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Who are the real enimies of Iraq

Soldier serving in Iraq | 13.04.2004 09:04

What is happening now in Iraq is an attempt by British and American troops to bring stability and peace and to allow civilian workers to rebuild their country. We are there to help the Iraqi people.

Gary Teeley a hostage of those terrorists causing violence and death in Iraq is now a free and lucky man. He was freed from his Iraqi captors by brave Italian troops. Now he is on his way back to his loving family and can put his hostage nightmare behind him. We rejoice at the happy ending to Gary’s ordeal.

But we must not forget that other civilians including an American and three Japanese are still in the hands of vicious fanatics. They and the seven Chinese reportedly freed yesterday went to Iraq to help rebuild the nation after the fall of Saddam Hussein. They are the TRUE FRIENDS of Iraq and its people.

The crazed gunmen who attack coalition troops trying to bring peace and security to Iraq and who have civilian workers hostage and threatened their lives are the REAL ENIMIES of Iraq.

Soldier serving in Iraq


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Of course

13.04.2004 10:11

Only the most extreme anti-American (and we have some of those here on Indy media) now believe this is an Iraqi resistance movement.

Foreign extremists and Saddam loylists are attempting to prevent the handover of power to the Iraqi people. The hand of Iran is clear to see by all but the most blind.

Working for Iraq

'We are there to help the Iraqi people'

13.04.2004 10:19

Er . . .

Help them to be subordinated to a new tyranny?
Help them to sell off all their assets on the cheap to western investors?
Help them inhale DU dust?
Help them acquire a crippling IMF/WB loan?
Help them die?

of course its not the Iraqi people who are resisting, its 'crazed gunmen' who attack peaceful invading armies. A bit like the 'internal aggression' of the vietnamese people who didn't like their brutal US-backed dictator. Of course the US didn't commit genocide in SE asia either, it wasn't killing up to 4 million people, but 'crazed gunmen' AND THEY WERE KILLED FOR THEIR OWN GOOD.


I mean read history, rich white men only ever act out of ALTRUISTIC BENVOLENCE, never out of self-interest (which of course undermines Adam Smiths capitalism, but thats another story).

And if you're a 'Soldier serving in Iraq', how come you're allowed internet time to post on an open-posting 'unpatriotic' site like this?


Byzantine Bullshit

13.04.2004 11:03

Are the millions of anti-war protesters from all around the world enemies of Iraq as well ?

I suppose in your tiny little mind all those Muslims that were butchered in the crusades only made it worse for themselves by resisting their rape, pillage and slaugter...

Now (suprise, suprise) it looks like even more Muslims (in Iran and elsewhere) are also about to feel the peverse injustice of the modern day crusades of the American/Neocon Empire.

Zoroastrian mentality (death in the name of god) has corrupted mankind

Foreign extremists

13.04.2004 12:07

"Foreign extremists and Saddam loylists are attempting to prevent the handover of power to the Iraqi people."

Amazing, isn't it, how many Americans and Brits can say without a trace of irony in their voices that our troops are being attacked by "foreign extremists".

As if we weren't the foreigners. As if what we're doing there is anything but extremist violence. As if all this had anything to do with handing power to the Iraqi people.



13.04.2004 13:56

aha, "the hand of Iran" is clear to see in this I sniff the setting up of another country ripe for invasion in these comments? At least it won't take long to alter the anti-war graffitti: NO WAR IN IRA[N]! Can anyone see the hand of the US/UK in all of this?


What God Wants (part 2)

14.04.2004 03:08

"While Christianity had become the state religion of the Roman Empire, Zoroastrianism had been the official religion of the Sassanids since the beginning of their empire in the 3rd century. The Zoroastrian church became very powerful, and its head, the mobadan mobad, joined the military and bureaucratic leaders as one of the most important men in the empire. Zoroastrianism is also said to have influenced Judeo-Christian theology, such as that pertaining to the dualism between good and evil, or light and darkness; the belief in angels and archangels; Satan as the epitome of evil and the adversary of God; the idea of paradise and hell; the idea of the continued existence of the soul past that of the body; reward and punishment by divine justice; the resurrection of the dead; the Last Judgement; beliefs in millennial periods and the end of the world; and the coming of a Saviour at the end of the world. Many of these ideas would also appear in Islamic theology. Zoroastrianism, which itself might have absorbed some of these ideas from Buddhism and Hinduism, was thus an important influence on several religions that followed it."

Now read this:

'Penalty of an ancient fraud: Why killing is the biggest business of all'

"Amused to Death"