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Vote for None of the Above

Mark Watling | 11.04.2004 08:48

A Political Strategy for the Politically Apathetic

March 8th 2004 saw the launch of a Vote for None of the Above campaign - a political strategy for the politically apathetic.

In the absence of a 'positive abstention' (the posh name for voting for None of the Above) option on UK ballot papers the Vote for None of the Above campaign calls on all the politically apathetic/disenchanted/dismayed etc. to stand up & be counted in all forthcoming elections, & to demonstrate their dissatisfaction/dismay/loathing/hatred etc. of the polititians, political partes & political systems which are f*cking up our beautiful planet.

Full details of how to play, and support & promote this campaign, at

Mark Watling
- Homepage:


Display the following 9 comments

  1. The old NF tactic ? — Rick
  2. Vote for None of the Above is exactly what is says. — Mark
  3. Really ? — Anti Nazi
  4. see earlier posting as well — felix
  5. Warning — Nazi Fighter
  6. so what are we to do? — felix
  7. What to do ? — Felix 2
  8. Why i don't vote. — Non-voter
  9. what is the point of not voting? — wankerwatcher