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Tibetan lama unjustly sentenced to death - take action!

Michelle Deany | 08.04.2004 15:33 | Culture | Repression | Social Struggles | London | World

Check out a new online movie made as part of the ongoing campaign to save the life of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche

Check out an inspiring new online movie created for the Tenzin Delek Rinpoche campaign by Students for a free Tibet. As part of their work to save Tenzin Delek from execution, the Beastie Boys generously lent their song, "Sabotage" for the new movie.

Click here to check it out:

Please share the movie with your friends – if we hope to save Tenzin’s life, we MUST spread the word about his plight.

It was two years ago that the Chinese authorities wrongly arrested and imprisoned the Tibetan monk and teacher Tenzin Delek Rinpoche. Tenzin was then sentenced to death for crimes he did not commit.

Time is running out for Tenzin Delek - he could be executed as early as December of this year. Please join us in taking action to help save this innocent man's life - watch the movie, then forward this email message to all your friends, family and colleagues and ask them to do the same.

Together, we can and will free Tenzin Delek.

If you’d like to send a message to the Chinese government right now, you can do so at

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Michelle Deany
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how awful

09.04.2004 11:17

Where is Tibet? Is it anywhere near Palestine?


Damned if you do...

09.04.2004 20:18

...damned if you don't. Zionist trolls regularly spam all over Indymedia whining that there's never any protest against anyone but Israel. In the past week there have been reports posted here about Tibet, Iraq, West Papua, Haiti, Colombia, USA, Hungary, Russia, S. Africa, Spain, Catalonia, etc.:

And of course most articles on IMC UK are about events in the UK itself.
But obsessive ghouls like the commenter above still spend hours posting on and on about Arabs in general, and Palestinians in particular. Then they accuse anyone who posts about Palestine of being "Palestine-obsessed". Are all Zionists like this? Maybe they're feeling a bit exposed lately, what with US strategy in the Mideast coming so spectacularly off the rails, Sharon about to be indicted for corruption, etc. Or maybe it's all coming from one very anxious little man in a bedsit, with a lot of spare time on his hands.
