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Great BIG Banner Making Session In Bristol : 15th April

banner brains | 10.04.2004 22:33

GREAT BIG BANNER MAKING SESSION : Thursday 15th April 2004

R U Tired of going to demos which have been flooded with Party Political Banners?
R U Tired of how un-diverse and artifically uniform this makes us all look?
R U Tired of politely asking political parties not to do this?

Then help get us out of this R U T and come to the....


Some supplies will be provided but we really need you to bring stuff along too. Any old junk will do; old poles, sticks of wood, string, glue, pens, paint, cardboard, sheeting (especially sheeting), etc. Please, please bring us your junk, as a lot of us are none too happy either about all the waste on all these demos from all the wasted fresh wood and paper.

DATE : Thursday 15th APRIL.
TIME : 8:30(ish) till as late as needed! (That's what the man said!)
PLACE : St. Mary on the Quay Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave.
(Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:


You're welcome to come along and make whatever you want, but what some of us were thinking we need more of is brief, solid, factual statements. We know that's the magic formula everyone wants, but that's what we aim to be thinking about...

NOTE: As a lot of you will be aware, this will be after the usual Bristol STW meeting, but Bristol STW aren't making any kind of claim over the banner making session, or claiming first go at the resources type attitude, although there will obviously be people there wanting to make Bristol STW stuff with their own bits and pieces ready prepared to
get making things ;o).


banner brains


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Blue Peter comes to Indymedia

11.04.2004 09:35

A banner making day ??? What a fucking waster of time, will you people never learn ?

We are not going to bring a revolution to this country as long as peple like you sit around eatng veggieburgers and making banners. We should be on the streets, bringing down the Monarchy and the Government with direct action against the Establishment. Country wide strikes, School walk outs, Mass non co-operaton with the Inland Revenue, storming Military bases and Police station.

Laughing out Loud

Go On Then!

11.04.2004 14:35

Go On Then! go and do all those things instead of being a bichy little online shit. This is one of many projects going on, what the fuck is your self-satisfied problem!

Are you on trial for smashing up the B-52s at Fairford? No you're not, but people in Bristol are, and they get involved in this type of productive event too! Fucking idiot!

bristol headcase

ignorant twat

11.04.2004 14:42

What a stuck up twat you are! I bet you've got loads of friends.

bristol says fuck you

Bristol says fuck off!

11.04.2004 14:49

Up your own arse 'laughing out loud'. I bet you do none of those things, as well as not making banners. I bet you're a lazy fuck-wit who walks around demos with an SWP placard sneering at yourself for holding one, but too lazy & your arse to make one of your own, and sneering at everyone for not doing all the things you don't do, because you're just an on-line slag with un-filled fantasies which you never will commit to. Twat!

bristol born and bred

That confirms the rumours

11.04.2004 16:06

You sad bunch of middle class tossers. If you think having a banner making day will change the ruling elite in this country then go right ahead.

I have nothing to do with the SWP, another bunch of middle class shits who achieve nothing. What's next for the inbred of Bristol then, revolutionary flower aranging or Class war highland dancing and poetry reading.

Laughing Out Loud

Middle Class?

11.04.2004 17:00

Why don't you read, & follow the Iraq War On Trial kicking off in Bristol.

& Watch who you're calling middle class 'laughing out loud'. All you've just done is proove what a troll you are, go bug someone else. All your inbred talk only exposes that you have to be a brainless right wing shit beneathe your dumb masquerading.

Bristol Born & Bred