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For Jenin and for Brian Avery - Noise demo at Rafael Arms company 4pm 2day

Solidarity | 05.04.2004 11:22

Below is the flyer for todays protest - marking 2 years since the Jenin Camp massacre, which killed 79, (unofficial camp figure, official figure is 53 but many bodies and the unaccounted for were discovered later) and 1 year since Brian Avery had his face blown off by the IOF in Jenin. Please come and make some noise to fight the silence on the continuing atrocities committed by IOF and the occupation

April 5th – Today, exactly two years ago today a 12-day invasion into Jenin Camp, Occupied Palestine was underway which would massacre 79 Palestinians (after bodies had all been dug up), claim the lives of 23 Israeli soldiers and see an entire neighbourhood in Jenin Camp demolished. Over 300 homes were destroyed and hundreds of residents were arrested and tortured. All medical services and human rights observers were prohibited from entering the camp. Ambulances were fired apon – one was incinerated with medics killed instantly inside and some casualties bled to death within the camp because they could not reach the dying. One year ago, in Jenin, 2002, our friend Brian Avery, a 24-year-old US peace activist was shot through the face by a 50 calibre bullet fired from an Israeli Armoured Personnel Carrier. He had been standing at a cross-roads with four other foreign peace activists, all with their hands in the air, when the APC opened fire on the group. Brian himself was wearing reflective vest with ‘DOCTOR’ written on it to be clearly visible to soldiers.

Brian’s face was destroyed. The bullet smashed his maxilar, nose, cheekbones, lower eye-sockets, teeth and jaw, and spear-sliced his tongue in the process. Soldiers drove past without stopping as he bled, face-down into the tank-churned dusty street in Jenin.

Brian was lucky to survive. Over 3000 Palestinians, the vast majority of them civilians and a third of them children have been killed by the Israeli army Since the beginning of the Al Aqsa Intifada (uprising for liberation against the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands) over 2,500 Palestinian children have been injured by Israeli soldiers on their way to school. The total number of Palestinians injured by rubber and live bullets, rockets, grenades, bulldozers, falling rubble, and the boots and bare hands of Israeli soldiers exceeds 25,000 in the past three years. And as many if not more homes have been demolished – by D9 Caterpillar bulldozers and military explosives.

Despite the widespread abuse of human rights and violation of international law, namely the Fourth Geneva Conventions and over 70 United Nations Security Council resolutions since 1948, by Israel, Israeli arms dealers continue to operate with impunity across the west. Rafael (Israel Armament Development Company) was until recently a support unit of the Israeli Defence Force, and has now been converted to a limited company which is suspected of producing depleted uranium (and using it in Palestinian refugee camps) and has marketed weapons as having been tested on Palestinians. It has vast manufacturing sites in Northern Israel and the United States, and exports 70% of the weapons it produces, to other states. Their London office is at 3/5 Duke Street . The protest today is an expression of outrage at the human rights abuses, injuries and deaths inflicted on people in the occupied territories, and at the collaboration between UK and Israeli Arms Companies and the UK government and Israel.

The Israeli Occupation dehumanises and terrorises all those afflicted by it – Israeli and Palestinian – It Must End. There’s no other way. Co-existence is possible. Justice Now!

stop the silence.......START THE NOISE!!!
End the Illegal Occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine!



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start organising direct action against zionist companies

05.04.2004 12:10

What is needed is some well organised mass direct action against zionist companies not small useless pickets that do nothing. How about a mass Mayday action against several companies which sponser the zionist state of Israel. We can do more with thousands of people than we can with a couple of dozen. A mass occupation of this arms companies offices by hundreds of people would be a start.

Palestinian resistance fighter

Rafael was closed for the day.........

05.04.2004 23:24

The protest wasn't big, but they had closed the offices anyway - leaflets were distributed to all the neighbours explaining what Rafael does, and more actions will take place against Rafael.

Its a start.........
