Jewish National Fund Threaten Scottish Palestine Solidarity with Legal action
PSC | 04.04.2004 19:35 | Migration
Jewish National Fund Threaten
To Sue Scottish PSC for Accusations of JNF support for
Ethnic Cleansing
To Sue Scottish PSC for Accusations of JNF support for
Ethnic Cleansing
To: Jewish National Fund
We have received a letter from your lawyers threatening to sue us and demanding damages and apology from the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign on the grounds that we have stated publicly that “the Jewish National Fund (JNF) raises funds for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians".
As you know, every word we have written is true and we look forward to meeting representatives of your racist organisation in front of a British jury. We will produce witnesses to verify that they personally have been, and remain to this day, the victims of ethnic cleansing by the Israelis, which is supported by the Jewish National Fund. They will testify that this ethnic cleansing has gone on for over 56 years and continues to this day.
Hell will freeze over before we part with one penny to your Fund, which would only go towards the further violation of the human rights of Palestinians.
Your demand for damages is an impertinence – your organisers deserve to be in prison for the human rights violations they have encouraged and supported.
We stand by our statement and many similar statements and will continue, with many others committed to opposing Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people, to publicise the evidence of your involvement in the world's longest-running, unfinished programme of ethnic cleansing.
The pathetic nature of your ‘case’ is made clear by your slight of hand, namely, that we implied that the JNF “supports the unlawful expulsion of Palestinian Arabs from their homelands.” Far from being unlawful, your atrocious violations of Palestinian human rights are perfectly legal in the racist State of Israel.
We are a campaign for the human rights of all; our supporters, Muslim, Christian, Jewish and many of no religious persuasion, are determined to see the end of a fund which violates in Israel/Palestine every generally accepted norm of human rights with the assistance of generous subsidies from Gordon Brown and the British taxpayer.
The JNF is the only group of organised racists we have corresponded with and it is not a pleasant experience. Please do not write back except to inform us of the date of the first court appearance.
Any decision on your part not to proceed with your threats of legal action will be taken as an admission that you are indeed, as we claim and insist, involved in racist activities and the ongoing programme of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
Mick Napier Chair, Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Caroline Greaney Secretary, Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign
c/o Peace & Justice Centre 2 Princes Street Edinburgh EH 2 4BJ 0131-620-0052 / 0780-32-44-739
Ruby Wax will be attending the Jewish National Fund dinner this coming Sunday evening (March 28th) at the Glasgow Hilton. This is the anniversary almost to the day of the event last year when war criminal, now Israel's "Defence" Minister, Mofaz came to the same Hilton to help the JNF raise money. He had to leave Britain quickly when the Israeli Embassy advised him he could be liable to arrest under international war crimes legislation. The JNF raises money for the ethnic cleansing of Arabs from remaining areas of Palestine: all land bought with JNF funds is out of bounds to Arabs. This is their PUBLIC position.
Last year Mofaz held his event without catering staff after a militant picket sealed off the entrance to the Hilton for hours. We MUST make sure this year sees even more of a protest than last year. Ruby Wax is an international figure who is lending her support to racist crime.
Make Scotland out of bounds to ethnic cleansing fund-raising. All supporters of Palestinian human rights in Glasgow and across Scotland will be building for this protest.
No Scottish Fund-raising for Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians
Picket the Hilton, Glasgow (beside Motorway flyover)
5.00pm Sunday MArch 28th
Planning Meetings - ALL welcome
Edinburgh Palestine Solidarity Campaign: Monday (tonight) CWU Club, 15 Brunswick Street (off London Rd)
Glasgow Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Thursday March 25th 7.30pm Unitarian Church Centre, 72 Berkeley St.
Check SPSC website for updates:

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