BRISTOL Stop-The-War NEWS : 7th April 2004
Bristol-Stop-The-War | 07.04.2004 20:17 | Social Struggles
Please Note : This is not an exhaustive list of events.
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Please Note : This is not an exhaustive list of events.
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DOWNLOAD the PRINT VERSION: A free reformatted version of the newsletter is
available. Please print out copies & give/sell them to people who don't have email.
IRAQ WAR on TRIAL at HIGH COURT LEVEL in BRISTOL : 26th - 30th April.
Please Join The Daily Vigil Outside Court (More Events In Sections 7, 8 & 9).
RESOLUTION of CONFERENCE: "This conference recognises the achievements of the
STW Coalition in involving people across the political spectrum and re-affirms the
political non-alignment of the Coalition." (See 'Future Discussions' Section 7).
Our LINKS PAGES Have Been UPDATED, Please Visit:
* New Section... ^ Updated Section...
~ Bristol / Regional Events... + National / International Events...
01) * Bristol Report: The Global Day Of Action
02) ^~+ Easter March To Aldermaston: 9-12th Apr
03) *~ Unite Against Fascism Launch: 17th Apr
04) *~ RAWA Film & Benefit In Stroud: 18th Apr
05) *~ Palestine Film Night In Bristol: 20th Apr
06) *~+ Next International Peace Vigil: 21st Apr
07) *~ Bristol STW Open Discussion: 22nd Apr
08) ^~+ Iraq War On Trial In Bristol: 26-30th Apr
09) *~ Bristol Indymedia Film Night: 26th Apr
10) *~+ MayDay Events & Actions: 30 Apr-1 May
11) ^ News: Afghanistan : The Forgotten War
12) ~ Local Peace Vigils & Planning Meetings
13) ^~ Bristol & Regional MESSAGE BOARDS
Links to many of the other Global Demos:
INTRODUCTION: Hello. The Global Day of Action on 20th March 2004 was another key step for the anti-war movement. Far from collapsing at the onset of the invasion of Iraq, the movement has continued to organise from one historic first to the next, from the largest anti-war demonstration during wartime on 22 March 2003, to the largest mid-week demonstration on 20th Nov 2003, & not forgetting the largest UK demonstration, ever, on 15th Feb 2003.
While the Global Day of Action represented a clear extension of these successes to the global level, turnout was moderate almost everywhere. While the 100,000 who demonstrated in London was, in itself, a large National demonstration, it was also the smallest for some time, as it was in most places, including Bristol. We need to ask ourselves why this was, & the Bristol report below seems to capture many of the questions we need to ask (Also See 'Future Discussions' Section 7).
Let Us Know What You Think By Email: bristolstopwar (at)
Let Us Know What You Think By Post:
BSTW c/o Greenleaf Books, Box 45, 82 Colston St, BS1 5BB
Let Us Know What You Think Publicly, Visit The Link & Add Your Comment:
THE BRISTOL REPORT: "On Sat 20th March upwards of 200 people demonstrated in Bristol as part of the Global Day Of Action, which saw demonstrations in over 300 cities around the world. Around 150 people also travelled from Bristol to London to join the demonstrations there. As people gathered at midday, in the centre of Bristol, the Red Notes Choir lifted everyone's spirits as we waited to see how many people would come. By 1:00pm it was clear that we weren't going to be witnessing another landmark event like last year, when up to 4,000 demonstrated in Bristol on the outbreak of the invasion.
Our high spirits, which came from knowing that these protests were part of a fully globalised event, we're contrasted with a feeling that these protests were not enough, & as the Bristol Demo wound its way up Park St & Whiteladies Rd for a protest outside the Territorial Army Centre, & then back down to the Vigil for its 3:00pm start, many of us couldn't ignore the question of where we go from here.
It is important to recognise that a direct comparison with 20th Mar 2003 is not necessarily a good one, & neither is a direct comparison with 15th Feb 2003. 15th Feb 2003 was planned some 6 months in advance, & 20th March 2003 was publicised for nearly a year under the header of 'STOP THE CITY ON THE OUTBREAK OF WAR'.
Sat 20th, by comparison, was publicised for only 6 weeks or so. While it's important to take this into account, it's not good enough to look towards what are still technical differences between campaigns, or to blame it on the rain, demo fatigue, or some other convenient set of reasons which enable us to ignore the possibility that we have lost, & are losing, some of our momentum.
While our networks continue to grow at every level from our own communities to the international, there should be a very real questioning of what we can hope to achieve, &
the extent to which, not just A-B demos, but the very act of protest politics itself should be our main tactic. Demonstrations will always have a central place within any movement, but what exactly it is our movement is, is a very different question.
To an extent there are built in limits to this movement. We have defined ourselves as anti-war movement, & as a result, no-matter how much we try & overlap with issues of the environment or the wider economic & resource crisis, we are hemmed in as a single-issue movement. And while it has been important to focus on Iraq, this has also led to a further narrowing beyond the already narrow brief of opposing the 'war on terror'.
While the Global Demonstrations of 20th March 2004 were an impressive & landmark exercise in international co-ordination, they also exposed a potential weakening beneath the surface, which must be addressed & debated & understood. Unless we do that we will slowly but surely dissipate as all movements have done which have gone before us." James Venables (Bristol STW regular).
For More Reports, See The Picture Stories @:
ADDITIONAL ACTIONS: Other actions in Bristol saw 100+ cyclists, & others, shut down the city centre on Fri 19th in what was dubbed a 'Critical Mass Against Capitalism & War For Oil'. Other autonomous actions saw the Esso garage on Park Row, & a BP garage in St. Pauls, shut down by non-violent means on the 20th, & in the wee hours of the 21st another non-violent independent action saw the TA Centre on Whiteladies Rd 'deactivated' with locks glued, vehicles paintstripped, windscreens smashed & spraypainted with 'TROOPS OUT'.
Organisers: &
If you can't make the march please come to Aldermaston on the 12th.
BACKGROUND: "The UK is gearing up to develop a new generation of nuclear weapons at Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), near Reading. We plan to show how people feel about Britain preparing to build new weapons of mass destruction, with a 3 Day march from London to Aldermaston over Easter 2004. The march begins with a major rally at Trafalgar Square on Fri 9th April."
BRISTOL DETAILS & CONTACTS: How can people in the Bristol area get involved?
(i)... Join the 3 Day march from London to Aldermaston. Tel. 0117 973 4672
(ii)... Join the main day of protest at Aldermaston on Mon 12th April. Welcome the
march, surround the base. Bristol CND coach from Canons Marsh at 9.30am (pick up at Eastville 9.45). Returning by 7.30pm. Ask for help from Bill 0117 971 5451.
COACH TICKETS: £10 / £5 from Greenleaf Books, 82 Colston St. MAP BELOW:
(iii)... Join a 4 Day Bristol Peace Camp at Aldermaston, *Transport Provided*. Details
from Margaret 0117 946 6885, or Email: nabataat (at)
(iv)... Unable to come along, but want to help? Please send donations, cheques made payable to Aldermaston2004, to 18, Greenway Road, Bristol BS6 6SG.
We will Surround the Base at the end of the London to Aldermaston march.
12th APRIL OUTLINE AGENDA: 13.00: Aldermaston Main Gate 'Welcome the March'.
SPEAKERS: Tony Benn, Bruce Kent, Jenny Jones, Pat Arrowsmith, Ernest Rodker, Roger Lloyd Pack (Trigger from Only Fools & Horses), Caroline Lucas MEP, Kate Hudson CND, Anas Altikriti, Lindsey German, Nick Holtam, Kierra Box, Susannah York, Corin Redgrave, Jeremy Hardy, Adrian Mitchell & performance by 'Theatre of War' (Makers of the 20th Nov Bush statue).
14:00 onwards ~ Take a walk around AWE ~ Join the 'Treasure Hunt' for WMD ~ Decorate the fence with your messages ~ Visit The Camps ~ Women's Camp: Bluebell Wood ~ General Camp: Organised by Trident Ploughshares, other end of Bluebell Wood ~ Grannies for Peace: Boilerhouse Gate ~ Cruisewatch Camp, Contractors Gate ~ East Anglians, somewhere on the north side ~ WORKSHOPS: 14:30 Workshops at Bluebell Wood ~ (i) The next generation: what can I do next? (ii) Join AWPC's Shareholder Campaign (iii) What is Aldermaston Women's Peace Campaign? How can I be part of it? [women only] (iv) Women's Political Workshop, Caroline Lucas, MEP & Carol Naughton, former chair of CND, & facilitator, Rebecca Johnson (v) What is the Nuclear Non - Proliferation Treaty?
16:00 : CACOPHONY AT THE WIRE. The loudest protest we can make together - all around the fence! Bring your saucepan lids! PLUS: Info tents, support, welfare, first aid & all that ~ Music, choirs, theatre, jugglers, stalls, stilt-walkers, face-painting, shadow-painting, dreamweaving ~ Tea, coffee, cold drinks. ~ Please bring your own food, though there will be a few food stalls. If it rains - shelter is available.
DISABLED FACILITIES : Portaloos with disabled facilities will be around the site.
National Link: Email: unite (at)
a) Launch Rally: 7:00pm-9:00pm. FREE ENTRY
b) Launch Benefit Night: 9:00pm-4:00am. £5.00
a) LAUNCH RALLY: Unite Against fascism is sponsored by the Trades Union Congress
(TUC), Campaign against Racism & Fascism, & the Anti-Nazi League. Speakers Include: Weyman Bennett (UNITE National Secretary) & Carl St. Paul (FBU member).
DATE: Sat 17th April. TIME: 7:00-9:00pm.
VENUE: Malcolm X Centre, City Rd, St. Pauls. MAP BELOW:
b) BENEFIT PARTY: Until 4:00am with Babyhed & Laid Blak (£5 on the door)
Note: This will be at the Malcolm X shortly after the main rally, & until 4:00am.
Related Links: &
BACKGROUND : "Unite Against Fascism is a new national campaign with the aim of alerting society to the rising threat of the extreme right gaining an electoral foothold in this country. We aim to unite the broadest possible spectrum of society to counter this threat. Until recently this country has not seen the kind of rise of the extreme right that has blighted many countries elsewhere in Europe. However in the recent local elections the BNP averaged 17 per cent in the wards they contested, & averaged 20% in by-
elections they have contested since then.
On 10 June 2004 there will be European, local & London Mayor & Assembly elections. There is a real danger that the BNP could get a significant elected platform. The BNP can be defeated. The majority of people in this country abhor the BNP. If every-one votes we can stop the BNP. Our campaign will urge people to use their vote to stop the BNP. Now is the time for all of us to combine our forces in a broad & common front against this common threat."
Related TUC Events:
LOCAL PLANS: "This will be done by leafleting targeted areas, & we have evidence the BNP are leafleting areas around Bristol. We will also be targeting Broadmead & football games played in the city, so any assistance is greatly appreciated. The Bristol Launch & Benefit on the 17th are also a key part of this campaign, so please come along. The UAF locally is made up of trade unionists, students, supporters from local campaigning & church groups, as well as other individuals with a hatred of the BNP & their vile politics."
BRISTOL CONTACTS: bristuaf (at) or ring 07837 131 205
Please contact UAF by email to receive their email updates.
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
DATE: Sun 18th June. TIME : 7:30-9:00pm. TAX: £5 / £4
VENUE: The Space, Lansdown Rd, Stroud, Gloucester. (30 miles north-east of Bristol, along the A433 turning onto the A46). MAP BELOW:
KANDAHAR REVIEW: Directed by Mohsen Makhmalbaf : "This film provides a powerful & telling insight into daily life in Afghanistan. Shot on the border of Iran & Afghanistan, Kandahar is a politically urgent story of Nafas, a young female journalist, who escaped Afghanistan with her family but must return in an attempt to rescue her sister. The sister, maimed by an exploded landmine & distraught over the constant persecution simply for being a woman, has written to Nafas vowing that she will commit suicide by the next solar eclipse. Nafas must disguise herself as an Afghan wife by wearing the traditional head-to-toe covering of the burka in order to find her sister in the Taliban-controlled city of Kandahar. The film is inspired by the real-life experience of actress Nelofer Pazira, who plays Nafas."
Watch A Trailer:
BACKGROUND TO RAWA: "The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan is the oldest organization of Afghan women struggling for peace, freedom, democracy & women's rights. RAWA was established in Kabul in 1977 as an independent political/social organization of women fighting for human rights & social justice. RAWAs objective was to involve Afghan women in social & political activities aimed at acquiring women's human rights & the struggle for a government based on democratic & secular values. Despite the suffocating atmosphere, RAWA became involved in widespread activities & arenas, including education, health & income generation, as well as political agitation.
Since the overthrow of the Soviet regime in 1992 the focus of RAWAs political struggle has been against the fundamentalists & the ultra-fundamentalist Talibans criminal policies & atrocities against the people of Afghanistan, & their incredibly ultra-male-chauvinistic & anti-woman orientation in particular. Apart from the political challenges facing RAWA, tremendous social & relief work amongst unimaginably traumatised women & children lie ahead of us, but unfortunately we do not at the moment enjoy any support from international NGOs, therefore our social programmes are presently greatly reduced for lack of funds."
CONTACT RAWA: Email: rawa (at)
Afghan Women's Mission, 2460 N. Lake Ave. PMB 207, Altadena, CA 91001 USA.
Cube Cinema Link:
Another Benefit Screening For The Refugee Education Charity, Enlighten.
Enlighten Link:
DATE: Tue 20th April. TIME: 7:30-10:00pm. (Bar Open till 11:00pm).
TAX: £3/£2. VENUE: Cube Cinema. Dove St South, Kings Sq (Off Jamaica St.)
MAP: INFO: Tel: 0117 9074190
MAIN FEATURE: ARNA'S CHILDREN (2003): "The first Bristol screening of Israeli director Juliano Mer-Khamis's, Arna's Children (runner-up for the Audience Award at the International Documentary Festival, Amsterdam). This staggering film sees Khamis travel to Jenin, where his peace-activist mother, Arna Mer (1929-1995), founded & led a theatre group of Palestinian children. Juliano had helped direct the group, now, with the theatre long closed, he returns to discover the tragic stories of Arna's children."
'Speechless. Silent. I could not move'- Electronic Intifada.
For A Deeper Review:
ALSO SHOWING: CITIZEN BISHARA (2001): "Simone Bitton's, Citizen Bishara, in which Bitton follows Palestinian citizen of Israel & parliamentarian, Dr. Azmi Bishara, through his Knesset work, his campaigns, & the dissemination of his ideas about citizenship & democracy." 'A fascinating & important study, engaging & illuminating, exhibiting the true art of the documentary" - Kamera.
For A Deeper Review:
ABOUT ENLIGHTEN: "Enlighten (Markaz at-Tanwir) gives Palestinian children & young persons the opportunity to develop computer skills & access educational information from the internet in a safe environment. Enlighten was established as a charity in 1999 to promote & facilitate the introduction of computer-aided learning centres in the Palestinian refugee camps of the Middle East.
Enlighten opened its first centre in Bureij camp - Gaza - in Jan 2000. Today the Bureij centre serves a 'flagship' role as the training & administrative centre for Enlighten's ongoing expansion. It is fully equipped with 20 workstations. In the year 2002, the centre issued 978 certificates of achievement to pupils & in the current period (2003) courses have been fully subscribed for the third consecutive year."
UK Campaign Link:
Contact The Campaign:campaign (at)
Please be a part of this World Wide Vigil & join us at the Bristol Peace Vigil on Wed 21st April in anticipation of Mordechai Vanunu's release after nearly 18 years in jail, in Israel. Feeling Creative? Please Make A Placard Or Banner For The Vigil.
DATE: Wed 21st April 2004. TIME: 5:30-6:30pm. PLACE: Bristol City
Centre, Opposite The Hippodrome, St. Augustines Parade. MAP BELOW: http://
BACKGROUND: "Mordechai Vanunu, who worked at the Dimona nuclear facility in the Negev Desert, told the London Sunday Times in 1986 about Israel's secret nuclear arsenal. He was subsequently abducted while in Rome, after being drugged by Israeli Secret Services. Mordechai has been locked away for almost 18 years. Public pressure has brought changes over the years. In 1998, pressure from supporters around the world pried open the lock on Mordechai's isolation cell after eleven & a half eleven years in solitary. Israel once claimed the transcript of Vanunu's closed door trial was so sensitive it could never be made public. But several years ago, bending to
public pressure, it released most of the trial record."
Join The Email List:
LATEST NEWS: "The calls for international inspection of the Israeli Dimona nuclear facility are growing louder, particularly from Israel's near neighbors. Even Dimona workers are now drawing attention to unsafe working conditions that are causing cancers & other illnesses. If an Iraqi nuclear technician in the last decade had come forward to reveal previously unknown information about a secret Iraqi nuclear arsenal, that person would be hailed as a hero. Now we see that Iraq's nuclear threat was never rebuilt, Libya has publicly abandoned nuclear ambitions & Iran has opened up to nuclear inspections. The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency has recently urged Israel to dismantle its nuclear weapons program."
Sign The Petition:
Dr. Mordechai Vanunu, Ashkelon Prison, PO Box 17, Ashkelon, Israel.
Links: &
Bristol Related Link:
a) Introduction : The Bristol STW Monthly Discussion
b) IRAQ WAR ON TRIAL : Discussion & Presentation.
c) Future Discussions : The Nature Of The Coalition ...
a) INTRODUCTION: As part of ongoing change within Bristol STW (See Section 1) we will now be experimenting with an open monthly discussion on a chosen topic at our usual weekly meeting. While these meetings have been a great success in organising terms (See Section 12c), some people have found them uncomfortable. One of the reasons for this is that these meetings are primarily planning meetings, & we do have business to get through, & the meetings are confrontational at times, but as we welcome people of all political backgrounds this inevitably leads to some disagreement amongst those with different opinions. This is a healthy thing, & not to be feared, but we understand newcomers (& a few old-timers) do not always see the constructive nature of this, & so by giving more time to discussion we can hopefully begin to explore the issues more clearly. Please do come along.
Visit Us:
Related Link:
DATE: Thur 22nd April. TIME: 7:00-8:30pm. FREE ENTRY. PLACE: St. Mary on the Quay Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave. (Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:
The first of the new monthly Bristol STW open discussions will focus on the IWOT Hearings (See Section 8), which will consider the legality of the invasion of Iraq at a High Court level, here in Bristol. There will a presentation on behalf of the IWOT defendants, & as we are committed to opening up the level of discussion we will also discuss the more general erosion of civil liberties occurring. So please do come along if you have any questions.
Main Link:
c) FUTURE DISCUSSIONS: At the 3rd National Stop-The-War Conference, on 28th Feb 2004, the Bristol STW motion to conference was passed, which reads, "This conference recognises the achievements of the Stop the War Coalition in involving people across the political spectrum & re-affirms the political non-alignment of the Coalition." This is an important reminder of the non-partisan nature of the coalition, but it isn't intended to set the Coalition in stone. We can modify or widen our own remit along lines which remain non party-political, & non-partisan, if we so chose, so as to include pressing issues of our time, such as how the 'war on terror' is connected to the drugs trade (See Section 11) & drug abuse in our communities, to how it relates to conflict over resources, such as oil, water or topsoil. All these issues, questions, & more are likely to feature strongly in future discussions.
Read All The Resolutions Here:
a) Legal Issues & Background To The Hearings...
b) Events & Actions In Support, & How You Can Help...
a) BACKGROUND: "Last March, a few days before the war on Iraq, Paul Milling & Margaret Jones cut their way into USAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, UK. Once inside they disabled trucks used for carrying bombs, & tankers for fuelling the U.S B-52 bombers waiting to attack Iraq. This action was followed by those of Phil Pritchard & Toby Olditch, & of Josh Richards - arrested while trying to reach & disarm a B-52 bomber. The defence of all five activists against charges of conspiracy & criminal damage, is that they aimed at preventing the crime of the Iraq war. During these five days of legal argument, Queen's Counsel will speak for their clients' right to use a 'lawful excuse' defence. 'We are not the criminals', say the defendants. 'The true criminals are to be found in Whitehall & the White House.'"
Main Link:
LEGAL ISSUES. "This historic trial will not only be a judgement on the defence of the peace activists, who each face up to 10 years, but a challenge to the British government's case for war. Their defence; they were attempting to prevent the greater crime of an illegal & immoral invasion. If Mr. Justice Grigson agrees they can invoke the two defences of necessity & prevention of crime, Tony Blair could face the embarrassing prospect of a jury of 12 ordinary citizens deciding whether or not the defendants had reasonable grounds for believing the war was legal under international law. These hearings were initially due to take place in Jan 2004. These hearings, now taking place from 26th - 30th April, will, for the first time, consider the legality of war on Iraq at a High Court level, here in Bristol."
Related News:
i) ... Thu 22nd April : IWOT Discussion & presentation (See Section 7).
ii) ... Sat 24th April : Stall in Broadmead - please join us with posters, banners, leaflets, photos, props, costumes, from 10.30am. Either come & find us, or get in touch to offer help. Tel. 0117 9412652 or Email: morethanimagine (at)
iii) ... Mon 26th April : Margaret Jones (IWOT defendant) will be giving a talk on the
evening of the 1st day, as part of the Bristol Indymedia Film Night (See Section 9).
Times: 9:00-10:00am & 1:00-2.00pm & 4:00pm. Daily: Mon 26th - Fri 30th April.
Bring Placards, Banners. Come Into Court & Hear The Arguments.
v) ... EXTRA LARGE VIGILS : Mon 26th @9:00 am & Fri 30th @4:00pm. Join us for an extra BIG show of support at the start & finish of these landmark hearings.
MEETING POINT : Small St, Broadmead, Bristol. 100 yards from entrance to St. Nick's market in Corn St. Please Do Come To The Vigils. MAP BELOW:
ACCOMMODATION : Can you offer a sleeping space for visiting supporters during any days of the week of the 26-30th April? This is a very important way of helping, if so, please Tel. 0117 9412652 or Email: morethanimagine (at)
MORE BACKGROUND: "On 3rd and 4th March 2003, fourteen B52 bombers from USAF 23rd Bomb Squadron 'Barons' arrived at RAF/USAF Fairford in Gloucestershire, UK, to prepare for the aerial bombing of Iraq, which began on the 20th March 2003. On April 24th 2003, after 142 flights & 54 days, they left.
RAF/USAF Fairford is in the Cotswolds, UK. RAF/USAF Fairford is one of only 3 forward bases (outside the US) for B2 Stealth bombers. The others are in Guam (Phillipine Sea) & Diego Garcia (Indian Ocean). In tests the B2 has released B61 & B83 mini-nuclear weapons, the first of a new generation."
Organisers: &
DATE: Mon 26th April. TIME: 7:30-10:00pm. (Bar Open till 11:00pm).
TAX: £3 / £2* (*though no one turned away through lack of funds).
VENUE: Cube Cinema. Dove Street South. Kings Square (Off Jamaica St.)
MAP: INFO: Tel: 0117 9074190
An ongoing showcase of contemporary filmmakers who are finding new forms of cinema to show resistance to globalisation throughout the world.
BREAKING NEWS: The Iraq War On Trial (IWOT) Hearings start on this day, to consider the legality of war on Iraq at a High Court level for the 1st time. Margaret Jones (IWOT defendant) will be coming to give us some background to the case & news of the first day's proceedings of the trial of the Fairford Five (See Section 8).
Related Link:
MAIN FEATURE: "UNDERCURRENTS: A Brand New Compilation Of Micro-Documentaries. Celebrating 10 years of filming by embedded video journalists among some of the most radical protest groups. Undercurrents News Network (UNN) will be launched in April to bring you the News you don't see on the News. Now based in South Wales, this is their 1st video magazine release for 5 years. Expect the usual diverse mixture of inspiring stories you won't see on the BBC or ITV. Undercurrents co-founder, Paul O'Connor will also be here."
ABOUT UNDERCURRENTS: "A non-profit alternative outlet for documentary makers, animators, video activists & subverters. We widen the audience for those supporting social change, human rights, animal welfare & environmental justice. If your viewpoints have been marginalised, ignored or trivialised by the corporate-owned news, then UNN
encourages you to grab a video camera & make your own! Visit their website to find out about screenings around the country, & if you think you can organise one in your local area, give us a ring."
Email: unn (at) Tel: (0)1792 455900
ALSO SHOWING: "ZYGOSIS : John Heartfield & The Political Image (Gorilla Tapes - 27mins). Gorilla Tapes were a trio of scratch video artists active during the 1980s. 'Zygosis'; the process by which 2 separate elements are united or yoked together to form a new whole. Gorilla Tapes attempt to marry video art & TV documentary. Jon Dovey, one of GT's founders now based in Bristol, will also be here."
a) London Anti-War Direct Action : 30th April
b) Bristol Trades Union Event : 1st May
c) London MayDay Demonstration : 1st May
a) LONDON : DISARM DSEi : FRI 30th APRIL. Organisers:
"DSEi is one of the worlds biggest trade fairs for guns, bombs, planes, arms, mines & tanks. The last DSEi took place in London Docklands from 9–12th Sept 2003. Defence Systems Equipment International (DSEi 2003) was sponsored by the British government, with the close involvement of Spearhead Exhibitions Ltd."
Meeting Point: Apex Tower, Along Coombe Rd, New Malden. MAP BELOW:
Spearhead Exhibitions has recently been brought by Reed Exhibitions. So, from 1:00pm, the celebrations will move to Reed Exhibitions, Oriel House, 26 The Quadrant, Richmond (Richmond station) for further fun & games. MAP BELOW:
CONTACT DISARM DSEi: BM Box 3679, London WC1N 3XX.
Please contact Disarm DSEi for flyers, or download from the website.
Tel. 07817 652029 Email: mayday (at) Web:
For An Interactive London Transport Map:
South West TUC:
DATE: Sat 1st May. TIME: 3.00pm till late. FREE ENTRY.
VENUE: Centre For The Deaf, 16-18 King Square. MAP BELOW:
Guest Speakers Include: Roger Berry MP, Glynn Ford MEP, Barry Camfield (Justice For Columbia Committee). Plus: Stalls, Food & Music. Organised By: Bristol Trade Union Council, Bristol Co-operative Party & TGWU South West.
SOUTH WEST TGWU (Transport & General Workers Union): POST: Transport House Victoria St, Bristol BS1 6AY. Tel: 0117 923 0555 Fax: 0117 923 0560
Organisers Link:
GLATUC is the trade union body for London, bringing together trade unionists across
the capital. Email: mick_at_home (at)
SPEAKERS INCLUDE: Frances O'Grady (Deputy GS TUC), Ken Livingstone (Mayor Of London), ICFTU NAZMA AKHTAR from Bangladesh, Joy Moss (Greater London Pensioners Association), Globalise Resistance, Stop The War Coalition.
ROUTE: To Trafalgar Square From Clerkenwell Green @12noon. MAP BELOW:
BACKGROUND: "Mayday has a very deep & varied history. It originates from the middle ages, & earlier, when Mayday was a Pagan rite of passage that marked an important seasonal transition in the year. Putting a maypole up involved taking a growing tree from the wood, & bringing it to the village to mark the oncoming season of the summer. Mayday used to be a period of great sexual licence. People would go off into the woods to collect their trees & green boughs, but once there...
In the 17th century Mayday came under severe attack by puritans who banned it by an act of Parliament in 1644. The Puritans also objected to Mayday & other festivals, because of the way social hierarchy was set aside, so that all were commonly involved, from the highest to the lowest. Mayday did return with the restoration of Charles the 2nd in 1660, but it didn't have the same robust force.
With the arrival of the Trade Union movement in the 19th century, Mayday was reinvented, & has now been celebrated since 1886. Since the 1970s the U.K Trade Union Movement has been demanding that May 1st be made a public holiday. The Labour Government of the time imposed the divisive decision to make the nearest Monday a Bank Holiday. This created many difficulties & separated Britain from virtually every other European country that celebrates May Day.
In recent years the Trade Union tradition has been taken on board by the wider anti-globalisation & anti-capitalist movements. To some, the strong sentiment of rejecting hierarchy which runs through these new variants represents a realignment with its earlier Pagan roots. Whether this is true or not is highly contested, & others point more to the reassertion of Anarchist principles into these movements as a cause. But what is certainly true is that Mayday is more diverse than ever, & increasingly so with the arrival & involvement of the anti-war movement too."
This story was first published on 14th Dec 2003, but with summer 2004 elections in Afghanistan now postponed, due to security concerns, until at least Autumn 2004, & with a mainstream media largely disinterested in reporting on the forgotten mess that Afghanistan remains, it seems especially relevant to reproduce this story now.
Read The Full Story:
Edited From A Story By Kim Sengupta, 14th December 2003, The Independent.
"Attempting to escape from a police checkpoint in Kabul, Malang Zafar Khan drove his pick-up truck straight at the gunpoints of the British Army Gurkhas. They had been waiting for the man sent to blow up the loya jirga, the national constitutional assembly that starts today (14.12.03). In the following few days the U.S killed 15 children in 2 air raids while attempting to eliminate a warlord & destroy an arms dump. And they sent 2,000 troops into the mountains in their biggest ever ground offensive against the Taliban & al-Qa'ida. The events give a glimpse into the continuing conflict in Afghanistan, a war of attrition taking place largely in the shadows with the focus of the world's media firmly fixed on Iraq.
After a relatively quick & casualty-free campaign - for the U.S military, if not Afghan
civilians - Washington declared victory & moved on to preparations for tackling Saddam Hussein. But just as the announcement of the official end to hostilities in Iraq has been followed by mayhem, the conflict has restarted in Afghanistan. The military bill for the Pentagon, so far, is a staggering $50bn - nearly £30bn. Attacks in Afghanistan have begun to emulate those in Iraq: suicide bombings, which are not a traditional Afghan approach; similar types of explosive devices set off by remote control; missile attacks from longer range; & the targeting of foreign aid organizations and the UN.
One of the most worrying developments has been the systematic killing of aid workers, now totalling 15. 18 months after the fall of their Islamist regime, the Taliban & their al-Qa'ida allies are resurgent, while the forces of the Kabul government are in retreat in large swaths of the south & east. The deputy governor of Zabul admits most of his province is now in Taliban hands, officials report that the situation is much the same in neighboring Oruzgan, while about half the territory in Kandahar has slipped out of
government control. In the dusty town of Spin Boldak close to the border with Pakistan in the east, where the Taliban was born, black & green flags celebrate its rebirth.
Osama bin Laden & Mullah Omar remain free: the former believed to be in the remote region of Pakistan, & the latter back in Afghanistan. Hamid Karzai, the beleaguered, US-sponsored President, reported what he termed a reliable sighting of Bin Laden at a mosque in Pakistan near the border. Meanwhile, Omar, the one-eyed former Taliban leader, issued a call last month for a popular uprising against the occupying forces. There is now a 3rd enemy leader ranged against President Karzai & his allies. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, created by the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence as a mujahedin leader against the Russians, & a past favored recipient of CIA largesse, is an increasingly active player in the anti-Western alliance.
Captured fighters say there is no shortage of equipment for them across the Pakistan border. These appear to be funded by the proceeds of heroin production. The area planted with poppies has risen to 152,000 acres from 4,200 acres 2 years ago. Other sources have been the siphoning of aid money as well as funding from the Middle East. The picture is not all gloomy. The Kabul government is appearing to make progress in disarming allied warlords involved in faction fighting. Early this month, General Abdul Rashid Dostum, one of the most powerful warlords, agreed in principle to hand over the weapons of his private army to a British military & diplomatic mission in Mazar-e-Sharif in the north.
Twelve missions - Provincial Reconstruction Teams - are being sent to other warlords. Following international and domestic pressure, the U.S administration has released more aid money. The Karzai government, however, still faces a severe cash crisis. In the summer, the influential American think-tank, the Council on Foreign Relations, published a detailed report on Afghanistan, entitled 'Are We Losing the Peace?'. The conclusion was that, unless urgent & drastic steps are taken, the answer is 'Yes'."
a) THE DAILY BRISTOL PEACE VIGIL: The Independent Bristol Peace Vigil is an open space for discussion, as well a crucial focus to Bristol's campaigns. We've kept vigil every night (except Sundays) since a few days after 9/11, & we'll keep Vigil onwards into the future, but we do need your support to keep our flame alive. If you can only make it for 15 minutes, or a couple of times a month, please still come. Everyone's welcome at the Bristol Peace Vigil.
TIMES: MON-FRI 5:30-6:30pm & SAT 3:00-4:00pm. PLACE: City Centre.
(Opposite The Hippodrome. St. Augustines Parade). MAP BELOW:
b) BATH PEACE VIGIL: Every Saturday 11.30am-12.30pm. Bath Abbey. (Off York Street. From the Station walk up Manvers St) MAP BELOW:
c) THE BRISTOL-STOP-THE-WAR PLANNING GROUP: Everyone's welcome. We hold a Bristol-Stop-The-War meeting every week, as a forum for local groups to inform each other of their intentions, of finding people to work together on projects, & as a venue where large scale Bristol Demos are agreed & planned. We don't vote at these meetings, as we're not here to force adherence to a consensus view. We do instead discuss issues until we reach broad consensus. (Also See Section 7).
DATE: Every Thursday. TIME: 7:00-8:30pm. PLACE: St. Mary on the Quay Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave. (Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:
d) BATH-STOP-THE-WAR: Meet every other Wed. NEXT: Wed 14th April.
TIME: 8:00-9:30pm @Friends Meeting House. York St. MAP BELOW:
Bath Website:
Bristol now has 3 message boards for anti-war & activist mail, plus a Bristol IMC newswire, & a regional Enrager.Net news & discussion forum. Please make use of them, as not all Bristol anti-war news makes it onto Bristol-Stop-The-War News.
Please also visit the Bristol-Stop-The-War LINKS PAGES:
a) BRISTOL-STOP-THE-WAR FORUM: Bristol-Stop-The-War now accepts general post from national & regional groups on all issues to do with the 'War On Terror'.
TO JOIN: email: bristol-stop-the-war-coalition (at)
Visit The Forum:
b) UWE & BRISTOL UNIVERSITY FORUM: Open to UWE & Bristol University Students, as well as regional universities, so please send us your events.
TO JOIN: send a blank email to: uwestopwar (at)
Visit The Forum:
c) BRISTOL ACTIVISTS FORUM: Bristol Activists is independent of the anti-war movement, & accepts posts on a wide range of political issues, including the war.
TO JOIN: send a blank email to: bristol-activists-subscribe (at)
Visit The Forum:
NOTE i) The Bristol-Stop-The-War forum & the University Forum, & are both set-up in a
'Webpage & Newsletter' format. This means the only mail you receive direct to your inbox is a regular newsletter, with all other mail viewed on the webpage.
NOTE ii) The Bristol Activists Forum is set up in an 'Individual Email & Daily Digest' format. This means all emails sent to the group emails are received in your inbox.
NOTE iii) If you have a Yahoo email you can post *from* the webpage on these forums, but you otherwise need to post *to* the webpage from your normal email.
e) BRISTOL IMC NEWSWIRE (Bristol Indymedia):
Submit Your Own Articles On IMC. Also UK IMC:
f) ENRAGER.NET South West Forums:
Submit Your Own Articles On Enraget.Net: Also UK:
"The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling - their ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of inevitability. Remember this - we be many and they be few. They need us more than we need them. Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." Arundhati Roy.
available. Please print out copies & give/sell them to people who don't have email.

IRAQ WAR on TRIAL at HIGH COURT LEVEL in BRISTOL : 26th - 30th April.
Please Join The Daily Vigil Outside Court (More Events In Sections 7, 8 & 9).
RESOLUTION of CONFERENCE: "This conference recognises the achievements of the
STW Coalition in involving people across the political spectrum and re-affirms the
political non-alignment of the Coalition." (See 'Future Discussions' Section 7).
Our LINKS PAGES Have Been UPDATED, Please Visit:

* New Section... ^ Updated Section...
~ Bristol / Regional Events... + National / International Events...
01) * Bristol Report: The Global Day Of Action
02) ^~+ Easter March To Aldermaston: 9-12th Apr
03) *~ Unite Against Fascism Launch: 17th Apr
04) *~ RAWA Film & Benefit In Stroud: 18th Apr
05) *~ Palestine Film Night In Bristol: 20th Apr
06) *~+ Next International Peace Vigil: 21st Apr
07) *~ Bristol STW Open Discussion: 22nd Apr
08) ^~+ Iraq War On Trial In Bristol: 26-30th Apr
09) *~ Bristol Indymedia Film Night: 26th Apr
10) *~+ MayDay Events & Actions: 30 Apr-1 May
11) ^ News: Afghanistan : The Forgotten War
12) ~ Local Peace Vigils & Planning Meetings
13) ^~ Bristol & Regional MESSAGE BOARDS
Links to many of the other Global Demos:

INTRODUCTION: Hello. The Global Day of Action on 20th March 2004 was another key step for the anti-war movement. Far from collapsing at the onset of the invasion of Iraq, the movement has continued to organise from one historic first to the next, from the largest anti-war demonstration during wartime on 22 March 2003, to the largest mid-week demonstration on 20th Nov 2003, & not forgetting the largest UK demonstration, ever, on 15th Feb 2003.
While the Global Day of Action represented a clear extension of these successes to the global level, turnout was moderate almost everywhere. While the 100,000 who demonstrated in London was, in itself, a large National demonstration, it was also the smallest for some time, as it was in most places, including Bristol. We need to ask ourselves why this was, & the Bristol report below seems to capture many of the questions we need to ask (Also See 'Future Discussions' Section 7).
Let Us Know What You Think By Email: bristolstopwar (at)
Let Us Know What You Think By Post:
BSTW c/o Greenleaf Books, Box 45, 82 Colston St, BS1 5BB
Let Us Know What You Think Publicly, Visit The Link & Add Your Comment:

THE BRISTOL REPORT: "On Sat 20th March upwards of 200 people demonstrated in Bristol as part of the Global Day Of Action, which saw demonstrations in over 300 cities around the world. Around 150 people also travelled from Bristol to London to join the demonstrations there. As people gathered at midday, in the centre of Bristol, the Red Notes Choir lifted everyone's spirits as we waited to see how many people would come. By 1:00pm it was clear that we weren't going to be witnessing another landmark event like last year, when up to 4,000 demonstrated in Bristol on the outbreak of the invasion.
Our high spirits, which came from knowing that these protests were part of a fully globalised event, we're contrasted with a feeling that these protests were not enough, & as the Bristol Demo wound its way up Park St & Whiteladies Rd for a protest outside the Territorial Army Centre, & then back down to the Vigil for its 3:00pm start, many of us couldn't ignore the question of where we go from here.
It is important to recognise that a direct comparison with 20th Mar 2003 is not necessarily a good one, & neither is a direct comparison with 15th Feb 2003. 15th Feb 2003 was planned some 6 months in advance, & 20th March 2003 was publicised for nearly a year under the header of 'STOP THE CITY ON THE OUTBREAK OF WAR'.
Sat 20th, by comparison, was publicised for only 6 weeks or so. While it's important to take this into account, it's not good enough to look towards what are still technical differences between campaigns, or to blame it on the rain, demo fatigue, or some other convenient set of reasons which enable us to ignore the possibility that we have lost, & are losing, some of our momentum.
While our networks continue to grow at every level from our own communities to the international, there should be a very real questioning of what we can hope to achieve, &
the extent to which, not just A-B demos, but the very act of protest politics itself should be our main tactic. Demonstrations will always have a central place within any movement, but what exactly it is our movement is, is a very different question.
To an extent there are built in limits to this movement. We have defined ourselves as anti-war movement, & as a result, no-matter how much we try & overlap with issues of the environment or the wider economic & resource crisis, we are hemmed in as a single-issue movement. And while it has been important to focus on Iraq, this has also led to a further narrowing beyond the already narrow brief of opposing the 'war on terror'.
While the Global Demonstrations of 20th March 2004 were an impressive & landmark exercise in international co-ordination, they also exposed a potential weakening beneath the surface, which must be addressed & debated & understood. Unless we do that we will slowly but surely dissipate as all movements have done which have gone before us." James Venables (Bristol STW regular).
For More Reports, See The Picture Stories @:

ADDITIONAL ACTIONS: Other actions in Bristol saw 100+ cyclists, & others, shut down the city centre on Fri 19th in what was dubbed a 'Critical Mass Against Capitalism & War For Oil'. Other autonomous actions saw the Esso garage on Park Row, & a BP garage in St. Pauls, shut down by non-violent means on the 20th, & in the wee hours of the 21st another non-violent independent action saw the TA Centre on Whiteladies Rd 'deactivated' with locks glued, vehicles paintstripped, windscreens smashed & spraypainted with 'TROOPS OUT'.

If you can't make the march please come to Aldermaston on the 12th.
BACKGROUND: "The UK is gearing up to develop a new generation of nuclear weapons at Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), near Reading. We plan to show how people feel about Britain preparing to build new weapons of mass destruction, with a 3 Day march from London to Aldermaston over Easter 2004. The march begins with a major rally at Trafalgar Square on Fri 9th April."
BRISTOL DETAILS & CONTACTS: How can people in the Bristol area get involved?
(i)... Join the 3 Day march from London to Aldermaston. Tel. 0117 973 4672
(ii)... Join the main day of protest at Aldermaston on Mon 12th April. Welcome the
march, surround the base. Bristol CND coach from Canons Marsh at 9.30am (pick up at Eastville 9.45). Returning by 7.30pm. Ask for help from Bill 0117 971 5451.
COACH TICKETS: £10 / £5 from Greenleaf Books, 82 Colston St. MAP BELOW:

(iii)... Join a 4 Day Bristol Peace Camp at Aldermaston, *Transport Provided*. Details
from Margaret 0117 946 6885, or Email: nabataat (at)
(iv)... Unable to come along, but want to help? Please send donations, cheques made payable to Aldermaston2004, to 18, Greenway Road, Bristol BS6 6SG.

We will Surround the Base at the end of the London to Aldermaston march.
12th APRIL OUTLINE AGENDA: 13.00: Aldermaston Main Gate 'Welcome the March'.
SPEAKERS: Tony Benn, Bruce Kent, Jenny Jones, Pat Arrowsmith, Ernest Rodker, Roger Lloyd Pack (Trigger from Only Fools & Horses), Caroline Lucas MEP, Kate Hudson CND, Anas Altikriti, Lindsey German, Nick Holtam, Kierra Box, Susannah York, Corin Redgrave, Jeremy Hardy, Adrian Mitchell & performance by 'Theatre of War' (Makers of the 20th Nov Bush statue).
14:00 onwards ~ Take a walk around AWE ~ Join the 'Treasure Hunt' for WMD ~ Decorate the fence with your messages ~ Visit The Camps ~ Women's Camp: Bluebell Wood ~ General Camp: Organised by Trident Ploughshares, other end of Bluebell Wood ~ Grannies for Peace: Boilerhouse Gate ~ Cruisewatch Camp, Contractors Gate ~ East Anglians, somewhere on the north side ~ WORKSHOPS: 14:30 Workshops at Bluebell Wood ~ (i) The next generation: what can I do next? (ii) Join AWPC's Shareholder Campaign (iii) What is Aldermaston Women's Peace Campaign? How can I be part of it? [women only] (iv) Women's Political Workshop, Caroline Lucas, MEP & Carol Naughton, former chair of CND, & facilitator, Rebecca Johnson (v) What is the Nuclear Non - Proliferation Treaty?
16:00 : CACOPHONY AT THE WIRE. The loudest protest we can make together - all around the fence! Bring your saucepan lids! PLUS: Info tents, support, welfare, first aid & all that ~ Music, choirs, theatre, jugglers, stalls, stilt-walkers, face-painting, shadow-painting, dreamweaving ~ Tea, coffee, cold drinks. ~ Please bring your own food, though there will be a few food stalls. If it rains - shelter is available.
DISABLED FACILITIES : Portaloos with disabled facilities will be around the site.
National Link:

a) Launch Rally: 7:00pm-9:00pm. FREE ENTRY
b) Launch Benefit Night: 9:00pm-4:00am. £5.00
a) LAUNCH RALLY: Unite Against fascism is sponsored by the Trades Union Congress
(TUC), Campaign against Racism & Fascism, & the Anti-Nazi League. Speakers Include: Weyman Bennett (UNITE National Secretary) & Carl St. Paul (FBU member).
DATE: Sat 17th April. TIME: 7:00-9:00pm.
VENUE: Malcolm X Centre, City Rd, St. Pauls. MAP BELOW:

b) BENEFIT PARTY: Until 4:00am with Babyhed & Laid Blak (£5 on the door)
Note: This will be at the Malcolm X shortly after the main rally, & until 4:00am.
Related Links:

BACKGROUND : "Unite Against Fascism is a new national campaign with the aim of alerting society to the rising threat of the extreme right gaining an electoral foothold in this country. We aim to unite the broadest possible spectrum of society to counter this threat. Until recently this country has not seen the kind of rise of the extreme right that has blighted many countries elsewhere in Europe. However in the recent local elections the BNP averaged 17 per cent in the wards they contested, & averaged 20% in by-
elections they have contested since then.
On 10 June 2004 there will be European, local & London Mayor & Assembly elections. There is a real danger that the BNP could get a significant elected platform. The BNP can be defeated. The majority of people in this country abhor the BNP. If every-one votes we can stop the BNP. Our campaign will urge people to use their vote to stop the BNP. Now is the time for all of us to combine our forces in a broad & common front against this common threat."
Related TUC Events:

LOCAL PLANS: "This will be done by leafleting targeted areas, & we have evidence the BNP are leafleting areas around Bristol. We will also be targeting Broadmead & football games played in the city, so any assistance is greatly appreciated. The Bristol Launch & Benefit on the 17th are also a key part of this campaign, so please come along. The UAF locally is made up of trade unionists, students, supporters from local campaigning & church groups, as well as other individuals with a hatred of the BNP & their vile politics."
BRISTOL CONTACTS: bristuaf (at) or ring 07837 131 205
Please contact UAF by email to receive their email updates.
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
DATE: Sun 18th June. TIME : 7:30-9:00pm. TAX: £5 / £4
VENUE: The Space, Lansdown Rd, Stroud, Gloucester. (30 miles north-east of Bristol, along the A433 turning onto the A46). MAP BELOW:

KANDAHAR REVIEW: Directed by Mohsen Makhmalbaf : "This film provides a powerful & telling insight into daily life in Afghanistan. Shot on the border of Iran & Afghanistan, Kandahar is a politically urgent story of Nafas, a young female journalist, who escaped Afghanistan with her family but must return in an attempt to rescue her sister. The sister, maimed by an exploded landmine & distraught over the constant persecution simply for being a woman, has written to Nafas vowing that she will commit suicide by the next solar eclipse. Nafas must disguise herself as an Afghan wife by wearing the traditional head-to-toe covering of the burka in order to find her sister in the Taliban-controlled city of Kandahar. The film is inspired by the real-life experience of actress Nelofer Pazira, who plays Nafas."
Watch A Trailer:

BACKGROUND TO RAWA: "The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan is the oldest organization of Afghan women struggling for peace, freedom, democracy & women's rights. RAWA was established in Kabul in 1977 as an independent political/social organization of women fighting for human rights & social justice. RAWAs objective was to involve Afghan women in social & political activities aimed at acquiring women's human rights & the struggle for a government based on democratic & secular values. Despite the suffocating atmosphere, RAWA became involved in widespread activities & arenas, including education, health & income generation, as well as political agitation.
Since the overthrow of the Soviet regime in 1992 the focus of RAWAs political struggle has been against the fundamentalists & the ultra-fundamentalist Talibans criminal policies & atrocities against the people of Afghanistan, & their incredibly ultra-male-chauvinistic & anti-woman orientation in particular. Apart from the political challenges facing RAWA, tremendous social & relief work amongst unimaginably traumatised women & children lie ahead of us, but unfortunately we do not at the moment enjoy any support from international NGOs, therefore our social programmes are presently greatly reduced for lack of funds."

Afghan Women's Mission, 2460 N. Lake Ave. PMB 207, Altadena, CA 91001 USA.
Cube Cinema Link:

Another Benefit Screening For The Refugee Education Charity, Enlighten.
Enlighten Link:

DATE: Tue 20th April. TIME: 7:30-10:00pm. (Bar Open till 11:00pm).
TAX: £3/£2. VENUE: Cube Cinema. Dove St South, Kings Sq (Off Jamaica St.)

MAIN FEATURE: ARNA'S CHILDREN (2003): "The first Bristol screening of Israeli director Juliano Mer-Khamis's, Arna's Children (runner-up for the Audience Award at the International Documentary Festival, Amsterdam). This staggering film sees Khamis travel to Jenin, where his peace-activist mother, Arna Mer (1929-1995), founded & led a theatre group of Palestinian children. Juliano had helped direct the group, now, with the theatre long closed, he returns to discover the tragic stories of Arna's children."
'Speechless. Silent. I could not move'- Electronic Intifada.
For A Deeper Review:

ALSO SHOWING: CITIZEN BISHARA (2001): "Simone Bitton's, Citizen Bishara, in which Bitton follows Palestinian citizen of Israel & parliamentarian, Dr. Azmi Bishara, through his Knesset work, his campaigns, & the dissemination of his ideas about citizenship & democracy." 'A fascinating & important study, engaging & illuminating, exhibiting the true art of the documentary" - Kamera.
For A Deeper Review:

ABOUT ENLIGHTEN: "Enlighten (Markaz at-Tanwir) gives Palestinian children & young persons the opportunity to develop computer skills & access educational information from the internet in a safe environment. Enlighten was established as a charity in 1999 to promote & facilitate the introduction of computer-aided learning centres in the Palestinian refugee camps of the Middle East.
Enlighten opened its first centre in Bureij camp - Gaza - in Jan 2000. Today the Bureij centre serves a 'flagship' role as the training & administrative centre for Enlighten's ongoing expansion. It is fully equipped with 20 workstations. In the year 2002, the centre issued 978 certificates of achievement to pupils & in the current period (2003) courses have been fully subscribed for the third consecutive year."

UK Campaign Link:

Contact The Campaign:campaign (at)
Please be a part of this World Wide Vigil & join us at the Bristol Peace Vigil on Wed 21st April in anticipation of Mordechai Vanunu's release after nearly 18 years in jail, in Israel. Feeling Creative? Please Make A Placard Or Banner For The Vigil.
DATE: Wed 21st April 2004. TIME: 5:30-6:30pm. PLACE: Bristol City
Centre, Opposite The Hippodrome, St. Augustines Parade. MAP BELOW: http://
BACKGROUND: "Mordechai Vanunu, who worked at the Dimona nuclear facility in the Negev Desert, told the London Sunday Times in 1986 about Israel's secret nuclear arsenal. He was subsequently abducted while in Rome, after being drugged by Israeli Secret Services. Mordechai has been locked away for almost 18 years. Public pressure has brought changes over the years. In 1998, pressure from supporters around the world pried open the lock on Mordechai's isolation cell after eleven & a half eleven years in solitary. Israel once claimed the transcript of Vanunu's closed door trial was so sensitive it could never be made public. But several years ago, bending to
public pressure, it released most of the trial record."
Join The Email List:

LATEST NEWS: "The calls for international inspection of the Israeli Dimona nuclear facility are growing louder, particularly from Israel's near neighbors. Even Dimona workers are now drawing attention to unsafe working conditions that are causing cancers & other illnesses. If an Iraqi nuclear technician in the last decade had come forward to reveal previously unknown information about a secret Iraqi nuclear arsenal, that person would be hailed as a hero. Now we see that Iraq's nuclear threat was never rebuilt, Libya has publicly abandoned nuclear ambitions & Iran has opened up to nuclear inspections. The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency has recently urged Israel to dismantle its nuclear weapons program."
Sign The Petition:

Dr. Mordechai Vanunu, Ashkelon Prison, PO Box 17, Ashkelon, Israel.

Bristol Related Link:

a) Introduction : The Bristol STW Monthly Discussion
b) IRAQ WAR ON TRIAL : Discussion & Presentation.
c) Future Discussions : The Nature Of The Coalition ...
a) INTRODUCTION: As part of ongoing change within Bristol STW (See Section 1) we will now be experimenting with an open monthly discussion on a chosen topic at our usual weekly meeting. While these meetings have been a great success in organising terms (See Section 12c), some people have found them uncomfortable. One of the reasons for this is that these meetings are primarily planning meetings, & we do have business to get through, & the meetings are confrontational at times, but as we welcome people of all political backgrounds this inevitably leads to some disagreement amongst those with different opinions. This is a healthy thing, & not to be feared, but we understand newcomers (& a few old-timers) do not always see the constructive nature of this, & so by giving more time to discussion we can hopefully begin to explore the issues more clearly. Please do come along.
Visit Us:

Related Link:

DATE: Thur 22nd April. TIME: 7:00-8:30pm. FREE ENTRY. PLACE: St. Mary on the Quay Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave. (Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:

The first of the new monthly Bristol STW open discussions will focus on the IWOT Hearings (See Section 8), which will consider the legality of the invasion of Iraq at a High Court level, here in Bristol. There will a presentation on behalf of the IWOT defendants, & as we are committed to opening up the level of discussion we will also discuss the more general erosion of civil liberties occurring. So please do come along if you have any questions.
Main Link:

c) FUTURE DISCUSSIONS: At the 3rd National Stop-The-War Conference, on 28th Feb 2004, the Bristol STW motion to conference was passed, which reads, "This conference recognises the achievements of the Stop the War Coalition in involving people across the political spectrum & re-affirms the political non-alignment of the Coalition." This is an important reminder of the non-partisan nature of the coalition, but it isn't intended to set the Coalition in stone. We can modify or widen our own remit along lines which remain non party-political, & non-partisan, if we so chose, so as to include pressing issues of our time, such as how the 'war on terror' is connected to the drugs trade (See Section 11) & drug abuse in our communities, to how it relates to conflict over resources, such as oil, water or topsoil. All these issues, questions, & more are likely to feature strongly in future discussions.
Read All The Resolutions Here:

a) Legal Issues & Background To The Hearings...
b) Events & Actions In Support, & How You Can Help...
a) BACKGROUND: "Last March, a few days before the war on Iraq, Paul Milling & Margaret Jones cut their way into USAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, UK. Once inside they disabled trucks used for carrying bombs, & tankers for fuelling the U.S B-52 bombers waiting to attack Iraq. This action was followed by those of Phil Pritchard & Toby Olditch, & of Josh Richards - arrested while trying to reach & disarm a B-52 bomber. The defence of all five activists against charges of conspiracy & criminal damage, is that they aimed at preventing the crime of the Iraq war. During these five days of legal argument, Queen's Counsel will speak for their clients' right to use a 'lawful excuse' defence. 'We are not the criminals', say the defendants. 'The true criminals are to be found in Whitehall & the White House.'"
Main Link:

LEGAL ISSUES. "This historic trial will not only be a judgement on the defence of the peace activists, who each face up to 10 years, but a challenge to the British government's case for war. Their defence; they were attempting to prevent the greater crime of an illegal & immoral invasion. If Mr. Justice Grigson agrees they can invoke the two defences of necessity & prevention of crime, Tony Blair could face the embarrassing prospect of a jury of 12 ordinary citizens deciding whether or not the defendants had reasonable grounds for believing the war was legal under international law. These hearings were initially due to take place in Jan 2004. These hearings, now taking place from 26th - 30th April, will, for the first time, consider the legality of war on Iraq at a High Court level, here in Bristol."
Related News:

i) ... Thu 22nd April : IWOT Discussion & presentation (See Section 7).
ii) ... Sat 24th April : Stall in Broadmead - please join us with posters, banners, leaflets, photos, props, costumes, from 10.30am. Either come & find us, or get in touch to offer help. Tel. 0117 9412652 or Email: morethanimagine (at)
iii) ... Mon 26th April : Margaret Jones (IWOT defendant) will be giving a talk on the
evening of the 1st day, as part of the Bristol Indymedia Film Night (See Section 9).
Times: 9:00-10:00am & 1:00-2.00pm & 4:00pm. Daily: Mon 26th - Fri 30th April.
Bring Placards, Banners. Come Into Court & Hear The Arguments.
v) ... EXTRA LARGE VIGILS : Mon 26th @9:00 am & Fri 30th @4:00pm. Join us for an extra BIG show of support at the start & finish of these landmark hearings.
MEETING POINT : Small St, Broadmead, Bristol. 100 yards from entrance to St. Nick's market in Corn St. Please Do Come To The Vigils. MAP BELOW:

ACCOMMODATION : Can you offer a sleeping space for visiting supporters during any days of the week of the 26-30th April? This is a very important way of helping, if so, please Tel. 0117 9412652 or Email: morethanimagine (at)
MORE BACKGROUND: "On 3rd and 4th March 2003, fourteen B52 bombers from USAF 23rd Bomb Squadron 'Barons' arrived at RAF/USAF Fairford in Gloucestershire, UK, to prepare for the aerial bombing of Iraq, which began on the 20th March 2003. On April 24th 2003, after 142 flights & 54 days, they left.
RAF/USAF Fairford is in the Cotswolds, UK. RAF/USAF Fairford is one of only 3 forward bases (outside the US) for B2 Stealth bombers. The others are in Guam (Phillipine Sea) & Diego Garcia (Indian Ocean). In tests the B2 has released B61 & B83 mini-nuclear weapons, the first of a new generation."

DATE: Mon 26th April. TIME: 7:30-10:00pm. (Bar Open till 11:00pm).
TAX: £3 / £2* (*though no one turned away through lack of funds).
VENUE: Cube Cinema. Dove Street South. Kings Square (Off Jamaica St.)

An ongoing showcase of contemporary filmmakers who are finding new forms of cinema to show resistance to globalisation throughout the world.
BREAKING NEWS: The Iraq War On Trial (IWOT) Hearings start on this day, to consider the legality of war on Iraq at a High Court level for the 1st time. Margaret Jones (IWOT defendant) will be coming to give us some background to the case & news of the first day's proceedings of the trial of the Fairford Five (See Section 8).
Related Link:

MAIN FEATURE: "UNDERCURRENTS: A Brand New Compilation Of Micro-Documentaries. Celebrating 10 years of filming by embedded video journalists among some of the most radical protest groups. Undercurrents News Network (UNN) will be launched in April to bring you the News you don't see on the News. Now based in South Wales, this is their 1st video magazine release for 5 years. Expect the usual diverse mixture of inspiring stories you won't see on the BBC or ITV. Undercurrents co-founder, Paul O'Connor will also be here."
ABOUT UNDERCURRENTS: "A non-profit alternative outlet for documentary makers, animators, video activists & subverters. We widen the audience for those supporting social change, human rights, animal welfare & environmental justice. If your viewpoints have been marginalised, ignored or trivialised by the corporate-owned news, then UNN
encourages you to grab a video camera & make your own! Visit their website to find out about screenings around the country, & if you think you can organise one in your local area, give us a ring."
Email: unn (at) Tel: (0)1792 455900

ALSO SHOWING: "ZYGOSIS : John Heartfield & The Political Image (Gorilla Tapes - 27mins). Gorilla Tapes were a trio of scratch video artists active during the 1980s. 'Zygosis'; the process by which 2 separate elements are united or yoked together to form a new whole. Gorilla Tapes attempt to marry video art & TV documentary. Jon Dovey, one of GT's founders now based in Bristol, will also be here."
a) London Anti-War Direct Action : 30th April
b) Bristol Trades Union Event : 1st May
c) London MayDay Demonstration : 1st May
a) LONDON : DISARM DSEi : FRI 30th APRIL. Organisers:

"DSEi is one of the worlds biggest trade fairs for guns, bombs, planes, arms, mines & tanks. The last DSEi took place in London Docklands from 9–12th Sept 2003. Defence Systems Equipment International (DSEi 2003) was sponsored by the British government, with the close involvement of Spearhead Exhibitions Ltd."
Meeting Point: Apex Tower, Along Coombe Rd, New Malden. MAP BELOW:

Spearhead Exhibitions has recently been brought by Reed Exhibitions. So, from 1:00pm, the celebrations will move to Reed Exhibitions, Oriel House, 26 The Quadrant, Richmond (Richmond station) for further fun & games. MAP BELOW:

CONTACT DISARM DSEi: BM Box 3679, London WC1N 3XX.
Please contact Disarm DSEi for flyers, or download from the website.
Tel. 07817 652029 Email: mayday (at) Web:

For An Interactive London Transport Map:

South West TUC:

DATE: Sat 1st May. TIME: 3.00pm till late. FREE ENTRY.
VENUE: Centre For The Deaf, 16-18 King Square. MAP BELOW:

Guest Speakers Include: Roger Berry MP, Glynn Ford MEP, Barry Camfield (Justice For Columbia Committee). Plus: Stalls, Food & Music. Organised By: Bristol Trade Union Council, Bristol Co-operative Party & TGWU South West.
SOUTH WEST TGWU (Transport & General Workers Union): POST: Transport House Victoria St, Bristol BS1 6AY. Tel: 0117 923 0555 Fax: 0117 923 0560

Organisers Link:

GLATUC is the trade union body for London, bringing together trade unionists across
the capital. Email: mick_at_home (at)
SPEAKERS INCLUDE: Frances O'Grady (Deputy GS TUC), Ken Livingstone (Mayor Of London), ICFTU NAZMA AKHTAR from Bangladesh, Joy Moss (Greater London Pensioners Association), Globalise Resistance, Stop The War Coalition.
ROUTE: To Trafalgar Square From Clerkenwell Green @12noon. MAP BELOW:

BACKGROUND: "Mayday has a very deep & varied history. It originates from the middle ages, & earlier, when Mayday was a Pagan rite of passage that marked an important seasonal transition in the year. Putting a maypole up involved taking a growing tree from the wood, & bringing it to the village to mark the oncoming season of the summer. Mayday used to be a period of great sexual licence. People would go off into the woods to collect their trees & green boughs, but once there...
In the 17th century Mayday came under severe attack by puritans who banned it by an act of Parliament in 1644. The Puritans also objected to Mayday & other festivals, because of the way social hierarchy was set aside, so that all were commonly involved, from the highest to the lowest. Mayday did return with the restoration of Charles the 2nd in 1660, but it didn't have the same robust force.
With the arrival of the Trade Union movement in the 19th century, Mayday was reinvented, & has now been celebrated since 1886. Since the 1970s the U.K Trade Union Movement has been demanding that May 1st be made a public holiday. The Labour Government of the time imposed the divisive decision to make the nearest Monday a Bank Holiday. This created many difficulties & separated Britain from virtually every other European country that celebrates May Day.
In recent years the Trade Union tradition has been taken on board by the wider anti-globalisation & anti-capitalist movements. To some, the strong sentiment of rejecting hierarchy which runs through these new variants represents a realignment with its earlier Pagan roots. Whether this is true or not is highly contested, & others point more to the reassertion of Anarchist principles into these movements as a cause. But what is certainly true is that Mayday is more diverse than ever, & increasingly so with the arrival & involvement of the anti-war movement too."
This story was first published on 14th Dec 2003, but with summer 2004 elections in Afghanistan now postponed, due to security concerns, until at least Autumn 2004, & with a mainstream media largely disinterested in reporting on the forgotten mess that Afghanistan remains, it seems especially relevant to reproduce this story now.
Read The Full Story:

Edited From A Story By Kim Sengupta, 14th December 2003, The Independent.
"Attempting to escape from a police checkpoint in Kabul, Malang Zafar Khan drove his pick-up truck straight at the gunpoints of the British Army Gurkhas. They had been waiting for the man sent to blow up the loya jirga, the national constitutional assembly that starts today (14.12.03). In the following few days the U.S killed 15 children in 2 air raids while attempting to eliminate a warlord & destroy an arms dump. And they sent 2,000 troops into the mountains in their biggest ever ground offensive against the Taliban & al-Qa'ida. The events give a glimpse into the continuing conflict in Afghanistan, a war of attrition taking place largely in the shadows with the focus of the world's media firmly fixed on Iraq.
After a relatively quick & casualty-free campaign - for the U.S military, if not Afghan
civilians - Washington declared victory & moved on to preparations for tackling Saddam Hussein. But just as the announcement of the official end to hostilities in Iraq has been followed by mayhem, the conflict has restarted in Afghanistan. The military bill for the Pentagon, so far, is a staggering $50bn - nearly £30bn. Attacks in Afghanistan have begun to emulate those in Iraq: suicide bombings, which are not a traditional Afghan approach; similar types of explosive devices set off by remote control; missile attacks from longer range; & the targeting of foreign aid organizations and the UN.
One of the most worrying developments has been the systematic killing of aid workers, now totalling 15. 18 months after the fall of their Islamist regime, the Taliban & their al-Qa'ida allies are resurgent, while the forces of the Kabul government are in retreat in large swaths of the south & east. The deputy governor of Zabul admits most of his province is now in Taliban hands, officials report that the situation is much the same in neighboring Oruzgan, while about half the territory in Kandahar has slipped out of
government control. In the dusty town of Spin Boldak close to the border with Pakistan in the east, where the Taliban was born, black & green flags celebrate its rebirth.
Osama bin Laden & Mullah Omar remain free: the former believed to be in the remote region of Pakistan, & the latter back in Afghanistan. Hamid Karzai, the beleaguered, US-sponsored President, reported what he termed a reliable sighting of Bin Laden at a mosque in Pakistan near the border. Meanwhile, Omar, the one-eyed former Taliban leader, issued a call last month for a popular uprising against the occupying forces. There is now a 3rd enemy leader ranged against President Karzai & his allies. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, created by the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence as a mujahedin leader against the Russians, & a past favored recipient of CIA largesse, is an increasingly active player in the anti-Western alliance.
Captured fighters say there is no shortage of equipment for them across the Pakistan border. These appear to be funded by the proceeds of heroin production. The area planted with poppies has risen to 152,000 acres from 4,200 acres 2 years ago. Other sources have been the siphoning of aid money as well as funding from the Middle East. The picture is not all gloomy. The Kabul government is appearing to make progress in disarming allied warlords involved in faction fighting. Early this month, General Abdul Rashid Dostum, one of the most powerful warlords, agreed in principle to hand over the weapons of his private army to a British military & diplomatic mission in Mazar-e-Sharif in the north.
Twelve missions - Provincial Reconstruction Teams - are being sent to other warlords. Following international and domestic pressure, the U.S administration has released more aid money. The Karzai government, however, still faces a severe cash crisis. In the summer, the influential American think-tank, the Council on Foreign Relations, published a detailed report on Afghanistan, entitled 'Are We Losing the Peace?'. The conclusion was that, unless urgent & drastic steps are taken, the answer is 'Yes'."
a) THE DAILY BRISTOL PEACE VIGIL: The Independent Bristol Peace Vigil is an open space for discussion, as well a crucial focus to Bristol's campaigns. We've kept vigil every night (except Sundays) since a few days after 9/11, & we'll keep Vigil onwards into the future, but we do need your support to keep our flame alive. If you can only make it for 15 minutes, or a couple of times a month, please still come. Everyone's welcome at the Bristol Peace Vigil.
TIMES: MON-FRI 5:30-6:30pm & SAT 3:00-4:00pm. PLACE: City Centre.
(Opposite The Hippodrome. St. Augustines Parade). MAP BELOW:

b) BATH PEACE VIGIL: Every Saturday 11.30am-12.30pm. Bath Abbey. (Off York Street. From the Station walk up Manvers St) MAP BELOW:

c) THE BRISTOL-STOP-THE-WAR PLANNING GROUP: Everyone's welcome. We hold a Bristol-Stop-The-War meeting every week, as a forum for local groups to inform each other of their intentions, of finding people to work together on projects, & as a venue where large scale Bristol Demos are agreed & planned. We don't vote at these meetings, as we're not here to force adherence to a consensus view. We do instead discuss issues until we reach broad consensus. (Also See Section 7).
DATE: Every Thursday. TIME: 7:00-8:30pm. PLACE: St. Mary on the Quay Hall. City Centre. Colston Ave. (Opposite War Memorial). MAP BELOW:

d) BATH-STOP-THE-WAR: Meet every other Wed. NEXT: Wed 14th April.
TIME: 8:00-9:30pm @Friends Meeting House. York St. MAP BELOW:

Bath Website:

Bristol now has 3 message boards for anti-war & activist mail, plus a Bristol IMC newswire, & a regional Enrager.Net news & discussion forum. Please make use of them, as not all Bristol anti-war news makes it onto Bristol-Stop-The-War News.
Please also visit the Bristol-Stop-The-War LINKS PAGES:

a) BRISTOL-STOP-THE-WAR FORUM: Bristol-Stop-The-War now accepts general post from national & regional groups on all issues to do with the 'War On Terror'.
TO JOIN: email: bristol-stop-the-war-coalition (at)
Visit The Forum:

b) UWE & BRISTOL UNIVERSITY FORUM: Open to UWE & Bristol University Students, as well as regional universities, so please send us your events.
TO JOIN: send a blank email to: uwestopwar (at)
Visit The Forum:

c) BRISTOL ACTIVISTS FORUM: Bristol Activists is independent of the anti-war movement, & accepts posts on a wide range of political issues, including the war.
TO JOIN: send a blank email to: bristol-activists-subscribe (at)
Visit The Forum:

NOTE i) The Bristol-Stop-The-War forum & the University Forum, & are both set-up in a
'Webpage & Newsletter' format. This means the only mail you receive direct to your inbox is a regular newsletter, with all other mail viewed on the webpage.
NOTE ii) The Bristol Activists Forum is set up in an 'Individual Email & Daily Digest' format. This means all emails sent to the group emails are received in your inbox.
NOTE iii) If you have a Yahoo email you can post *from* the webpage on these forums, but you otherwise need to post *to* the webpage from your normal email.
e) BRISTOL IMC NEWSWIRE (Bristol Indymedia):

Submit Your Own Articles On IMC. Also UK IMC:

f) ENRAGER.NET South West Forums:

Submit Your Own Articles On Enraget.Net: Also UK:

"The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling - their ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of inevitability. Remember this - we be many and they be few. They need us more than we need them. Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing." Arundhati Roy.