White men blamed as attacks on Jews rise
report from The Independent, 1 Apr 04 | 02.04.2004 12:35
Attacks on Jews have increased in five European countries, including France and the United Kingdom, according to an EU report which blamed the rise on young white men.
The document, published by the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia, contrasted with findings from a study last year which identified Arabs and Muslims as the main perpetrators of anti-Semitism.
Yesterday's report singled out Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Britain and Germany as the countries with the worst problems, adding that the largest group of offenders appeared to be "young, disaffected white Europeans".
The document added: "A further source of anti-Semitism in some countries was young Muslims of North African or Asian extraction. Traditionally anti-Semitic groups on the extreme right played a part in stirring opinion."
The largest rise in anti-Semitic violence was in France, where incidents rose six-fold in 2002 compared with 2001. Of the 313 racist, xenophobic or anti-Semitic incidents reported in 2002, 193 were directed at the Jewish community.
In the UK, statistics showed 350 reported anti-Semitic incidents in 2002, a 13 per cent rise from the previous year. Figures for the first quarter of 2003 showed a 75 per cent increase in incidents compared with the same quarter of 2002.
Last year's study provoked a bitter row when Jewish organisations accused the European Commission of anti-Semitism. They claimed that the work was initially suppressed because it singled out Muslim immigrants.
Cobi Benatoff, the president of the European Jewish Congress, noted the difference in emphasis in the two reports on who was behind the violence, but welcomed the broader findings of the latest document. He said: "The report is confirmation of exactly what we, Jewish citizens, feel: that the old cancer is back."
Yesterday's report singled out Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Britain and Germany as the countries with the worst problems, adding that the largest group of offenders appeared to be "young, disaffected white Europeans".
The document added: "A further source of anti-Semitism in some countries was young Muslims of North African or Asian extraction. Traditionally anti-Semitic groups on the extreme right played a part in stirring opinion."
The largest rise in anti-Semitic violence was in France, where incidents rose six-fold in 2002 compared with 2001. Of the 313 racist, xenophobic or anti-Semitic incidents reported in 2002, 193 were directed at the Jewish community.
In the UK, statistics showed 350 reported anti-Semitic incidents in 2002, a 13 per cent rise from the previous year. Figures for the first quarter of 2003 showed a 75 per cent increase in incidents compared with the same quarter of 2002.
Last year's study provoked a bitter row when Jewish organisations accused the European Commission of anti-Semitism. They claimed that the work was initially suppressed because it singled out Muslim immigrants.
Cobi Benatoff, the president of the European Jewish Congress, noted the difference in emphasis in the two reports on who was behind the violence, but welcomed the broader findings of the latest document. He said: "The report is confirmation of exactly what we, Jewish citizens, feel: that the old cancer is back."
report from The Independent, 1 Apr 04
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The truth hurts the PC brigade
02.04.2004 13:39
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels
(Daily Telegraph 01/04/2004)
Jewish leaders accused the European Union yesterday of covering up the true scale of anti-Semitic violence carried out by Muslim youths, reigniting a controversy over Europe's failure to confront Islamic extremism at home.
A study released by the EU's racism and xenophobia monitoring centre astounded experts by concluding that the wave of anti-Jewish persecution over the last two years stemmed from neo-Nazi or other racist groups.
"The largest group of the perpetrators of anti-Semitic activities appears to be young, disaffected white Europeans," said a summary released to the European Parliament . "A further source of anti-Semitism in some countries was young Muslims of North African or Asian extraction.
"Traditionally, anti-Semitic groups on the extreme Right played a part in stirring opinion," it added.
The headline findings contradict the body of the report. This says most of the 193 violent attacks on synagogues, Jewish schools, kosher shops, cemeteries and rabbis in France in 2002 - up from 32 in 2001 - were "ascribed to youth from neighbourhoods sensitive to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, principally of North African descent.
"The percentage attributable to the extreme Right was only nine per cent in 2002," it said.
The report on Belgium said most of the fire-bomb and machine-gun attacks on Jewish targets were the result of a spillover from the Palestinian intifada.
The European Jewish Congress accused the EU watchdog of twisting data from the 15 member states to suit its own ideological bias, describing the report as a catalogue of "enormous contradictions, errors and omissions."
"We cannot let it be said that the majority of anti-Semitic incidents come from young, disaffected white men. This is in complete contradiction with the facts recorded by the police," it said.
The EU suppressed a report last year by German academics concluding that Arab gangs were largely responsible for a sudden surge in the anti-Jewish violence, allegedly because the findings were politically unpalatable.
Victor Weitzel, who wrote a large section of yesterday's far more detailed study, told The Telegraph that the latest findings had been consistently massaged by the EU watchdog to play down the role of North African youth. "The European Union seems incapable of facing up to the truth on this," he said. "Everything is being tilted to ensure nice soft conclusions.
"When I told them that we need to monitor the inflammatory language being used by the Arab press in Europe, this was changed to the 'minority press'.
"Honestly, it's incredible," he said.
Mr Weitzel's 48-page section - compiled with a Polish academic, Magadalena Sroda - is the fruit of months of interviews with Jewish leaders across Europe. While far-Right and traditional "Christian" forms of anti-Semitism still exist, the report homes in on a new form of "anti-Zionist Left" prejudice.
This demonises Israel and subtly leaks into prejudice against all Jews. The study describes Belgium as a country where anti-Semitism has become almost fashionable among the Left-leaning intelligentsia.
But most of the report focuses on Jew-baiting by Muslim youths. It paints an alarming picture of daily life for France's 600,000 Jews, the EU's biggest community.
In schools, Jewish children are beaten with impunity, and teachers dare not talk about the Holocaust for fear of provoking Muslim pupils, it said.
Britain, which saw a 75 per cent rise in incidents last year, was gently rebuked for hesitating to take "politically awkward" measures against Islamic radicals.
"The government is very anxious not to upset the Muslim community," the report said.
29 January 2004: French anti-Semitism drives more Jews to settle in Israel
6 June 2002: Jews rally in Berlin to protest at 'racism'
30 May 2002: Jews suffer surge of hate on streets of Belgium
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Fighting antisemitism with anti-muslim racism
02.04.2004 14:46
telegraph + statistics = ???
02.04.2004 15:06
Ahh, now I see - the "study" finds that criticism of israel is based on prejudice and fashion.
telegraph trying to protect nazis as usual
02.04.2004 15:30
(the daily telegraph -our version of the jerusalem post or fox news)
do all they can to shift euro anti-semitism from the neo-nazis onto muslim and leftist groups.
02.04.2004 18:09
It absolutely marvelous the way you can turn the tables up side down and all ways come
up with out the slightest whiff of merde.
I wouldn't like to hazard a guess at the size of your lobby groups, it's well known
(pilger) that you write thousands of letters of complaint to the BBC each and everyday sort of by default.
The BBC headlines are pretty much on lock but you have some big problems with the in depth discussion programmes like wot they have on the world service where people recount what is really going down eyewitness accounts an interviews with NGO's on the ground shhhhhhit it's not so easy for you to cover up , but as they say there's more than one way to cook a goose and you guys are such great talents.....
discrediting honest people and making them out to be rabid anti semitic nazis is childs play to your people.
You are taking over the Palestinians country but you are portrayed as the victims.
But most of the TV wathcing world is convinced that you are being orrun by the evil doin'A.rabs
it's a pretty big achievement although you do have the most powerfull despot empire building regime that
the world has ever known as your No 1 buddy .
So anti semitic and attacks are on the increase still less than one a day in a very big
country like france. But the these statistix are meaning less if you don't give the full
facts about violent crime and racially motivated attacks against all ethinic groups.
I read somewhere that attacks against turks and Kurds were on the increase and of course
the Roma people are having a real rough time. I understand that quite a few of them were
murdered by the nazis during WW2, I saw news of Rome evictions in england last week and in
Milan this very morning. Depsite their terrible plight the Rome people just can't seem to get
that magic status of victims the same as you guys I wonder why.
Perhaps if they all went into media and banking do you think this would help any ???
Violent crime and racially motivated attacks are on the increase through out the so called
"civilised world". It's now official we live in a very violent world as seen on TV 24hrs a day every day
I guess it's risky to be out on the streets these days but are jews more at risk I don't think so I reckon
if you a ran a check on who was most most likely to fall victim to a violent attack I think you'll find that
theey were POOR.
In a recent EU opinion poll most of the punters decided that (rogue) nuke powered Israel
was the biggest danger to world peace. Pretty damned obvious conclusions Howls of "anti semitism".
Do you really think that you can fool all of the people all of the time.
Sure it's pretty grizzly to see the bodies being taken of a bus that has been ripped apart by a
some one who is so desperate they have decided to become a human bomb, Sharons plans call for the
Palestinians to be desperate it also needs bus fulls of innocents every now and then which gives Israel the excuse to bulid walls and basically annexe more land while all the time whingling about being the victims.
A half a dozen raids into densely populated camps and 20 or thirty slaughtered palestinians is usually enough to get a suicide bomber into action and no one could ever think to criticise the way you guys make sure that the worlds media has top quality images of the bomb site to beam round the world to win win the PR battle. hey and I gotta hand it to you for
cutting out the Palestinian propaganda with such a simple scam of cordoning of the area and not allowing the worlds media and NGO's anywhere near the scene till after you've tidied up is also a brilliant ploy.
Of course all Palestinians are Gunmen, does this mean they are armed or just another great PR move by your boys, then their are militants and extremists, people that you suspect (usually from an un named source) of
being up to no good, I s'pose with a shoot (to kill) on sight policy you don't get a lot of complaints from suspects and it seems the worlds media has grown to trust you so much that it will believe almost anything you
make up ,errrr I mean tell them. errr in fact make that anything you tell 'em, those palestinians are so fanatical they throw themselves under your tank tracks. Also applies to ISM terrorists who insist on protecting little kids
who are trying to go to school to learn how to read and write , they deserve to be be gunned down on the spot.
(as one does)
When the Israeli army enters a refuge camp and uses the latest battlefield hardware against civilian
targets there is a chain of command which is fully aware of the consequences of their actions .
When an apache or an F16 fires a missile into a crowded street a series of politicians and military commanders
know exactly what is going on and yet do nothing to stop it, they are collectively guilty of exactly the same crime as the suicide bomber. perhaps they would take things a little more to heart if their houses and all their relatives houses were bulldozed.
you carry on bending statistics at the same time as your terrorising the Palestinians but don't expect people to
stand by and let it happen. Don't give me no LEFT an RIGHT bullshit cos that's just two different methods of fucking over the people.
The poor will of course be delighted .. I reckon at some stage we will have your nukes pointed straight at us in europe, of course it will be 100% our own fault....
vegetable patch
You wont believe this
04.04.2004 03:53
I researched it about a year ago, and my jaw dropped a mile.
1. The legal definition in the UK, which the police have to adopt, is, roughly:
"Any incident which any complainant feels to have been antisemitic."
Who gathers and collates the statistics ?
2. In the UK the task is legally and officially delegated to a major jewish community organisation.
It gets worse -
3. so that no-one is shy of complaining the organisation is forbidden from recording the identities of the complainants - just the details of what is claimed to have happened.
There is therefore no criterion of seriousness applied to incidents (because of 1).
No government body gets to see any details of the incidents )because of 2) - just such category totals as the jewish organisation decides. It uses a form it designed itself.
No retrospective analysis, interviewing or sampling is possible (because of 3) to verify how the process is working - whether incidents are being invented. Whether trivial "my feelings were hurt by the way he looked at me" incidents are being included.
The collating organisation accepts incidents submitted anonymously on a webform. If I remember correctly, the surrounding text quite shamelessly invites evgen trivial incidents, making it clear that they will not suffer any scrutiny whatever.
I understand the jewish community has negotiated similar beneficial arrangements, putting the numbers entirely in their own control and completely beyond scrutiny, in several other european countries.
I don't deny that hostility to the actions of the Israeli govt, and its US support, is growing in the EU. Its growing in me, and in those I speak to from many different walks of life.
But in my opinion 95% of it is NOT RACIALLY OR RELIGIOUSLY BASED. Unfortunately there is always an idiot 5% who misunderstand that what they hear from others is based on ISSUES and governmental BEHAVIOUR. But their existence cannot justify the wholesale suppression of legitimate criticism of the israeli governments crimes.
One thing is for sure. The way the statistics are gathered - they are absolutely useless - an unverifiable fiction generated by the jewish community itself.
I know all this seems hard to believe. Just do a bit of googling and you'll find I'm right.
The collection method is a testament to what a ruthlessly determined and disciplined minority can achieve to its own advantage, based on that almost inexhaustible source of power - good peoples empathy over the sacred victimhood of the holocaust.
pudding face
Double standards
04.04.2004 15:14
The collection method is a testament to what a ruthlessly determined and disciplined minority can achieve to its own advantage, based on that almost inexhaustible source of power - good peoples empathy over the sacred victimhood of the holocaust."
You are shooting yourself in the foot.
So if the gay community complains of homophobia, the residents of Toxteth raise concerns about racism, or a group of workers form a union to fight against exploitation at work, all of these groups claims, because self-ascribed, are unverifiable fictions? Maybe? If not, why not?
Your approach smells of double standards. Attacks on Jews are rising, it seems; so are attacks on Muslims. Some individuals in both groups may hold to disgusting ideologies, as in any other group of people, but tarring an entire group with the same brush is sailing VERY close to the wind.
Anti-Zionism is most certainly not identical to anti-Semitism. But neither is anti-Semitism reducible to Anti-Zionism.
re Double standards
04.04.2004 20:16
sum khant
Naked racism
05.04.2004 06:50
'Any incident which any complainant feels to have been antisemitic.'"
I believe the actual terminology is more like 'feels to have been racist' - and the law applies to all ethnic minorities equally - yes, if an person from an ethnic minority has been a victim of crime, their opinion that the crime was racially motivated is all that is needed for it to be recorded as a racially motivated crime. There are no special laws just for Jews, are there? Do you object to the way the law stands to protect all ethnic minorities equally? Are you a BNP activist?
Richard T
eye on the ball?
05.04.2004 10:23
So if Jews and Muslims blame each other, who benefits? Divide and rule, remember...