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Falluja - A massacre happening right NOW

freethepeeps | 07.04.2004 15:00 | Anti-militarism

Graphic images from Al Jazeera show the victims of the coalition's dirty war.

Graphic images from Al Jazeera show the victims of the coalition's dirty war.

Urgent response needed.



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07.04.2004 15:18

I'd be wary of this - there's no proof these images were taken recently. It's also unlikely these images have anything to do with Al-Jazeera. The Al-Jazeera logo could easily be Photoshopped onto the images, but instead there's some amateurish red text.

If these images are faked or misattributed, it's a sick expolitation of the victims.


They're off the aljazeera website

07.04.2004 15:37

I can't work out how to give the link to the slideshow - but the images are on - Right Hand column - "Aljazeera exclusive in pictures/Falluja siege"

I don't think theres any doubt that the coalition is attacking civilians RIGHT NOW - do you?


Sadly they're genuine

07.04.2004 15:51

go to and click on the link - Aljazeera exclusive in pictures/Falluja siege at the top of the right hand column.


More Info . . .

07.04.2004 16:01

Can't verify those images are for real, no sign on aljazeera's site and the red text looks like an amateur photoshop job. However, there is lots of killing going inside fallujah, which of course is sealed off completely. Few journalists are inside the US cordon, although aljazeera's Ahmad Mansur is(1). Going on past US form, he's a marked man.

Aljazeera: "Fierce street battles are raging in Falluja between resistance fighters defending the town and US occupation forces, who are launching missile attacks in and around residential areas"(1)

BBC: "A US air strike has killed dozens of people inside a mosque compound during heavy fighting in the Iraqi town of Falluja, witnesses say"

"Ukrainian troops have withdrawn from the coalition's local headquarters in the southern town of Kut, which is now under the control of Mr Sadr's Mehdi Army."

"Mr Sadr's Mehdi Army was created in June 2003 and is thought to have up to 10,000 members[they were saying 3000 yesterday]"(2)

CNN: "troops [in fallujah] are going "door-to-door" finding insurgent locations"

"[the fallujah resistance] were platoon-sized groups. They brought in buses, hit the Marines with counterfire, had anti-aircraft facilities that were shooting at the helicopters"

"A multinational forces spokesman said there was fighting between Polish forces and Mehdi Army members in Karbala"(3)

BBC lunch time news reported that the 200,000 strong Iraqi defence forces trained by the US have either 'melted away' or sided with the uprising. This means the resistance currently numbers anywhere between a minimum of 20,000 and 210,000 fighters depending on the intentions of the Iraqi defence forces [IDF!?!?]. If the US reaction is riduculously excessive, which it probably will be, then this number can only grow. If Al-Sistani changes his call for non-violent resistance to violence then that, ladies and gentleman, is Vietnam revisited.

Currently at least 3 cities are no longer under US control: Kut, Najaf and Fallujah.

Come to think of it, didn't another brutal military force crush a shia uprising with helicopter gunships? Oh yeah, Saddam Hussein. Oops. BBC lunchtime news reports that the Sunni and Shia resistance are united, talking of their common enemy; us westerners cannot let the 'coalition' response be anything like vietnam, they killed up to 4 million people there for f*cks sake . . .




Ok they're genuine. Shit.

07.04.2004 16:07

Looks like they're for real. Shit Shit Shit. We gotta stop these nutters, all this talk of 'pacification' with artillery and rockets reminds me of vietnam.



07.04.2004 22:14

It's the movers and shakers who fake up the imagery we're presented with
Their essential inhumanity should come as no surprise
They deal and thrive on blood and guts - dead babies and children especially welcome
As they demonstrate day in day out
Such is the reality of 'our rulers' who require stiff opposition in the homelands, for we live in the heart of the beast. The cruelty is now openly demonstrated and knows no end
Heads up FreeThePeeps


OH Please!

08.04.2004 02:44

Haven't you people worked it out Yet?, there was no Hussien double there were no WMD there was no iraqi's killed by malfunctioning Iraqi missiles or caught in cross fire. Our defence forces kill them. 2.4 million civiliins were killed in a 13 year war which has'nt ended, please see the death reval in the blood the guts and the gore it will be the only thing that will keep opec from raising the price of petrol and our only hope of continuing globalisation and guarentee absolute control of the world, so a few people get killed along the way, its a small price to pay.

Jon Wood


08.04.2004 19:14

Do any of the wounds say 'Made in USA'? How do we know these weren't killed by the terrorists and Islamic fundamentalists? It is very common for murders to be atributed to the enemy, it happened a lot in Bosnia, and in Rwanda. And Al-Jazeera is very ideologically driven, not unbias. What is most likely however, is more unfortunate, that innocent civilians got caught in the cross-fire between the US forces and the Islamists. Unfortunately this happens in war, especially when the opposing side has no regard for human life or rules of war, and fires from ancient mosques which then end up get attacked.

Just thought you who think Islamists are anti-imperialists my want to know that Iran actually SUPPORT the US-led invasion (not in public though), because it wants to spread Islamism into Iraq. The guy who created the Palestinian movement was also a British-, and then Nazi-, puppet.



09.04.2004 00:00

Do any of the wounds say 'Made in Iraq'? How do we know these weren't killed by the terrorist Christian fundamentalists? It is very common for murders to be atributed to the enemy, it happened a lot in Bosnia, and in Rwanda. And Al-Jazeera has Arabs on the payroll, so it must be biased. What is most likely however, is more unfortunate, that innocent civilians got caught in the cross-fire between the US forces and the oil. Unfortunately this happens in war, especially when the invading side has no regard for human life or rules of war, and fires on ancient mosques and then ends up getting attacked. Just thought you who think Americans are not imperialists my want to know that, uh.... Bulgaria! and Poland! actually SUPPORT the US-led invasion (only in public though), because the US wants to spread the legs of Iraq. The guy who created the Israeli movement was also a British-, and then US-, puppet.


BBC is also Biased

09.04.2004 13:08

"And Al-Jazeera is very ideologically driven, not unbias."

The BBC is also biased so you can't believe anything that any media outlets put out. I just heard Jack Straw interviewed on Radio 4 trying to say that the violence in Fallujah wasn't provoked. the US didn't really declare war on insurgents or threaten to kill Al Sadr???? !!!! Unbelievable. The BBC interviewer (as usual) had a very lovely voice and nice BBC Radio 4 accent but had no idea of how to challenge the Str-war Monger. It sounded like all the questions were scripted (no questioning of Straw's answers).

Brian B


19.07.2004 16:05

tony blair is a bastard

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