Callinicos reveals SWP's crisis
Barry Kade | 01.04.2004 22:01
Here is some news that will be of interest to every activist in the land who has tried to build anti-capitalist resistance and therefore had problematical encounters with the SWP!
Alex Callinicos reveals how the largest socialist organisation in the UK may be on the edge of a serious crisis.
Alex Callinicos reveals how the largest socialist organisation in the UK may be on the edge of a serious crisis.
In the latest edition of ‘Socialist Worker’, the SWP’s leading theoretician and central committee member Alex Callinicos makes an interesting and revealing comment:
‘Of course, parliamentary elections aren't revolutionaries natural terrain. Activists can lead mass movements but find themselves cut down to size on polling day’
Of course he is not directly referring to the SWP and the ‘RESPECT’ coalition here. That would make the debate too open and honest. Rather he is talking about the recent relatively poor showing of the anti-capitalist alliance of the Lutte Ouvriere (LO) and the Ligue Communiste Revolutionnaire (LCR) in the French elections.
However, later in the article he hints at parallels with the UK, in the context of the internal crisis that now besets the French LCR:
‘There is a real danger that the Ligue will now implode into faction-fighting. …I can't avoid a feeling of "There but for the grace of god go us." In June Respect will face its own great test in the European and Greater London elections.’
In this one phrase he gives us a slight revelation of the massive tensions and conflicts that exist within the SWP central committee. Of course a revolutionary party with a culture of democracy and open debate amongst activists as equals could survive such a crisis….
Britain’s largest left sect in crisis
Could turn very nasty.
Please inoculate and protect your social movement / trades union branch from any ensuing fallout!
Alex Callinicos
‘Don't duck the politics’
Socialist worker Page 4, Sat 3 April 2004, no 1895.

Barry Kade
Hide the following 10 comments
try reading the column as a whole
01.04.2004 22:54
the lesson this means for respect is quite straightforward. just as a french general strike led by the LCR and LO didn't mean mass support for them at elections, so respect needs to rely on more than just being a coalition of anti-war activists in order to do well in june (in this case we can fully expect the lib dems to market themselves as an anti-war party, just as the french socialists marketed themselves as anti-reformism, even though the reality of their policies is somewhat different).
so the challenge to respect is set out, and this is where the broadness of the coalition is important. there are more issues out there than the war, and all of these must be taken on board.
and a crisis in the swp? hardly. you will not find activists in the party who do not back respect fully, but whilst also being aware of the potential pitfalls (we've been through some turgid socialist alliance campaigns, after all).
andy lawson
Try getting out once in a while
02.04.2004 08:49
"We've been through some turgid socialist alliance campaigns, after all." You what? The Socialist Alliance managed to get ONE local councillor elected in Preston, and that was by running as "Socialist Alliance Against the War", and getting lots of anti-war people (left and right) on board for a single-issue campaign.
And what a huge bloody fuss you made about finally getting one councillor elected. Now the "Alliance" is chucked to one side like so much excess baggage, cause you've decided to take the "winning strategy" nationwide. You're no more "socialist" than Blair. All you lot care about is power at any cost, which is why you've always been happy to ally with right-wingers from pro-Milosevic, anti-Milosevic, pro-Saddam, anti-Saddam, pro-Khomeini, anti-Khomeini, Labour, Communist Party of Britain, etc. Did you think we wouldn't remember all this a few years later? We see you for what you really are, and nobody but a few thousand students and trade-union loyalists will ever support you, nicking a few percent off the Labour or Lib Dem vote. Why should the working class support you? What have you ever done for us that we can't do for ourselves?
You're finished. Fuck off and leave us alone, we have work to do.
RMT branches support RESPECT
02.04.2004 10:18
And it WAS an incredible achievement for the Socialist Alliance to defeat Labour last year in Preston despite a having only a shoe string budget against Labour's millions. And this just down the road from the BNP stronghold in Burnley.
How many Anarchists have been elected? They are so chicken-shit and irrelevant that they won't even stand. Too busy head-butting cashpoints.
Who's the headbanger?
02.04.2004 12:00
The case made for Respect is quite clear – it presents some with an opportunity to do Blair more damage at the Euro elections in the hope that he’ll lose the party leadership. It is likely if this happens that the existing pact between the US and UK governments will be ruptured and that the current course of aggression will be halted. It will not, of course, mean an end to all wars and the long term project of global capital – this is the task of other efforts. The issue of whether or not to participate in elections cannot be a simple one in the current climate – there is the possibility, and it may be very thin, of unseating Blair. The ‘risks’ taken by the SWP and others are their concern.
However, if the aim of Respect is to reconstruct social democracy then it’s a wasted effort. All talk of a ceiling in our consciousness is an authoritarian construct created by those who seek to take power ‘for’ the movement. There are other ways of BEING and DOING and elements of the anarchist movement have been at the forefront of keeping this belief alive in thought and activity.
‘Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right…’ – whether it’s your head, hands or whatever’s closest.
Gotta love the SWP drones.
02.04.2004 12:09
I can't be bothered to explain properly (I've got lots of ATM's to smash). But the anarchist FAQ:
argues against vanguard parties like the SWP and its various front groups clearly enough.
Also interesting:
most anrchists i know used to be members of the swp
02.04.2004 13:08
this is probably due to them having insight to the organisation/people of the swp.but what makes me laugh is ,most of these ex-swpers/anarchistic people gain their class anayalsis and political devolopement thanks to the swp and owe alot of their political devolopment to the party.
these people get dissullioned with the swp then join the anarchist and do fuck all, (apart from slagging of the swp of course and any of their iniatives).
you may not like and agree with the swp (personally i think there are some bullies and some members who need to learn some social skills and manners) but u got to give it to them, they do have a go, seem very dedicated and can produce some good joint work. i not sure whether RESPECT will be highly attractive to working people and think the respect coalition will be very happy with 5% of the vote(i hope they do).
we have enough enemies so lets get our act together and fight the real enemies.
red letter
no no no! fight each other to the death!
02.04.2004 15:46
Take a break from fighting big business, after all the SWP sell papers so they are worse than Bayer or Coca Cola! And leave the BNP alone, everyone knows the SWP are the true Nazis! And stop bugging Israel, that just helps Islam which is an SWP front!
voice of reason
Anarchists don't stand in elections
03.04.2004 16:45
Voice Of Reason
Respect will never gain the support of the working class because...........
03.04.2004 16:52
Another point in question is tuition fees - why do the SWP and Respect campaign so much on this issue? The majority of working class people don't give a shit about tuition fees - if you are lucky enough to get into a university you have got nothing to complain about. The majority of working class people will never come anywhere near to getting to university - why don't these parties focus on changing the awful education system that fails most working class people at the age of 14? Campaigning for better secondary school education is of greater concern to the majority of the working class than the minority who get the chance to go to university. RESPECT and SWP are so out of touch with the working class they claim to represent it's unbelieveable.
Voice Of Reason
My fool proof and fool funded scheme to get rich
19.10.2004 13:55
Thank you all in advance for yor donations. (All three of you). (By the way have you all met...)
Poor dad