Massacre Imminent in Fallujah?
Tom | 09.04.2004 17:10
It is been reported that during the brief, tenuous 90 minute US ceasefire earlier today in Fallujah that US troops announced over loudspeakers that all civilians should leave the city EXCEPT men of 'fighting age'(1).
The US also insisted that AL Jazeera's camera crew leaves Fallujah as a condition of the ceasefire to let in humanitarian aid(2).
It appears that the US are preparing to eliminate, by death or capture, all males between say 14 and 60 in Fallujah. The US has already warned the population they face a choice between the US forces and the militants, and told people to leave the city. Arial bombing has apparantly been heavy today, and US tanks have destroyed 10+ civilian homes. Up to 450 people have been killed, in all probability mostly civilians as there are many pictures of dead children coming out(2).
The talk of 'fighting age males' brings to mind Serbian/KLA ethnic cleansing in the Kosovo war. The US have done worse before . . .
(1) ITV Teletext, analogue TV service 09/04/04, 18:00 hrs.
It appears that the US are preparing to eliminate, by death or capture, all males between say 14 and 60 in Fallujah. The US has already warned the population they face a choice between the US forces and the militants, and told people to leave the city. Arial bombing has apparantly been heavy today, and US tanks have destroyed 10+ civilian homes. Up to 450 people have been killed, in all probability mostly civilians as there are many pictures of dead children coming out(2).
The talk of 'fighting age males' brings to mind Serbian/KLA ethnic cleansing in the Kosovo war. The US have done worse before . . .
(1) ITV Teletext, analogue TV service 09/04/04, 18:00 hrs.
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Send a PC to Tony in Bermuda
10.04.2004 10:00
Child corpses Fallujah
Also reported on Yahoo news, males are not being allowed out, and so entire families are turning back.
USUK genocide continues.
A. Blinkin
10.04.2004 10:39
(1) BBC Ceefax News, Analogue TV 11:30, 10/04/04.
Aljazeera - Arab for lying
10.04.2004 13:35
Joseph Goebbles would be proud of them
All media is biased, but
10.04.2004 16:19
Al-jazeera is one of the more balanced corporate media outlets as it gives airtime to most parties to an issue. Much has been made of their showing of the bin laden tapes as 'proof' they are the al-qaeda mouthpiece; but they also run interviews with western officials eg Colin Powell which elicits no comment.
Lets stop the racist dismissal of anything reported by arabs shall we? Arabs can lie, anglo-saxons can lie -PEOPLE CAN LIE. The point is Al-jazeera don't appear to be lying - 450+ people, mostly civilians have been killed in fallujah. The US has been launching mortar attacks - hardly precision targeting of militants. And the US appears quite dumb in its aiming which undermines the proffessed smartness o their bombs. There is collective punishment and a massacre occuring NOW. War crimes. Al jazeera are the only station with the balls to be inside while this is happening, and have reportedly been targeted by US F-16s twice today. Their offices were quickly bombed during the attack on Afghanistan, and again during the bombing of Baghdad 2003 killing a journalist.
The US wouln't waste the ammo if they were simply lying, they'd just hold up the evidence to disprove it. The US claimed nobody, then one person was killed when they bombed the mosque in Falluja a couple of days ago - Al-jazeera showed up and filmed tens of bodies of worshippers and blew the US propaganda out of the water - today US planes tried to kill the Al-Jazeera crew.
Not reporting western propaganda unquestioningly does not equal bias.
War does not equal peace.
Freedom is not slavery.
Love is not hate.
A massacre is happening now - we need to take to the streets!
You are all mixed up
20.02.2005 22:02