Bio-Chip Implants
Zinfandel | 07.04.2004 22:04 | Liverpool
Until recently any mention of bio-chip implants or RFID implants would receive ridicule and accusations of conspiracy theory.
Well, not any more! They are here. Press reports have claimed that five American states plan to start mandatory bio-chip implants of homeless people in order to track them in real-time. A spanish night club has just announced that it will be offering implants to its customers. Not so long ago it was just pets and presumably VIPs who had these implants. Now it could be assumed that coalition forces in Iraq have implants and that whilst they are being encouraged in the 'Chip Mobile' roadshow (see link), it will not be long until they will be compulsory.
It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen...
It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen...
This may not region specific but it is extremely important.
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