species, to enable you to adopt the
insane attitude that your god will reward you for adopting certain specific
behaviors and life path philosophies, etc... It all stemmed from one,
specific, genetic mental deformity of humanity: The ability to intellectually
realize exactly what death entails, coupled with a complete inability
to emotionally/psychologically/philosophically accept the factual realization
of what death entails.
Let us now move on to discussing the core parameters and purposes of
the insane god myth. Every myth has a specific purpose, it is created,
validated by societal leaders and by the popular culture, and declared
valid, because it serves to meet specific needs, cravings, terrors, obsessions
of individuals, as well as, very importantly, an agenda, usually highly
malevolent in nature, that societal leaders themselves are seeking to
promote and maintain. The insane god myth is among the top three most
cherished and valued myths in existence, by societies, because it serves
so many purposes and is so useful, in so many different ways, to societal
leaders as they seek to maintain control, domination, oppression, productivity,
and appeasement of their masses of citizen-slaves. Let us examine just
a few of the ways that the insane god myth is so useful and valuable
to your evil societies: Death. Sane human beings do not wish to die,
and are fearful of the consequences that death brings with it. The actual
embrace of the fact that the individual will experience nothingness for
all of eternity upon death, is horrifically unbearable to the vast majority
of human beings, given their genetic brain/mental malformations. If left
to their own devices, some humans will develop comforting, false rationalizations
and illusions of what death entails, in order to avoid and move past
the horrific, unbearable Truth. But many other individuals will not be
able to develop such rationalizations. They would sink into depression,
refuse to waste their irreplaceable, finite lives engaging in slave
labor on behalf of society, etc... This is where societal leaders recognized
and continue to recognize what a great opportunity they have to step
in and culturally promote/legitimize "organized" religion. In establishing
a very specific image of what god is, what god wants, and how god will
reward those who obey "him", societal leaders create the absolutely perfect
climate for brutal oppression, enslavement, and fascism. As I will discuss
later in this essay, nothing else, not imprisonment, not legal murder,
comes close to the god myth in working as well for society, in imposing
genocidal legal and cultural policies upon the citizen-slaves, and getting
the slaves to meekly accept, even enthusiastically embrace, the genocide
being practiced upon them.
The insane god myth serves as the perfect cover, for society to impose
it's hypocritical, malevolent codes of conduct upon the citizens, while
hiding behind the lie that the citizens are not really being oppressed
and victimized by any human being, much less by the societal leadership,
but are merely "obeying god", doing what god wants them to do, in exchange
for the "gift" of a heavenly afterlife. You creatures agree to submit
to a lifetime of victimization, oppression, brainwashing, to deny yourselves
your True natures, to waste your lives clinging to a toxic myth that
your evil society has fed you, all because the ridiculous, invalid lure
of an "eternal afterlife in heaven" is held out to you, dangled in front
of your noses and genetically malformed minds, by your evil societies.
And you submit to this atrocity despite the fact that not a single shred
of evidence exists to support the notion that any god creature exists,
much less the even more bizarre notion that such a creature might have
the ability or desire to provide any "afterlife" of any kind, to any
human. This is a marvelous demonstration of the depth of human genetic
and mental disease & deformity. Any sane thinker has to shake their head
in amazement: Trillions of human beings, throughout many thousands of
years, have voluntarily chosen to sacrifice and throw away their real
lives, to be victimized and oppressed throughout their entire real lives
by choice,, using the rationale that they will be rewarded for sacrificing
their real lives after they die, even though there has never been and
will never be a single shred of legitimate reason or evidence to support
the notion that any existence of any kind is possible, once a living
creature dies. This has to be a genetic mental/brain function deformity,
folks! There is no other logical explanation, for trillions of human
beings to sacrifice their real lives, for the illusion of a non-existent
Another way that humans demonstrate genetic mental deformity is in their
eagerness to be led, to be told, even ordered, what to do, what to think,
what to believe, and how to live their lives, by others. Very few humans
have the ability, much less the desire, to think for themselves, to live
a lifestyle that is independent and free of societal illusion, coercion,
doctrine, and brainwashing. A more appropriate designation for humanity
than "people", would be "sheeple", because this is what humans are: sheep.
Mindlessly following each other, heads and faces lowered to the ground,
eating up whatever piece of grass is in front of them, just as you humans
mindlessly mimic each other, refuse to look up and think independently,
refuse to embrace even the most obvious and blatant Truths. The insane
god myth fits in wonderfully with regard to this sheeple mindset. Humans
want to be led, told what to do, and they also refuse to take responsibility
for any of the profound Truths of life. To be led by other humans, societal
leaders who are malevolent and constantly promoting hypocrisy, lies,
and myths as Truth, is a glorious thing for these diseased creatures,
no need to think for themselves, or face up to Truth. But it's not quite
perfect, many humans want more. Specifically, they cannot face up to
the reality that there is no other entity in existence on the planet
that is as intellectually advanced and able to control their lives, as
they are. This is primarily because most humans have no genuine control
over any of the important aspects of life. This is where the insane god
myth conveniently pops in yet again. Society encourages the humans to
"give their life over to god", to submit to the superior power/omnipotence
that this non-existent creature is said to possess. Broken, self-hating
humans love to do this, they love to embrace the notion that an omnipotent,
benevolent god creature will allow them to live and take care of them
for all of eternity. It is the ultimate version of thumb-sucking, taken
to it's zenith. Babies and young children feel helpless, confused, scared,
and find comfort in sucking on a pacifier or their thumb. Adults feel
and in fact are just as helpless, confused, scared, at their core reality,
and just as desperate to find a source of comfort. But they can never
admit to their terrors, they can never face up to them, and due to their
intellectualized, "mature" minds, sucking a pacifier or thumb just won't
provide the same degree of comfort as it did when the individual was
a baby/child. There is too much Truth out there, too many unbearable
facts of life that cannot be accepted or embraced, the diseased mind
cannot escape from these Truths merely by sucking a pacifier. But hey,
no problem, society happily provides the insane god myth for you citizen-
slaves to suckle on. All you gotta do is "believe" in insane notions
like an afterlife, and poof, in your diseased, truth-hating mind, the
belief becomes a reality. "No need for any doubt, after all, look how
many billions of people believe in god, look how my societal and cultural
leaders believe in god, they can't possibly all be wrong. My life has
value, because it is eternal. So what if I'm suffering now?? I have all
of eternity left, might as well accept this brief period, only 60-80
short years, of suffering. The reward I get in the end will make it all
worthwhile." This is the perverse mindset of you humans, which serves
to make the insane god myth so preciously useful as a tool of genocidal
Different societies have varying methods and degrees of promoting the
insane god myth, and in some cases, such as the communist Soviet Union
of the past, it appears that societal leaders were not encouraging this
myth at all, and may even have been discouraging it. However, if you
examine the internal cultural structure of these "pseudo-atheist" societies,
you will find that while the degree of overt public promotion of the
god myth is indeed lower than is the case with other societies, there
was still no genuine policy of discouragement regarding belief in god,
and there were/are 1 or 2 primary, mainstream religions that all the
citizen-slaves who insist upon believing in & worshipping god, are directed
by these societies to embrace. Every society recognizes that it cannot
prevent some of it's citizen-slaves from embracing the god myth, and
therefore every society also realizes that it needs to very specifically
direct, encourage and channel it's citizen-slaves towards embracing mainstream
religions that march in lockstep with the malevolent ideological agenda
of the societal leadership. Most societies have in fact overtly promoted
and literally terrorized their citizen-slaves into embracing the god
myth, and continue to do so today. The more diseased, evil, and perverse
a society is, the more likely it is to ceaselessly impose this toxic
myth upon it's citizen-slaves. In addition, societies which claim to
be "democratic and free" are far more likely to employ terroristic, fascist
methods of getting their citizen-slaves to believe in god. This is primarily
because "free & democratic" societies naturally rely more on lies, myths,
brainwashing, and coercion, as well as the illusion of benevolence,
to control and oppress their citizen-slaves, than societies which more
honestly structure themselves along communist, socialist, or dictatorial
As you might imagine, the united states of america is indeed once again
at the very top of the planet-wide list of nations, in terms of utterly
perverse imposition of the insane god myth upon all citizen-slaves. Take
a look at every piece of american currency, it says: "in god we trust"
on every single penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar bill, 5 dollar bill,
10 dollar bill, 20 dollar bill, 50 dollar bill, 100 dollar bill. Every
single darn piece of money every created by american society has this
perverse message imprinted upon it. Every single human being in america
is compelled to use currency, to take currency from others, and to give
currency to others. Every single day, the person has to touch, exchange,
handle objects that have written on them, "in god we trust". Is there
any provision made for atheists, currency minted without this perverse
message?? No, of course not. The atheist is expected to use this same
currency, compelled by society to "indicate" that they "trust in god",
by constantly using currency that has this message imprinted upon it.
What about children? Every child looks at money, examines it, reads exactly
what is imprinted on it. Every child is thus subjected to this malevolent
societal message. Lets examine the phrase, it says: "in god we trust".
It doesn't say "worship god", but in many ways the use of the word trust
within the phrase is even more fascist than "worship god" would be. Trust
is a sacred thing. If we trust someone or something, we are relying upon
it, we are placing our safety, welfare, our very lives, in the hands
of the entity that we agree to "trust". Trusting in god implies not only
a belief in the existence of god, but a declaration of loyalty, allegiance,
devotion to god. And take note of the word "we". It is a plural term,
thus it clearly implies that every human being who ever uses any type
of american currency has an obligation to "trust in god", and since you
can only trust something that exists, the only rational interpretation
of the use of this phrase on american currency, is the fact that american
society is attempting to terroristically coerce each and every citizen-
slave to both trust in, and believe in, the existence of god.
Look at the american pledge of allegiance, which I will be discussing
in much greater depth at a separate essay. The pledge reads: I pledge
Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic
for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty
and Justice for all. I will be dissecting each and every word and term
of this pledge within the future essay, but right now lets just focus
on "one nation under god". This pledge is a toxic instrument of mental/intellectual
brutalization, specifically targeted at children. All children are taught
the pledge of allegiance, told that it represents important, valuable,
Truth, and ordered to publicly proclaim this pledge, usually on a daily
basis, within the school system. The phrase "one nation under god" not
only is designed to infect children with the toxic notion that god exists,
but even more perversely, to convince the child that he must be subservient
to the god creature. The pledge says that the entire nation, thus all
citizens, are under god, this means beneath god, less important than
god is, obligated to obey and follow the will and decree of god, etc...
What an outrageous perversion this is, that children, trying to hold
on to the precious self-esteem and sense of narcissistic personal value
that they were born with, are confronted with the toxic message that
an invisible, non-existent entity is in fact their "boss", more important
than they are, and must be blindly and insanely believed in, worshipped,
and obeyed. Interestingly, the original pledge of allegiance had no
direct mention of god in it. Only several centuries later, in 1954, did
the genocidally evil supreme leader of america, then president Dwight
D. Eisenhower, sign into law a constitutional amendment that very specifically
added just two words, "under god", to the pledge. As he signed this new
law, in explaining why the two words were being added, your evil supreme
leader declared: "In this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of
religious faith in America's heritage and future; in this way we shall
constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our
country's most powerful resource in peace and war." Don't you just love
how brilliant your evil leaders are, in delivering toxic decree under
a flowery verbal guise of benevolent-sounding eloquence? If he were being
honest and truthful, Dwight would have said: "I feel that terroristically
forcing all american children to pledge that they believe in god will
result in future generations of citizen-slaves being more heavily addicted
to this insane myth, thus making it easier for future american leaders
to get all citizen-slaves to blindly support their evil policies as well
as to get more young people to willingly sacrifice their lives upon command
of societal leaders."
What else? Well, how about the public speeches of all top elected societal
leaders and candidates. Throughout the entire history of america, every
single president has publicly and repeatedly professed a fervent belief
in and devotion to god. In fact, I don't think you will find a single
regularly scheduled presidential speech during the past 50-100 yrs, in
which the president failed to mention god at least once. Most common
is the sign-off at the end of the speech, of "god bless america", or
"god bless you all". Your supreme leader, who actually exists, is pretending
that god exists, that america and thus all of it's citizen-slaves, need
to be supported and blessed by an even greater supreme leader, and of
course the only way to gain god's blessing is to believe in him, pray
to him, and obey him. Not only does the president gleefully seize upon
every opportunity to promote the insane god myth, but being the supreme
"human" leader, by aligning himself with god in every public speech,
everything that the president says is put forth as if channeled directly
from god, this is the obvious ploy that is used here. By concluding his
speech with "god bless america", the president is saying: "I am one of
your two supreme leaders, and everything I have said in this speech has
the blessing and support of your other supreme leader, the god who you
worship and who you must remain faithful to in order to gain an eternity
of heavenly bliss when you die. In blindly supporting me, my policies,
and america, you gain the blessing of god." He doesn't need to say this
out loud, the message is clear and undeniable, and embraced by a great
many hopelessly brainwashed and societally/religiously addicted citizen-
slaves. Within toxic and diseased societies, no aspiring societal leader
who refuses to fervently proclaim a strong belief in god has any chance
of ever attaining the presidency or any other national-level position
of power, because of the fact that the vast majority of all citizens
within the society are hopelessly addicted to the insane god myth and
will only allow someone who validates the delusion that they have built
their lives around, to become their empowered leader. Remember, citizen-
slaves will always insist upon their leaders at least pretending to reflect
and mirror the delusions, perversions, and insanity that they themselves
are addicted to.
And now we finally come to what is by far the most pervasive form of
pro-god terrorism within america, viciously imposed upon literally every
single child in the nation, the "house of worship" and "religious, private
school" structures. What are houses of worship? They are buildings that
have been built and designed for the specific purpose of allowing societally
empowered people, who claim to be fervent believers in the god myth,
to promote the insane god myth to total strangers, earning money for
themselves via this relatively easy but brutally destructive "job". All
adult believers in the god myth are victims of societal brainwashing
and toxic lies. They have already been addicted to the insane myth. You
can argue that being adults, they have some "free will", some ability
to reject the god myth and stop going to houses of worship where their
delusions are declared valid and overtly encouraged. Personally, it is
clear to me that this is not true. The god addict has less of an ability
to break free from his toxic addiction, than any alcoholic, cocaine user,
or any other type of addict. But, putting that aside for the moment,
let us look at children. Children have developing, immature, vulnerable
minds, along with a natural instinct for and interest in uncovering the
Truths of life. Society has a sacred obligation to protect children from
all types of toxic, harmful influences. Poisoning a child's mind with
toxic lies and myths is an act of brutal torture, nothing less than that.
For it to be a crime to feed arsenic or cyanide to a child, poisoning
the child's body, but not a crime to brutally impose the toxic god myth
upon a child's mind, which constitutes poisoning of the child's mind,
is absolutely outrageous. Children deserve to be protected in every
possible way, from the insane god myth. Just because the biological creators
of a child are likely to already be infected with this toxic myth, is
no reason to legitimize, much less encourage, the parents to impose and
inflict this infection upon their child. And yet this is exactly what
your evil societies do. With utter malice aforethought, your societies
deliberately seek to infect all children with the god myth, to addict
them to this myth, the younger the better, empowering not only the child's
parents, but complete strangers as well, to go to whatever lengths are
necessary to coerce, bribe, terrorize, every child into embracing the
notion that a god creature both exists, and deserves to be worshipped.
Parents and other legal slaveowners of children are encouraged by society
to not only transfer their own personal god myth beliefs to their child,
on a one-on-one level, but also to take their children to houses of
worship, known as churches, mosques, temples, etc..., where professionally
trained con-artists are employed for the specific purpose of expertly
addicting all visitors to the insane god myth, and reinforcing their
addiction if they already have it. The one-on-one parental transfers
of the god myth to children are completely outrageous and should be illegal.
But the additional methods of relentless addiction, such as allowing
adults to bring children to churches and other house of worship as well
as allowing adults to enroll their children in schools where belief in
god is taught as a primary educational subject, are far more outrageous.
There is absolutely no sane reason for why any child should be allowed
to enter a house of worship, or enrolled in a school that is set up to
impose a toxic myth upon him, masqueraded as truth. Within any sane societal
structure, belief in and worship of god would be strongly discouraged,
rather than encouraged. Whether or not most children who are not viciously
exposed to the toxic god myth can overcome the genetic mental deformity
of their species to the degree that they will resist all god myth temptations
as adults, for their entire lives, is unclear. I'm sure that some will,
while others won't. But every child deserves, at the very least, to
be given a fighting chance to defeat this toxic infection, and the only
way to give each child this opportunity is for society to place every
child's sacred right to not have his developing and vulnerable mind poisoned,
above the selfish, disease-based wishes/cravings/need of parents and
other adults to validate their own insane god belief, by infecting children
with the same toxic myth that they were infected with when they were
children, and are now addicted to.
All houses of worship should have a minimum entry age of at least 28,
which is when the average person begins to reach some level of genuine
mental maturity. No child or youth should be permitted, under federal
law, to enter a house of worship. No parent should be allowed to bring
their child inside a house of worship. No school should be allowed to
have a religious or religion-based curriculum of any kind. And no parent
should be allowed to personally impose, in a deceitful, lie-based manner,
the insane god myth upon the mind, consciousness, and developing sense
of reality, of their child. There is absolutely nothing "fascist", unfree
or governmentally/societally intrusive in these proposals. They represent
the bare minimum obligation that all societies should accept/embrace,
as part of the process of attempting to try and allow every helpless
child to grow up and mentally/emotionally mature within a safe, nurturing,
truth-based environment. How many of you would argue that the ritualistic
feeding of a deadly poison such as cyanide to a child, must be decreed
legal because the government/society has no right to try to save the
life of any child, in any manner?? Very few of you would adopt this insane
position, even though you do genocidally legitimize the mass physical
torture/murder of children within your society. Well, religion and god
worship is a deadly poison, upon every single child that it is cruelly
imposed upon. It is a plague which destroys the child's ability to think
rationally and to recognize/embrace Truth, not only for a specifically
limited period of time, but in fact for the entire lifetime of the child.
The mind of a child is the most vulnerable, more so than the mind of
any adult, because it is still developing, still maturing, still trying
to reconcile it's natural, instinctual interest in Truth, with the comforting
and yet toxic myths that are floating around in the diseased popular
culture. It is impossible to create a protective bubble around any child
that would serve to insulate the child from the influence of all toxic
myths. And yet of course every society has an obligation to go to all
reasonable lengths to protect children from the deliberate, direct, and
brutally coercive imposition of highly toxic and mentally destructive,
in reality poisonous, myths. Belief in the existence of, and worship
of a god creature absolutely fits into this category, and therefore the
legal proposals for protecting children that I have outlined at the top
of this paragraph simply constitute basic common-sense and demonstrate
a borderline degree of respect for the welfare, health, and protection
of the single most valuable asset that any human being can possess, a
healthy, sane, rational mind, which can distinguish truth from falsehood.
The vast majority of all adults are indeed hopelessly addicted to the
insane god myth. A major component of the perverse structure of the insane
god myth involves the deliberate "recruitment", via mental victimization
and terroristic coercion, of additional humans into embracing the same
insane myth. Addicts are terrorized into agreeing to not only believe
in and worship god themselves, but in addition, to overtly go out and
try to addict other human beings, to the exact same specific version
of the insane god myth that they are themselves addicted to. This terrorization
includes promises of gaining the favor of god, and ensuring oneself a
favorable spot in a blissful afterlife, as well as the more overt threat
that if a person that the god addict cares about, likes, or loves fails
to embrace the god myth, that individual will be "punished" by god, not
get to enjoy a proper afterlife, not be together with the delusional
god addict in "heaven". This insane notion creates tremendous pressure
upon the god addict to spread around the mental plague that afflicts
him, to coworkers, neighbors, friends, relatives, anyone that the addict
personally knows and claims to care about, with children, especially
biological creations and legally owned child-slaves, naturally being
the easiest and foremost targets. Within a sane societal structure, all
adults who believe in the existence of god would not automatically be
decreed unfit to serve as Primary Caretakers to any child. The Mandatory
Parental Competency Test system would recognize that it is possible for
an adult to both be infected with the insane god myth, and at the same
time to possess enough moral respect for children and their personal
autonomy as well as right to be protected from malicious indoctrination,
to refrain from terroristically imposing their god myth addiction upon
the child. But, due to the factors I have outlined above, and the perverse
overall structure of the god myth, it is clear to me that very few genuine
god addicts would be able or willing to refrain from infecting their
children. My estimate would be that no more than 1 aspiring parent out
of 5000, at most, who is a god addict, would be Superior enough in character
to be able to avoid infecting their child. Therefore, the design of the
Mandatory Parental Competency Tests would have to be extremely strict,
in terms of requiring that all applicants demonstrate and prove, beyond
a reasonable doubt, that they will not deliberately and falsely impose
the god myth upon any child that they are given custodial access to.
At this point I want to talk a little bit about the issue of relative
toxicity, as well as the difference between teaching/providing factual
information, versus malevolent, unacceptable brainwashing. These insights
I am providing below are equally valid with regard to both adults and
children, with the only major difference being that the negative consequences
of imposing toxic mythology upon a child are far greater than the negative
consequences of imposing much mythology upon a mature adult, because
the child's mind is more open, more vulnerable, less able to analytically
process and weigh information that is provided to the him, and to determine
how much weight/credence to give to the information, and if addicted
to a toxic myth during childhood, the victim will find it much harder
to break free of the myth, than is the case if addiction occurs during
What are myths? Myths are invalid, untrue, societally ritualized fables
that have, for the most part, a philosophically complex structure which
serves to make them more harmful, to more individuals, than mere "lies"
are. Myths are granted legitimacy and usually overtly promoted by societies
and their empowered leaders/agents, as part of an overall process that
is designed to allow/cause all citizen-slaves to live out their lives
on an artificial, fiction-based template. Every single day, the vast
majority of people make their most basic and profound life decisions
based not upon factually accurate information/beliefs, but rather based
upon mythological notions, ideas, and beliefs, that they have been addicted
and terrorized into embracing, ever since they were tiny babies.
Relative Toxicity of myths: We have already established that all myths
are toxic, unhealthy, and in fact harmful to all individuals, based upon
the fact that Truth is the most valuable, useful, and precious mental
resource that every child is born with, and that every individual has
the sacred right to at least be able to try to nurture Truth within himself,
mature and go through life free of having toxic myths terroristically
and coercively imposed upon him. Every myth is toxic not only in and
of itself, but also because it helps to create an overall legitimization
of falsehood and artificiality within the conscious minds of the individuals
that it is imposed upon. What I'm basically saying here is that the more
myths a person is malevolently subjected to and coerced into embracing,
the less likely it is that the individual will be able or willing to
distinguish any truth from any falsehood, and the more likely it is that
the individual will eagerly and mindlessly embrace all myths and falsehoods
that their malevolent society feeds them, as being true, throughout their
entire lives. So, even though the directly negative impact of a specific
myth might be relatively minor, far less toxic than the god myth is,
that other myth still has a tremendously harmful overall impact upon
the individual, because it serves to further blur and obliterate the
line between genuine, empowered Truth, and artificial, invalid, enslaving
Let me give you a brief example of how the Relative Toxicity scale works,
with regard to societally promoted myths. Belief in god is a toxic myth,
and belief in the tooth fairy is also a toxic myth. Both of these myths
are overtly promoted and legitimized by the diseased american societal
leadership and structure. But the god myth is far more toxic, on an overall
level. Why? Because it exerts a far greater, lifelong impact, in far
more ways, than the tooth fairly myth does. The tooth fairy myth is targeted
at children, not at adults. It is one of those toxic myths that humans
are perversely instructed to infect their children with, and yet those
same targeted child victims are also expected to "outgrow" this particular
myth once they reach adulthood. However, the tooth fairy myth very specifically
fosters insane god myth ideology within children by virtue of it's design
structure: An invisible creature known as the tooth fairy is said to
come inside the homes of children, remove teeth that the child has lost,
and leave either money or a gift in place of the tooth that is taken
away. In reality of course, it is the parents who sneak in and take away
the tooth, and leave whatever "gift" they wish behind. They lie to the
child not only with regard to the existence of a "tooth fairy", but on
an even more directly personal way, they lie to the child concerning
the factual nature of what they themselves are doing to the child, in
taking away the tooth. They deliberately seek and attempt to coerce the
child's tender, vulnerable, developing mind, to accept a complete falsehood,
a toxic myth that promotes and validates irrational thought, as being
true. From any commonsense perspective, this should be illegal, and considered
an act of child abuse.
Does the tooth fairy myth encourage children to think irrationally, to
form false and invalid beliefs, and to more easily accept different types
of "mythological creature" myths, such as the god myth, as constituting
Truth? Of course it does. But there are significant differences. First,
as stated above, most adults do not believe that a "real" tooth fairy
exists. This myth is expected to be uncovered as a myth by it's child-
victims, at some point during their adolescence or early adulthood. This
fact serves to make the tooth fairy myth less toxic than the god myth.
But far more importantly than the duration of time that the toxic infection
lasts, is the scope and degree of behavioral and ideological impact that
the myth has upon the victim. The tooth fairy myth is absolutely abusive
and harmful to every child that it is imposed upon. It portrays falsehood
as constituting Truth, it promotes and encourages magical, irrational
thinking patterns, specifically involving non-existent creatures, thus
setting the stage for insane god myth indoctrination. it instructs children
that to be lied to, to embrace lies, and to disseminate lies as truth
is absolutely the right and proper thing to do, thus dooming the next
generation of children to be subjected to the same ritualistically abusive
lie pattern. But the tooth fairy myth itself only comes with a few, limited
"rules" that are imposed upon the children that are subjected to it.
These rules are not extremely toxic, they do not last throughout the
child's lifetime, and they do not serve to influence/affect very many
of the child's behaviors or lifestyle choices, over the course of the
child's life. This is in stark contrast to the insane god myth, which
is specifically designed to not only last for the entire lifetime of
each victim, but to actually become stronger, more intense and toxic
as the individual reaches adolescence, adulthood, middle age, and becomes
elderly. The rules of the insane god myth are extremely toxic, and specifically
designed to exert a tremendous amount of influence over just about every
major lifestyle/behavioral choice that the person has available, throughout
the course of his entire life. For a god addict, this insane myth has
a pervasive, immense influence upon each and every day of the addict's
life. Each day, dozens of times, the thinking patterns, lifestyle choices,
and entire mindset of the addict is controlled, dictated by, and ruled
by, their god myth addiction, an addiction which is toxic, invalid, and
untrue. The individual is compelled to live out his life clinging to
an insane myth of falsehood, and the hundreds if not thousands of perverse
rules and decrees that every mainstream, false and invalid god myth carries
with it. Not even the judicial laws of a society have as much of an impact
upon robbing individuals of their personal freedom, autonomy, rational
thinking ability, and behavioral options, as does the insane god myth.
So, I hope I have shown in my above Forbidden Truth insights why all
societally promoted myths are toxic and perverse, and also why the insane
god myth must be considered the single most malevolently toxic of them
all. Within any sane society, the eradication of the insane god myth
would be a top, national and public health priority. To free as many
citizens as possible from the toxic grip of this insane myth would be
considered the nation's #1 public health goal, even more important than
finding a cure for cancer, AIDS, or heart disease, because the plague
of god addiction afflicts far more people than all of the three physical
diseases above combined, and absolutely has a far greater negative impact,
upon far more individuals, than any physical illness possibly could.
I want to backtrack just a bit at this point, and refocus on the origins
as well as the root structural design of the insane god myth, because
there are extremely interesting/important details here that cast light
upon the overall perversion and malevolence of human society and of the
human race. As of the early 21st century, one of the most popular versions
of the insane god myth revolves around an individual known as Jesus Christ.
According to mythology, this person lived about 2000 years ago, and had
some sort of a personally interactive relationship with the god creature,
that has been woven into the fabric of mainstream societal religions
such as christianity and catholicism over the course of the past 2000
years. It is unclear to any sane thinker whether or not the individual
who is now known as Jesus Christ ever existed. There was no news media
or reliable, verifiable form of journalism 2000 years ago, and therefore
all of the historical data which suggests that an individual known as
Jesus Christ did exist and was in fact murdered some 2000 years ago,
is nothing more than rank speculation and theory. But, let us assume
for the sake of argument that yes, there was an individual named Jesus
Christ who lived 2000+ years ago, and he was in fact murdered by other
human beings. Once we make this assumption, lets examine what Truths
we can extract from the life of this man. First and foremost, assuming
that the details of his life activities have been accurately documented,
we know that he was extremely mentally ill. He suffered from organic
mental illness, he was delusional, self-hating, and unable to cope with
the horrific realities of life, to a far greater degree than the average
human being who lived 2000 years ago. At the same time, like many mentally
ill people, he was extremely sensitive, thoughtful, and desperate to
find false comfort that would allow him to mentally escape from the horrific
realities of life. His organic mental illness, today known as "schizophrenia"
as well as other doctoral definitions, caused him to hear non-existent
voices in his head. He chose to interpret these voices as coming from
an omnipotent life form who wanted to be worshipped by humans, and would
grant him an eternity of life if he both agreed to worship the omnipotent
life form and to try to recruit/convince other human beings to worship
the omnipotent life form. This was a pure delusion, that dovetailed perfectly
with his unbearable terror of the Forbidden Truth that he would experience
nothingness for all of eternity upon his death. This same unbearable
terror, almost never spoken, was shared by billions of humans across
the world, due to the organic mental/brain function deformity of the
human race.
Because Jesus, like most humans, was self-hating, his delusion had to
involve hardship, suffering, as well as personal disempowerment. The
delusional, omnipotent life form that he conjured up in his mind could
not simply grant him an eternity of life after death with no conditions
attached, only a saner, self-loving individual could arrive at this realization,
that they deserve eternal life without question, compromise, or obligation.
Jesus was totally insane and extremely self-hating, and therefore he
set out on a suicidal course of attempting to impose his delusion upon
as many other humans as he possibly could. Not surprisingly, most humans
that he viciously imposed his delusions upon were quite happy to listen
to him, and eager to embrace his organic mental illness, even though
most of them did not suffer from genuinely organic mental illness themselves,
of the type that results in the perceived hearing of imaginary voices
or the viewing of invisible entities, but merely genetic human brain
deformity/malformation. Why were they happy and eager to embrace Jesus's
delusions? Because this particular delusion provided an absolutely ideal
way for them to falsely and invalidly cope with the horrific reality
of what their deaths would result in. Jesus Christ's delusions provided
"salvation" to other people, because they helped/caused other people
to embrace the ultimate security blanket, allowed other people to deny
and reject the single most pervasively horrific and unbearable Forbidden
Truth within all of human consciousness, which is the reality that every
individual, immediately upon dying, experiences nothingness for all of
the rest of eternity.
So, our mentally deranged, organically mentally ill, suicidal, truth-
hating Jesus Christ got to travel around a bit, and infect a fair number
of fellow humans with his toxic myth. His infected victims certainly
did not feel victimized, they were mostly very glad and happy to embrace
the extremely comforting myth, and I'm sure Jesus was quite passionate
and persuasive in his sales pitch, as most severely mentally ill individuals
who have an agenda to promote, are. Eventually, being suicidally self-
hating and subconsciously eager to "test out" his delusion, to make sure
that he was "right", Jesus ended up among a group of humans who, for
whatever reason, refused to accept his viciously intrusive attempts to
impose his delusions upon them. The more they resisted, the more determined
and insistent our hapless Inferior was, as he subconsciously played out
his suicidal ideology. Eventually, due to his own perverse nature, he
angered them so greatly that they murdered him, perhaps inflicting some
torture upon him beforehand, using him as a cathartic Poison Container
to unleash their suppressed rage, hate, and life frustrations upon. As
you would expect, Jesus clung fiercely and stridently to his comforting
delusion until the very end, since he genuinely believed that his entire
future fate, after death, rested upon how the omnipotent life form that
his mentally ill mind had conjured up, chose to treat him. Since he hated
himself and felt worthless, his delusion naturally perceived the omnipotent
life form as being worthy of his extreme devotion, with the "reward"
being an eternity of "afterlife." And so this tragic individual happily
died at a young age, having caused his own death via self-hatred, confident
that he would experience a much better, immortal, eternal existence in
"heaven", or whatever name his mind may have given to the "afterlife
place." End of story. I repeat, end of story. The story should end right
here, and this tragic individual should be completely unknown today,
just as anonymous as any mentally ill person who lived 2000+ years ago
and accomplished absolutely nothing of note in his lifetime. Jesus was
literally a carbon copy of the mentally ill homeless people that you
often see in year 2001 cities, pushing shopping carts around as they
wander aimlessly for their entire lives, mumbling or sometimes yelling
aloud the details of the mental delusions that plague them. You diseased
creatures totally ignore these victims, would never even ask them their
name, much less befriend them, you express contempt for them and even
try to lock them up in cages. And yet with Jesus Christ, a carbon copy
2000+ year old version of these homeless, mentally ill drifters of today,
you insanely worship him, idolize him, and joyfully embrace the details
of his ridiculous delusion. Why? Because just like the humans who lived
2000 years ago, you creatures today suffer from genetic mental deformity.
The Truths of life are your mortal enemy, you are at war with your minds,
all of life is a constant battle for the vast majority of you humans,
a battle centered upon finding ways to deny horrific Truths, and to
embrace toxic, but comforting lies and myths.
The next issue we must discuss is this: Exactly how did Jesus Christ,
assuming he did exist and that there is some factual accuracy to the
reports of his life activities and death, become the worldwide celebrity
icon that he is today?? There was no TV, radio, satellites, internet,
fax machines, or other toxic technological instruments of mass brainwashing/indoctrination
available to Jesus, or to anyone else, 2000+ years ago. Jesus was certainly
not famous during his lifetime, and in fact he was only able to personally
infect a relatively small number of people with his insane delusion.
Although it is true that this small number of people went out and infected
as many other people as they possibly could, since Jesus's delusion was
rooted in plague structure, meaning that Jesus himself felt compelled
to try to infect as many other humans as possible with his toxic myth,
and part of the infection process involved convincing his infected disciples
to emulate him, and do the exact same thing he was doing, to go out among
the humans and convince as many of them as possible to believe in and
worship "god". Still, this in no way explains how a mentally ill man
who lived 2000+ years ago is today, in the year 2001, known by name by
99.9999% of all human beings who live upon the face of planet earth.
The explanation is quite simple, but deeply rooted within societal malevolence,
and I am happy to provide the necessary enlightenment.
Jesus had already infected some humans with his toxic delusion, by the
time he died. Therefore, his death did not bring an end to either his
delusion, or the ongoing dissemination of his delusion, because of the
plague structure that was rooted within the delusion. The plague continued
to spread, eventually gaining the notice of national/clan/societal leaders
and aspiring leaders. This is the critical point, the period of time
when actual leaders and aspiring leaders of societies and nations/clans
became aware of and began to study the structure of Jesus Christ's delusional
doctrine. These malevolent, enraged, power-crazed, and yet also astutely
intelligent individuals came to realize, to their amazement, that the
insane god myth which characterized Jesus's delusion could fit in perfectly
with their fascist, malevolent desires and plans to oppress, control,
dominate, and dictate the entire lives of the people living within their
nation, tribe, clan, or group. One such malevolent leader hired a highly
intelligent, creative writer, ordering the writer to construct a book
which would be entertaining to readers, but the main purpose of which
would be to instruct all citizen-slaves that they must act and behave
in very specific ways, in order to meet with the approval of god and
to gain an eternity of blissful afterlife in "heaven". This book was
named the "bible". This very same malevolent leader, or perhaps the leader
of some other society, decided that many humans wouldn't have the ability
or attention span needed to read a very long book, and so "the ten commandments"
were written down, a greatly simplified version of the "bible", in which
societal leaders attempt to terroristically convince all citizen-slaves
to obey these "top 10" rules of conduct, which are in fact nothing more
than the 10 most fascist, oppressive behavioral demands that the cleverly
evil societal leader felt would most fully give him complete control
and domination over his citizen-slaves. Leader after leader, all across
planet earth, began to realize what an incredible opportunity they had,
to employ "god" as a fascist, brutally oppressive dictator, to employ
god as their ultimate police force, to use god to impose their agenda
upon the citizen-slaves. All they had to do was convince the citizen-
slaves that god exists, and, far more importantly, that this "god" expects
and demands that they adopt certain specific behavioral and lifestyle
choices, with an extremely enticing reward, namely an "afterlife", as
the irresistible bait.
Guess what? It worked! The lure could not be resisted by 99.9999999%
of all human beings. The reality of death was simply too unbearable,
the lure of the insane notion of an afterlife was too enticing, absolutely
irresistible to almost all human beings. All rationality, all commonsense,
all interest in Truth was gleefully cast aside, as the stampede began,
all the humans joyfully rushed forward, grabbing ahold of this insane
myth, vowing to cling to it for their entire lives, and to infect their
children, every generation to come, as the perversely dysfunctional cycle
of insane god myth addiction took root. This is the True genesis of the
god myth. Some societal leaders were not satisfied with the bible, but
they also realized that the insane god myth was too good to pass up as
a tool of enslavement and fascism, so they decided that the specific
details of exactly how the worship was structured and what "rules" were
most important to them, as fascist leaders, needed to be modified. And
they simply created other versions of the insane god myth, writing different
versions of the bible, such as the "koran", that were based upon the
same general myth structure of an omnipotent creature who has demands,
offers irresistible rewards to those humans who meet it's demands, etc...
I want to make it clear at this point that it's quite possible that some
of the minor details that I have provided above, concerning Jesus Christ,
may well be inaccurate. It's quite possible that Jesus Chris never existed
at all, and that this entire version of the insane god myth was simply
dreamed up by a cleverly malevolent societal leader, or a writer hired
by the societal leader, who simply patterned the Jesus myth upon other,
earlier god myths. It is absolutely impossible to know or provide positively
accurate information concerning any situation or event that occurred
2000+ years ago, since there is no valid or verifiable documentation
of any kind. What I have done in my dissection of the Jesus Christ/god
myth, is to reveal the genesis and foundational origins of not just the
christianity myth, but of all mainstream, societally sponsored religions
that currently exist on planet earth, and I am 100% certain that this
general foundational origin is completely accurate. No sane thinker,
who looks at this issue from a courageous, Truth-seeking position, can
fail to recognize the Truths that I revealed above.
A minor but interesting comment worth making here, that will set up our
next Forbidden Truth, is how the perverse capitalization of the letter
G in god, serves to emphasize/prove the societal legitimization/promotion
of the insane god myth. Dictionaries and definitions are constantly being
used by societies to malevolently manipulate and mislead the masses of
citizen-slaves, I will be discussing this at great length in a separate
essay, but right now lets just focus on this one capitalization situation.
Why would a so-called secular society, like america, decree that the
letter g in the word god must be capitalized, even when the word occurs
in the middle of a sentence? It is an absolutely illegitimate grammatical
error. God is not a proper name, it is a description of an mythical entity,
that in fact does not exist. If the grammatical laws are to dictate
that god should be spelled with a capital G in all situations, than the
exact same law should apply for words like Ghost, Goblin, and Tooth Fairy.
The answer to my above question is that america is not a secular society,
and that at every level, societies like america not only legitimize
the insane god myth, not only promote the insane god myth, but in fact
terroristically impose the insane god myth, using every available method,
upon every single child and adult who is born into or living within
the society. This includes relatively minor methods such as using invalid
capitalization to grant an air of "mystical legitimacy and superiority"
to a non-existent entity, as well as extremely malevolent methods such
as making sure that no child growing up within the society is ever protected
or insulated from overt exposure and promotion of the toxic god myth.
Some societies, like america, have the audacity to claim that they operate
under a cultural system that provides for a "separation between church
and state." This has to rank as one of the most outrageously ludicrous
claims that american society makes, and that is saying a heck of a lot,
since the lie-based structure of american society guarantees that many
thousands of different false and invalid claims are constantly being
made by this society. The notion that any sort of separation between
the religious and governmental institutions of a society like america
exists, is beyond all consideration to any sane thinker. The reality
of course, is that church and state are super-glued to each other, attached
together like siamese twins, so viciously intertwined that it is impossible
to separate them for even a single moment, on even a single issue. Religion
is a construct of the government, of the state. The State, namely empowered
leaders of society, created religion, promotes religion, coerces religion
upon all citizen-slaves, terroristically imposes religion upon all citizen-
slaves, literally from the day of their birth, in america and to a slightly
lesser degree in other diseased societies that are similar to america.
Your malevolent societal leaders invoke god verbally, invoke god in writing,
invoke god on currency, brainwash and force children and adults to invoke
god, believe in god, worship god, under absolutely terroristic threat.
And in the same breath, they tell you how lucky you are that your benevolent
society offers you a "separation between church and state". This is a
beautiful illustration of how utterly unable you humans are to recognize
even the most glaring, blatant, and obvious lies that your society feeds
you. The very entity that is responsible for terroristically imposing
the insane god myth upon you, tells you that it operates via a "separation"
and detachment from the god myth, and amazingly, you creatures simply
accept this ridiculous, blatantly invalid claim at face value, even celebrating
the "freedom" that this claim is said to provide you.
Freedom of religion has to be one of the most perversely misnamed phrases
in existence. Your societies tell you how lucky you are that you are
free to worship god, and to choose which god you want to worship, as
well as how strongly you believe in/worship your god, and yet at the
same time there is absolutely no freedom from religion offered. This
insane, untrue, toxic myth is terroristically imposed upon each individual
by the society and by the government, then this same society tells it's
terror victims how lucky they are to be able to choose from among various
religions, exactly which religion to toxically embrace. But these victims
are unable to be free from religion, they are unable to reject the toxic
god myth, because it has been viciously imposed upon them, without their
consent, on a daily basis, from the very day of their birth onward throughout
their entire childhood and for every day of their existence. Therefore,
"freedom of religion" is in reality nothing less than complete and utter
enslavement, it constitutes a total lack of freedom, it is a manifestation
of the exact definitional opposite of freedom, namely captivity, mental
captivity. The helpless mind of the individual is held captive by the
terroristic imposition of the insane god myth upon him, and it is society
itself which chooses to and is responsible for promoting, imposing, and
addicting most individuals to this toxic and destructive myth. For a
society which commits this atrocity, to come forward and proudly proclaim
to it's torture victims that they must be happy and grateful that they
enjoy the advantage of "freedom of religion", and for virtually every
human to accept this bizarre and nonsensical societal claim as being
valid, demonstrates the literally limitless depth of human derangement
that has always existed within this perverse species, and continues to
reach ever greater levels of intellectual madness.
Let me say a few words here about the notion that the insane god myth
is "needed" by humans, that it allows humans to cope with life, who otherwise
would collapse into despair and be unable to function "normally". This
notion, held by some intellectual scholars and philosophers who may well
not believe in the god myth themselves, claims that believing in god
enhances the "quality of life" of the individual. That the belief in
god allows the individual to be happier, more content, less "depressed",
better able to enjoy and cope with life. First of all, it is absolutely
true that in an ultra-diseased society like america, a large number of
adults would suffer complete mental collapses that would cause a highly
negative effect upon their day to day lives, if they were suddenly confronted
with proof that god does not exist, or if their societal leaders suddenly
began telling them that god does not exist. This is the result of a lifetime
of relentlessly toxic insane god myth indoctrination, imposed upon the
individual for each and every day of their lives, beginning on the very
day of their birth. The god myth is an addiction. The ultimate addiction,
in fact. It is the strongest addiction that exists, because it deals
with the single most profound and terrifying philosophical issue of Truth
that confronts the human mind, the reality of what occurs when we, as
individuals, die. Any person addicted to cigarettes, alcohol, cocaine,
will of course experience personally negative feelings, of stress, anxiety,
physical and mental suffering, if they attempt to break free of their
addiction. Since the god myth is the strongest type of addiction, these
negative feelings would be fairly strong, for quite a few adult god addicts.
So yes, the perceived "quality of life" for hard-core adult god addicts,
on a current, short-term level, would indeed be negatively impacted
if they were to try to break free of their addiction, with the encouragement/aid
of society. In some cases, the negative effects would be long-term. In
some cases the individual would not be able to break free. In a few cases
the individual would in fact commit suicide or suffer a permanent mental
breakdown from which they would never recover, if confronted with proof
that god does not exist, of the type that I am outlining on this web
page. This is absolutely true. And yet the benefits that would come with
society abandoning the insane god myth, would still far outweigh these
negative consequences.
A person addicted to nicotine, alcohol, cocaine, suffers personally negative
consequences for awhile, as they attempt to break free of their addiction.
However, the reward and benefits that comes from breaking free of their
addiction is very high, and many of these addicts are glad afterwards,
to have been freed of their toxic addictions. But some individuals fail
to break free of their addiction, and for them the effort involved in
trying to break free did not justify the end result, since they "suffered
for nothing", in failing. This exact same cost-to-benefit ratio applies
to the god myth addiction. Perhaps more adult individuals will be unable
to and will fail to break free from this addiction than from other addictions.
But for those that do break free, the reward will be glorious, a whole
new universe of Truth will be opened, literally thousands of different
types of behavioral "rules" and lifestyle paths, that the addicted individual
felt terroristically compelled to follow, will cease to carry any weight.
This is true freedom, genuine freedom, of the type that only a revelation
and an embrace of Truth can provide. It is what society owes to every
single one of it's torture victims.
At the same time however, as you read this essay, you will note that
I am stopping short of calling for the criminalization of god worship
by adults, or the destruction of all houses of worship. This is because
I recognize that all god addicts are victims of both malevolent societal
brainwashing and of their own genetic mental inferiority/deformity. Society
has absolutely no right to inflict further, unnecessary punishment/victimization
upon these god addicts, but at the same time, society does have an absolute
obligation to try to help as many of these victims as it possibly can
to break free of the god myth, and, even more importantly, society has
a sacred obligation to immediately bring an end to the ongoing, generational
cycle of brutal god myth imposition that is has chosen to perpetuate
from each generation of humans to the next, for many thousands of years.
Striking a "perfect" balance between these societal obligations is impossible,
but the scale has to be tilted in the direction of protecting all future
generations from insane god myth addiction, as well as helping current
god addicts to break free of the addiction. Therefore, hard-core, mentally
mature, adult god addicts who absolutely refuse to budge from or are
mentally unable to break free of the god myth, deserve to be accommodated,
to a degree. They should be legally allowed to pray to god. They should
even be allowed to gather together in special buildings, houses of worship,
for the purpose of perversely reaffirming their insane delusion to each
other, and to have a "leader", priest, minister, etc..., pretend to tell
them what the nonexistent god creature wants them to do. But that is
it. The law must dictate that no child or young adult who has not reached
mental maturity, can enter any house of worship, and no god addict can
ever attempt to impose the god myth upon the consciousness of a human
being who has not reached mental maturity, of the type that rarely occurs
prior to age 28. No god addict who creates a child or who otherwise might
have regular contact with a child, should be allowed to have any legal
access to or contact with the child, unless they demonstrate/prove, via
mandatory parental competency testing, that they have the ability, desire,
and intention to refrain from imposing their god myth addiction upon
the child. Just as importantly, the cultural policy/ritual structure
itself, within all god-myth promoting societies, must do a complete reversal.
All promotion/legitimization of the insane god myth must cease. Societal
leaders must stop spouting derangements such as "god bless america",
or "god bless you all". in their speeches. All references to heaven and
an afterlife by societal leaders must cease. All mention of god on currency
must be removed. All popular pledges/songs that come with direct societal
legitimization, such as the pledge of allegiance, must have all references
to god removed from them. Societal and cultural leaders must overtly
challenge and dismiss the notion that god exists, especially in response
to attempts by god addicts and their leaders to promote the god myth
via the mass media and other outreach efforts. And even though adults
would be allowed to gather together and promote this myth to each other,
all usage of the mass media for the purpose of promoting or legitimizing
the god myth, would be prohibited by law. Promoters of this myth would
not be allowed to use TV, radio, general circulation newspapers, or other
mass media resources, for the purpose of promoting or encouraging complete
strangers as well as children, who use these media resources, to either
believe in the existence of, or worship, god. This would not be fascism
or an undue restriction upon a free press, it would simply be a reasonable
attempt by a sane society to properly protect as many people as possible,
of all ages, from being exposed to the con-artist style manipulation
and coercion of insane god myth promoter/addicts. Adult individuals who
are determined to addict themselves to the god myth will still be able
to access plenty of resources to help them attain their tragic goal,
as well as to obtain personal validation of their toxic myth from other
god freaks, due to the fact that houses of worship would remain open
to mature adults, and no mature adult would face any threat of criminal
sanction simply for believing in or worshipping god
This is the minimum effort required, on the part of a sane society, to
act in a moral, honest, and Truth-affirming manner, in attempting to
break the perverse cycle of intergenerational toxic god myth victimization
that is and has been brutally imposed upon citizens for hundreds, usually
thousands of consecutive years, by malevolent and diseased societies
such as america. Even with these policy reforms, many god addicts will
be unwilling and unable to break free of their addiction, and even some
children raised up in future generations, within an essentially "god-
free" culture, will still absolutely become god addicts themselves. This
is due to genetic brain/mental malformation of the human mind and cognitive
thinking abilities, and there is no way to prevent this. The logical
solution, as I have outlined above, is for societal policy and law to
be designed to tolerate hard-core god addicts, to allow them to pray
to god, to even allow them to gather together to validate their delusion,
but at the same time, to completely prohibit them from imposing their
addiction upon any child, and to overtly challenge and debunk all god
mythology as a matter of daily, routine societal and cultural policy.
Currently, the god myth is embraced and validated as a matter of daily,
routine, societal and cultural policy. Therefore, a 100%, complete reversal
of this outrageously malevolent and destructive policy, must occur.
The Ten Commandments:
Okay, what I want to do now is list the ten commandments, which the pathetic
god addicts believe come from god, and discuss/dissect each commandment,
proving beyond all doubt that this particular piece of "holy" text,
just like the contents of all bibles and of all holy books, were in fact
written by human beings, clever, cunning, malevolent leaders of societies,
or professional writers hired by malevolent leaders and specifically
told to pen a fanciful text for the direct purpose of oppressing, controlling,
and dictating the behavioral and lifestyle choices of as many citizen-
slaves as possible, using the terroristic threat of an omnipotent creature
watching them, judging them, having the power to either gain or withhold
eternal life, and having the power to place the citizen-slave in either
a blissful afterlife of heaven, or a horrific afterlife of hell, based
upon the behaviors and lifestyle choices of the individual. I will prove
by the very nature of my dissection of the text of the ten commandments,
that even if you somehow still cannot break free of the insane god myth,
the notion that an omnipotent creature would ever write such a text,
is ludicrous. There are several different versions of the ten commandments,
and I am choosing to use one of the longer, more original, biblical
versions here, since god addicts would be expected to perceive the older,
more originally biblical version, as more likely representing the direct
words/message of god. Please note that I will be listing each commandment
in black text, followed by my dissection of Truth, which will be in red
The Ten Commandments: And God spake all these words, saying, I [am] the
LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of
the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Okay, directly above we have the very first commandment, lets analyze
it, lets dissect it, and tear out the Truth behind it. The god creature
opens by saying, "i am the lord, thy god". Here he establishes a preliminary
basis for why the specific people reading this commandment are obligated
to obey/worship him. He doesn't say, "I am the lord, a god", because
the author of this text realized that this was not coercive enough to
win over the actual worship of as many citizen-slaves as possible. He
uses the word "thy", saying not "I am a god", but rather, "I am your
god. He is imposing himself upon the citizen-slaves, exactly how a president,
prime minister, dictator, and other societal leader does, via his public
statements: "I am your ruler, your boss, you live under me, and you will
obey me as I am your superior". The god creature then says: "I have brought
thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage." Hmmmm, very
interesting. Here he builds upon his initial statement, which set the
stage for why he must be worshipped/obeyed. He is saying, "Hey you, you
owe me, I rescued you, I saved you from something bad, you owe me bigtime,
baby, and I aim to collect." This is exactly what every societal leader
throughout human history has said to his people, to try and retain their
support. George W. Bush says: "You creatures are so lucky to live in
america, to enjoy the freedoms that you do. You better support me, I
lock up your criminals, I protect you from terrorist attacks, I provide
you with electricity, garbage pickup, the ability to move throughout
this large country, I keep all foreign powers from putting you into bondage,
etc..." So, this decree by "god" is literally nothing more than a political
campaign slogan. God is saying "I am your leader, I've done something
good for you, and now you owe me." This is the exact same claim that
every human societal leader has made to his citizens, throughout human
And finally our first commandment concludes with: "Thou shalt have no
other gods before me." Ha! It's all so ludicrous folks, so ridiculously
obvious, as to provoke hysterical laughter. Here we have "god" saying:
"vote for me", or if the society is fascist, "don't overthrow me". He
is saying, in this first commandment: "I am your leader, I've done something
good for you, you now owe me big, and you must support me." This is what
every political leader says to his citizens. The political leader says:
"Keep me in power for as long as I live", in a dictatorship, or "Keep
me in power for the maximum length of time that the law allows, and then
vote into power someone else that I like who shares the same ideologies
that I do." It's the same thing, either way. The only difference here,
and it is a minor one, is that the god creature claims to be immortal,
and thus he is saying that the human must not only worship this god
for his entire life, but he must addict his children, his grandchildren,
every future generation for all of eternity, into believing in and worshipping
this god. Even though societal leaders are not immortal, they absolutely
expect to rule forever, by handing down power to descendants or by maintaining
a "party system" under which all future leaders must share the same general
ideologies as the current leader does. This is just as true in societies
that claim to be democracies. America is in reality a 350 year old dictatorship.
So, in conclusion, looking at this first commandment from "god", we see
an exact duplication of how societal leaders attain power, maintain power,
and convince their citizen-slaves to allow them to retain power. It
is clear, to any sane thinker, that a clever leader of a society, or
perhaps an aspiring societal leader, penned these words, recognizing
that if his citizen-slaves feared and obeyed him, a mere mortal, which
they did, they would of course fear and obey an omnipotent, immortal
creature who came along and demanded their devotion, a thousand times
more strongly. This leader recognized that he could simply use god as
his mouthpiece, his puppet. The societal leader would be the puppet-master,
whatever agenda he wished to impose upon his citizen-slaves, he would
write out as a "holy text", and it would be at least 1000 times more
likely that his agenda would be obeyed and followed by his citizen-slaves.
Because they would naturally fear, be in awe of, and be far more desperate
to please and satisfy an immortal, omnipotent, invisible creature who
was always watching each of them and offered to grant them eternal life
and bliss in heaven while at the same time threatening to withhold this
bliss unless the citizen-slaves obeyed his decrees, than to fear, be
in awe of, or desperate to please the mortal, human being who has achieved
the leadership position.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any
thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath,
or that [is] in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself
to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting
the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth
[generation] of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of
them that love me, and keep my commandments. Thou shalt not take the
name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless
that taketh his name in vain.
Here you go folks, commandment #2 is listed above, and this is a good
one, really makes me chuckle, because it displays the pathological insecurity
and obsession with power/control, that characterizes all societal leaders,
human leaders of course. Leaders of societies are generally extremely
enraged, severely victimized individuals who are obsessed with claiming
personal vengeance as well as sadistically imposing their will upon their
subjects, in exactly the same manner as a schoolyard bully. At their
core, they feel extremely vulnerable and insecure, but of course they
would never admit this to anyone and most have little if any conscious
awareness of their core emotional state. In the above commandment, the
human author attempts to build up his internal self-esteem by demanding
that all humans worship him, and him alone. Ironically, he subconsciously
fears the reality of his own upcoming death, and that in time, someone
else will come along and replace him as the object of citizen devotion/worship.
It is the reality of his own emotional insecurity which prompts him to
throw the mini temper tantrum that has been labeled as commandment #2.
He is demanding the worship and respect of his citizens, specifically
because he feels insecure and afraid that he will eventually be overthrown
and lose his leadership position within the society.
Take careful note of the following passage that our human writer graces
us with: "for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity
of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation]
of them that hate me." Well, first of all, jealousy is a human emotion.
The notion that an omnipotent, immortal creature would become jealous
just because a few of his creations stopped worshipping him, is ludicrous.
Jeez, our author is literally begging human beings to worship him. He
is terroristically threatening them, while at the same time begging them,
employing every possible maneuver he can think of, to get the humans
to worship him. Why would he do this? Why would an immortal, omnipotent
creature care a single iota whether or not he is worshipped by humans,
much less go to this great effort, literally humiliating himself by
admitting to being jealous, which is a completely and totally human character
flaw?? It's obvious: The author is an insecure, power-crazed human societal
leader, who is trying to appeal to as many citizens as he possibly can,
to get them to worship "god", since he himself is acting as god, he
is portraying god and using the god myth, as a leverage tool to maintain
and increase his power, control, and dominance over his citizen-slaves.
But the next portion is even more delightful to me, it reads: "[am] a
jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto
the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me; And shewing mercy
unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments." So, any
sane thinker realizes from the above statement by "god", that god came
from a dysfunctional family. Yes indeed, he has some major issues with
his father. He was abused and victimized by his father, and feels rage/hate
towards his father. He clearly expresses this in his above comment. Our
author, a human being, is filled with rage, familial-based rage. He takes
this opportunity, in writing this commandment, to express just a bit
of the rage he feels towards his father, completely letting slip the
illusion of omnipotence, immortality, and lack of humanity that he is
supposed to be trying to portray. Quite funny! But no worries, you diseased
creatures were and continue to be so desperately eager to embrace this
comforting myth that you sweep aside and ignore even the most glaringly
obvious proof that all of god's alleged writings and deeds are nothing
more than the fanciful, flowery writings of human beings who lived a
long time ago, and possessed a bit of imaginative literary talent to
go along with their immense character flaws.
Our tragic victim of long-ago child abuse at the hands of his father
continues with: "And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me,
and keep my commandments." Here he is literally begging people to love
him, as is often the case with brutalized victims of child abuse who
have very low core self-esteem, while feeling emotionally compelled to
maintain a stiff, rigidly stoic demeanor, as just every single male human
who lived 2000+ years ago felt terroristically compelled to maintain.
Note that he himself, as an individual, could never and would never ask
his citizen-slaves to "love" him, that would be perceived as a sign of
weakness, by him and by his society. To obey him, yes, to worship him,
yes, but not to love him. In creating an exotic, unique fictional character,
god, this human author felt secure enough to have "god" ask/beg for
love, confident that neither society at-large nor his own conscious mind
would ever have to face up to the fact that it is he, the anonymous,
individual human author, who is in fact begging to be loved.
And he concludes with: "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy
God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his
name in vain." Here we have a more straightforward attempt to get back
with the "script", the author is trying to convince the citizen-slaves
that they are being watched, judged, and that if they dare to defy or
disagree with the decrees of "god", or fail to accept the legitimacy
of god's existence, even though he is of course nothing more than the
fictional mouthpiece of a malevolent, human societal leader, they will
face harmful, vengeful consequences at the hands of an enraged god. This
is a ludicrous notion in and of itself. Why would an omnipotent, immortal
creature bother to listen to or track the daily activities of millions
of human beings, day after day, year after year, century after century,
for the purpose of "catching them being bad", even if he could do so?
It is literally impossible to imagine a more boring, pointless, ridiculous
activity for an omnipotent creature to decide to engage in.
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour,
and do all thy work: But the seventh day [is] the sabbath of the LORD
thy God: [in it] thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy
daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy
stranger that [is] within thy gates: For [in] six days the LORD made
heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the
seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed
Here is commandment #3, yet another decree from "god" that is so blatantly
transparent in terms of it's obvious human origin, as to be laughable.
Picture it: The leader of a society is gathered with his top advisors,
2000+ years ago. He is brutally oppressing his citizen-slaves, forcing
them to work day and night with no end in sight, they are dying at the
age of 30-40, they are crippled by the age of 30, they are running away
from the city or country to go live in hiding in the forest or desert,
just to escape the unrelenting slave labor that is being sadistically
imposed upon them. Our malevolent but clever societal leader begins to
realize that he is not obtaining maximum productivity from his citizen-
slaves, in compelling them to work their fingers to the bone for seven
consecutive days each week, week after week, month after month. They
are wearing out too soon, dying too early, and becoming angry enough
to possibly pose a threat to destabilize/overthrow the entire social
structure. He realizes that he can enact a pretense of benevolent reform
that will not only result in greater productivity from his torture victims,
but will also serve to convince his torture victims that they have "won"
some sort of a marvelous benefit that will serve to make them much more
loyal and devoted to their evil society than ever before. What would
the benevolent reform be? Well, how about make the citizen-slaves work
even harder than ever before for six consecutive days, but then give
them a whole day off to recuperate from the agony of the previous six
days of work. Yes! Eureka! This was the perfect solution, our malevolent
societal leader realized. The citizen-slaves would be more productive
during the six days of labor, thanks to the single day of weekly rest.
Their bodies would break down more slowly, allowing the societal leader
to gain an extra 10, 15, maybe even 20 years of labor from each slave,
which far surpasses the number of days, 52 per year, that the slave
would have off from work. The slaves would be far less likely to run
away or to rebel, since they would be perversely falling over themselves
in gratitude, celebrating their good fortune as their evil society tells
them: "Your great-grandfather, your grandfather, your father, all had
to work 7 days every week on behalf of our glorious society, but you,
you are so lucky, you are the chosen ones, celebrate the glory of gaining
an entire day, each and every week, of restfulness and relaxation. For
a whole day, you will be able to do whatever you desire, no other society
in the history of humanity has ever been so kind and generous to it's
people." Of course this is a crock of horse manure, but the evil societal
leader knew that the hopelessly brainwashed and broken citizen-slaves
would buy into it, hook, line, and sinker, and as we all know, he was
absolutely right. This is the genesis of our third commandment.
Our human author declares: "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day
[is] the sabbath of the LORD thy God: [in it] thou shalt not do any work,
thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant,
nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that [is] within thy gates:." Why would
an omnipotent god creature specifically order the humans to "labour for
six days, and do all thy work"?? Why would such a creature care or be
interested in the length of time that humans work, or to get every human
to do "all" his work?? It stretches the bounds of credulity to imagine
a god creature assuming such an interest in the activities of humans.
On the other hand, humans, leaders of societies, had and continue to
have today, a tremendous interest in and obsession with getting their
citizen-slaves to work ceaselessly for as long as they possibly can,
to obtain maximum economic productivity from every citizen-slave, using
whatever means necessary and with utter disregard/contempt for the best
interests and welfare of all individuals. So, the insane god myth was
enlisted by a societal leader to provide this utterly perfect method
of maintaining, and even enhancing the productivity of every slave, while
at the same time convincing each slave that he has somehow won a great
victory for which he should be eternally grateful, in being allowed to
take one day off from work, after toiling as a slave for 6 consecutive
Note that this commandment specifically instructs the citizen-slaves
to keep this weekly day off from work "holy". There is a very specific
reason for why our malevolent human leader chose to make this seventh
day, the day of rest, the "holy" day, instead of any of the other six
days. He recognized that there was a danger in giving his citizen-slaves
an entire day off from work, to do as they pleased. He feared that they
might use this free time to reflect upon their lives, to develop philosophical
insights of Truth into the nature of their lives, the parameters of their
existence and the limitations that society was imposing upon their day
to day lives. He feared they would realize that they deserved to be able
to rest and do as they pleased not for 1 day out of 7, but for 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, even all seven days. He also feared that the free day of relaxation
would give rise to uncontrolled parties, vandalism and societally destructive
behavior. This is why he specifically chose to decree this day as "holy",
and to instruct the citizen-slaves, via terroristic coercion, that they
had an obligation to spend this day praying to and worshipping god, doing
exactly what "god" wants them to do. Since the societal leader is portraying
god, he gets to decree exactly what he wants the citizen-slaves to do,
once again using the myth of god as his mouthpiece.
The commandment concludes with: "For [in] six days the LORD made heaven
and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the seventh
day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." Here
we have a reinforcement of the human societal leader's message that this
"day of rest" must be considered "holy", and that all citizen-slaves
were obligated to choose to engage only in specific activities which
"god" approves of and sanctions, on this particular day, and the actual
approval/sanctioning of these activities would of course be decided by
the societal leader and his top advisors/operatives, all of whom are
ordinary human beings. Also, we see an attempt to reinforce the notion
of the god creature being omnipotent, the notion that god created all
that exists in the world, and even invisible, non-existent elements such
as "heaven". The more omnipotent the god creature is portrayed to be,
the more terrified of and beholden to this creature the citizen-slaves
would be. Since the god creature is simply an artificial, nonexistent
projection that the human societal leader is cloaking himself beneath
and portraying, the citizens would in reality be feeling great terror
of and reverence towards the human societal leader, which is exactly
what every societal leader craves most of all and diligently works towards
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the
land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
Here is our next "otherworldly" commandment from the god creature. But
look, there are no mystical or otherworldly aspects to it, it is simply
a straightforward declaration and demand of human, Sacred Family Unit
mythology. The god creature is presumably not human, does not have a
father or a mother, so why would he be interested in trying to terroristically
compel human beings to treat their parents well, with honor and respect?
The reality is this: People create children because they desire to own
and oppress a human slave, as a way to cathartically cope with the horrific,
unbearable realities of their own traumatic, pointless, lives. They
victimize their children, as they themselves have been victimized. They
recognize that in the blink of an eye they can become crippled, helpless,
penniless, and at the mercy of society, and even if they avoid all of
the thousands of daily dangers and threats that stalk every human, they
still face a virtual certainty of declining physical health and increasing
neediness/feebleness, simply as a result of the aging process. They create
children not only to maliciously use them as Poison Containers, but also
to obtain a lifelong slave, an individual who, even in adulthood, will
feel obligated to care for and meet all of the desires/needs of the parent,
even if they in reality feel profound rage towards the parent and were
brutally abused/victimized by the parent.
Societal leaders recognize this obsession that their adult citizen-slaves
have, with creating and oppressing children, and they choose to sanctify
and cater to this obsession, since it is always the adults who pose a
potential threat to the stability, order, and structure of society, while
children, due to their immaturity, youth, and lack of any access to even
the tiniest fragments of freedom and autonomy, do not and cannot pose
any direct threat to the social structure. In fact, societal leaders
themselves usually are addicted to sacred family unit mythology themselves,
and seek to malevolently, selfishly use their own children in the exact
same general ways as other parents do. So, we have the god creature declaring:
"Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the
land which the LORD thy God giveth thee." This terroristic message, which
of course comes from a human societal leader, is intended for all human
beings who have living parents, of all ages. It is not specifically targeted
at children in any sort of an exclusive manner. It is targeted at the
5 year old child, the 15 year old child, and the 50 year old child as
well. The 50 year old is told that he has just as great an obligation
to obey and cater to his elderly parents, as the 5 year old has to cater
to his parents. The vast majority of parents, and adults in general,
on a subconscious level, fear their own children, as well as children
in general. This is because many of them are aware, on a subconscious
level, that they are allowing, causing, and responsible for the mass
victimization of all children living within the society. The perverse
"social contract" that society makes with it's adult citizens, is that
in exchange for agreeing to serve as slaves to society, and to forgive
society for the torment that was and usually continues to be inflicted
upon them, they are rewarded with the cultural and legal empowerment
to own, dominate, oppress, and brutalize slaves of their own, namely,
their biological creations or other legally owned children. This malevolent
contract requires that even as the children are being brutally victimized,
they must be emotionally terrorized into embracing the bizarre notion
that they owe a lifetime of loyalty and allegiance to the very two people
who are inflicting the greatest degree of brutality upon them, namely
their parents.
The only thing that keeps many adults from literally going crazy and
suffering a mental breakdown, is the belief that they will always have
a human or humans as slaves, that they will always be able to oppress
and bully and impose their will, no matter how malevolent or ridiculous
it may be, upon their offspring and legally owned children, at age 1,
5, 10, 20, and 50+. This commandment, "Honour thy father and thy mother:
that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth
thee", is an attempt by the societal leader who authored this text, to
both convince all adults that their society will ensure that their child/offspring
slave ownership rights are sanctified, and to try to terrorize all children,
of all ages, including adults, into accepting the perverse social covenant
that they must honor, obey, and prostrate themselves to their parents,
for as long as the parent is alive, even when the parent has inflicted
more suffering and trauma upon the child than any other living thing
on planet earth. Recognizing that any sane, rational victim of childhood
trauma may well consider rebelling against his brutalizers, the societal
leader is using the insane god myth to impose a terroristical threat,
which is that if you refuse to honor and obey your parental torturers
for as long as you live, god will punish you, god will shorten your lifespan,
god will murder you, that is the message behind the phrase "that thy
days may be long upon the land", which is part of this commandment. It
concludes with yet another attempt by "god" to establish the notion that
every citizen-slave must feel obligated to him. He is saying, "I gave
you land and life, therefore you are my slave, you are beholden to me."
This is exactly what every societal leader says to his citizen-slaves,
not verbally of course, but via governmental policy and cultural doctrine.
Nationalistic allegiance is established by societal leaders, under the
"gifts" that society pretends to give to the individual, the right to
live within the land, to not be physically harmed or killed in a premature
fashion. Societal leaders say: "Do as we order, and we will let you live
upon the land located within our national borders." This fascist and
totally human message is incorporated within this commandment.
Thou shalt not kill.
Our next commandment is very short, only has four words. I wonder whether
the cleverly perverse human who penned these commandments recognized
that because his society, because every human society, is constantly
killing other living things, human and other species, in a genocidal
fashion, the best course of action might be to keep this commandment
as brief as possible, so that it could be interpreted in every possible
way imaginable, thus all danger of the citizen-slaves actually deciding
to honor and respect the right of others to not be killed, would be removed.
Societal leaders have a vested interest in increasing their population
of citizens, in protecting empowered societal leaders and their agents,
and in convincing their citizen-slaves that their lives are not under
immediate peril, while at the same time committing genocidal, ongoing,
mass atrocities upon their very own citizens, as well as upon citizens
of other nations and upon other species of life. In reality, the entire
social structure of humanity revolves around killing. Killing is celebrated,
encouraged, rewarded. This created a need for societal leaders to develop
intellectually deranged verbal distinctions between the various types
of killing, so that some types could be perversely condemned, even as
other types are decreed perfectly legal and celebrated. So we have terms
like abortion, war, hunting, fishing, the death penalty, murder, etc...,
which should, in a sane society, all bear the exact same label, of "killing".
But having absolutely no interest in or appreciation for either Truth
or sanity, you humans blindly accept whatever definitional interpretations
your malevolent leaders feed you.
This commandment is currently interpreted by the totally malevolent leaders
of 21st century american society, as meaning that american citizens can
kill children trapped in their wombs, can kill total strangers living
in foreign nations solely upon command, can kill other species, morally
superior species of life, can instruct their societal leaders to kill
"criminal" humans on their behalf, etc..., and none of these forms of
killing violate this commandment. And you deranged, homicidally enraged
citizen-slaves eagerly and gratefully accept this absurd interpretation,
even while you continue to cling to the notion that one particular form
of killing, the one labeled "murder", is still totally unacceptable and
that god will "punish" people who commit that particular form of killing.
How utterly perverse! Simply by living as a member of 21st century american
society, you creatures are responsible for causing the genocidal deaths
of millions of living things, for killing them. And yet you have the
audacity to cling to your ten commandments myth, and to embrace the notion
that your imaginary god will punish someone who commits 1, 2, 3, or even
50 "illegal" killings upon fellow humans, when you yourselves often commit
thousands of "legal" killings, and even if you do not personally commit
such killings, you live as a proud, loyal member of a society that has
killed countless millions of living things, on your behalf and with your
Personally, I think the author of these commandments felt such contempt
towards morally superior species of life, so-called animals, that he
couldn't even envision the word "kill" being applied to them, just as
today, perversely, you never hear the term "murder" applied to hunting,
fishing, and other forms of completely unprovoked killing of animals.
No society can afford to allow it's citizen-slaves to kill other human
beings within the society, in an uncontrolled, unchecked manner. Sooner
or later, such a society would collapse and be overthrown. The homicidal
True Realities of the citizen-slaves must be manipulated and guided in
specific directions, with the killing of certain species, classes, and
groups of living creatures being legalized, legitimized, and encouraged,
while the killing of a few, "elite" groups/classes of human beings,
is declared illegal and those who perpetrate such acts of cathartic vengeance
are demonized. The insane god myth serves as an extension of this judicial
and cultural hypocrisy. The "power" of the god myth is brought into play
by societal leaders, in demonizing those who commit illegal murder, as
well as trying to terrorize those victims of society who may be contemplating
the commission of illegal murder, with the threat that not only will
their society attempt to inflict brutal punishment upon them, but an
even greater punishment will be meted out by the omnipotent god creature.
On a side note, life on planet earth involves constant, natural/instinctual
killing among many species, who most often target other species, but
sometimes target members of their own species. Billions of living creatures
would themselves die, if they could not kill other living creatures.
Therefore, the notion that an omnipotent god creature would create billions
of living things who must kill in order to survive, and then issue a
decree, specifically for humans, that "Thou shalt not kill", is ludicrous.
In addition, the god creature himself is "killing" trillions of living
things every single year, simply by having given them a finite, limited
lifespan, when presumably, being omnipotent, he had the ability to create
life forms whose bodies would not wear out, resulting in death.
What we see here, as in all of these commandments, is a human societal
leader, fearing overthrow and revolution from his tortured citizenry,
creating a toxic myth, using the myth of the existence of an omnipotent,
domineering god creature, to try to terrorize, satiate, and control
his citizen-slaves, to the degree that they obey his human demands. In
essence, he is employing the myth of god as the ultimate police officer,
instructing the citizen-slaves that it doesn't matter whether his guards,
his police force, his judicial system, can capture and punish them for
committing "bad" killings, because they will suffer terribly at the hands
of god, regardless. He is using a malevolent lie to inflict perversely
hypocritical, fascist behavioral restrictions upon his citizen-slaves.
The greatest tragedy of all, is the fact that the genetic brain/mental
deformation of human beings has allowed this malevolent lie to flourish
all across the world for thousands of years, and is just as strong today
as ever before.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
This has to be one of the funniest of all the commandments. What is adultery?
Well, first of all it is a completely artificial term, that has no legitimate
basis in rationality or truth. It is defined as "the act of a married
person voluntarily having sexual intercourse with someone who is not
their spouse". I will be dissecting the entire toxic ritual of marriage
in a separate essay elsewhere at this site, so let me just say here,
very briefly, that "marriage" is a totally invalid, irrational, unnatural,
artificial construct of society, that is designed by society and it's
leaders to enslave individuals to each other, thus increasing and enhancing
the willingness, ease and depth to which the individual is enslaved to
society. Within any sane culture, there could never be an act known as
"adultery", because there would never be such a thing as marriage, and
the act which is defined as adultery cannot possibly be committed by
any individual unless he has already been subjected to the toxic and
invalid ritual of marriage. Societal leaders had to figure out how to
maintain fascist control over the natural sexual instincts of their citizen-
slaves, while not making it appear as though they were being brutally
and unnaturally enslaved. The ritual of marriage is completely unnatural
and has absolutely no valid basis in human nature. As a result, some
humans, those who retained a bit of rational thinking ability, resisted
it. At the same time, societal leaders recognized what a vital and useful
tool of mass enslavement as well as unnatural appeasement, this toxic
ritual offered. So, guess what happened?? Yes indeed, our malevolent
societal leaders decided to enlist their greatest weapon, their most
lethal bully, god, as a promoter of the marriage ritual. If they could
convince the citizen-slaves that this omnipotent creature who has the
power to grant them eternal life/bliss wanted them to engage in the toxic
ritual of marriage, then the problem is solved. No way can the idiotic
humans resist an appeal from their mythical god. And it worked to perfection.
Note that the commandment doesn't say "you must get married", perhaps
the malevolent human author recognized that not every citizen-slave was
capable to snaring a spouse. But the exact same result is achieved via
"Thou shalt not commit adultery." You cannot commit adultery unless you
are married. Therefore, this commandment indicates that god supports
marriage, wants people to get married, and if they do get married, he
imposes his fascist will/doctrine upon them, ordering them to remain
enslaved to each other, and to have sexual intercourse with only each
other. In reality of course, since god does not exist, the fascist will/doctrine
that is being imposed comes directly from human leaders of society.
Why would an omnipotent god creature be interested in controlling the
sexual activities of his human creations? What possible difference could
it make to this omnipotent creature whether humans have sex with 1 other
person, 2 other people, or 1000 other people? If anything, such an omnipotent
creature would want his creations to test the limits of sexual pleasure,
to challenge themselves, to at least try to show him that they are creative
and innovative. But this doesn't make much sense either, and the only
logical conclusion to draw is that there is no way such an omnipotent
creature could or would care to any significant degree, what types of
sexual customs his creations chose to engage in. It is human beings,
societal leaders, fascist, oppressive human leaders of society, who developed
the toxic ritual of marriage, figured out how it could be used to oppress,
dominate, and inflict torment upon the vast majority of citizen-slaves,
and decided to do everything within their power to terrorize and coerce
citizen-slaves into agreeing to participate in this unnatural, brutally
harmful ritual, to get married, and then to remain enslaved to and enmeshed
with, their marriage partner. These same societal leaders made the decision
to specifically use the insane god myth to promote marriage, to impose
marriage, and to coerce their citizen-slaves into getting married. How
can any of you possibly feel even the slightest bit free, when one of
the most basic, instinctual freedoms, enjoyed by all members of the animal
kingdom who have not been physically mutilated by the human race, the
freedom to engage in whatever type of sexually pleasurable/satisfying
activities that their minds/instincts can conjure up and their bodies
can commit, with any other living thing that they desire, has been taken
away from you?? Your society has robbed you of all sexual freedom, in
a literal sense. The most amazingly fascist restrictions have been imposed
upon you. If you agree to get married, you are terroristically enslaved
to a single fellow human being for the rest of both of your lifetimes,
and even more amazingly, you are punished by your society, legally and
in other ways, if you dare to try to escape from this toxic, perverse
web of enslavement. I don't want to delve too deeply into the marriage
topic right now, but my point should be crystal clear: The notion that
an omnipotent, non-human god creature would issue a demand to all humans
that they refrain from committing acts of "adultery", is so absurd as
to be hysterically funny. There is absolutely no reason for why an omnipotent
god creature would want his creations to deny and reject the natural,
instinctual behaviors that he created within them, and that all other
species of life happily engage in. On the other hand, human beings, leaders
of societies, would, did, and do have a very powerful, obvious, and undeniable
motivation to rob their citizen-slaves of as much freedom as possible,
to trap them within narrow, perverse behavioral patterns from which
they feel unable to escape from, while maintaining the false illusion
of freedom, using insane, hypocritical and nonsensical laws, rules, and
"morality" decrees. The more insane, nonsensical, and hypocritical the
societal decrees are, the more likely it is that the insane god myth
will be necessary in order to "sell" the insane doctrine to the citizen-
slaves, and that is why marriage is specifically promoted within the
ten commandments and other religious texts.
Thou shalt not steal.
Okay, we are up to commandment #7, yet another short one. Why would an
omnipotent god creature concern himself with whether human beings took
things from other human beings? Most species of life are constantly "stealing"
things from each other, food, shelter, sexual partners, etc... Animals
take what they need, when they need it, to survive, to make themselves
feel better, to make themselves stronger, healthier, They love and value
themselves. They look out for themselves. They are instinctually aware
of the fact that their lives are precious and irreplaceable. Unlike humans
of course, who hate themselves, victimize and sabotage themselves, who
cling to insane beliefs and rationalizations, as a result of genetic
brain/mental deformity. Animals have no concept of "property ownership",
because they are not genetically deformed within their minds, as the
human race is. The human race has developed upon a structured caste system
that is based upon possession of artifacts, most of which have no genuine,
intrinsic value. Every tier of victimized humans within this caste system
manages to rationalize feeling good about itself, by comparing itself
to lower-tiered victims who are supposedly even worse off. And no matter
how poor, wretched, and horrifically deprived you might be when compared
to the upper classes of humans, society always, perversely, holds out
the lure of an eternal afterlife in paradise after you die, as long as
you don't "rock the boat", as long as you quietly accept your lifetime
of torture, as "god" supposedly wants you to do.
If human beings were allowed to "steal" from each other, to take what
they needed from each other, in a properly narcissistic, self-valuing
and loving way, to try to maximize their own ability to enjoy life and
not be handicapped and discriminated against by societal factors and
doctrine outside of their control, this unjust, caste-based system of
false rationalization, would collapse. Even more importantly, especially
in capitalistic societies, the invalid incentives that society puts forth
to get citizen-slaves to agree to waste their lives working at jobs,
would be recognized as invalid by some, insightful individuals. The current
perverse societal doctrine holds that citizens don't "deserve" economic
equality or even economic survival, unless they agree to work as slaves,
as societal leaders dictate. The possibility of this doctrine being
recognized as being perverse, is utterly terrifying to all societal leaders.
You must work as a slave on behalf of your society, you must not take
what you need in order to try to achieve equality and to demonstrate
self-love, as is instinctually natural and done by all sane, mentally
healthy creatures in the animal kingdom. This is the perverse decree
of your human leaders, and the basis of judicial laws that label "stealing"
as a crime, cultural doctrine which morally demonizes theft by humans
committed upon other humans, and the "holy" decree from god himself,
that humans must not steal. Once again, similar to marriage, we have
a specific behavioral agenda that society is extremely eager to coerce
it's human citizen-slaves into embracing, that is completely unnatural
and defies the normal instincts of all creatures. So once again, the
insane god myth is employed. What better way to impose an insane code
of unnatural behavior upon humans, than to use an insane myth that the
humans are desperately eager to believe in and embrace?? Within a sane
society, equality among all individuals would be a sacred goal, to be
worked for. But because societal leaders are evil and diseased, and humanity
in general, is genetically diseased and insane, equality is decreed to
be the enemy. Instead, humans are pitted against one another, taught
from birth that life must be hard, a struggle, a war, and that the goal
in life is to attain material goods and wealth, and then they are instructed
by society to celebrate their superior status within the caste system,
as a way to justify the pointless, wasted time that they have spent
in accumulating their wealth. The only way for society to maintain this
structure, is to demonize what animals do naturally, take what they need
and want from each other, by attaching the demonizing label of "stealing"
to the act, specifically when committed by one human upon the "owned"
property of another human, and using the judicial system, invalid moral
coercion, and the terroristic demand/threat of the omnipotent god creature,
to condemn and discourage this natural activity.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
Another funny commandment right here, folks. All of human culture has
been built upon falsehood, at every level and at every stage. The god
myth is false. And yet it is used, in this particular case, to try and
get citizen-slaves, within a very narrow set of parameters, to refrain
from telling lies. It's important to note how very narrow these parameters
are. Basically they apply only to situations that have been labeled by
society as being "crimes", where societal leaders are attempting to find
out who committed the crimes. That is the entire basis of this commandment,
societal leaders recognize that if nobody cooperated with it's law enforcement
and judicial systems, if everybody always lied to the police, falsely
accusing everyone else of committing crimes, it would be just about impossible
for the human societal leaders to maintain order and control, and the
society would collapse into anarchy. So this commandment is used to try
to bring to bear the mythical terror of our omnipotent, always vengeful
god creature, for the specific purpose of discouraging citizen-slaves
from lying to the police, from trying to frame each other, and from placing
their own self-interests ahead of all else, as any sane creature, human
or otherwise, should do.
This commandment does not say "Always tell the truth", because the malevolent
societal leader who penned these commandments could never bring himself
to offer up such a dangerous instruction. All societal leaders know that
lies form the very foundation upon which their nations were founded and
govern all aspects of day to day life. In some societies this lie-based
structure goes to a much deeper, more pervasive and core level than within
other societies, but it is a foundation within all societies. If the
lies were to suddenly be recognized and accepted as lies, the entire
society would collapse just like a house of cards facing a hurricane.
And so societal leaders are always very careful in expressing doctrine
as relates to honesty and truthfulness. The illusion that the society
is based upon honesty and truth must be maintained, but at the same time
all possibility of any significant number of citizen-slaves being able
to recognize and embrace actual Truth concerning most issues, must be
eliminated. This is a fine line, and it leads to expressions of narrow,
blatantly manipulative and hypocritical decrees such as this commandment.
Think about it folks, if the god creature ordered: "Thou shalt not kill",
and he ordered "Thou shalt not steal", wouldn't this commandment simply
say: "Thou shalt not lie"?? Of course it would, that is what logic dictates.
But no, instead this commandment says: "Thou shalt not bear false witness
against thy neighbour." Why would the god creature make this commandment
so narrow in scope, while making the kill and steal commandments so wide
in scope? The Truth is, the human author of these commandments knew that
his society was founded, based, and sustained upon lies. He did not feel
comfortable in allowing his fictional god creature to instruct the citizen-
slaves not to lie, because he knew that human beings lie to each other
all of the time, constantly, every day, in every aspect of their lives.
And not only to each other, but to themselves as well. He feared that
a commandment from god ordering the humans not to lie, could, eventually,
lead to a genuine respect for, appreciation for, and interest in actual
Truth, developing among the citizen-slaves. He knew that if this should
occur, the entire society would be in grave danger of collapse and governmental
overthrow, and as a result, he carefully tailored this particular commandment
in such a way that it would be interpreted not broadly, but narrowly,
so that the fundamental foundation and structure of institutionalized
lying between societal leaders and citizens, between people dealing with
each other, and among people dealing with themselves, trying to rationalize
their own lives to themselves, would be maintained, not threatened or
compromised in any way, and the only specific form of lying that is addressed
in this commandment concerns citizens being told that they must not lie
to police, to governmental officials, and to empowered agents of the
societal leadership. The notion that an omnipotent god creature would
specifically instruct his human creations to only focus on not telling
lies within this narrow set of parameters, while making no overall, generalized
demand that humans always be truthful and another when dealing with each
other and with themselves, is absurd.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house.
Here we have yet another attempt by our malevolent societal leader/author,
to use the god creature as a tool of oppression, to make human beings
accept the injustices and unfairness of their lives, via irrational,
terroristic coercion. Human beings have an instinctual sense of appreciation
for equality and fairness, an innate recognition, on a subconscious level,
that there is very rarely if ever any valid reason for why any other
human being should have a significantly easier and better quality of
life than they enjoy. But there is a problem: Your societal leaders have
chosen to structure their cultures and economic systems in such a way
that humans are constantly being pitted against one another in a pointless,
frenzied, lifelong battle/race, to try and attain more material wealth
and a higher position on the perverse caste system ladder that the societal
leadership has established. Certainly the degree of societally mandated
inequality and injustice is greatest in the most diseased and most stridently
capitalistic societies, with america being right at the very top of the
worldwide list, but even in communist countries, a milder but still brutally
unjust version of this caste system of ritualized inequality is employed
by societal leaders, to unnaturally motivate their citizen-slaves to
work extremely hard, for no legitimately valid reason. Because this form
of genocidal oppression is fundamentally unnatural, it triggers an instinctual
sense of outrage within many human beings, at the iniquitous injustice
that is being perpetrated upon them. This commandment is designed by
the malevolent human author to terroristically coerce citizen-slaves
into denying the natural, instinctual Truth of their oppression, via
the perverse message that the omnipotent god creature overtly supports
inequality among human beings. The author recognized that as a direct
result of the chosen economic structure of his society, some people would
be poor, while others would be rich. The poor would feel a natural, instinctual
sense of outrage over the fact that other members of their species were
experiencing, at least at superficial glance, a less stressful, less
traumatic and abusive day to day life, as a result of the random economic
superiority they enjoy, and the ability to avoid some of life's more
horrific sufferings that a caste system societal structure provides.
The reality of course, is that wealthy humans are often victimized to
just as brutal a degree as poor humans are, by their society. But they
are less able to perceive their victimization, and have less incentive
to rebel, since their financial status provides them with an easy way
to rationalize the fact that they have often been coerced into wasting
their precious, unique, irreplaceable life in a pointless, meaningless
pursuit of material goods and caste system elevation.
It is not the wealthy victims that your societal leaders were and are
in fear of. It is the poor victims. For them, societal leaders realized
they had to devise as many invalid, fascist forms of coercion/appeasement
as they possibly could, in order to get them to accept their brutal oppression.
One method is of course the judicial system. Society threatens to inflict
brutal punishment upon any individual who tries to attain the wealth
or material goods enjoyed by others, in a way that does not conform to
the lifelong toil of slave labor that all citizens who desire to achieve
wealth are expected to undertake. The perverse Sacred Family Unit form
of child ownership is a primary form of appeasement, citizens are taught
that in exchange for agreeing to work as societal slaves, they will be
allowed to own slaves of their own, by having sex, creating children,
or establishing intimate relationships with people who already own children.
No matter how poor and oppressed you are, your evil society promises
you that as long as you do not rebel, you can be a genuine slaveowner.
You can own, oppress, and victimize children, just as your yourselves
have been and continue to be societal slaves, oppressed and victimized
by your societies, in cathartic reflection of your own torment, transferring
the torment upon your children. But even with all of these enticements/threats,
there is still the problem of instinctual Truth. Humans are born loving
themselves, instinctually aware that they deserve to be treated well.
And so the toxic god myth is brought in. The commandment says: "Thou
shalt not covet thy neighbour's house." The omnipotent god creature is
brought in, to tell you diseased creatures that he wants you to suffer
injustice, he wants you to accept the injustices that your human leaders
choose to impose upon you, and most importantly, he will reward you for
meekly accepting a lifetime of injustice, by granting you an eternity
of blissful equality, up in heaven. Perversely, it works. This most obvious
and blatant lie is embraced by you creatures, and I guess that shouldn't
surprise me, since once an individual becomes addicted to the god myth
on any level, all hope of rational thinking ability and deductive reasoning
skill, is lost. You creatures accept the certainty of a lifetime of oppression,
in exchange for the bizarre notion that a "second lifetime", this one
eternal, exists after you die, even though there is no shred of evidence
to support this notion, and the notion is in itself utterly insane.
Why would an omnipotent god creature reward humans for agreeing to suffer
injustice? What possible motivation could god have for rewarding such
a perverse, unnatural lifestyle choice?? None! On the other hand, your
human societal leaders have a tremendous, vested interest in getting
you citizen-slaves to meekly accept the victimization and oppression
that they have always and continue today, to impose upon you. The insane
god myth was recognized by your malevolent human leaders, and by the
author of the ten commandments, as an absolutely perfect vehicle to use
for the purpose of rationalizing a lifetime of injustice. What could
be more perfect, more irresistible, to a brainwashed god freak, than
the offer of an eternity of blissful existence, in exchange for a mere
lifetime of meek acceptance of injustice? I can just envision the author
of these commandments gleefully rubbing his hands together in delight,
upon realizing how useful the god myth would be, in getting citizen-
slaves to accept even the most brutal, relentless forms of oppression:
"All I have to do is hold out the treasure, the treasure of an eternal,
blissful afterlife, and combine it with whatever bait I or my leaders
wish. If we want the slaves to not steal, all we have to do is inform
them that their precious, omnipotent god creature hates thieves. If we
want the slaves to get married, all we have to do is tell them that god
approves of marriage. If we want the slaves to meekly endure a lifetime
of unjust, prejudicial deprivation, all we have to do is tell them that
the more you suffer in your "first" life, the happier god will be and
the better he will treat you in your eternal "second" life." I am torn
between feeling repugnance at the intellectual inferiority of you god
addicts, in allowing your societal leaders to inflict these mental derangements
upon you, and feeling repugnance towards your societal leaders, most
of whom are far more evil than you creatures, but also many of them are
at least sane enough to not be addicted to the god myth themselves. Well,
I guess the whole lot of you, leaders and addicts, deserve my repugnance,
and I always give you creatures what you deserve, nothing more and nothing
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his
maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that [is] thy neighbour's.
Here it is, the tenth and final commandment. Note how very similar it
is to the ninth commandment. In reality, it is simply an extension of
the ninth commandment, given two separate numbers only because the author
recognized that the primary goal and purpose, for societal leaders, of
the entire god myth, was summed up right here. Thou shalt not kill is
a relatively unimportant commandment. This is the important one, because
it governs the entire, systemic and ritualized doctrine of mass acceptance
of injustice, that all societies are built and sustained upon. The use
of the words "ox" and "ass" within this commandment are quite comical,
but in reality, if the commandment were to be written today, these two
words would simply be replaced with "Rolls Royce" and "mansion", to deliver
the exact same perverse message. The message is: "Accept whatever injustice,
whatever suffering and distress your society chooses to inflict upon
you, throughout your life, because I, your god, want you to suffer and
will reward you for not rebelling, for accepting your suffering meekly,
with a glorious, eternal, afterlife." But why would an omnipotent god
creature reward his creations for agreeing to suffer? Why would he judge
them more positively for meekly suffering, than for resisting their suffering
and the injustice they were being subjected to? It is a ludicrous notion.
As always, the only entity that would gain anything of value in having
this commandment embraced, would be the human leaders of societies.
The commandment reads: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor
his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any
thing that [is] thy neighbour's." The intended meaning here is: "It doesn't
matter if other humans have better sex, are more handsome/pretty, are
richer, work less, own more and better things, or are in any way better
off than you are. You are obligated to meekly accept whatever suffering,
oppression, injustice you are subjected to in your lifetime, because
god wants you to suffer and will reward you for agreeing to suffer, and
enduring injustice, In fact, you might even be better off in the end
by suffering a great deal, because this guarantees you a good spot in
the eternal, blissful, heavenly afterlife. Can you imagine a more perfect
form of oppression, than the doctrine of this commandment?? I certainly
can't. It is just perfect! The ultimate societal bribe, offered by your
malevolent, human societal leaders: Agree to suffer meekly for your entire
lifetime, when you think about it only a few short years after all, and
then you get to enjoy an eternity of heavenly bliss. What a deal, can't
pass it up! Only one problem: god does not exist and there is no afterlife.
But wait, that's not really a problem. It doesn't make any difference
whether god exists. What matters is, are you creatures inferior enough,
and are your societal leaders malevolent enough, to convince you that
god does exist?? The answer, tragically, has been Yes, for thousands
of years already and today, in the year 2001, as well. This tenth commandment,
in combination with the ninth, is really all ten commandments rolled
into one, it's the jackpot for your evil society, because if you embrace
this tenth commandment, you are forever lost. You place yourself at the
mercy of your evil society, in accepting this commandment, and your evil
society knows it. It can impose virtually limitless injustice upon you,
for your entire lifetime, and you are obliged to meekly accept it all,
because "god", in reality a malevolent human writer, is holding out
the irresistible prize of eternal life in heaven, with the perfect spot
reserved for those who have suffered the most. So the more you suffer
in your "first", rather meaningless life, the better off you will be
in your "second", eternal, and naturally much more important, life. Your
evil society is literally getting you to crave suffering, to embrace
injustice and unfairness, to seek out your own victimization. There is
only a single problem, but it is a huge one: There is no god and there
is no "second life! You are sacrificing and throwing away your one and
only life, due to a mental derangement, a plague, an infection, that
your malevolent society has addicted you to.
And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise
of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw [it],
they removed, and stood afar off. And they said unto Moses, Speak thou
with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die.
And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you,
and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not. And the
people stood afar off, and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where
God [was]. And the LORD said unto Moses, Thus thou shalt say unto the
children of Israel, Ye have seen that I have talked with you from heaven.
Ye shall not make with me gods of silver, neither shall ye make unto
you gods of gold. An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shalt
sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace offerings, thy sheep,
and thine oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto
thee, and I will bless thee. And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone,
thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool
upon it, thou hast polluted it. Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto
mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon.
Here we have the concluding commentary on the ten commandments, and I
will not bother to dissect any of it in detail. It's simply an attempt
by the malevolent human author to create a visual picture in the minds
of all potential god addicts, so that they can visualize the god creature.
Visualization stimulates the sense of actuality, of reality, as well
as the degree of fear. Every human is told to identify with the "Moses"
human, to feel the same fear of god that Moses felt, and to emulate Moses
in agreeing to obey all of the demands that the god creature has made.
Moses is portrayed as the ideal broken slave, and put forth by the author
as the human representative of god. The text is designed to instruct
the citizen-slaves thusly: "Look at Moses, he is a broken slave. He believes
in and obeys god. That's why god likes him. You must be broken slaves
too, believe in and obey god. Then god will like you, and he will give
you a reward, eternity in heaven when you die." Every demand that god
makes is designed to either 1: Increase the mystical power he enjoys.
2: To instill terror within all believers. 3: To disempower the free
will and rational thinking ability of individuals. 4: To compel individuals
to act in ways that societal leaders desire. Sometimes all four of these
goals are wrapped up in a demand, other times not, but always at least
one goal is specifically designated within every command. The fourth
goal is by far the most important, and is the primary motivation behind
most of the demands. This is because god does not exist, and the entire
insane god myth is a construct of human societal leaders. They created
it, they disseminated it, they have infected you with it, and they use
it to serve their malevolent purposes.
This concludes the Forbidden Truth dissection of the ten commandments.
I am positive that I have proven to a 100% certainty that every single
commandment was written by a human being, that there was absolutely no
god creature involved, and that each one of the ten commandments was
specifically designed by human beings, by leaders of society, aspiring
leaders of society, or writers working on behalf of such leaders, to
serve the overtly malevolent, misleading, fascist, enslaving, brainwashing,
coercive, behavioral and lifestyle control goals of human societal leaders.
There are still a tremendous number of insane god myth issues that need
to be addressed, so lets plunge ahead. I've already mentioned, in brief,
the fact that some brainwashed torture victims who have been addicted
to the god myth would indeed suffer seriously traumatic emotional/psychological
consequences, if they were "forced" to abandon their god myth addiction.
There are also arguments made by some sociologists and cultural philosophers/historians,
that the god myth is a necessary, beneficial myth, and does more good,
for more people, than harm. Both of these issues deserve some additional
Forbidden Truth commentary. The structure of all addictions is such that
"forcing" anyone to abandon and break free of any type of an addiction,
is not only very difficult, but sometimes impossible to do, unless the
individual truly desires to break free of their addiction. For example,
if you take a cocaine addict and lock him inside of a cage and guard
him around the clock, he will not be able to obtain any cocaine, he will
suffer through a traumatic withdrawal, and could also suffer severely
traumatic emotional/psychological consequences. On the other hand, if
you simply tell a cocaine addict over and over that the drug is terribly
harmful and that he is an inferior human for using the drug, he is perfectly
able to continue clinging to his addiction and using cocaine. The only
way to force someone to abandon an addiction that he already has, is
via the use of physical restraint/imprisonment of some type. Beyond this
clearly intrusive physical restraint, the only way that the cocaine addict
can break free of his addiction, is if he genuinely wants to break free
of his addiction. This exact same rule applies to all addictions, including
the insane god myth addiction. Why is this an important detail? Because
it invalidates the argument that society has no right to "force" people
to abandon their god myth addiction. First of all, people have become
addicted to god as a direct result of societal promotion of the god myth,
in conjunction with their own genetic brain/mental deformity/inferiority.
This places a moral and philosophical obligation upon society to try
to help as many of it's victims as possible, break free from the toxic
myth. But even more fundamentally, no reasonable efforts undertaken by
society to try and free god addicts of their addiction, can be labeled
as involving malicious force. This is because the god addict is perfectly
free and able to resist and reject the efforts of society to convince
him to abandon the god myth, just like the cocaine addict is free to
do. If the god worshipper is a mature adult, is truly addicted to this
myth, and has absolutely no desire to break free of his addiction, then
all reasonable societal efforts that might be undertaken to cause him
to break free of his addiction, will fail. I do not support locking the
god addicted individual in a cage, threatening to hurt or kill him if
he continues to believe in or worship god, or any other type of punitive
punishment process. I do support intensive efforts of a non-punitive
nature, using verbal, literary, media, intellectual, and common-sense
arguments of Truth, to try and help all god addicts break free of their
addiction. It is easy to "prove" that god does not exist, I have already
done so in the first portion of this essay, and will do so to a far greater
degree before this essay is over. However, "proof of truth" is completely
meaningless to an addict.
Unless the addict wants to get rid of his toxic myth, all non-punitive
efforts by society to get him to abandon his toxic myth will fail. This
means that society cannot in actuality force anyone, against their will,
to abandon their god myth addiction, and so all seriously traumatic
emotional/psychological consequences that might be endured by god addicts,
would only occur because the god addict, on some level, has chosen,
of his own free will, to try and break free of his addiction. This strengthens
and solidifies the fact that of course society has an absolute obligation
to not only protect all children from becoming infected with the god
myth, but has an equally undeniable obligation to do everything in it's
power to help those individuals who have already become infected with
the god myth, to break free of their addiction. The only addicts who
face any significant possibility of enduring serious psychological trauma,
are those who make the courageous decision, of their own free will,
to try and break free of their addiction. Those addicts who choose not
to try, will simply ignore and reject all of society's efforts, and so
only a tiny percentage of them will suffer any significant psychological
distress due to the efforts by their society to help all god addicts,
as best it can and to the degree that each addict will allow himself
to be helped.
Then we have the claim made by some scholarly folks, that the god myth
is a necessary, beneficial myth, and does more good, for more people,
than it does harm. First of all, it is impossible for an outsider to
know or judge, on a psychological level, in a legitimate, Truth-based
manner, what is "good" or "bad" for any particular group of creatures,
human or otherwise. Only the individual members of the group, each one
of them on an individual basis, have the ability to analyze the impact
of any specific psychological belief, upon themselves. And even this
self-analysis ability is of course extremely flawed and prejudicial,
since almost no humans are in touch with their core realities on an honest
level. One thing we can agree upon is that the god myth is beneficial
to society. Societal leaders derive many benefits and advantages from
having their citizen-slaves become addicted to the god myth. But using
an analytical Truth viewpoint, this fact only serves to make it far less
likely that the god myth is beneficial, good, or necessary for individual
humans, since society itself is malevolent and has a specific intent
and goal of genocidal oppression and victimization of it's individual
citizens. The god myth is a lie. It represents falsehood, invalidity.
It's purposeful design is to structure a life path for humans. Since
the belief is itself a lie, the life path that it structures and lays
out must be and is a lie-based path, a path of falsehood, invalidity,
and artificiality. This is the life path that controls and guides the
individual in determining how to live his life, which choices to make,
which options to embrace, and which options to reject. Logic dictates
that it cannot be a good or beneficial thing, for individuals, to make
their most profound life decisions based upon a lie that represents falsehood,
artificiality, and invalidity. You cannot arrive at Truth, by embracing,
much less obsessively following, any lie. And Truth is the very core,
the very foundation, of all worthwhile, Superior individual lives. You
cannot rationally argue that an individual who is living his life based
upon a lie, making all of his most important life decisions based upon
myths and brainwashings that he is addicted to, that he has been addicted
to by malevolent humans who have imposed the god myth upon him, is deriving
genuine benefits or good from the god myth. He might be deriving comfort
from his toxic myth, his society might be benefiting from his blind,
lie-based devotion to the malevolent mythology that it has imposed upon
him and addicted him to. But this does not mean that he himself, as an
individual who has one, precious, irreplaceable life to live, is benefiting.
At the same time, I must come back to the fact that the human race is
clearly genetically diseased and deformed. The human mind, at least the
minds of the vast majority of humans, is unable to cope with the horrific
Truths of life. A major part of the reason for this is malevolent societal
brainwashing, but I am also convinced that part of it is due to genetic
malformation, disease. It is almost impossible to treat, much less cure,
genetic mental disease. And so I must sadly come to the conclusion that
some human beings, due to genetic mental malformation, do "need" the
insane god myth in order to best cope with life. Their mental inferiority
renders them unable to accept or cope with the horrific Truth of what
death in general, and their own impending death in particular, entails.
So, what they really need is not a god myth in particular, but an afterlife
myth. The current god myth simply provides the afterlife myth that they
need. This is an important point, because it shows that what is actually
needed by these tragically diseased humans is a very specific, narrowly
defined myth. There is no need for the massively complex and fascist
structure of all current, mainstream god myths, which are malevolently
used by human societal leaders to dictate and control just about all
behavioral and lifestyle choices of all believers in the god myth. The
only belief that these genetically inferior humans need, to make their
lives more bearable, is the belief that there is an afterlife. There
is no reason for the lengthy, complex, malevolent, societal "rules of
conduct and behavior" that have been woven into the insane god myth,
to be there. These rules are fascist and oppressive, they serve the malevolent
agenda of societal leaders, not the needs of the genetically inferior
citizens. Therefore, within a sane, benevolent society, all current mainstream
god myth belief systems would be eliminated, and in recognition of the
fact that some human beings, due to genetic inferiority, simply cannot
cope with the horrific reality/Truth of death, a very simple myth that
specifically offers up the specter of an afterlife, with absolutely no
behavioral rules or conditions or doctrine attached, would be offered
to these individuals, as adults. A good example would be the current
reincarnation myth. While I am certainly not familiar with the details
of this myth, from what I have heard it is fairly simple and direct,
lacking the mountain of fascist behavioral/lifestyle mandates that characterize
all mainstream, societally promoted religions. This makes the reincarnation
myth far less toxic and oppressive. Yes, it is a lie, yes, it is tragic
that any human would be unable or unwilling to face up to the simple,
albeit horrific Truths of life. But if a person believes in reincarnation,
yet does not feel in any way obligated to "worship" anyone, to follow
any rules of behavior or lifestyle as put forth by a nonexistent creature
who is in fact a mouthpiece for a malevolent society, then the reincarnation
addict is clearly better off, clearly better able to pursue a life path
based upon personal Truth, than any mainstream god myth addict is.
So, does this mean that society has some type of a right, or perhaps
even an obligation, to promote and publicly legitimize some type of an
"afterlife" belief system, even as it strongly discourages and condemns
the god myth?? No, of course not! The foremost obligation that society
has, is to defend Truth, to try to instill Truth within the minds of
as many human beings as it possibly can, while protecting all citizens,
most especially children but all adults as well, from becoming infected
by and addicted to, toxic, invalid, untrue myths and beliefs. Lets draw
an analogy to the disease of diabetes. Diabetes is an illness. Some people
afflicted with diabetes need to take insulin in order to remain healthy.
Society has an obligation to provide insulin to people afflicted with
diabetes who need insulin in order to remain healthy. But at the same
time, society also has an absolute obligation to not encourage any citizen
who is not afflicted with diabetes to use insulin, to not give insulin
to all human beings, and to not tell all citizens that insulin is good,
necessary, or desirable for them to use. Insulin is a treatment for
a specific disease. Only people who are afflicted with the disease and
have had a medical expert decide that insulin is good and beneficial
for them, should be allowed to access and take insulin. All other human
beings need to be protected from this drug, since it is toxic and likely
to do harm if it is given to people who do not overtly need it.
An exact parallel exists between this insulin analysis of Truth, and
the afterlife myth. Yes, there may be some human beings who, despite
being protected from the god/afterlife myth as children, will be unable
to mentally cope with the horrific reality of death, upon reaching mature
adulthood. Some of these people are sufferers of genetic brain dysfunction.
Some of these people might derive significant psychological benefits,
in embracing a simple, fascist-free, behaviorally unintrusive afterlife
myth. Only a Superior, Truth-based mental health expert could make this
determination, on an individual, case by case basis. If in fact such
a determination is made, I certainly see nothing wrong with the individual
receiving mental health treatment that is designed to improve their day
to day quality of life, that involves the mental health professional
suggesting to the mature, adult patient that there might be an "afterlife",
and allowing the patient to consider embracing this possibility, if
he so wishes.
But does this mean that children would be taught that there might be
an afterlife? Would societal leaders be allowed to go on TV and talk
about heaven or an afterlife? Would the culture promote and legitimize
the notion of an afterlife to the general public?? Of course not! It
is a toxic myth, just like insulin is a toxic drug. Just because a few
individuals might derive some benefit from embracing the toxic myth,
is no reason to impose the toxic myth upon all citizens. The vast majority
of citizens, all children and the vast majority of adults, need and deserve
to be protected from the toxic myth, even if it is selectively distributed,
as an option worth considering, to a few, carefully selected and psychologically
screened individuals who seem unable to cope with the realities of life.
Society has an obligation to assume that all children, if protected from
exposure to these toxic myths, stand a very good chance of finding the
courage that is required, in adulthood, to continue to embrace the Truths
of life. This is because every child, despite any genetic brain dysfunction
that they may be born with, is also born with an instinctual appreciation
for and interest in, Truth. As the child grows, these two opposing camps
battle it out within the child's mind. Society has an obligation to help
the instinctual Truth side, to help the child embrace Truth. But perversely,
every current society on planet earth in the year 2001 does the exact
opposite, overtly, systematically, on a daily basis, promoting and imposing
toxic mythology upon the child, sabotaging all efforts that the child
is making to try and discover and embrace the Truths of life. Every generation
of children therefore grow up to be adults who are addicted to toxic,
insane mythology, and the adults then become determined to addict each
new generation of children to the exact same insane mythology, as a way
to reinforce and legitimize to themselves, their own toxic myth addictions.
So this massive, utterly diseased, never-ending cycle of genocidal brainwashing
and toxic addiction continues, on and on and on, century after century,
for thousands of years already, with absolutely no end in sight. How
utterly pathetic!
A Personal Note:
From time to time within these texts, I will be gracing you creatures
with a few personal experiences, that I myself, your remarkable Seer
of Forbidden Truth, have undergone. I hope you realize how lucky you
are that I am choosing to share with you even these few details from
my own life, which is exhaustively outlined in a 5000 page handwritten
autobiography that I have no intention of publishing online, or in any
other form. Believe it or not, I was once a child myself. A tortured
child, tortured by your society and it's limitlessly malevolent, genocidal
policies and doctrines. And yet like most children, I tried as hard as
I could, for as long as I could, to find and embrace the Truths of life.
Both of my slaveowners were brutally abusive towards me, torturing me
on a daily basis in numerous ways. But neither was an "extreme" devotee
of the insane god myth. Still, simply in being alive and conscious, I
was exposed to this toxic myth on a constant basis, even though I, like
all children, deserved to be protected from the god myth. It was at the
age of 6 that I began to seriously and philosophically contemplate what
death was, and it's consequences. Children are all philosophical thinkers,
at the youngest of ages, but tragically your evil societies condemn
and squash all philosophical queries made by children, by delivering
toxic lies in response. Perhaps I was lucky in this regard, in that neither
of my slaveowners ever bothered to engage me in conversation of any duration
or significance, beyond shouted threats and orders. So I was left alone,
to develop my philosophical thoughts and questions on my own, as well
as arrive at answers. I realized at age six, using my rational mind,
that death was a horrific thing, that the act of dying resulted in the
experience of absolute nothingness for all of the rest of eternity. I
thought about what it would be like to not exist, to feel nothing, experience
nothing, see nothing, hear nothing, feel nothing, think nothing, for
I thought about what life meant, what it's value was, what purpose each
day of existence provided, given that it would end in nothingness for
all of eternity. I considered the god myth, the afterlife myth, even
though thankfully I did not know a great deal about these myths at that
point, due to a lack of deliberate god myth brainwashing/imposition.
I thought about how much I was suffering each day, being tortured by
my parents, and yet when I compared it to the horrific reality of death,
I rejoiced in being alive. Night after night, at age 6 and going into
age 7, I lay in bed, eyes open, contemplating the horrific reality of
death, trying to come to grips with the fact that I would die, and then
experience nothingness for all the rest of eternity. I knew that I could
die, at any moment. I knew that if I fell asleep, I might die while asleep,
and then experience nothingness for all of eternity. I knew this was
the most horrific fate in all the universe of existence, to cease to
exist. The insane god myth was there, drenched in toxicity, beckoning
to me, offering me it's false comfort. But I resisted. Perhaps my daily
real-life torture, as inflicted by my slaveowners, allowed me to instinctually
recognize danger, a trap, a dead end. I recognized the god myth as being
a trap, a dead end. My instinctual appreciation for Truth beat strongly
in my young mind. The terror could not be overcome, but it had to be
truthfully dealt with. I would not embrace the false comfort of the insane
god myth. I instinctually knew, as do most 6 year old children who have
not had this toxic myth viciously implanted within their core consciousness,
that the god story made no sense, it was illogical, hypocritical. It
came with the taint, the diseased odor, of adult humanity. I had no idea
what the word "hypocritical" meant of course, at this age, but I had
a pure instinct, a childhood instinct for Truth, that caused the god
story to raise every possible alarm bell within my consciousness. I gave
the god story every possible intellectual consideration, to the best
of my 6-7 year old abilities, but always held the myth at arm's length,
realizing that it was dangerous, an infection, something that could
hurt me, something that was trying to compromise my ability to recognize
and accept Truth.
Night after night, for months, I lay in bed, eyes open, scared to close
them, afraid of going to sleep, terrified of dying, as I struggled to
find a way to cope with the horrific Truth concerning my own life and
death, that I had discovered. It was very hard, it took a long time,
just as I seemed to be able to accept it, it wiggled away from me: "You
will die, you will cease to exist for all of eternity. No sights, no
sounds, no feelings, no experiences, no future, no hope, no tomorrow,
nothing for eternity." It was too much to bear, so unfair, so horrific,
this Truth. But I refused to abandon it. I recognized the value of Truth,
instinctually and intellectually. Slowly, as the months passed by, a
sense of resignation came into my consciousness, a realization that this
horrific fate could not be overcome, not even by me, even though I recognized
myself as being most important life form in the history of the world,
to me. It took me perhaps a whole year, but by age 7 1/2 or so I had
accepted this Truth, this most horrific of all Truths, and then I began
to recognize and appreciate my superiority over all humans, over all
of human society, adults, leaders, etc... They were addicted to an insane
myth, they lacked the courage and the intelligence that I possessed,
i fully recognized this Truth by age 8.
Yes, I "suffered" a lot during that year, but I would much rather suffer
for one year and emerge triumphant, bathed in the glorious glow of Truth,
than to suffer for my entire lifetime, being addicted to and controlled
by a malevolent, invalid myth that was dictating all of my life choices
as well as providing false, invalid, and therefore useless in the end,
comfort. I knew that every life choice I made in the future would be
based upon Truth. I knew that even as I continued to be tortured every
single day as a child, I would be free as an adult. Mentally free to
embrace Truth, which is the only type of freedom that is truly real.
I knew that my only master was death. What a horrific master death is,
but nowhere near as horrific a master as "god" is. I saw that I had
these two choices, accept death as my master, or accept god as my master.
God would enslave me for my entire life, offer me false comfort, addict
me to lies, and impose his will upon me every day of my life. Death would
enslave me for all of eternity beginning at the moment of my death, force
me to accept horrific Truth, allow me to live my life embracing Truth,
and impose nothing more than the limitations of my own mental landscape
borders upon me, for as long as I lived. And in the end, even if I chose
god, I would still be enslaved for all of eternity beginning at the moment
of my death, in exactly the same, nothingness for all of eternity, fashion.
I recognized that it is far more horrific to be enslaved for your lifetime,
your real lifetime, than it is to be enslaved for all of eternity immediately
upon your death, because you cease to exist when you die, therefore nothing
that is done to you after you die can harm you. Two absolutely horrific
choices, folks. But I am so proud of myself, that I made the more rational,
more Superior choice, the better choice. My courage was remarkable.
Even if I had never done anything else for all the rest of my life, the
amount and degree of courage I displayed during that one year time period
surpasses the courage displayed by 99.999999999 of all of you humans,
throughout your entire lives. So lets have a nice round of applause
for your Seer of Forbidden Truth. (Cue clapping of hands). Thank you,
thank you very much. I deserve an eternity of applause, but tragically
it will be of no value to me, even if I receive it, once I die. The fact
that I recognize this Truth, should earn me another round of applause.
:-) Okay, enough self-praise, let me just conclude by saying how much
easier my year-long struggle would have been if there was no insane god
myth floating among the popular culture, being maliciously imposed upon
my tender, developing mind. Imagine how much harder, quite likely impossible,
it would have been if my slaveowners had been hard core god freaks,
dragging me to houses of worship, ordering me to worship god, trying
to "comfort" me by telling me all about "heaven", as a majority of slaveowners
do. Countless millions of children each and every year, try to resist
the insane god myth, but find it impossible, their tender, vulnerable
minds are overwhelmed by a tidal wave of malicious brainwashing, inflicted
by their parents, scary strangers known as "priests" & "ministers" at
the houses of worship that they are dragged to, and by the society as
a whole, that they are born into and enslaved by. It is nothing less
than genocide, emotional and intellectual genocide, that is being committed
by your societies upon your helpless, vulnerable children. And you, individual
adults living as members of society, are directly responsible for causing
this genocide.
Religion is a plague upon humanity. It does not enlighten, but rather
it pulls a veil of darkness over the eyes and mind of every human who
allows himself to become addicted to this plague. It does not provide
real comfort, it provides false comfort, invalid comfort. It does not
allow people to live their lives bathed in the light of Truth, it compels
people to live their lives trapped in a web of deceit. It distorts and
deranges the human mind, by the very nature of it's perverse hypocrisy.
No claim that "some religious people do a lot of good in the world" holds
any legitimate weight, because first of all, the definition of what constitutes
"good" is a subjective one, and far more importantly, the history of
humanity, when studied from any rational, sane perspective, proves that
belief in the insane god myth has caused at least 95% of all of the killings
of human beings by other human beings, over the past 3000-10,000 years,
to occur. How dare you creatures have the audacity to condemn and demonize
a serial or mass murderer such as Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer or Charles
Whitman, for killing perhaps 16-50 human beings, when you yourselves
honor and pay homage to the myth of "god", a belief system that is directly
responsible for hundreds of millions of killings throughout the world
in recent centuries, and even this year, of 2001, there is no doubt that
at least ten million people, probably a lot more, will be directly killed
by other humans, with the killers not only having a god myth addiction,
but being primarily motivated to carry out their act of murder, by their
insane god myth addiction.
Even when a god addict attempts to honor some of the benevolent mandates
of mainstream religion, tragedy almost always results. This is because
a basic but profound rule applies: Garbage in, garbage out. The insane
god myth as promoted within mainstream religion, is garbage. It has an
overtly malevolent purpose and structure, as devised by malevolent human
societal leaders and imposed upon you creatures, the Unwashed Masses.
If you take garbage and throw it into a garbage can, it cannot miraculously
transform itself into jewels. It's garbage, and it always will be garbage.
So it is that while many people who become addicted to the god myth are
trying very hard to be "good and moral", as they define these terms,
it is not possible for them to achieve this goal. Why not? Because the
god myth itself is neither good nor moral. God addicts are trying to
extract goodness and morality, out of a bad, immoral, perverse, toxic
myth. It can't work, it doesn't work, and it will never work. It's like
drilling a hole in an onion, and trying to suck out orange juice from
the interior of the onion. It simply cannot work! God himself, as portrayed
in mainstream god mythology, is evil beyond all measure. He is sadistic,
manipulative, selfish, deceptive, unforgiving, dictatorial, racist,
misogynistic, homicidal. He personifies, in mythical form, the absolute
worst character traits of humanity, having been created and designed
by extremely evil human beings. He is a reflection of the utter inferiority
and perversity of the power-crazed, revenge-obsessed, fascist societal
leaders who either directly wrote themselves, or hired writers to pen
their thoughts, within all of the "bibles", "commandments", and other
holy texts of all mainstream religions. Therefore, whenever any god addict
pledges his loyalty to god, promises to obey and follow all of the rules
of the "bible", the commandments, etc..., no matter how "noble" and benevolent
his perceived reasons/motivations for choosing to make this pledge might
be, he is in reality vowing to be a sadistic, manipulative, malevolent,
dictatorial, racist, homicidal person. Because this is the true character
of the mythical "god" creature that he has been brainwashed and coerced
by society into idolizing, worshipping, and emulating.
Look at the issue of abortion. Abortion is murder, of course. It is one
of the most obvious and blatant forms of murder. Many mainstream religions,
as currently interpreted by you citizen-slaves, imply that god is opposed
to abortion. Thus, many religious people claim to be very stridently
opposed to abortion. And yet most of these same people are in favor of
many other brutally vicious and homicidal actions, such as ritualistic
parental child torture, and legal murder by the State, and even celebrate
committing such actions and having such actions committed on their behalfs.
This is because the god creature himself, in all mainstream religious
myths, is homicidal. He is pathologically enraged and obsessed with claiming
personal vengeance, while at the same time maintaining a false pretense
of benevolence, in exactly the same fashion as most tortured victim-creations
of society have been throughout history and continue to be today. And
so perversely hypocritical and contradictory "rules" are created within
all religious texts. "An eye for an eye" is designed to allow for the
sadistic malice of individuals to be unleashed, under the manipulative
order of societal leaders, while at the same time an anti-abortion position
allows these individuals to maintain the incredibly hypocritical posture
of being "good and decent people who care about all life". The few incidents
in which abortion doctors/murderers have been killed themselves, illustrates
this dichotomy beautifully. Lets look at John Salvi. This helpless young
man was viciously addicted to the insane god myth as a child. He wanted
to do good, not "evil", as he defined these terms in his own mind. The
particular version of the god myth that he embraced taught him that abortion
was very wrong and a terribly unjust attack upon a helpless child. His
own instinctual sense of truthfulness and rationality also led him to
this same conclusion, that abortion is a form of murder, and certainly,
from any sane perspective, it is one of the most vicious forms of murder.
But his society was practicing this form of murder, decreeing it perfectly
legal and helping women to commit this form of murder. John's insane
god myth taught him that abortion was bad, but not that murder/killing
is bad. All mainstream god myths are pro-killing and pro-murder. Therefore,
in the name of god, justice, fairness, and vengeance, John decided to
murder people who worked at abortion clinics, because those people helped
women to have abortions, to murder the children trapped within their
wombs. John's interpretation of the insane god myth was absolutely on
target, there was nothing flawed in his interpretation, the interpretation
that caused him to carry out a shooting rampage at two Massachusetts
abortion clinics a few years ago. He saw no intellectual or philosophical
contradiction in carrying out murder in order to try and prevent murder,
because the malevolent and perverse bible, god character, and religion
that he was addicted to, is in fact pro-murder, even as it claims to
be anti-murder. John knew that his religion gave him the right to kill,
because it absolutely did give him this right, and in fact even encourages
murder in certain circumstances, as do all mainstream, societally promoted/legitimized
religions. The god myth is morally and intellectually deranged. This
means that all individuals who embrace the god myth to any significant
degree, must and do become morally and intellectually deranged as well.
As I have already said and proven, religion is a toxic plague. It infects
the minds of it's victims, and the end result of each infection is a
negative one, not a positive one, even if there is no overtly extreme
behavior, such as I have illustrated in the John Salvi example above,
that the individual directly commits as a result of his god myth infection.
Nothing that is genuinely just, fair, true or real, can come from a toxic,
false, overtly malevolent and infectious myth.
All mainstream, societally promoted insane god myths overtly encourage
murder. They encourage their devotees to kill other humans who believe
in a different version of the god myth. They encourage devotees to kill
other humans who refuse to believe in the god myth. They encourage devotees
to kill tortured victim-creations of society who are decreed to be in
"violation" of the fascist and perverse "laws of god". Societal leaders
have used the insane god myth as a primary motivational source in convincing
their citizen-slaves to let them launch and then to support the most
evil, genocidal, and deadly, unprovoked wars, throughout the history
of the modern era. Individual murderers motivated directly by the insane
god myth, are demonized and condemned by you perverse hypocrites, even
as you cling to and support the exact same god myth which gave the murderer
the moral permission and encouragement that he needed, to carry out his
True Reality rampage of cathartic vengeance. One of the most repugnant
aspects of the homicidal ideology of the god myth, is the manner in which
fascist doctrine concerning marriage, sex, and Sacred Family Unit mythology,
is used to demonize the sexual saints known as "prostitutes", and to
overtly encourage their murder, as every mainstream religious text does.
Among serial killers, their number one class of targeted victims, by
far, is the prostitute. This is not because prostitutes are the "easiest"
prey, the easiest to kill. It is because all mainstream religions, as
well as all societal leaders and empowered agents who overtly legitimize
the insane god myth, specifically promote and encourage all enraged victims
of their society, if they feel they must kill humans, to specifically
go after the demonized prostitute class, as their targets. The god myth
is evil, perverse, hypocritical, and pro-murder, in every sense and definition
of these terms.
I want to make a few brief comments here on the issue of evolution, as
it obviously ties in with the insane god myth. One of the most popular
methods that mainstream religions use to addict you creatures to the
insane god myth, is to use the argument that something had to have "created"
humanity and created life, and that this entity would have to be "supernatural"
and incredibly powerful, in order to have created humans and other species
of life. This is the theory of "creationism", and when looked at from
any sane perspective, it is absolutely ludicrous. There are countless
thousands of different things which are naturally created, created within
nature by mixing or combining certain environmental elements, substances,
etc... Ice, lightning, water, rain, fog, heat, wind, sound, are all
environmental creations/occurrences, and so is life, human, animal, plant,
bacteria, etc... The notion that life had to be "unnaturally" created,
by some omnipotent life form, defies all logic and all rational thinking/deductive
reasoning. Only the genetically diseased minds of human beings, too cowardly
and terrified to accept and face up to the horrific Truths of their own
lives, would not only come up with a creationism theory, but then try
to jam this ridiculous theory down the throats of all other humans, via
the various toxic god myths. The theory which challenges creationism
is known as evolution. Evolution makes perfect sense and is clearly the
valid explanation for how life was created and has developed into numerous,
differing species, not only from a scientific perspective, but from
any sane, common-sense, intellectually analytical perspective. Science
has proven that living things evolve over time, sometimes very slowly,
sometimes very quickly. Sometimes in a very "radical" and obvious way,
other times in a very subtle, barely noticeable way. Animals adopt to
the environment where they feel compelled to live, by evolving and changing
their appearance. Bears who live at the north pole are often white, they
are known as polar bears. They have evolved into having a white appearance
because this allows them to blend in with the white snow and more easily
capture their prey without being spotted too early. Domestic cats who
live outdoors in a cold climate develop thicker coats than cats who live
in tropical climates, as well as cats who live indoors in the exact same
cold climate. This is evolution. Perhaps most amazingly, we have the
caterpillar. This insect crawls around very slowly on many legs during
it's youth, but then, incredibly, it goes to sleep for a long time only
to wake up looking completely different than before it went to sleep,
different in every possible way, including having wings and the amazing
ability to fly through the air! This is radical evolution. Mind-boggling
evolution. Most importantly, it is evolution. Period.
So, any sane thinker has to acknowledge that not only is evolution "real",
but living things are constantly evolving, in all sorts of ways, sometimes
very slowly, other times very quickly. Sometimes in subtle ways that
are barely noticeable, other times in such a radical way that it is almost
impossible to believe that the butterfly was in fact once, just a few
months earlier, a caterpillar. Evolution is a building block of life,
a natural building block, that has absolutely no supernatural or mystical
aspects to it. Human beings are evolved creatures, most likely mutations
judging by their genetic brain deformity and lack of sane thinking ability,
but nevertheless, even as mutations, they are evolutionary mutations.
Most likely humans are a genetic mutation of the ape. If you study apes,
especially chimpanzees, you will find they possess some of the same
personality and character flaws of humanity, only in much milder and
rarer form. Most mutations of an existing species do not survive. They
die out within the first or second generation. Tragically, the human
mutation, which truly did not deserve to survive for even a single generation,
did manage to unnaturally grab a foothold upon this planet, and due
to it's genetic mental deformity, it has proceeded to wreak havoc throughout
the planet, terrorizing, destroying, and having an extremely negative
impact upon just about every single other species of life. I will be
discussing this at great length in a future essay at this site, but right
now I just want to make this one specific point, that every shred of
logical evidence and rational thinking ability, has to lead any sane
person to conclude that all species of life are constantly evolving,
that the origin of all life, including human life, is rooted within natural
evolution, and that human beings are evolved creatures, having evolved
from other natural species of life. The evolution of human beings from
apes is in no way difficult to envision, much less "so radical as to
be impossible," as the god freaks and the promoters of the insane god
myth would have you believe. The undeniable reality of a caterpillar
evolving into a butterfly in just a few months time, is literally a million
times more "radical" than the reality of human beings having evolved
from apes. And for that matter, the evolution of an egg into a hatched
chicken, the evolution of a female human being's fertilized egg into
a human being, are both a million times more radical as well. Evolution
is the logical, scientifically valid and accurate explanation of how
and why human beings came to infest planet earth. Evolution is Truth.
Creationism is simply one of the many thousands of toxic, irrational,
ridiculous lies/brainwashings within which the festering plague of the
insane god myth, resides.
Moving on, lets briefly focus upon the issue of proof, as regards the
insane god myth. If you read the texts of all mainstream god myths, you
will see that they are specifically formulated in such a way as to reject
all requirements of proof, that god exists. Very simply, the authors
of all insane god myths knew that it would be impossible to prove that
their myth is in fact accurate or truthful. Therefore, in outlining the
parameters of what would be required of god myth addicts, they carefully
inserted a requirement that the god addicts believe in god using a "faith
and trust" approach, that mandates absolutely no scientifically or intellectually
valid analysis of whether god exists, can occur. Any person who questions
or challenges the validity of the existence of god, is already in violation
of insane god myth doctrine, and therefore all "good and loyal" god myth
addicts are instructed to shun and condemn the insubordinate human who
dares to try to question the legitimacy of the god myth, and in conjunction
with this perverse condemnation, to automatically ridicule and reject
whatever findings of Truth the Superior challenger uncovers and attempts
to express. Here alone, with these facts, we have a belief system based
upon guaranteed, ritualized rejection of Truth. The entire goal of the
god myth is to cause human beings to reject truth, because if human beings
embraced Truth, they would reject the god myth, since it represents falsehood,
rather than Truth.
If you ask 1000 different god addicts to prove that god exists, you will
get 1000 slightly different replies, but not a single one of the replies
will contain a single shred of legitimate, valid, proof. Every reply
will contain irrational, hypocritical, and untrue statements, demonstrative
of insane thinking patterns, the type of insane thinking patterns which
caused the god myth addiction to occur in the first place. Proof is not
a subjective entity, it is a concrete entity. Proof is also an affirmative
requirement, rather than a backhanded negation. What do I mean by backhanded
negation? Very simply, many god addicts, after attempting to provide
"proof" that god exists and having all their pathetic attempts rejected,
will resort to demanding: "Well, why don't you prove that god that does
not exist!" This is an attempt at backhanded negation, an attempt by
someone who is unable to prove their case/claim, to claim victory by
trying to compel someone else to prove something else. Backhanded negation
is intellectually perverse and completely invalid. Anyone who claims
to believe in god, or seeks to impose the god myth upon anyone else,
has an affirmative obligation to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, their
claim that god exists. Proving a negative is essentially impossible,
in all situations, and therefore any attempt by a god believer to legitimize
the notion that god exists, by challenging a non-believer to "prove that
god does not exist", is proving, by his very challenge, that god in fact
does not exist, since he is refusing to and unable to meet the affirmative
proof obligation that he bears. It is an established Truth, to any sane
thinker, that god does not exist. This is not a "belief", this is a concrete
Truth. There is absolutely no sane reason to think that a god creature
could, much less does, exist. There has never been a single shred of
legitimate evidence to even indicate, much less prove, that god exists.
These facts alone, by themselves, prove that god does not exist, and
place an affirmative burden upon anyone who wishes to claim that god
does exist, to overturn the proof which has already been established
that god does not exist, by proving that god does exist. This is because
a human proclaiming that god does exist, is making an affirmative claim
that flies in the face of all sane, rational, logical thought and evidence.
Affirmative claims require affirmative proof. More simply: If someone
wishes to challenge the concrete fact that god does not exist, they must
provide concrete proof that god does exist. And the fact is: Throughout
the history of the human race, despite the fact that trillions of humans
have had the opportunity, not one single human has ever provided a single
iota of legitimate, concrete evidence/proof that any omnipotent creature
fitting the description/profile of "god", could exist, much less does
exist. The facts that I have outlined above and throughout this essay
prove that god does not exist, to any sane thinker.
I want to say a few words here about religions that are not mainstream
and not overtly supported by society. In order to create a false distinction
between these "rogue" religions and the religions that society overtly
promotes, societal leaders attach negative labels to these marginalized
religions, with the most common demonizing label being cult. The reality
is that all religions are cults, and all of the negative attributes that
society attaches to "cults" exist within the core structure of, and are
practiced with even greater malice by, the most popular and common mainstream
religions, and have a far more negative impact upon far more people,
than do the much smaller, marginalized "cult" religions. Does this mean
that cults are "better" than mainstream, organized religions? In the
vast majority of cases, the answer is absolutely No. Most cults have
a design structure that is extremely toxic, enslaving, and lie-based,
as do all mainstream religions. But each cult only has a negative impact
upon a relatively small number of people, when compared to the millions/billions
of humans that every mainstream religion brutally oppresses. Also, 100%
of all mainstream, societally promoted religions are overtly toxic and
malevolent. "Only" 99+% of all marginalized cults are overtly toxic and
malevolent. These facts certainly do not make marginalized religions
good, or any better than mainstream religions, but for what it's worth
they do harm far fewer human beings on a numerical scale, and there is
a tiny possibility that an individual addicting himself to a cult will
be lucky or intelligent/self-loving enough to addict himself to the .05%
or fewer cults that are not severely malevolent/toxic in their design
and doctrine. A .05% chance is extremely slim of course, but with mainstream,
societally promoted religions there is a zero percent chance, since
every single mainstream religion throughout the world is severely toxic
and malevolent.
Most cult leaders are either extremely malevolent con-artists, victims
of childhood torture who have become obsessed with dominating and controlling
the lives of others as a coping mechanism, or completely deranged/mentally
ill. But these same character traits apply to all religious leaders,
equally. The only differences are that "mainstream" religious leaders
have influence over many more people, and they have the overt support
of societal leaders, being controlled by and having the parameters of
their doctrine dictated by, the so-called "secular" leaders of their
society. All cults in which the leader refuses to accept the dictatorial
control of secular societal leaders, are demonized. It makes little difference
whether the cult is "revolutionary" in it's doctrine, although naturally
those cults which overtly proclaim themselves to be opposed to mainstream
societal ideologies are demonized the most viciously. Secular societal
leaders, being malevolent practitioners and proponents of insane god
myth brainwashing, are keenly aware of how powerful, useful, and dangerous
the god myth is. They are enslaving billions of people to their, carefully
chosen version of the god myth. They realize that if a charismatic and
cunningly determined person actively attempts to recruit humans to embrace
his version of the god myth, the person will certainly achieve success,
drawing god freaks away from mainstream religion, and more importantly,
causing these god freaks to break loose from the specific cultural agenda
that the mainstream religion has been employed to promote and impose
upon the citizen-slaves. This is of course very worrisome and downright
terrifying to societal leaders, and they therefore are on a constant
crusade to demonize all "cults", to try and use whatever means possible
to break up and destroy cults and cult leaders, while at the very time
seeking to enslave these cult members as well as all citizen-slaves as
a whole, to mainstream religions and religious beliefs, which are in
reality absolutely the same in terms of having at least as malevolent
and destructive an impact upon their devotees, as cults do, and very
often a significantly greater negative impact.
All sorts of false and invalid excuses are used by secular societal leaders
to condemn, spy upon, infiltrate, shut down, and destroy marginalized
religious cults, and the more a society claims to offer "religious freedom",
the more viciously fascist it is in absolutely destroying any cult that
dares to challenge or seems to pose a threat to, mainstream societal
ideology. As is so often the case, perverse claims of "needing to protect
children" are the single most common excuse used to carry out this fascist
repression. Societal leaders use their mouthpieces, law enforcement and
the mainstream media, to accuse cult leaders and cult members of abusing
children, endangering children, harming children, and this sets the stage
for law enforcement to barge in, arrest cult leaders and members, and
essentially break up the cult. As would be expected, a few cult leaders
are so enraged, mentally deranged, or obsessed with maintaining control
and dominance, that they instruct their devotees that god wants them
to either die outright, or fight to the death, on his behalf. This leads
to the inevitable high profile massacres such as occurred with cult leaders
Jim Jones and David Koresh. The perverse irony of course, is that all
religions, and all societies, are genocidally malevolent towards children,
as an integral, core public policy. I'm quite sure that Jim Jones was
quite abusive to children, and so was David Koresh. If not personally,
than almost certainly in the core policies of their cult doctrines.
But does this mean that society has any moral, ethical, or philosophical
right to use the notion of needing to "rescue children" as a pretense
for committing fascist assaults upon cult leaders and members, when the
fact is that society itself commits atrocities upon children on a far
more widespread scale, that are far more harmful to children, than any
cult could ever dream of committing?? Of course not! Christianity, catholicism,
and all mainstream religions specifically and overtly promote and encourage
the vicious brutalization of all children born to all followers of the
religion. Physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual torture of
children are primary building blocks of mainstream religions, just as
these child tortures are a core foundation of regular, secular societal
policy. Cults and cult leaders are targeted by society not because there
is any legitimate interest in protecting or saving children from abuse,
but because societal leaders are terrified that a "rogue" religion that
is not under the fascist control of secular societal leaders, led by
a rogue religious leader who refuses to bow to the fascist and malevolent
agenda of secular societal leaders, could take root, gain popularity,
attract devotees, and thus pose a threat to the stability and structure
of the existing societal structure.
Okay, our next topic will require a fairly lengthy discussion, because
there are some very interesting aspects to it, and it is Satan and Satanism.
Lets begin by explaining what satan and satanism are. The malevolent
human authors of religious texts decided that they needed to create a
"villainn" character, within their insane god mythologies. They needed
a villain who was more powerful than humans, but slightly less powerful
than the god creature, for two very specific reasons. The first reason
was that the "superhuman" villain creature could be used to inflict a
great deal of terror upon the god devotees, and drive them into the "arms"
of god, compel them to embrace the pretense that they can have "safety
and comfort" from all of life's terrors, including the terror that "satan"
represents, by becoming loyal, docile, brainwashed god worshippers/devotees.
The second reason for why the satan villainn was needed, has to do with
the fact that the "biblical" texts, and god himself, are inflicting absolutely
brutal injustice, harm, suffering, and deprivation upon their devotees.
And yet at the same time, the illusion and false pretense that god is
"loving and merciful" is put forth within these malevolent texts, and
the pretense of this insane notion being accurate must be preserved.
This is where the satan character comes in so handy. All biblical doctrine
which seems to be most brutally oppressive, can be blamed on satan, thus
allowing the god creature to maintain/retain the illusion of benevolence,
and thus keep the devotion of his brainwashed devotees. Satan is used
as a terroristic reminder to the god freaks: "Maybe you feel a little
bit oppressed right now, in obeying god, but he will reward you so wonderfully
for all of eternity later on. If you abandon the god myth that we have
addicted you to, our evil and essentially omnipotent satan creature will
grab you, and inflict so much torment upon you, for all of eternity,
that you will forever regret your decision to abandon our glorious god
and the behavioral/cultural agenda that he is demanding of you." So,
satan is used as a bargaining chip, a leverage tool. Your malevolent
societal leaders understand and recognize that the best way to get you
to accept brutal, fascist repression from god, which is of course in
reality brutal, fascist repression from the human societal leadership,
is to convince you that an even greater threat, an entity who is able
and eager to inflict far more horrific torments upon you, is lurking
in the shadows, and the only way to protect yourself from this "ultimate"
evil and terror, is to embrace an evil and a terror that is portrayed
as being a benevolent benefactor, in the god creature.
Every mainstream religion has a slightly different design structure to
the satan myth, and the satan creature goes by different names in some
religions, being called the "devil", etc... But this creature serves
the exact same malevolent purpose in every religion, having been set
up as a "foil" for the god creature, in a battle between "good and evil".
Therefore, within this essay, when I refer to "satan", I am in reality
referring to the devil, or whatever other name the particular religion
that you might be familiar with/addicted to, has chosen to bestow upon
this "superhuman god foil" character. The vast majority of human beings,
even as they commit horrific atrocities, seek to philosophically identify
with "goodness", most especially if they are promised unique, otherwise
unattainable rewards for doing so, such as eternal, blissful life in
heaven. Religion, being an artificial construct of societal leaders,
puts forth "god" as the representative of the agenda that the human societal
leaders are seeking to viciously impose upon their citizen-slaves. God,
representing goodness, serves as the mouthpiece of the societal leadership.
Because most people seek to identify with goodness, and are in desperate
terror of the horrific Truths of life that god offers false comfort from,
your human leaders know that the vast majority of you will be enticed
and drawn into embracing the god myth, thus embracing the agenda that
your societal leaders choose to set out for you, using god as their mouthpiece.
But this agenda is completely unnatural, irrational, harmful, and enslaving.
It goes against the most instinctually basic, inborn, human interests,
instincts and needs. If there was only a god creature, who claimed to
be benevolent and loving, imposing this agenda upon the masses of god
addicts, a few addicts would become confused, upset, and ultimately reject
the god myth, not being able to reconcile the instinctual suffering that
they were enduring, with the image of a beatific and loving god that
is projected within god mythology. But if a foil for god is incorporated
within the myth, a superhuman, supremely malevolent adversary that god
needed to do "battle" with, and the battle was portrayed as the beatific
god creature fighting on behalf of his human devotees, then whatever
perceptions of unjust suffering the god addict may realize, will fade
away into nothingness, as the god addict is convinced that his beloved
god creature loves him so much that he is willing to do battle with satan
in order to save him from the most horrific fate imaginable, an eternity
in "hell", as opposed to an eternity in "heaven". It is all so blatantly
transparent as to inspire hysterical laughter within any sane thinker.
Your leaders want to terrorize you into embracing god, and so they create
another invisible, supernatural creature who threatens you with the most
horrific fate imaginable, for the purpose of terrorizing you into accepting,
embracing, and most importantly obeying, the god creature, who is the
malevolent mouthpiece of your ultra evil human societal leaders, both
past and present.
Does satan exist? No, of course not! The notion of satan existing as
an entity is just as ludicrous as the notion of god existing. The myth
of satan is incorporated within the insane god myth, and thus it needs
no debunking, as I have already torn asunder and dissected the god myth
within this essay. But now we come to an profound realization of Forbidden
Truth that I find extremely valuable and interesting: Even though the
god myth is completely toxic, perverse, and genocidally harmful to human
beings, the satan myth is not toxic, it is not perverse, nor is it genocidally
harmful. The toxic god myth itself does promote and in effect "create"
the satan myth, meaning that mainstream religions seek to addict you
to the notion that satan, as well as god, both exist. And I am not saying
that the satan myth is a good or legitimate myth to believe in. But what
I am saying is that the satan myth is not overtly harmful in and of itself,
it can be benevolently useful to some god addicts trying to break free
of their addiction, and it can even serve as an antidote to the insane
god myth. I will now explain exactly why and how this is so. The god
creature, although portrayed within the bible and other holy books as
a "saintly" figure, is in reality nothing more than an accurate reflection
of the true character of the human creators of the god myth. These human
beings were evil, malevolent, power-crazed, deranged, manipulative, irrational,
selfish, self-hating. At the same time of course, we must recognize
that as individuals, they were tortured victim-creations of their societies
and do not deserve to be condemned or judged negatively in any manner.
The character of god, as written in biblical texts, reflects this immense
inferiority, which means that any individual who chooses to become a
devotee of god, to embrace the real message of god and to emulate god
in their own life activities, is overtly choosing and attempting to become
malevolent, deranged, selfish, self-hating. Of course the individual
has no conscious awareness of this fact, having already lost all ability
to recognize, much less embrace rational Truth, the moment he chose to
become a god addict and became addicted to this toxic myth.
The "satan" character was written and portrayed by these malevolent victims
of society, as being the ultimate in evil, but in reality, upon any type
of rational, analytical study of biblical texts, it is clear that from
a Truth-based perspective, satan is actually a sane, self-loving, non-
manipulative, basically rational creature. You see, the writers of the
insane god myth texts had to get you Unwashed Masses of citizen-slaves
to embrace your own oppression, to embrace genocidal evil and deranged
hypocrisy. The way they achieved this goal was simply by reversing factual
truth, turning truth upside-down. The so-called saintly creature is in
fact the utterly malevolent one, but simply by creating another fictional
creature and stridently labeling him as the "demon", you pathetic sheeple
happily and blindly ignore and reject the obvious malevolence and brutal
malice of the god creature, and invalidly transfer all of his true character
traits onto the satan creature, as instructed to within the god myth
texts. This allows you to remain loyal and devoted to your beloved god,
and beholden to him, compelled to embrace all of his malevolent doctrine,
which are of course in reality the malevolent demands of your brutal,
human societal leaders. The authors of the insane god myth texts tried
very hard to make the satan character seem terrifying and abhorrent,
so that none of their citizen-slaves would embrace and worship this character,
because he represented the exact opposite of what they were attempting
to terroristically impose upon their citizen-slaves. Satan represented
and continues to represent self-love, tolerance, pleasure, freedom, embrace
of natural instinct. God represents self-hatred, intolerance, repression/rejection
of pleasure and natural instinct, and slavery. The entire goal of societal
leaders in imposing the insane god myth upon you creatures, was and continues
to be the ultimate in malevolence: To get you creatures to willingly
loathe yourselves, throw away your lives, irrationally hate/kill other
human beings upon command, reject pleasure and natural instinct, accept
fascist enslavement. So, the god creature is beatified, while the satan
creature is demonized, and even more importantly, all of the perverse
and malevolent character traits and behavioral edicts that god himself
possesses and imposes upon you, are falsely and invalidly attributed
to the satan creature and the "horrific" ideology that the satan creature
is declared to represent. Nothing could be further from the Truth, as
the satan creature in actual fact, represents positive character traits
and behaviors, such as self-love, freedom, natural instinct, pleasure,
happiness, and an overall embrace of sane, rational thinking and life
choice options. These positive character traits/behaviors are highly
beneficial to individuals, but terrifying and rightly perceived as being
highly dangerous, by and to your fascist, malevolent societal leaders.
The coercively brainwashing manner in which biblical texts were written
and imposed upon you creatures made it very difficult, virtually impossible,
for any human being of ordinary intelligence to recognize that it was
the satan character who represented all of the positive, empowering aspects
of life, while the god character represented all of the negative, brutalizing
aspects of life. Every single day, the exact opposite, false message
was and is viciously imposed upon your minds, beginning when you are
tiny, helpless children, your minds completely vulnerable and at the
mercy of others. And yet despite all this, a few, Superior humans have
always gravitated towards embracing the satan myth, rather than the god
myth. This is because human beings, at least those who have not yet been
totally broken by their evil, lie-based societies, have an instinctual
interest in and craving for, Truth. Even though satan does not exist,
he represents Instinctual Truth, most especially in comparison to god,
whose entire agenda, acting as a mouthpiece for human societal leaders
of course, can be accurately summed up as constituting withholding, rejection,
and condemnation of Instinctual Truth. Thankfully, a few of these Superior,
highly insightful embracers of satan have tried to help more people
embrace the positive message of satanism, by writing "holy" texts of
their own, and proclaiming them to represent the "true" message of satan.
The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey is most likely the best known
of these texts. Even though satanic texts often call for the worship
of satan, and some authors of these texts are no doubt malevolent, power-
crazed individuals who may well be addicted to the satan myth themselves,
there are huge, fundamental differences between these proudly satanic
texts, and mainstream, sacred god myth texts that societal leaders have
written and imposed upon their citizen-slaves. First of all, the satanic
texts deliver a positive doctrine that is personally empowering/freeing,
rather than brutally enslaving. Secondly, these satanic texts were created
to serve in a responsive role. They represent a response to the insane
god myth which has already been and continues to be viciously imposed
by society upon all citizen-slaves. The satanic texts would not exist
were it not for the previous creation and genocidal imposition of toxic
god mythology by human societal leaders. They represent an attempt to
counteract the poisonous plague of mainstream, god worship/addiction.
Thirdly, belief in/worship of satan serves a positive purpose in terms
of helping people who have become addicted to the toxic god myth, to
break free of that addiction. Yes, the satan myth can be highly addictive
in and of itself, but generally it is only embraced by individuals who
have already become addicted to the god myth, or who would have become
addicted to the god myth, had they not realized that the satan myth was
far more benevolent, represented Instinctual Truth, and would have a
far less negative impact upon their overall lives, than the fascist and
enslaving god myth would have had.
Therefore, it is very accurate to describe satanism, belief in satan,
and satanic worship, as being a genuine antidote to the insane god myth.
The god myth is a plague, a societally sponsored plague. The satan myth
provides an opportunity for Superior, individual victims of this plague,
to try to free themselves and cure themselves, of this toxic plague
that has been malevolently imposed upon them by society. It is far better
to be infected with a relatively benign and empowering myth, such as
satanic worship, than it is to be infected with an extremely toxic, brutally
fascist and enslaving myth, such as that of mainstream, societally promoted
god worship. Just as importantly, escaping from a highly toxic myth that
has been viciously imposed upon you from literally the day of your birth,
is extremely difficult for all individuals, and impossible for many
individuals. The myth of satan provides a useful and convenient "bridge",
to help god addicts cross over from their toxic god addiction, to an
embrace of genuine Truth, which would be that neither god nor satan exist,
or are worthy of being worshipped/believed in, as entities. Do all worshippers
of satan make this enormously courageous, superior leap, escaping from
the satan myth after they have escaped from the god myth? Of course not!
Every human is unique. Some will end up going back to the god myth later
in life, others will remain addicted to the satan myth for the rest of
their lives. But a decent percentage will indeed, after worshipping/believing
in satan for a few months to a few years, break free of this addiction
as well, and come to the recognition that they are their own gods, that
no entity or doctrine deserves their worship or devotion, that they are
the only creature who deserves their own worship and devotion. Were it
not for the empowering nature of the satan myth, as courageously expressed
within texts such as The Satanic Bible, it is clear to me that a great
many god addicts would never break free of their god addiction, much
less break free of all "supernatural", omnipotent creature myths. This
alone proves that the satan myth is essentially a benevolent antidote
to the god myth, valuable and empowering, and we owe a great debt to
people like Anton Szandor LaVey, now tragically deceased, for not only
finding the courage to reject the god myth himself, but for then having
made the morally benevolent choice to try to help other people, other
victims of society, to break free of their toxic god addiction, by creating
a "holy text" of his own, an empowering antidote to the brutal god myth,
via The Satanic Bible.
Curing a disease often involves numerous steps, you can't just give an
injection and bam, the person is cured. Consider cancer, sometimes the
cancerous tumor has to be cut out of the body, then a series of chemotherapy/radiation
treatments are given. It is a multi-step process. The god myth is a disease
of the mind, that has ferocious, tenacious strength. It's victims have
had this disease imposed upon them for literally every day of their lives.
Breaking free of this disease, defeating it, is an enormous challenge
for all god addicts. It is usually a very slow process, a multi-step
process, and it is clear to me that the satan myth, especially as written
in genuinely satanic tests rather than within mainstream god myth bibles,
provides a wonderful opportunity for god addicts to at least take the
first step, in breaking free of their toxic god addiction. You will note
that satanism is most commonly embraced among teenagers and younger adults.
These youthful torture victims of society, their minds not yet fully
mature, are desperately trying to overcome the entire childhood of brutal
god myth brainwashing/imposition that they have been subjected to. Many
of them feel within their core realities, their ability to recognize
Truth slipping away. For every single day of their lives, the toxic god
myth has been viciously imposed upon them, in terroristic fashion. It
is easy for me, as an outside observer who has already emerged triumphant
from this insane myth, to say that they "should" simply reject all god/afterlife
mythology and embrace absolute Truth concerning this issue. But the reality
is that breaking free of any toxic addiction is extremely difficult,
and usually requires small, multiple steps, which take place over a significant
period of time. Embracing satanic philosophy, belief, and even "worship",
is an extremely positive first step, for god addicts to take. Most fully
mature adults are so hopelessly addicted to the insane god myth that
they have no chance of breaking free. Children and teenagers however,
in many cases, are still engaged in a desperate intellectual and emotional
battle, trying to recognize, find, and embrace Truth, trying to avoid
suffering the death of intellectual sanity and the loss of all ability
to recognize and embrace Truth, that the vast majority of mature adults
have already suffered. This is why the satanic myth finds it's greatest
audience within the teenage and young adult community. This population
has been subjected to insane god myth terrorization for their entire
lives, and is desperately, on an instinctual level, trying to find whatever
ways it can, to rightly reject and free themselves from the horrific,
malevolent, lie-based prison of god addiction.
There is a huge difference however, between embracing satanic philosophy
as expressed within mainstream, pro-god, societally sponsored religions,
as opposed to embracing satanic philosophy as expressed within independent
"holy texts", such as The Satanic Bible, that have been written in direct
response to insane god mythology, for the purpose of revealing the true,
malevolent nature of god, something that no mainstream, societally promoted
religion would ever do, for obvious reasons as I have already outlined
above. Embrace of satan is always less overtly harmful to the individual
than embrace of god is. But only by going far beyond the demonizing,
invalid, perversely hypocritical portrayal of satan that occurs within
mainstream religious texts, can the true "message" of satanic empowerment
be properly recognized, appreciated, and used by the individual. Just
as a baby is weaned off it's bottle, slowly and steadily, via the substitution
of other types of nourishment, the satanic myth can be and is sometimes
used by victims of brutal societal god myth terrorization/brainwashing,
to break free of this most toxic of addictions. Ideally, the individual
will eventually break free of the satan myth as well, and recognize that
satan does not exist, is not an entity, but rather a useful tool of personal
empowerment. But even if an individual is to remain enslaved for life
to the religion of satanism, to "worshipping" satan, it is clear to any
sane thinker that the lifelong ramifications and consequences of addiction
to satanism will be far less harmful to the individual, than a lifelong
addiction to mainstream god worship would be. This is because all of
mainstream religion is based upon brutal oppression, enslavement, and
denial of Truth/natural instinct, while satanism is based upon empowerment
of the individual, embrace of natural instinct/Truth, and individualistic
self-love/self-value. Interestingly, the more superior pioneers of satanic
philosophy, such as Anton Szandor LaVey, have been rather open, to a
degree, in admitting that they do not perceive satan as being an actual
physical entity. This is something you will never find in any mainstream,
societally promoted religion, since the perverse specter of an omnipotent,
judgmental, vengeful god creature watching every step that every human
takes, desperately and viciously imposing his will upon every individual,
is a hallmark, cornerstone foundation of all fascist god mythology.
Within any sane society, Anton Szandor LaVey would be recognized and
honored not merely as being a brilliant and courageous philosopher, but
even more importantly, for being one of the greatest, perhaps the very
greatest, humanitarians of the 20th century. This man, subjected to insane
and toxic god myth terrorization as a child and young adult, not only
broke free of his addiction, but then, as an adult, decided that he had
a moral obligation to try to help other people break free of the insane
god myth, embraced this obligation wholeheartedly, and devoted the rest
of his life towards this noble purpose, by founding the Church of Satan,
writing The Satanic Bible, continuously writing other texts which exposed
the god myth for what it is, and publicly, stridently, challenging and
rebuking the insane god myth on a constant basis, at great peril to his
own life. Anton's noble work has literally been directly responsible
for helping countless millions of people break free from the insane god
myth, over the past 35+ years, and despite the fact that he is tragically
no longer alive, his writings, statements, and philosophies continue
to circulate, continuing to help millions of people to recognize the
toxic, perverse nature of the god myth. It is outrageous beyond all measure
that Anton, and other courageous Seers of Truth, have been, continue
to be, and always will be demonized by you diseased creatures and your
genocidally evil societies. I can think of no other 20th century human
being who has had a more positive, noble impact, upon more individual
humans, than Anton Szandor LaVey. The inventor of the polio vaccine,
other scientists who have come with cures for serious illnesses, they
may well have greatly assisted a few million people themselves, but they
were not directly challenging a core, fundamental societal doctrine,
at great peril to their very lives, as Anton chose to courageously and
nobly do. Anton recognized the god myth as being a toxic plague, and
chose to try to directly help cure people of this toxic plague, genuinely
succeeding in playing a primary role in freeing and curing countless
millions of plague victims. This is a remarkable achievement, and I am
proud to publicly recognize and acknowledge Anton as being without any
doubt, on a worldwide basis, one of the very most heroic, courageous,
noble, and if I may borrow a word hijacked by you god freaks, saintly,
human beings to have lived upon this planet during the 20th century
and the entire modern era.
I am now going to provide a few quotes from The Satanic Bible that I
consider to be extremely insightful as well as accurate, and which serve
to prove that my above comments on the god myth in general, as well as
satanism in particular, are right on the money. I realize that this essay
is already quite lengthy, but given the fact that I have provided the
ten commandments quotes above, and these passages from The Satanic Bible
are so much more valuable and insightful, not to mention the outrageous
fact that so few of you creatures have been exposed to the Superior nature
of genuine satanism, I feel almost obligated to provide at least a few
of these empowering quotes, as a way to honor Truth, to honor Anton and
his legacy, and to demonstrate, beyond all doubt, why the god myth is
toxic, while the satan myth, especially as interpreted by Superior individuals
in direct response to the god myth, is not overtly toxic, but rather
a myth that can be both extremely empowering and useful to anyone trying
to escape from the clutches of toxic god myth addiction. I would naturally
encourage all readers to buy a copy of The Satanic Bible, even if they
are not god addicts, because it provides a fascinating and true revelation
of the structure and toxicity of the mainstream, societally promoted
god myth. I will be keeping my comments brief, in the interest of preserving
space and because these quotes, together with my above commentary, basically
speak for themselves. All of the below quotes are direct writings of
Anton Szandor LaVey, and were published by him in his book, "The Satanic
Bible", All Copyrights remain in effect and are held by Anton Szandor
LaVey and his heirs/estate. I will be putting Anton's quotes in black
print, followed by my brief comments in red print:
Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence! Satan represents
vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams! Satan represents undefiled
wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit! Satan represents all of
the so-called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional
Here we see a very clear demonstration of the superiority of satanism,
and how it represents positive, non-toxic ideology, in direct contrast
to the insane god myth. Satanism empowers the individual, god worship
enslaves the individual. Self-love and the embrace of each individual's
sacred right to achieve personal pleasure and satisfaction in real life,
in the only life that any of us will ever have for all of eternity,
is a Superior foundational core of satanism, while of course this sane,
rational doctrine is condemned and demonized within toxic god mythology.
Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often
worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine
spiritual and intellectual development", has become the most vicious
animal of all!
I really like this quote a lot, it shows the morally courageous stance
of the satan myth. The satan myth does not pander to it's devotees. It
does not try to falsely comfort them by telling them that they are better
than other animals, unlike the insane god myth.
I request reason for your golden rule and ask the why and wherefore of
your ten commandments. Before none of your printed idols do I bend in
acquiescence, and he who saith "thou shalt" to me is my mortal foe! I
dip my forefinger in the watery blood of your impotent mad redeemer,
and write over his thorn-torn brow: The TRUE prince of evil - the king
of slaves! No hoary falsehood shall be a truth to me; no stifling dogma
shall encramp my pen! I break away from all conventions that do not lead
to my earthly success and happiness.
Here, at least via my interpretation, is a stirringly inspirational appeal
to god addicts by Anton, trying to make them see what fools they are
to blindly worship and "obey" the fascist, unnatural, self-sabotaging,
toxic decrees of the god creature.
I question all things. As I stand before the festering and varnished
facades of your haughtiest moral dogmas, I write thereon in letters of
blazing scorn: Lo and behold; all this is fraud! Gather around me, Oh!
ye death-defiant, and the earth itself shall be thine, to have and to
hold! Too long the dead hand has been permitted to sterilize living thought!
Too long right and wrong, good and evil have been inverted by false prophets!
No creed must be accepted upon authority of a "divine" nature. Religions
must be put to the question. No moral dogma must be taken for granted
- no standard of measurement deified. There is nothing inherently sacred
about moral codes. Like the wooden idols of long ago, they are the work
of human hands, and what man has made, man can destroy! He that is slow
to believe anything and everything is of great understanding, for belief
in one false principle is the beginning of all unwisdom. Whenever, therefore,
a lie has built unto itself a throne, let it be assailed without pity
and without regret, for under the domination of an inconvenient falsehood,
no one can prosper. Let established sophisms be dethroned, rooted out,
burnt and destroyed, for they are a standing menace to all true nobility
of thought and action! Whatever alleged "truth" is proven by results
to be but an empty fiction, let it be unceremoniously flung into the
outer darkness, among the dead gods, dead empires, dead philosophies,
and other useless lumber and wreckage! The most dangerous of all enthroned
lies is the holy, the sanctified, the privileged lie - the lie everyone
believes to be a model truth. It is the fruitful mother of all other
popular errors and delusions. It is a hydra-headed tree of unreason with
a thousand roots. It is a social cancer! The lie that is known to be
a lie is half eradicated, but the lie that even intelligent persons accept
as fact - the lie that has been inculcated in a little child at its mother's
knee - is more dangerous to contend against than a creeping pestilence!
Popular lies have ever been the most potent enemies of personal liberty.
There is only one way to deal with them: Cut them out, to the very core,
just as cancers. Exterminate them root and branch. Annihilate them,
or they will us!
This is an even more passionately stirring appeal to truth. Anton defies
all religion convention by calling upon his readers to seek out Truth,
because every mainstream, societally promoted religion is not only lie-
based, but overtly and terroristically demands that it's disciples do
not even attempt to use rational, sane thinking to arrive at Truth. Truth
is the mortal enemy of all mainstream religion, but satanism, being an
empowering antidote to the toxic god myth, genuinely promotes and encourages
the embrace of Truth, in life. You can argue that "believing in the existence
of satan" is in itself an appeal to falsehood rather than Truth. But
if you read The Satanic Bible in it's entirety, you realize that Anton
is in fact not promoting the notion that Satan exists, as a physical,
sentient living creature, unlike all mainstream god myths which go to
great pains to do the opposite, to portray god as absolutely being a
physical, sentient, living entity.
Life is the great indulgence - death, the great abstinence. Therefore,
make the most of life - HERE AND NOW! There is no heaven of glory bright,
and no hell where sinners roast. Here and now is our day of torment!
Here and now is our day of joy! Here and now is our opportunity! Choose
ye this day, this hour, for no redeemer liveth! Say unto thine own heart,
"I am mine own redeemer." Stop the way of them that would persecute
you. Let those who devise thine undoing be hurled back to confusion and
infamy. Let them be as chaff before the cyclone and after they have fallen
rejoice in thine own salvation. Then all thy bones shall say pridefully,
"Who is like unto me? Have I not been too strong for mine adversaries?
Have I not delivered MYSELF by mine own brain and body?"
What a true poet Anton is, a poet and a philosopher, brilliant in both
disciplines, as he attempts to help god addicts find a way to break free
of their brutal torment. Note how Anton says: "There is no heaven of
glory bright, and no hell where sinners roast." Can you imagine any mainstream
religion not promoting the notion of heaven? No! Because heaven is used
as a terroristic bribe by all mainstream religions. It would have been
so easy for Anton to declare hell to be a real place within his Satanic
Bible, but to portray it as a paradisical haven of pleasure. If Anton
had been power-crazed, or overtly malevolent, that is exactly what he
would have done. But no, Anton respected Truth, he chose to try to appeal
to the instinctual interest in Truth of his readers, and defying all
religious convention and doctrine, courageously told them, directly within
his Satanic Bible, that there was no hell for them to "aspire and strive"
for, while of course every mainstream religion demands a lifetime of
aspiring and striving on the part of it's torture victims to "prove"
themselves worthy of going to heaven.
Blessed are the death-defiant, for their days shall be long in the land
- Cursed are the gazers toward a richer life beyond the grave, for they
shall perish amidst plenty! Blessed are the destroyers of false hope,
for they are the true Messiahs - Cursed are the god-adorers, for they
shall be shorn sheep! Blessed are the valiant, for they shall obtain
great treasure - Cursed are the believers in good and evil, for they
are frightened by shadows! Blessed are those that believe in what is
best for them, for never shall their minds be terrorized - Cursed are
the "lambs of God", for they shall be bled whiter than snow! Blessed
is the man who has a sprinkling of enemies, for they shall make him a
hero - Cursed is he who doeth good unto others who sneer upon him in
return, for he shall be despised! Blessed are the mighty-minded, for
they shall ride the whirlwinds - Cursed are they who teach lies for truth
and truth for lies, for they are an abomination! Thrice cursed are the
weak whose insecurity makes them vile, for they shall serve and suffer!
The angel of self-deceit is camped in the souls of the "righteous" -
The eternal flame of power through joy dwelleth within the flesh of the
Any thoughtful, analytical reader of The Satanic Bible quickly realizes
that Anton is in fact not promoting satanism as a "religion" at all.
What he is doing is promoting Truth, trying to help people to break free
of their religious addiction, specifically to mainstream god worship
religions. The entire structure of this "bible", the satanic bible, is
in fact a passionate appeal to all human beings to embrace Truth and
to reject lies. To love and value themselves, Truth, rationality, life.
In my opinion, Anton felt that you humans, most especially those of you
already addicted to the insane god myth, were too genetically inferior
as creatures, to be able to embrace purely secular, intellect-based Truth.
Tragically, I agree with him, he was right about that, as he was right
about so many other things. He decided that in order for his brilliant
Truth revelations to have any chance of being embraced by god addicts,
he had to disseminate them within a structural framework that mirrored,
to a degree, the insane god myth structure. He tried very hard to disseminate
pure Truth, even going so far as to reveal that hell does not exist and
satan is not a omnipotent, immortal, physical creature, directly within
his "bible", but at the same time he also created "ceremonial" rituals,
such as elaborate, prayer-like "appeals" to satan, recognizing that
this would help severely addicted god addicts to make the leap from their
supremely toxic addiction, to the benign, empowering, non-toxic embrace
of satanic philosophy, which is in reality an embrace of self-love, Instinctual
Truth, rational thought, and freedom. What a remarkable person Anton
was, and how incredibly tragic it is that you pathetic creatures know
a ton more about Madonna, Princess Diana, Bill Clinton, and all of the
other societal whores and celebrity agents that has been used to promote
and legitimize the structure of your society, than you do about this
most brilliant and courageous of philosophers.
You would think that The Satanic Bible, not only after it's publication
in the late 1960's but all throughout the past 3+ decades, would be constantly
condemned and talked about by mainstream societal leaders. After all,
it represents the most stridently rude and unrepentant challenge to
mainstream god worship, imaginable. And yet the opposite is true, there
was absolutely no major outcry by mainstream religious leaders upon publication
of this book, certainly no obsessive focus by such leaders upon the book,
and within a year or two of publication, all mention of The Satanic
Bible by all mainstream religious leaders had basically ceased. Why??
Because The Satanic Bible was, absolutely, the single most terrifying
book that any mainstream religious or societal leader had ever read!
They recognized that this book was like a nuclear bomb, capable of destroying
2000+ years of carefully cultivated insane god myth brutalization and
oppression of all citizen-slaves. Every mention of the book by name,
every mention of Anton by name, carried with it the terrifying danger
that god addicts could, somehow, find the insight, determination, and
courage required to break free of their god addiction, and to spread
this terrifying "religion", satanism, to more god addicts, freeing them,
empowering them, melting and destroying the toxic grip that the mainstream
god myth had upon them. Religious and societal leaders got together and
overtly decided that the best course of action in dealing with this terrifying
threat, was to cease all public mention of the book, and of Anton Szandor
LaVey. Continue to demonize satan & satanism of course, but only within
the existing, insane, framework of the "god is good, satan is evil, both
are living entities battling for the hearts and minds of human beings"
structure of the mainstream god myth, while never mentioning either Anton
or his book, thus defusing the Truths he so brilliantly expressed in
The Satanic Bible and in his other writings, simply by preventing the
vast majority of "regular" god-addicted citizen-slaves, who would never
think of going out and buying a book titled "The Satanic Bible", from
being exposed to the Truths. Tragically, but not surprisingly, this malevolent
plan worked perfectly for your evil societies, and only a tiny handful
of people, those who overtly and courageously decided to try to seek
out Truth, were ever exposed to even 2% of the actual content of The
Satanic Bible. Even so, it surprises me that Anton was not assassinated,
since your societies have an absolutely proven track record of murdering
just about all brilliant Seers of Truth who dare to try to publicly expose
core, culturally foundational lies/myths and tear them down, while replacing
them with Forbidden Truth. Very likely it was decided by societal leaders
that killing Anton carried with it the same risk that the murder of the
mentally ill Jesus Christ human carried, namely the possibility that
Anton would have been labeled as a "martyr" and his followers, as well
as all strident advocates of satanism, might have been able to attract
far more publicity, new supporters, and a huge increase in satanic devotees,
if in fact Anton had been murdered by your society. Sometimes society
decides that it's best to completely destroy a Seer of Truth, other times
it decides that demonizing/ridiculing the Seer is the best way to go,
other times it decides that shunning the individual and pretending that
both he and his message of Truth do not exist, is the best option. This
third option works surprisingly well, due to the fact that there is in
reality absolutely no freedom of the press and absolutely no method by
which a societally shunned individual can reach out to the mainstream
masses, and this is perhaps even more true in societies which claim to
be "free, open, and democratic", like america. Not even the recent popularization
of the internet, has changed this brutally fascist fact.
The Roman god, Lucifer, was the bearer of light, the spirit of the air,
the personification of enlightenment. In Christian mythology he became
synonymous with evil, which was only to have been expected from a religion
whose very existence is perpetuated by clouded definitions and bogus
values! It is time to set the record straight. False moralisms and occult
inaccuracies must be corrected. Entertaining as they might be, most stories
and plays about Devil worship must be recognized as the obsolete absurdities
they are. It has been said "the truth will make men free". The truth
alone has never set anyone free. It is only DOUBT which will bring mental
emancipation. Without the wonderful element of doubt, the doorway through
which truth passes would be tightly shut, impervious to the most strenuous
poundings of a thousand Lucifers. How understandable that Holy Scripture
should refer to the Infernal monarch as the "father of lies" - a magnificent
example of character inversion. If one is to believe this theological
accusation that the Devil represents falsehood, then it surely must be
AND WHO WROTE ALL OF THE HOLY BIBLES! When one doubt is followed by another,
the bubble, grown large from long accumulated fallacies, threatens to
burst. For those who already doubt supposed truths, this book is revelation.
Then Lucifer will have risen. Now is the time for doubt! The bubble of
falsehood is bursting and its sound is the roar of the world!
Here is an even clearer passage in which Anton tries to explain that
he is using satan for the very specific purpose of delivering and expressing
Truth to try and help enlighten addicts who are addicted to a brutally
toxic god myth. This is in fact exactly what Anton does, in The Satanic
Bible. This bible is the most dangerous book written in the 2oth century,
because it does precisely what Anton claims, it exposes beyond all rational
doubt, the utterly lie-based, perverse, invalid agenda and structure
of mainstream god mythology.
Anyone who thinks of Satan as evil should consider all the men, women,
children, and animals who have died because it was "God's will". Certainly
a person grieving the untimely loss of a loved one whould much rather
have their loved one with them than in God's hands! Instead, they are
unctuously consoled by their clergyman who says, "It was God's will,
my dear"; or "He is in God's hands now, my son." Such phrases have been
a convenient way for religionists to condone or excuse the mercilessness
of God. But if God is in complete control and as benign as he is supposed
to be, why does He allow these things to happen? Too long have religionists
been falling back on their bibles and rulebooks to prove or disprove,
justify, condemn, or interpret. The Satanist realizes that man, and
the action and reaction of the universe, is responsible for everything,
and doesn't mislead himself into thinking that someone cares. No longer
will we sit back and accept "fate" without doing anything about it, just
because it says so in Chapter such and such, Psalm so and so - and that's
that! The Satanist knows that praying does absolutely no good - in fact,
it actually lessens the chance of success, for the devoutly religious
too often sit back complacently and pray for a situation which, if they
were to do something about it on their own, could be accomplished much
The Satanic Bible is filled with absolutely brilliant, Truth-exposing
passages like the one above. The god creature is exposed for what he
is, an evil sadist. And because god does not exist, it is the creators
and proponents of mainstream god mythology, who are in fact exposed as
being evil sadists who deserve to be shunned, condemned, and rejected,
together with their toxic myth. "Why do you torment us, why do you murder
us, and in the same breath demand our worship?? You do not deserve our
acknowledgment even, much less our respect or worship! I am my own god,
and I am the best god in the world, because I love myself and the Truth."
This is the gloriously empowering, courageously honest doctrine of satanism.
ALL religions of a spiritual nature are inventions of man. He has created
an entire system of gods with nothing more than his carnal brain. Just
because he has an ego, and cannot accept it, he has to externalize it
into some great spiritual device which he calls "God". God can do all
the things man is forbidden to do - such as kill people, perform miracles
to gratify his will, control without any apparent responsibility, etc.
If man needs such a god and recognizes that god, then he is worshipping
an entity that a human being invented. Therefore, HE IS WORSHIPPING BY
PROXY THE MAN THAT INVENTED GOD. Is it not more sensible to worship a
god that he, himself, has created, in accordance with his own emotional
needs - one that best represents the very carnal and physical being that
has the idea-power to invent a god in the first place?
More extremely insightful Truth here. Can't you see the Truth, folks??
Can't you appreciate how and why, if you cannot reject all religion and
religious texts, it is this bible, The Satanic Bible, that you need to
embrace?? This bible is non-toxic, this bible reveals Truth, this bible
allows you to crawl out from under the fascist boot of systematic oppression,
brutalization, and malevolent lies that your evil society has imposed
upon you, via mainstream religion. This bible frees you from enslavement.
This bible gives you back the most precious and sacred freedoms imaginable,
the freedom to love yourself, to embrace the pleasures of life, to embrace
reality and Truth, to worship the only living thing on planet earth who
deserves your worship: Yourself! It is utterly mind-boggling to me, that
any creature could or would make the perverse choice to embrace the mainstream
god myth, over the satan myth as portrayed by Anton Szandor Lavey in
his Satanic Bible book. The only possible explanations that exist for
this perverse choice being made, are genetic mental deformity of humans,
and/or profound cowardice, terror, and self-hatred within the core character
of humans, both genetic and societally brainwashed/imposed.
Even though times have changed, and always will, man remains basically
the same. For two thousand years man has done penance for something he
never should have had to feel guilty about in the first place. We are
tired of denying ourselves the pleasures of life which we deserve. Today,
as always, man needs to enjoy himself here and now, instead of waiting
for his rewards in heaven. So, why not have a religion based on indulgence?
Certainly, it is consistent with the nature of the beast. We are no longer
supplicating weaklings trembling before an unmerciful "God" who cares
not whether we live or die. We are self-respecting, prideful people -
we are Satanists!
Yet another beautiful written passage designed to try and help societally
broken and brutalized victims of perverse god addiction, to find a way
to rise up and throw off the cloak of self-hatred that every mainstream
religion deliberately, malevolently and in a suffocating manner, terroristically
imposes and attaches to us. In a sane, benevolent society, every resource
would be devoted to trying to help people break free of mainstream, god-
based religion, and not become infected with this toxic plague. And yes,
The Satanic Bible would be directly used by societal leaders and their
empowered agents, to help free existing addicts, to allow them to make
the leap from an extraordinarily toxic and harmful religion, to an essentially
benign, harmless, and to a degree beneficial religion, whose message
is sane, rational, truth-affirming, and in no way overtly abusive in
nature, this Superior religion is Satanism, in particular, satanism as
portrayed and interpreted by Anton Szandor LaVey.
The devils of past religions have always, at least in part, had animal
characteristics, evidence of man's constant need to deny that he too
is an animal, for to do so would serve a mighty blow to his impoverished
ego. Pious prophets have taught man to fear Satan. But what of terms
like "God fearing"? If God is so merciful, why do people have to fear
him? Are we to believe there is nowhere we can turn to escape fear? If
you have to fear God, why not be "Satan fearing" and at least have the
fun that being God fearing denies you? Without such a wholesale fear
religionists would have had nothing with which to wield power over their
More brilliant revelations of Truth here. As you will find me detailing
throughout these texts, a primary Forbidden Truth is the fact that other
animal species are morally superior to the animal species known as "human
beings", and the perverse inability of human beings to face up to this
Truth is at the root of a great deal of the most malevolent types of
behaviors that humans engage in. Anton's second insight above is even
more valuable and profound, cutting to the very core of the god myth
belief/worship perversion: "If God is so merciful, why do people have
to fear him?" Such a simple sentence, and yet the meaning and Truth behind
it is so very profound. The god creature claims to be benevolent, he
is portrayed by his human endorsers and promoters as being the very embodiment
of supreme benevolence, and yet at the same time, god addicts spent their
entire lives in mortal fear of this creature, desperately trying to please
and satisfy the creature by imposing brutally harmful, punitive, and
unnatural rules upon themselves, as god tells and orders them to do.
Right within the ten commandments themselves, the god creature admits
to being selfish and in a completely undeniable manner, makes terroristic
threats against every human being. God is the very embodiment, personification,
and reflection of human malevolence. The mythical satan creature is
portrayed by god, therefore by the utterly malevolent human societal
leaders who created and who promote all mainstream god myths, as being
the embodiment of malevolence, in order to cover up the fact, the True
fact, that it is god who is the embodiment of limitless, genocidal evil
and malice, in reflection of the genocidal malice of his human creators,
leaders, and promoters. Anton Szandor LaVey, in an absolutely brilliant,
creative and passionate manner, tried to simply reveal this Truth, to
bring to light the fact that god himself is the embodiment of evil, and
he is making satan his scapegoat.
If you embrace god, he will viciously torment you for your entire lifetime,
and give you absolutely no reward upon your death. If you embrace satan,
he will not torment you during your lifetime, he will empower and free
you. You will still end up with absolutely no reward upon your death,
a fact that Anton, despite all his Superior revelations of Truth, still
refused to clearly express within The Satanic Bible, believing that humans
could not cope with the certainty of such a horrific Truth, but the "reward"
that you gain from choosing satan over god, is the fact that you will
avoid suffering vicious torment during your entire lifetime. This is
a huge reward, and upon death, the exact same horrific fate, nothingness
for all of eternity, will befall you no matter if you worship god, satan,
a jar of cat food, or an old shoe. The passion and genuine altruism
of Anton Szandor LaVey comes shining through in his writings. I'm sure
he had his own personal obsessions with things like power, control, dominance
over other humans, etc... And yet he went to great pains to develop a
satanic "religion" that was almost completely benign, benevolent, altruistic,
individually empowering, based upon Truth and Natural Instinct, and
carefully formulated in such a way as to specifically help god addicts
to realize the immense evil of their "idol", to realize the immense folly
of worshipping and dedicating their lives to a creature who is dedicated
to tormenting and victimizing them for their entire lives, and to make
it as easy as possible for them to break away from this utterly toxic
addiction, by providing a "new" religion, satanism, that retained some
of the ceremonial trappings of mainstream religion, but absolutely none
of the overt malevolence and toxicity of the societally promoted/legitimized
mainstream god myth. It's also worth noting that even though "worship
of satan" has been around as an idea, and practiced by some individuals,
since shortly after the god myth began to be terroristically imposed
upon the Unwashed Masses of citizen-slaves, The Satanic Bible was only
written and published in the 1960's, late 1960's to be specific. Even
though some very valuable satanic texts have been written over the centuries,
I consider The Satanic Bible to be a watershed text, which truly expressed
the altruistic vision and the benevolent empowerment of satanism in a
way that was never expressed previously, in a set of collected writings.
So what we have is essentially a brand new religious doctrine, less than
40 years old, an absolutely glorious doctrine that could so easily be
used to save literally billions of human beings from toxic god myth addiction,
if societal leaders began to overtly promote and encourage belief in/worship
of satan, rather than god. I realize that this is an utter pipe dream,
of course. But the reality of how your societies could and can save
billions of people from a lifetime of brutal oppression and torment,
yet malevolently choose not to do so, is no fantasy or pipe dream, it
is a brutal, accurate reality. I bring you back to the fact that today
and everyday, in many thousands of different churches, temples, and other
houses of worship across the world, satan and the devil are overtly mentioned
and talked about, condemned and demonized, by religious leaders to their
brainwashed flocks of sheeple. But the actual document which represents
the Truth of satan and of satanism, The Satanic Bible, is never mentioned,
never quoted, never displayed. This is because The Satanic Bible represents
Truth, and Truth is the supreme, mortal enemy of all mainstream, societally
promoted religions. There is no other entity that strikes greater fear
into the hearts of all mainstream god myth promoters, especially of christianity/catholicism-
based religion, than The Satanic Bible does, because it offers a devastatingly
courageous and accurate rebuke to the lie-based god myth, dissecting
it, revealing all of it's perversions, and offering a sane, benevolent,
freeing alternative to all humans. Stark terror is the reason why The
Satanic Bible is never mentioned by any mainstream religion promoters,
even though "satan" is constantly mentioned.
There are dozens of additional courageous and brilliantly insightful
Satanic Bible quotes that I could continue to list and discuss here,
but I have decided that I have already completely proven, beyond all
doubt, the points that I was interested in making about satan, satanism,
and satanic embrace/ideology. So I will simply recommend to all readers
that they obtain their own copy of The Satanic Bible, either by purchasing
the book, borrowing it from a library, or even accessing the full text
online. It is readily available via all three methods, and for anyone
looking to learn more about Anton Szandor LaVey, a courageous, pioneering,
truth-based philosopher who is certainly worthy of our attention, respect,
and tribute, the web site to go to is: The Church Of Satan. The only
caveat regarding satanism that I feel it is important to close with,
is that if a society was truly secular, free of all perverse god myth
terrorization and brainwashing, and protected it's children from all
god mythology, then the imposition of the satan myth upon either children
or adults within the society would indeed constitute abuse, victimization,
and malevolent brainwashing. However, as of the year 2001, there is
no society of humans on planet earth, not even those societies which
have ceased all blatant, governmental-level god myth promotion, that
even comes close to meeting this requirement, of genuine secularism.
Therefore, embrace and acceptance of satanic ideology is absolutely a
legitimate, useful, and positive antidote within all societies, for individuals
who have tragically become addicted to the malevolent and perverse god
myth, and the brutally harmful/destructive ideologies that all mainstream
god myths represent, promote, and terroristically impose upon people
of all ages, throughout their entire lifetimes, from tiny children, to
adults in their prime years, to the elderly.
Lets move on, as there are still a few important angles to this issue
that must be covered. A realization which strikes me as being quite profound,
is the fact that "praying", all forms of prayer to god, is in reality
begging. Nothing more and nothing less. The praying individual is begging
god to help him, because he is unable and/or unwilling to accept or face
up to the horrific realities of what his life currently constitutes of,
will consist of in the future, and the reality/consequences of the ultimate
fate which will befall him, namely death. Begging is a perfectly legitimate
activity to engage in, under some circumstances. But what makes this
particular form of begging so perversely ludicrous is the fact that the
entity whose favor and mercy is so desperately being sought, does not
exist. And there is no sane reason to even consider the possibility that
such an entity could exist. When I think about a person praying to god,
the first and most stridently obvious image that comes into my mind,
and that should come into the mind of any sane thinker, is: Derangement.
A person praying to god is mentally deranged, in the truest sense of
this term. They are mentally ill. Their mental illness is not organic
in nature, but rather environmental in nature. They have had a plague
of mental derangement which has swept through their society for thousands
of years, infect them. They are absolute victims of society, who deserve
pity, contempt, but not outright condemnation. The condemnation should
be reserved for the society itself, it's leaders and agents, who continue
to sponsor and legitimize and spread this mental plague to each and every
emerging generation. And yet even the societal leaders and agents are
themselves, for the most part, victims of this plague, genuinely addicted
to the insane god myth themselves, and it is a core precept of this plague
that once infected, the victim has an obligation to go out and deliberately
infect other people, as many as he can. This is a fundamental rule of
all mainstream insane god myth doctrines. And so even the societal leaders
and empowered agents must be recognized as likely being absolute victims
themselves, although we must also recognize that some societal and religious
leaders are insightful enough to know that god does not exist, and yet
continue to terroristically impose this toxic myth upon helpless children,
as well as adults of all ages, for purely malevolent reasons which reflect
their True Reality of personal victimization but do not in fact involve
any direct god myth addiction on a personal level. The bottom line is,
if you feel the need to beg for help, at least try to establish, using
sane, rational analysis, that the entity you wish to beseech for help
does, at the very least, exist. Otherwise you are certainly wasting your
time, and your behavioral choice cannot be perceived as anything other
than ludicrous.
The very next essay that I write, on this page, will be on the issue
of Death. I have already made quite a few comments on death in this essay
as well, and yet this point must be driven home right here and now: The
single greatest reason for why the toxic god myth has proven so successful,
has been so easily imposed upon you creatures, and so eagerly embraced
by you creatures, is the fact that you will die, you know that you are
going to die, and on a subconscious level, you also know the Truth of
what your death will consist of, the consequences that you, in personally
dying, will face and endure. You are unable, completely unable, to accept
this horrific, subconsciously realized Truth. You will desperately grasp
at whatever straw you are offered, that will allow you to consciously
reject this horrific Truth, just as a person unable to swim who is hurled
out of a crashing airliner into the ocean will desperately grasp at anything
that he feels will keep him afloat. You do not care how ludicrous, toxic,
insane, harmful, malevolent, the societal offering is, because you have
already decided, subconsciously or consciously, that absolutely nothing
can ever be worse than the plain and simple, horrific Truth of what your
death will entail, and the consequences of your death to you.
Other species are not aware, either consciously or subconsciously, on
an intellectualized level, of the horrific reality of what death entails.
Humans like to pretend that their awareness demonstrates that they possess
a "superior intellect" in comparison to other species. But the reality
is that nature/evolution never intended any creature to be able to intellectually
grasp, either subconsciously or consciously, the true, complete consequences
of their own deaths, and also never intended any such species, should
it come to develop this intellectual ability, to continue to survive
as a species. The human species is a genetic mutation. The "gift" of
superior intellect which humans superficially pretend to treasure, is
in reality a profound genetic flaw/malformation, that should have resulted
in the extinction of the human race a long time ago. Ironically, it is
this very genetic malformation, of genetically malformed intellect, which
has allowed the human race to survive to this point in time, albeit in
a horrifically perverse manner and with genocidally negative consequences
for all other species of life on planet earth. All this will be discussed
at great length within other essays at this site, but for now I wish
to conclude by simply revealing the Truth that if human beings were immortal,
if this one "fact of life" became a reality, and they did not have the
horrific, unbearable realization of death and it's eternal consequences
to intellectually as well as emotionally contend with, societies would
have a far more difficult time in addicting their citizen-slaves to the
insane god myth, and far more citizen-slaves would reject the god myth.
The god myth is centered upon this single issue, of human mortality and
the genetic inability of human beings to accept the horrific reality
of what their deaths entail. Every societally promoted god creature is
immortal, because the authors of all mainstream religious texts recognized
that human beings craved immortality more than anything else, more than
any object, any benefit, or any pleasure in existence. An immortal creature
would automatically attract the worship and obedience of you creatures,
because it would possess this single most coveted and precious attribute,
an attribute that each of you humans desperately seek with every fiber
of your being, albeit usually not on an intellectually conscious level.
Add the tantalizing notion of the immortal creature offering to provide
you with "immortality by proxy" via an "eternity in "heaven", and you
have the ingredients to a recipe that is so delicious, so enticing, as
to be irresistible to 99.999999% of all humans who are exposed to it,
with the blatantly obvious invalidity, falseness, insanity, and toxicity
of the recipe easily and gleefully swept aside and ignored/rejected.
We now move on to atheism and agnosticism. These are two labels that
god-addicted societies have chosen to attach to mentally Superior individuals
who have chosen to either reject or question sacred god mythology. From
the perspective of Truth-embrace, neither one of these labels should
exist. God addicts should be the ones to whom labels are attached, not
individuals who are free of god myth addiction, in the same manner than
drug addicts are labeled as "addicts", "junkies", etc... In a sane society,
instead of using labels like atheist and agnostic to describe individuals
who are free of a dependency upon the god myth, labels such as "god addict"
and "religion junkie" would be used, to label all individuals who are
enslaved to the god myth. This would demonstrate a healthy, pro-truth
structure to the society, even if it had many god addicts within it.
But of course your societies are diseased and lie-based to their very
cores, desperately eager to promote, legitimize, and impose god addiction
upon all citizen-slaves, and so as usual, we have an upside-down structure
in which the inferior, malevolent path is promoted, and perverse, invalid
labels are attached to the few Superior humans who have managed to escape
the toxic clutches of god addiction.
It's very interesting to look at these two labels, and examine why society
chose to create two different words, atheist and agnostic, to describe
individuals who are refusing to addict themselves to the god myth. Under
dictionary definitions, atheist is used to describe an individual who
overtly expresses the fact that he believes that no god creature exists.
Agnostic is used to describe an individual who "believes that nothing
can be known about the existence of god or of anything except material
things." In other words, the agnostic is still "straddling the fence",
refusing to or unable to face up to the fact that god does not exist,
while at the same time also refusing to affirmatively declare that he
believes in the existence of god. In reality, refusing to face up to
and accept a blatantly obvious Truth, constitutes an embrace by default
of the ridiculous lie/myth, most especially when the lie/myth involves
affirming the existence or possible validity of a notion that has absolutely
no evidence to support it. Let me try to illustrate this point: If someone
asks you whether it's possible for a human being to run 1000 miles in
2 minutes time, and you say No, then you are expressing factual Truth.
If you say Yes, then you are expressing a falsehood. If you say that
you don't know whether a person can run 1000 miles in 2 minutes time,
or that "nothing can be known" regarding the issue of whether or not
a person can run 1000 miles in 2 minutes time, what are you expressing??
You are in reality expressing a falsehood. Because plenty can be known
regarding this issue. Any sane, rational thinker knows that there is
a mountain of incredibly convincing evidence which proves, beyond a reasonable
doubt, that no human can run 1000 miles in 2 minutes. Therefore, if you
refuse to declare that it is not possible for an individual to run such
a long distance in such a short time, you are in reality rejecting the
Truth. You are embracing the ridiculous notion that it might be possible
to accomplish this feat, even though there is not a shred of rational,
sane possibility to support the notion. This example I have given is
directly parallel to the god myth. There is a mountain of incredibly
convincing evidence which proves, beyond all reasonable doubt, that no
god creature exists. Therefore, the "agnostic", who is perhaps not an
overt worshipper of god, but yet still refuses to affirmatively declare
that he does not believe in the existence of god and/or that he recognizes
that god clearly does not exist, is rejecting the truth that god does
not exist, and by default, embracing the false notion that god "might"
So, the vast majority of all agnostics are indeed addicted to the insane
god myth, even if they refuse to publicly/openly express a belief in/worship
of god. But under perversely invalid societal definition, an agnostic
is someone who has not embraced the god myth. Why is this an important
detail? Because it illustrates the utterly devious manner and structure
of your malevolent, lie-based societies. Agnosticism is certainly not
encouraged by societal leaders. These leaders want to addict you so firmly
to the god myth that you feel not only proud to publicly declare yourself
a god worshipper, but also feel an obligation to go out and overtly try
to addict other human beings to this toxic myth. But at the same time,
your leaders know that any type of god addiction, even if it is not
publicly or even consciously admitted to by the individual, does serve
the malevolent, enslaving goals of the society. The most important thing
is to get you addicted, whether or not you publicly or consciously admit
to being addicted, is a secondary issue. Agnosticism allows an individual
to convince himself that he is not a believer in god, that he is not
addicted to the god myth, even though the reality is that in not rejecting
outright the notion of god existing, in not recognizing that the notion
that god might exist is an utterly deranged, irrational notion that has
no reason to be kept under consideration, the agnostic is in fact demonstrating
that he is addicted to the insane god myth. Society achieves it's malevolent
goal, it allows the individual to delude himself into thinking he is
free of the god myth addiction, because most agnostics consider themselves
"free-thinkers" who have rejected religious dogma/doctrine. And yet because
the individual is unable to embrace the concrete fact that god absolutely,
positively does not exist, and continues to straddle the fence on this
issue, he remains addicted to the god myth, and by proxy, to most if
not all of the fascist, enslaving behavioral demands that the god creature,
being used by human societal leaders as their terrorization tool, makes
of him. The language dictators of american society have created and use
the term "agnostic", to allow people to convince/delude themselves into
feeling that they are free of god myth addiction, when the reality is
that they are not free of this toxic addiction.
The term "atheist" is defined by your dictionaries as "A person who does
not believe in the existence of a god or gods." Here we have a more definitive
mindset being expressed, the atheist is said to clearly "not believe
in the existence" of god. Using and accepting this literal definition,
atheists have indeed broken free of god myth addiction. But once again,
I have several brilliant points that must be made in order to dig out
the actual root of the Truth. To begin, it is atheists and atheism that
your evil and diseased societies demonize. Not agnostics and agnosticism.
This is because agnostics, while not embracing the insane god myth to
the fanatical degree that society wishes them to, are still addicted
to this toxic myth. The fact that they are usually not consciously aware
of the reality of their god addiction, only serves to make their fate
all the more tragic. Society overtly and strongly encourages and promotes
agnosticism, over atheism. Agnosticism provides nothing more than the
illusion of having broken free from the insane god myth. Only atheism,
a genuine and legitimate embrace of atheism, constitutes an actual rejection
of god belief/worship.
Even more importantly, we must realize that just because an individual
claims to be an atheist, and says that he does not believe in or worship
god, does not necessarily mean that he is free of god addiction. This
addiction is extremely potent and subversive, it digs itself right into
the very core brain stem of it's victims. The behavioral and lifestyle
choices that individuals who claim to be atheists make, are often greatly
influenced by, and sometimes still completely controlled by, their god
myth addiction, the same addiction that they claim and usually sincerely
believe, that they are free from. All addictions are powerful, difficult
to break, but none more so than the god myth addiction. Why? Because
the god addict has more at stake, more to "lose", than any other addict,
in terms of the perceived consequences that come with abandoning his
addiction. The gambling addict perceives the loss of a chance to get
excited, have fun, and perhaps get some money easily. The drug addict
perceives the loss of a brief period of time during which is perception
of reality is artificially enhanced. But the god addict perceives the
loss of potential immortality, the loss of a blissful eternity in heaven,
when he considers abandoning the god myth. This is why the god addiction
is the hardest of all to break, the perceived negative consequences of
completely abandoning this toxic myth, are extremely high. Don't get
me wrong here, there certainly are a few, courageous and truth-embracing
people, who do genuinely and wholeheartedly abandon the god myth, proudly
earning the label of atheist and never wavering in their refusal to backtrack.
But for every one atheist who can honestly make this claim, there are
at least 20, likely many more, who claim to be atheists and yet at their
core, during crucial moments in their lives, they revert back to embracing
and clinging to the insane god myth. You might say, "Look, this person
claimed to be an atheist at age 25, lived for 30 years with no outward
sign of any god myth addiction, then his beloved wife found out she had
cancer, or he found out that he is terminally ill, and he cried out,
'Oh god, please help me!' Isn't his reaction just a one-time, desperate
cry for help, that does not negate the reality of his lifetime of atheism
embrace?" The answer to this question is obviously unique to each specific
situation and individual. But tragically, if you truly delve into the
life of such a person, who claims to be a long-time atheist, you will
often find that he never actually abandoned and rejected the insane god
myth on both an intellectual and an emotional level. He always clung
to the fringe of this toxic addiction, holding out "hope" in his mind
that god does exist, that there is an "afterlife", and more importantly,
despite claiming to be an atheist, he subconsciously allowed the tiny
part of his mind that continued clinging to the god myth, to influence/control/dictate
the life choices that he has made throughout his lifetime. This is how
powerful the god myth is, how insidious, in it's toxicity. Like cyanide
granules, just a tiny bit of god addiction can have an intellectually
fatal influence upon a person's entire life. The True atheist accepts
and embraces the horrific reality of what death entails, with no reservations
or rationalizations, which is something that not even a Truth-based satanist,
who has embraced the doctrine of The Satanic Bible, is able to do.
It's also worth noting here that atheism cannot be a "default lifestyle
choice", it has to be an affirmatively embraced option. God belief and
worship is the default lifestyle choice that is terroristically imposed
upon every child and adult by the society and culture into which the
child is born and/or raised, and this is true even for societies which
claim to be secular and to not promote any religious belief. The myth
of god is so universally pervasive, so enticing and alluring, and so
compatible with the genetic malformation of the human mind, that it is
by default, imposed upon all human beings. The vast majority become addicted
to this toxic myth, most often during their childhoods. A few manage
to avoid becoming addicted, but even so, belief in god is still the "default
lifestyle choice" that is imposed upon them by the sum total of their
societal/cultural/emotional life experiences. They must make an affirmative,
independent decision/choice to reject the god myth, in order to become
atheists and to free themselves from this toxic myth. Even a child born
to two hard-core atheists, and raised up in an environment that is designed
to protect him from exposure to the god myth, will still be confronted
with and strongly enticed, in fact outright seduced, by this myth, at
some point in time. The same tantalizing lures, including an eternity
of heavenly bliss, will be dangled in front of his nose by society, and
if he follows the "default lifestyle choice", he will end up becoming
a god addict. He will have to defy the addiction, reject the societal
lure, and affirmatively embrace the more "difficult", less enticing,
but ultimately more rewarding option of atheistic Truth.
A few things need to be said here regarding the promoters of mainstream
god mythology. I am speaking of people like the pope, cardinals, priests,
ministers, basically all "religious leaders", people who choose to overtly
impose the god myth upon others, at houses of worship and through "preaching".
These people are all committing acts of terrorism. They are terrorizing
human beings, addicting them to an insane and toxic myth. They are committing
these acts of terrorism with the full support, sanction, and authorization
of the very top leaders of their societies. The president/king/prime
minister himself, is responsible for authorizing the toxic infliction
of mainstream sacred god myth brainwashing, upon his citizen-slaves,
and the "religious leaders" who actually undertake this task are de facto
employees of the State itself. The god myth is both malevolent and insane.
This being the case, all religious leaders who promote and terroristically
impose the god myth upon other human beings, are either personally insane,
or overtly malevolent, or both. This does not mean that they are necessarily
aware, on a conscious level, of their insanity or malice, since many
mentally ill people have no conscious clue of their true mental state,
and the entire societal structure is both overtly malevolent and deranged,
while retaining a pretense of benevolence and sanity. The fact remains,
that there is absolutely no way that any sane, benevolent person would
preach/impose the god myth upon other people. A myth that is malevolent
and insane will only attract leaders/promoters who are themselves victims
of malevolence and insanity, consciously or subconsciously eager to victimize
others as they themselves have been victimized. Criminals, con-artists,
child-haters, habitual liars, the mentally deranged, the power crazed,
victims obsessed with claiming vengeance, victims obsessed with terrorizing
other human beings, these are the only types of people who become mainstream
religious leaders.
A profession that is based upon malice and involves the dissemination
of toxic, deranged notions, can only attract individuals whose true character
fits into these categories. It is absolutely true that not all religious
leaders are overtly malevolent. Some have a "sincere" desire to try to
help other people, to improve the lives of other people. And yet every
single one of these non-malevolent religious leaders is absolutely mentally
deranged, and all activities they undertake on behalf of their religion,
as religious leaders, are fatally tainted by virtue of the mental derangement
that they bring to the table and harmfully impose upon other people,
via their "preaching". The consequences of their actions are horrifically
malevolent, even if they themselves, as individuals, sincerely have no
desire or intent to harm anyone, as they spread and impose this toxic
plague upon the minds of young and old, via their leadership position
within the genocidal religious system of their society. The vast majority
of religious leaders are overtly malevolent and recognize, on either
a conscious or subconscious level, that they are running a con game upon
the humans that they seek to infect with the god myth. This is true even
if they themselves, even as they run their con game, do believe in the
existence of god on either a conscious or subconscious level. "Religious
leader" is a job title. People who become religious leaders recognize
that they have a job and a boss. The boss dictates the rules of their
job. The bosses are the secular leaders of the society. The religious
leader understands that his primary job is to addict a specific class/race/group
of people to the god myth, to keep them addicted, and to addict the offspring
of this specific group, while at the same time imposing a behavioral
standard upon this group which mirrors the cultural standards of behavior
and philosophy towards life that the secular societal leadership, their
bosses, have chosen to decree as valid and appropriate. The religious
leader often tells his congregation that he is taking "orders from god",
or "following god's will" in his sermons and preachings. This is quite
hilarious, because it is true that many religious leaders, many employees
in general for that matter, do consider their boss to be a "god-like"
figure, possessing the power to strip them of their livelihood, title,
and salary. All mainstream religious leaders are absolutely "taking
orders" from someone they fear and are desperate to please. But it's
not god, it's the malevolent, perverse, human secular/political leaders
of the society which employs them to spread the god plague among you
There are certain specific groups of inferior humans who are naturally
drawn to this malevolent profession. First and foremost, tortured children
who were sexually abused, come to recognize, during adolescence and early
adulthood, that becoming a religious leader would provide them with literally
the ideal environment in which to gain easy, private, regular access
to hundreds if not thousands of children, and to be able to sexually
victimize them for an indefinite period of time, while minimizing all
danger of being exposed and subjected to any punishment. "Religious leader"
is a societally empowering title. Citizen-slaves are taught to not only
respect, not merely obey, but to fear religious leaders. They are told
to literally hand over their children to religious leaders for "important
religious lessons and teachings", and of course they are instructed to
inform their children that they must obey, agree with, and do whatever
the religious leader asks of them, or tells them to do. It is clear,
to any sane thinker, that except for parents raping/sexually abusing
their children, which is the fate that befell me, the single easiest
and safest path for someone who wishes to serially abuse/torture children
in a sexual manner, is to become a religious leader. Societal leaders
are completely aware of the fact that they have created a perfect environment
for their empowered employees to genocidally abuse children, and they
are equally aware of the fact that a significant percentage of the people
that they hire to be religious leaders are choosing to enter this profession
for the primary reason of gaining access to children for malevolent purposes,
while minimizing the risk of being exposed and subjected to punitive
punishment. Recognizing all this, your societal leaders make the conscious
choice to deliberately and in genocidal fashion, sacrifice the safety
and integrity of millions of children, to literally thousands of different
religious leaders who are in fact serial child sex abusers who are simply
using this job as a "cover", to gain access to children, and to get away
with their acts of serial child sex abuse.
Pathological liars are attracted to this profession as well, since it
allows them, in fact it compels them, to literally spend their lives
constantly and continuously lying to other human beings, as part of the
insane god myth indoctrination process. What greater joy could there
be, for a pathological liar, than to get paid and praised for doing nothing
more than fervently telling lies to other human beings, day after day,
and convincing them that the lies are in fact truths? Individuals who
have been horrifically terrorized emotionally as children, very often
by the god myth, constitute another group of victims drawn to the religious
leader profession. They are literally practicing psychotherapy upon themselves,
although not on a consciously realized level, as they stand up there
at the pulpit and yell at their congregation that unless they "repent
and do the right thing, you will face an eternity of damnation in hell!"
They are terrorizing their congregation, in psychological reflection
of the True Reality of the emotional terrorization that they themselves,
as individuals, were subjected to during their childhoods. Some religious
leaders are simply lazy, and recognize that this profession provides
one of the easiest ways for them to make a good living, especially if
they lack a good education. No educational standards exist for becoming
a religious leader, after all, the person is doing nothing more than
molding the helpless minds and life destinies of thousands, if not millions
of people! No big deal at all, no need for the molder to have any sort
of an education. I am of course being facetious here, but the point has
to be made that I am not criticizing, much less condemning, any religious
leader, or any individual human being, in this essay, nor will I do so
in any of the Texts at this site. We must recognize that all religious
leaders, just like all serial killers, child abusers, etc..., as individuals,
are created victims of society. They are torture victims, and a core
precept of Forbidden Truth philosophy is that no individual victim of
society ever deserves to be condemned or punitively punished. At the
same time, we certainly can and should point out. discuss, and dissect
the inferior, destructive choices, harmful to either themselves or to
others, that many torture victims of society make. But never from the
perspective of imposing a personally negative judgment upon the individual.
Only society, which bears responsibility for victimizing all individuals,
deserves our personally judged condemnation and contempt.
The perversion as regards religious leaders within a society does not
lie in the fact that religious leaders exist, or that religious leaders
seek to impose their toxic illness upon other people. The perversion
lies in the fact that your societies choose to empower, aid, abet, support,
religious leaders, literally recruiting an army of many thousands of
these deranged and/or malevolent victims that it is responsible for having
created, for the specific purpose of overtly attempting to infect every
single human being living within the society, child and adult, with this
toxic plague of god addiction. This is genocide, intellectual and emotional
genocide, nothing more and nothing less. Your societies are actively
practicing and committing genocide upon you, and upon your children,
as you stand by and literally embrace and applaud your own genocide,
due to the fact that you are broken creatures who lack the ability/courage
required to even recognize, much less accept and embrace, the horrific
Truths of life. This is the perversion, and it is society which bears
complete responsibility for choosing to malevolently and genocidally
impose the insane god myth upon all citizens. If society benevolently
attempted to withhold the insane god myth from all citizens, to protect
them from this toxic plague, would god addiction be eradicated?? No,
of course not! It would still be extremely common and infect a great
many people. But at least society would be making a benevolent effort,
at least citizens would have an opportunity to try to resist this toxic
plague, to not have it terroristically shoved down their throats each
and every day of their lives beginning on the very day of their birth.
This is the obligation, the moral and ethical obligation, that every
society bears, and yet every society refuses to accept, due to it's utterly
malevolent, insane structural design.
As always, the primary focus must be on children. Most addicts are already
hopelessly addicted to the insane god myth. But children have the intellectual
capacity and courage to still possess the ability to perhaps defy the
genetic inferiority of their species and reject the god myth, if they
were given the opportunity to develop their minds and mature, without
the daily, toxic, terroristic imposition of the insane god myth upon
their minds. Your societies bear 100% responsibility and guilt for this
malevolent imposition. It is repugnant beyond all measure that parents
are not merely allowed, but stridently instructed by their societies,
to impose the insane god myth upon their children. It is even more perverse
that parents are instructed to use the army of deranged and malevolent
"religious leaders" that society has assembled, to achieve this evil
goal, of destroying children's ability to recognize and embrace Truth.
Children are taken into "houses of worship" for the purpose of having
intellectual genocide committed upon them. It is equally perverse that
secular societal leaders mention god in their public speeches/announcements,
and allow religious leaders, their employees/agents, to have access
to the mass medias of radio, television, and other venues that reach
millions of people, including hundreds of thousands of children. This
toxic plague is deliberately spread by the leaders of your societies.
It is terroristically imposed upon every single child and adult, even
though your societal leaders have a sacred obligation to do the exact
opposite, to protect all citizens from this toxin, to prevent and minimize
the spreading of this plague, to the best of it's ability, most especially
with regard to children. Your societies are evil, your leaders know how
effective and useful the insane god myth is, in achieving the dual purpose
of brutally oppressing you, controlling every aspect of your lives, while
also providing you with false comfort. And so each generation of children,
for thousands of years, literally every single child born into/raised
up within the society, has been doused on a daily basis with this genocidally
toxic myth, resulting in trillions of human beings living out their entire
lives, their every behavioral and lifestyle choice dictated and controlled
by an insane myth, that was deliberately designed and structured by human
societal leaders for the purpose of cloaking fascist oppression under
the guise of "god's will". The omnipotent god creature is used to terroristically
compel citizen-slaves, under threat of damnation for all of eternity,
into agreeing to adopt and embrace behavioral and lifestyle standards
that are unnatural, perverse, lie-based, and serve only the malicious
purposes of societal leaders. And this worldwide, ongoing outrage is
today, in the year 2001, just as universally popular and pervasive as
it was 1000 years ago. How incredibly tragic, and what a beautiful illustration
this is of the genetic inferiority of the human race.
The insane god myth is terroristically imposed upon all citizen-slaves,
rich and poor alike. Race, gender, age, are all deemed irrelevant, in
the face of the universal obsession that societies have with addicting
all citizens to the fascist doctrine of the god myth. Rich people must
be kept "humble", they must be brainwashed into accepting the notion
that no matter how rich or powerful they become, they are still under
the terroristic control of the omnipotent god creature. Poor and middle-
class people must be kept appeased, they must meekly accept their economic
injustice, and this is why the god myth goes to great pains to try and
terroritically convince poor people that they must not "covet" the possessions
or wealth of others, they must not try to take things away from the wealthy,
"thou shalt not steal". They are literally told that god loves them
more than he loves rich people, and that certainly there will be no economic
injustice or divide up in that nice heaven place. Your leaders purposefully
structure their societies so that there will be many more poor people
than rich people, and recognize that it is the poor citizen-slaves who
are more likely to realize the fact of their brutal oppression, and more
likely to rise up in anger in response to their realization. Therefore
it is more important to societal leaders to addict poor people to the
god myth, and if you drive through any slum, ghetto, or dirt-poor rural
area, you will find many churches always located on main streets near
the center of the poverty zone. Societal efforts to terrorize citizen-
slaves into embracing the god myth are always most fervent and frenzied
in ghetto areas, because it is understood that if any widespread, internally
generated national unrest or governmental overthrow is to occur, it must
and would blossom among the most oppressed, most victimized segment of
the population. Every person who becomes addicted to the god myth, loses
and forfeits their opportunity to seek either vengeance or "justice"
throughout their entire real life, as a condition of embracing the god
myth. That is the deviously clever structure of ritualistic suffering
that has been built into all mainstream god myths by their creators,
malevolent, human societal leaders. So all that any society has to do,
to guarantee that no individual will righteously rise up even under
the most brutal of societal oppression, is to addict the individual to
the god myth. To simply agree to suffer for your entire real lives, and
look forward to an eternity of nonexistent equality, happiness, and bliss,
in a nonexistent heaven. Suffer, suffer, suffer, that is the entire
mandate of your lives. If your presidents, kings, and prime ministers
were honest, they would tell you: "I want to make you suffer. I am determined
to make you suffer for your entire lives. You will suffer on my behalf,
upon my command." But no, they are not honest. They cannot be honest,
because they are mere mortals. If they were honest, you citizen-slaves
might get mad, riot, overthrow them from power. So they have invented
the god creature to impose this exact same horrific fate upon you. God
says, by his words and decrees in his bibles: "I want to make you suffer.
I am determined to make you suffer for your entire lives. You will suffer
on my behalf, upon my command." He is the mouthpiece of your societal
leaders, nothing more and nothing less. You might not take this horrible
oppression from your human leader, he is a mere mortal, what can he offer
you to entice you to accept this malevolent, lifelong fate?? But you
will and do accept the same oppression from the god creature, because
he is not mortal, he offers you the irresistible lure of an eternity
of bliss in heaven. It doesn't matter that god does not exist, heaven
does not exist, and that belief in god or heaven is utterly insane. You
creatures are genetically diseased, and viciously brainwashed on top
of your genetic malformation. Truth is meaningless to you creatures,
it cannot even be recognized, so how can the profound messages that it
offers, ever be recognized, much less embraced??
I want to wrap up this essay with perhaps the most crystal-clear and
glaringly obvious example of your collective derangement on this issue
of god worship, that I can come up with. If you creatures still cannot
recognize, understand, grasp, and accept the factual reality of the Truths
concerning the insane god myth, after you finish reading the next few
paragraphs, then there is no hope for you, none at all, and you should
consider leaving this website. There is little point in you continuing
to read these Texts, if you are unable, after all of my incredible revelations
of Truth within this essay, to grasp or accept the fact that your worship
of and belief in god, is a form of mental derangement. Not long ago,
19 men in americ, hijacked four commercial airplanes on the same day,
and deliberately attempted to crash the airplanes into buildings, knowing
with 100% certainty that they themselves would die as a result of the
crashes. The specific issues of terrorism, suicide, political ideology,
and war, will all be dissected at other essays, not right here. The
only issue that we need to focus on here, is the fact that all of these
nineteen men believed in god, worshipped god, were specifically addicted
to the mainstream, societally promoted religion of Islam, and used their
god addiction to summon forth the personal courage required to carry
out their self-murdering actions of True Reality vengeance They did not
fear death, for one very specific reason: They believed that god exists,
that god provides an "afterlife", a new, eternal, pleasant existence
that begins upon death. It is likely that each of the nineteen men either
physically yelled out, or internally yelled out, "Allah Akbar!", in the
moments before they deliberately crashed the airplanes that they had
hijacked. Allah Akbar means "god is great!" Their belief in god gave
them the courage, the inspiration, and the initiative to choose to undertake
the actions that they did.
The specific reasons that they chose to carry out these acts of personal
sacrifice, involved True Reality rage and hate born out of personal suffering
and injustice, as well as political/ideological brainwashing. But the
core, fundamental basis for providing the emotional platform from which
they were able to justify to themselves, the voluntary sacrifice of their
own lives, was a belief in the existence of god, naturally coupled with
the core derangements that accompany the insane god myth, such as the
notion that there is an "afterlife". Belief in god is what caused these
19 men to undertake the specific actions that they did! Yes, their root
motivations were based upon personal vengeance and political ideology,
and yes, some of them would likely have tried to kill other people even
if they did not believe in the god/afterlife myth. But, it is almost
certain that there is no way that all nineteen men could have been brought
together for this mission, with all of them agreeing to undertake actions
that were 100% certain to result in their deaths, unless they sincerely
believed that god exists, and that upon their deaths, they themselves
would continue to exist, in an "afterlife" environment. So, this means
that belief in god directly caused these 19 men to murder themselves,
and to murder 6000+ other human beings. Belief in god was not the only
cause, it was not even the primary cause, but it was a direct cause,
which means that if these nineteen men were not addicted to the insane
god myth, there is almost no chance that this specific series of actions,
the deliberate self-sacrifice that all nineteen men chose to undertake,
would have occurred. Mind you, some of these nineteen men would likely
have tried to kill other people, a few may even have undertaken actions
that were "suicidal" in nature. But there is simply no way that nineteen
different people, totally free of all toxic god myth addiction, could
have been brought together and made to agree to specifically undertake
these actions, as a group, unless there was a mutual, insane belief in
the god myth, shared by the group members.
Nothing that I have revealed above, concerning this "terrorist" action,
is astonishing. The astonishing part is what I am saying here: In the
wake of this action, you pathetic creatures were instructed by your society
to "turn to god" for comfort, in your time of grief, terror, confusion,
and you eagerly embrace this insane instruction that your societal leaders
give you! You choose to embrace the exact same toxic myth, to "comfort"
yourselves, that these nineteen men chose to embrace for the purpose
of sacrificing their lives and murdering 6000 people! It's the exact
same insane myth! Ha! The irony is nothing short of hilarious! The fact
that 6500 people are dead as a direct result of the insane god myth addiction,
only causes you creatures to cling even more ferociously to your insane
god myth addiction. Your religious leaders proudly go on TV and proclaim
their fervent devotion to god, causing you creatures to break out in
grateful applause and cheers, causing you creatures to clutch this insane
myth even more tightly to your deranged bosoms, as you completely ignore
and reject the fact, the undeniable Truth, that belief in the insane
god myth is a direct cause of the 6500 people having been killed! If
the 19 hijackers had not been addicted to the insane god myth, the 6500
people would not have been killed. Because the 19 hijackers were addicted
to the insane god myth, the 6500 people were killed. And yet you cowards,
you pathetic creatures, cannot find it within yourselves to even face
up to and admit to the factual reality of, this Truth. Nope, your terror
of death is simply too overwhelming. Gotta keep clinging to the insane
god myth, it is your life preserver, as you float upon the ocean of lies
that engulfs each and every day of your lives. The complete lack of sane
thinking ability on the part of you creatures, is nothing short of astounding!
You believe that the 6000 people killed will enjoy an "afterlife", which
is the exact same insane belief that allowed these nineteen men to find
the emotional courage to make the decision to sacrifice and terminate
their own lives! In the wake of this incident, you insanely sing a song
titled "God Bless America", and allow your societal leaders to pepper
their public speeches with the phrase "god bless america", and you yourselves
proudly use the phrase "god bless america" in talking to others about
your personal feelings and hopes, even though the incidents that you
claim to be so horrified and upset over, would never have occurred were
it not for the fact that the nineteen men shared the exact same insane
addiction to the god myth, that you yourselves are afflicted with! This
is the astonishing part, folks. You share the exact same insane delusion
that caused these 19 men to kill themselves and to kill 6000 other people,
and yet you have not even an iota of rational insight, no sane ability
to recognize or accept this profoundly important Truth, much less to
process the Truth within your own conscious perceptions of reality, in
such a way as to allow you to see and understand that simply by believing
in god, invoking a "blessing" from god, believing that you and other
people will enjoy an "afterlife" after they die, what you are doing is
celebrating, promoting, gleefully wallowing in the exact same insane
ideology that directly caused the events that you consciously claim to
be so "terrible", to occur! It is mind-boggling, the stupidity of you
creatures, the hypocrisy, the complete inability to even recognize the
most obvious, the most clear links of Truth that are thrust in front
of your eyes and minds. Your evil society instructs you to draw comfort
from the exact same insane myth that is responsible for causing the events
that have led you to feel traumatized and in need of comfort. And you
do it! Blindly, gladly, insanely! It doesn't make any sense, it's like
watching a person drink poison, seeing the person grab their throat,
go into convulsions, and die, then being told to drink that same substance,
from the very same cup in fact, and happily grabbing the cup and doing
just that.
Okay, I am now finished with this essay, having revealed all of the most
important Truths on the insane god myth. I have proven, beyond all doubt,
that not only does god not exist, but that any human being who believes
in the existence of god is afflicted with a horrific, toxic, malevolent,
societally inflicted mental illness/derangement. I know that some of
you creatures who have just finished reading this essay are indeed god
addicts. To you I can only say that you have my sympathy, and it is recognized
that you are a torture victim of your society. Whether or not you have
the genetic normalcy that is required to break free of your toxic addiction,
I do not know and cannot even venture a guess. I suppose you could try
to break free of your addiction, if you want to give it a shot. But you
have no moral obligation to do so, having already been malevolently infected.
If this toxic myth comforts you, so be it. But it is toxic, and to allow
an insane myth to structure and dictate the life choices that you will
make, during the only existence that you have ever had and will ever
have, for all of eternity, is simply tragic.
To access thousands of other Forbidden Truths on every imaginable aspect of human existence, visit The Manifesto of Forbidden Truth web site, located at:
Copyright © 2004-2054 The Seer of Forbidden Truth. This essay is the
Intellectual Property of The Seer of Forbidden Truth. All Rights are
Reserved. No portion of this essay may be reprinted or reproduced in
any form or venue without the expressed and written consent of The Seer
of Forbidden Truth.
The Seer of Forbidden Truth
Hide the following 2 comments
Why the fuck is this egotistical hippy bullshit on here?
13.04.2004 18:27
13.04.2004 22:13