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DSEI Event not real

Bill | 13.04.2004 17:12

A fake after all

So the DSEI event turned out to be a fake after all

It would seem the website was being controlled by an outside agency after all.

Has anyone got any suggestions as to how we pass info to each other without it falling into the wrong hands. I for one now treat all requests for my e-mail address with much suspicion



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it is real...

13.04.2004 18:26

bill, it is real, it's just that someone tried to confuse things.

chris b

Ignore this wierdo...

13.04.2004 18:31

C*cksnot. Why would it seem like the DSei event wasn't real after all? And how on earth do you come to the conclusion that the dsei website is run by outside agencies?

I hope people realise that this is part of an on-going campaign to discredit the disarm dsei campaign, either by the security of reed/spearhead or some arms dealing gun nut.

Check the DSEi website for details of planned actions if you're interested, and ignore random nutters like this trying to save their company's arse by trying to cancel protests against them.


Where was the protest

13.04.2004 19:51

I think the point Bill was making was that there was a lot of publicity about a so called protest against Spearhead which it now turns out didn't happen. There has been concern from a number of people about the events around protests against DSEI and I know amongst friends of mine there has been talk about the website being run by someone who is trying to stop or discredit protest.




13.04.2004 20:09

Look it really could be more simple.

1. Look at
2. Look at its host
3. Look at the forums on

Now does that look like an anti-capitalist centre of activity or not?

Are you all fucking stupid over here on IMC or what?

None of you seem to be able to grasp any sort of simple concept.

Its really not that hard to understand.

If you are confused by something, email the dsei email address via or subscribe to the discussion list and ask there.

It really is very very very simple.

god fucking damn

you fucking morons (again)

13.04.2004 20:14

Apols for stupid typo in first line of last post, should have been "couldnt be more simple". Ironic slip.

Forgot to say - how the fucking could be controlled by outsiders? Its the same as the OLD dsei (2003) site, was that full of shit?

How could the event advertised on first post on this (non news) thread have failed? IT HASNT EVEN FUCKING HAPPENED YET BECAUSE WE HAVENT REACHED THE DATE ADVERTISED.

You all really do live on another planet.


god fucking damn

get this shit off the news wire!!!

13.04.2004 22:41

Get this bullshit off the news wire, it's hardly news?

who cares