Bush's Vietnam (by Latuff)
Latuff | 08.04.2004 20:48 | Anti-militarism
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Iraqi people and their struggle against foreign occupation.
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or British colonialism 1920
08.04.2004 22:37
Hopefully not like Vietnam, 1920 Iraq, or even th battle for Algergia
09.04.2004 01:36
Unbeliever makes an important point (or the article that is linked). And it is one that a mad dog US general was making on the TV news tonight, spewing out propaganda from the central command and control bunker for Iraq. But they are going to need a lot more troops to terrorise and kill the Iraqi resistance.
And they are going to have to do it under the glare of the world’s media, against the will of the majorities of many countries, who can now more easily see through the propaganda, view the unjustified brutality and count the body bag. Can the US people handle more than 1000 dead US soldiers, or 2000 - it’s already at about 700.
I cannot see history repeating itself , although there was no TV back then when a British imperialist army alone ruthlessly put down the Iraqi resistance in 1920. The Iraqis, I am sure, are aware of their own history and will have learned from it, and are quite capable of liberating themselves, Allah willing, to gain freedom this time around.
But before I try and justify by what is unfolding very quickly this allow me in a couple of paragraphs to re-state some givens:
That the invasion of Iraqi was an imperialist adventure related to control of oil and the wider Middle East can no longer be seriously questioned. It has been proved a lie that Sadam/Iraq was terrorising the US, Britain or any other country, and possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction. Iraq just had a very low tech ram-shackled army, and had been persistently bombed (by US/UK) and impoverished under sanctions for the 10 years prior to the US invasion.
If US and Britain claim they were ‘do gooders’ only on a humanitarian mission to liberate the Iraqi people from a tyrant then they were acting counter to their imperialist history. Infact, the US/UK helped to create Sadam Hussein supported him in the war against Iran, and turned a blind eye to the suppression of his own people. When he was a friend they sold him arms and chemical weapons.
The current actions of the occupying US forces and the plans to impose a neo-liberal (puppet) regime owned and run for profit mainly by US corporate interests supported and funded by Iraqi Oil show the real reasons why the US have brought about regime change.
The US plans to ‘hand over sovereignty’ in Iraq on June 30th from 101st Airborne Division to the Marine Corps is being defeated by a majority of the Iraqi People.
The unity of the opposition to the occupying forces throughout Iraq shows what a nonsense all the propaganda is - that civil war will break out between Kurds, Marsh Arabs, Sunni and Shia Muslims without a US or UN military presence; that a thug here and bandit there is causing a few local difficulties to the mighty command and control of the US army is laughable.
The resistance has steadily grown, is making huge leaps and is not centralised or controlled by any one faction. It is distributed, tactical and varied. In some parts of Iraq local groups have negotiated with the occupying military to withdrawn from their towns; the Italians, the Spanish, the Japanese, and other national forces have returned to their bases, and it appears that the British are making deals with the resistance in Basra to stay out of that city - the coalition of the willing might be ignoring the mad dog general of central US command and control and are doing a mutinous retreat (in my dreams!).
Perhaps there is a chance that the Iraqi people will have de facto sovereignty over their country by June 30, but not in the sense that mad neo-con Bush and poodle Blair intend.
End the occupation of Iraq - send in the aid and humanitarian assistance!
good cartoon
09.04.2004 21:42
What cartoon would that be then?
10.04.2004 18:56
The only Latuff cartoon I found that could match that description after an extensive Google Images search was this one with the title 'Both puppets of each other' with George Bush and Ariel Sharon. People can judge for themselves whether it's an anti-semitic statement. It doesn't look anything like that to me.
If you can't show me any better evidence than that, I'll just assume you're yet another Zionist propagandist trying to smear all criticism of the Israeli government as anti-semitism.
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