sheffield sociall forum another point of view?
freak peace | 31.03.2004 13:09 | Sheffield | World
in accepting ideologies we accept an inversion of subject and object; things take on a human power and will, while human beings have their place as things. ideology is upside-down theory. we further accept the separation between the narrow reality of our daily life, and the image of a world totality that's out of our grasp. ideology offers us only a voyeur's relationship with the totality.
urbanparanoia do not exist (have they ever?) it was
just a front to publish collectableanorak. what was
collectableanorak? was a punk anarchist
surrealist zine. that worked like this. we started out
using apple macs at sheffield uni. we came across this
free-access when former tenants of the now demolished
kelvin flats used the same computers to write and
publish life is wonderful on kelvin flats - a book of
poems self written, printed and published by three
former residents of what was the largest europe
housing estate of its kind: 4 decks covering over 3
miles from end to end. from there grew
collectableanorak which we used the apple macs for the
words. then we photocopied the words, changed them
about a little. then with pritt stick / tearing effect
and nicked images from other publications..
collectableanorak was born. we come to end in 2000
with the re publishing of
well we hope you get some idea of where we are coming
from and we do not organise. there are no meetings no
membership because urbanparanoia like image does not
we only exist for the moment and this is how i feel
about the events of the weekend was there a point to
it all? people have said we have found new paths of
working toghther. lets ask the question here shall we?
i watched the events on saturday and the dialectics of
the power amongst the people there. the sad truth we
might like to delude ourselves all is well. there has
been born a new resistance.
in one of the workshops it was asked who has the real
power. the person with no name said drug dealers. it
is drug dealers who hold the real power in this city.
the drug delers who i visted on the sunday of the
lantern parade in their rented council home on the
arbourthorne estate, gun in lap. they admitted to me
thay sell upto 3 grand of smack a day. the drug
dealers who openly took over claywood sat there on
the 12th floor of the blue block while we was
squatting the 4th floor. the drug dealers who placed
the last of the tenants in fear. meanwhile the
authorities just left them to it. it was only the
direct action of the squatters that got extra security
on the estate. of which has done those involved no
favours with sheffield city council. two years on
theyre hassled, still homeless. we like like to delude
ourself the weekend was a new start. a new start for
whome. i'll end with this
tired of waiting for authentic community, love and
tired of waiting for the end of money and forced
tired of looking for new pastimes to pass the time...
tired of waiting for a lush, rich existence...
tired of waiting for a situation in which you can realise
all your desires...
tired of waiting for the end of all authorities,
alienations, ideologies and moralities...
freak peace
(a participant in image)
The Views are my own:
just a front to publish collectableanorak. what was
collectableanorak? was a punk anarchist
surrealist zine. that worked like this. we started out
using apple macs at sheffield uni. we came across this
free-access when former tenants of the now demolished
kelvin flats used the same computers to write and
publish life is wonderful on kelvin flats - a book of
poems self written, printed and published by three
former residents of what was the largest europe
housing estate of its kind: 4 decks covering over 3
miles from end to end. from there grew
collectableanorak which we used the apple macs for the
words. then we photocopied the words, changed them
about a little. then with pritt stick / tearing effect
and nicked images from other publications..
collectableanorak was born. we come to end in 2000
with the re publishing of

well we hope you get some idea of where we are coming
from and we do not organise. there are no meetings no
membership because urbanparanoia like image does not
we only exist for the moment and this is how i feel
about the events of the weekend was there a point to
it all? people have said we have found new paths of
working toghther. lets ask the question here shall we?
i watched the events on saturday and the dialectics of
the power amongst the people there. the sad truth we
might like to delude ourselves all is well. there has
been born a new resistance.
in one of the workshops it was asked who has the real
power. the person with no name said drug dealers. it
is drug dealers who hold the real power in this city.
the drug delers who i visted on the sunday of the
lantern parade in their rented council home on the
arbourthorne estate, gun in lap. they admitted to me
thay sell upto 3 grand of smack a day. the drug
dealers who openly took over claywood

the 12th floor of the blue block while we was
squatting the 4th floor. the drug dealers who placed
the last of the tenants in fear. meanwhile the
authorities just left them to it. it was only the
direct action of the squatters that got extra security
on the estate. of which has done those involved no
favours with sheffield city council. two years on
theyre hassled, still homeless. we like like to delude
ourself the weekend was a new start. a new start for
whome. i'll end with this
tired of waiting for authentic community, love and
tired of waiting for the end of money and forced
tired of looking for new pastimes to pass the time...
tired of waiting for a lush, rich existence...
tired of waiting for a situation in which you can realise
all your desires...
tired of waiting for the end of all authorities,
alienations, ideologies and moralities...
freak peace
(a participant in image)
The Views are my own:
freak peace