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Not what the neocons and Bush were hoping for

jamie | 31.03.2004 20:54 | Anti-militarism

At least 5 more U.S. G.I.’s were killed today in Iraq. Also 4 “civilian workers” form the the USA were attacked and slaughtered in a manner that recalls our nation’s defeat in Somolia. The mainstream account of these events below is not what the neocons and Bush were hoping for. Please share it widely. Peace and an end to occupation, jamie

Not what the Neocons and Bush were hoping for
jamie 31 Mar 2004 20:39 GMT

At least 5 more U.S. G.I.’s were killed today in Iraq. Also 4 “civilian workers” form the the USA were attacked and slaughtered in a manner that recalls our nation’s defeat in Somolia. The mainstream account of these events below is not what the neocons and Bush were hoping for. Please share it widely. Peace and an end to occupation, jamie

Updated: 02:18 PM EST
Nine Die in Day of Violence in Iraq
Iraqis Mutilate Bodies of Four U.S. Contractors; Five GIs Killed

FALLUJAH, Iraq (March 31) - Jubilant residents dragged the charred corpses of four American contractors through the streets Wednesday and hanged them from the bridge spanning the Euphrates River. Five American soldiers died in a roadside bombing nearby.
The White House blamed terrorists and remnants of Saddam Hussein's former regime for the ''horrific attacks'' on the civilian contractors.
''There are some that are doing everything they can to try to prevent'' a June 30 transfer of sovereignty to an Iraqi government, White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters.

The four contract workers were killed in a rebel ambush of their SUVs in Fallujah, a Sunni Triangle city about 35 miles west of Baghdad and scene of some of the worst violence on both sides of the conflict since the beginning of the American occupation a year ago.
It was reminiscent of the 1993 scene in Somalia, when a mob dragged the corpse of a U.S. soldier through the streets of Mogadishu, eventually leading to the American withdrawal from the African nation.

The U.S. State Department said all four contractors were Americans. All four were men, said Sgt. 1st Class Lorraine Hill, a coalition spokeswoman.
In one of the bloodiest days for the U.S. military this year, five 1st Infantry Division soldiers died when their M-113 armored personnel carrier ran over a bomb in a separate incident 12 miles to the northwest, among the reed-lined roads running through some of Iraq's richest farmland.
In all, at least 597 U.S. troops have died in Iraq since the war began March 20, 2003. Of the total, 459 have died since May 1 when Bush flew onto an aircraft carrier off the California coast to declare the end of major combat.
Residents said the bomb attack occurred in Malahma, 12 miles northwest of Fallujah, where anti-U.S. insurgents are active.
In the deadliest previous incident this year, nine soldiers were killed when their Black Hawk medevac helicopter crashed near Fallujah, apparently after being shot down.
Chanting ''Fallujah is the graveyard of Americans,'' residents cheered after the grisly assault on two four-wheel-drive civilian vehicles, which left both in flames. Others chanted, ''We sacrifice our blood and souls for Islam.''

Associated Press Television News pictures showed one man beating a charred corpse with a metal pole. Others tied a yellow rope to a body, hooked it to a car and dragged it down the main street of town. Two blackened and mangled corpses were hung from a green iron bridge across the Euphrates.
''The people of Fallujah hanged some of the bodies on the old bridge like slaughtered sheep,'' resident Abdul Aziz Mohammed said. Some of the corpses were dismembered, he said.
Beneath the bodies, a man held a printed sign with a skull and crossbones and the phrase ''Fallujah is the cemetery for Americans.''
APTN showed the charred remains of three slain men. Some were wearing flak jackets, said resident Safa Mohammedi.
One resident displayed what appeared to be dog tags taken from one body. Residents also said there were weapons in the targeted cars. APTN showed one American passport near a body and a U.S. Department of Defense identification card belonging to another man.
Witnesses said the two vehicles were attacked with small arms fire and rocket propelled grenades.
Hours after the attack, the city was quiet. No U.S. troops or Iraqi police were seen in the area.
At a donors conference in Berlin, Secretary of State Colin Powell, asked about the attacks in Iraq, said terrorists and remnants of the old regime were still loose in Iraq. But, he said ''the Iraqi people will be free. They will have a democracy.''
The burst of killings Wednesday assured that March's death toll for U.S. troops will be the second-highest for any month since Bush declared the end of major combat.
The only month with more deaths was November, with 82. Prior to the deaths Wednesday of five soldiers from the 1st Infantry Division, at least 43 troops had been killed in March. With the additional five, the month's total more than doubles February's total of 21 and compares with 46 in January and 40 in December.
Some had predicted that after Saddam's capture Dec. 13, the insurgency would lose momentum and security for Iraqis and U.S. troops would improve. Instead the death toll has remained relatively constant.
Fallujah is in the so-called Sunni Triangle, where support for Saddam Hussein was strong and rebels often carry out attacks against American forces.
In nearby Ramadi, insurgents threw a grenade at a government building and Iraqi security forces returned fire Wednesday, witnesses said. It was not clear if there were casualties.
Also in Ramadi, a roadside bomb exploded near a U.S. convoy, witnesses said. U.S. officials in Baghdad could not confirm the attack.
On Tuesday in Ramadi, one U.S. soldier was killed and another wounded in a roadside bombing, said Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt.
Northeast of Baghdad, in the city of Baqouba on Wednesday, a suicide bomber blew up explosives in his car when he was near a convoy of government vehicles, wounding 14 Iraqis and killing himself, officials said.
The attacked convoy is normally used to transport the Diala provincial governor, Abdullah al-Joubori, but he was elsewhere at the time, said police Col. Ali Hossein.
On Tuesday, a suicide bombing outside the house of a police chief in Hillah, about 60 miles south of Baghdad, killed the attacker and wounded seven others.
A bomb exploded late Tuesday in a movie theater that had closed for the night. Two bystanders were wounded by flying glass, said its owner, Ghani Mohammed.
The latest violence came two days after Carina Perelli, the head of a U.N. electoral team, said better security is vital if Iraq wants to hold elections by a Jan. 31 deadline. The polls are scheduled to follow a June 30 transfer of sovereignty to an Iraqi government.
Top U.S. administrator L. Paul Bremer said Tuesday he had appointed 21 anti-corruption inspectors general to government departments to try to prevent fraud. More will be named in coming days, he said.
The inspectors will work with two other newly formed, independent agencies. Together, they will ''form an integrated approach intended to combat corruption at every level of government across the country,'' Bremer said.
In Berlin, Powell met with special U.N. envoy Lakhdar Brahimi, who Powell said will go to Baghdad on Thursday.



Hide the following 10 comments

the usa has asked for this

31.03.2004 22:23

maybe now america and britain are staring to realise that they are not welcome in iraq. they are seen for what they are - brutal occupiers with no respect for the lives of innocent iraqis. i am proud to offer solidarity and support to the iraqi resistance movement and, like the palestinians, i am confident they will not allow their spirits to be broken.


yeah, right on!

31.03.2004 22:48

Bring back Saddam!

Roll on the ayatollahs!



31.03.2004 23:15

who said anything about bringing back saddam?

why do you think an american autocracy is any better than a baathist one?

why are you so opposed to the iraqis ruling themselves? perhaps because they'll stop britain and america from theiving their land and resources?


you mistake me

31.03.2004 23:49

I certainly do want the Iraqis to rule themselves.

But any attempt to force out the USA and the UK will be very bloody, very messy, and certainly will not result in any form of democratic government. It will end up as gang warfare, a military dictatorship, or a theocracy.

The best thing is to get the UN in, get a proper electoral roll, and have free elections. That's not going to happen whilst there's bombing and shooting.

Even on the most conspiritorial theories, the US and UK cannot hang in there forever. The sooner a proper peace descends, the less excuse they have for not holding elections.


sceptic knows

01.04.2004 00:24

welcome to the terrodome...

Bush , Bin Laden, Saddam are all in business together

how much money will make you believe the world is NOT this way?

explain how Gaddafi can state a climbdown on WMD

all under the typical lie of improving civic infrastructure...


how crashingly the bulls go about destroying the china shop...
how obvious is the lie Goebells spoke of that is believed by the majority
because it is asserted over and over again...

like a bad hollywood movie.

Captain Wardrobe

maybe of interest to some..

01.04.2004 11:09

..maybe not. found this link a few days ago, and have since been reading up as much as possible. this probably isnt NEWs to most of you, but if you aint heard of hubberts peak, maybe nows the time to find out.


my mistake

01.04.2004 11:26

hubberts curve i shoulda typed. and if youre wondering why this link is relevent, then read the article, dammit:)


Related link to main article

01.04.2004 11:41

Turns out the US 'civilians' killed in faluja were mercenaries.


Random encounter with ignorance

06.04.2004 05:43

I just happened to come accross this site, and I have to say that I am sickened by your reader's lack of respect for all human life and their ignorance of cuurent issues. How would you feel if some one YOU loved was brutally murdered and some one replies with "yeah, right on!" Ignorant fools. How quickly you forget the mass graves that were filled at the hands of the Baathists. The innocent live lost to give the Iraqis the same freedoms we enjoy were a dear price to be paid, but casualties are inevitable when tyrants are toppled. Bush may have ulterior motives, but at least its a chance for the Iraqis to have a voice for the first time in their lives. Even now, most Iraqis are too cowardly to stand up against the terrorists, and others who behave like savage dogs, and you are no better than they. I pity them and all of you.


Random encounter with ignorance

06.04.2004 08:16

I just happened to come across this last comment, and I have to say that I am sickened by that reader's lack of respect for all human life and his ignorance of current issues. How would he feel if some one HE loved was brutally murdered and some one replies with "the people there are dead because we wanted them dead."

When U.S. warplanes strafed [with AC-130 gunships] the farming village of Chowkar-Karez, 25 miles north of Kandahar on October 22-23rd,killing at least 93 civilians, a Pentagon official said, "the people there are dead because we wanted them dead." The reason? They sympathized with the Taliban. When asked about the Chowkar incident, Rumsfeld replied, "I cannot deal with that particular village."
(Murray Campbell, "Bombing of Farming Village Undermines U.S Credibility," Toronto Globe & Mail [November 3, 2001].)

Ignorant fool. How quickly you forget that the mass graves that were filled at the hands of the Baathists were done so with full and cheerful US support. The innocent lives lost to give the Americans the same gasoline prices they currently enjoy were a dear price to be paid, and casualties are inevitable when a tyrant sends cannon-fodder in to bomb civilians to defend his business interests. The Shia clerics may have ulterior motives, but at least its a chance for the Iraqis to have a voice for the first time in their lives. Even now, most Americans are too cowardly to stand up against their lying, bullying President, and others who behave like savage dogs, and you are no better than they. I pity them and you, for your country will soon be destroyed.
