special ops in Iraq
Capt Wardrobe | 11.04.2004 09:10
special ops?
what if...
The Kurdish had Saddam captive in the hole...
"Yvonne Ridley [who] reported in last weekend's Sunday Express that Saddam Hussein was actually captured by Kurdish forces who then drugged him and abandoned him for U.S. troops to find after brokering a deal. In 2001, Ridley was imprisoned for 10 days by the Taliban while on assignment in Afghanistan."
Democracy now [gatekeepers of the left!}
and they offered a ransom to the US of say 50 million USD...
but the US renage on that when Saddam is wheeled out...
and ask the kurdish forces to do some dirty black ops-
like for instance :
kidnap members of countries thinking of pulling out...
giving the political weight to those regimes
as to appearing not to capitulate to 'terrorists'
while actually still in reality being aggresive occupiers...
what if...???
10.04.2004 19:17
ABC news has really summed it all up...
"In Tokyo, hundreds of people rallied outside Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's office on Saturday, demanding the withdrawal of Japanese troops from Iraq to save the lives of the three Japanese hostages.
"The lives of people are more important than the Japan-US alliance," the demonstrators chanted as they were prevented by police from crossing the street to the prime minister's official residence in the centre of Tokyo.
Ken Takada, who organised the rally, said his group had collected 100,000 signatures to urge Mr Koizumi to yank his troops from Iraq.
He said another rally would be held on Sunday.
A former leader of the Japanese Red Army militant group also urged the kidnappers to spare the lives of the Japanese hostages, making his plea in an open letter in Lebanon's As-Safir newspaper on Saturday.
Masao Adashi, 65, said the three were "not government officials, but members of a non-governmental organisation opposing the policy of their government" in Iraq.
But the prime minister has vowed to keep his soldiers in the southern Iraqi city of Samawa despite the hostage crisis."
"We must not yield to terrorists' foul threats," he said on Friday.
why would insurgents kidnap people with whom the government doesn't reallysympathise with?
namely 2 volunteers & a journolists...
these workers have been targets of the coalition for a year!!!!
they haven't beem kidnapped for the benfit of the Gov...
it's for public sympathy...pure psyops
rebels are to be made into terrorists
"The prospect of some city father walking in and making 'Joe Jihadi' give himself up are pretty slim," said Lt.-Col. Brennan Byrne, commander of the 1st Batallion, 5th Marine Regiment.
"What is coming is the destruction of anti-coalition forces in Fallujah . . . they have two choices: Submit or die," he told reporters. "
from the same story:
"In the north of the country, the head of the Iraqi Red Crescent's Irbil office, Barzan Mantik, and his wife were attacked and killed Saturday in their car in the nearby city of Mosul, the International Committee of the Red Cross said.
The German Foreign Ministry said two security agents from its embassy in Baghdad have been missing for several days. It gave no further details, but Germany's ZDF and ARD television reported that the missing were two Germans, 38 and 25 years old, who were ambushed Wednesday while on a routine trip from Amman, Jordan, to Baghdad.
ARD said the two were agents with GSG-9, a counterterrorism unit trained in freeing hostages and other commando missions."
what if...
The Kurdish had Saddam captive in the hole...
"Yvonne Ridley [who] reported in last weekend's Sunday Express that Saddam Hussein was actually captured by Kurdish forces who then drugged him and abandoned him for U.S. troops to find after brokering a deal. In 2001, Ridley was imprisoned for 10 days by the Taliban while on assignment in Afghanistan."
Democracy now [gatekeepers of the left!}
and they offered a ransom to the US of say 50 million USD...
but the US renage on that when Saddam is wheeled out...
and ask the kurdish forces to do some dirty black ops-
like for instance :
kidnap members of countries thinking of pulling out...
giving the political weight to those regimes
as to appearing not to capitulate to 'terrorists'
while actually still in reality being aggresive occupiers...
what if...???
10.04.2004 19:17
ABC news has really summed it all up...
"In Tokyo, hundreds of people rallied outside Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's office on Saturday, demanding the withdrawal of Japanese troops from Iraq to save the lives of the three Japanese hostages.
"The lives of people are more important than the Japan-US alliance," the demonstrators chanted as they were prevented by police from crossing the street to the prime minister's official residence in the centre of Tokyo.
Ken Takada, who organised the rally, said his group had collected 100,000 signatures to urge Mr Koizumi to yank his troops from Iraq.
He said another rally would be held on Sunday.
A former leader of the Japanese Red Army militant group also urged the kidnappers to spare the lives of the Japanese hostages, making his plea in an open letter in Lebanon's As-Safir newspaper on Saturday.
Masao Adashi, 65, said the three were "not government officials, but members of a non-governmental organisation opposing the policy of their government" in Iraq.
But the prime minister has vowed to keep his soldiers in the southern Iraqi city of Samawa despite the hostage crisis."
"We must not yield to terrorists' foul threats," he said on Friday.
why would insurgents kidnap people with whom the government doesn't reallysympathise with?
namely 2 volunteers & a journolists...
these workers have been targets of the coalition for a year!!!!
they haven't beem kidnapped for the benfit of the Gov...
it's for public sympathy...pure psyops
rebels are to be made into terrorists
"The prospect of some city father walking in and making 'Joe Jihadi' give himself up are pretty slim," said Lt.-Col. Brennan Byrne, commander of the 1st Batallion, 5th Marine Regiment.
"What is coming is the destruction of anti-coalition forces in Fallujah . . . they have two choices: Submit or die," he told reporters. "
from the same story:
"In the north of the country, the head of the Iraqi Red Crescent's Irbil office, Barzan Mantik, and his wife were attacked and killed Saturday in their car in the nearby city of Mosul, the International Committee of the Red Cross said.
The German Foreign Ministry said two security agents from its embassy in Baghdad have been missing for several days. It gave no further details, but Germany's ZDF and ARD television reported that the missing were two Germans, 38 and 25 years old, who were ambushed Wednesday while on a routine trip from Amman, Jordan, to Baghdad.
ARD said the two were agents with GSG-9, a counterterrorism unit trained in freeing hostages and other commando missions."
Capt Wardrobe
Hide the following 28 comments
Clear them out
11.04.2004 09:22
Some of the comments on IM about these people are just beyond belief, are you really that blinkered ?
Freedom Giver
just look at the US grunt reaction from the 4 mutilations
11.04.2004 09:31
no...THIS is blinkered...
Once again I say...nuke 'em 'till they glow!
"Retreat,Hell! We just got here!"
Capt Lloyd Williams
I'll be damned! Even Kissinger, who's been so critical of Bush and the events in Iraq is chiming in. He just said on FoxNews, first the people who were shown on camera doing the atrocities should be caught and punished. Secondly, there needs to be some form of retaliation on the town of Fallujah. We should show that we will NOT tolerate this kind of action twoards our troops.
Well, hallelujah - fry Fallujah.
one quick question...
Captain Wardrobe
Spurious Argument
11.04.2004 09:41
Freedom Giver
Sort them out now
11.04.2004 09:48
So what if it requires a permanent deployment of troops in the area. A price well worth paying. We have overwhelming military superiority and I say we use it to quell any disent.
Tiny Tim
ooooh....nice attitude
11.04.2004 09:55
that exists...
it's scary shit and its mainstream...
all I wanted to do was posit a theory
that certain situations are being STEERED
it might be a theory
if you don't like it
go read about
'how great our boys are doing
in the hard desert against
nasty arabs in the sun'
or something...
if you feel so strongly for the armed forces
why not write to Geoff Hoon and ask him
why the troops aint got no stuff to 'defend freedom' with...
and why the coalition forces feel the need to
to seal off and then
drop 500 pound bombs
on towns as revenge, ...
or perhaps you will just call me a name again...doh!!!
[while i'm at it folks - read col Sam Gardiners -
The truth from these podia...]
now THIS is interesting stuff...
happy Easter , baby killers...
Captain Wardrobe
11.04.2004 10:04
Happy Easter ...neo chriatian imperialist fascist serial Child abusers
Captain Wardrobe
YanKKKee apoligists
11.04.2004 10:18
If I remember rightly it was 1988.
In reality Nicaragua had pulled back 7 kilometres from the border , we were on foot and weren't allowed to board San Jose Managua bus so we walked into Nicaragua there was no sign of the Military or border guards but some was firing high velocity rounds they came from the Costa Rica side and screamed through the forest canopy high above our heads. After a few Kilometres we were picked up by a Nica courtesy bus that took us to the nearest town free of charge. The bullets were no doubt fired by the "official opposition" forces the contras a
bunch argentinian murders run by the CIA.
To the yankkkee apologist poster, the reason that the Arabs can't get their shit together is due to 2000 years of western fuckery very similar to that in Central america, South America the Caribbean , Pacific and as you know the U:S A iis fucking with almost every region in the world and I gues the Iraqies are bearing the brunt of this
one thing all these places have in common , civilians are the ones who are suffering the most woman and children and old folks all dying cos scum yankkkee scum can run around in an SUV ect ect
Relax, the military is in control . . .
11.04.2004 10:55
War is peace.
Bombing is liberation.
Depleted Uranium is good for you!
Unexploded cluster bombs make good pets.
Armed Iraqis roaming the streets of Iraq is 'anarchy, disorder, chaos'
Armed Americans roaming the streets of Iraq is 'peace, stability, liberation'
Hell, the Iraqi infrastructure is nearly back to sanctions levels!
There's gonna be civil war! I mean look at all those Iraqis shooting at each other and not at the Americans!
Remember the Iraqi Information Minister?? Well, the imperial coalition and their apologists are beginning to sound like that. Victory to the Intifadah(s)!
Robert cooper
11.04.2004 13:11
Blair Bush junta
Robert cooper
Blairs Neo-liberal imperialist guru
Director General, Political and Military Affairs, EU Council of Ministers.
Blair aide calls for colonies
Mar 28 2002
By Bob Roberts Political Correspondent
A SENIOR aide to Tony Blair yesterday called for a return to colonialism.
Foreign affairs adviser Robert Cooper said: "What is needed is a new kind of imperialism.
"The opportunities, perhaps even the need for colonisation, is as great as it ever was in the 19th century."
Mr Cooper added: "The weak still need the strong and the strong still need an orderly world.
"A world in which the efficient and well-governed export stability and liberty, and which is open for investment and growth, seems eminently desirable."
He said Afghanistan showed what could happen if the West did not intervene in the Third World.
Terrorists could use failed states as bases to attack "orderly" nations.
His comments will anger MPs who think Labour is keener on matters abroad than problems at home.
But Mr Blair stressed that the world couldn't submit to the "savagery of the fanatic".
The call for a "defensive imperialism", with Western countries, particularly Britain and the European Union intervening abroad to restore order, comes in a pamphlet that has a foreword by Blair himself.
Blair's advisor, Robert Cooper, who represented the British government at the Bonn talks that produced the interim Hamid Karzai administration in Afghanistan, is known to have heavily influenced the British prime minister's foreign policy thinking.
Just three months ago, Blair used the high-tech, but hugely symbolic venue of Bangalore in the former British Raj to speak of his vision for Britain as a "force for good in the world".
Cooper, who argues for a "post-modern" apartheid-like duality of laws and systems to deal with "ourselves and the premodern world", says the West will have to employ "double standards".
He said that like the old empire, Western countries would have to deal with "old-fashioned states outside the postmodern continent of Europe with the rougher methods of an earlier era – force, pre-emptive attack, deception, whatever is necessary to deal with those who still live in the nineteenth century…"
The pamphlet, which contains a thoughtful essay on Hindu, Muslim and Christian identity by Amartya Sen, is published by the Foreign Policy Centre, set up by Blair and of which he remains the patron.
Blair's Britain wants a return to 'age of empire'
the essay:
"Among ourselves we operate on the basis of laws and open cooperative security. But when dealing with more old-fashioned kinds of states outside the postmodern continent of Europe, we need to revert to the rougher methods of an earlier era – force, pre-emptive attack, deception, whatever is necessary to deal with those who still live in the nineteenth century world of every state for itself. Among ourselves, we keep the law, but when we are operating in the jungle, we must also use the laws of the jungle."
"What we need is a new kind of imperialism, one acceptable to a world of human rights and cosmopolitan values. We can already discern its outline: an imperialism which, like all imperialism, aims to bring order and organisation but which rests today on the voluntary principle."
"The post-modern EU offers a vision of cooperative empire, a common liberty and a common security without the ethnic domination and centralised absolutism to which past empires have been subject, but also without the ethnic exclusiveness that is the hallmark of the nation state – inappropriate in an era without borders an era without borders and unworkable in regions such as the Balkans."
European stability initiative:
Neocon Robert Kagans piece: Power and Weakness
"In October 2001 and after the September 11th attacks, Robert Cooper, an advisor to Blair was transferred to the Foreign Ministry to accomplish a specific mission, polishing the final touches on the project of the future empire … The former British empire is the imperial advisor to the future American empire…
In “Prospect” magazine, Cooper explicitly said that “Nation States” had proved their failure after independence… and that all conditions are set for the beginning of a new imperialism with an Anglo-Saxon culture… This is what really happens and Iraq is only a part of a series of plots. "
The importance of Iraqi oil to the US
"The term 'imperialism' has not had a very good press in radical and even Marxist milieux; the preferred term is that of 'empire', generally reduced to the case of the US. It has, on the other hand, reappeared in the financial press since 11 September and has even been 'theorized' by Robert Cooper, adviser to Tony Blair on diplomatic affairs. Military intervention is necessary, it is argued, and should be followed by close supervision of (or the establishment of a protectorate over) the countries that have been plunged into chaos. These forms of neo-colonialism would be organized under the auspices of the 'international community' - that is, the countries that dominate the planet and the international organizations (IMF, World Bank. NATO) whose programmes they dictate. The US has neither the intention nor the possibility of managing world chaos on its own. The carve up of Argentina was not the deed of the 'US empire', but of the financial capital of the US and EU.
The reservations expressed by the EU countries in relation to US 'unilateralism' are not then based essentially on disagreement about the globalisation of capital. They are witness to their fear of being marginalized in the management of the 'affairs of the world' and, in the short term, witnessing a 'unilateral' division of the Iraqi booty. Hence the increased military budgets in the biggest EU countries. "
War drive: armed globalisation
Empire lust-
Brian Denny exposes new Labour's absolute madness
Duck and Drakes
William Bowles
Civilise or die by Robert Cooper
Foreign policy is about war and peace. If wars are fought on moral or religious grounds, no basis for restraint exists. After all, to call something evil is to invoke a moral duty to destroy it. No compromise, no modus vivendi, no peaceful co-existence is possible. Even containment is ruled out, for there is simply no room for negotiation and compromise. You cannot do business with the Great Satan.
The Morality of Amorality in Foreign Policy-Robert Cooper
The Global Europe project aims to develop realistic recommendations on how the EU can become an effective liberal force in world politics. In spite of recent progress on Iran and the Convention's proposal for an EU 'foreign minister', co-ordinated European interventions in international affairs typically remain more declaratory than effective. Global Europe will focus on the strategic, economic and political capacities available to the EU member-states and the policies required to enhance their efficacy.
Global Europe-The foreign policy centre
Captain Wardrobe
Yes bit you're still losing
11.04.2004 13:58
While you people make your banners and shout your protests we march on. A world free of Islamic terrorism and cowardly liberal left who gave them their inspiration. Shout all you want we are winning.
Freedom Giver
piss off 'freedomgiver'
11.04.2004 14:53
Just as you could not win in Vietnam.
I remember people saying the blacks in South Africa were not capable of ruling themselves.
How can you bring freedom by killing civilians?
By occupying a country where you are not wanted?
Our opposition is growing and will continue to grow as the body bags are brought home.
one of the Furies
Imperialist plans have received a setback
11.04.2004 14:56
I think it is worth remembering what the Vietnamese said, that imperialism is defeated when it appears to be at its most powerful, when it has over extended itself. The imperialists have extended themselves into half the world and are facing fierce resistance frome Colombia to Nepal.
Imperialist troops out of the Middle East!
Long live the Iraqi national liberation war!
Victory to the Intifada!
And yet still we keep winning
11.04.2004 15:40
The Muslim extremists will get theres like anyone else who stands before us.
We march on, tomorrow belongs to us.
Freedom Giver
freedom given to despots and tyrannts
11.04.2004 16:16
freedom givers possee trianed all the worst scum in the world at the SOA and he wants to talk about
muslim terrorism. the most powerfull country in the world people full of dickheaded idiots ..
What values?
11.04.2004 16:34
Skyver Bill
Who is Freedom Giver?
11.04.2004 17:52
Any other guesses?
Red Trevor
freedom giver!!??
11.04.2004 18:39
And behold through my ear woven with crunchings
11.04.2004 18:40
and with rockets the hundred whinnying
thoroughbreds of the sun syncopate harsh uglinesses
amidst the stagnation.
Ah! I scent the hell of delights
and through nidorous mists mimicking flaxen
hair –— bushy breathing of beardless
old men –— the thousandfold ferocious tepidity
of howling madness and death.
But how how not bless
unlike anything dreamt by my logics
hard against the grain cracking their licy piles
and their saburra and more pathetic
than the fruit-bearing flower
the lucid chap of unreasons?
And I hear the water mounting
the new the untouched the timeless water
toward the renewed air.
Did I say air?
A discharge of cadmium with gigantic weals
expalmate in ceruse white wicks
of anguish.
Essence of a landscape.
Carved out of light itself fulgurating nopals
burgeoning dawns unparalleled whitescence
deep-rooted stalagmites carriers of day
O blazing lactescences hyaline meadows
snowy gleanings
toward streams of docile neroli incorruptible
hedges ripen with distant mica
their long incandescence.
The eyelids of breakers shut –— Prelude –—
yuccas tinkle audibly
in a lavender of tepid rainbows
owlettes peck at bronzings.
and raffles
the uproar, beyond the muddled heart of this
third day?
Who gets lost and rips and drowns
in the reddened waves of the Siloam?
The lights flinch. The noises rhizulate
the rhizule
The sky yawns from black absence
behold –—
nameless wanderings
the suns the rains the galaxies
fused in fraternal magma
pass by toward the safe necropolises of the sunset
and the earth, the morgue of storms forgotten,
which stitches rips in its rolling
lost, patient, arisen
savagely hardening the invisible faluns
blew out
and the sea makes a necklace of silence for the earth
the sea inhaling the sacrificial peace
where our death rattles entangle, motionless with
strange pearls and abyssal mute
the earth makes a bulge of silence for the sea
in the silence
behold the earth alone,
without its trembling nor tremoring
without the lashing of roots
nor the perforations of insects
empty as on the day before day . . .
Freedom ?
11.04.2004 18:59
How many of you are reading this via Internet Explorer, how many are running MS Windows on your PC's how may did their shopping at Tesco or Sainsbury's this week. You are weakand we are laughing at you. Capitalism is winning, military force is winning, Christianity is winning.
Soon the world will be ours, a new world order.
We are winning, we are marching, tomorrow belongs to us.
Freedom Giver
Erinys- Chalabi
11.04.2004 19:10
The U.S. Troops have now confirmed "competitors": Private Miltary Contractors.
British Company Erinys, is yet another company, who employed 10.000 Iraqis, to protect the oil pipelines.
Erinys is in reality bankrolled at its inception by Nour USA Ltd., which was incorporated in the United States last May.
A Nour's founder was Ahmed Chalabi friend and business associate, Abul Huda Farouki.
Within days of the award last August, Nour became a joint venture partner with Erinys and the contract was amended to include Nour.
Newsday wrote, that another founding partner and director of Erinys Iraq is Faisal Daghistani, the son of Tamara Daghistani, for years one of Chalabi's most trusted confidants. She was a key player in the creation of his exile group, the Iraqi National Congress, which received millions of dollars in U.S. funds to help destabilize the Saddam Hussein regime before the coalition invasion last year.
The firm's counsel in Baghdad is Chalabi's nephew Salem Chalabi.
Erinys recently also awarded a $10-million contract for helicopter surveillance of the pipelines to Florida-based AirScan Inc.
Airscan also protects African oil fields.
AirScan, run by Walter Holloway, was formed in 1984 by former U.S. air commandos, the Air Force version of Special Forces. Its first and longest lasting contract has been to provide airborne surveillance security for U.S. Air Force launches at Cape Canaveral in Florida and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. AirScan also has contracts in the war zones of Colombia and Angola, where it guards oil pipelines for U.S. companies, and is part of the U.S. anti-drug operation, Plan Colombia.
One of AirScan's fleet of Cessna 337s was lost in undisclosed circumstances in Angola in July 2001, while conducting a nighttime surveillance mission in the Cabinda enclave. The company admitted the loss of the aircraft to the Voice of America.
911blog Ewing 2001
see also
Guarding the Oil Underworld in Iraq
Mercenary Boom in Iraq Creates Tension at Home and Abroad
both articles from corpwatch
Captain Wardrobe
connect the dots...
11.04.2004 19:23
"I believe I read an article explaining that Blackwater USA had hired mercenaries from Chile (9/11/73-Pinochet) to go to Iraq and control/secure the petroleum facilities-- Blackwater and apparently Moussad hired "the best professionals" for the job-- those particular professionals certainly have a horribly frightening history"
can anyone confirm?
"John Negroponte - the war criminal responsible to training those South American mercenaries is going to the the next coalition dictator in Iraq. "
from this thread
Mercenaries take revenge and shoot hundreds of Iraqis
if this is true Negropontes history at the school of americas
and the tactic used with chalabis firm /hired kurdish mercenaries/
oil protectors / politically used saddam keepers ...
are all very similar-
counter intelligence / insurgency
stoking the fires
I believe they will use these tactics to blame Iran/ syria
"Neo-conservatives close to the administration of President George W Bush are pushing for retribution against Iran for, they say, sponsoring this week's Shia uprising in Iraq led by radical leader Moqtada al-Sadr.
Despite the growing number of reports that depict the fighting as a spontaneous and indigenous revolt against the US-led occupation, the influential neo-cons are calling on Bush to warn Tehran to cease its alleged backing for al-Sadr and other Shia militias or face retaliation, ranging from an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities to covert action designed to overthrow the government."
Captain Wardrobe
cut the Christian crap
11.04.2004 20:43
You are fools, you are doing incredible harm to Israel's cause with all your nonsense about 'Christian values'. If you really want to make people realise that Israel is the good guy, cut all this crap and talk about the facts. Anyone can mock someone who goes on about Christianity and uses idiotic confrontationary language, it's much harder if the person is giving unrefutable facts about Israel or whatever.
12.04.2004 10:00
can a country which is run by many different entities
some altruistic for good or evil be classed as a 'good guy'?
Oh NO! I forgot ...we are now all living in Bushworld...
a new western starring corporate gunslingers
industrial spies and global money launderers
fly the jolly roger , me hearties,
the skull & Bones are on the open seas...
coming to a mineral rich area near you...
this is a US/UK global military takeover using semitic religon as a mask,
a patsy, an excuse...
Captain Wardrobe
surely some coincidence?
12.04.2004 10:16
something fishy is going on with the kidnappings
now China has 7 taken
"Seven Chinese men have been kidnapped in central Iraq, China's Xinhua news agency said today, the latest in a spate of hostage-taking in the war-ravaged country.
The abductions yesterday came days before a visit to China by US Vice President Dick Cheney, a key force behind the US-led invasion of Iraq, which China opposed.
The seven entered Iraq via Jordan on Sunday morning and were most probably abducted in Fallujah, west of Baghdad, Xinhua quoted a Chinese diplomat as saying."
HMMM...very strange
Cheney visits S Korea
11 people Kidnapped & then released
Cheney visits Japan
3 kidnapped
Cheney visits China
7 kidnapped
Cheney IS the real president ,
and he is an extortion artist...
Captain Wardrobe
energy deals ahoy!!!
12.04.2004 10:25
presents countries with opportunity to call rebels terrorists
or it's
sign here or lose these hostages...
-- South Korea is ready to send 36-hundred troops to Iraq, making it the third largest coalition partner behind the United States and Britain.
South Korea's foreign minister acknowledges the deterioration of the situation in Iraq, but he says Seoul will proceed with the deployment. The issue -- in his words -- "deals more with keeping a promise with international society."
On a trip to China next week to talk about high-stakes issues like terrorism and North Korea, US Vice President Dick Cheney will have another task -- making a pitch for Westinghouse's US nuclear power technology.
At stake could be billions of US dollars in business in coming years and thousands of US jobs.
The initial installment of four reactors, costing US$1.5 billion apiece, would also help narrow the huge US trade deficit with China.
Vice President Dick Cheney endorsed Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's handling of the Japanese hostage crisis in Iraq and said Monday he promised Koizumi the United States would ``do everything we can to be of assistance.''
Cheney met with the Japanese leader in a session overshadowed by new violence and the holding of foreign hostages in Iraq, including three Japanese civilians.
Koizumi's government has refused to bow to demands that it withdraw its roughly 530 ground troops performing humanitarian missions in Iraq, part of an eventual deployment of 1,100 non-combat troops.
`We wholeheartedly support the position the prime minister has taken with respect to the question of the Japanese hostages,'' Cheney told reporters. ``We have consulted closely with the prime minister and his government to make certain we do everything we can to be of assistance.''
The kidnapping of the Japanese civilians by Iraqi militants cast a pall over Cheney's visit to Japan, his first stop on a weeklong Asia trip that also is taking the vice president to China and South Korea.
Captain Wardrobe
cheney is Blofeld
12.04.2004 10:52
Captain Wardrobe
now go here...
12.04.2004 12:38
guess who is deeply involved?
Captain Wardrobe
Saddam captive in the hole
12.04.2004 17:09
The chunk of concrete was about 2 foot X 18 inchs X 12 inchs. I estimate the weight to be about 200 lbs +. TV footage showed that it took two strong men to carry the chunk of concrete using steel makeshift handles portruding out of the top of it.
There is no way he lowered it in place himself from underneath, and there is no way he could have lifted it out on his own - hence he must have been captive.
Power Lifter